Project Mechanical Systems NarrativeRiver Valley Industrial Center - Project Mechanical Systems Narrative August 3, 2021 Summary of the proposed mechanical systems for new Chanhassen Warehouse. 1. Potable water shall be supplied by a new well located outside the southwest side of the building. The water service shall enter the building below the frost line up to the water service room. We estimate the well will be sized to deliver 100 gallons of water per minute. 2. Sanitary sewer shall leave the building at the middle of the northwest side of the building and to septic tanks and pumped to sanitary drain fields. 3. Storm drain system starting at the 5-inch roof drains and 5-inch overflow drains on the roof. Roof drains shall be piped together and leave the building below the frost line at two locations and run to two holding ponds. 4. The building sprinkler system shall enter the building below the frost line at about the center of the southeast side of the building and run up to the sprinkler room. The sprinkler pump shall be located in sprinkler room. The source of the water for the sprinkler system shall be from an existing water tank located northeast of an existing building which is northeast of the new building. 5. The new natural gas line shall come from the gas main located below Audubon Road. The gas line will serve all the gas fired unit heaters serving the warehouse and the gas fired rooftop units serving the tenants office spaces. If there are any questions regarding the mechanical systems proposal, please contact Bill Karges at 612- 599-7268