Variance Request Narrative)uly 16,2O2L v.fE8!fflBAssEil .tJG 06 2021 Variance request for papke property on Lake Minnewasht ii :SEN pl-Alllllllc DEPJ This site is a lot of record. ln 1994, it was acquired by Jeff and Debra Papke with the intentions of building a single-family residence in the future. ln conjunction with the acquisition of the property we obtained a letter from then current attorney of the City of Chanhassen that states the property was a buildable lot. Since the acquisition we have consistently used the property for recreational purposet i.e., boatin& swimming, picnics. We have reached our retirement years and are now able to move fonnard with our plan of building on our lake property. This is a large lot of approximately 2.2 acres on a peninsula on the south side of Lake Minnewashta. Another small lot exists east of our property, but is not a buildable lot. There are no close neighbors to our property. ln preparing for the construction process, we have worked with a team consisting of environmental enSineers, surveyors, septic system designer (licensed Advanced Designer) and architects to design a structure that fits within the buildable footprint. ln that effort we have had to change our plans from a single level house to a two-story structure to fit that area. The footprint ofthe house structure falls within all setbacks as prescribed by the City of Chanhassen. We are not encroaching on any wetlands. However, to actually access the property, and allow for an adequate area for a septic system, and improve the functionality ofthe home, we are requesting the following; 1) We are requesting variance forthe continuation ofthe existing driveway to access the house site and access to the garaSe. We have accessed the property and parked in this area for decades but now find that this area would be considered an accessory structure. This area is an extension of existing driveway to the structure that will provide driveway and parking covering of approximately 2,950 square feet that will cross the setback spelled out on Sec 2G904 regarding accessory structure setbacks. Without this variance there would be no access to the structure from the existing driveway. 2) We are requesting an averaging ofthe wetland buffers. This property does not have access to city sewer. ln an on-site meeting in May, Matt Unmacht (Chanhassen) and Ben Carlson (BWSR) both suggested that we request a variance to average the buffert statin8 that the City of Chanhassen has approved similar variance requests. To provide for the best areas for onsite septic treatment we are requestint averaging of buffer setback and shifting the house site 20 feet to the south. This provides a combined setback and buffer of 6O feet to the south and a combined setback and buffer of 100 feet to the north, which is the lakeside, rather than 80 feet in each direction. This averaging of buffers is necessary to provide for an adequate area for a mound septic system. we have been in contact with and are in the process of submitting an application to the Minnewashta Watershed District as they are the governing atency which would determine ifthe buffers may be averaged. We are planningtoadd fill to raise the structure above the existing grade and blend the septic mound system into the available landscaping space. The actual septic plan has been submitted to Eric Tessman for review. The permit application will be submitted with the application forthe building permit. A drawing of the septic system is included. 3) We would like to have porch areas added to the structure to enjoy the lake views. We are requesting a slight projection of porch A of 190 square feet and porch B of 24 square feet. These areas are highlighted in the attachment. Additional information is included under 2. ln Section Criteria for Granting a Variance. 4) We would like a patio on the lake side of the house adjacent to the structure, approximately 300 sq ft. lf averaging of the buffers is allowed the patio and porch A will be 89 feet from the wetlands. The city requires total of 80 feet from wetlands (consisting of 40 foot s€tback and ttO foot buffer) from wetlands.