Approval LetterCITY OT CIIANIIASSIN Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomonow August 10,2021 Mr. Todd Degler 112131 Haering Lane Chaska, MN 55318 Re: Agritourism Ordinance and Interim Use Permit, Planning Case 2021-13 Dear Mr. Degler: This letter is to noti$r you that on August 9,2021, the City Council approved: The ordinance amending sections 1-2, 20-252, md20-576 regarding Agritourism; and An Interim Use Permit (IUP) for Agritourism Use at 9111 Audubon Road subject to the following conditions: Buildinq: a. Accessible parking shall be located on an improved, centralized, permanent surface and shall be based on the maximum parking provided based on the rotational parking plan shown in Exhibit B. Engineerinq: a. All conditions set forth by Carver County shall be addressed by the applicant, and all permits required shall be obtained prior to the commencement of Agritainment operations. b. Parking capacity shall be based on city standard parking lot layout in Section 20-1118 ofthe Chanhassen City Code. c. Com rows are an acceptable screening for parking lots. Fire: a. Com mazes and straw mazes shall be set back at least 75 feet from all vehicular parking and all ignition sources, including open flame (recreational frre pits). b. Applicant must place a fire hydrant on site. Planninq: a. The Interim Use Permit (IUP) shall terminate frve (5) years from the date of City Council approval. PH 952.227.1100. wwwci.chanhassen.mn.us. FX 952.227.1110 77OO I,IARKET BOULEVARD .PO BOX ]4T.CHANHASSEN .MINNESOTA 553]7 Mr. Todd Degler Agritourism Ordinance and IUP August 12,2021 Page 2 b. Buildings and use areas shall be as shown on the approved Exhibit B. Additional buildings shall require an amendment to the Interim Use Permit. c. Sanitary facilities shall be provided for site visitors. d. The use ofthe subject property must be in general conformance with the attached Exhibit B. An annual report ofthe activities proposed for the upcoming year and an updated site plan with the parking location for the year shall be submitted to the City by May lst each year. Water Resources: The applicant shall incorporate BluffCreek Overlay District (BCOD) Conservation Area sigrrage within the BCOD portion of the site. Precise amount and location of signage must be approved by the City's Water Resources Coordinator. Prior to beginning operations, the following will need to submitted: A commercial driveway permit from Carver County prior to initiating the Interim Use Permit. Provide an erosion and sediment control plan which shows dust control measures. Please contact Matt Unmacht, Water Resources Coordinator, munmacht@ci.chanhassen.mn.us, if you have any questions. Provide an initial analysis ofthe "before" and "after" operational traffic impacts to the abutting and sunounding road system resulting from proposed plans associated with the interim use and associated traffrc movements and volumes in order to identifu capacity deficiencies at affected intersections and to help identifo feasible solutions to the deficiencies. Please contact Erik Henricksen,ehenricksen .chanhas n.mn.us ifyou have any questions. Provide an updated site plan showing the parking location proposed for this fall and winter including the parking area to be used and the accessible parking plan. Apply for an annual permit fiom the City's Planning Department for chemical toilet(s). The permit application shall be accompanied by the following informalion: l. Name, address, and phone number of applicant(s). 2. Site plan showing proposed location of chemical toilet(s). 3 . Name, address, and phone number of chemical toi let supplier. 4. Plan for commercially maintaining the chemical toile(s), including a copy of any agreement for maintenance, and the name, address, and phone number ofperson responsible for maintenance. 5 . A written description of how the applicant intends to screen the portable chemical toilet(s) from all views into the property. Provide to the City the plan for the established safety practices, procedures and locations for activities and demonstrations involving equipment and machinery or the use ofprojectiles. a Mr. Todd Degler Agritourism Ordinance and IUP August 12,2021 Page 3 The Interim Use Permit will be recorded at Carver County. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at (952) 227-1131or bgenerous@gi.gha!bAs!9!g!.u!. Res Robert Generous, AICP Senior Planner ec Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director Erik Henricksen, Project Engineer Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager Don Nutter, Fire Marshal Jerry Ruegemer, Parks & Recreation Director Eric Tessman, Building Official Matt Unmacht, Water Resources Coordinato glplan\2o2l planning cases\21-13 degler fam center ord amendrnent and iup\approval letter degler'docx