2021 Property Tax StatementVALUES AND CLASSIFICATION Year:2920 .-Eslirnated Markot Value: 2(}21 70,(xlo 70,r)00 Hornsstead Exdusion: Taxaue i/brkot Value: Ne* ,mprarem€nw E&irEd Erctusions: Propeaty Classificadolr:Prop€rty lD * 25.00802m EE PROPOSED TAX ss52o0 Toeayoe JEFFREY J a DEBRA J PAPKE 6180 CARDIML AVE EXCEI,SIOR ttlN 559)1 -31(P @fi1n1 ,lllllllsllrlrgsll,rrhllll;ll,lrtlllllllllllllrllllHlhhlgllr $$$ Tax Oetajl ,or Your Property: f.x€ Payat{q YE :*xt 2021 SE 1 slP 2 2027, Property Tax Statement REFUNDS? 1. Us€ this arnoultt m Form Ml PR to s€e if yo! ate efigDb foa a pllPetty tex re{ud- File by AugEt f5. I ttrb box i5 (,|qd(ed, you ote detnqlant taros and s.e not di{tbl6. 2. Us6 these armunts on Foam ir'l PR lio s€e it )Iou ars Eligble br a special Gfund. Bilr:11920G, Bogerty AddE6a: Prcpe y fr€.q@rt Acres 2.5 Seclion 08 Townshio 116 Ranoe OZ, P/O GOVT LOT 5 LYING NLTOF ttrY R+W UNE OF HWY 5 Exc: THAT POEnON PLATIED AS CEDAR CBEST 1 5T i6 3. Prop€rly taxos b€{ole credis ,r. C.edrE t|at reduco prop€rq raxos )U 'I 'l . Non€.*Eol \/oter approved relereoda hvies 12- Tobl property tax belore special assessments A Ag[iritural na*6tvalue d€dils B, OtEr AEdE 5. PaoFrty t eaet r cillt'E 6. Cq,nly A CAAVER @UNTY 8, @ RAI AT'THONTTY 7. C y o.Torrn CXTY OF CIUNHASSEN 0. Sd GarE alTax 9. S.tEol Diiricr SD 0112 Eeslom C€rs Cnry A vob. ApFure., t6ri6 S. OtE Local L6vhs 10. Sp€cial Taxing Dsticts You may b€ ettglbte for one q aYen lfio rdtm& b fidrbie yot propeny I,x- nd he b*k ol rhlc tffir,prrl b frN oat hov to WU- 794.00 s2.m 952.00 250.98 o.72 't 51.,11 3@.51 0.s7 1*,.49 216.48 't30. t 5 249.10 158.64 794.m 5.47 952.m t-ig -eE IE9;o A lrclrD Coumi B. M€fo MGqJib Corlaol c.lretoTrarEit Disai, O. Ca^rer Cornty CDA E. Warershe<t 4.21 z@ 9.96 11.,*] 10.37 5.50 3.3,1 l1.G| 14.56 12.62 517 13. spedaj Arsessrnents lntorect 14. TOTAL PROPEHTY TAX AND SPECIAL ASSESSIETTS ftincipal: CHANHASSEN PIAIT{IMDtrf Carver County Property Tax Department 600 East 4h Street, P.0. Box 69 Chaska, MN 55318-0069 (952) 361-1910 . www.co.carver mn.us For tte lbfforig ylit d, yr63a. at trv .o..eive..lrnrls 'PryFrtaE frE . sgn l? hr drrar Payrltg{ R€rnltda. . ftit ffid coFe. or ydrr Tax Stde.rErr 57,200 57,2X) Filst ha1, i3x€s dse: '. , ' ItA?fMsvr .t)7:t&.1 :: roul DirE llt 2e1: :: , Seooid,tall.tai6e die ' 9t2.0n 1gl5/2521 . 478.00 475.00 n 794.00 794m ,*ofirt$$otn AuG 0 6 2021