Development Review ApplicationCOMTU'{ITY DEVELOPME T DEPART ENT Planning Division - 7700 Market Boulevard Mailing Address - P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Ptione: {952) 227-1 'l0O / Fax: (952) 227-11'tO Submittal Date: CITY OF CHAI{HASSHI{ APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PC Date:..*n n /fl l>l SGDay *o***lo/ e lU Section 1: Application Type (check all that apply) (Rerer to t p aw@Friate Afilicdion O7€,cnis, {ot Gquhed submilta/ inldtrcfnn that aud @m8rry this aNi@rion) I Comprehensive Plan Amendment fl Minor MUSA line for failing on-site sewers ..... ! Conditional Use Permit (C UP)n Single-Family ResidenceE att ofrers...... n Minor tunendment to existing PUD ! All Others...... D Sbn aan Review................ I Site Plan Review (SPR) E Administrative E Commerciaulndustrial Distficts' $600 ! Subdivision (SUB)$100 n Create 3 lots or less .................-.,...................$300E Create over 3 |ots.....,.................$600 + $15 per lot Plus $10 per 1,000 square feet of building area:( thousand square feet) lndude numb€r of exilrlip €rnployees: 'lndude nunber of @,v emplqEes:fl Residential Disttts-......................------.SSOO Plus $5 per dwelling unit ( units) f] Property Owners' List wihin 500' (C)ty to geneEte after p{e-apdbation meel,og) E Escrow for Recording Documents (cfreck all that E Conditional Use Permit ntrE Lot Line Adjustnent....................... E rinat P|at.........,............ (lncludes $450 escrow for attomey costs)' 'Additixlal esctow may be lBquil€d for o0rer applicatioos through ttE devBlofrn€nt cont'aci- E Vacaion of Easements/Right-of-way (VAC)........ $300 (Additio.El lecording Ees Inay apdy) E Variance (VAR)....,.....,.,......,.................,.............. $200 Wefland Alteration Pemit WAP)tr Singls.Family Residence.. !g!E: t{hen muhipl8 appllcauons are proca6$d conqrflrndy, the approDriate ftG rhdt be chaged for each applica6on, { J addresses) $3 per address $50 per document $325 $425 $1oo $500 $150 $100 $500 $300 $1so $150 $700E tnterim Use Permit (lUP) I ln conjunctlrn with Single-Family Residence.. $325D At oarers...... -..-.....-.......... $425 E Rezoning (REz) E Phnned Unit Development (PUD) ..............,... $750 $1s0 $275 $1oo $500 trtr Vacation Mete6 & Bounds SubdMsion (3 docs.) m Use PermitE VarianceE Easements ( easements) f! Site Plan Agreement E Wefland Afteration PermitE oeeos$, , --,TorAL FEE: --l .>c q-{" Section 2: Required lnformation Descrip[on of Propqsl; Allow; continuation of existing driveway for access to house, house setback to be averaged with 20'S and 60' N, west & north porchs in setback. Property Address or Location: Parcet*A 25.0080200 Legal Dessiption:Pa.t of Govt lot 5, Sec I Twnsp 16, Range 23, Carvey County MN Total Acreage:2.50 Wellands Present? El Yes E tto Present Zoning:Single-Family Residential District (Rff Requested Zoning:Selecl One Present Land Use Desig n"6on. Residential Large Lot Request€d tand Use Desbnatio"' S#dbAUANHASSEN...-_.RECEVED-- Existing Use of Property Echeck box if separate narrative is attached.AUG 0 6 2021 u Section 3: Property Owner and Applicant lnformation APPLICANT OTHER TIiAN PROPERW OIYNER: ln signing this application, l, as applicant represent to have obtainod authorization fom the property owner to file this appliceton. I agree to be bound by conditons of approval, subject only to the right to object at the hearings on the application or during the appeal period. f this applicatbn has not been signed by the property owner, I have attacfied sepaft e documentation of tull legal capacity to file the application. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regErding any matter pertaining to this application. I will ke€p mysef irformed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this applicetion. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fee, feasibility studi6s, etc. with an estimat€ prior to any authorizalion to proceed with the study. I certify tfiat the infomation ard exhibib submitted are true and conect. Name:Contact Phone:Address: City/Statezip: Email: SiJnature: PROPERTY OWttlER: ln signing this apdication, l, as prop€rty owner, have tull legal capacity to, and herBby do, authorze the filing of thb applicatftrn. I understand lhat condilions of approval are binding and agree to be bound by those conditions, subject only to the right to objec-t at the hearings or during the app€al p€rbds- I will ko€p m!6elf informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of lhis application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I cartry that the information and exhibitls submifted are fue and correct. Name:Jefi aM Deb Papke Contact: Phone:Address:6180 Cardinal Drive Shorewood, MN 553[]1 (763) 300-s074 Cell: Fax: Cell: Fax: Cell: Fax: Jefr PPapke (763) 3m-s074 City/Statezip: Email:papke@gmail.com Signature: PROJECT EIGII{EER (if applkuble) Name: Address: Contact Phone: City/Statelzip: Email: This applicalion must b€ comd€ted in lUll and must be accdnpanied by ail informatioo and plans rsquirBd by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing lhis apdbatiln, r€fer to the apgopriata Apdicaton Checklist and confer with the Planning Oepartnent b detemine the specific ordimnce and applicable procedural EquirBrnents and ie€s. A detemination of completeness of lhe application shall be made within 15 business days o, application submittal. A written notice of eppli(5bn defici€ncies shall be mailed to lhe applicant within 15 business days of apdicatbn. Section 4: Notification lnformation VUho should recalve coples of stafr reporE? n Property owner Via: E Email E Mailed Paper CopyE Applicant Ma: E Email E] wtaileo Paper copyI Engineer Via: E Email f] Maihd Paper Copytr Otrlor Ma: fl Email E uanea Paporcopy 'Other Contact lnformation: Name: Address: City/StateZip: Email: INSTRUCTTONS TO APPLICANT: Complote all necessary form fields, tlen selec-t SAVE FORM to save a copy to your device. PRINT FORM and deliver to city along with required docaments and payment. SUBMIT FORM to send a digital copy to the city for processing. SAVE FOR SUB IT FORH 94". 6124120 PRINT FORU