NarrativeMIUMN SEPTIC SERVICES - 22517 TAGUS AVENUE • HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 RE: VARIANCE FOR 7205 HAZELTINE BLVD. EXCELSIOR, MN. (5). VARIANCE IS TO ALLOW A TYPE 4 SYSTLM. WHICH IS NOT A STANDARD SYSTEM. THE WHOLE YARD HAS DISTURBED SOILS ON IT. SO IT CAN NOT BE A TYPE 1 (STANDARD SYSTEM) CARVER CO. ORDINANCE REQUIRES A VARIANCE FOR A NON STANDARD TYPE SYSTEM. A TYPE 4 SYSTEM USES A PRETREATMENT DEVICE. IN THIS CASE A MULTI-FLO AEROBIC TREATMENT TANK IS INSTALLED IN THE SYSTEM. THERE IS ONLY ONE AREA ON THE LOT THAT A SYSTEM WILL FIT ON. DUE TO SETBACKS FOR THE WELL AND LOT LINES AND SLOPE. (C)_ A. SYSTEM WOULD BE IN HARMONY WITH GENERAL PURPOSES ETC. WE CURRENTLY HAVE AROUND 20 OF THESE TYPE OF SYSTEMS IN CARVER COUNTY. B. ANY OTHER SYSTEM WOULD REDUCE THE USAGE OF THE FRONT YARD FOR THE HOMEOWNERS. MOST OTHERS SYSTEM HAVE A LIFE SPAN OF AROUND 20-22 YEARS. C. THIS SYSTEM IS ACTUALLY MORE MONEY THAN A MOUND ON DISTURBED SOILS. THIS SYSTEM WITH PROPER CARE AND REQUIRES AN OPERATING PERMITSHOULD LAST AT LEAST 40 YEARS IF NOT MORE. ANNUAL TESTING OF THE EFFLUENT IS REQUIRED_ THE FFFLUENTON OTHER MULTI-FLO UNITS IN CARVER COUNTY IS CRYSTAL CLEAR. D. THE SOILS WERE DISTURBED BY PREVIOUS OWNER (USUALLY WHEN THE HOUSE WAS BUILT). AND PLACEMENT OF THE WELL WAS DONE PRIOR. E. VARIANCE FOR THE SYSTEM WILL NOT ALTER THE LOCALITY. NO MORE THAN ANY OTHER SEPTIC SYSTEM. INSTALLATIONS - DESIGNS - SITE EVALUATIONS - INSPECTIONS PUMPING - EXCAVATING Bonded and Insured Hutchinson: f320J 234-7222 M PCA Lic. # 1686 Fax: (320) 234-7224 Member MOSTCA Toll Free: 1-888-495-6673 Wastewater Treatment System for Residential and Commercial Properties Multi -Flo ... Best for the User ■ Consistent Effluent Quality ■ Quiet, Odor -free Operation ■ Unique, Reliable Internal Filtering System ■ Minimal Space Requirements ■ Eliminates Offensive Sewage Discharge ■ Reputation and Credibility 20 Years Experience Thousands of Installations throughout the Country ■ Installed and Serviced by Trained Multi -Flo Representatives Multi -Flo... Best for the Environment ■ Better than 95% Removal of Sewage Contaminants ■ Discharges Clear, Odorless Water ■ Tested and Certified under ANSI/NSF Standard 40 as a Class I System Multi -Flo is an efficient, compact, self- contained wastewater treatment system designed to dispose of sewage by means of aerobic digestion and filtration for both residential and commercial properties. The result is clear, odorless water, 95% sewage free! he est Features and Benefits Tw®�Za Year'"aI ra>n Multi -Flo warrants each treatment plant toqb'- 1�free of defects and workmanshfor a period of No Odors two years from the date of installation. Because the Multi -Flo utilizes an "aerobic" Prevents Drainfield Failure treatment process, there are no offensive The highly -treated, fiftered effluent produced by .rotten egg" odors commonly associated with the Multi Flo is over 950%free of the normal septic tanks. sewage contaminants that cause the "progres- Quiet Operation sive failure" of conventional systems. The specially designed, totally submerged Several Plant Sizes Available ` aerator is almost 100% noise -free. This y' Multi -Flo provides five (5) individual treatment eliminates the annoying noise created by top- plant capacities: 500, 600, 750, 1000 and 1500 ? mounted aerators and auxiliary compressors r 1 which must be located in or near the home. gallons per day (GPD). This allows for proper tib sizing of the plant based upon actual (or,a Low Operating Cost anticipated) sewage flows.- This newly redesigned aerator costs only a NSF Tested and Certified few cents a day to operate. This is less than Class I System the cost to operate most common household appliances. Multi -Flo has achieved the highest performance rating from the NSF. No Owner Maintenance Based upon their testing results, the Although periodic, routine maintenance is Multi -Flo is one of the most efficient necessary to insure continuous, trouble -free treatment plants in the market. operation, all service is provided by local factory -trained representatives. The Multi -Flo alarm system alerts the homeowner of any fr pending problem. F`Ji Low Installation Cost E ; The lightweight, single tank design allows for V simple installation without the need for heavy, expensive equipment. The durable fiberglass tank can be transported in aV pick-up truck, Minimal Space Requirements' The Multi -Flo requires only a small space (approximately 6' in diameter) for installation. In addition. depending on local and state regula- tions, it may be permissible to reduce normal drainteld sizing requirements or to discharge the effluent (with disinfection) directly to an approved receiving stream. CHECK WITH YOUR STATE, COUNTY, OR LOCAL REGULA TORY OFFI- CIAL TO DETERMINE IF SUCH REDUCTIONS ARE PERMITTED. Easy Access for Service The low -profile lid allows immediate accessi- bility to all of the Multi -Flo components. All necessary inspection and maintenance can be done quickly and easily without digging up the yard. Tamperproof fasteners prevent unauthorized entry into the unit. muirldne Specifications Wastewater Treatment (NSF Test Evaluation) Test Results Iniluemt Mean mgI Effluent Mean mgi Reduction ROD (5 day) 150 5 97% SS 195 5 97% System Components and Materials Tubs Expanders: 3" Slotted and Criled Polyethylene Pipe Fifter Tubes: Felted Polyester Cloth Wastewater Tank Dome and Coven Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Aerator.. Cast Iron, Stainless Steel, 116 HP 1550 RPM Motor Wlth Thermal overload Protectlon 120 Volt AC 2_DAMPS 6D HZ Alarm System: Low voltage (12 Volt DC) Sensors Signal to the Control Box. Audio I Visual Signals Alert the Owner to lass of Air Supply or High Water Level in the Tank. Access Cover Allows for easy maintenance. 4' INLET Felled Polyester Fi€ter Tubes (135 sq. ft. of filtration) Requires no backwash pump Submersible Aerator Quiet operation. non -corrosive Fiberglass Reinforced Construction Durable, long -life ) 4" OUTLET Five Pre -Engineered Sizes (500, 600, 750, 1000, 1500} Meets wide range of applications Lightweight (500gpd - 325 Ibs.) Easy to transport &install No Exterior Timers Tamperproof No Bypass Retains solids in system at all times to protect the environment The MultiFloPlant Requires Periodic Service. Patenl Nos.:3923656, 39320779.1032279, 4246114. 35"x63" —� FTB 1.5 UNIT SPECIFICATIONS FTB 0.5 FTB 0.6 FTR 0.75 Wo 600 750 500 600 750 1.5 1.5 1.5 63" 71" 71" 86" 86" 90 314" 17 °A" 16" 16" rt 19 1/4" 18" 18" 75'A" 74'I2" 78 Yz" 1 1 1 30 30 30 3251ba. 3501bs, 4001bs. 58 58" 65" 56" 56" 63" 'From Bottom Excavation — See oral Ce.tified In ANSf/NSF Srendn.d 40 C" MUjTIdFtIff 1501 Commerce Center Drive • Franklin, Ohio 45005 • 513/746-2727 • Fax513/746-1446 A Division of Consolidated Treatment Systems, Inc. 5100