Sale-Purchase Acknowledgement and Indemnity Agreementtssquire Title Service, LLC SALE/PURCIIASE, ACKNO\VLEDGME,NT AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT Cl6lng D!te: April 30, 2021 Seller(3): BulrerlBorrowcr(!)! PropertyAddrcsr: File Number: 2l-O745 Dlsne M. Stclnkisu! Merle }v. Steltrkraus J.ron E Stclnkrrus lnd'fbr. M. Stelnkrrus l8{rc LAKE LUCY ROAD, Excelslor, MN, a533t Leg.l Advlce Notlce: Thc undcrsigned acknowledgcs ttEt Esquir€ Tltlc Scrvice, LLC is hardling p6rt or all of tllc clcing ard that Esquire Titlc Servicc, LLC a(d its employccs can rpt give any lcgBl advice in corllEctiql with this lransaetion 6 arDr otlEr matler. CoDplhnce /lgreemeDt: The un&rsigrEd agrees to qooprate ard adjrrst clarical error3 or oversi8ttrs qr any of tlp clcitE doctmentatiqf if rcqlEst€d hy ttle MortSEEe Conpany, Esquirc Title Scrvice, LLC, q thc Title IrBurarEe Utdcrrylilcr. This includes, h.t is ,rot limircd to: typoaraphical errors, qniasiqE, miascd 6 irrcGrect fces q cxpcnscs, }lrificatiqrs, ctc. Mortgra3 Llrbtllty AgrceEcnt: As a EquirerrEra of cl6in& Esquirc Trtlc S€rvice, LLC is bcing reqrstcd to payoffa arctgagc, lic4 c &bt Esquire Tidc Scrvice, LI-C does not guaranlcc the crrditods asccptarEc of tlE payofffigurc as slnwn orr OE sct cIIErtr ttatclncrtr Thc S.ller(s) agree to imrncdiatcly pay to Esquirc Thlc Scrvicc, LLC arty additicrnl firrds rpccassry to ssti8fy ttE &bt, inchrdinA bttt not limitad to; additiqlal tfcrcst, escrow ascq.Ert slrcrtrgB, latc fcca, for€qlcurr fees, lcgal fces, q bookkeeping crras ty thc hol&r of the &h 6 its servictE a8crr. Thc Scllcr(s) arr rEEpoGiblc fq catrccllng arrJ, auqDatic withdrarr,rl arrangcflEnls with thcir lcn&r. Esquirc Trtlc S€rvice, LLC dcs noa guaradae tlEt tr cr€ditc will Fqvi& an acceptablc and rccadablc satisfactiqr of thc nugagc or licn I hereby certfy thrt thcrc .rc no other OutrtrndlDg MorErge's/Llcr!, wh.thcr ol record or !d !.ct of tEcord lgdnlt thc property, other thrn wh.t L reflected otr thc D> (Initials) ScttlcE.nt St t.tnGnt(\ ry\ + Onitials) ProFrty Spccld A$GssmeDt! lDd ftx PryDCnt ,,lgrecmc[tl Th. tEldersigrEd agrcc to pay all sp.cial asscssmcnE, rcal estatc ta)Gs, licns, ard uilities associatcd with ttE praparry Es agreed l{ton in tlE Purchaee Agracrncrq and/q rcquircd ty dE Mortgage Cornpqlty attd Bquire Tftle &rvicc, LLC, ard ro irdellmiry and hold Esquirc TiOc Servicc, LLC harrnlcas frcrn l}E saErc. Prcating taxes, norFlrot]Estead taxcs, and lax cacro*s, as agrcrd lpon in thc Purchasc Agrcqtrerr artdr'a rcquircd hy flE Mqtglgp Compaly ard Esqdrc Tidc S€rvice, LI-c, arc bascd qr ilE aulIcnt yeart tar(.s c an estirrtatc otr rpxt ycat's taxcs. In the evErlt that tlE cr.!'rcnt ycart taxes arc not availablc and rp tax cstirEte is a!/ail,Bble, tlE tarcs rryill bc bascdql AE pri6 ycar. Esquirc Tltlc Scrvice, LLC raccivrs tlE tsx figures in ll,rlthg or vErtally frorn ttE Cor[ty, City, 6 Verdqs udp supply ttE inf6mati6l. Esquire Titlc Scrviac, LLC does not guaraffce rtE accrracy of thc tax in&rrnatiqr reccivcd Thc un&rsigDcd hcreby r"lcasca Esquile Titlc Scrvicc, LLC ftqn aIIy obligatian a liability shond dE aco.EI tax figurcs differ in any way. NOTE: IF THE B(IYER./BORROWER(S) ARE NOT ESCROWINO FOR THE PAYMENT OF REAL ESIATE T!{XES, TI{E TAXES ARE DUE IN TWO INSTALLMENTS, ONE ON MAY IsTH AND THE OTHER ON OCTOBER I5TH. IFA T:A)( STATEMENT IS NOT RECEIVED PRJOR TO THE DUE DATE PLEASE CONTACT THE COUNTY TREASURERS OFFICE TO REQUESTA DUPLICATE COPY. Thc rrdcrsigrEd aclstowlgdges that Esquirc Tttlc Servicc, LLC rcceives uritt€n tr rrcrbql infqrnatiqr qr asscaslrEnts fiqn tlE Courtty, City, q Vcrdqs wlp sLply tlE infamation Esquirc Title Servicc, LLC dca rd guaratnce thc accrracy of tlF asscssment infqmaticl u/G rcccit/€d If OE asscssmcnt infcmatiqr reccivtd is inaccurate, tlE rrl&rsigrEd agreq to coqcrate with all parties atd pay all asscastncnts as agrccd upql in dE Purchase AgrccrtEnL ArrrDgcment! for Fln l't .tcr Blll: The wr&rsigrEd agrcca that it is thc S€llcds r€spqEibility to q&r and prornptly pey thc final watrr/8clrEr bill. Thc urdersigned acloowlcdgcs that Esquirc Trrlc Scrviqe, LLC has drade no r€prcscntatic,rB rcgatding tlp arnq.nt of tlp rf,ater/ser./er bill(s) curEntly o\}rd 6 firtrre water/ser .ar bills and tras no rcspo.Bibility fc,r tlE pa).[Enr of tttc samc. All disputes, dfucrcpancias, nnpaid bills, shtrtagas, or other mattcrs involving thc watar/seu,er bill(s) are to be rEsolt ed betneen tlE lrdcrsigrEd Bnycr(s) atd Sellcr(s) witlErn assistance frqn Esquire Title Servicc, LLC. Well l)bclGure: In compliarEe with MirnEsota Statntes, thc Seller(s) certify P> (Initials) (Initials) NOT (Cirqle Orp) arry wElls on thq -HOMESTEAD (Circle Onc)- Homosterd Strtu! Certlficrtlon Ackrowledgment! 11* i-d;ig;;;kro*eagps that Esquirc Tiile Scrvicc, LLC docs not grrarantec tIE accr.tracy of.tE scllels c€rtificatiqr ;-;;i[il;;";ia a.u arfr ai"crepanites in rlrc lnmcstead tax cr€dit must be rcaohlcd bctw€en thc scllc(s) ard thc 4'1l./ (Selle.(s Initials) Buycr(s) acknowledge their rcapo,nsibility to f6 tlomestead to bc changed lo theit name(s). (Brryer(s) Initials) OwDerrblp O Tide is to be ANTS IN COMMON (Circle Ott). If ttE Bulcr(s) havr not instructcd Esquire Titlc to be take4 Esquire Tirle Scrvice, LLC will .d bc respoosible fc ar4r les or darnagcs irrcl.Ersd 8om this infqrnation" The Er&rsigned acknowledgc rtrat t}Ey havc all receirrQd a copy of the deed and thc Buyer(s)have rccciv.d verbal instnrction fq filing fG hornestead tax crrdit I hereby certlfy that I am (SING oE-(MARRIED). Idlrcle One rnd Slgtt Bclow) Buyc(s) tluough optiors allo$rd by law. The S€ller(s) ccrtify ttDt the eufl€nt tax sta tus of the 5 Lo (Date)Tara IvL Steinlcaus -2- E. Steinlsaus Buyer's / Buyer!' new phonc number / daytlme pbone numbcr: ) ARE / MESTEAD / IT\D JOINT TENANTS Multiple as to I hereby certlfy thlt I rm (SINGLE)ircle Oae eod Slgtr Below) (Date)Merle W. Stcinlcaus J Diane M. Steinlcaus scller'r / Sellers' forwrrdiDg phonc number end addrcg:: (Date) $L/PEch..t .{clcbvt.dsmcln .rd ln&ority ].lSr.Gh.n _ P.F 2 above referenced propcrty.