6:00 PM
JULY 14, 2021
Members Present: Markus Fischer, Kristin Fulkerson (zoom), Jeff Harken, Greg Hawks, Scot Lacek,
Leslie Elhadi, Bill Chappell.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist.
Minutes: June minutes were approved.
July 3 Business Expo: Event went well. It seemed there were not as many vendors and overall maybe
less attendance by the public. Commissioners thought they could have used more signage for
table/display. For the recycling game, the big stumper was the egg carton. Most thought it was
recyclable. The commission got lots of plastics questions and some composting questions/comments.
People either seemed to know a lot or a little about recycling, not too many in the middle. Only one
person got all of the items in the proper bins – trash, recycling or organics.
Plastics Free July: Commission didn’t have time to promote event. Discussion had about what’s
considered a single use plastic. The commission challenged themselves to try it for one day and decided
to do it on Saturday, July 31. Jill will send out email reminder with link to Plastic Free July website.
Commission will report back how it went, what worked, what didn’t.
2021 Recycling Education – DemCon Trailer at Bluff Creek Open House: Bluff Creek Elementary
invited the city to host the trailer at the school’s open house on August 30 and 31. The school plans to
have food trucks there as well. The trailer is scheduled for August 30, 2-4pm, and August 31, 3-5pm.
Some commissioners will attend to answer questions and have resources available. Jill will send an
email to the Environmental Commission with dates and times. Commission can have copies of the
Connection newsletter with Jeff’s article along with handouts for the Carver County Environmental
Center. Maybe also have a drawing for a reusable lunch container set. Could have a display of single-
use plastic containers versus reusable. Good signage will be needed.
Forever Ware update: Kristin and Jill attended a meeting with a representative from Forever Ware as
well as representatives with Carver County and MN Chamber of Commerce/Waste Wise to hear more
about the program and look into ways to start a reusable takeout container program in Chanhassen.
Carver County offered to work with Forever Ware to start a project in Carver County, specifically
Chanhassen. Jill and Kristin said the commission is able to help promote the program to vendors and
the public when the time comes.
GreenStep Cities Update: Jill reviewed the program with the commission and shared that not many
new projects/improvements were started in 2020. The commission thought that the GreenStep best
management practices fit well with the city’s new strategic plan. The commission would like to add
GreenStep updates to every other agenda in order to work on finding practices to promote or incorporate
into the city’s plan. For the Sept ember agenda the commission could work on how to promote Buy
Local and find a project to partner with the watershed district . Jeff volunteered to present with the
Economic Development commission when needed.
Environmental Commission Minutes – July 14, 2021
City updates:
• The Avienda development has started grading. There are no site plans or building permits submitted
at this time. The extension of Bluff Creek Drive will be completed.
General Discussion:
• Add to the Sept ember agenda on work plan: GreenStep and Plastic Free updates.
• Add to the October agenda on work plan: Master Water Steward presentation
• Jeff shared he submitted an article for the city newsletter on the recycling symbols 1-7, myths of
recycling and how to recycle right.
• Watershed update: Christian Brother’s Automotive was approved, Pioneer Trail wetlands received
money from Met Council for restoration project; Riley Creek in Bear Path golf course was approved
for a water quality project; Plans were reviewed for the Rice Marsh Lake project in Chanhassen; still
looking for a director.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm
Minutes submitted and prepared by Jill Sinclair