PC Minutes 09-07-21Planning Commission Minutes –September 7, 2021 3 drive-thru pick-up window subject to the conditions of approval in the staff report, and adopt the Findings of Fact and Recommendation. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR SUBDIVISION OF TWO PARCELS INTO THREE LOTS AND ONE OUTLOT AND SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR DEVELOPMENT OF AN APPROXIMATELY 82,000-SQUARE FOOT, ONE-STORY OFFICE/WAREHOUSE BUILDING AT 2100 STOUGHTON AVENUE (RIVER VALLEY INDUSTRIAL CENTER) Senior Planner Bob Generous presented the staff report on this item, noting Planning Case 2021-19 is a request for subdivision and site plan approval and the majority of the property is in Chanhassen with the northerly parcel in Chaska. This is zoned and guided for Office-Industrial and will also go before the City of Chaska for approval. As part of the development review, the applicant must provide buffer plantings but the Cities of Chanhassen and Chaska were concerned with the screening of the truck area and are requesting additional landscaping to be installed along the south property line. Erik Henricksen, Project Engineer, shared regarding surrounding right-of-ways, accesses, and noted the only right-of-way Chanhassen has jurisdictional authority over is a portion of Stoughton Avenue that does not abut the development. They would therefore defer any requirements and comments be met that are supplied by Chaska and the County. Things that may be required include ingress and egress configurations, right-of-way improvements, installations of sidewalks and/or traffic control markings, and utilities within the right-of-way. Mr. Generous spoke about proposed architectural materials. Staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat and site plan subject to the conditions outlined in the staff report. The site plan is contingent on the applicant getting final plat approval, meeting the requirements of the City of Chaska, and adoption of the Findings of Fact and Recommendation. Commissioner von Oven asked why the City is shaped this way. Mr. Generous thinks the Village of Chanhassen allowed it in the 1960’s. Commissioner Noyes asked if this could be used as retail within these smaller office/warehouse spaces. Mr. Generous stated it is possible in the Industrial Office Park (IOP) zoning, it is allowed to utilize up to 20% of the floor area for display and retail operations. Commissioner Weick thinks the applicant is short 105 trees if he did the math right. He asked if it is reasonable in the area to come up that high on the tree requirements. Planning Commission Minutes –September 7, 2021 4 Mr. Generous stated those are minimum numbers for the City of Chanhassen and noted it is a rather large area. Dan Parks, Civil Engineer with Westwood Professional Services, and Phillip Johnson, Architect, approached the podium, along with Joel Buttenhoff, applicant. They spoke about tree coverage, shrubs, square footage, and the look of the buildings and architecture. Mr. Parks would like the City to consider only having fees charged for the piece that they are developing, and he would like to bring that to the City and staff’s attention. Chairman Weick opened the public hearing. Chairman Weick closed the public hearing. Commissioner Alto moved, Commissioner Johnson seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve 1) Preliminary Plat for River Valley Industrial Center plans prepared by Westwood Professional Services Inc., dated August 3, 2021; 2) Site Plan approval for an 81,660-square foot, one-story office industrial building plans prepared by Westwood Professional Services Inc., dated August 3, 2021 and Phillip Johnson, Architect, dated August 3, 2021, subject to the conditions of staff report and 3) adopt the Findings of Fact and Recommendation. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DATED AUGUST 17, 2021 Commissioner Noyes noted the Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated August 17, 2021, as presented. CITY COUNCIL ACTION UPDATE: Ms. Aanenson said the noise ordinance went before the City Council and was extended to 11:30 p.m. so the brewery will be ready for Octoberfest. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner von Oven moved to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. The Planning Commission meeting was adjourned at 7:56 p.m. Submitted by Kate Aanenson Community Development Director Prepared by Jean M. Steckling