Stormwater Report - Buttenhoff Industrial-W ATTACHMENTSPreliminary Stormwater Management Plan for River Valley Industrial Center 2100 Stoughton Avenue Prepared for: Capstone Investors, LLC. 102 Jonathan Blvd N #200 Chaska, MN 55318 Prepared by: Westwood Professional Services 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite 300 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (952) 937-5150 Project Number: 0031776.00 Date: 08/03/2021 River Valley Industrial Center August 3, 2021 1 INTRODUCTION This report summarizes the stormwater management design for the proposed River Valley Industrial Center expansion project at the intersection of Chaska Boulevard and Audubon Road in Chanhassen. This project proposes the removal of vacated Gedney factory infrastructure for the addition of an 81,660 square foot industrial/warehouse building, parking lots, and truck loading docks. The project’s total disturbed area is 8.64 ac. The site was modeled in HydroCAD to analyze existing and proposed conditions (Attachment D). Atlas 14 rainfall depths for Carver County were used in this analysis. Attachments A and B shows the drainage areas for existing and proposed conditions within the project area. REGULATIONS The proposed project site is located within the Cities of Chanhassen and Chaska, Minnesota, and the Lower Minnesota River Watershed District. The following LMRWD rules apply: x 4.4.1 Rate Control – Stormwater runoff rate from development, redevelopment, and drainage alterations shall not exceed the existing runoff rates for the 1 or 2 year, 10-year, and 100-year 24-hour events using Atlas 14 nested distribution. x 4.4.2 Volume – Redevelopment: projects that create 10,000 square feet or more of new and/or fully reconstructed impervious surfaces shall capture and retain on-site 1.1 inches of runoff from the new and/or reconstructed impervious surfaces. x 4.4.3 Water Quality – Projects that create one (1) acre or more of new impervious surfaces shall have no net increase from existing conditions in total phosphorus (TP) and total suspended solids (TSS) to receiving waterbodies. EXISTING CONDITIONS The existing property consists of the Gedney Industrial building to the east, industrial infrastructure to the west, and farmland to the north. The site sits east of Audubon Road between Chaska Boulevard and Stoughton Avenue. 2.84 acres at the north side of the existing property lies in the City of Chaska. The remainder of the site is in the City of Chanhassen. Drainage from the farmland on the north side of the site sheet flows northeast to a ditch along Chaska Boulevard. Runoff from the southwest corner of the site flows overland to an existing City of Chaska catch basin behind the curb at the intersection of Stoughton and Audubon. Runoff from the central and eastern portion of the site flows east over the existing parking lot towards a City of Chanhassen catch basin in the lot. See Attachment A for the Existing Drainage Map. River Valley Industrial Center August 3, 2021 2 SOIL CONDITIONS A Geotechnical Evaluation Report was completed by Chosen Valley Testing, Inc, dated December 24, 2012. The soils on site are sands and silty sands. See Attachment E - Geotechnical Report for further description of subsurface conditions. PROPOSED CONDITIONS The proposed development includes an 81,660 square foot industrial building to the west of the existing Gedney industrial building, north of Stoughton Avenue and east of Audubon Road. The north, west, and south sides of the building will be used for parking. The east side of the building will be used for truck access and will include a truck turnaround. Table 1: Project Area Information Stormwater runoff from the roof and the parking west and south of the building with be routed through storm sewer to an infiltration basin at the southwest corner of the site. The southwest infiltration basin will overflow into the existing Chanhassen city storm sewer network east of the site. Runoff from the northeast corner of the site will sheet flow northeast to the second infiltration basin, which will overflow northeast into the existing farm field. Runoff from the southeast area of the site will match existing conditions and sheet flow east over land to the existing catch basin in the Gedney building parking lot. See Attachment B for the Proposed Drainage Map and Attachment C for the Utility Plan. RATE CONTROL The stormwater management system design was modeled to achieve no net increase in peak discharge rates for the proposed development from pre-development conditions for the 1-year, 2-year, 10-year, and 100-year storm events. The pre-development and proposed development peak discharge rates are shown in Table 2. Stormwater discharge rates were computed using HydroCAD stormwater modeling software which incorporates 24-hour rainfall distributions from Atlas 14 for analysis. See Attachment D for the existing and proposed HydroCAD reports. The tables below summarize the existing and proposed peak runoff rates from the existing and proposed drainage areas. Project Site Existing Acreage Percent Proposed Acreage Percent Total Site Project Area 8.64 --8.64 -- Impervious Area 2.28 (26%)5.73 (66%) Pervious Area 6.36 (74%)2.91 (34%) River Valley Industrial Center August 3, 2021 3 Table 2:Comparison of Discharge Rates The 100-year HWL of the southwest basin is 756.67’ and the 100-year HWL of the northeast pond is 756.65’. The proposed building’s finished floor elevation is 762.50’, providing a freeboard of 5.85’. VOLUME ABSTRACTION The Watershed requires abstraction of 1.1 inches of runoff from all new or fully reconstructed impervious surfaces. Based on the soil borings, the soils in the area are sands and silty sands. The infiltration rate for sands is given to be 0.80 in/hr. See Attachment D for stage storage tables of the infiltration systems contained within the HydroCAD report. Table 3 below summarizes the site impervious areas and proposed abstraction volumes. Drainage Area Storm Event Existing Discharge Rate [cfs] Proposed Discharge Rate [cfs] North (Ex1/P1) 1-year (2.47”)0.67 0.00 2-year (2.84”)1.20 0.00 10-year (4.20”)3.92 0.00 100-year (7.34”)12.50 0.72 South (Ex2/P2) 1-year (2.47”)4.47 0.00 2-year (2.84”)5.77 0.00 10-year (4.20”)10.90 0.00 100-year (7.34”)23.32 2.86 East (Ex3/P3) 1-year (2.47”)6.33 5.02 2-year (2.84”)7.72 6.18 10-year (4.20”)12.79 10.54 100-year (7.34”)24.59 20.59 River Valley Industrial Center August 3, 2021 4 Table 3: Volume Abstraction Requirement The infiltration ponds have been designed to draw down in fewer than 48 hours. The design infiltration rate is 0.80 [in/hr] which corresponds to a 48-hour drawdown depth of 3.2 feet. The outlets are placed at 2.5’ above the bottoms of the basins. WATER QUALITY The LMRWD rules require restricting the discharge of TSS and TP to pre-development levels. A P8 analysis was performed, and the results are summarized in Table 4 below. Table 4: P8 Water Quality Analysis See Attachment F for the P8 report. CONCLUSIONS The proposed River Valley Industrial Center project and its stormwater management facilities have been designed to meet the rate control, volume abstraction, and water quality requirements of the Lower Mississippi River Watershed District. Impervious Area [acre] Required Volume (1.1”) [cf] Volume Abstraction Provided [cf] P1 0.74 2,955 10,746 P2 3.04 12,139 45,683 P3 1.95 7,786 0 Total 5.73 22,880 56,429 TSS Annual Discharge [lbs] TP Annual Discharge [lbs] Total Existing Conditions 1993 6.3 Total Proposed Conditions 1316 4.2 River Valley Industrial Center August 3, 2021 5 ATTACHMENTS A - Existing Drainage Map B - Proposed Drainage Map C - Utility Plan D - HydroCAD Report E - Geotechnical Report F – P8 Report ATTACHMENT A: EXISTING DRAINAGE AREA MAPS XXXEEEEEEEEEEEDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSFFE=759.46DSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSFFE=760.00SSTEEEESSTOSTOSTORE=755.72INV SW=752.07RE=755.7INV NE/NW=751.77RE=755.62INV NW=749.72INV SE/SW UNABLE TO MEASURERE=756.10NO INVERTSRE=756.37INV SW/NW=751.87RE=756.74INV SE=753.34RE=756.42INV N/SE=751.62INV E UNABLE TO MEASURERE=756.48INV W=752.58RE=757.20INV S=752.55RE=757.90INV NE=750.55RE=757.30INV N/W=750.90RIM=757.21INV=747.46RIM=757.93INV=748.58BUILDING4" PVC CULVERTINV=757.324" PVC CULVERTINV=756.80AUDUBON ROADCHASKA BVD. (COUNTY ROAD 61)STOUGHTON AVENUE1 2 5 . 0 0 STOSSSSSTSTOWEMAILTCRYSTAL LANEC-STORERIGHT-INEXISTING755755756 757757757757758758758758758758759759 755760760760756756756757757757758758758759759759755 756757757 758758 7587 5 8 759759760757757757758758758759758759756756757757757757757757 755755755760760760760753753754754756756756757757757758758758759759759756756757757758758759759759759757757757757757755756758758757757 759 758757 75 6 755758759759759758758757757757757757758758759 759 759759756756759759758757756755758757758757757759760760760757758756755760Ex1Ex2Ex3N:\0031776.00\DWG\0031776-C-DRAN.DWG 08/03/2021BUTTENHOFF INDUSTRIALCHANHASSEN, MNBUTTENHOFF INDUSTRIAL2100 STATE HIGHWY 7EXCELSIOR, MN 55331EXISTING DRAINAGE AREASA...JOEL BUTTENHOFFDATE:PREPARED FOR:Phone(952) 937-515012701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300Fax(952) 937-5822Minnetonka, MN 55343Toll Free(888) 937-5150SHEET NUMBER:FIELD WORK DATE:..FIELD CREW:DRAWN:CHECKED:DESIGNED:0'100'200'© 2021 Westwood Professional Services, Inc.Common Ground AllianceCall 48 Hours before digging:811 or call811.comPROJECT NUMBER: 0031776.00 ATTACHMENT B: PROPOSED DRAINAGE AREA MAPS DSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSFFE=759.46DSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSFFE=760.00SSTEEEESSTOSTOSTORE=755.72INV SW=752.07RE=755.7INV NE/NW=751.77RE=755.62INV NW=749.72INV SE/SW UNABLE TO MEASURERE=756.10NO INVERTSRE=756.37INV SW/NW=751.87RE=756.74INV SE=753.34RE=756.42INV N/SE=751.62INV E UNABLE TO MEASURERE=756.48INV W=752.58RE=757.20INV S=752.55RE=757.90INV NE=750.55RE=757.30INV N/W=750.90BUILDING4" PVC CULVERTINV=757.324" PVC CULVERTINV=756.80AUDUBON ROADCHASKA BLVD. (COUNTY ROAD 61)STOUGHTON AVENUESTOSSSSSTSTOWEMAILTCRYSTAL LANEC-STORERIGHT-INEXISTING755755756 757757757757758758758758758758759759 755760760760756756756757757757758758758759759759755 756757757 758758 7587 5 8 759759760757757757758758758759758759756756757757757757757757 75575575576076076076075375375475475675675675775775775875875875975975975675675775775875875975975975981,660 SF BUILDING118 STALLSFFE = 762.50DOCK ELEV = 758.50ST12P 1P 2P 3N:\0031776.00\DWG\0031776-C-DRAN-PROP.DWG 08/03/2021BUTTENHOFF INDUSTRIALCHANHASSEN, MNBUTTENHOFF INDUSTRIAL2100 STATE HIGHWY 7EXCELSIOR, MN 55331PROPOSED DRAINAGEAREASB...JOEL BUTTENHOFFDATE:PREPARED FOR:Phone(952) 937-515012701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300Fax(952) 937-5822Minnetonka, MN 55343Toll Free(888) 937-5150SHEET NUMBER:FIELD WORK DATE:..FIELD CREW:DRAWN:CHECKED:DESIGNED:0'100'200'© 2021 Westwood Professional Services, Inc.Common Ground AllianceCall 48 Hours before digging:811 or call811.comPROJECT NUMBER: 0031776.00 ATTACHMENT C: UTILITY PLAN ATTACHMENT D: HYDROCAD MODEL REPORTS Existing Conditions E1 North Area E2 to SW E3 To East ExR1 Total Site Runoff - Existing Routing Diagram for 21-07-15 HydroCAD Model-0031776.00 Prepared by Westwood Professional Services, Printed 8/2/2021 HydroCAD® 10.00-22 s/n 03363 © 2018 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcat Reach Pond Link 21-07-15 HydroCAD Model-0031776.00 Printed 8/2/2021Prepared by Westwood Professional Services Page 2HydroCAD® 10.00-22 s/n 03363 © 2018 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Area Listing (selected nodes) Area (acres) CN Description (subcatchment-numbers) 1.022 77 Dirt (E3) 2.130 77 Dirt Area (E2) 2.281 98 Paved parking, HSG A (E1, E2, E3) 3.206 63 Small grain, straight row, Good, HSG A (E1) 8.639 77 TOTAL AREA MSE 24-hr 3 1-Year Rainfall=2.47"21-07-15 HydroCAD Model-0031776.00 Printed 8/2/2021Prepared by Westwood Professional Services Page 3HydroCAD® 10.00-22 s/n 03363 © 2018 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Time span=0.10-72.00 hrs, dt=0.05 hrs, 1439 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Runoff Area=146,649 sf 4.77% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.29"Subcatchment E1: North Area Flow Length=380' Slope=0.0025 '/' Tc=20.3 min CN=65 Runoff=0.67 cfs 0.080 af Runoff Area=121,789 sf 23.82% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.98"Subcatchment E2: to SW Flow Length=230' Slope=0.0010 '/' Tc=8.3 min CN=82 Runoff=4.47 cfs 0.227 af Runoff Area=107,884 sf 58.74% Impervious Runoff Depth=1.43"Subcatchment E3: To East Flow Length=508' Slope=0.0100 '/' Tc=5.6 min CN=89 Runoff=6.33 cfs 0.295 af Inflow=10.68 cfs 0.603 afReach ExR1: Total Site Runoff - Existing Outflow=10.68 cfs 0.603 af Total Runoff Area = 8.639 ac Runoff Volume = 0.603 af Average Runoff Depth = 0.84" 73.59% Pervious = 6.358 ac 26.41% Impervious = 2.281 ac MSE 24-hr 3 1-Year Rainfall=2.47"21-07-15 HydroCAD Model-0031776.00 Printed 8/2/2021Prepared by Westwood Professional Services Page 4HydroCAD® 10.00-22 s/n 03363 © 2018 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Summary for Subcatchment E1: North Area Runoff =0.67 cfs @ 12.40 hrs, Volume=0.080 af, Depth= 0.29" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs MSE 24-hr 3 1-Year Rainfall=2.47" Area (sf) CN Description 6,995 98 Paved parking, HSG A 139,654 63 Small grain, straight row, Good, HSG A 146,649 65 Weighted Average 139,654 95.23% Pervious Area 6,995 4.77% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet)(ft/ft) (ft/sec)(cfs) 10.4 280 0.0025 0.45 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Field Cultivated Straight Rows Kv= 9.0 fps 9.9 100 0.0025 0.17 Sheet Flow, Field Fallow n= 0.050 P2= 2.85" 20.3 380 Total Summary for Subcatchment E2: to SW Runoff =4.47 cfs @ 12.16 hrs, Volume=0.227 af, Depth= 0.98" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs MSE 24-hr 3 1-Year Rainfall=2.47" Area (sf) CN Description 29,006 98 Paved parking, HSG A *92,783 77 Dirt Area 121,789 82 Weighted Average 92,783 76.18% Pervious Area 29,006 23.82% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet)(ft/ft) (ft/sec)(cfs) 8.3 230 0.0010 0.46 Sheet Flow, Smooth surfaces n= 0.011 P2= 2.85" Summary for Subcatchment E3: To East Runoff =6.33 cfs @ 12.13 hrs, Volume=0.295 af, Depth= 1.43" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs MSE 24-hr 3 1-Year Rainfall=2.47" MSE 24-hr 3 1-Year Rainfall=2.47"21-07-15 HydroCAD Model-0031776.00 Printed 8/2/2021Prepared by Westwood Professional Services Page 5HydroCAD® 10.00-22 s/n 03363 © 2018 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Area (sf) CN Description 63,375 98 Paved parking, HSG A *44,509 77 Dirt 107,884 89 Weighted Average 44,509 41.26% Pervious Area 63,375 58.74% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet)(ft/ft) (ft/sec)(cfs) 3.5 250 0.0100 1.18 Sheet Flow, pavement Smooth surfaces n= 0.011 P2= 2.85" 2.1 258 0.0100 2.03 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Paved Kv= 20.3 fps 5.6 508 Total Summary for Reach ExR1: Total Site Runoff - Existing Inflow Area =8.639 ac, 26.41% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.84" for 1-Year event Inflow =10.68 cfs @ 12.14 hrs, Volume=0.603 af Outflow =10.68 cfs @ 12.14 hrs, Volume=0.603 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs MSE 24-hr 3 2-Year Rainfall=2.84"21-07-15 HydroCAD Model-0031776.00 Printed 8/2/2021Prepared by Westwood Professional Services Page 6HydroCAD® 10.00-22 s/n 03363 © 2018 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Time span=0.10-72.00 hrs, dt=0.05 hrs, 1439 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Runoff Area=146,649 sf 4.77% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.43"Subcatchment E1: North Area Flow Length=380' Slope=0.0025 '/' Tc=20.3 min CN=65 Runoff=1.20 cfs 0.122 af Runoff Area=121,789 sf 23.82% Impervious Runoff Depth=1.25"Subcatchment E2: to SW Flow Length=230' Slope=0.0010 '/' Tc=8.3 min CN=82 Runoff=5.77 cfs 0.292 af Runoff Area=107,884 sf 58.74% Impervious Runoff Depth=1.76"Subcatchment E3: To East Flow Length=508' Slope=0.0100 '/' Tc=5.6 min CN=89 Runoff=7.72 cfs 0.362 af Inflow=13.49 cfs 0.777 afReach ExR1: Total Site Runoff - Existing Outflow=13.49 cfs 0.777 af Total Runoff Area = 8.639 ac Runoff Volume = 0.777 af Average Runoff Depth = 1.08" 73.59% Pervious = 6.358 ac 26.41% Impervious = 2.281 ac MSE 24-hr 3 2-Year Rainfall=2.84"21-07-15 HydroCAD Model-0031776.00 Printed 8/2/2021Prepared by Westwood Professional Services Page 7HydroCAD® 10.00-22 s/n 03363 © 2018 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Summary for Subcatchment E1: North Area Runoff =1.20 cfs @ 12.37 hrs, Volume=0.122 af, Depth= 0.43" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs MSE 24-hr 3 2-Year Rainfall=2.84" Area (sf) CN Description 6,995 98 Paved parking, HSG A 139,654 63 Small grain, straight row, Good, HSG A 146,649 65 Weighted Average 139,654 95.23% Pervious Area 6,995 4.77% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet)(ft/ft) (ft/sec)(cfs) 10.4 280 0.0025 0.45 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Field Cultivated Straight Rows Kv= 9.0 fps 9.9 100 0.0025 0.17 Sheet Flow, Field Fallow n= 0.050 P2= 2.85" 20.3 380 Total Summary for Subcatchment E2: to SW Runoff =5.77 cfs @ 12.16 hrs, Volume=0.292 af, Depth= 1.25" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs MSE 24-hr 3 2-Year Rainfall=2.84" Area (sf) CN Description 29,006 98 Paved parking, HSG A *92,783 77 Dirt Area 121,789 82 Weighted Average 92,783 76.18% Pervious Area 29,006 23.82% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet)(ft/ft) (ft/sec)(cfs) 8.3 230 0.0010 0.46 Sheet Flow, Smooth surfaces n= 0.011 P2= 2.85" Summary for Subcatchment E3: To East Runoff =7.72 cfs @ 12.13 hrs, Volume=0.362 af, Depth= 1.76" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs MSE 24-hr 3 2-Year Rainfall=2.84" MSE 24-hr 3 2-Year Rainfall=2.84"21-07-15 HydroCAD Model-0031776.00 Printed 8/2/2021Prepared by Westwood Professional Services Page 8HydroCAD® 10.00-22 s/n 03363 © 2018 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Area (sf) CN Description 63,375 98 Paved parking, HSG A *44,509 77 Dirt 107,884 89 Weighted Average 44,509 41.26% Pervious Area 63,375 58.74% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet)(ft/ft) (ft/sec)(cfs) 3.5 250 0.0100 1.18 Sheet Flow, pavement Smooth surfaces n= 0.011 P2= 2.85" 2.1 258 0.0100 2.03 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Paved Kv= 20.3 fps 5.6 508 Total Summary for Reach ExR1: Total Site Runoff - Existing Inflow Area =8.639 ac, 26.41% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 1.08" for 2-Year event Inflow =13.49 cfs @ 12.14 hrs, Volume=0.777 af Outflow =13.49 cfs @ 12.14 hrs, Volume=0.777 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs MSE 24-hr 3 10-Year Rainfall=4.20"21-07-15 HydroCAD Model-0031776.00 Printed 8/2/2021Prepared by Westwood Professional Services Page 9HydroCAD® 10.00-22 s/n 03363 © 2018 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Time span=0.10-72.00 hrs, dt=0.05 hrs, 1439 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Runoff Area=146,649 sf 4.77% Impervious Runoff Depth=1.15"Subcatchment E1: North Area Flow Length=380' Slope=0.0025 '/' Tc=20.3 min CN=65 Runoff=3.92 cfs 0.322 af Runoff Area=121,789 sf 23.82% Impervious Runoff Depth=2.37"Subcatchment E2: to SW Flow Length=230' Slope=0.0010 '/' Tc=8.3 min CN=82 Runoff=10.90 cfs 0.553 af Runoff Area=107,884 sf 58.74% Impervious Runoff Depth=3.01"Subcatchment E3: To East Flow Length=508' Slope=0.0100 '/' Tc=5.6 min CN=89 Runoff=12.79 cfs 0.621 af Inflow=24.99 cfs 1.496 afReach ExR1: Total Site Runoff - Existing Outflow=24.99 cfs 1.496 af Total Runoff Area = 8.639 ac Runoff Volume = 1.496 af Average Runoff Depth = 2.08" 73.59% Pervious = 6.358 ac 26.41% Impervious = 2.281 ac MSE 24-hr 3 10-Year Rainfall=4.20"21-07-15 HydroCAD Model-0031776.00 Printed 8/2/2021Prepared by Westwood Professional Services Page 10HydroCAD® 10.00-22 s/n 03363 © 2018 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Summary for Subcatchment E1: North Area Runoff =3.92 cfs @ 12.33 hrs, Volume=0.322 af, Depth= 1.15" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs MSE 24-hr 3 10-Year Rainfall=4.20" Area (sf) CN Description 6,995 98 Paved parking, HSG A 139,654 63 Small grain, straight row, Good, HSG A 146,649 65 Weighted Average 139,654 95.23% Pervious Area 6,995 4.77% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet)(ft/ft) (ft/sec)(cfs) 10.4 280 0.0025 0.45 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Field Cultivated Straight Rows Kv= 9.0 fps 9.9 100 0.0025 0.17 Sheet Flow, Field Fallow n= 0.050 P2= 2.85" 20.3 380 Total Summary for Subcatchment E2: to SW Runoff =10.90 cfs @ 12.16 hrs, Volume=0.553 af, Depth= 2.37" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs MSE 24-hr 3 10-Year Rainfall=4.20" Area (sf) CN Description 29,006 98 Paved parking, HSG A *92,783 77 Dirt Area 121,789 82 Weighted Average 92,783 76.18% Pervious Area 29,006 23.82% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet)(ft/ft) (ft/sec)(cfs) 8.3 230 0.0010 0.46 Sheet Flow, Smooth surfaces n= 0.011 P2= 2.85" Summary for Subcatchment E3: To East Runoff =12.79 cfs @ 12.12 hrs, Volume=0.621 af, Depth= 3.01" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs MSE 24-hr 3 10-Year Rainfall=4.20" MSE 24-hr 3 10-Year Rainfall=4.20"21-07-15 HydroCAD Model-0031776.00 Printed 8/2/2021Prepared by Westwood Professional Services Page 11HydroCAD® 10.00-22 s/n 03363 © 2018 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Area (sf) CN Description 63,375 98 Paved parking, HSG A *44,509 77 Dirt 107,884 89 Weighted Average 44,509 41.26% Pervious Area 63,375 58.74% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet)(ft/ft) (ft/sec)(cfs) 3.5 250 0.0100 1.18 Sheet Flow, pavement Smooth surfaces n= 0.011 P2= 2.85" 2.1 258 0.0100 2.03 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Paved Kv= 20.3 fps 5.6 508 Total Summary for Reach ExR1: Total Site Runoff - Existing Inflow Area =8.639 ac, 26.41% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 2.08" for 10-Year event Inflow =24.99 cfs @ 12.14 hrs, Volume=1.496 af Outflow =24.99 cfs @ 12.14 hrs, Volume=1.496 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs MSE 24-hr 3 100-Year Rainfall=7.34"21-07-15 HydroCAD Model-0031776.00 Printed 8/2/2021Prepared by Westwood Professional Services Page 12HydroCAD® 10.00-22 s/n 03363 © 2018 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Time span=0.10-72.00 hrs, dt=0.05 hrs, 1439 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Runoff Area=146,649 sf 4.77% Impervious Runoff Depth=3.37"Subcatchment E1: North Area Flow Length=380' Slope=0.0025 '/' Tc=20.3 min CN=65 Runoff=12.50 cfs 0.945 af Runoff Area=121,789 sf 23.82% Impervious Runoff Depth=5.24"Subcatchment E2: to SW Flow Length=230' Slope=0.0010 '/' Tc=8.3 min CN=82 Runoff=23.32 cfs 1.220 af Runoff Area=107,884 sf 58.74% Impervious Runoff Depth=6.04"Subcatchment E3: To East Flow Length=508' Slope=0.0100 '/' Tc=5.6 min CN=89 Runoff=24.59 cfs 1.247 af Inflow=53.94 cfs 3.411 afReach ExR1: Total Site Runoff - Existing Outflow=53.94 cfs 3.411 af Total Runoff Area = 8.639 ac Runoff Volume = 3.411 af Average Runoff Depth = 4.74" 73.59% Pervious = 6.358 ac 26.41% Impervious = 2.281 ac MSE 24-hr 3 100-Year Rainfall=7.34"21-07-15 HydroCAD Model-0031776.00 Printed 8/2/2021Prepared by Westwood Professional Services Page 13HydroCAD® 10.00-22 s/n 03363 © 2018 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Summary for Subcatchment E1: North Area Runoff =12.50 cfs @ 12.31 hrs, Volume=0.945 af, Depth= 3.37" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs MSE 24-hr 3 100-Year Rainfall=7.34" Area (sf) CN Description 6,995 98 Paved parking, HSG A 139,654 63 Small grain, straight row, Good, HSG A 146,649 65 Weighted Average 139,654 95.23% Pervious Area 6,995 4.77% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet)(ft/ft) (ft/sec)(cfs) 10.4 280 0.0025 0.45 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Field Cultivated Straight Rows Kv= 9.0 fps 9.9 100 0.0025 0.17 Sheet Flow, Field Fallow n= 0.050 P2= 2.85" 20.3 380 Total Summary for Subcatchment E2: to SW Runoff =23.32 cfs @ 12.15 hrs, Volume=1.220 af, Depth= 5.24" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs MSE 24-hr 3 100-Year Rainfall=7.34" Area (sf) CN Description 29,006 98 Paved parking, HSG A *92,783 77 Dirt Area 121,789 82 Weighted Average 92,783 76.18% Pervious Area 29,006 23.82% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet)(ft/ft) (ft/sec)(cfs) 8.3 230 0.0010 0.46 Sheet Flow, Smooth surfaces n= 0.011 P2= 2.85" Summary for Subcatchment E3: To East Runoff =24.59 cfs @ 12.12 hrs, Volume=1.247 af, Depth= 6.04" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs MSE 24-hr 3 100-Year Rainfall=7.34" MSE 24-hr 3 100-Year Rainfall=7.34"21-07-15 HydroCAD Model-0031776.00 Printed 8/2/2021Prepared by Westwood Professional Services Page 14HydroCAD® 10.00-22 s/n 03363 © 2018 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Area (sf) CN Description 63,375 98 Paved parking, HSG A *44,509 77 Dirt 107,884 89 Weighted Average 44,509 41.26% Pervious Area 63,375 58.74% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet)(ft/ft) (ft/sec)(cfs) 3.5 250 0.0100 1.18 Sheet Flow, pavement Smooth surfaces n= 0.011 P2= 2.85" 2.1 258 0.0100 2.03 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Paved Kv= 20.3 fps 5.6 508 Total Summary for Reach ExR1: Total Site Runoff - Existing Inflow Area =8.639 ac, 26.41% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 4.74" for 100-Year event Inflow =53.94 cfs @ 12.14 hrs, Volume=3.411 af Outflow =53.94 cfs @ 12.14 hrs, Volume=3.411 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Proposed Conditions P 1 North Area-proposed P 2 Bldg and Parking P 3 East Central Area 2R Total Discharge from site 3R Discharge to Ex Bit Swale 1 Pond Infiltration Swale-North 2 Pond Infiltration Pond Routing Diagram for 21-07-15 HydroCAD Model-0031776.00 Prepared by Westwood Professional Services, Printed 8/2/2021 HydroCAD® 10.00-22 s/n 03363 © 2018 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcat Reach Pond Link 21-07-15 HydroCAD Model-0031776.00 Printed 8/2/2021Prepared by Westwood Professional Services Page 2HydroCAD® 10.00-22 s/n 03363 © 2018 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Area Listing (selected nodes) Area (acres) CN Description (subcatchment-numbers) 2.910 39 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A (P 1, P 2, P 3) 5.731 98 Paved parking, HSG A (P 1, P 2, P 3) 8.641 78 TOTAL AREA MSE 24-hr 3 1-Year Rainfall=2.47"21-07-15 HydroCAD Model-0031776.00 Printed 8/2/2021Prepared by Westwood Professional Services Page 3HydroCAD® 10.00-22 s/n 03363 © 2018 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Time span=0.10-72.00 hrs, dt=0.05 hrs, 1439 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Runoff Area=69,772 sf 46.44% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.31"Subcatchment P 1: North Area-proposed Tc=10.0 min CN=66 Runoff=0.53 cfs 0.042 af Runoff Area=205,525 sf 64.47% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.72"Subcatchment P 2: Bldg and Parking Tc=15.0 min CN=77 Runoff=4.15 cfs 0.284 af Runoff Area=101,111 sf 83.83% Impervious Runoff Depth=1.36"Subcatchment P 3: East Central Area Tc=9.0 min CN=88 Runoff=5.02 cfs 0.262 af Inflow=5.02 cfs 0.262 afReach 2R: Total Discharge from site Outflow=5.02 cfs 0.262 af Inflow=5.02 cfs 0.262 afReach 3R: Discharge to Ex Bit Swale Outflow=5.02 cfs 0.262 af Peak Elev=754.33' Storage=783 cf Inflow=0.53 cfs 0.042 afPond 1 Pond: Infiltration Swale-North Discarded=0.05 cfs 0.042 af Primary=0.00 cfs 0.000 af Outflow=0.05 cfs 0.042 af Peak Elev=754.45' Storage=6,677 cf Inflow=4.15 cfs 0.284 afPond 2 Pond: Infiltration Pond Discarded=0.29 cfs 0.284 af Primary=0.00 cfs 0.000 af Outflow=0.29 cfs 0.284 af Total Runoff Area = 8.641 ac Runoff Volume = 0.588 af Average Runoff Depth = 0.82" 33.67% Pervious = 2.910 ac 66.33% Impervious = 5.731 ac MSE 24-hr 3 1-Year Rainfall=2.47"21-07-15 HydroCAD Model-0031776.00 Printed 8/2/2021Prepared by Westwood Professional Services Page 4HydroCAD® 10.00-22 s/n 03363 © 2018 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Summary for Subcatchment P 1: North Area-proposed Runoff =0.53 cfs @ 12.22 hrs, Volume=0.042 af, Depth= 0.31" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs MSE 24-hr 3 1-Year Rainfall=2.47" Area (sf) CN Description 32,403 98 Paved parking, HSG A 37,369 39 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 69,772 66 Weighted Average 37,369 53.56% Pervious Area 32,403 46.44% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet)(ft/ft) (ft/sec)(cfs) 10.0 Direct Entry, Summary for Subcatchment P 2: Bldg and Parking Runoff =4.15 cfs @ 12.25 hrs, Volume=0.284 af, Depth= 0.72" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs MSE 24-hr 3 1-Year Rainfall=2.47" Area (sf) CN Description 132,493 98 Paved parking, HSG A 73,032 39 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 205,525 77 Weighted Average 73,032 35.53% Pervious Area 132,493 64.47% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet)(ft/ft) (ft/sec)(cfs) 15.0 Direct Entry, direct Summary for Subcatchment P 3: East Central Area Runoff =5.02 cfs @ 12.16 hrs, Volume=0.262 af, Depth= 1.36" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs MSE 24-hr 3 1-Year Rainfall=2.47" Area (sf) CN Description 84,760 98 Paved parking, HSG A 16,351 39 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 101,111 88 Weighted Average 16,351 16.17% Pervious Area 84,760 83.83% Impervious Area MSE 24-hr 3 1-Year Rainfall=2.47"21-07-15 HydroCAD Model-0031776.00 Printed 8/2/2021Prepared by Westwood Professional Services Page 5HydroCAD® 10.00-22 s/n 03363 © 2018 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet)(ft/ft) (ft/sec)(cfs) 9.0 Direct Entry, 8 Summary for Reach 2R: Total Discharge from site Inflow Area =8.641 ac, 66.33% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.36" for 1-Year event Inflow =5.02 cfs @ 12.16 hrs, Volume=0.262 af Outflow =5.02 cfs @ 12.16 hrs, Volume=0.262 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Summary for Reach 3R: Discharge to Ex Bit Swale Inflow Area =2.321 ac, 83.83% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 1.36" for 1-Year event Inflow =5.02 cfs @ 12.16 hrs, Volume=0.262 af Outflow =5.02 cfs @ 12.16 hrs, Volume=0.262 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Summary for Pond 1 Pond: Infiltration Swale-North Inflow Area =1.602 ac, 46.44% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.31" for 1-Year event Inflow =0.53 cfs @ 12.22 hrs, Volume=0.042 af Outflow =0.05 cfs @ 13.82 hrs, Volume=0.042 af, Atten= 91%, Lag= 96.2 min Discarded =0.05 cfs @ 13.82 hrs, Volume=0.042 af Primary =0.00 cfs @ 0.10 hrs, Volume=0.000 af Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Peak Elev= 754.33' @ 13.82 hrs Surf.Area= 2,638 sf Storage= 783 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 178.7 min calculated for 0.042 af (100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 178.5 min ( 1,055.4 - 877.0 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 754.00'15,479 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic) Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet)(sq-ft)(cubic-feet)(cubic-feet) 754.00 2,052 0 0 755.00 3,809 2,931 2,931 756.00 5,668 4,739 7,669 756.50 6,640 3,077 10,746 757.00 12,293 4,733 15,479 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Discarded 754.00'0.800 in/hr Exfiltration over Surface area #2 Primary 756.50'5.0' long x 12.0' breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coef. (English) 2.57 2.62 2.70 2.67 2.66 2.67 2.66 2.64 MSE 24-hr 3 1-Year Rainfall=2.47"21-07-15 HydroCAD Model-0031776.00 Printed 8/2/2021Prepared by Westwood Professional Services Page 6HydroCAD® 10.00-22 s/n 03363 © 2018 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Discarded OutFlow Max=0.05 cfs @ 13.82 hrs HW=754.33' (Free Discharge) 1=Exfiltration (Exfiltration Controls 0.05 cfs) Primary OutFlow Max=0.00 cfs @ 0.10 hrs HW=754.00' (Free Discharge) 2=Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir ( Controls 0.00 cfs) Summary for Pond 2 Pond: Infiltration Pond Inflow Area =4.718 ac, 64.47% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.72" for 1-Year event Inflow =4.15 cfs @ 12.25 hrs, Volume=0.284 af Outflow =0.29 cfs @ 13.79 hrs, Volume=0.284 af, Atten= 93%, Lag= 92.1 min Discarded =0.29 cfs @ 13.79 hrs, Volume=0.284 af Primary =0.00 cfs @ 0.10 hrs, Volume=0.000 af Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Peak Elev= 754.45' @ 13.79 hrs Surf.Area= 15,618 sf Storage= 6,677 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 243.7 min calculated for 0.284 af (100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 243.6 min ( 1,085.1 - 841.5 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 754.00'82,290 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic) Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet)(sq-ft)(cubic-feet)(cubic-feet) 754.00 14,152 0 0 755.00 17,420 15,786 15,786 756.00 20,851 19,136 34,922 757.00 23,541 22,196 57,118 758.00 26,804 25,173 82,290 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 754.00'12.0" Round Culvert L= 36.0' RCP, groove end w/headwall, Ke= 0.200 Inlet / Outlet Invert= 754.00' / 753.64' S= 0.0100 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.011 Concrete pipe, straight & clean, Flow Area= 0.79 sf #2 Discarded 754.00'0.800 in/hr Exfiltration over Surface area #3 Device 1 756.50'48.0" Horiz. Orifice/Grate C= 0.600 Limited to weir flow at low heads Discarded OutFlow Max=0.29 cfs @ 13.79 hrs HW=754.45' (Free Discharge) 2=Exfiltration (Exfiltration Controls 0.29 cfs) Primary OutFlow Max=0.00 cfs @ 0.10 hrs HW=754.00' (Free Discharge) 1=Culvert ( Controls 0.00 cfs) 3=Orifice/Grate ( Controls 0.00 cfs) MSE 24-hr 3 2-Year Rainfall=2.84"21-07-15 HydroCAD Model-0031776.00 Printed 8/2/2021Prepared by Westwood Professional Services Page 7HydroCAD® 10.00-22 s/n 03363 © 2018 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Time span=0.10-72.00 hrs, dt=0.05 hrs, 1439 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Runoff Area=69,772 sf 46.44% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.47"Subcatchment P 1: North Area-proposed Tc=10.0 min CN=66 Runoff=0.92 cfs 0.063 af Runoff Area=205,525 sf 64.47% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.96"Subcatchment P 2: Bldg and Parking Tc=15.0 min CN=77 Runoff=5.67 cfs 0.378 af Runoff Area=101,111 sf 83.83% Impervious Runoff Depth=1.68"Subcatchment P 3: East Central Area Tc=9.0 min CN=88 Runoff=6.18 cfs 0.324 af Inflow=6.18 cfs 0.324 afReach 2R: Total Discharge from site Outflow=6.18 cfs 0.324 af Inflow=6.18 cfs 0.324 afReach 3R: Discharge to Ex Bit Swale Outflow=6.18 cfs 0.324 af Peak Elev=754.55' Storage=1,409 cf Inflow=0.92 cfs 0.063 afPond 1 Pond: Infiltration Swale-North Discarded=0.06 cfs 0.063 af Primary=0.00 cfs 0.000 af Outflow=0.06 cfs 0.063 af Peak Elev=754.64' Storage=9,685 cf Inflow=5.67 cfs 0.378 afPond 2 Pond: Infiltration Pond Discarded=0.30 cfs 0.378 af Primary=0.00 cfs 0.000 af Outflow=0.30 cfs 0.378 af Total Runoff Area = 8.641 ac Runoff Volume = 0.765 af Average Runoff Depth = 1.06" 33.67% Pervious = 2.910 ac 66.33% Impervious = 5.731 ac MSE 24-hr 3 2-Year Rainfall=2.84"21-07-15 HydroCAD Model-0031776.00 Printed 8/2/2021Prepared by Westwood Professional Services Page 8HydroCAD® 10.00-22 s/n 03363 © 2018 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Summary for Subcatchment P 1: North Area-proposed Runoff =0.92 cfs @ 12.21 hrs, Volume=0.063 af, Depth= 0.47" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs MSE 24-hr 3 2-Year Rainfall=2.84" Area (sf) CN Description 32,403 98 Paved parking, HSG A 37,369 39 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 69,772 66 Weighted Average 37,369 53.56% Pervious Area 32,403 46.44% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet)(ft/ft) (ft/sec)(cfs) 10.0 Direct Entry, Summary for Subcatchment P 2: Bldg and Parking Runoff =5.67 cfs @ 12.25 hrs, Volume=0.378 af, Depth= 0.96" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs MSE 24-hr 3 2-Year Rainfall=2.84" Area (sf) CN Description 132,493 98 Paved parking, HSG A 73,032 39 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 205,525 77 Weighted Average 73,032 35.53% Pervious Area 132,493 64.47% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet)(ft/ft) (ft/sec)(cfs) 15.0 Direct Entry, direct Summary for Subcatchment P 3: East Central Area Runoff =6.18 cfs @ 12.16 hrs, Volume=0.324 af, Depth= 1.68" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs MSE 24-hr 3 2-Year Rainfall=2.84" Area (sf) CN Description 84,760 98 Paved parking, HSG A 16,351 39 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 101,111 88 Weighted Average 16,351 16.17% Pervious Area 84,760 83.83% Impervious Area MSE 24-hr 3 2-Year Rainfall=2.84"21-07-15 HydroCAD Model-0031776.00 Printed 8/2/2021Prepared by Westwood Professional Services Page 9HydroCAD® 10.00-22 s/n 03363 © 2018 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet)(ft/ft) (ft/sec)(cfs) 9.0 Direct Entry, 8 Summary for Reach 2R: Total Discharge from site Inflow Area =8.641 ac, 66.33% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.45" for 2-Year event Inflow =6.18 cfs @ 12.16 hrs, Volume=0.324 af Outflow =6.18 cfs @ 12.16 hrs, Volume=0.324 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Summary for Reach 3R: Discharge to Ex Bit Swale Inflow Area =2.321 ac, 83.83% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 1.68" for 2-Year event Inflow =6.18 cfs @ 12.16 hrs, Volume=0.324 af Outflow =6.18 cfs @ 12.16 hrs, Volume=0.324 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Summary for Pond 1 Pond: Infiltration Swale-North Inflow Area =1.602 ac, 46.44% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.47" for 2-Year event Inflow =0.92 cfs @ 12.21 hrs, Volume=0.063 af Outflow =0.06 cfs @ 15.08 hrs, Volume=0.063 af, Atten= 94%, Lag= 172.6 min Discarded =0.06 cfs @ 15.08 hrs, Volume=0.063 af Primary =0.00 cfs @ 0.10 hrs, Volume=0.000 af Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Peak Elev= 754.55' @ 15.08 hrs Surf.Area= 3,027 sf Storage= 1,409 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 294.7 min calculated for 0.063 af (100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 294.7 min ( 1,158.2 - 863.5 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 754.00'15,479 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic) Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet)(sq-ft)(cubic-feet)(cubic-feet) 754.00 2,052 0 0 755.00 3,809 2,931 2,931 756.00 5,668 4,739 7,669 756.50 6,640 3,077 10,746 757.00 12,293 4,733 15,479 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Discarded 754.00'0.800 in/hr Exfiltration over Surface area #2 Primary 756.50'5.0' long x 12.0' breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coef. (English) 2.57 2.62 2.70 2.67 2.66 2.67 2.66 2.64 MSE 24-hr 3 2-Year Rainfall=2.84"21-07-15 HydroCAD Model-0031776.00 Printed 8/2/2021Prepared by Westwood Professional Services Page 10HydroCAD® 10.00-22 s/n 03363 © 2018 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Discarded OutFlow Max=0.06 cfs @ 15.08 hrs HW=754.55' (Free Discharge) 1=Exfiltration (Exfiltration Controls 0.06 cfs) Primary OutFlow Max=0.00 cfs @ 0.10 hrs HW=754.00' (Free Discharge) 2=Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir ( Controls 0.00 cfs) Summary for Pond 2 Pond: Infiltration Pond Inflow Area =4.718 ac, 64.47% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.96" for 2-Year event Inflow =5.67 cfs @ 12.25 hrs, Volume=0.378 af Outflow =0.30 cfs @ 14.43 hrs, Volume=0.378 af, Atten= 95%, Lag= 131.1 min Discarded =0.30 cfs @ 14.43 hrs, Volume=0.378 af Primary =0.00 cfs @ 0.10 hrs, Volume=0.000 af Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Peak Elev= 754.64' @ 14.43 hrs Surf.Area= 16,235 sf Storage= 9,685 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 349.5 min calculated for 0.378 af (100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 349.5 min ( 1,184.2 - 834.7 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 754.00'82,290 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic) Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet)(sq-ft)(cubic-feet)(cubic-feet) 754.00 14,152 0 0 755.00 17,420 15,786 15,786 756.00 20,851 19,136 34,922 757.00 23,541 22,196 57,118 758.00 26,804 25,173 82,290 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 754.00'12.0" Round Culvert L= 36.0' RCP, groove end w/headwall, Ke= 0.200 Inlet / Outlet Invert= 754.00' / 753.64' S= 0.0100 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.011 Concrete pipe, straight & clean, Flow Area= 0.79 sf #2 Discarded 754.00'0.800 in/hr Exfiltration over Surface area #3 Device 1 756.50'48.0" Horiz. Orifice/Grate C= 0.600 Limited to weir flow at low heads Discarded OutFlow Max=0.30 cfs @ 14.43 hrs HW=754.64' (Free Discharge) 2=Exfiltration (Exfiltration Controls 0.30 cfs) Primary OutFlow Max=0.00 cfs @ 0.10 hrs HW=754.00' (Free Discharge) 1=Culvert ( Controls 0.00 cfs) 3=Orifice/Grate ( Controls 0.00 cfs) MSE 24-hr 3 10-Year Rainfall=4.20"21-07-15 HydroCAD Model-0031776.00 Printed 8/2/2021Prepared by Westwood Professional Services Page 11HydroCAD® 10.00-22 s/n 03363 © 2018 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Time span=0.10-72.00 hrs, dt=0.05 hrs, 1439 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Runoff Area=69,772 sf 46.44% Impervious Runoff Depth=1.21"Subcatchment P 1: North Area-proposed Tc=10.0 min CN=66 Runoff=2.81 cfs 0.161 af Runoff Area=205,525 sf 64.47% Impervious Runoff Depth=1.97"Subcatchment P 2: Bldg and Parking Tc=15.0 min CN=77 Runoff=11.97 cfs 0.774 af Runoff Area=101,111 sf 83.83% Impervious Runoff Depth=2.92"Subcatchment P 3: East Central Area Tc=9.0 min CN=88 Runoff=10.54 cfs 0.564 af Inflow=10.54 cfs 0.564 afReach 2R: Total Discharge from site Outflow=10.54 cfs 0.564 af Inflow=10.54 cfs 0.564 afReach 3R: Discharge to Ex Bit Swale Outflow=10.54 cfs 0.564 af Peak Elev=755.40' Storage=4,608 cf Inflow=2.81 cfs 0.161 afPond 1 Pond: Infiltration Swale-North Discarded=0.08 cfs 0.161 af Primary=0.00 cfs 0.000 af Outflow=0.08 cfs 0.161 af Peak Elev=755.42' Storage=23,372 cf Inflow=11.97 cfs 0.774 afPond 2 Pond: Infiltration Pond Discarded=0.35 cfs 0.774 af Primary=0.00 cfs 0.000 af Outflow=0.35 cfs 0.774 af Total Runoff Area = 8.641 ac Runoff Volume = 1.499 af Average Runoff Depth = 2.08" 33.67% Pervious = 2.910 ac 66.33% Impervious = 5.731 ac MSE 24-hr 3 10-Year Rainfall=4.20"21-07-15 HydroCAD Model-0031776.00 Printed 8/2/2021Prepared by Westwood Professional Services Page 12HydroCAD® 10.00-22 s/n 03363 © 2018 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Summary for Subcatchment P 1: North Area-proposed Runoff =2.81 cfs @ 12.19 hrs, Volume=0.161 af, Depth= 1.21" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs MSE 24-hr 3 10-Year Rainfall=4.20" Area (sf) CN Description 32,403 98 Paved parking, HSG A 37,369 39 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 69,772 66 Weighted Average 37,369 53.56% Pervious Area 32,403 46.44% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet)(ft/ft) (ft/sec)(cfs) 10.0 Direct Entry, Summary for Subcatchment P 2: Bldg and Parking Runoff =11.97 cfs @ 12.24 hrs, Volume=0.774 af, Depth= 1.97" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs MSE 24-hr 3 10-Year Rainfall=4.20" Area (sf) CN Description 132,493 98 Paved parking, HSG A 73,032 39 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 205,525 77 Weighted Average 73,032 35.53% Pervious Area 132,493 64.47% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet)(ft/ft) (ft/sec)(cfs) 15.0 Direct Entry, direct Summary for Subcatchment P 3: East Central Area Runoff =10.54 cfs @ 12.16 hrs, Volume=0.564 af, Depth= 2.92" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs MSE 24-hr 3 10-Year Rainfall=4.20" Area (sf) CN Description 84,760 98 Paved parking, HSG A 16,351 39 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 101,111 88 Weighted Average 16,351 16.17% Pervious Area 84,760 83.83% Impervious Area MSE 24-hr 3 10-Year Rainfall=4.20"21-07-15 HydroCAD Model-0031776.00 Printed 8/2/2021Prepared by Westwood Professional Services Page 13HydroCAD® 10.00-22 s/n 03363 © 2018 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet)(ft/ft) (ft/sec)(cfs) 9.0 Direct Entry, 8 Summary for Reach 2R: Total Discharge from site Inflow Area =8.641 ac, 66.33% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.78" for 10-Year event Inflow =10.54 cfs @ 12.16 hrs, Volume=0.564 af Outflow =10.54 cfs @ 12.16 hrs, Volume=0.564 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Summary for Reach 3R: Discharge to Ex Bit Swale Inflow Area =2.321 ac, 83.83% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 2.92" for 10-Year event Inflow =10.54 cfs @ 12.16 hrs, Volume=0.564 af Outflow =10.54 cfs @ 12.16 hrs, Volume=0.564 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Summary for Pond 1 Pond: Infiltration Swale-North Inflow Area =1.602 ac, 46.44% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 1.21" for 10-Year event Inflow =2.81 cfs @ 12.19 hrs, Volume=0.161 af Outflow =0.08 cfs @ 15.24 hrs, Volume=0.161 af, Atten= 97%, Lag= 183.2 min Discarded =0.08 cfs @ 15.24 hrs, Volume=0.161 af Primary =0.00 cfs @ 0.10 hrs, Volume=0.000 af Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Peak Elev= 755.40' @ 15.24 hrs Surf.Area= 4,555 sf Storage= 4,608 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 652.8 min calculated for 0.161 af (100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 653.1 min ( 1,490.7 - 837.6 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 754.00'15,479 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic) Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet)(sq-ft)(cubic-feet)(cubic-feet) 754.00 2,052 0 0 755.00 3,809 2,931 2,931 756.00 5,668 4,739 7,669 756.50 6,640 3,077 10,746 757.00 12,293 4,733 15,479 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Discarded 754.00'0.800 in/hr Exfiltration over Surface area #2 Primary 756.50'5.0' long x 12.0' breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coef. (English) 2.57 2.62 2.70 2.67 2.66 2.67 2.66 2.64 MSE 24-hr 3 10-Year Rainfall=4.20"21-07-15 HydroCAD Model-0031776.00 Printed 8/2/2021Prepared by Westwood Professional Services Page 14HydroCAD® 10.00-22 s/n 03363 © 2018 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Discarded OutFlow Max=0.08 cfs @ 15.24 hrs HW=755.40' (Free Discharge) 1=Exfiltration (Exfiltration Controls 0.08 cfs) Primary OutFlow Max=0.00 cfs @ 0.10 hrs HW=754.00' (Free Discharge) 2=Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir ( Controls 0.00 cfs) Summary for Pond 2 Pond: Infiltration Pond Inflow Area =4.718 ac, 64.47% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 1.97" for 10-Year event Inflow =11.97 cfs @ 12.24 hrs, Volume=0.774 af Outflow =0.35 cfs @ 15.30 hrs, Volume=0.774 af, Atten= 97%, Lag= 183.7 min Discarded =0.35 cfs @ 15.30 hrs, Volume=0.774 af Primary =0.00 cfs @ 0.10 hrs, Volume=0.000 af Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Peak Elev= 755.42' @ 15.30 hrs Surf.Area= 18,855 sf Storage= 23,372 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 719.2 min calculated for 0.774 af (100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 719.5 min ( 1,538.8 - 819.3 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 754.00'82,290 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic) Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet)(sq-ft)(cubic-feet)(cubic-feet) 754.00 14,152 0 0 755.00 17,420 15,786 15,786 756.00 20,851 19,136 34,922 757.00 23,541 22,196 57,118 758.00 26,804 25,173 82,290 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 754.00'12.0" Round Culvert L= 36.0' RCP, groove end w/headwall, Ke= 0.200 Inlet / Outlet Invert= 754.00' / 753.64' S= 0.0100 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.011 Concrete pipe, straight & clean, Flow Area= 0.79 sf #2 Discarded 754.00'0.800 in/hr Exfiltration over Surface area #3 Device 1 756.50'48.0" Horiz. Orifice/Grate C= 0.600 Limited to weir flow at low heads Discarded OutFlow Max=0.35 cfs @ 15.30 hrs HW=755.42' (Free Discharge) 2=Exfiltration (Exfiltration Controls 0.35 cfs) Primary OutFlow Max=0.00 cfs @ 0.10 hrs HW=754.00' (Free Discharge) 1=Culvert ( Controls 0.00 cfs) 3=Orifice/Grate ( Controls 0.00 cfs) MSE 24-hr 3 100-Year Rainfall=7.34"21-07-15 HydroCAD Model-0031776.00 Printed 8/2/2021Prepared by Westwood Professional Services Page 15HydroCAD® 10.00-22 s/n 03363 © 2018 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Time span=0.10-72.00 hrs, dt=0.05 hrs, 1439 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Runoff Area=69,772 sf 46.44% Impervious Runoff Depth=3.47"Subcatchment P 1: North Area-proposed Tc=10.0 min CN=66 Runoff=8.45 cfs 0.464 af Runoff Area=205,525 sf 64.47% Impervious Runoff Depth=4.67"Subcatchment P 2: Bldg and Parking Tc=15.0 min CN=77 Runoff=28.23 cfs 1.837 af Runoff Area=101,111 sf 83.83% Impervious Runoff Depth=5.92"Subcatchment P 3: East Central Area Tc=9.0 min CN=88 Runoff=20.59 cfs 1.146 af Inflow=20.59 cfs 1.646 afReach 2R: Total Discharge from site Outflow=20.59 cfs 1.646 af Inflow=20.59 cfs 1.146 afReach 3R: Discharge to Ex Bit Swale Outflow=20.59 cfs 1.146 af Peak Elev=756.65' Storage=11,838 cf Inflow=8.45 cfs 0.464 afPond 1 Pond: Infiltration Swale-North Discarded=0.15 cfs 0.358 af Primary=0.72 cfs 0.105 af Outflow=0.87 cfs 0.464 af Peak Elev=756.67' Storage=49,465 cf Inflow=28.23 cfs 1.837 afPond 2 Pond: Infiltration Pond Discarded=0.42 cfs 1.442 af Primary=2.86 cfs 0.395 af Outflow=3.28 cfs 1.837 af Total Runoff Area = 8.641 ac Runoff Volume = 3.447 af Average Runoff Depth = 4.79" 33.67% Pervious = 2.910 ac 66.33% Impervious = 5.731 ac MSE 24-hr 3 100-Year Rainfall=7.34"21-07-15 HydroCAD Model-0031776.00 Printed 8/2/2021Prepared by Westwood Professional Services Page 16HydroCAD® 10.00-22 s/n 03363 © 2018 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Summary for Subcatchment P 1: North Area-proposed Runoff =8.45 cfs @ 12.18 hrs, Volume=0.464 af, Depth= 3.47" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs MSE 24-hr 3 100-Year Rainfall=7.34" Area (sf) CN Description 32,403 98 Paved parking, HSG A 37,369 39 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 69,772 66 Weighted Average 37,369 53.56% Pervious Area 32,403 46.44% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet)(ft/ft) (ft/sec)(cfs) 10.0 Direct Entry, Summary for Subcatchment P 2: Bldg and Parking Runoff =28.23 cfs @ 12.23 hrs, Volume=1.837 af, Depth= 4.67" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs MSE 24-hr 3 100-Year Rainfall=7.34" Area (sf) CN Description 132,493 98 Paved parking, HSG A 73,032 39 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 205,525 77 Weighted Average 73,032 35.53% Pervious Area 132,493 64.47% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet)(ft/ft) (ft/sec)(cfs) 15.0 Direct Entry, direct Summary for Subcatchment P 3: East Central Area Runoff =20.59 cfs @ 12.16 hrs, Volume=1.146 af, Depth= 5.92" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs MSE 24-hr 3 100-Year Rainfall=7.34" Area (sf) CN Description 84,760 98 Paved parking, HSG A 16,351 39 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 101,111 88 Weighted Average 16,351 16.17% Pervious Area 84,760 83.83% Impervious Area MSE 24-hr 3 100-Year Rainfall=7.34"21-07-15 HydroCAD Model-0031776.00 Printed 8/2/2021Prepared by Westwood Professional Services Page 17HydroCAD® 10.00-22 s/n 03363 © 2018 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet)(ft/ft) (ft/sec)(cfs) 9.0 Direct Entry, 8 Summary for Reach 2R: Total Discharge from site Inflow Area =8.641 ac, 66.33% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 2.29" for 100-Year event Inflow =20.59 cfs @ 12.16 hrs, Volume=1.646 af Outflow =20.59 cfs @ 12.16 hrs, Volume=1.646 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Summary for Reach 3R: Discharge to Ex Bit Swale Inflow Area =2.321 ac, 83.83% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 5.92" for 100-Year event Inflow =20.59 cfs @ 12.16 hrs, Volume=1.146 af Outflow =20.59 cfs @ 12.16 hrs, Volume=1.146 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Summary for Pond 1 Pond: Infiltration Swale-North Inflow Area =1.602 ac, 46.44% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 3.47" for 100-Year event Inflow =8.45 cfs @ 12.18 hrs, Volume=0.464 af Outflow =0.87 cfs @ 13.04 hrs, Volume=0.464 af, Atten= 90%, Lag= 51.4 min Discarded =0.15 cfs @ 13.04 hrs, Volume=0.358 af Primary =0.72 cfs @ 13.04 hrs, Volume=0.105 af Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Peak Elev= 756.65' @ 13.04 hrs Surf.Area= 8,293 sf Storage= 11,838 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 815.0 min calculated for 0.463 af (100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 816.0 min ( 1,630.2 - 814.2 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 754.00'15,479 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic) Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet)(sq-ft)(cubic-feet)(cubic-feet) 754.00 2,052 0 0 755.00 3,809 2,931 2,931 756.00 5,668 4,739 7,669 756.50 6,640 3,077 10,746 757.00 12,293 4,733 15,479 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Discarded 754.00'0.800 in/hr Exfiltration over Surface area #2 Primary 756.50'5.0' long x 12.0' breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coef. (English) 2.57 2.62 2.70 2.67 2.66 2.67 2.66 2.64 MSE 24-hr 3 100-Year Rainfall=7.34"21-07-15 HydroCAD Model-0031776.00 Printed 8/2/2021Prepared by Westwood Professional Services Page 18HydroCAD® 10.00-22 s/n 03363 © 2018 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Discarded OutFlow Max=0.15 cfs @ 13.04 hrs HW=756.65' (Free Discharge) 1=Exfiltration (Exfiltration Controls 0.15 cfs) Primary OutFlow Max=0.72 cfs @ 13.04 hrs HW=756.65' (Free Discharge) 2=Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir (Weir Controls 0.72 cfs @ 0.98 fps) Summary for Pond 2 Pond: Infiltration Pond Inflow Area =4.718 ac, 64.47% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 4.67" for 100-Year event Inflow =28.23 cfs @ 12.23 hrs, Volume=1.837 af Outflow =3.28 cfs @ 13.03 hrs, Volume=1.837 af, Atten= 88%, Lag= 48.0 min Discarded =0.42 cfs @ 13.03 hrs, Volume=1.442 af Primary =2.86 cfs @ 13.03 hrs, Volume=0.395 af Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.10-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Peak Elev= 756.67' @ 13.03 hrs Surf.Area= 22,650 sf Storage= 49,465 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 943.8 min calculated for 1.837 af (100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 943.6 min ( 1,745.4 - 801.8 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 754.00'82,290 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic) Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet)(sq-ft)(cubic-feet)(cubic-feet) 754.00 14,152 0 0 755.00 17,420 15,786 15,786 756.00 20,851 19,136 34,922 757.00 23,541 22,196 57,118 758.00 26,804 25,173 82,290 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 754.00'12.0" Round Culvert L= 36.0' RCP, groove end w/headwall, Ke= 0.200 Inlet / Outlet Invert= 754.00' / 753.64' S= 0.0100 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.011 Concrete pipe, straight & clean, Flow Area= 0.79 sf #2 Discarded 754.00'0.800 in/hr Exfiltration over Surface area #3 Device 1 756.50'48.0" Horiz. Orifice/Grate C= 0.600 Limited to weir flow at low heads Discarded OutFlow Max=0.42 cfs @ 13.03 hrs HW=756.67' (Free Discharge) 2=Exfiltration (Exfiltration Controls 0.42 cfs) Primary OutFlow Max=2.84 cfs @ 13.03 hrs HW=756.67' (Free Discharge) 1=Culvert (Passes 2.84 cfs of 6.33 cfs potential flow) 3=Orifice/Grate (Weir Controls 2.84 cfs @ 1.34 fps) MSE 24-hr 3 100-Year Rainfall=7.34"21-07-15 HydroCAD Model-0031776.00 Printed 8/2/2021Prepared by Westwood Professional Services HydroCAD® 10.00-22 s/n 03363 © 2018 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Stage-Area-Storage for Pond 1 Pond: Infiltration Swale-North Elevation (feet) Surface (sq-ft) Storage (cubic-feet) 754.00 2,052 0 754.05 2,140 105 754.10 2,228 214 754.15 2,316 328 754.20 2,403 446 754.25 2,491 568 754.30 2,579 695 754.35 2,667 826 754.40 2,755 961 754.45 2,843 1,101 754.50 2,931 1,246 754.55 3,018 1,394 754.60 3,106 1,547 754.65 3,194 1,705 754.70 3,282 1,867 754.75 3,370 2,033 754.80 3,458 2,204 754.85 3,545 2,379 754.90 3,633 2,558 754.95 3,721 2,742 755.00 3,809 2,931 755.05 3,902 3,123 755.10 3,995 3,321 755.15 4,088 3,523 755.20 4,181 3,729 755.25 4,274 3,941 755.30 4,367 4,157 755.35 4,460 4,378 755.40 4,553 4,603 755.45 4,646 4,833 755.50 4,739 5,067 755.55 4,831 5,307 755.60 4,924 5,551 755.65 5,017 5,799 755.70 5,110 6,052 755.75 5,203 6,310 755.80 5,296 6,573 755.85 5,389 6,840 755.90 5,482 7,111 755.95 5,575 7,388 756.00 5,668 7,669 756.05 5,765 7,955 756.10 5,862 8,246 756.15 5,960 8,541 756.20 6,057 8,841 756.25 6,154 9,147 756.30 6,251 9,457 756.35 6,348 9,772 756.40 6,446 10,092 756.45 6,543 10,416 756.50 6,640 10,746 756.55 7,205 11,092 756.60 7,771 11,467 756.65 8,336 11,869 Elevation (feet) Surface (sq-ft) Storage (cubic-feet) 756.70 8,901 12,300 756.75 9,467 12,759 756.80 10,032 13,247 756.85 10,597 13,762 756.90 11,162 14,306 756.95 11,728 14,879 757.00 12,293 15,479 Outlet Elev. MSE 24-hr 3 100-Year Rainfall=7.34"21-07-15 HydroCAD Model-0031776.00 Printed 8/2/2021Prepared by Westwood Professional Services HydroCAD® 10.00-22 s/n 03363 © 2018 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Stage-Area-Storage for Pond 2 Pond: Infiltration Pond Elevation (feet) Surface (sq-ft) Storage (cubic-feet) 754.00 14,152 0 754.05 14,315 712 754.10 14,479 1,432 754.15 14,642 2,160 754.20 14,806 2,896 754.25 14,969 3,640 754.30 15,132 4,393 754.35 15,296 5,153 754.40 15,459 5,922 754.45 15,623 6,699 754.50 15,786 7,485 754.55 15,949 8,278 754.60 16,113 9,079 754.65 16,276 9,889 754.70 16,440 10,707 754.75 16,603 11,533 754.80 16,766 12,367 754.85 16,930 13,210 754.90 17,093 14,060 754.95 17,257 14,919 755.00 17,420 15,786 755.05 17,592 16,661 755.10 17,763 17,545 755.15 17,935 18,438 755.20 18,106 19,339 755.25 18,278 20,248 755.30 18,449 21,166 755.35 18,621 22,093 755.40 18,792 23,028 755.45 18,964 23,972 755.50 19,136 24,925 755.55 19,307 25,886 755.60 19,479 26,856 755.65 19,650 27,834 755.70 19,822 28,821 755.75 19,993 29,816 755.80 20,165 30,820 755.85 20,336 31,832 755.90 20,508 32,854 755.95 20,679 33,883 756.00 20,851 34,922 756.05 20,985 35,967 756.10 21,120 37,020 756.15 21,254 38,079 756.20 21,389 39,146 756.25 21,524 40,218 756.30 21,658 41,298 756.35 21,793 42,384 756.40 21,927 43,477 756.45 22,062 44,577 756.50 22,196 45,683 756.55 22,330 46,796 756.60 22,465 47,916 756.65 22,599 49,043 Elevation (feet) Surface (sq-ft) Storage (cubic-feet) 756.70 22,734 50,176 756.75 22,869 51,316 756.80 23,003 52,463 756.85 23,138 53,617 756.90 23,272 54,777 756.95 23,407 55,944 757.00 23,541 57,118 757.05 23,704 58,299 757.10 23,867 59,488 757.15 24,030 60,685 757.20 24,194 61,891 757.25 24,357 63,105 757.30 24,520 64,327 757.35 24,683 65,557 757.40 24,846 66,795 757.45 25,009 68,041 757.50 25,173 69,296 757.55 25,336 70,559 757.60 25,499 71,829 757.65 25,662 73,108 757.70 25,825 74,396 757.75 25,988 75,691 757.80 26,151 76,994 757.85 26,315 78,306 757.90 26,478 79,626 757.95 26,641 80,954 758.00 26,804 82,290 Outlet Elev. ATTACHMENT E: GEOTECHNICAL REPORT Design Phase Geotechnical Report: Proposed Addition Gedney Pickle Plant Chaska, Minnesota Prepared for: Joel Buttenhoff Cornerstone Investors, LLC December 24, 2012 4822.12.MNT 1410 7th Street NW Rochester MN 55901 507-281-0968 135 Buchner Place La Crosse, WI 54603 608-782-5505 31 1st Ave. S Rice, MN 56367 320-393-3306 1130 N River Dr. Mankato, MN 56001 507-389-9180 225 N Jackson Ave. Mason City, IA 50401 641-201-1050 460 E 18th St. Dubuque, IA 52001 563-556-0014 Chosen Valley Testing Inc. Geotechnical Engineering and Testing, 1410 7th St. NW, Rochester, MN 55901, Phone (507) 281-0968, Fax (507) 289-2523 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rochester, MN La Crosse, WI St. Cloud, MN Hugo, MN Mankato, MN Mason City, IA Dubuque, IA Mr. Joel Buttenhoff December 24, 2012 Cornerstone Investors, LLC 102 Jonathan Blvd Chaska, MN 55318 Re: Design Phase Geotechnical Evaluation Proposed Addition Gedney Pickle Plant Chaska, Minnesota CVT Project Number: 4822.12.MNT Dear Mr. Buttenhoff: As authorized, we have completed the geotechnical evaluation for the proposed addition in Chaska, Minnesota. This letter briefly summarizes the findings in the attached report. Summary of Boring Results At the surface, the central and eastern borings encountered about 4 to 6 inches of bituminous pavement over 6 to 7 inches of aggregate base. The two northwest borings encountered 10 inches to 1 ½ feet of aggregate base, and no bituminous. Below the pavements, two of the borings encountered mixed dark sands to about 4 to 6½ feet that appeared to be fill materials. These borings then encountered sands and silty sands to about 6½ to 9 feet that were deemed ‘possible’ fill, because they differed from the natural soils, but lacked any obvious indicators of fill, such as debris. Beneath the upper materials, the borings were dominated by clean natural sands. All of the borings terminated in the sands at about 21 feet below the surface. Water was not encountered in any of the borings during drilling, and no overly wet or water bearing samples were recovered. Water levels at the site are expected to fluctuate seasonally with nearby creeks and rivers, as well as with local weather patterns. Gedney Plant Addition December 24, 2012 Project #: 4822.12.MNT Page - 2 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rochester, MN La Crosse, WI St. Cloud, MN Hugo, MN Mankato, MN Mason City, IA Dubuque, IA Summary of Analysis to primarily to settlement considerations, fill materials are typically removed and replaced from below all foundations and slabs. Based on the types of fill materials present, we are of the opinion that the fill materials be left in placed below all slab areas. Subject to the results of a closer geotechnical review of the fill materials during grading, we are of the opinion that they may also be left in place below the footings. Subsequent sections of the report include general corrections for soil corrections, if unsuitable materials are identified during construction. Presuming the fill soils are left in place, the paving materials should still be removed from below the site and the bearing soils should be surface compacted before placing fill or foundations. The new fill needed at the site should consist of clean, non-frost-susceptible sand. In addition to being easier to compact, such materials will limit the potential for frost action on perimeter foundation walls. With the estimated footing loads and the implementation of earthwork corrections, we are of the opinion that foundations for the building may be designed to exert a bearing pressure of up to 4,000 psf. Total settlement of footings supporting the maximum projected foundation loads is expected to be on the order of 1 inch or less. Differential settlement for footings that are similarly loaded is expected to be ½ inch or less. Remarks We appreciate the opportunity to serve you. Please refer to the attached report for more details of our findings and analyses. If you have any questions about our report, please feel free to contact us at our Rochester office at (507) 281-0968. Sincerely, Chosen Valley Testing, Inc. John Haas, EIT Geotechnical Engineer Colby T. Verdegan, PE Geotechnical and Materials Engineer _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rochester, MN La Crosse, WI St. Cloud, MN Mankato, MN Mason City, IA Dubuque, IA TABLE OF CONTENTS A. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................... 2 A.1. PURPOSE .............................................................................................................................................................. 2 A.2. SCOPE .................................................................................................................................................................. 2 A.3. BORING LOCATIONS ............................................................................................................................................. 2 A.4. GEOLOGIC BACKGROUND .................................................................................................................................... 3 B. SUBSURFACE DATA ............................................................................................................................................. 3 B.1. STRATA ................................................................................................................................................................ 3 B.2. PENETRATION TEST RESULTS ............................................................................................................................... 4 B.3. WATER DATA ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 C. DESIGN DATA ......................................................................................................................................................... 5 D. ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................................................................ 5 E. STRUCTURE RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................................... 6 E.1. GRADING RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................................................ 6 E.1. GRADING RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................................................. 6 E.1.a. Stripping ....................................................................................................................................................... 6 E.1.b. Soil Corrections and Geotechnical Evaluations .......................................................................................... 6 E.1.c. Oversizing ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 E.1.d. Filling and Compaction................................................................................................................................ 6 E.1.e. Surface Compaction ..................................................................................................................................... 6 E.2. BUILDING DESIGN................................................................................................................................................. 6 E.2.a. Foundation Depth ....................................................................................................................................... 6 E.2.b. Bearing Capacity and Settlement ................................................................................................................ 6 E.2.c. Slab Design .................................................................................................................................................. 6 E.2.d. Retaining Walls ............................................................................................................................................ 7 F. GENERAL GRADING RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................. 7 F.1. DEWATERING ........................................................................................................................................................ 7 F.2. EXCAVATION ........................................................................................................................................................ 7 F.3. SIDE SLOPES ......................................................................................................................................................... 7 F.4. COMPACTION ........................................................................................................................................................ 7 F.5. CONSTRUCTION TESTING AND DOCUMENTATION ................................................................................................. 8 G. LEVEL OF CARE .................................................................................................................................................... 8 H. CERTIFICATION ................................................................................................................................................... 8 APPENDIX ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9 SOIL BORING LOCATION SKETCH LOG OF BORINGS #1-4 LEGEND TO SOIL DESCRIPTION Gedney Plant Addition December 24, 2012 Project #: 4822.12.MNT Page - 2 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rochester, MN La Crosse, WI St. Cloud, MN Mankato, MN Mason City, IA Dubuque, IA Design Phase Geotechnical Report Proposed Addition Gedney Pickle Plant Chaska, Minnesota CVT Project Number: 4822.12.MNT Date: December 24, 2012 A. Introduction The intent of this report is to present our findings and describe the means used to collect the data. The data was collected for a specific purpose and may not be suitable for other purposes. We should be consulted before attempting to use the data for other uses. A complete and thorough review of the entire document, including its assumptions and its appendices, should be undertaken immediately upon receipt. A.1. Purpose This geotechnical report was prepared to assist planning for the proposed addition in Chaska, Minnesota. Our services were authorized by Mr. Joel Buttenhoff of Cornerstone Investors, LLC. A.2. Scope CVT previously performed borings at or around this project area, including one boring from 2007 which was drilling within the foot print of the planned addition. To provide additional data for analysis, a total of 4 new borings were authorized at the site. The borings were drilled to depths of about 20 feet. Our engineering scope consisted of providing geotechnical recommendations for the proposed addition. A.3. Boring Locations The desired boring locations were selected by Chosen Valley Testing based on site information provided by the client and the prior exploration data. The Boring Location Sketch in the Appendix shows the approximate boring locations as drilled, including the location of the prior boring (labeled “Old Boring B- 3”). Ground surface elevations at the borings were estimated using a laser level. The top nut of the fire hydrant at the southeast side of the complex next to the truck scale was used as a benchmark and was assigned an elevation of 100.0 feet. The ground surface at “Old Boring B-3” had been surveyed relative to a different benchmark at the several hundred feet to the southwest. For purposes of this report, and based on the proximity of this boring to the new benchmark, we crudely estimated the ground elevation at this boring to be about elevation 97 on the datum used to locate the recent borings. Gedney Plant Addition December 24, 2012 Project #: 4822.12.MNT Page - 3 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rochester, MN La Crosse, WI St. Cloud, MN Mankato, MN Mason City, IA Dubuque, IA A.4. Geologic Background A geotechnical report is based on subsurface data collected for the specific structure or problem. Available geologic data from the region can help interpretation of the data and is briefly summarized in this section. Geologic maps indicate that the uppermost soils in the area are natural sands and gravels. Bedrock is believed to be more than 150 feet below the surface. As mentioned before, our firm previously performed borings on this site and the results are included in CVT Report R2007.163 dated June 28, 2007. These borings were drilled primarily west and southwest of the existing building and proposed addition. The sketch in the Appendix includes some of the locations of the previous borings. We refer you to that prior report for additional discussion of those findings and associated recommendations. B. Subsurface Data The borings were performed using penetration test procedures (Method of Test D1586 of the American Society for Testing and Materials). This procedure allows for the extraction of intact soil specimen from deep in the ground. With this method, a hollow-stem auger is drilled to the desired sampling depth. A 2-inch OD sampling tube is then screwed onto the end of a sampling rod, inserted through the hole in the auger's tip, and then driven into the soil with a 140-pound hammer dropped repeatedly from a height of 30 inches above the sampling rod. The sampler is driven 18 inches into the soil, unless the material is too hard. The samples are generally taken at 2½ to 5-foot intervals. The core of soil obtained was classified and logged by our drilling personnel at the site and a representative portion was then sealed and delivered to our laboratory for review. B.1. Strata At the surface, the central and eastern borings (B-2, B-3 and B-4) encountered about 4 to 6 inches of bituminous pavement over 6 to 7 inches of aggregate base. Boring B-1 and prior Old Boring B-3 encountered 10 inches to 1 ½ feet of aggregate base, and no bituminous. Below the pavements, Borings B-1 and B-3 encountered mixed dark sands to about 4 to 6½ feet that appeared to be fill materials. These borings then encountered sands and silty sands to about 6½ to 9 feet that were deemed ‘possible’ fill, because they differed from the natural soils, but lacked any obvious indicators of fill, such as debris. Beneath the upper materials, the borings were dominated by clean natural sands. All of the borings terminated in the sands at about 21 feet below the surface. The boring data have been graphically summarized in the following cross-section. The borings are shown in a general west to east layout as drilled at the site. Please refer to the Log of Boring sheets in the Appendix for more detailed information. Gedney Plant Addition December 24, 2012 Project #: 4822.12.MNT Page - 4 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rochester, MN La Crosse, WI St. Cloud, MN Mankato, MN Mason City, IA Dubuque, IA 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 B-3('07) B-1 B-3 B-2 B-4Approximate ElevationBoring Number Paving Materials Sandy Fill Sand Poss. Fill Natural Sands BelowBelow Boring B.2. Penetration Test Results Penetration Test Results: The number of blows needed for the hammer to advance the penetration test sampler is an indicator of soil characteristics. The results tend to be more meaningful for natural mineral soils, than for fill soils. In fill soils, density tests are more meaningful. A penetration resistance value ("N" Value) of 8 to 16 blows per foot (BPF) was recorded in the fill sands, indicating they were somewhat variable. The possible fill sands returned values of 5 to 14 BPF, indicating they were loose to medium dense. The natural sands returned values of 6 to 23 BPF, indicating they were loose to medium dense. A key to the descriptors used to qualify the relative density of soil can be found on the Legend to Soil Description in the Appendix. B.3. Water Data During drilling, the drillers may note the presence of moisture on the sampler, in the cuttings, or in the borehole itself. These findings are reported on the Logs of Boring. Because water levels vary with weather, time of year, and other factors, the presence or lack of water during exploration is subject to interpretation and is not always conclusive. Water was not encountered in any of the borings during drilling, and no overly wet or water bearing samples were recovered. Water levels at the site are expected to fluctuate seasonally with nearby creeks and rivers, as well as with local weather patterns. Gedney Plant Addition December 24, 2012 Project #: 4822.12.MNT Page - 5 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rochester, MN La Crosse, WI St. Cloud, MN Mankato, MN Mason City, IA Dubuque, IA C. Design Data Because each structure has a different loading configuration and intensity, different grades, and different structural or performance tolerances, the results of a geotechnical exploration will mean different things for different facilities. If the design of the facility changes, the soil engineer should be contacted to discuss the possible implications of the changes. Without a chance to review such changes, the recommendations of the soils engineer may no longer be valid or appropriate. The project consists of construction of a new building addition to the Gedney Pickle Plant. The proposed addition will likely be a commercial, single story, slab-on-grade structure of steel-frame construction. For purposes of analysis, we have assumed that strip-footing loads for the buildings would be on the order of 5,000 pounds per foot of wall and column loads may be on the order of 150,000 pounds. Some or all of the building is to be constructed at truck dock height – necessitating importation of about 3 to 4 feet of fill. Portions will also consist of cool storage areas, with temperatures maintained around 40 degrees Fahrenheit. D. Analysis Again, the borings encountered natural sands overlain by fill and possible fill sands near the surface. Due to primarily to settlement considerations, fill materials are typically removed and replaced from below all foundations and slabs. Based on the types of fill materials present, we are of the opinion that the fill materials be left in placed below all slab areas. Subject to the results of a closer geotechnical review of the fill materials during grading, we are of the opinion that they may also be left in place below the footings. Subsequent sections of the report include general corrections for soil corrections, if unsuitable materials are identified during construction. Presuming the fill soils are left in place, the paving materials should still be removed from below the site and the bearing soils should be surface compacted before placing fill or foundations. The new fill needed at the site should consist of clean, non-frost-susceptible sand. In addition to being easier to compact, such materials will limit the potential for frost action on perimeter foundation walls. With the estimated footing loads and the implementation of earthwork corrections, we are of the opinion that foundations for the building may be designed to exert a bearing pressure of up to 4,000 psf. Total settlement of footings supporting the maximum projected foundation loads is expected to be on the order of 1 inch or less. Differential settlement for footings that are similarly loaded is expected to be ½ inch or less. The remainder of the report provides more details of our recommendations. Gedney Plant Addition December 24, 2012 Project #: 4822.12.MNT Page - 6 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rochester, MN La Crosse, WI St. Cloud, MN Mankato, MN Mason City, IA Dubuque, IA E. Structure Recommendations E.1. Grading Recommendations E.1. Grading Recommendations E.1.a. Stripping: The existing pavements should be stripped from below building and oversize areas. These materials were about ½ to 1 foot deep at the locations explored. E.1.b. Soil Corrections and Geotechnical Evaluations: As mentioned, the fill materials encountered appear to be reasonably suitable for support of the proposed addition. We recommend that geotechnical personnel from Chosen Valley Testing be retained to review and evaluate the soil conditions. Subject to that review, additional corrections may be deemed warranted. E.1.c. Oversizing: Any corrective excavations should be oversized at least 1 foot beyond the building areas for each foot of fill needed below footing grade. This over-sizing can be reduced by up to 50% if rather precise staking is present during grading. In that event, we suggest allowing a few extra feet as a nominal safety factor against stakes getting moved or knocked down during grading. E.1.d. Filling and Compaction: We recommend using clean sands or gravels having less than 6 percent passing the number 200 sieve where fill is needed in the building area. Most of the onsite sands appear to be suitable for reuse as backfill. All fill below the building and in the oversized area should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of its maximum standard Proctor density (ASTM D 698). E.1.e. Surface Compaction: As a precaution, we recommend surface compacting the in-place soils before placing any fill or foundations. This could be accomplished with a large turtle or plate type compactor. E.2. Building Design E.2.a. Foundation Depth: We recommend placing foundations for heated structures at least 42 inches below the exposed ground surface. Interior footings for heated structures can be placed directly below slabs. Footings for unheated structures should be placed at least 60 inches below the exposed ground surface. E.2.b. Bearing Capacity and Settlement: With the assumed loading information and the implementation of the above grading recommendations, we are of the opinion that foundations may be designed to exert pressures of up to 4,000 psf. This allowable bearing pressure includes a safety factor of at least 3 against shear failure. Based on a bearing pressure of 4,000 psf, total post-construction settlements are expected to be less than 1 inch. Differential settlement between similarly loaded footings is expected to be on the order of ½ inch or less. E.2.c. Slab Design: The completed subgrade is expected to consist of engineered granular fill over natural sands. We recommend using a modulus of subgrade reaction of up to 250 pounds per cubic inch for these Gedney Plant Addition December 24, 2012 Project #: 4822.12.MNT Page - 7 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rochester, MN La Crosse, WI St. Cloud, MN Mankato, MN Mason City, IA Dubuque, IA materials. E.2.d. Retaining Walls: We recommend using clean sands (sands having less than 6% particles by weight passing the number 200 sieve) as backfill against exterior walls. We recommend that the sand backfill be compacted to at least 95% of its maximum standard Proctor density (ASTM D 698). The table below includes recommended support values to be used for the design of the walls using the recommended clean sands as backfill. These values do not include a safety factor. The actual loads exerted on the structure will depend on the movement or flexure of the structure. For sand fill, horizontal movement or flexure of about 0.2% of the height of soil retained may be sufficient to mobilize frictional forces from the at-rest state to the active state. A draintile should not be needed at the base of the walls, considering the granular nature of the soils at depth. F. General Grading Recommendations F.1. Dewatering Water is not expected to be encountered in the excavations. F.2. Excavation Excavations can likely be accomplished using a variety of equipment provided that conditions are dry. Rubber-tired vehicles tend to have difficulty traversing dry sands. A backhoe is recommended for deep excavations. F.3. Side Slopes The contractor will be required to slope or shore the excavations as needed to meet OSHA requirements for safety. The dominant sands are expected to be Type C soils as defined by OSHA. F.4. Compaction All fill should be placed in lifts adjusted to the compactor being used and the material being compacted. Poorly Graded Sands (SP) 95% standard Proctor density Internal Friction Angle (degrees) 34 Cohesion (psf) 0 Coefficient of Friction between Concrete and Soil 0.50 Moist Unit Weight (pcf) 120 At-Rest Coefficient (Ko) 0.44 Active Coefficient (Ka) 0.28 Passive Coefficient (Kp) 3.54 Gedney Plant Addition December 24, 2012 Project #: 4822.12.MNT Page - 8 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rochester, MN La Crosse, WI St. Cloud, MN Mankato, MN Mason City, IA Dubuque, IA We recommend limiting lifts to no more than 2 feet for clean sands or gravels, and no more than 1 foot for silty or clayey soils– assuming large, self-propelled or tow-behind compactors are used. If the excavation occurs during freezing temperatures, good winter construction practices should be used. Frozen fill should not be used nor should structural filling take place on frozen ground. Slab areas should be completely thawed before placing of concrete. F.5. Construction Testing and Documentation Ideally, the bottom of all excavations should be evaluated and documented by qualified geotechnical personnel, after the unsuitable soils are removed from each building, and before filling. Fill placed below building and paved areas should be evaluated for conformance to the project gradation recommendations and should be tested for compaction. If the filling proceeds during periods of freezing weather, full-time testing should be considered to help confirm that imported fill is thawed prior to and during compaction, and that all snow has been removed before placement of the fill. Although our firm offers testing services relating to civil and structural components of the building (such as concrete testing, reinforcement observations, etc.) specification of such services is beyond our work scope and the designer should be consulted as to such requirements. G. Level of Care The services provided for this project have been conducted in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing in this area, under similar budget and time constraints. This is our professional responsibility. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. H. Certification I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision, and that I am a duly registered engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Colby T. Verdegan, PE Registration Number 018983 Sr. Geotechnical Engineer December 24, 2012 Gedney Plant Addition December 24, 2012 Project #: 4822.12.MNT Page - 9 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rochester, MN La Crosse, WI St. Cloud, MN Mankato, MN Mason City, IA Dubuque, IA Appendix Soil Boring Location Sketch Log of Borings #1-4 Legend to Soil Description !U !U !U !U # !U !U !U !U !U !U !U BM B-4B-1 Old B-8 Old B-7 Old B-6 Old B-5 Old B-2 B-3 B-2 Old B-3 Boring Location Sketch Proposed AdditionGedney Pickle PlantChaska, MNLegend !U Boring Locations #Benchmark !U Previous Borings ¯ 76.0 0.0 21.0 18.0 1.5 5.0 Tests or Notes 79.0 SP SP SP Ground Surface elevation assumed to be similar to Boring B-1, but not surveyed relative to benchmark. Poor return, cobble encountered. 95.5 92.0 23 20 17 17 16 15 18 97.0 End of boring. No water encountered during or after drilling. Boring sealed upon completion. POORLY GRADED SAND fine grained, brown, moist, medium dense. (Glacial Outwash) POORLY GRADED SAND medium to coarse grained, trace gravel, light brown, moist, medium dense. (Glacial Outwash) POORLY GRADED SAND fine grained, brown, moist, medium dense. (Glacial Outwash) AGGREGATE BASE Poor return, cobble encountered. L O G O F B O R I N G CHOSEN VALLEY TESTING Elev. Depth ASTM D2487 Symbol Description of Materials (ASTM D2488) BPF WL B-03(2007) page 1 of 1 PROJECT: See attached sketch. DATE: 6/14/07 SCALE: 4822.12.MNT Chaska, Minnesota (SEE REPORT AND STANDARD PLATES FOR EVALUATION AND DESCRIPTIVE TERMINOLOGY.)LOCATION: B-03(2007) 1" = 3' BORING: Gedney Pickle Plant Proposed Addition 4822.12.MNT Design Phase Geotechnical Evaluation LOB 4822.12.MNT (GEDNEY ADDITION).GPJ 12/24/12 88.0 21.0 9.0 0.8 6.5 Tests or Notes 90.5 76.0 SP SM SM SP 97.0 96.2 13 9 9 8 5 8 16 End of boring. No water encountered during or after drilling. Boring sealed upon completion. POORLY GRADED SAND fine to medium grained, trace gravel, light brown to tan, moist, loose to medium dense. (Glacial Outwash) SILTY SAND fine to medium grained, trace gravel, dark grayish brown, moist, loose. (Glacial Outwasht/Possible Fill) POORLY GRADED SAND WITH SILT fine grained, trace gravel, trace plastic debris, dark brown, moist, loose to medium dense. (Fill) 10" AGGREGATE BASE 0.0 Benchmark: TNFH next to truck scale, assigned elevation of 100.0 ft. L O G O F B O R I N G CHOSEN VALLEY TESTING Elev. Depth ASTM D2487 Symbol Description of Materials (ASTM D2488) BPF WL LOB 4822.12.MNT (GEDNEY ADDITION).GPJ 12/24/12PROJECT: See attached sketch. DATE: 11/6/12 SCALE: 1" = 3' B-1 page 1 of 1 Design Phase Geotechnical Evaluation 4822.12.MNT Proposed Addition Gedney Pickle Plant Chaska, Minnesota BORING:B-1 LOCATION:(SEE REPORT AND STANDARD PLATES FOR EVALUATION AND DESCRIPTIVE TERMINOLOGY.)4822.12.MNT 75.6 21.0 0.3 0.8 Tests or Notes 95.8 SP 96.6 0.0 96.3 8 6 12 12 16 23 17 4" BITUMINOUS End of boring. No water encountered during or after drilling. Boring sealed upon completion. Grades to sand with trace gravel below 7 feet. POORLY GRADED SAND WITH GRAVEL fine to medium grained, light brown to tan, moist, loose to medium dense. (Glacial Outwash) 6" AGGREGATE BASE L O G O F B O R I N G CHOSEN VALLEY TESTING Elev. Depth ASTM D2487 Symbol Description of Materials (ASTM D2488) BPF WL 4822.12.MNTPROJECT: See attached sketch. DATE: 11/6/12 SCALE: 1" = 3' 4822.12.MNT B-2 page 1 of 1 Design Phase Geotechnical Evaluation Proposed Addition Gedney Pickle Plant Chaska, Minnesota BORING:B-2 LOCATION:(SEE REPORT AND STANDARD PLATES FOR EVALUATION AND DESCRIPTIVE TERMINOLOGY.)LOB 4822.12.MNT (GEDNEY ADDITION).GPJ 12/24/12 95.2 Poor return, cobble encountered. 21.0 6.5 0.5 4.0 1.194.6 91.7 89.2 74.7 10 SP Tests or Notes 9 20 9 15 14 14 SP End of boring. No water encountered during or after drilling. Boring sealed upon completion. POORLY GRADED SAND fine to medium grained, trace gravel, trace cobbles, light brown to tan, moist, loose to medium dense. (Glacial Outwash) POORLY GRADED SAND fine grained, brown, moist, medium dense. (Glacial Outwash/Possible Fill) POORLY GRADED SAND WITH SILT fine grained, trace gravel, dark brown, moist, medium dense. (Fill) 7" AGGREGATE BASE 6" BITUMINOUS SP SM Poor return, cobble encountered.(SEE REPORT AND STANDARD PLATES FOR EVALUATION AND DESCRIPTIVE TERMINOLOGY.)L O G O F B O R I N G CHOSEN VALLEY TESTING Elev. Depth ASTM D2487 Symbol Description of Materials (ASTM D2488) BPF WL 1" = 3' 95.7 0.0 PROJECT: See attached sketch. DATE: SCALE: Proposed Addition B-3BORING: Chaska, Minnesota 11/6/12 Gedney Pickle Plant LOCATION: 4822.12.MNT Design Phase Geotechnical Evaluation LOB 4822.12.MNT (GEDNEY ADDITION).GPJ 12/24/12B-3 page 1 of 14822.12.MNT 73.2 21.0 0.3 0.8 Tests or Notes 93.4 4" BITUMINOUS SP 94.2 0.0 93.9 7 15 11 13 17 8 6 End of boring. No water encountered during or after drilling. Boring sealed upon completion. POORLY GRADED SAND fine to medium grained, trace gravel, light brown to tan, moist, loose to medium dense. (Glacial Outwash) 6" AGGREGATE BASE L O G O F B O R I N G CHOSEN VALLEY TESTING Elev. Depth ASTM D2487 Symbol Description of Materials (ASTM D2488) BPF WL Design Phase Geotechnical Evaluation PROJECT: See attached sketch. DATE: 11/6/12 SCALE: 1" = 3' 4822.12.MNTLOB 4822.12.MNT (GEDNEY ADDITION).GPJ 12/24/12LOCATION: B-4 page 1 of 1(SEE REPORT AND STANDARD PLATES FOR EVALUATION AND DESCRIPTIVE TERMINOLOGY.)4822.12.MNT B-4BORING: Chaska, Minnesota Gedney Pickle Plant Proposed Addition ATTACHMENT F: P8 MODEL INPUT AND OUTPUT REPORT P8 Urban Catchment Model, Version 3.5 Case p8_Existing.p8c Title River Valley Industrial Center PrecFile Msp4916.pcp PartFile nurp50.p8p Case Title River Valley Industrial Center Case Data File p8_Existing.p8c Path N:\0031776.00\docs\Design\Pond\P8\ Case Notes: Storm Data File Msp4916.pcp Particle File nurp50.p8p Air Temp File File Msp4916.tem Time Steps Per Hour 4 Minimum Inter-Event Time (hrs)10 Maximum Continuity Error %2 Rainfall Breakpoint (inches)0.8 Precipitation Scale Factor 1 Air Temp Offset (deg-F)0 Loops Thru Storm File 1 Simulation Dates Start 9/1/2006 Keep 10/1/2006 Stop 9/30/2016 Max Snowfall Temperature (deg-f)32.0 SnowMelt Temperature (deg-f)32.0 Snowmelt Coef (in/degF-Day)0.06 Soil Freeze Temp (deg-F)32.0 Snowmelt Abstraction Factor 1.00 Evapo-Trans. Calibration Factor 1.00 Growing Season Start Month 5 Growing Season End Month 10 5-Day Antecedent Rainfall + Runoff (inches) CN Antecedent Moisture Condition AMC-II AMC-III Growing Season 1.40 2.10 NonGrowing Season 0.50 1.10 Watershed Data Watershed Name Ex 1 Ex 2 Ex 3 Runoff to Device Out_1 Out_1 Out_1 Infiltration to Device Watershed Area 3.37 2.79 2.78 SCS Curve Number (Pervious)63 77 77 Scale Factor for Pervious Runoff Load 1 1 1 Indirectly Connected Imperv Fraction 0 0 0 UnSwept Impervious Fraction 0.05 0.24 0.59 UnSwept Depression Storage (inches)0.02 0.02 0.02 UnSwept Imperv. Runoff Coefficient 1 1 1 UnSwept Scale Factor for Particle Loads 1 1 1 Existing Conditions Swept Impervious Fraction 0 0 0 Swept Depression Storage (inches)0.02 0.02 0.02 Swept Imperv. Runoff Coefficient 1 1 1 Swept Scale Factor for Particle Loads 1 1 1 Sweeping Frequency 0 0 0 Sweeping Efficiency 1 1 1 Sweeping Start Date (MMDD)101 101 101 Sweeping Stop Date (MMDD)1231 1231 1231 Device Data Device Name Out_1 Device Type PIPE Infiltration Outlet Normal Outlet Spillway Outlet Particle Removal Scale Factor Bottom Elevation (ft) Bottom Area (acres) Permanent Pool Area (acres) Permanent Pool Volume (ac-ft) Perm Pool Infilt Rate (in/hr) Flood Pool Area (acres) Flood Pool Volume (ac-ft) Flood Pool Infilt Rate (in/hr) Infilt Basin Void Fraction (%) Detention Pond Outlet Parameters Outlet Type Outlet Orifice Diameter (in) Orifice Discharge Coef Outlet Weir Length (ft) Weir Discharge Coef Perforated Riser Height (ft) Number of Holes in Riser Holes Diameter Flood Pool Drain Time (hrs) Swale Parameters Length of Flow Path (ft) Slope of Flow Path % Bottom Width (ft) Side Slope (ft-v/ft-h) Maximum Depth of Flow (ft) Mannings n Constant Hydraulic Model Pipe, Splitter, Aquifer Parameter Hydraulic Res. Time (hrs)0 Particle Data Particle File nurp50.p8p Particle Class P0%P10%P30%P50%P80% Filtration Efficiency (%)90 100 100 100 100 Settling Velocity (ft/hr)0 0.03 0.3 1.5 15 First Order Decay Rate (1/day)0 0 0 0 0 2nd Order Decay (1/day-ppm)0 0 0 0 0 Impervious Runoff Conc (ppm)1 0 0 0 0 Pervious Runoff Conc (ppm)1 100 100 100 200 Pervious Conc Exponent 0 1 1 1 1 Accum. Rate (lbs-ac-day)0 1.75 1.75 1.75 3.5 Particle Removal Rate (1/day)0 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 Washoff Coefficient 0 20 20 20 20 Washoff Exponent 0 2 2 2 2 Sweeper Efficiency 0 0 0 5 15 Water Quality Component Data Component Name TSS TP TKN CU PB ZN HC Water Quality Criteria (ppm) Level 1 5 0.025 2 2 0.02 5 0.1 Level 2 10 0.05 1 0.0048 0.014 0.0362 0.5 Level 3 20 0.1 0.5 0.02 0.15 0.38 1 Content Scale Factor 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Particle Composition (mg/kg) P0%0 99000 600000 13600 2000 64000 250000 P10%1000000 3850 15000 340 180 1600 22500 P30%1000000 3850 15000 340 180 1600 22500 P50%1000000 3850 15000 340 180 1600 22500 P80%1000000 0 0 340 180 0 22500 P8 Urban Catchment Model, Version 3.5 Run Date 08/02/21 Case p8_Existing.p8c FirstDate 10/01/06 Precip(in)280.5 Title River Valley Industrial Center LastDate 09/30/16 Rain(in)253.89 PrecFile Msp4916.pcp Events 737 Snow(in)26.61 PartFile nurp50.p8p TotalHrs 87603 TotalYrs 9.99 Mass Balances by Device Device: Out_1 Type:PIPE Flow Loads(lbs) Mass Balance Term acre-ft P0%P10%P30%P50%P80%TSS TP TKN CU PB ZN HC 01 watershed inflows 64.83 176.22 3986.60 3986.60 3986.60 7973.19 19932.98 63.49 285.13 9.17 3.94 30.41 492.55 06 normal outlet 64.83 176.22 3986.60 3986.60 3986.60 7973.19 19932.98 63.49 285.13 9.17 3.94 30.41 492.55 09 total inflow 64.83 176.22 3986.60 3986.60 3986.60 7973.19 19932.98 63.49 285.13 9.17 3.94 30.41 492.55 10 surface outflow 64.83 176.22 3986.60 3986.60 3986.60 7973.19 19932.98 63.49 285.13 9.17 3.94 30.41 492.55 12 total outflow 64.83 176.22 3986.60 3986.60 3986.60 7973.19 19932.98 63.49 285.13 9.17 3.94 30.41 492.55 Load Reduction (%)0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 P8 Urban Catchment Model, Version 3.5 Run Date 08/02/21 Case p8_Proposed.p8c FirstDate 10/01/06 Precip(in)280.5 Title River Valley Industrial Center LastDate 09/30/16 Rain(in)253.89 PrecFile Msp4916.pcp Events 737 Snow(in)26.61 PartFile nurp50.p8p TotalHrs 87603 TotalYrs 9.99 Case Title River Valley Industrial Center Case Data File p8_Proposed.p8c Path N:\0031776.00\docs\Design\Pond\P8\ Case Notes: Storm Data File Msp4916.pcp Particle File nurp50.p8p Air Temp File File Msp4916.tem Time Steps Per Hour 4 Minimum Inter-Event Time (hrs)10 Maximum Continuity Error %2 Rainfall Breakpoint (inches)0.8 Precipitation Scale Factor 1 Air Temp Offset (deg-F)0 Loops Thru Storm File 1 Simulation Dates Start 9/1/2006 Keep 10/1/2006 Stop 9/30/2016 Max Snowfall Temperature (deg-f)32.0 SnowMelt Temperature (deg-f)32.0 Snowmelt Coef (in/degF-Day)0.06 Soil Freeze Temp (deg-F)32.0 Snowmelt Abstraction Factor 1.00 Evapo-Trans. Calibration Factor 1.00 Growing Season Start Month 5 Growing Season End Month 10 5-Day Antecedent Rainfall + Runoff (inches) CN Antecedent Moisture Condition AMC-II AMC-III Growing Season 1.40 2.10 NonGrowing Season 0.50 1.10 Watershed Data Watershed Name P 1 P 2 P 3 Runoff to Device DEV_1 DEV_2 Out_1 Infiltration to Device Watershed Area 1.6 4.72 2.32 SCS Curve Number (Pervious)39 39 39 Scale Factor for Pervious Runoff Load 1 1 1 Indirectly Connected Imperv Fraction 0 0 0 UnSwept Impervious Fraction 0.46 0.65 0.84 UnSwept Depression Storage (inches)0.02 0.02 0.02 UnSwept Imperv. Runoff Coefficient 1 1 1 Proposed Conditions UnSwept Scale Factor for Particle Loads 1 1 1 Swept Impervious Fraction 0 0 0 Swept Depression Storage (inches)0.02 0.02 0.02 Swept Imperv. Runoff Coefficient 1 1 1 Swept Scale Factor for Particle Loads 1 1 1 Sweeping Frequency 0 0 0 Sweeping Efficiency 1 1 1 Sweeping Start Date (MMDD)101 101 101 Sweeping Stop Date (MMDD)1231 1231 1231 Device Data Device Name Out_1 DEV_1 DEV_2 Device Type PIPE INF_BASIN INF_BASIN Infiltration Outlet Normal Outlet Spillway Outlet Out_1 Out_1 Particle Removal Scale Factor 1 1 Bottom Elevation (ft)754 754 Bottom Area (acres)0.047 0.32 Permanent Pool Area (acres) Permanent Pool Volume (ac-ft) Perm Pool Infilt Rate (in/hr) Flood Pool Area (acres)0.15 0.51 Flood Pool Volume (ac-ft)0.25 1.06 Flood Pool Infilt Rate (in/hr)0.8 0.8 Infilt Basin Void Fraction (%)100 100 Detention Pond Outlet Parameters Outlet Type Outlet Orifice Diameter (in) Orifice Discharge Coef Outlet Weir Length (ft) Weir Discharge Coef Perforated Riser Height (ft) Number of Holes in Riser Holes Diameter Flood Pool Drain Time (hrs) Swale Parameters Length of Flow Path (ft) Slope of Flow Path % Bottom Width (ft) Side Slope (ft-v/ft-h) Maximum Depth of Flow (ft) Mannings n Constant Hydraulic Model Pipe, Splitter, Aquifer Parameter Hydraulic Res. Time (hrs)0 Particle Data Particle File nurp50.p8p Particle Class P0%P10%P30%P50%P80% Filtration Efficiency (%)90 100 100 100 100 Settling Velocity (ft/hr)0 0.03 0.3 1.5 15 First Order Decay Rate (1/day)0 0 0 0 0 2nd Order Decay (1/day-ppm)0 0 0 0 0 Impervious Runoff Conc (ppm)1 0 0 0 0 Pervious Runoff Conc (ppm)1 100 100 100 200 Pervious Conc Exponent 0 1 1 1 1 Accum. Rate (lbs-ac-day)0 1.75 1.75 1.75 3.5 Particle Removal Rate (1/day)0 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 Washoff Coefficient 0 20 20 20 20 Washoff Exponent 0 2 2 2 2 Sweeper Efficiency 0 0 0 5 15 Water Quality Component Data Component Name TSS TP TKN CU PB ZN HC Water Quality Criteria (ppm) Level 1 5 0.025 2 2 0.02 5 0.1 Level 2 10 0.05 1 0.0048 0.014 0.0362 0.5 Level 3 20 0.1 0.5 0.02 0.15 0.38 1 Content Scale Factor 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Particle Composition (mg/kg) P0%0 99000 600000 13600 2000 64000 250000 P10%1000000 3850 15000 340 180 1600 22500 P30%1000000 3850 15000 340 180 1600 22500 P50%1000000 3850 15000 340 180 1600 22500 P80%1000000 0 0 340 180 0 22500 P8 Urban Catchment Model, Version 3.5 Run Date 08/02/21 Case p8_Proposed.p8c FirstDate 10/01/06 Precip(in)280.5 Title River Valley Industrial Center LastDate 09/30/16 Rain(in)253.89 PrecFile Msp4916.pcp Events 737 Snow(in)26.61 PartFile nurp50.p8p TotalHrs 87603 TotalYrs 9.99 Mass Balances by Device Device: OVERALL Type:NONE Flow Loads(lbs) Mass Balance Term acre-ft P0%P10%P30%P50%P80%TSS TP TKN CU PB ZN HC 01 watershed inflows 128.28 348.65 7792.27 7792.27 7792.27 15584.53 38961.33 124.52 559.84 17.99 7.71 59.72 963.79 03 infiltrate 84.93 230.83 3379.45 872.07 203.17 42.22 4496.91 40.00 205.32 4.67 1.27 21.90 158.89 04 exfiltrate 84.93 23.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.29 13.85 0.31 0.05 1.48 5.77 05 filtered 0.00 207.75 3379.45 872.07 203.17 42.22 4496.91 37.72 191.47 4.35 1.22 20.42 153.12 06 normal outlet 43.35 117.82 2632.84 2632.84 2632.84 5265.68 13164.20 42.07 189.17 6.08 2.61 20.18 325.65 08 sedimen + decay 0.00 0.00 1733.71 4284.06 4955.52 10276.49 21249.78 42.25 164.60 7.22 3.82 17.56 478.12 09 total inflow 128.28 348.65 7792.27 7792.27 7792.27 15584.53 38961.33 124.52 559.84 17.99 7.71 59.72 963.79 10 surface outflow 43.35 117.82 2632.84 2632.84 2632.84 5265.68 13164.20 42.07 189.17 6.08 2.61 20.18 325.65 11 groundw outflow 84.93 23.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.29 13.85 0.31 0.05 1.48 5.77 12 total outflow 128.28 140.91 2632.84 2632.84 2632.84 5265.68 13164.20 44.36 203.02 6.39 2.65 21.66 331.42 13 total trapped 0.00 207.75 5113.16 5156.13 5158.70 10318.70 25746.69 79.96 356.07 11.58 5.05 37.98 631.24 14 storage increase 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15 mass balance check 0.00 0.00 46.27 3.30 0.73 0.15 50.45 0.19 0.75 0.02 0.01 0.08 1.14 Load Reduction (%)0.00 59.59 65.62 66.17 66.20 66.21 66.08 64.22 63.60 64.37 65.50 63.60 65.50 Device: DEV_1 Type:INF_BASIN Flow Loads(lbs) Mass Balance Term acre-ft P0%P10%P30%P50%P80%TSS TP TKN CU PB ZN HC 01 watershed inflows 16.50 44.84 1002.50 1002.50 1002.50 2005.01 5012.51 16.02 72.02 2.31 0.99 7.68 123.99 03 infiltrate 16.50 44.84 672.97 175.69 41.02 8.53 898.21 7.86 40.25 0.92 0.25 4.29 31.42 04 exfiltrate 16.50 4.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.44 2.69 0.06 0.01 0.29 1.12 05 filtered 0.00 40.35 672.97 175.69 41.02 8.53 898.21 7.42 37.56 0.85 0.24 4.01 30.30 08 sedimen + decay 0.00 0.00 324.16 826.56 961.42 1996.47 4108.61 8.13 31.68 1.40 0.74 3.38 92.44 09 total inflow 16.50 44.84 1002.50 1002.50 1002.50 2005.01 5012.51 16.02 72.02 2.31 0.99 7.68 123.99 11 groundw outflow 16.50 4.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.44 2.69 0.06 0.01 0.29 1.12 12 total outflow 16.50 4.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.44 2.69 0.06 0.01 0.29 1.12 13 total trapped 0.00 40.35 997.13 1002.25 1002.45 2004.99 5006.82 15.55 69.24 2.25 0.98 7.39 122.74 14 storage increase 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15 mass balance check 0.00 0.00 5.37 0.26 0.06 0.01 5.70 0.02 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.13 Load Reduction (%)0.00 90.00 99.46 99.97 99.99 100.00 99.89 97.09 96.15 97.28 98.99 96.15 98.99 Device: DEV_2 Type:INF_BASIN Flow Loads(lbs) Mass Balance Term acre-ft P0%P10%P30%P50%P80%TSS TP TKN CU PB ZN HC 01 watershed inflows 68.43 185.99 4156.92 4156.92 4156.92 8313.85 20784.62 66.43 298.66 9.60 4.11 31.86 514.15 03 infiltrate 68.43 185.99 2706.48 696.38 162.15 33.69 3598.70 32.14 165.07 3.75 1.02 17.61 127.47 04 exfiltrate 68.43 18.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.84 11.16 0.25 0.04 1.19 4.65 05 filtered 0.00 167.39 2706.48 696.38 162.15 33.69 3598.70 30.30 153.91 3.50 0.98 16.42 122.82 08 sedimen + decay 0.00 0.00 1409.54 3457.50 3994.10 8280.02 17141.17 34.12 132.92 5.83 3.09 14.18 385.68 09 total inflow 68.43 185.99 4156.92 4156.92 4156.92 8313.85 20784.62 66.43 298.66 9.60 4.11 31.86 514.15 11 groundw outflow 68.43 18.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.84 11.16 0.25 0.04 1.19 4.65 12 total outflow 68.43 18.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.84 11.16 0.25 0.04 1.19 4.65 13 total trapped 0.00 167.39 4116.03 4153.88 4156.25 8313.71 20739.87 64.41 286.83 9.33 4.07 30.59 508.50 14 storage increase 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15 mass balance check 0.00 0.00 40.90 3.04 0.68 0.14 44.75 0.17 0.67 0.02 0.01 0.07 1.01 Load Reduction (%)0.00 90.00 99.02 99.93 99.98 100.00 99.78 96.97 96.04 97.21 98.90 96.04 98.90 Device: Out_1 Type:PIPE Flow Loads(lbs) Mass Balance Term acre-ft P0%P10%P30%P50%P80%TSS TP TKN CU PB ZN HC 01 watershed inflows 43.35 117.82 2632.84 2632.84 2632.84 5265.68 13164.20 42.07 189.17 6.08 2.61 20.18 325.65 06 normal outlet 43.35 117.82 2632.84 2632.84 2632.84 5265.68 13164.20 42.07 189.17 6.08 2.61 20.18 325.65 09 total inflow 43.35 117.82 2632.84 2632.84 2632.84 5265.68 13164.20 42.07 189.17 6.08 2.61 20.18 325.65 10 surface outflow 43.35 117.82 2632.84 2632.84 2632.84 5265.68 13164.20 42.07 189.17 6.08 2.61 20.18 325.65 12 total outflow 43.35 117.82 2632.84 2632.84 2632.84 5265.68 13164.20 42.07 189.17 6.08 2.61 20.18 325.65 Load Reduction (%)0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00