Trustees DeedTRUSIEE'S DEED by lndivldualTruslee 6CRV numbefl _ DEED TAX DUE: $3kil,c"DATE: FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATIOiI, Diale M. Steinkaus, a6 Trustee, and ilerh W. Steinkraus, as Trustee, under he Dane RovocaHe Trust dabd Odober 9, 20,l 5 fGnnton, hereby conyoy and quitdaim to Jaso0 E. Stohkraus ad Taa M. &inkraus, as irint tena6 wi$ rirtb of suNivor$ip fcEntoe'), rsd Foporty in Can er County, lilinnosota, legaly desoibed as blovrs: Ld Ebht (8), Block One (l), LAXE LIICY HIGHLAilDS, accotdlng to the plat thonot m ffh ard of tecotd in the office of lhe Registnr of TiUes, Carver Cour y, lllnnesota. @trer wih d haerfbrarts dd 4BjrH|ances bdonging hdoto, st t&d b he folorfiU eloeplixs: Dodadion d Covenab, Cmdlins ad R8sti{ms dabd ilardr .l7, '1986 and H Mtdl ,l9, 1S h Bmk 18, pqe 238 as Documfit I,lumber T{5819. Lako fun hb{oeph preestty anti{,al€d po6t mcn. Lako Lncy Rod Ctrtr* appbble box: El The Granh cerlifEs hat t\e Granto. doos not know o, any wdls on th6 descriH real troperty. E Areltdisaoeure ce iffi accompanles hb do@ment or h6 be€n electronically filed. (lf dectronically filed, insefl WDC number: E I an funfu witr he property d€ss$ed in his insEurndlt {d I carlify [lat the shfus ad nufiter o{ w€Is o0 the descrted t€d property have not dlanged sirco 0le ht p.evbusly fled wefl disclosure codificab. Diane M. Stdnkraus, as Trusbe under tle Dkme M. Sbir*ras Rsvodle Trust dated Ocbbe, 9, 2015 Medo W. Sbinkaus, as Trusbe under tle tlane M. Stsinkraus Rsvocabh Trust datod Ofrber 9, 2015 ECB-1041 Pee I ol2 fiop 3 lncho! rsssrved for rGcotdlng dat ) C}fiJ< twe it al q Nl othe dEsrJH reat ptryty ls Regrsered [forens) I Grantor: TRUSTEE'S DEEDPage 2 of 2 State of Minnesota County of This instrum€nt was d(nowledg€d before rne on Trustee, under he Diane M. Steinkaus Revocable Trust (Starip) THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: Fdrsf, lfat & Jdnsm, P.A" PilN) Fl4sltip C0p(r'de C€nle. r/5 Prdft Ca{er t}ive, $fle 4fl} Edql tu*ie, N 56341 0rT[E r{oT EXA INEo) by Diane M. Steinkraus, as Trustes, and ll€d6 W. Steinkals, as 9, 2015. (cF.a,td 1-rds (a$ @dflrw4 TAX STAIETE}TTS FOR TTE REAI PROPERTY TESCRIBED IN IHIS INSTRUIIENT STICIUI.D BE SE T TO: Jron E. ad Tra M. Stek*ras 18m [*e UEy Rod Erc6bb, MN Se1}l LYN€TTE A. STANDE Notary Publc Stste ol Minn0sots Es rpoc o?3 ?) My comtissim exfir€s: