Narrative1 Lakeshore Equipment Company Conditional Use Permit Request City of Chanhassen August 19, 2021 7851 Park Dr. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Property Owner: Lotus Holdings LLC c/o Mark Hedge 7411 Frontier Trail Chanhassen, MN 55317 Submittal contents: This packet includes the following: (A) property details, (B) summary of proposal, (C) background, (D) project proposal, (E) General Issuance Standards for CUP per City Code Sec. 20-232, (F) supporting documents. 2 A. Property details Site Address: 7851 Park Dr. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Legal Description: Lot 2, Blk. 3 Chanhassen Lakes Business Park Parcel ID#: 25-1900180 Parcel Size: 4.17 acres (181,645.2 sq. ft.) Zoning: IOP (Industrial Office Park) Existing CUP: Approved October 24, 1988 B. Summary of proposal Applicant is requesting approval of amend existing conditional use permit to expand outside storage area by 10,467 sq. ft. C. Background The subject property is owned by Lotus Holdings LLC. Lakeshore Equipment is currently leasing the subject property. Lakeshore Equipment was established nearly 35 years ago and has been operating at the subject site since 1988. Lakeshore Equipment is a full- service company offering dock and lift sales, installation, removal and repair. Lakeshore equipment offers a variety of docks, lifts and accessories from manufacturers like Floe, Porta-Dock, ShoreMaster and ShoreStation to help homeowners and businesses create the perfect personalized shoreline area. Lakeshore Equipment also provides an experienced service crew that will install or remove all manufacturer’s docks, boat houses, boat lifts and accessories as requested by the owner. Lakeshore Equipment provides maintenance, repair and fabrication services year round. The Chanhassen operation center includes an existing 7332 sq. ft. building consisting of 680 sq. ft. of office space, 1200 sq. ft. showroom and 5452 sq. ft. of assembly/warehouse area. The site also includes customer/employee parking and an outside storage area (28,377 sq. ft.). The parking areas consist of a bituminous surface while the remainder of the outside storage area has a Class five gravel surface. The outside storage area is also enclosed with an 8 foot chained link fence with appropriate mesh screening per City Code requirements. Currently Lakeshore Equipment has four (4) full-time employees operating out of the site. Annually an additional ten (10) part-time employees are hired to meet the seasonal work force needs associated with the business operation. 3 Operating hours at the site are typically Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. During the busy spring season the site is also open on Saturdays 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. During a typical business week, the site will receive 3 – 5 daily deliveries from UPS and/or Fed Ex services. A single semi delivery is also common during the spring/summer seasons. On average – the business might also experience between 15 – 20 customers per day with usually no more than 3 customers at any one time. Given the seasonal nature of the business, daily customer traffic slows during the winter months. D. Project proposal: It is the desire of Lotus Holdings LLC. to maximize the development potential of the subject property in order to meet customer demand for products and services associated with Lakeshore Equipment’s business operation. At this time, that includes a request to amend the existing Conditional Use Permit to include an expansion of the outside storage area by approximately 10,467 sq. ft. To accommodate this expansion we are proposing to extend the outside storage area westerly to the 30 ft. front yard property setback line. The proposed site plan included with this application illustrates the proposed outside storage expansion as well as the employee and customer parking area. The proposed parking plan requirements are consistent with City Code Sec. 20-1124 (2w) and includes 13 parking stalls to be located outside of the enclosed fenced in area primarily to serve customers and 8 parking stalls within the fenced in area primarily for employee use. All parking stalls will be on a bituminous surface. The existing enclosed trash enclosure on the site will be relocated to an area within the enclosed outside storage area per the proposed site development plan. A landscape plan has also been prepared in accordance with City code requirement. To accommodate the proposed outside storage area expansion a number of existing evergreens will need to be removed. The landscape plan proposes to replace these trees within the wetland buffer area on the south side of the property. The placement of native trees within wetland buffer areas is a recommended storm water management practice. A storm drainage plan has also been prepared to meet all City and Watershed District requirements. Specific attention has been given to meet required wetland and buffer setbacks. A second driveway access to the site is being proposed to be located approximately 100 ft. south of the existing driveway. This new driveway entrance is intended to be used solely for the purpose of receiving deliveries from semi-trucks or extended trailers. Currently those vehicles must back into the site off of Park Dr. entering through our customer and employee parking. The new access point will improve safety for not only our employees and customers but also those using Park Dr. 4 A large portion of the existing site is encumbered by wetlands and/or slopes not suitable for development. If the outside storage expansion is approved the total developed area will increase from 35,709 (Existing building – 7332 sq. ft. and existing outside storage/parking areas – 28,377) to 46,176 sq. ft. by the addition of 10,467 sq. ft. of new outside storage area. With the approval of the proposed outside expansion area the overall lot coverage ratio would equate to 25.42%. Well below the 70% lot coverage ratio maximum set forth in City Code. To address refuse disposal needs, an illustration has been included with the application to show how the collection of refuse will be handled by the service provider. It should also be noted that the gates to access the outside storage area will be an automated slider design. This being the case, the gate will only be open during those times that vehicles are entering or exiting the enclosed storage and building loading areas. E. General Issuance Standards for CUP per City Code Sec. 20-232 1. The proposed outside storage area expansion will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, comfort, convenience or general welfare of the neighborhood or the city. The outside storage area is being screened in accordance with City Code requirements. To the best of our knowledge no complaints from adjacent property owners, residents or customers have been received related to our operation. It is our intent to continue to operate in a manner that is beneficial to not only our business but the entire Chanhassen community. 2. The proposed project is consistent with the objectives of the city’s comprehensive plan and city code requirements. The City’s comprehensive plan clearly encourages business development and the continued preservation and enhancement of the City’s tax base. The Comprehensive plan also encourages business development to meet the service needs of its residents. 3. The proposed project has been designed and will be constructed, operated and maintained so to be compatible in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential character of the neighborhood. It is our opinion that landscaping plan as submitted will actually enhance the physical appearance of the site and the character of the neighborhood. We also believe that the relocation of the trash receptacle is also a site improvement. 4. The proposed project will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or planned neighboring uses. The surrounding area is essentially full developed and the operation at the site in question has not materially changed in 33 years. The 5 proposed outside storage expansion will be operated in accordance with past procedures. 5. The proposed project is adequately served by essential public services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems and schools. No changes are being proposed to the existing City infrastructure and/or services. Refuse collection will continue to be provided by a local refuse disposal company. Storm drainage impact associated with the new development has been addressed through the provision of on-site storm drainage systems in accordance with City Code and Watershed District requirements. 6. The proposed project will not create excessive requirements for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. No new additional requirements for public facilities and services will be need to address the proposed site development. 7. The proposed project will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons, property or the general because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, odors, rodents, or trash. Business operations are intended to continue as they have in the past and the site development will not result in any additional traffic volume to the site 8. An additional driveway access is being proposed to the subject property along Park Dr. approximately 100 ft. south of the existing driveway access. This new access point will improve traffic flow along Park Dr. as semi-trucks and long trailers will no longer need to back into the site off of Park Dr. The distance separation between the two driveways into the site is also consistent with other building sites in the area. The proposed project will improve traffic flow and congestion not detract from it. 9. The proposed project will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of solar access, natural, scenic or historic features of major significance. 10. The proposed project will be aesthetically compatible with the area. 11. The proposed project will not depreciate surrounding property values. 12. The proposed project will meet all standards and/or conditions for outside storage as provided per City Code. 6 F. Supporting documents included with application: 1. Property Title Commitment 2. Site development and civil plans 3. Wetland Delineation 4. ALTA Survey 7 Looking southeast into the site. 8 Looking east into the site