Returned Postcards.ur.r.,.,,,r,.,,rr!r,r,,llliii,iiii,ri',il,llur!!r!!i i iiiiiiiiii-ii ii ' '-iiil ii"it.'"r I " rt -2.r. - L* - ;- * zi E - * a E Z- Y a?airaAiaEtt ;la s53 City ot Chanh assen 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 E5S uJ!>=c cgv 5vx=g!'t=E a1 : iE9tltl 3 "r 8Y X 3A I13e J.OHllr Nlrnl lll pnr:s==.__ = !l2. '---3 -* -".rrEy .orE! )z ,P $ 000.510arlrn!raoa E I'IY T N Disclaimea This map is neither a legally @corded map nor a survey and is not intended to b€ used as one. This map is a compilation of records, infomalron and data located in vaaous city. county, state and federal off@s and other sources regarding the area shown, and is to be used lor aeference purposes only The City does not wanant that the Geographic lnformation System (GlS) Data used to prepare lhis map are eror free. and lhe City does not represent that the GIS Oata can be used for navigatjonal, tracking or any other purpose requiing exacling measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction ot geographic features. The preceding disdaimer is provided pursuanl to Minnesota Statutes 5466.03, Subd 21 (2000), and the user of this map ackoowledges thal the City shail not be liable for any damages. and expressly waives all claims, and agrees to defend, indemniry, and hold harmless the City from any and all daims brought by User, ats employees or agents. or third parties which arise oul of the use/s acc€ss or use of data provided =5331-A=*45i Subject Parcel ,llrrlllil,iltrt,,I,rt,,,,,,l,lilt,lrtrll,,,,rr,rf t,l,,l,,,t,tl T ?-{ tq( vL 0000939643 AUG 05 2021 MAILED FROM ZlP COOE 553,I7 I JERRY REUEL GILL 1851 LAKE LUCY LN EXCELSTOR, MN 55331-6504 -It t rf t-.i -t Ti a t l li,':r 6 z) I -lr E E ,9 F tr Ci o orl ! '. .g -q oo N (5 NoN F- J :, jo! o)JF o- E.>dl 0) (! oot-F oa E(5E cf () 6I o co th E =E(E o c') ,E c',c,F 'x q) co .= ==c =o)c 6 =E o C .s of c =I o o It)oc .a o o o rl) =ctot o o)o (E Co ttr q 0)p o) E.t at EoCoN o -2 og ,d I a, ELoq tc =^ OE a5 5t@- (,.C, - -oJof-c,,o -^ o :'.= or trr Et 6'+ E9.-.E: E.U 3E!5; Eg.,p E E5: EP= F:E P-q, 9,: = o.yE=: ob:0. 33EE tertEE;P -t35p 3E gE lzE 6:!r: tEgE = EEo 6_*1.?E:fi;i EEH=ts I (!= .Z (!.^ EO q- u 6r o .!., (5 E.fr ES EEE:gEEE ET 5=Lr.!l -E.= aat<)o_oE.9q +<o(D+lgF (s c(, l,rc\t(D$ q) -c o = ,ao qo Y or(!'E6=I", ac=Oc gEE:-g, or ^i i a o -! E q) ; g6e; dee=Ei€et= ufiiE? ' (/'_: L Y $E-*E$ ld rab 9 -.oe ->ii I cn' -6 PEEEEP89e=a- c -'" AEE EE 6 86(J 6 fc Eco (!Eco-cq'6 @ o) (g =E o o Eo =o'==s s$(E oc(!) -d)a 6xe- 3S.: O ra E g9E c(l,=!Lo C .9-o91 8 gEEIH ti c e!l:-o E ot-c * ?lah= El q)I I El p' i: Hle;ool!- (, (!t-- .g FEI€o i- ql c EAsIE EEIIE -o o o =o)cf .E oo E E ,9 .9 E E O ,Ecco(I ll) o o ! f -cF id E F€(, oo o (,ooJ ::t!ooILo o- G CLo. o =o iD eo- >EtoOEo.lEeta-J 96, a, .= =d,s*9 gO(E.C =E (!r,co(,, (s o)o ,EO 0JvEg 5s€o5>I .:n6>E6qo+= Pe ^tD.lg o-(ooo>a ooJ'6o cao6o!.2=o-oxYN eE fCcEo)LAui =9ulxzii oc =c Eco G-cc(! -cq'o 3; = 5c o o E i --, e €:- oP e FF ,,8 :E$Ea El BcEe EEg:EEag,Eie[Egi iiEEiEiEEEEiiiii ;EiEiiEFEBiEEigE, sEa €f;E;CIsEg;rE; iEiEiiIEEiigEEEiE iEEE$iEiEggEEiEEE e ' E') E'0r'.o,= -oo.o E =oo ED 'E g o- ooo .E (l o E Go I .9 l! o- o oo oz 06 ..o9!:Eoo to=A'E:ooo I O fg c'o o o)co6 EcooE o) lo c o U) o([F Ec G co o (I.) d o. t,, '.' l", lt!fl ,'t't,lll,lt"'lt"t'l.t t't" ll " tI t.'I r !.! t l.! IL|:|''rrIrI''' l r'tlrtrl'rr'r'r rzi.- L6- zg,z, t, - * LrL+ ziii'r*alt-st- :-lg !5 N s53 4s trl- -< !llt!llt!'tEvafAr"t30att tI)llt I tll 'io: svl.tts G tt;io355JUOOV ),1 :.! p Z l', t '-,--E tz -PttraY aowEs 't2l to leotdo T ?.r 9<< l.o rij l,lY1r\!t City ofChanh ASSEI Dl3claimer fhis map is neather a legally recorded map nor a survey and 6 nol intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, anformation and data located in vaious city, county, stiate and federal offices and olher sources regaraling the area thown, and is to be uged lor reference pueoses only The City does not \rarant lhat the Geographic lnformalion System (GlS) Data used to prepare this map are enor free, and the City does not represent that the GIS Datra can be used for navrgatonal. trackino o{ any other purpose requidno exactng measurement of distance or djEclion or precision an tie depiction ot geographic ieatures. The preceding disdaimer is provided puEuant lo Minnesota Statules 5466 03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowledges that Ule City shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all daims. and agrees to deiend. indemnify, and hold harmless the Crty from any and all claims brought by user, its employees or agents, or third partres whrch arise out of the use/s access or use or data provided 55g3 i -gr-i'..,as GREG MCGUIRK 1665 STELLER CT EXCELSTOR, MN 55331-9080 Subject Parcel t.q 02 lP $ 000.510 !t$*. 0000939643 AUG 05 2021 MAILED FROM ZIP CODE 5531 7 I t: 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 S .,l qkll lF-'.r.l iir !: i' .'..G-! I r1.It uI r-I 2 ,ltrilllt,lth,il|l,r|l,ilil,tr,!iltt,,il,iltt,fl ,,ltf t,l,il,,tl ! .e a) oooqo=F56g TE Nd F.:FE, 9b(no <Ej.E(E!arg(/, -q o2 co 0.) o oo|..N U; (.) -o EoE O ocfoo oI O -o o)oq,Q()(!E_o)hP:E C:i =E:(E Ad) 5E,oiii or --:.s E6-oEot:-o(E@ -'E3EEq ca*E6 ;Eq E=g 6aEQ.Eo+6P & E,A -o ,Eoo oF -coc o d o,5 .9 0 ! e ELo9 tc ol2?o. OEqa o; r1)i.bl-c',Q 1or 4 .9t9.5EE i"EE _aq 5 =E=;E H 8,. P ;:gE ?;E* g)"E u;! :=:5! E;.P -E-oEPEEEE A5;Ei: f! E 9aEs ;E="a H=*;B E E€ 9 ii= H PC AiEE ;EEIE5E3 = E.g 53 3o!?-c.= (au)Fo(!Eo 6,.94 +EO- o+:yFoc(JirrN(Ds o lll(.! oJ t!oo e o- >ItsoOEo-osto-J 9i;(, .= q- :i T= E5 >ct uioEcoo) Goroct O /n Eg 6E E9 9a5>Eoon)iE -cqo I -r, .6€L(! S3 oo) 6o b8oo,>'8e96 eEoE c-o)cqrg =_9lUxz'd oqo) { o,ft EEEg.-o E k o-c BntIe, cra,i; APsEEi:sEE P E_eEI ilfnEitEs,-E E ts 6.9.cP8P3; ;Ee EC 6 }E(J 6 ;e;+or -9.9(E !rco -o)a frtuBtlS E g9.H E&=E e o<ol R E:s|frb o s!l;-o t rrtl -e * ?la EE EIS :s Elrx o ot.=iggl: .q gElE is EIB E! lln li E c o) o coEo @ q, ([ =E o G E 0) -o o o =o)cfo c o)o E c .o ,9 E E () -co(I n)- .o oo =EF c -i Ec(.) o .C,coEI.6 ;;; .a ^-" p EE- "e e EE 3,8 rE€€g Ec EiE; igiEiisftgsiiiig iiE ElEi;:;EEiIE: sgi 5;i:sEEEgiggi ;;a;eEE;EEEFEIg; iEgsiiiiEiEEissii d 6 9 E l,) Eoo =_tr 9.9=r,E.eO'FrE .9oEo = E)o- .so= O(!3dotrz3 o G G o o ;o c6 ..o9Eaoo a=O'E:fooo a!o e o- f(! c'6 a oc .qooco oEo i, E F oa (, Go aJ c .91 o 1 ,r,,i,, ,,,t,,i, ,It,,,r, , ,i,,,,, t, t,,,, t,r,,rI ',r rrrr|| tr r t'tlt rt . t I I r I I tt {Za- Z6 -it ZE6 -* aBZ* Znlirl€ZrESi ;-lE rerlf sss City ofChanhassen l'u I '-,--tlt, -rrrrty rorrr,P $ 000.510 6.#Poa trarttlo=s53uoov u 30 ! a [! o e*z)s = 1!l tl t!vx tA r'1 fo{xn!lI r 9<<T t.l nl i-o N t'rY T i, \. U9J9O4J LEO FROM ZIP Oirclaimer This map is neather a legally @corded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. mis map is a compilation of records. information and data located in vadous oty. county, state and fede6l oftces and other sources regaraling the area shown, and as to be used 6r reference purposes only. The City does not wananl thal the Geog6phic lnformation System (GlS) Oata used to prepare this map are eno. free. and the Crty does not represent that th€ Gls Data can be used lor navigahonal. tracking or any otrle. purpose requidng exactng measurement of dislance or directron or precision in lhe depiction of geographic features. The preceding disclaimer is p.ovided pursuant to Minnesota StaMes 5466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowledges that the Caty shall not be liable for any damages. and exp@ssly waives all claims. and agrees to clefend, andemnify. and hold hamless the City from any and all claims brought by User, ils employees oraoents, or lhird partes wiich aise out of the use/s access or use ol dala provded EE.i.= i -a!-r=:-:-iE KYLE PALMER 1675 STELLER CT EXCELSTOR, MN 55331-9080 Ir,ll,rtlt,r,t,,,rllllthltl,tr,rr,,rqrrl,ll,,l,ll,t,tl,,lrtltt a Subiect ParcelH -t.7 I !olraaa - ffi t-7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 553'!7-l .,t ,4 krl It a --!I lr:a ' -Ji c E E EF E cio.9 F- .(! NoN |.j ) c')l joE It) fF .: -9 E E .> E) ID o oot-t- ti (l) -o E(! o ocloo _J O =E_(tr r-doo,_c olt'; o).- EZEI i=hoooc=>o66cp' o- d)9=( PEE 6 .,, rr'=.EE Iu= () -d)c(E>O -6NP 3q;EB8Y6ll)3orD #Hol -o I o p o eo EB(B!Eo!Ec op?o- OE qE ts8 ID =96€ pg E Ee E-6 Or EicEE .,oB d EE p-P g 4., P iEsE ffEf frEq# liEE:: x,s I HEx *E=a 35gi E FE; BEEEflE€l EFgi gHEE$I::: o'61 ol o)-c 0) f .9.! oqo, E-€ E6EE",€,E 6 OE ;Et_I g ggiioo EaiE9r83;E ? o oEE 55!E= SEEE:f or odS NgEEF !ig6€g?iIo, 6eEFseEsEg; AESEEb;E3 5 ?c E c(l, o.c,c(5 o @ 0) o3 E o o E OJ =o =Ior -9.Q fil (Jc(l) -d)E. EXPriS E ss.H e+*gE E:FIfl € EFI*-o E ol -: Er EIE E a, il a €; filf6 9El r E E.EI8Y 5.El o3,.!l E:>ql 6 EEAs o)c oo Ec .o .9. EEoO.l ._ccc(! o- 0,E o o'-a (!o Pf-cF -o c) o =q)cfo o (t(,oJ Goo ELo o. iio ;o E €, ELo o. ijE ago e CL I >EE_9 o-Geto-J 9i;(, .= =dlf= r!E =; .6 ..o9,t:coo o=oE!ooo tioEc iD c')oo)oc-EO EoEc) 6E E9 !a6.>E6.9 !U O^ 5E.(E o_Qo= od)'(go cab8oo.>;(l)-()Y9b eEo<rccEODL@t) =o=49[ ciac .9r o o) E .E oc li F: o) o co-c o === gEEiiEEEEi'IEg E ; q 9 = E E E g t a a q Ia t C,,t oo =o oo E E g o- tl,ooo lll .C(, CDc o(, .9 Ef o- o o) C' o2 lo c.6 U) g oFpcoc o") J(\, c'6 o o)c ,qopco o o) id EF 06 o oo I rr,,,rir,,,,r,.,,r,t,,,l,rIir,,II,lr,l,,rrr,rrri,rr,ri,,,,,i,i,lI I "lt tlt !'!l'!t I 'l lt'ttt l'lt r tt 't"' 'tt lltl tl TE!( ZL- Le-{d*,Z?it-* LaZ+zta?ttttzLL!! ,lt t -t O I'l g((AAYT}J t40+ 553 City of[hanh assel 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 JEFFREY F NEICHIN 1695 STELLAR CT EXCELSTOR, MN 5s331-9080 8n::3::,1". --,--, ,hr. -.trrty .oita t21P $ 000.510 r000S3S6,(3 AUG 05 202'l ga?ttau:o!ssSaoov svx3(lN!E t.L EYUfAI-'1 3Ou!8J.3! 'f " Ld l edaa T I I Oi!claimgJ This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a suruey and is not intended to be us€d as one. This map is a compilaton ol .ecords, intormation and data located in various city. county, siale and federal offces and other sources regarding lhe area shown, and is to be used for rcbrence purposes only. The City do€s not warant that the Geog6phac lnformaton System (GlS) Data used to prepare this map are eror free, and the Cily does not rcpresent lhal the GIS Data can be used for navigalional, facking or any other purpose requinng exacting measurement of distance or direction oa preqsion in the clepiction ol geographic features. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Mjnnesota Statules 5,166 03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of lhis map acknowledg€s Ulat the City shall not be liable fo. any damages, and expressly waives all claims. and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brought by User. iE employees or agents. or thrd parties which adse out of the useis access or us€ of data Provided EE.i?i _=a:ea:=E Subiect Paacel Irlilr,l,r,,hlltlilttt1il,llttlllhlltllilr,h,rlil,l,,lllltlill I I: t --) M! ;t ,t l .Ir&-. aq * I il "lI E o ! E .12 F E ci-oot- (\, NoN |.j =o)1 ;(5! 0,aF o2dt {) G =o trN ti (, -o E EO oc:Joo oI o .o c)(.) ooooc-o)(5.Y EE C:xO=RE<cr =q-6d5Po 'i; Eeatt 6to iY-0,rtr9lcE EEg EE EA>txEE€:tl iaitD.Eo == d)oo a&Es f E .E r1) U) g oFococo (o o o .9 o 3 a -9Eqo!Ec o-q?o. oE qE d)o o.l n)l:-Io.rdt-c€;gE E r=Er tE"B aEst rEE$ E Er: P b*-EE i;gI Egfrg:fi;r E=E= a9EE geEi 588; EPE€(r.:2 -c .! (, (, F (J IoE.9a +,EOO^!.lCF (! c(J (,,-O,l(r\l o)-c o l ,9! c n)il) Ec .o .a E Eoo olc c6 (L o.)-c o .s o o! f.cF H:\ (,(E E6=9.-o c = o< ;Et=eE,o ^=; q € ra.F; EP3EEi3e;= g n _eEE NE"*Eg Hsaf-s.xC--E E EE E* ;EeEib:E3 t l cq co occo.c,I'6 @ 0.) G3 E o o E o) -o o cfo '== or !! .Q (E oc(D -d)-o 5Y ?riS E $iE e isrE BEEIftb q !!lx-o E ol -: ra * ?16 EEAS = o il aiI sleEgSl: ;i o -ct :l B gEI€ 333lHgE JIE EE IIH o-lc.9 o o E -aoc f CF Zo oEc (oroc It)o)(E oro<e ovEg E8;g 5;E6qo Pe XE -(oo_Qts .!E'6o b8(l)E.2t 8EE6 eEo<)ccE O'L@i =o=xHE. (! EI 6 = =; gEgiEEiiii'fliii EEEEigiIEEigiEig isigiisiiiiisiisi ai .EF c6 !, Go o o(,oJ Eooo,I o- iE(, CLa a, ]o too.g o- >;EOOEo-oeto-J 9oto.= o :!'fi l!.C =; cd ..o9ECoo, o=OE =oOo tt E{to =EDo.=o;.e.,ErE .9oEo = E)o- .E oE(l,(!.9f,otrza oo.CtroEo fg ,Eq) o o)c ,qo EEo lt) o) = l l r q l l l l ; ! , t ; , t t ' , , t t I i i i ! r i ! i l i r , , ' , l i l l ! i ! ; i i r l r f i t , [ ' i i , i i , ! ;zE- L6-i',,Zie-A ZUZ* at r.iI,a et'€_i,i_.553 uatFiau=oEsstrooY svrtatN3< oi !"iiviiii3-r8Vdt"l I-i30+! !{ x r'11 !!foiri I rY t i] ,f;3:a 12. ---)--5 Elz - atrrry aLorrt t2 1P $ 000.510.t." l roledoa gqc City of Chanh ASSCN I Dlaclaimer This map as neither a legally recorded map nor a suNey and E not intended to be used as one. This map as a compilation of records, information and data located in various cjty, county, State and fede{aloffces and other sour@s regarding the area shown, and is to be used fo. reference purposes ooly. The Cit does not wananl that fie Geographic lnfomation System (GlS) Data used to prepare this map are eror free. and the City does nol represent lhat the GIS Dala can be used for oavigational, tracking or any other Arrpose requiring exacling measurement of distance or dircctjoo or precision in the d€ticton of geogrephic features. The precedang disda,mer is provided puGuant to Minnesolia SlaMes 5466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowledges that the City shall not be liable for any damages. and expressly waives all claims. and a9rees to defend, indemnity. and hold hamless the City from any and all daims brought by User, ils employees or agenls, or lhird paatjes whach arise out ol the use/s access or use of data provided. 5533 i -a5r:'431 PATRICK V JOHNSON & MARY C CORDELL TRUST 1831 LAKE LUCY LN EXCELSTOR, MN 55331-6504 Subiect Parcel h,t,,trt,lt thl ,,l,,,,lrtlltttt,lf ,,tf tt ttt, t,rlr,lrlt li 0000939643 AUG 05 202i MAILEO FROM ZIP COOE 55317 l I M q,"\ " 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 r1r] t d l(Ll ) & E ,: E 5 E I I t 6 63 aq 99 . e !E. !r e P s:rEEiEEEf=fgE ;;EEEIEEE;;iiEEE ;e€EgiEEiEEiEffi lo:65.c6€;ss E n.'E€ -B:q 5 5:Ee E f,3 5€ e'A g:eE ; a.i q [3c'isr.! " ! !c:5 FEsB siEe EiEI EgEE:fi;i EE[3e I (D= .Z (5,^ tr0 d'- * rn o -g o HIE; , EgEF e-8Be-so. .FOc(JU)rN(9!l 9 ,9 o p e 6eo!Ec o.P?o. oE qB ts8 - _q E 55F-5 _9 F E ci CDctEa, 0,r-'lEitr 0. o o(, oz o) NoN l- 5o,I j (l,! r1.)fF E'I l! o. oo6l! o o o.)E o =o.9! ! Et I E & 5 €Pq ts' d p .>dl 0., =o f-t- lt o)o E(I, .c.o ocfoo (5 I =(J 0)oc o) '6 o) 3 Edt o c', '6 or -.i.En-aE o.o o6 CE =t,=(! orE .!E Oc-oON oc .o f Co =_96 o)oc ,q o o o o)5U o)t o o)(,oo c(! (,)c o,) 0.) Ec ,9 .9 E Eo(-) o) .=C -qII d) .rrl a;9 ?l Poi t,El-*sE(o ' N.l =; = (E E=E!EIEfrfif, E p:s:lg 3: ; g EiElEfliBgEi siEIEFiEEEE o,-o o! =.c,F id .EF 06 a, oo o G(J oJ Goo o 0. c tE .9E i o,E]o o o o- >utoO'EcLo EJ 9i;(, .= +'E o.c =r c6 ..o9ccoo o=OEfooo !;(5ocoo)ooo Orn Eg 5Eigp-a6>Eooc) Qo ?1 _rt .0s-ooo>a crO(, CAb8oo.>t8pE6 9*,ai JCEEonL6 ,/; a--Y HH al C .s) o o E oc l E co o.cco-q o B =; fo ._co U) oc .gooc(6 o)E o) lp .=ll) U) o oF tcoco o L,r,t,, ,t,t,,r,t,t,,r'rrlrl ! rrrr. r r rZn'Ln-!lrZi'a-EZ Z 'f " La/u6oa I 11r,,1,r,rirt, ,,,,,t,,,,, ,,,t,,ll,t I t !' I I II',|_|',',II t t lr'ZrZi'l6ZIEii:rE Ff'f ss: City ot Chanh ASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 f:::3:,,:t t./. ---5 ltlz -.rtrtY .ort. a ul SYl3s u aYll ato=ss3uocYx!cH t-l.!-t t tlrl!!.tl SVU 3A I '1=O itlln I t\l .r g<<T J-O N I Oisclaime, This map b neither a legally recorded map nor a suNey and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a @mpilation ol records, information and data located in various city, county, state and Iederaloffces and other sources r€arding lhe area shown, and is to b€ used for reierence purposes only The City does not wananl that the Geographic lnfomation System (GlS) Data us€d to prepare this map are enor free. and the City does not represenl that lhe GIS Data can be used for navigalional, racking or any olhe. purpose requiring exacting measurement of drstrance ot directjon ot paecisron in the depiction of geogaphic features The preceding dasclaimer is prcvided pursuant to Mannesota Statutes 5466 03. Subd 21 (2000). and $e user of this map acloowledges that lhe cily shall not be liable for any damages and exprcssly waives all clarms. and agrees to defend. indemnily. and hold hamless lhe City ftom any and all daims brought by lJser, its employees or agents. or third parties wnich adse out of lhe use/s access or use of data povided. 5533i-6Ei-ji3l:! GORDON A MEDEIROS JR 1730 LAKE LUCY LN EXCELSTOR, itN 55331 Subrect Parcel L 02 lP $ 000.510 0000939643 AUG 05 2021 MAILED FROM ZIP COOE 553'I 7'-----a I rFr-'t" Il ,4 ! r't rtLL T llhlh'h,llrl,hrll'r,hll,tll,,hhll,'ll,rnlllllrl,rl'r,r'l e gE Eo) o-oo9o-r- 3.6p SENdi <,)o <= J,E €E(,-E o.)oc It)p o) =E(! o, c')c'6 <r.i.=t-at oo 66 .EpEA:o}E Eglfat.ga.Pi6EN o o) ooco c, .9 = c o = o 2 r1.)(.,co o o 0)-o E G-co oc =o (!- O o.)fo 0)t D m o) (E o IR -N ,Eoo o)c .Eooco -g 0) = l(! ,go rD E l!F_o c6 Co o o o p EL(r,!P Ec o.q?o. OE a6 e3 a- It) ior6 O -n i 4t€ e=' I E: *3 0r E EEgg a-;H 3=-EE gE+! Eear-;:'Ee EEE= sgE€sf9=d. FE:eL5889 ii=HPE gfE+JEE5E P-eBeso -OCU@FN(Osl 0)9ot-€'e6=9'a -o c = O- cl'-lY-.!E EEt= $P a or'B *; E rgg ;.g 3EE:E5 i EeIE E \E*E$ttde6,g3; 6Pp..,beEiEEEo (J o la :. >rc o E (,-E (! ;EeEcEb:E3 Ef f tr Eco oEcoEq.5 e ID E; E G (t, E o) -aP't= o 9.9(o _Nti 0co -oa Ex Bt iS E g9.EE8=tq-otol R E: *1fl € EEIi-o E ol -: gr * ?16 EgEISE (l) -,:l X ;i e {rl .,i3 8lE- (, t!l-x o-cl r S B'El€ 3,.31 Px i..tl 6 ;! llF -o ID=o +o)E5o id E i=€ C) oo E o oq o l!() oJ oo CL EL ii(, ;o Eoeo o. >Et.o o.o EJ I ii)o,= f'g !! .E }E u;oEE o,o)oo)o EO EoEct 5E+- c)e> I -.tEA6ooo)+: -c O^ 03-oo_Qo!+ a0 Ol 6oEOo6 OE.2= 9{o PEoa EEo)L U)a E ^-eurxzii o- =c.9 o EF o f c Eco (5EcoEq o i > B gEEgEEEgEE'[EEi igi:igEEEiiiiEiE EiEEiiiiEEEEEEi: iisiiEE:EgE3gi:i EEi,EtiEgEEEFiEEg iiEEgigi5E!EiEEEE E ! q t 5 ii E"E oo =goo>= '6 E.eoF .oiEo3CDo- .s oEoo.9f, OEzil 6(, o o c6 ..o9ccoo a=ot:ooo iiilr,[iiiiiiiilr,',ilirlril,i!,irlll,!l!!ilir,l!iliitl'i!ili!8*rj3=-:t, l', . --)--5 nq/ -?trr!y aort3 t2 tP $ 000.510 Z'!sil 553 !'t F- ZE- i6'9EZre -E aBZY lz l to laqao rr a, M 4tt luoov 5vxicil!s eir ata6 aT E 5 i 3 -i ;b' ii;i8VE] I1!O IONtl !a at I lt :s il G3SS3 fl , t :.1 gt< - = TY 1N City of Chanhassen DbcLlme, This map is neither a legally ecorded map nor a survey and is not intended lo be us€d as one. This map is a compilaUon of records, informatjon and data located in vaious cjty. county, state and fedeaaloffces and other sources regarding lhe area shown, and is to be used for reierence purposes only. The City does not wanant that the Geographic hformatjon System (GlS) Data used to prepare this map are enor f.ee, and the City does not rep.esent that the GIS Oala can b€ us€d for navigational, tracking or any other purpose requinng exacting measurement of distance oa directjon or precrsion in the defiction ol geographic features. The preceding disclaimer is provided pu6uant to Minnesota Slatutes 5466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of thas map acknowledges Ulat the City shall not be liable for any damages. and expressly waives all claims. and agree6 to debnd, indemnify. and hold harmless the City from any and alldaims brought by User. rB employees or agents. or lirrd parties whici arase out of lhe usefs access or use ol data provided EE== i -a-=,-: i =i-: 77 00 Martet Boulevard PO Box '147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 ALLEN L FINSTAD ,1730 LAKE LUCY LN EXCELSTOR, irN 55331 rr,,l,rlrrl,rrrilrl,r,r,lt,r,t,,llt,,tl,,,l,tl,lIil,l,,,,il,,l,rl Subject Parcel I i I i ( *** 0000939643 AUG 05 2021 MAILED FROM ZIP CODE 5531 7 t I ffi r_-l rl(Ll I \ t..I7 l cdi For E9o-q.liOol l.- 6o8 N!OiN:. FJE an- <bjs([=6i O)E.fs !2 c0 o) oEuot-F. a o-o Eo ocJoO 6 o ttr E c o)p c)t Efd atq a)N o)o 3 E(o q) o,c o)c 'i o)co .=E -_ =--Ef o, =n)3t-o (l)ooo tc o =-9(! o o)oc(!.E o o o o)lo (l.)t co oc E(.,5 cop o =o .gg U) g(!FEc(s co (E "9o .9 o !,,.6 .e (!!p tE o.9?a O'}E o6 e3 @- E. F5]tr.=€-egE E3 E-6 E'r EleEE -'o$ d :Eia B+;; IEEE P';Et .6Eiq,g E gE E83X8, 9Hrra=.e.e 6 E.< R *E="a P=:EE =qEt E=Hc 3 Ese 9E€ EHe€3 E FE! *E-g=*H#5F<o(D+.:gt- (5 c(J oDrNd)S o CJ o.l (.)E o) f(, .a! E. E-E'E6=9.a -c) E = O- c sEri pE o ^=; q- 8 "-s e t.E E*8PZq- (, 0(a 0J EI o oE= tr SIiESssfat:9 =,r, oAio E Ns**5E !d € 6 E.g;6P9)'.6b s EE ge i -c o c l,;(!d- L',F'-Er >6 o, = I PoE! !E r a itd Ef fi Ec c) oE C(! Eq 6 G o o > E G o E o) -69'; -Y,, 6o)(, '-N(l, (Jc(l) -o)E 6XBtiS E 9,9-Ec o= a-: c o*<ot F EE*ln E EBIs f;EEIE _E .p il a(I3le E BEI=o !+El o - 9 lnl-oY;-cl oc!;ql q) =-;61 = FEflH -o g o o)c fo {, i: 06 q, t!o o t!ooJ :jl!oo e o- (,o CLct iio ;o oILoc >Ets.o o-GetrJ 9i; 6l .= =a,=6'iE GE >(n ,!;oEc 0)(,)oorocv'-o(l) rn E9 63 €gLa6> .9q 9o xd .(tr6_a.gcJ(!ol '6o qr6oo.> ';o-o:EEoa o= 3E6oi =9UJHzd- cj.-c.9 o o) E o ) E Eio o-coEc'o i;; &p 3 E T E -t 9 E 6 I tI iE IE *5 e e-3E.. p! e E 5?EEE;ES;g.flEI E=; ;iEii"EiEaEi itiEigigEEegiEE ;iiEii;iE:eiii€ IgEii$EgEiEEiIi gEiEEi!Eg€EEEEa iEEggiiiiitEiggg E 6 3 , E .q E 5 I E E 0,(, =gE'=6 .O.,o'=-EoE=o{odps.=OE cEEo-za ooo o o .6 ..o9 .9co=(l,E:rooo f(5 c'6 o 0)C ,qo !c([ oE o) !,, ! l,,,t,, ,lt,{,tt, ,l!L,,l,,,,,, t,,t, ,, , l,t't,,I i !' r I I I !', llilitltr I r I t! tt t! t- t . ZE- LAt- L!d;..ard-*,i8L- ztz" [EzlLiE ;lE' loN fa!tolqaao T t.a gtE ?-'Y1N Tt<( -.^;tia 553 Es POs|,?, \3s6 I.lI ., !EYnIII3'trY'8-Art!ont Hxnt tx u !, !r au:c3ss38€GV 5V!rtal!t< I 4 l". --,--ttiz -rrraly aorta1P $ 000.510 City of Chanhas sen t BO ANDERSEN 1760 LAKE LUCY RD EXCELSTOR, MN 55331 -9025 Subject Parcel ,,r,,lrt,rrp,,lill,,rlt,lhillIll,llh,l,l,t,,,hil[tlill,Iil ,/ d0009396,i3 AUG 05 202'l MAILED FROM ZIP COOE 5531 7 ffi 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 r: JI s*I '- Er i I I 6 OiSclaim€r This map is neilher a legally .ecorded map nor a suNey and is not intended to be used as one. This ftap is a @mpilaton of ecords. infomaton and data loceted in various crty. county, state aM federal ofrces and othet sources regarding the area shown, and rs to be used for reference puDoses only. The City do€s not war.ant that the Geographic lnformation System (GlS) Oata used to prepare lhis map are eror free, and lhe City does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navdatonal. t acling or any other purpose requaring exac-tng measuremenl of distance or direclion or precision in the depaction of geographic fuatures. The preceding dlsclaimer is paovided pursuanl lo Minnesota Statutes 5466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and lhe user ol this map acknowledges that the City shall not be laable for any damages. and epressly vaives all daims. and a0rees lo defend. inclemndy. and hold harmless the City from any and all daims brought by User, its ehployees or agents, or third partjes which arise oul of the us€/s access or use oI data provided g=33i-3itz=as *I.t,3- I E gE ci6oqo! F-5 EP !EN3 qb CD o)ldr<5j.s3!(,q F5 E2d) c, o =ooF.t- tli q) -o Eo-cO o E oO (5 I o -o o)oo(.) ooc -q) c:\ EC ;oio:' I o, -.P.=to6troi:-o(trlD -Eo>ccrud) Q EE EE Ba>trh=E.tll 6aEo.EE36Polo(rt N Jo c'6 o o)c ,qooco -9 rl) = lo c 6a([ oF Ecoco o o .!! o p I EL 6€tc o.9?o. OE qE OToE@- o =osf-caO .-n r tl,-o ;-' o F(tr :'= o trl.g€ -9:q 5E!;E HX.,gJl E-E= o o= E 5€e'A g:aF s+EE eE!e fEag :cE;:!gp 9HEr ==E= gEg€"8 €fiEf EEH=rE f (E= .a (!.^ E=O (t-- rro:, O,^ BiE! =i*e;&= b8 = EP E€ 3cl.!zE_E (a(rFO[;o 6-.9q +< o-o+:tgFOE(Jir-N.rV rrr O) = O':tl oi n*El=$rE ;-E!*IgEfIpE Ee;tt]€r;,EH E EgElgfligFEBE .qgEIE*EEg;E3 :EiIHESEEEcg idE i= co Q, oo o GooJ :jooo P o- (,o at EI ii 0,tr;o torLo o- >HE.o o-l!eto-J 9gJto.= +'I i!.E =E €..o9t=EO0) tt =A'E=ooo ,"t r;EEc Ei ecEE ,EiiEEiS.EEE[ggE EiEEiEiEEEgEiiig EEE EiiEiEiff:EiE ggE E?EE;EiiEE;;g EEiggiiFEiiigiEi ;ggEgiEgigEEeffis o;o'1,cq, o)oo)o (D .n Eg 6P;9p-a 6.> (Evoo)iE -cqo x6 .lg E-oooESop'6o aab8 .2t9io EE eE EEODL@0>v 1llYz;, oc fi EE 0) oEcoEI- > >i a E 'a o E E d t ti! I 3 t E E'T E(,o = 9.9.:l, 8.9 J-E .9oEo =E"o. .=o= OGar- orza olllE o.Eo ,,,tti tt t,t,t,,t,r,l ,, ,t,t, ,t,,ll, ,lltii,,liiiii.,irll' I ll r. rtl .l r.rl |r rr r| |''|'r'I|I'|' t'tt.,,l ZE- Ze- *a.atil-E, t*Za. iirZitCZAEiS :lt u orrr! !t Li .f o 3ss Elioov svxtatHtc Mssr City otChanh assen l'z . --1--tly --ptrxly.orr3 n*-4 5 !EPllat!vit3Ar13(lniunt!! IEz2 a2 / t6!e(ltd T - E<C tO N I'YTU I 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 553'17 Dbclaimor This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a suNey and is not inlended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records. anfomation and dala located rn various city. county, strate and federal offces and other sources regardang the area shourn, and is to be used for referen@ pu.poses only The City does not warant that the Geographic lnrormation System (GlS)Data used lo prepare this map are efior fre€. and the Cjty does not represenl lhat the GIS Data can be used for navigational. tracking or any other purpose requiing exacting measurement of distance or darection or precision in lhe depictjon of geographic fealures. The preceding disdaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 5466.03. Subd 21 (2000). and the user of this map acknowledges that the City shall not be hable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims, and agrees to defend. indemnify, and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brought by User, its employees or agents. or thrrd parties whaci aase out of the usefs access or us€ ol data povided s=3gi -gir?ai*-1 CHRISTIAN P & ELIZABETH PREUS 18OO LAKE LUCY RD EXCELSTOR, MN 55331 Subject Parcel ,. t r r,l,Ill,tlr,l,l,ll,,r,lt,,rllh,rlllItl,lltril||,,,rt,,lll,rr,r ILIr 2 lP.$ 000.510 t 0000939643 AUG 05 2021 MAILED FROM ZIP CODE 55317 t H -t lla ^tI I .lI rt / hflk I l' Eg Eg E.) o-oo9o=F5 iE P' -E8EN6 -8,4b <5i.s -Qho-q F= !2dl It) o =oo I.rt- 6 o_o E t5 9 c o(J oI] -] ol -o IDoo)oo(5E_ tl, (tr ,Y bE 53 =Ex(EEqr6d) 5Poii isaci-oEo i:-o(tr{J -= E:E EE B; =0,EEE 6at0 tr- *EEtroN r; .9 o .9. o o 'd o e _9(!q tc o.9?o. oE a6 @- It) iol6f<6€;gE E iqE€ $t,s.l? EE- oor=E i € pe 3!:6!E.=x oEi0- .e q: = !!,a _E orors"! > E:EE=;P btEp EEBE A5;: = E c'* E-g f;c ^q:fi;i EEE=ielO= .2(5,^trn a9es i:*EIfigEE= E }; E= g o.!2-c.= ogrFoo-E .g -& 3E go FOc(Jt,rN(9\t E, E",€ EoEioror.O c = o-c cl-ly-.-E ;Et= $g E;;EcE- (J oo lD EIooEtq SEiESssfaE:rf a, ofi-S E Ng=IFE !i€6Eg;6Pp'6beFiEeElEsEB;e] ;EEEEEb;r3 3E ?c Eco o -cco-c o @ o o =E o o E o) -o o o =(,,cao 6et=or -9.Q(! Oc(l) -oa €Y.:l c)9;3E.: O rz E g9E c(l,=!Ld c -P-o91 8 EEFIfr E ESIS € q3E q E Et 0' E o il aIi 3le;ool!i 8El=6 qEl o'- !J rEl -OY arl o igilB FE llr a(5ocoo)oo)oce Oa4 Esi 6E ,,La E.>6ooc)i= -c -,qol ;P Aax u, Loo EBEo oE'6 (56 d)Xoort ?.>=Eo- t EE;Bt8 JCC cFoarc -ca;? =p;5 E.B {;g EE;EE ff,rEflI iEEE€EgiEiEgEiEE iEg Eiti;tEiffiti gtgigg;EiigEiggEg ;ggEgi;SEEElEgEEiE e i ,9 o lll()oJ ooooo o- tgo a o 3o E{, TLo o. >EtoOEo-oeto-J 9,6 a, .=cl :lo- :li5 o.E c6 ..o9ECoo o=OE =ooo ED E()(, =cE,,O,=o h.9oFrE .9oEo, E'To- .E oE(, (l,.9dotrz8 aot! r!E(J (, F 06 o Go fo c 0)o rl)c .gopc(5 _q o f(! .-c o) U) p oF Eaoco o ,,{r,,,fi .r,ll,,|lr,r,lll,t, ,r,ll ,t,, , , t,,t,t,,,.,t,ra i,'l'ii'r i i r r [ t' I r'''r'|]|'|| r|r|Irr zE'-za-58zig-*,.Llt.Lr. ZtatTel.tf55 3'1 8.lt AE(C 1" ! ,q I ?aoa 8^:::3=.,:t !l2. --)--3 -*/ -Dtrrty .oraa t2 1P $ 000.510 r000939643 AUG 05 202'l ,AILED FROM ZIP CODE 5 531 7 MN 553 V U 3A I NXn.!.= G;i'ii iio iorsstsroov sv:fot'lts 'i30 roN .T E(<:.IY'tU Obclaitrer This map is neither a legally le@rded map nor a survey and as not intended lo be us€d as one. This map is a cornpilation of records, infomation and data loceted in various cily, county, slate and federal offices and othet sout@s regarding the area shown. and is to be used for reErence purposes only. The City do€s nol wtsnant thal the Geographic lnformation System (GlS) Data used to prepare this map are eror free. and the City does not represent Ulat the GIS Oatra can be used to. navigatonal, tracling or any other purpo6e requiring exacting measuremenl of dastance or direction or precision in the depiclion of g€ographic leatures The preceding dasclaamer is provrded pursuant to Minnesob StaMes 5,166.03, Subd. 21 (2000). and the user of this map acknowledges that the City shall not be liable for any clamag€s, and expressly waives all daims. and agre€s to defend, indemnify. and hold hamless the Cily from any and all claims brought by User, Its employees or agents. or thard partjes wtich aise out of lhe use/s acaess or use of drata povided EEgg i -gr--r;Bsr-i 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 PATRICK V JOHNSON & MARY C CORDELL TRUST.I850 LAKE LUCY RD EXCELSTOR, iiN 5s331-9078 t,,r,l,trlillt,rr,rl,lillilr,r,lll,l,ll,llt,,il,ltlht,,lililll,l a E a Subject Parcel City of Chanhassen u \t kll }r J ?t cd E9r Fo -36 Fo ooo9r F-= fr^:6 OJ t{oN t- lo)f joE o):lF -q E2 c0 c) (! =oo F U; o-o Eo-c oc fo o- () =E-ood) oc,_c Oaq E),^2 ctEEd9x=:rDo >o66 qP r5E og =o'qEE 6 o,E >E E:E€€ i. EAHaoro eH0 .i .9 o .q. '6 E- o=tc 1o (DE (6: o5@- ca orEE'r Eoo) .x H f,,. g 3+=E?5;aI o-c o ll h c=babE B =.E d 9Hsxho>orrxa8€[ -= Y ., Y6 = or'-9srEbE'9u (E.- E=tl)o!j N.^:= -c I ii: FE! q EP 5€ 3@Fo(r'6 E -ol< ..,* q, E o Qg E5 tr: SePE ;: 3-e, a 6-? Y_ c tl -E .E c,..j. ptEE8=P€ O3-.9 o o!, ] E€E - q!E oPzooYooP-Qq) *=E=o.9 = : iri "PEBfg't- (E clj o eN(9s 0.)Po) Y CD(tr E'":>d)ol-o c: O-c c EEti $pI o= 3 *.H;;59 35a35aE?oOEtstri:E5ss sfiaE:gf o-od* E \T.*ETE H,.AEgE6Pp'.6b e E* 5e iESEBIaor L F'-E>.6 q = I I!=! EE 5b;b3 Ef =c E E(l) G-cco I @ o o =E CI (E Eo =oi t, (5 (JC3;* Pt iS E ggH c (D= j:-o EQ otol H i;Hltn Ell .: oE 3E = o il aIiBle:ool:- (, (!l- g FEIEo .,-- t'll q 3 ->.'61 h FE EIH to o (')c5o id E F cd (l, igo o clIoJ ag o o o- CIo EL iio ;o o CLo o- >Hr.q CL IEeto-J I ii, a) .=o-? f'g ct -tr =E €..o9EEoo a=q,E =oc,c, ui(, Ecoo)oolocP =o(l).n Eoi Ea €o),= 26.0a (Evqc) Pe .0€-(5o-Q cJoE'6o b8 OE '> .; PEoa!0) o)c ti ,t;>v1', o =8 ci-c.9 o o) E oc fi E o) o-ccoE .9 ! =; H,}iEi€EiCBAE :EiIiEii.EEEIFg EEEEiEiIEEFgiiI gigiEggEgiiggig EEEEgiiiiiEEiEgE p ! a E E I 9 t oE oE 5E e , ,e q t I a E E E" EooE EDccOL.o}-r.l[ Oo'=It .Gi E =,o1' !t,t ^- an E.=Otr E-EEo-za ooo o (J fo c'6 at) q)c .(go co o) =q) =o ,E 0)a o oFpc(! C G iIl, ZU- L*- tA.A7-.i &- I. L 8Zy 't" / to I adad Zirat'a€aTEi! .LO N 'r tr g(< llt,,.tt'r'|l ll </TFq( MN 553 tso*a6 t -! 5 ralaalll3"l8VU;Ar"l30atr Ntnt ax tl !t!t aru :crssr800v svu=oNts s8z l-, a ----tl17 -217p1v 1qs211P $ 000.510t?Yti! City of Chanhassen Oisclai.net This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and as noi intended to be used as one. This map is a compalation of records, infomatlon and data located in various clty, county, state and federal offices and other sour@s regarding the area shown, and is to b€ used for reference purposes only. The Ciiy do€s not warant that the Geographic tnfomalion system (GlS) Data used to prepare this map ale eror free. and the cily does nol represent thal the GIS oata can be used for navigalronal, tracking or any other puapose requiaing exactrng measuGment of distiance or darectioo ot prccisbn in the depiction of geographic features. The prereding disdaimer is provided pu6uant to Minnesota Statutes S2t66.03. SuM. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowiedges that the Crty shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims, and agrees to defend. indemnify, and hold harmless lhe Crty from any and all claims brought by User, its employees or agedts, oa third parlies which arise out ollhe use/s aca€ss or use of datia p.ovided.5533i -3'nA'-iCi i BRIANC&DONNAMSTRAUSS 1701 STELLER CT EXCELSTOR, MN 55331 tt,l,llrrltr,ttrl,|l,,r,illtJl,rltl,,thhr,iltr,'rlrl;,1Ir1111 LN I 0000939643 AUG 05 2021 MAILED FROM ZIP CODE 553'I7 I I L d 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 553'17at rlltrt!' Z -l t a Subject Parcel ,E E ,- ID _9 F E cio9F- o NoN t- fo,f ;oE o)lF :d) o o ooF.F- !; o) -o Eo.C ocf,oO oI =E-oI-6oq)c.Eo(,, EPaEET :(t)(E3 cP>o66.po- o)g >E 8EEE;d'C E-Q= 6zAColo-6N€ 2'6 EAE3(Dp EHE ei oc .9E o oE o P os(E9ottc>oo-Qf^ oE ab 5t r< c .9 o=0)E Eo io- tu ,YEg ; O (D= ca,-c o c9::oob;o- Q -i cr .i h c=OEbPB=E 6.!PdpE>l,lD0,:o2sr+? 5=aH3 5c = L_9 !SiHeilz o.- tr=o.Slg q ra =:-8ts 3:,u-E.9 I EP 5€ 3(,Foo-E ll)E -o)r-c !1 _O'fi P=5 E29. E:c-E E€ EEeTe o- -oI E P 33EE.Ec-io,EE H ='P€ FE .9 O CLtE=.C.eAE:Ea-ae- -(l)o:s r (U= 3 E:t8-.PeqEE= o.9E r ii €-&EEe'F(Ec(J.,-N(r)\t C,lc oo E E .o .9 E Eo (,, Ec od c) .rl 0)ZP ?l 9_ei i,El-EeE s" ;gEl5:St* E $gE rIE i;EI efetPg: g 3:{ EiE|FEIg;gi gfEIEFiEEEE o o,- a o ! lEF o t!(, oJ :jooo o o- r!o ct rL ii(,t Bo tott e o- >EtoOEo..EetOJ 9.;o.= f'g r! .E =r €..oEEEOrt o=OE:ooo oac.9 o o E oc Ji E ao (E -c U;ooc 0)c')(gg)o ce,FO EoEoi 6E Eg 2a 6oo0)iE -cqo -'o.03-oooB:oc)oo)'o(! FA68o!>;9loYcY(Doa!0) rc o)c6ui =-9fiPzii C(! -cc o == = , e ti, ,.8 e E EEi iEEEt Ei'[gE i*EE€ggiEgiiiiE EiiEiiiiEE;!gii g!EEigEEiiiiiEi ;eEigiEgtEEEigEi Ip e € t 3 9 E a It, 3 to6 E!rE;: BE EEqP 3 E 3 ; Ia € g P I t! tD E(, (l, E P5 -_'6 $-o '=-EoE=o dgl otr e_E Eo-zi ooo (! Eo fo ,E o) U) o oF Ecoco o 5o c 6 U) o)c .(!o Eco C)=o at E F .6 to oo iJIIN >A MN 553 ^tirsF\sI z !l'/ . '-,--Elaz -PrrtEY aoraalP $ 000.510 Cily of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 a Ia Dilclalmer Th6 map i5 neather a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of recods. anformation and data localed an vadous city, county, state and tederal offices and other sources regarding the area shown, and is to be us€d lor referen@ purposes only. The City does not waranl that the Geographic hbmatron System (GlS) Data used to prepare this map are enor lree. and the City d( nol repre3ent lhat the GIS Data can be used for navigatonal. tracl(ing or any ol purpo6e equiang exacling measuEment of disiance or darection or precision in deplclion ol geographic featuEs. The /ecedinq disdairner is provided pulsuant Mann6otB stalules 5466 03, suM 21 (2000). and the user ot this map acknowted{ thal the Crty shall not be liabte for any damages, anc, expressly wajves alt ctajms, e agrees to defend, lndemnify. and hotd hamless the Cjly from any and all daims brou by User, ats employees or agenls, oa lhird Flarlies which arise oul of the usefs acces! use of date povided i-l T; ssFi7ri.f6d€E-r fr5 i I I (J }iFIUtX L E 4.S i$tt€ssi!'t'rt EiltPEaon Subject Parcel N07 I--54441.-ff!-! z Iil I ( I i I ^t, t- II ^l '.i 0000939643 AUG 05 2021 MAILED FROM ZIP CODE 5 531 7 I M a, \ I ! a-' JI dr-?!. ||;l-! t 5 5 3:" ? B1{? 4? I I | ; t ; , ; I i r i i , i i ; iirl' 1i! E ,a F E cr 0, 6 c; E : : loo N 6 &ool t- fo) j(!E o):F p2o o) oEoot-f.- e o)-o EoEo oclo() o- () 3 E_(E J-6oo,c.soa EPaEiE2--:o(E e:€oE o)I io' o.rEE9==6 o,E >tDc T:,AI3a;-*3e YlrA3d)E EHE l(I ,E o)a o)c ,gooco o) o) = lo .g c)o o oF !C(! co G o; "9o .9 o '6 He tc o.9f^ oE (55 ts8 d, -o;E;gE E3 66 E'r E EE:i *E;P HiaF tEE*EBxP SHata:.e.e 69.iR6 *E=e :='EI P'= Ur.() a\ (!>O-* =9f5 EEEE'PSEce g,g€E; tse: -frgE E g ll.: o(D^! y t- (5 c(J @FN(9S .rl O) =O'rl oi ; * El=* g* gssgflgEEEgE EEEIEE*f;EEE siEIEFEEEEE5 EEEEEEEE;A,iggi iiEEiEiEEEiiiili gEI E;gIsEEEEEE;E EsisliisisiiiEii d t 6g 3 5 E d..o9ccoo o=C.'E=ogo 9glto.= =atI= (!.C =r ::€oo CLo L c 6 .9ao tl,E =o 6'oo G >trr.9 o-.Eeto-J tt .EF 06 6) t!o lc o o c =; > ?c E (l, o co-co o oo 0).,- -oc)i =o It)-c p c)poo o-) o, o o IDp pc(5 o) f .E E ti rl) (!ocq) o,o g)c o., o, Ec(,E3 c EooE otr g o Eqo o Eo Q),: c)oo a-fc .g)o E" .E -(,(, E dnErr iO ' t! ra.-o'= OE =o€odp b.=otr gE !l aLza ooG G o Eo GooJ t til]MN 553 q'o*ro 1., . ----ztiz -f lrrlY .ortaiP $ 000.510 p 3 02 000 s3964 PC SEiiDERAS AODR E SSE D F O P. 1+.4-9 ! 05 2021 E 55317 [ity of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 553'17 I I I Dlacleimer Th6 map is neilher a legally recorded mep nor a survey and is not anlencled to b€ used as one. This map is a compilation of records, info.mation and data located in vadous city, county, slate and federal offces and other sources regarding lhe area shown, and is to be used for retercnce purposes only The City does noi warant thal the Geographjc Infomation Syslem (GlS) Data used lo prepare this map are enor fie€. and lhe City does nol represent that the Gls oata can be used for navigatjonal. tracting or a6y other purpose requinng exacling measurement of dislance or darection or preoaron an lhe depiclion of geographic fealuaes. The prec€dang disdaimer is provided pursuanl lo Minnesola Stalules S466 03. Subd 21 (2000). and the user of lhis lnap acknowledges that the City shall not be liable for any damages. and expressly waives all claams. and agrees to defend. indemnit. and hold harmless the cjty kom any and all darms brought by user, its ernploye€s or agents, or third parties which arise out of the usert +aess or use of data provrded.EE': I'JT<II' EfU trArg >)5 R-TiiRiiDELTVERA IJ X -A.E I- E tootojl,rlLa- NQT EC: 55317614747 r z 6 z E - E 4 E51- E5 - 1z I 11ill1irlr,,li1tlli;1,ii1111sls1l1lrl1l;,llll"rtllli,lr!l','l !9BIE Subject Paacel {k' ? I. t!t t -l Lh !.: I IlI] S\"il T { Ifl a( i. lo ,Eq, U) 0)c .oooc(\, c) rl) = f(! .goo o oF roc Gc o c .o o=(t)E O.:. E o(l) -Y8.6- \J g 4., Po o)= Fq-c o c ^L c C!= 6 3et -lEq-oabPi=E 6.!Ddpo>oqro): (D > (,- 5=aH3gl 6tor'a9qrE h E'9.z(5,^-=oqE q 6 =;eet gl #f3igl 0)s - ll)r-c€;s_ .=< 6 (l)12;.96q-c c- =-..o-9Ei€e o- - - e :' o)!==f 3+3E.Ec.ror E8 qEcoYo).9oo< *o - lur- f, q EEEPE f (tr=oPoooYoo*o99 SEEEcr.9 E r iri -P -B ?E e'F (5 c(J r,FNd)S 9q)E-€ e6E9",a -O c = o-c c EET:$E -{2 o- 5 Xc c agE H,p s:E;E,i r gg$$E' NE.*E$Ii,js6P-3; 6PP,6bPE;EPE 3E E EEg a ir3 3f lc Eco (EEc .co o CI g (5 =E o E n) ==ar G0) (E oc dl -dlo. 5XP- EE E g9E c (E= i:Lo- EQ-o<ol H E: *1fro - ol ),'ib c e!l:-o E s,l -: € s'EIE e E EI OE o, il d;i e (rl (,nggi X O -r:l 'tq3fl8 Y AEI (Eo,^ .ll o) =-;61 F EE IIfi -o o oIo)c o o a!ooJ oo p E-(Eg Ec J^ oEq6 o5 r< >trE_9 CLGeto-J o ij(, ;o o o- 9oto.= =a,rg--,e{,l!.E =E 06 ..o9ECoo o=OE3Oo(J tt(o 1tcoo)(E o)oceEO EoEE 5E Eg9ob->Eo€P_ =Po-qo5 x H.ao; l, L(!0 =E9o o;l'tooE F 9-co6q 9E;O, E Yod) !sH:+rE.EE3;! =9!H IB ii E i: cl, o Go ooo o o- , e ei- r€ s P'g I.E AE!EE ;E ECe! uE9iEEei,EEs[eE: i:E€ggiEEIeiiiEE Eai EiigiffrlEi;: iEEiiiiIgigiiiiiB =E_(! o ct) -cO!,*ol 9x60)(Jc io = -c. 9i rD -- cJQo)LCo=>Eo= L_o€2' EA 6:{oxE6 E c 0,p ot o Jtr oc N o,)ocop o !.:d) (.) o =o f.-f.- n) -o EoEO oc3o o- 6 E c '- : -q E tdE cioo F- (g NoN t- ao)f j(!E q) fF EDE q,q, =ottrcg'= 'A (,l,o'=IEoE=o!oo-P 5.=OE gE 61ze oot! .C GEo Subiect Parcel MINN 5 N 553 assen sf3:.:> l', . -z)--t -l+/ -PtrrtY .orEt 02 1P $ 000.510 0000939643 AUG 05 2021 MAILED FROM ZIP CODE 55 31 7 City ofChanh 7700 Market Boulevard P0 Box 147 Chanhassen. MN 55317 Dilclaimer This map is neither a legally rccorded map nor a survey and is nol inlended lo be used as one This map is a compalalion of aecords. anformalion and data located in various city, county, state and federal offces and other sources regading the area shown, and as lo be us€d for reference purposes only. The City does not $/anant that the Geog6phic lnformation System (GlS) Data used to prepare this map are enor free. and the City doe: not represent that the Gls Data can be used for navigational, tracking or any othe purpcse requifing exacling measurement of dislance or drrection or prccision in th( depiclion ol geographic fealures. The preceding disclaimer is provded pursuant t( Minnesob Statutes y66 03, Subd. 21 (2000). and the user of this map acknowtedge! that the City shall not be liable lor any damages. and e4,Gssly waives all daams. an( agrees to defend, andemnify. and hold hamless the C,ty from any and all claims brough by User, its employees or agents, or third parlaes which aise out of the usefF+@ess o l,se of data provrded 5531 ?-FEErlEr_" WILLIAM R & PAMELA G ASPLIN iI>>a t'o0o { o, l aL NOT ==NOERAS ADDE E SSE D E l"rt l.lac n RETURii TCDELIVERAELEuItBl-= TC 5 5 317 014? 47 -2878-D4947-A5-32 lr r rr l I I rllrr rllr rr ir rrlr rr,rr rl||.|||ll|||..1|llll||||lllll.Ill|||||lll||| v-,8,I-t " ;'i l( a ./ ,I I , I I J ..I h '#I IL 4 i E I z6lI E.g: ie co a,Qo,q t:S ogrEt5N&:s 9b is J,Esb 3-o F: o ->d) c) o =o6 f.- tui o)-o Eo-c Ejoo o --O ao 8n;() (.)oc -q)EP:E C:rO= 9k EN 3E,o.; EsaF 6tr'o i:.-o(oq)-.= BE6!! cEbs R;:g E=g 6aEo.=E369 & €,s a E c6 q) c)c(! 6 co o,E o) = Jp c'o) a o oF !c co ([ oa p,a o IDB e Hco!t. o!f^ oE aa ID io.r5)Ed8lpt?(! X'=- Or tr.a A < O+: tr s:;E eF-Ei€ Fa e'=:6v;.=.: o6:o_ .9 q,= = I oi ar ^qu= i= c-E E.=r:P t3E!3il"EE l=s a:9 X P ; g EE =u;; bE=R6 EE;E EifiEHF f E- z o.^ ==O d-- r'().:, O,^ 3IE: , EEE#goa.9Q +<o-o+19F (E C(J (,rc!d)\l o)E 0) 0) Eco6.9 E Eoo (,, ,Ecco(I q) =Z a >.1(Ea, .c. Ee 9l P o fi sx;l=:g* - EiiEfliigEi SEEIEtEE€EE F ti(! EC 0)(,) No)o =o(l)/n Eg 6R+-(D9a 2 -.n6:.E6o(D P9 =iH og; o -oooo-i e9 o g).iE66cacoBqd)ro-1.a>>o- c.)=;Voo) o *,3 JCCcEQcDu!au;a i-Y =I [= gEEiEEiiEE'iEEi EEEEiiiiEiiiiiii ;gE igEEgE$EEi;;i iEEgiiiiissiigiga q 6 3 P E 6' .EF 06 (, (!o .9 oooJ :,:l!ooo.o o- t!() o o =o toct eL >Et.o o-o EBo-J I ii) a, .= qf= (ll.E =E E"E it,,., = E r.o.= 4r E.E.,Er-E .9oEo3Eo. .s oE OG.9f,otrz3 o G (! o .5..o9ECOru tt =otsfooo 5 5 lrtt\l fJJ fr:s:=,_-> l't . -Z)--t 4V -a;rtY tort3 01 ),4r3 D ,IP 09 LEI $ 000.5 City otChanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 553'17 I Oisclalnler This map as neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and as not antended to b€ used asone. This map is a @mpilaton of recodB, information and dalia located in vadous city. county, state and federal offces and other sources regarding lhe area shown, and is to be ug€d tor reierence purposes only. The City does not wanant thal the Geog€phic lnfomatjon Syslem (GlS) Data used to prepare this map are eror free. and the Crty does not represent lhat the GIS Data can be used tor navagalional, t acking or any other purpose requiring eractrng measuremenl of clistance or directjon or precision in the d€Fiction of g€ogEphic featu.es. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant lo Minnesola Slatutes 5466 03, Subd 21 (2000), and lhe user of lhis map acknowledges that lhe City shall not be liable fo. any damages. and expressly waives all claims, and aorees to dehnd, indemnify, and hold hamless the City from any and all daims brought by Use(. its employees or agents. or tiird part es whici arise out of the usefl ic€ess or ==ryri'i-7ijda{i+* >>5 Ftr .r- llc I Llt(l\l llJ !E|l. AS or,vd / aJ I iL Ba: s 5 317 at47 47 r2z7E-E2949-E!-13 I rl rrr l rrr rrr I r rr r irrrr, r rrll r ttrrr,t,t,r, trrt'il"r,Ir t't,it,,t"r,r,,ltrrt,,n ,r,u rl DEr-iVERABLErritaEll tr 1-at DER ADDR E SSE D Subiect Paacel t)r_l r;7 {R' ,? t- -/, I ,.1 \ jr!I r--lF-!E T I F 1 { --. p q c E q .q F c cioo t- o NoN F- fo)) jo! o)fF -{ E E2 co o) ([ ooF.F. ti o.) -o EoE oclo G I O : E_o cd, o ct)_c Oa EPa 9.*.=:oooc=!(56oc!? o- o)glE oEG o aDr =.EEIu = (t)/oc s:,s € 3q;as8Y.r(D3(l)E EHE fg c'6 o rl)c(5 o Eco (l, =o = -9 o I.c ,o p e ELo9 tc o.9fo. oEq6 f6 c o o 6FI' .Et! co (g Ee 3l P o, g Ie El;*sE* EiHEfliigEi giEIEFEEEEE c il)o Eco .q E EoO 6l .gcc(s o- o.c o .9o oo l-cF a; .EF€ o Go o lEooJ -ooo CLo A. oIJ ct iioc 3o o CLo o- >Eto cLoetGJ q).c !go€Egs:E3 6-6 Pr EleEE .''S (5 aEFFsfEf EEq,H liEEtSEe 9HasAEfi 3-HH€-Ero-iE 6. cE 9.9 X'=-a o a' (!>o-- = 9€E EE E E,P 3 U:x Pgg g; g€EE$Iifii-] I ii, o.= =of= GE =i 06 ..o9,EEoo tD=(,Efogo afc.9 o o E E c lc Eco oE o-c(-) o uio!c ID oqro c! O) rn Egc;ozi =;p-a0a o()iE -c Ps E3.Nootsc)oE'6o cab8o!.z .; 9lop6 oth!0) )c BE6u; =osx HB. ;3 B :Eg EEEig Igggi EBEEiEiEEiEgiiIi EEE EiEiFEag;EE;E giiiiiiiiissiEsi , d E 3 5 t E E) EooF. P6's'A l!l,)!, .= oE =on rr dP 5.=ocgE ?o-za ooo co o i Subject Parcel I MINN t: OT N 5s3 {H,-. 02 t? $ 000.510 City ofChanh ASSCN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 553'17 I I Disclalmer This map is neither a l€gally recorded map nor a survey and ls not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilaton of ecords. information and data located in vadous city. county. 3tate and ,ederal offces and other sources regarding the aree shown, and is lo be used foa reference pu@oses only. The Crty does not warant that the Geographic lnformatron System (GlS) Oata used to preparc this map are enor free. anc, the Caly doe! not represent that the GIS Data c5n be used for navioatonal. trac*ing or any othe purpose requinng exacling measurcment of distance or clirection or precisaon an lhc depiction of geographic features. The preceding disdaimer as provded pursuanl k Minnesota StaMes 5466.03, Subd. 21 (2000). and the user of tnis map acknowledge! lhat Ole City shall not be liable foa any damages. and expressly waives all daams. anc agrees to defend. indemnit, and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brot/gh by User. iB employees or agents. or tiird panies which arise out of lhe usefFigess o use ol dala povided =E3t?r.+=E+Eti'i KREGZ&LISAJLEVINE )r, ;=- -L ,ritAAiAi iZ'L ! NE I UiN IU >E NUE KDELIVERA-8LE AS ADDFESSEDitNAEtr E 'ra! e,.lctdrDn RT 553a? Aa47 47 *767A-A-a7- A6-85-32rl lrrrr I rr I ri rl I r I""' 't"t,lt,!,t, ( I !t ,ffi # t ,:-1 0000939643 AUG 05 2021 MAILED FROM ZIP CODE 5531 7 :l \ft Itt d! fr rl I rlltI 6 ;3 ,2E EO:po-oo9 N3.69 3Ec.l 6 qi (, q, f6,<€ J,Es;ts6 E .> d) o) G =oo F*f.- ,!t o)-o E(5 -co oEJo 9 o- o >o IDo0)oo95 6.!f bE5i 9kis:6a -c olo; ior-!2 c oi o- PE.QcL=o= ;:e: i, Otoc==uo)&: trt 6 c c)p o, u. 6 =tr E n)c N lo c'6 a o)c .qooco 0) o !o I .9 'd P 15s159oiEc (., g f^ oE q6 o!! It) io6rEA€;gE E - E - O r.! E S:;E EF"Ec o - - o--c Q -Ie ?-o 9:=o;eEE i:et ^Lr-r= :b c-EE=;g b3E; 3g gE l;! 6 ESEP :HgE., *E€E:5f,8gsE89 q,:HPe E f (E= Z (E -- C= HiEE iEEi q 583 = E,s 5€ 3o.s2-c.= (,(,Foo_E .P -& Be po F(gc(Jo-N(t\t o9oE-€ E I E He e irte-EEs6e= E E E ;aEfl E 3:E;E5 ?f;ET$H \E-*Est HeAEgE 6 P 9,' . ,.> bEEi5.PE5o6a->, - o E l,E (E or L'F'-E ege Ee g b ib3 5f f c E cq) oEco (,, o @ o (! =E o o E n) .o) Nc o)!zo(! oocoo o) o(n E. o rt)'6' o- .aE lo-oo oco r1) Eo = ao otoN o 1 q ooot! ntEq '6j ;; =.9. {J o{, o, q) j-!c, (|) lt)oo)c(ELo rD^ : rt)ori .)Cbo)-oEo4 9EEC)J.oo-:o 'x9 o-; = ->.o='to ^O) o 4(E o -c ==o -o o) o c')E = i, E i= c6 (l, CIo Eo t!(.) oJ :joooo.I 0- ijtr G .9 IL.L i o,E 3o tu CLo o- >ctoo'Eo-oeto-J 9a o,= =a,FS r! .c >o .a ..o9trqoo t, =ot,oo(J oEcoo)(! o)o EO 0rvEg 5E €g 9-a6aEoooiE. O^ x6:9 rc L(!ooi:oc)OO 6(ocaoEo!.>to-o:Eh sEo-=)ccEo)Lop =9luxzii o.lc.9 o ;E ,a 6c 5 cq c{) oEc(E E 9'6 ; >i eEgEEEEETE'gigi iiiESgEEEEIgiiEE igiEiisiEgilEiEi iggggiEEgiigiEEi ;eEEgaEgEEEgEEEiE E 9 E E t,c a,o =ElDo ,= lt E.coF-IE .90Eo:to- .s oEoo.9E OEz8 6o .C o o lo ,E C)a o oF !coc o t HntfJs ( DIANE M STEINKRAUS REVOCABLE TRUST 6EOE/1s/21 CiUotChanh asseIl DiSclaimer Thb map is neithe. a legally recorded map nor a suNey and is not intended to be us€d as one. This map as a compilation of reco.ds, infomatjon and datra located in various cily. county, stale and lederal ofices and othet sources regarding the area shown. and as to be used for reErence purposes only. The CIly does not wanant that the ceographic htormalion System (GlS)Oata usec ro prepa.elb,-- . error free, and the Cit iiot represent that the GIS Daid can be useo i;, mrBcttonal, tracking or an) purpGe requidng exacting measurement ot disl,ance or direction or precision f{ I X I i depiction of geographic features. The preceding disdaimer is provided pursL Mannesota StaMes 5466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknow lhat the City shall not be liat e ior any damages. and expressly waives al ctain agrees lo clefend, indemnify. and hotd hamtess the City from any and a claims t by User. (s employees or agents, or third parties which arise out of the useis ac( ( oa5 FE 1 RETURN TO SEIIDEATTEFIPTEO - NOT KUHABLE TO FORWA R N OISH RD +2176-65341-65-32use of data provrded 'ri;i-F#5q$5 5 3 !7 61_4t 47 Subject Parcel riE?*a{, q ld IIa -Prllt€Y Boi:3 !,I I r" ,F*02 1P $ 000.510 00009396,t3 AUG 05 202,| MAILED FROM ZIP CODE 5531 7 t 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box '147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 irr t) lg".-.1 r'iX Ilfl' : t J &rA"E -FI (rl I ) t I i I I i gEgiEEiiEi'igEi EEiEiEgIEEiEiEii EEE Ei;EEEESiEEEE EEiEiiiiEgiiiEii gEEEgEEiiEEEEIE;E E a .q t ! s -9 i t 6 F6 cd)r. po-o 65NE oE, r.,NC NS F---Pcb(, (, fd,<5 J,Esb(,-A a? E2d) 0, o =ooF. F-. 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