01-15-2021CHANHASSEN SENIOR COMMISSION MINUTES January 15, 2021 MEMBERS PRESENT AT THE SENIOR CENTER: none MEMBERS PRESENT via ZOOM: Lisa Lyons, Ruth Lunde, Bhakti Modi, Dorina Tipton, Linda Haight, Mack Titus. MEMBERS ABSENT: Jerry Cerchia, David Crouch. STAFF PRESENT: Sharmeen Al-Jaff, Mary Blazzanin STAFF ABSENT: none GUESTS: Dawn Plummer, Allison Streich, Kate Aanenson Approval of Agenda: Commissioner Lunde chaired meeting. Commissioner Titus moved to approve the Agenda. Commissioner Modi seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Senior Commission Minutes: Commissioner Titus mo ved to approve the Minutes. Commissioner Lyons seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Presentation by Allison Streich, Deputy Director – Carver County CDA: Carver County CDA (Community Development Agency) provides affordable housing opportunities and fosters community and economic development. The CDA manages approximately 630 housing units, 223 multi-family units, and over 130 project-based vouchers to support people in need. Some of the properties are age restricted (e.g. for Seniors) and others for the general population. Allison highlighted various projects and identified various types of affordable housing in Chaska, Carver, Chanhassen, Victoria, Waconia, Watertown, Mayer and Cologne. • The Bridges Program serves low-income individuals with mental illness to provide them with supportive resources and housing assistance. The rental subsidy is temporary and is intended to bridge the housing gap between exiting treatment centers, institutional facilities, and homelessness to permanent affordable housing. • The Permanent Supportive Housing program provides rent assistance for homeless and disabled individuals. • Housing Trust Fund assists homeless or near homeless people with disabilities to gain entry to housing and to achieve residential, economic, and emotional stability. Program participants pay 30 percent of their household income towards rent and the HTF subsidy covers the balance of the rent payable to the landlord. • Metro HRA administers the Housing Choice Voucher program for Carver County. The Housing Choice Voucher program uses the existing private rental market and provides payments to private landlords on behalf of low-income renters. Additional information available at the CDA website: carvercda.org. Allison discussed how several Carver County communities have initiated projects to bring in affordable housing. Kate Aanenson discussed the proposed next development of Powers Ridge, which includes 50+ units of proposed affordable housing for those within 60% of Area Median Income (AMI). Kate shared that Chanhassen is considering applying for a Community Growth Partnership Grant from Carver County CDA. Commissioners had multiple good questions and comments for the discussion with Allison and Kate. Housing Options for Seniors Task Force Update: The Task Force on Housing provided updates on what they have been learning and discussing in the last month. Additional suggestions related to Housing should be forwarded to Commissioners Lunde, Haight and Titus for consideration. Commissioners Lunde, Titus and Haight reported that they have been learning and educating themselves on topics related to housing for seniors. Commissioner Haight has information about making seniors safe in each room of their dwellings. They are obtaining information (have already talked with ACE hardware) regarding changes that help seniors to live safely in their homes, “Age in Place”. Commissioner Titus is interested in conducting a survey of people in Affordable Housing to obtain input on noticeable needs they have identified. Dawn Plummer, Carver County Health and Human Services: Dawn Plumer from Carver County provided information on Covid vaccinations administered thus far and plans for next phases. Information is available on the Carver County website. There was discussion on where to offer vaccinations for Seniors. Commissioner Haight suggested polling places as convenient venues for seniors to receive vaccinations. Commission Task Force report on recommendations for driving the “Information, Education and Outreach” goal. Commissioner Modi reported that they are still compiling information and will be ready to work with City Tech Team shortly. Senior Commission Annual Goals: Commissioners agreed to keep current high-level goals. Additional details can be added to the strategic plan if appropriate. Senior Commission Comments: Sharmeen Al-Jaff advised that the Chanhassen Housing Resource guide is in final draft and will be sent to design team shortly. Commissioner Titus noted that the Website for senior information should be made high priority. Sharmeen Al-Jaff informed the Commissioners that 3 Senior Commission vacancies will become available shortly and interviews will be conducted in February for potential new candidates. Adjournment: Commissioner Lunde called for meeting adjournment. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Prepared and submitted by Sharmeen Al-Jaff