Approval LetterCITY OT CHANHASSII'I Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow August 11, 2021 Mr. Martin Schutrop Schurop Building & Development Corp. 540 Lakota Lane Chanhassen, MN 55318 Re: Eagle Bluff, Planning Case #2021-15 Dear Mr. Schutrop: This letter is to inform you that on August 9, 2021, the Chanhassen City Council approved: The ordinance rezoning the property from Agricultural Estate District (A2) to Single-Family Residential District (RSF): and A resolution approving a two-lot, one outlot preliminary and final plat with a variance for the use ofa private street and private street width subject to the following conditions: Buildine l. A building permit must be obtained prior to beginning work at the property. Ensineering l. A cross access agreement between Lots I and 2, Block I shall be recorded concurrently with the final plat. 2. The final plat shall be updated to include a lO-foot drainage and utility easement on the northem portion ofLot 2, Block I as well as abutting the 68.38-foot long property line in the northwestem comer of the lot. 3. All existing and proposed improvements located within public drainage and utility easements will require encroachment agreements and shall be recorded concurrently with final plat. 4. Stormwater facilities shall be privately owned and maintained, and located outside of public drainage and utility easements, and the final plat shall be adjusted accordingly. 5. The applicant and their engineer shall work with City staff in amending the construction plans to fully satisry staff comments prior to the recording of the final plat. 6. Ifthe sanitary service lateral is within 50 feet ofthe existing well, the well will be required to be abandoned and the plans updated accordingly. All requirements set forth by the Minnesota Department of Health regarding the abandonment of the well must be adhered to. PH 952.227.1100. www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us. FX 952.227.1110 77OO I4ARKET BOULEVARD .PO BOX ]47. CHANHASSEN 'MINNESOTA 55317 Mr. Martin Schutrop Eagle Bluff August I 1, 2021 Page 2 7. The developer will be required to pay the following fees prior to recording of final plat: Surface Water Management fee: $21,650.00 A portion of the water hook-up charge: $2,476.00/unit, or $4,952.00 for the two units A portion of the sanitary sewer hook-up charge: $691.00/unit, or $1,382.00 for the two units d) Park Dedication fee: $5,800.00/unit e) GIS fees: $100 forthe plat plus $30 per parcel, or atotal of$160.00 Environmen Resources 1 . Tree preservation fencing shall be installed around existing trees to be saved prior to any construction activities and remain installed until completion. 2. Bufferyard plantings to the east ofthe proposed home site include one overstory tree, two omamental trees and four shrubs, unless sufficient existing vegetation remains. Fire The private road will need to follow City of Chanhassen Code for Private Roads - including a tumaround for emergency vehicles. Parks Full park fees in lieu ofadditional parkland dedication and/or trail construction shall be collected at the rate in force upon final plat submission and approval. Plannine l. The front setback for Lot 1 shall be from the point at which the lot measures 100 feet. 2. An access and maintenance agreement for the private street shall be recorded with the plat. Water Resources l. The applicant shall provide to the City the approved Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District permit prior to issuance of building permits. 2. The applicant shall submit an updated geotechnical report with borings in the location of the proposed infiltration basin to ensure infiltration is feasible at that basin location upon resubmittal of construction plans. 3. The applicant shall provide a buffer along the southem edge of the infiltration basin to minimize the amount of sediment entering and clogging the infiltration basin upon resubmittal of construction plans. 4. The applicant shall provide evidence that Wetland I will remain a viable wetland with the proposed plan that reduces hydrology to the wetland upon resubmittal of construction plans. 5. The applicant shall amend the plans to show a double row of silt fence placed at the buffer edge of Wetland I instead ofat the wetland edge as currently shown. a) b) c) Mr. Martin Schutrop Eagle Bluff August 11, 2021 Page 3 6. The applicant shall provide a SWPPP if one was created. If there is not a SWPPP, the applicant shall amend the grading notes on Sheet 6 as appropriate. 7. The applicant shall provide the following details for the stormwater infiltration basin upon resubmittal of construction plans: a. The infiltration basin shall be restored with a native seed mix or other appropriate plantings per MPCA guidelines instead of sod, as proposed. b. A defined basin overflow shall be designed instead of letting water spill over the entire nofihem berm. 8. The applicant shall provide the LFE/FFE for the proposed building upon resubmittal of construction plans to show freeboard is being met. 9. The applicant shall provide an O&M plan and agreement for the infiltration basin and outline the parties that will be responsible for O&M prior to issuance of building permit. 10. The applicant shall submit a wetland delineation report for Wetland 1. The plans will need to be updated showing the approved wetland boundary and subsequent buffers based on the delineation. 1 i. The applicant shall provide the SWMP fee of $21,650.00 to the City prior to recording of the final plat. Two signed mylar copies ofthe final plat shall be submitted to City offices for signatures. One l":200' scale paper reduction ofthe final plat with just street names and lot and block numbers shall be submitted. Revised construction plans shall be submitted and reviewed prior to beginning construction. In addition, a digital copy in .dxf format and a digital copy in .tif format (pdf compatible) in Carver County coordinates of the final plat shall be submitted. A Mortgage Holder Consent to Plat shall be submitted. A recent copy of the title commitment must be provided. A Warranty Deed deeding Outlot A to the City shall be submitted. All existing and proposed improvements located within public drainage and utility easements will require encroachment agreements and shall be recorded concurrently with final plat. A $33,944.00 cash administration fee must be submitted. An access and maintenance agreements for the private street and stormwater treatment system shall be submitted for recording. An O&M for the private stormwater BMPs shall be submitted The O&M of private stormwater BMPs is required in perpetuity and must be approved by the Water Resources Coordinator, or their designee, to be recorded against the benefiting properties All current year taxes must be paid in full and any delinquent property taxes or green acres tax. Once everything is submitted, staff will forward all documents to the City Attorney's office for recording. Mr. Martin Schutrop Eagle BIuff August 11,2021 Page 4 The applicant and their engineer shall work with City staff in amending the construction plans to fully satisfu staff comments prior to the recording ofthe final plat, including the design and location of the emergency vehicle tum-around. Prior to commencement of any work, a copy of all required permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies shall be provided to the City which shall include but is not limited to the Minnesota Department of Health, Metropolitan Council Environmental Services, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, and Riley Pugatory Bluff Creek Watershed District. Please contact Project Engineer, Erik Henricksen, al952'227 -1165 or by email at ehenricksen@ci.hanhassen.mn.us to coordinate a preconstruction meeting. Should you have any questions, please contact me at (952) 227-ll3l or by email at bgenero us@ci.chanhas .mn.us. S Robert Generous, AICP Senior Planner ec Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director Erik Henricksen, Project Engineer Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager Jerry Ruegemer, Parks & Recreation Director Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resource Specialist Eric Tessman, Building Offtcial Matt Unmacht, Water Resources Coordinator Dan Blake, Black Cheery Development, LLC Mark Rausch, Alliant Engineering g:\planUo2l plmning ca5esU l -15 9197 eaSlc ridge road rez sub val@ptovsl leter eagle bluff.docx