6:00 PM
September 8, 2021
Members Present: Kristin Fulkerson, Jeff Harken, Greg Hawks, Scot Lacek, Leslie Elhadi
Members Absent: Markus Fischer
Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist.
Minutes: The July minutes were approved.
Fall Education Event – DemCon Recycling trailer: Event was very slow. The DemCon recycling
trailer is very well designed and informative. A handful of families toured the trailer and stopped to talk
about recycling and were very enthusiastic. The Commission was happy with the trailer and would like
to try to find an event in the future where it would be visited by more people. Maybe a city event or
offer it to the schools for a day for classes to tour.
Plastics Free July 31 review: Commissioners reported their experience in trying to avoid plastics for a
day. Kristin was on vacation and it was difficult since they used plastics every day. They did refuse
plastics whenever possible. Greg was at home and found it very hard since plastic is in everything. Jeff
was at the cabin and was able to avoid plastics pretty well. Scot was at home and re-used some single
use plastics. Leslie was at home and was able to mostly avoid single-use plastic, but it was more
difficult when out to eat. Commissioners agreed it was challenging and want to promote it next July.
Forever Ware update: Jill informed the commissioners that Forever Ware did get a grant from the
county and is slated to start a pilot project in Chanhassen this fall. The county will be getting a Green
Corp member who will work with Forever Ware to promote the program to businesses in Chanhassen.
Jill said that the commission can help by compiling a list of restaurants that seem like a good fit for the
program or who might be interested if approached. She will share the list with Forever Ware and the
GreenStep Cities Update: Jill displayed the GreenStep Cities website and the city’s worksheet with
the status of action items. The city is continuing to make progress with actions and practices that benefit
the city and the environment. Jill noted that the new city manager is familiar with the program after
working for the city of Victoria which has achieved a Step 3. The Commission discussed possible
actions to pursue and came back to the idea of partnering with the Economic Development Commission
(EDC) to promote Buy Local and other sustainable programs that benefit economic development. Jeff
offered to attend the EDC meeting and present the idea.
City updates:
• Commissioner Appreciation Event Sept 20 at 5pm. Commissioners need to RSVP
• The youth member application process is live. Closing date is Sept. 19.
• Townhome project proposed for Avienda development
General Discussion:
• Holiday villager article – move to October agenda
• Add media calendar discussion to November agenda
Environmental Commission Minutes – September 8, 2021
• Add an update to the EDC outreach/partnership to November agenda
• Add to December agenda a rewrite of Know your Natural Resources flyer.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm
Minutes submitted and prepared by Jill Sinclair