2021 09 14CHANHASSEN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 14, 2021 Chairman Sanford called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Sanford, Ryan Soller, James Ebeling, Eric Anderson and David Kressler. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director; Bob Generous, Senior Planner; and Charlie Howley, Director of Public Works/City Engineer. PUBLIC PRESENT: Environmental Commissioner Jeff Harken. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: APPROVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES DATED JUNE 8, 2021 Member Sanford moved, Member Ebeling seconded to approve the Minutes of the Economic Development Commission meeting dated June 8, 2021 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. OLD BUSINESS: None. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Discuss Downtown Vision Community Development Director Kate Aanenson gave a presentation and stated when they did the 2030 Comprehensive Plan they increased the area of the central business district as it allows for greater intensification. There is not a maximum density and there is a lot more flexibility, and Ms. Aanenson noted part of the challenge is the infrastructure such as storm water treatment, aging sewer, and other items like that. Ms. Aanenson said they then began looking downtown, to the dinner theatre, park-and-ride, and other opportunities in the area. They began working to define the study area, look at street connections, and uses. Ms. Aanenson spoke about the Venue, walkability, connectivity, and creating common space or green space. She noted they would like to continue enhancements in the area. Economic Development Commission – September 14, 2021 2 2. Discuss Roadway Projects/Downtown Walkability Director of Public Works/City Engineer Charlie Howley noted West 78th Street and Market Boulevard are the dominant focal points of the plan as it is the main transportation corridor. Projects planned in the near future are improvements to Market Boulevard, redoing the intersection at Powers Boulevard and West 78th Street, better crossings, and a “Welcome to Downtown Chanhassen” sign. He noted there is some dated and aging infrastructure and they would like to improve those and improve ADA accessibility. He also spoke about the non- vehicular transportation network of trails and sidewalks and connecting some areas where there are gaps. Areas of crossing will also be enhanced when they can be in future planning. Mr. Howley mentioned two weeks ago they striped fog lines on Kerber Boulevard which is 40 miles- per-hour and a major, collector road. The City had received complaints that it was hard to cross and people were driving too fast; the project was relatively inexpensive and the visual narrowing of the road tends to slow people down as well as allowing for on-street parking. Ms. Aanenson noted they sent out a questionnaire and had an open house to receive public feedback. They heard that pedestrian circulation is really important, downtown needs to enhance its identity, they need more diversity and unique specialty things, while continuing the small- town atmosphere. She believes some of the public spaces are a strength where people can see activities going on and it is a welcoming place. During COVID-199, the City worked hard to provide more outdoor seating at restaurants and will continue to do so. Ms. Aanenson noted Staff looked at current zoning and what might change, they looked at uses and commercial, signage, and opportunities for redevelopment. She also spoke about some of the new businesses and development that will be coming in to the City’s downtown area, and that the City is looking at new innovations. Mr. Howley shared that the City has kicked off a facility study for some of the major buildings including City Hall, the Rec Center, and Fire Station 1. He noted they are asking the question for the future if the buildings are remodeled, demolished, combined, or moving somewhere else. The Commissioners discussed walkability and pedestrian safety throughout the City, noting some of the challenging areas. 3. Discuss August 9, 2021 Urban Land Institute/Navigating Your Competitive Future Joint Meeting Senior Planner Generous would like a discussion about the takeaway that the Commission had from the presentation. Member Ebeling’s takeaways were location, location, location as well as density, density, density. Economic Development Commission – September 14, 2021 3 Member Sanford was surprised at how low the density requirements are, clarifying most of his projects would not be possible in Chanhassen because the zoning requirements are too low. He knows it is challenging in a town like Chanhassen where people like it the way it was yet there are people that want to see change. To him, if they want mixed-use development and new businesses, it helps to bring in new people as well, which includes housing units, business, and density. He personally thinks the Venue is the perfect use for that site. Chair Anderson thought it was a really good presentation and the question session was helpful. He was struck by how critical the recruitment of the developer is; he would like the Commission to turn towards what they think the City ought to have and which developers can deliver that. He also noted from a financing standpoint how little can be done as there is not a lot of incentive other than a TIF (tax increment financing). Member Sanford noted there are not as many tools in the toolbox for developers. To him, it is density bonuses, waiver of parking requirements, or anything they can do in that way helps when a developer is looking at something. Chairman Sanford thinks it would be interesting to hear what Planning Commissioners and City Councilmembers thought of the presentation, also. He would appreciate the opportunity to have a discussion session between the EDC, Planning Commission, and City Council at some point. Member Soller said when the research person was talking during the meeting was talking about macro trends in retail and it was interesting hearing about reducing the physical footprint with the shift to online retail. It was also mentioned to keep in mind where businesses will still need physical footprints, shelf space, showrooms, or places to pick up goods; the consumer is changing but it may not mean they should rush to eliminate retail footprints and physical spaces. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATION: 1. Collaboration with Environmental Commission on Environmental Initiatives Environmental Commissioner Jeff Harken gave a presentation noting the Environmental Commission’s main goal is education and outreach in the community about environmental issues. They also continue to look at Chanhassen’s work with GreenStep Cities. Basically, these are initiatives that Cities can take to become more “green” and there are Levels 1 through 5, of which Chanhassen is at a Level 2. The Commission is focused on working with the City on environmental issues. Mr. Harken shared about the increase in takeout food and that it generates an enormous amount of waste; some restaurants use compostable takeout containers which is helpful. He stated Forever Ware just received a grant to work in Carver County and it uses stainless steel, reusable takeout containers. The customer would pay an initial deposit on the container to the restaurant and then the customer returns the Forever Ware when they are done with it. Economic Development Commission – September 14, 2021 4 The Commissioners discussed whether there is a conduit for the Environmental Commission to be in contact with businesses within the City to share about initiatives such as Forever Ware. Member Ebeling suggested putting notices on social media or the Mayor’s email blast. Member Sanford suggested going before the Chamber of Commerce or Rotary Club and asking to speak before them. The Commissioners discussed GreenStep Cities and ways it may benefit Chanhassen and the impact on local businesses and bringing in new development. CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION: 1. Commissioner Appreciation Day Event Invitation ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Anderson adjourned the Economic Development Commission meeting at 8:15 p.m. Submitted by Bob Generous Senior Planner Prepared by Kim Meuwissen City Clerk