Development Review ApplicationCOMMUilTTY OEVELOPilIEI{T OEPARTTTENT Phnning Division - 7700 Markct Boulevard Mailrng AddI3Bs - P O 8ox 147. Chanhass€n. MN 55317 P hon.: (952) 227-1 1 0 0 t F ex. 1952i, 227 .1 1 10 APPLICA FOR Srrbmrli.l oat J] *crTYorcltAtlttAssrlt DEVELOPMENT REVIEW ..o",fl-EfJ-!l- so.oryRceow *" tol( [ >tv Secllon 1: Apphcalpn Type (check all that apply) lfur. b iL w99tle aaacer, dEd.frr 'b. rrcrrrld t.rtdll!/ E Comprchcnsrvc Phn Ancndmcnt .... ... .. t6OO 3E Minor MUSI lin. for irrling on-!it! sav.rs tlOO E Cmditional Ur. Pcrmit (CUP) ! Srnglr-Family R6d.ncr ... $325fl All Oh!r'.... .. .. .. . . t425 E tntcrim Usc Permit (tUP) el ln coojunslbn wirh Srngb-Fsnily R6rdcnc. . t325 LI All Ohcr!... . t425 t1lofln.,,r'i th', ttlug Go ry hE ryk iot1) Subdivi.ion lSl.JB) l,Bl creato 3 tots or lesr a lr cl l i ! Creatc ov.r 3lorr . S600 { lob) -l M6tqJ & Bound! (2 ror3) .. .. . . .. .. . + S'15 par lot $300o D Rgzoning (REZ) lhml4fi fi' da'loqn"{ conl, d' ! Ptanned Unlt Oevelopment (PUO) . . . .. . t750 E Vacelix of Ea$rnsnt Rrght of-wly (VAC)... ..t300 E Mino, Amefidront to axBting PUD.. ......3100 (AddnDnrr rlcodirt 1... mrv splv) E Ait otrea .. .. . . ... ... .. . . . s500 Etr va.ianc" (vAR). .?I,*l^!.(,- ..1:!.1.r:.... . ., ., ,..$2jq- signpranRoviax . .. .... .. . $iso i w*,"noer"r",,#E!,*ynffi1"'*,u ""'" ' Srte Plan Rev6^, (SPR) E Singte-F.mily Rrrrdcncr. . . .. . .' ."' . .. 3150 ! Mministrativr. .. . . . .. S1OO lJ All Others $275 F 3ilTfi81'lt#t'3J,?iJl*'ro,r,*..11* El zoninsAppcar .. . .. . . .s1oo ( 9?.f tho'/s.nd lquaG fc.l) 5nor CiO:111 OE Zonrng Ordrnanc. Am.ndmant (ZOA) SSOO'lrdud! n nb.r oltllll8g..n lorcc6 - i{-- -- - - - .tndl(la lrmbt o, @ amrtoyaaa:o Sng;*"*:ffi;- ' - -- s5oo tr;,.ffiJ:iijrEH?X"'[,1ffi#ffi:* E Notification Sign {cny ro,^x.fl.nd rclnol,r) ... -.. .. -. i., .t .t200 $ Property ownea' Lilt within 5oo' (cr., ro gener.r.6le. p'r-.ppr""ri*,,,*t ngt...fJ'^ ng i11L1 'n, L]i5i". *0.* Leddr$8e8)E Escrow for Recording Oocuments (ch€ck allthat apply) ....... .$50 p.r docum€nt E Conditional Ws Pemit I tntcrim u3e P€rmit E Sita P]ro AgBsmsnt E Vacation E Variancc E w6tland Alteration Psrmil E Maes & Sounds SuMivBion (3 docs.) E Eascm.nts (- eascments) tr Dscd! TOTAL FEE: Consolidate Lots . .. . .. .. . 8150 Lot Linr Adtustmcnl. ........... $150 F,nat ptat.... (?,r(,r& t.,t)ta\t!.w) $ioo (lnc uda3 t450 6crow for attomay co6ts)' 'Addtronal claro* m!y be raqurl.d for oltar agplicanons tr D d S€ction 2: Required lntormation Oescriptron of proposal ,VDgrvtrtoNl .f 6\r{f\P t ft>cCc 171. lrtt L4r I tfiYlvl,," t€qevJ F\y Ottltvc\aetl .f 0tlL t.'9"'1^'t.L rvrV1,rta 7 tr'r, Total Acreage Pr$ent Zoning xl Wetlands Present?f ves fi trto Rcqu*ted Zonrngf e z tD r o??tct .|Jo Re quested Land Us€ DesrgnationPresent Land Use O*€nation 0F(t Lt tPD- Exrsting Use of Propsny ?rtlttL f r..Dv, j:oL!: yglN f t li!:1 crTY OFECHANIIASSEN AUG 0 6 2021 $tAlstASS$ n AMlltlG DwI lcrrect< box if separate narBtive is attached Propcrly Address or L ocation Parcet t -?5!9)97!9- LegatoffJcnptio: ,er 5w P'tc\ / frtvt^Pbt1 y''ff Seclion 3: Property Owner and Applicant lnrornEtion M/k APPLICANT OTHER TI{AN PROPERW OWNER: ln ligning thiE epplication, l. ac applic.nt, r.pres€nt to nave obrerned authorrzelon from thc property owner to fila this applicslion I agre€ to bs bound by cond[ron! ot approval, subjcct only to the oght lo oblact at lha haanngs on th! applrcatroo or during the appesl penod. ll thia applcalion hlr not baan 3ignld oy tha prop.rty ovi/n€r. I havc atiached 3sp.rale docu,nenteton of tull l€981 cspacrty to filc lhr applicatlon Thl3 apptrcation should bc proc4$ed in my name end I am tha pady whom th. City 3hould cont*t rcgardlng any mattar po.taining to thr! spplicittion. I will h€ap myserl rnform€d of tha dcadline! for tubmirlron ot meteriel and tha p.ogra$ ol thB Eppticetion. I fu(her understBnd that addiuonsl fees may be charged tor consuning facs, foasibility studbs. 6tc. with an e3trmat pnor to any authorization to proc€ad ryith thc study I crrtify lhat thr ntormation and gxhibrts submalted are true and corrscl Address Contact Phone: City/Stde/Zip Email: Cell Fax Date PROPERTY OW[{ER: ln signing this application, l, as properly owner, have lull eget c.pscity to .nd hE lby do. authorize thc filino ot this applicetion. I undeBtand that conditions of approval arc bindlng and agre. to bc bound by thos€ cond(roflS, 3ubrscl only lo the right to object at the hearings or dunng the appeal peflods I wi I ksep my$f rnformed of tha dcodlirc! tor |ubmisEron of mderial and the progress of lhis applcetLcn. I lunhar understand that addilEnal foa3 may be chargrd tor consuttrng fe€s, leasibilily stud e3 etc. with an $limats prior to 6ny authorizAion to proce€d with lhr sludy. I ccrlify that the information and exhibits submined are true snd corr6ct. X Narnc Add.esE Cityi Siate/Zip Contact Phon€. Csll. Fax: Dalo g c Err arl Srgnatu PROJECT ENGINEER (if applrcablc) Naffo: bl€sf wo.o ?lt if+s,c.tv I € t',t re j Addte33 Contast Phone D rt,tgv et A. r 1EL.1oc.1 415 b:1,1t0, 141>. L-)./Lae-r-r This appti:af$n must Ue complctod in t[[ and must bc accompanEd by all anformation and plam required by applrc.bla City Ordinence provisions. Eefor8 filing this applicaton. refer to the appropriate Application Checklist and confor with ths Plaflnrng Oeparlmaot to dctrfmin€ the spccific ordinance and applicable procedural requirBmenB and f€€g A determinatbn of completeness ol the application shall bo made withrn 15 business days ol application submittal. A writtcn noticc of applicatron deficienclcs shall be mailed to the applicant withrn 15 busine$ days of application. Who should receive copies of staff reports? Property Owner Vra: El Email 'Other Contact lnlormatlon: Etrlrj - Ema I Email Emarl Appli=nt Engneer Olher' trtrtr Marted Paper Copy Marl6d Paper Copy Mailed Paper Copy Aodress tr El Mailad Papsr copy City/Statezip: Email. !$iIS!19!!LI9jEE!EAXI: Complete allnecessary form fields, then select SAVE FORM to savo a copy to your devic" PRINT FORM and d.laver to city along with required documonts and payment SUBMIT FORM to s€nd a digital copy to the c y for proce3srng PRLNT TORM SUBUIT FORU Name Srgnaturc Crty/Statdzip: nll,.c tp,tv,, f1) 5t| 4n CaL Emar, dan. lt L'. F wtst vJool ?t,t,^a Fu.. Section 4: Notficalion lntormation No-o -