PC Minutes 7-20-2021Planning Commission Minutes – July 20, 2021 8 Commissioner Reeder thinks the construction traffic on W. 96th will be outrageous. He has lived with this in the past and he thinks it will be a large problem for the City for the five years it takes for things to be built. Vice Chairman von Oven does not disagree but he does not feel it is within their rights to force the property owner to go in through Powers. Commissioner Alto moved, Commissioner Johnson seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the rezoning of the development from Agricultural Estate District (A2) to Single-Family Residential District (RSF); preliminary plat with variances for street width, front yard setback (Lot 1, Block 1), wetland setback (Lot 1, Block 1) and street frontages (Lots 3 through 9, Block 1) subject to the conditions of the staff report and adoption of the Findings of Fact and Decision. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDER A REQUEST TO REZONE PROPERTY FROM AGRICULTURAL ESTATE DISTRICT (A2) TO SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (RSF) AND SUBDIVISION APPROVAL OF TWO LOTS AND ONE OUTLOT WITH VARIANCES FOR A PRIVATE STREET AND PRIVATE STREET WIDTH AT 9197 EAGLE RIDGE ROAD Mr. Generous presented the staff report and said Planning Case #2021-15 is a rezoning and subdivision approval to create two lots, one for the existing home and the other for a new building site. The approval comes with variance requests for a private street, as currently the lot is accessed via a private street and they would extend that to serve the two lots. There is also a request to have less than a 20-foot wide private street because of retaining walls on site in the wetland. The site is guided for residential low density which permits densities of 1.2 to 4 units/acre. Sewer and water are stubbed to the end of the private street but are not connected to the homes. There are wetlands in the northeast and south side of the property. Mr. Generous spoke about utilities and tree removal. Mr. Henricksen reported there are no public utilities or street connections. As presented and shown, the grading plan is feasible and meets the ordinances. Construction plans will require some updates and will be reviewed during the building permit process. Mr. Generous stated City Code permits the use of private streets for up to four single-family homes. He advised the applicant that they need the Fire Marshal to sign off on the variance for design standards for a private street. The applicant is proposing to use wetland buffering which the Watershed District must approve. Staff is recommending approval of the rezoning and the subdivision with the variance for the private street and private street width subject to the conditions of the staff report and adoption of the Findings of Fact and Recommendation. Commissioner Skistad asked how long the private road would be. Planning Commission Minutes – July 20, 2021 9 Mr. Generous replied about 200-300 feet. Commissioner Alto asked if the trail across Highway 101 that plans to connect to Bandimere Park will be constructed. Mr. Generous replied not as part of this development. Currently, there is an underpass under Highway 101 and they would be looking for the connection in the future. Commissioner Noyes asked if that connection is in an easement or on an outlot that the City would own. Mr. Generous noted that is up to the developer. The City would prefer it as an outlot that the City would own, but if the developer wanted to keep it, then they could and place a drainage, utility, and trail easement for a future trail alignment. The Council discussed trail crossings and their preference is not to have trail crossings mid- block. Mr. Henricksen noted the newly formed Traffic Safety Committee developed earlier this year is developing a safe crosswalk policy which deals directly with mid-block crossings to have certain criteria for when and if they are installed and what type of improvement. Martin Schutrop, Schutrop Building, noted there will be a shared agreement on the driveway for maintenance and plowing. The current house has already been sold and will be remodeled and updated. Vice Chairman von Oven opened the public hearing. Vice Chairman von Oven closed the public hearing. Commissioner Noyes moved, Commissioner Skistad seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommend that the City Council approve the rezoning from Agricultural Estate District (A2) to Single-Family Residential District (RSF), a two-lot, one outlot subdivision with a variance for the use of a private street and private street width subject to the conditions of the staff report; and adoption of Findings of Fact and Decision. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Noyes noted the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated July 6, 2021 as presented. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS: Ms. Aanenson presented highlights of action taken by the City Council on planning matters. At the last Council meeting, the Avienda Final Plat was approved, and there was a Metes and Bounds subdivision for a salon. Regarding the interim use for the driving range, the City sent out