Written Justification - Updated 9-27-21September 27, 2021 City of Chanhassen Community Development Department Planning Division 7700 Market Blvd PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 RE: '.UPDATED- WRITTEN JUSTIFICATION FOR THIRD VARIANCE REQUEST FOR 6609 HORSESHOE CURVE, CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 COIUPLIES WITH THE FINDINGS FOR GRANTING A VARIANCE PURSUANT TO SECTION 20.58 Dear Planning Division, As required by the City of Chanhassen, and in follow up to the City's email communication sent to us on September 21, 2021, we are submitting the following updated written justification in support of ourvariance request. First, we confirm that the City Statr has formally acknowledged that its initial determination that a bluffwas present was an error and that the bluff ordinance does not apply to our property. This determination thereby renders our previous two variance applications unnecessary Second, in light of the fact that our property does not trigger the bluff ordinance, we wish to pare down the items that remaan within the scope of the Planning Oivision's review and consideration. VARIANCE REQUEST - UPDATED Sec. 20-58. General nditions for orantino. To review, a variance may be granted if all of the following criteria are met: (1) Variances shall only be permitted when they are in harmony with the general purposes and intent of this chapter and when lhe variances are consistent with the comprehensive plan. (2)Vvhen there are practical difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinance. "Practical difficulties,'' as used in connection with the granting of a variance, means that lhe property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by this chapter. Practical difficulties include, but are not limited to, inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems. That the purpose of the variation is not based upon economic considerations alone. The plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property not created by the landowner. The variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. Variances shall be granted for earth-sheltered construction as defined in M.S. S 216C.06, subd. 14, when in harmony u/ith this chapter. (3) (4) (5) (6) Permit us to review the items for the Citv's consideration: 1) SHED - LAKESIDE STORAGE We wish to place an eleven foot by twelve-foot (11' x 12') storage shed at the lakeside adjacent to the new modular deck. This placement requires a variance from the 1o-foot side yard setback and lojoot and shoreland ordinary high-water level (OHV\fL) setback. Per the City's rnitial email response dated September 2'1, 2021, when a shed and patio/deck are contiguous, they are treated as a single WAOS. ln this case, the City confirms that the combined area of lhe two would be approximately 308 sq. ft. Assuming the variance is granted, the City has indicated that a zoning permit would be needed to place a prebuilt shed on the property- The proposed shed placement would not exceed hardcover requirements and we would ensure that this shed is moveable and not a permanent structure, as to allow the City of Chanhassen access to any necessary sanitation line. As discussed, we still have a hardship issue since under the cunent situation. we have no place to store any valuable boating or swim equipment, as well as expensive furniture and tools that are used at the lakeside on a normal basis. We have previously had items stolen from our boat and lakeshore since they were out in the open and not secured in a locked shed. The normal and customary use of this area would togically require some form of slorage to truly enjoy the space and not create practical difficulties in lifting awk\ rard and heavy lake equiprnent up and down the property. ?\OPAQUE PRIVACY FENCE AND SEC ITY GATE AT FRONT YARD/S TREET. We wish to install a six-foot, six-inch (6' 6") high opaque privacy fence and security gate in our front yard within eight (8) feet of the street. We understiand this installation would require both a variance and conditional use permit for a fence taller than six feet, as well as potentially an encroachment agreement for the lence to be placed within the 'lojoot city easement. To reiterate information already contained in the original narrative, we currently have a hillh volume of cars that stop at the top of our driveway to view our unique architecturally designed home, and in some instances, cars accidentally drive down the drivewey. This is a security issue, especially in winter. since once a car goes down the driveway, it becomes a hazard where snow or ice is present. lndividuals not familiar with lhe driveway conditions would not realize that they cannot stop once the decision is made to come down and potentially be injured and or damage our home. VMthout a variance, the City of Chanhassen would only permit a 3-foot-high fence at the driveway side of our property. However, a 3Joot-high fence on a downward slope will do nothing to provide us with the required privacy. As a result, we are asking for a 6'6" opaque fence and gate in the front yard to match the heBht of the privacy fence height allowed for side yards. We further highlight the fact that it is reasonably anticipated thatour neighbors to the east will be building a large multi-bvet homeand near the 10- foot side yard setback, which warrants additional privacy considerations for our family. Lastly, we have a roofiop deck patio that warrants additional privacy from the street, for which a 3- foot-high fence would do nothing to provide any privacy. PRACTICAL DIFFICULTIES A D LIMITED USER ENJOYMENT We understand that varianc€s are requested when the strict enforcement of the ordinance would cause a "practical difficulty' because of circumstances unique to the property. such as when the property cannot be put to reasonable use because of its size, physical surroundings, shape, or topography. ln consideration of all equities and hardships in thas case, we believe that our application warrants favorable discretion, since everything we hope to do will improve the use of this property and reduce and prevent injury to people by avoiding the need to cany heavy lake equipment and other furniture up and down the property, provide privacy from the street for quiet enjoyment, and prevent injury or accidents to people or our home itself in the event they inadvertently drive down the driveway during cold weather months. CONCLUSION Our aim has remained to improve the natural enioyment of the property while balancing the interests of the natural environment. We have selected products and made changes that we believe improve the property and preserve the surroundings. Thank you in advance for your due consideration of our request. Sincerely,g,*{. fr^ Elise Bru and Brian Bruner