Exhibit ANORTHERN STATES POWER MINNESOTA EXHIBIT A SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS Certificate of Survey Location: Chaska, M Grantor: Dean F. Degler, Dean F. Degler, as Trustee; Lois R. Degler, Lois R. Degler, as Trustee; Gayle O. Degler, Gayle O. Degler, as Trustee See sheet 2 of 2 for descriptions. l NW COR.- GOV'T. LOT 2 NORTH LINE P.O.B. OF GOV'T. LOT 2 4.28 CHAINS 1849.64 �® 'fin/ B �,�► �, S88029'32"E ®® 64°3 �,� , S'LY RIGHT OF WAY v 6 ® 23 .90 _ z ® �� . _ _ s77°5 co EASEMENT C/L ♦ -�`� _ . M 8 01 'E N, . _ _ 80140 EASEMENT ®® "' 4.28 CHAINS I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY, PLAN, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME- OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. LINE: 5570_ PARCEL: #10 Degler MICHAE6 E. CANNON LIC. NO.40035 SEC. 22, T. 116 N., R. 23 W., 5th P.M. CO.: Carver s r SATE17 NORTHERN STATES POWER ji ! MINNESOTA F-N/U 7 �,AnIBIT A SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS Certificate of Survey Location: Chaska, MN Grantor: Dean F. Degler, Dean F. Degler, as Trustee; Lois R. Degler, Lois R. Degler, as Trustee; Gayle 0. Degler, Gayle 0. Degler, as Truste,!, "Property": Commencing at a ost on center line of Section 22, Township 116, Range 23, which post bears South X.28 chains from center post of said Section 22; thence South 15.32 chains to Quarter post; then North 44-1/2 degrees West 27.90 chains; thence East 15.32 chains; thence South 4.28 chains; thence East 4.28 chains to place of beginninp, situated in Lot 2, Section 22, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minneso . "Easement Area": A 75.00 foot wide easement over, under and across the herein before described "Property" which lies 37.50 feet on each side of the following described centerline: Commencing at the northwest corner of Government Lot 2, Section 22, Township 11-6 North, Range 23 West; thence South 88 degrees 29 minutes 32 seconds East, along the north line of said Government Lot 2, a distance of 1849.64 feet to the point of be "inning of the centerline to be described; thence South 64 degrees 36 minutes 23 seconds East 372.90 feet; thence South 77 degrees 58 minutes 01 second East 180.00 feet and there terminating. The sidelines of said easement are to be shortened or lengthened to intersect said north line of Government Lot 2. Containing: 0.88 acres, more or less, including right of way. 0.17 acres, more or less, in right of wa . 0.71 acres, more or less, excluding rigKt of way. LINE: 5570 PARCEL: #10 Degler SEC. 22, T. 116 N.) R. CO.: Carver 23 W.) 5th P.M.