Criteria for Granting a VarianceCriteria for granting a Variance We believe we are in compliance with a general conditions for Sranting a variance, specifically: 1. Variances shall only be permitted when they are in harmony with the general purposes and intent of this chapter and when the variances are consistent with the comprehensive plan. This lot is zoned for single ftmily residential use. We are proposing to use it for that purpose. ln the Chanhassen Comprehensive plan Chapter 2 Land Use both the 2030 and 2O4O Land Use Maps support this use by showing the lot shall be used for Residential Low Density. These Land Use Maps are attached and are also available on the Chanhassen website. 2. When there are practical difficulties in complying with zoning ordinances. "Practical difficulties," as used in connection with granting Of a variance, means that the property owner propos€s to use the prop€rty in a reasonable manner not permitted by this chapter. We are requesting variances to use the property in a reasonable manner consistent with this section, i.e., we need to be able to access structures from the existing driveway. we have significantly altered our house design to be able to only have a small number of variances. By allowing averaging ofthe buffert we will be able to place a septic system within zoning and setback requirements. lf averaging of the buffers is allowed the patio and porch A will be 89 feet from the wetlands. The city requires total of 80 feet from wetlands (consisting of 40 foot setback and 40 foot buffer) from wetlands. The granting of the variance clearly would not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other Iand' 3. That the purpose ofthe variation is not based upon economic considerations alone. The purpose of the variation is to allow the property owner to build a single-family home. lt is not based on desires to increase value or income potential, nor is it based on desires to avoid additional costs. We simply wish to build a single-family home on our lot which is zoned for such use. 4. The plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property and not created by the landowner. The hardship in this case is created by the physical surroundings ofthe site. Areas where we have accessed for years are categorized as accessory structures. Lake Minnewashta and wetlands surround most ofthe site and the setback requirements limit the buildable space. Again, we have worked with a team consisting of environmental engineers, architect, surveyor and a licensed Advanced septic DesiSner to desiSn a structure and septic system that provide minimal impact to the surroundings' 5. The variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. We are not encroaching on any wetlands. We are maintaining setbacks and averaged buffers. The applicable locality entities consist of single-family homeS which is what we are proposinS. Granting the variance does not alter the essential character ofthe locality. Additional information: The impervious surfaces including the existing driveway, proposed structure, accessory structures and all requested variances will account for 12.6% impervious coverage ofthe property, which is well below the 20% limit. Detailed drawings attached. Drawing of the structure as placed with OHWL, wetland delineation, 40/ setback and 40/buffer. Drawing of structure with 2d averaged shift south providing 6d south and 10d north. First and second level floor plans with details. Garage parking provides for enclosed boat, RV and vehicle storage. Elevations have not been completed but the structure will be 3G34' tall. Drawing of the septic system on site. Respectfully Jeff and Deb Papke iipa oke @ema il.com 763300s074 doaDke54@Email.com 7533008713