2021 09 27 Agenda and Packet A.5:00 P.M. - WORK SESSION Note: Unless otherwise noted, work sessions are held in the Fountain Conference Room in the lower level of City Hall and are open to the public. If the City Council does not complete the work session items in the time allotted, the remaining items will be considered after the regular agenda. A.1 Review Classification and Compensation Study A.2 2022 Budget Discussion A.3 Data Practices Act Discussion A.4 Future Work Session Schedule B.7:00 P.M. - CALL TO ORDER (Pledge of Allegiance) C.PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS C.1 Celebrate Money Magazine #1 Best Places to Live C.2 Celebrate Chanhassen Firefighter Doug Foote's MN Fire Initiative Accomplishment D.CONSENT AGENDA All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the city council and will be considered as one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately. City council action is based on the staff recommendation for each item. Refer to the council packet for each staff report. D.1 Approve City Council Minutes dated September 13, 2021 D.2 Receive Planning Commission Minutes dated September 7, 2021 AGENDA CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2021 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD 1 D.3 Receive Senior Commission Minutes dated August 20, 2021 D.4 Approve Claims Paid 09-27-2021 D.5 Approve Amendment No. 2 to the Lease Agreement with Verizon Wireless for Water Tower No. 3 D.6 Resolution 2021-XX: Approve contract for the purchase and installation of a tank mixer for Water Tower #2 D.7 Resolution 2021-XX: Approve Cost Share Agreement with the City of Shorewood for West 62nd Street Paving Project D.8 Resolution 2021-XX: Approve Purchase of Fire Department Command Vehicle D.9 Resolution 2021-XX: Appoint Data Practices Compliance Officer E.VISITOR PRESENTATIONS Visitor Presentations requesting a response or action from the City Council must complete and submit the Citizen Action Request Form (see VISITOR GUIDELINES at the end of this agenda). E.1 Mack Titus Citizen Action Request E.2 Bryan Blommel, Carver County Republicans F.FIRE DEPARTMENT/LAW ENFORCEMENT UPDATE F.1 Fire Department Update F.2 Law Enforcement Update G.PUBLIC HEARINGS H.GENERAL BUSINESS H.1 Approve a Request for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for a Drive-Thru Pick-Up Window at 530 W. 79th Street, Unit 100 (Crisp & Green) H.2 Resolution 2021-XX: Adopt the Preliminary Tax Levy and Establish the Truth-In-Taxation Public Hearing Date I.COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS J.ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS K.CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION L.ADJOURNMENT 2 GUIDELINES FOR VISITOR PRESENTATIONS Welcome to the Chanhassen City Council Meeting. In the interest of open communications, the Chanhassen City Council wishes to provide an opportunity for the public to address the City Council. That opportunity is provided at every regular City Council meeting during Visitor Presentations. Anyone seeking a response or action from the City Council following their presentation is required to complete and submit a Citizen Action Request Form. An online form is available at https://www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/action or paper forms are available in the city council chambers prior to the meeting. Anyone indicating a desire to speak during Visitor Presentations will be acknowledged by the Mayor. When called upon to speak, state your name, address, and topic. All remarks shall be addressed to the City Council as a whole, not to any specific member(s) or to any person who is not a member of the City Council. If there are a number of individuals present to speak on the same topic, please designate a spokesperson that can summarize the issue. Limit your comments to five minutes. Additional time may be granted at the discretion of the Mayor. If you have written comments, provide a copy to the Council. During Visitor Presentations, the Council and staff listen to comments and will not engage in discussion. Council members or the City Manager may ask questions of you in order to gain a thorough understanding of your concern, suggestion or request. Please be aware that disrespectful comments or comments of a personal nature, directed at an individual either by name or inference, will not be allowed. Personnel concerns should be directed to the City Manager. Members of the City Council and some staff members may gather at Houlihan's, 530 Pond Promenade in Chanhassen immediately after the meeting for a purely social event. All members of the public are welcome. 3 City Council Item September 27, 2021 Item Review Classification and Compensation Study File No.Item No: A.1 Agenda Section 5:00 P.M. - WORK SESSION Prepared By Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION Review and discuss only. Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority Operational Excellence SUMMARY BACKGROUND In 2020, the city identified the need to conduct a comprehensive compensation and class study. The need stemmed from the time lapsed since the last update to the Compensation Plan (2016) as well as significant feedback/concern received from employees through the employee survey and collective bargaining. In 2021, the City identified "Operational Excellence" as a Strategic Priority in the 2021-2024 Strategic Plan. Specific targets including reducing non-retirement turnover to less than 12%. Completing and implementing the comp and class study was identified as a strategic initiative. On March 22, 2021, the city awarded a contract to McGrath Consulting to complete the Comp and Class Study. 4 DISCUSSION Goals of the Study: Compare compensation to relevant labor markets/competitors to ensure that our pay structure compares favorably to our peer cities. Ensure that positions performing similar work with essentially the same level of complexity, responsibility, and knowledge, are classified together. Develop a competitive classification and compensation structure that enable's Chanhassen to attract and retain well-qualified personnel. Recommend policy changes to support the compensation system. Maintain compliance with the MN Local Government Pay Equity Act. Issues identified by consultant through analysis: The majority of the City’s minimum hiring salaries are in need of adjustment to better align with the average market. Approximately 44% of the benchmarked job titles are below the average Market Minimums. There are an additional 20% of the positions that are in the lower 40% Comp Ratio that is still within the acceptable range; however, are at risk of falling below the market in the near future. Overall, 56% of the positions are within the acceptable average Market Minimum. Current midpoints and maximums of salary ranges are generally in acceptable range. Approximately 40% of the benchmarked job titles are below the average Market Midpoint Rates. There are 21% of the positions that are in the acceptable range; however, are on the lower end and may move below acceptable if not adjusted in the near future. Of the benchmark positions, 75% have a midpoint that is in line with the average market rate. There is a lack of progression through salary ranges. Fifty five percent (55%) of the positions are below the average market rate. This could be a result of the tenure of current employees. Approximately 43% of the positions are at or above the average market rate. Although this may look good from a statistical analysis, 50% of the current employees have six (6) or more years of service. Of that number, 29% have 20 or more years; thus, the consultant would expect to see more employees on the upper end of the salary range, and above the average market rate. There are a number of employees with 13 - 33 years of experience that have comp ratios in the 30 – 60%. One would expect to see these individuals closer to the maximum of the salary range. There is compression between pay groups. 51% of employees have five or less years of service. 54% of employees are age 50+. The tenure of employees under the age of 40 range from new hire – 10 years, with an average tenure of 2.85 years. Key Features of Proposed Plan: Pay philosophy is to be in the middle or slightly above middle of the market COLA increase to salary schedule and employees annually, in January Performance-based step increases in July Implement Grade and Step system 19 pay grades 9-step system Tied to performance - progression to next step of pay plan requires positive performance review BUDGET 5 2022 Budget Impacts: Employees receive 2.5% COLA increase Market adjustments to eligible employees Step increases to eligible employees Overall cost of market adjustments is approximately $150,000 After full implementation (2-3 years), the annual cost of step increases for eligible employees is projected at $60-70,000. The City Council would retain control over the bulk of Personnel services through the determination of the annual COLA amount. RECOMMENDATION The City Council should review and discuss with staff. Next steps include adoption of the Compensation and Classification Study at a future City Council meeting, potentially October 11. ATTACHMENTS Chanhassen Compensation Policy 2021 Pay Plan 6 Chanhassen, Minnesota Compensation Policy September 2021 Page 1 of 5 Purpose Policy The purpose of the compensation policy is to accomplish the following: •To comply with and remain continually in compliance with the Minnesota Local Government Pay Equity Act adopted by the State of Minnesota in 1984. The pay equity legislation is intended to provide comparable compensation for comparable classifications and is commonly known as comparable worth. •To develop and maintain a base pay structure that will enable Chanhassen to attract and retain well-qualified personnel. •To establish levels of base pay that will encourage improved performance and motivate employees to develop their best capabilities and competencies. •To maintain a base pay plan with sufficient flexibility to accommodate changing economic and competitive conditions. •To maintain base pay structure relationships among positions that is consistent in recognizing important relative differences in position responsibilities and requirements. •To establish and maintain an overall base pay structure that will compare favorably with the base pay structures established in our peer group of cities for positions of similar responsibility. •To follow the principles of equal employment opportunity, basing differentials in pay solely on qualifications, job responsibilities and individual performance without regard to non job-related attributes such as race, color religion, sex, age, national origin, marital status or any disability that does not preclude the effective performance of position responsibilities. The City Council adopted a job classification and pay plan for employees effective October 11, 2021. The plan is uniformly applicable to all departments except for variances approved on the basis of employment and union contracts. The City Council will review the pay plan at least once each year and may modify any or all of the salary ranges in the pay plan at any time. Any amendments to the job classification system and/or pay plan will be based on changes in the responsibilities or duties of the classes, the City's financial status, general economic conditions, federal or state law,or other pertinent factors warranting such action. New job classifications and reclassifications can be added during the year as necessary to reflect job relationships and to facilitate recruitment and retention. Administration of pay plan Job Evaluation The Assistant City Manager will manage the City's base pay plan consistent with direction from the City Manager and within established applicable policies of the City Council. Under the Pay Equity Act, job evaluation is a method of determining the comparable work value of classifications that result in a determination of the internal relationship of classifications. This process involves the analysis of a classification to determine its total job evaluation point profile based on the application of five job evaluation factors: 7 Chanhassen, Minnesota Compensation Policy September 2021 Page 2 of 5 •Formal Preparation and Experience •Decision Making •Thinking and Problem Solving •Interactions and Communications •Work Environment A current,complete and accurate job description should be prepared and maintained for every City classification. Preparation and maintenance of job descriptions is a direct responsibility of each respective department manager,with involvement of the individual(s)holding the position and collaboration with the Assistant City Manager. When a new position is created, or when substantial changes in a position's core responsibilities have occurred,the department manager has the responsibility for preparing a new or revised position description,again in collaboration with the Assistant City Manager. New job descriptions will be reviewed and placed in the appropriate grade of the City's classification hierarchy. Before any action is taken on revised job descriptions,the manager accountable for that position needs to provide the following information: •Which responsibilities have changed since the prior review of the job? •Are these responsibility changes short-term or permanent? •How do these responsibility changes affect other job responsibilities in the department? Which positions, if any, have lost responsibilities as a result of gains to this position? •Has the incumbent already assumed the duties? If not, how much training will be required to prepare the incumbent for performing the new responsibilities? •What advantages/efficiencies are expected as a result of changes in the job? •Are the additional responsibilities being assigned for developmental purposes for the incumbent or because of operational necessity? If the latter, explain in detail. Grades Pay Steps The City's base pay structure contains 19 base pay grades for regular employees. A grade schedule for seasonal and temporary employees is also maintained. The determination of how many pay grades would be in the overall structure was determined as a result of the job evaluation process applied to each of the City's positions. There is 5-10% between pay ranges. Every pay grade in the overall base pay structure contains nine steps, Step 5 in the structure is identified as the 50th percentile in the Market.The percentage between steps is 3%.The salary maximum to minimum is 27%, which is less slightly smaller than traditional ranges. The city shall consider adding steps to the schedule in future years to reach 40-60% ranges. 8 Chanhassen, Minnesota Compensation Policy September 2021 Page 3 of 5 Maintenance of plan Hiring Step progression The base pay structure is to be reviewed annually,beginning early in the City's budgeting cycle, and adjusted as justified to assure that competitive base pay levels are being maintained when compared to the overall patterns of the peer comparison group of cities. Employees maybe hired at Step 2, 3 or 4 if warranted by their qualifications, market conditions, or other position related criteria in the judgment of the Department Manager/Director. The City Manager may approve placement on Steps 5 and above on a case by case basis. This will be considered after a recommendation of the Department Director and the Assistant City Manager. Starting wage exceeding step 4 in the pay plan is the exception not the rule. Step progression following the initial hiring is subject to the following: •If included in the terms of hire, individuals may be eligible, assuming satisfactory performance, for a step increase after six months of employment. •Individuals are typically eligible, assuming satisfactory performance, for a step increase annually on the anniversary of hire. •Annual step progression is not automatic. •The recommendation for a step progression must be documented via the annual performance review. •Satisfactory performance, contributions and work related achievements are criteria used to determine step progression. Step progression following exceptional performance is subject to the following: •A Department Director may occasionally recommend that individuals who demonstrate exceptional performance contributions and work-related achievements be moved two-step instead of one-step.The Director must provide written documentation for review by the City Manager and the Human Resource Director.The City Manager may or may not approve the recommendation. In all cases base pay adjustments end at Step 9 unless or until the entire base pay structure is adjusted. Absence from work for an extended period of time may extend the implementation of a step increase. 9 Chanhassen, Minnesota Compensation Policy September 2021 Page 4 of 5 Performance reviews and step increases Promotion The City's performance review program provides a planned and orderly means of evaluating individual performance contributions and achievements. New hires will have their performance-to -date reviewed following six months of employment. Performance reviews for other personnel will be conducted at least annually. The overall responsibility for planning,scheduling,delivering,documenting and communicating performance reviews is assigned to each individual employee's immediate supervisor and department manager.The City Manager assumes responsibility for the review of direct reports and department managers. A satisfactory performance, performance contributions and work related achievements are required to support and allow step progression on the base pay schedule until Step 9 is achieved.Less than satisfactory performance may result in no step progression unless or until satisfactory performance is again demonstrated. A promotion is defined as an assignment to another position with a higher base pay grade than the one previously held at least 10% increase of current Grade and Step. It is the City's intention to fill all authorized and open positions with the best-qualified candidates. If the selection process results in the promotion of a current employee, that employee will be eligible for a base pay adjustment. The base pay adjustment resulting from a promotion should be determined after considering all of the following: •The grade and base pay progression steps for the new position. •The time elapsed since the employee's last base pay adjustment. •The combination of the employee's qualifications and experience that resulted in the final selection. •The employee's current base pay relative to the base pay of other incumbents, if any, in the position to which being promoted. Once these considerations are made, the employee's base pay adjustment should be adjusted similarly to an external hire: •Employees may be hired at Step 2, 3 or 4 if warranted by their qualifications, market conditions, or other position related criteria in the judgment of the Department Manager/Director and the Assistant City Manager. •The City Manager may approve Steps 5 and above for a beginning wage at the recommendation of the Department Director and the Assistant City Manager. •The Directors must substantiate in writing the need for a higher starting wage based on the applicant's existing wage rate, his/her exceptional performance contributions,his/her work-related achievements,scarcity of qualified candidates and other circumstances related to the individual candidate. 10 Chanhassen, Minnesota Compensation Policy September 2021 Page 5 of 5 •The City Manager must approve any placement on the pay plan outside the initial placement as documented above. Temporary Assignment to a Higher Position Lateral transfer Demotion From time-to-time employees are asked to take on significant additional responsibilities due to the position vacancy of their supervisor or to fill-in as an acting department manager/director.When this occurs,the employee's pay will be adjusted commensurate with the additional responsibilities.Interim pay for individuals taking on management responsibilities will receive a 10% increase in pay with approval of theCity Manager. The Department Manager in consultation with the City Manager and Assistant City Manager will make this determination. When the vacant position is filled, the acting supervisor/manager/director will return to his or her regularly assigned responsibilities and any pay adjustment will be discontinued. An employee serving as the Acting City Manager will be compensated in accordance with a City Council approved amount. A lateral transfer is defined as an assignment to another position in the same grade and base pay range. Typically no base pay adjustment is given following a lateral transfer. Should a pay increase be warranted, the City Manager must approve it before offering the transfer. A demotion is defined as an assignment to another position with a lower grade and base pay range than the one previously held. Demotions require thoughtful consultation with the Assistant City Manager and City Manager before any communication and/or pay action is taken because demotions are sensitive events. Although the City will attempt to make this internal jobtransition as easy as possible for the individual affected,a decrease in pay will likely occur. 11 Chanhassen Pay Plan Year 2021 Annual Step 3.00% Number of Steps 9 Base Salary 49,005 Range Grade Min 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100.0%103.0%106.1%109.3%112.6%115.9%119.4%123.0%126.7% 11 100%22.00 22.00$ 22.66$ 23.34$ 24.04$ 24.76$ 25.50$ 26.27$ 27.06$ 27.87$ 45,760$ 47,133$ 48,547$ 50,003$ 51,503$ 53,048$ 54,640$ 56,279$ 57,967$ 12 105%23.56 23.10$ 23.79$ 24.50$ 25.24$ 26.00$ 26.78$ 27.58$ 28.41$ 29.26$ 48,048$ 49,483$ 50,960$ 52,499$ 54,080$ 55,702$ 57,366$ 59,093$ 60,861$ 13 105%24.74 24.26$ 24.99$ 25.74$ 26.51$ 27.31$ 28.13$ 28.97$ 29.84$ 30.74$ 50,461$ 51,979$ 53,539$ 55,141$ 56,805$ 58,510$ 60,258$ 62,067$ 63,939$ 14 105%25.97 25.47$ 26.23$ 27.02$ 27.83$ 28.66$ 29.52$ 30.41$ 31.32$ 32.26$ 52,978$ 54,558$ 56,202$ 57,886$ 59,613$ 61,402$ 63,253$ 65,146$ 67,101$ 15 105%27.27 26.74$ 27.54$ 28.37$ 29.22$ 30.10$ 31.00$ 31.93$ 32.89$ 33.88$ 55,619$ 57,283$ 59,010$ 60,778$ 62,608$ 64,480$ 66,414$ 68,411$ 70,470$ 16 105%28.64 28.08$ 28.92$ 29.79$ 30.68$ 31.60$ 32.55$ 33.53$ 34.54$ 35.58$ 58,406$ 60,154$ 61,963$ 63,814$ 65,728$ 67,704$ 69,742$ 71,843$ 74,006$ 17 105%30.07 29.48$ 30.36$ 31.27$ 32.21$ 33.18$ 34.18$ 35.21$ 36.27$ 37.36$ 61,318$ 63,149$ 65,042$ 66,997$ 69,014$ 71,094$ 73,237$ 75,442$ 77,709$ 18 107%32.17 31.54$ 32.49$ 33.46$ 34.46$ 35.49$ 36.55$ 37.65$ 38.78$ 39.94$ 65,603$ 67,579$ 69,597$ 71,677$ 73,819$ 76,024$ 78,312$ 80,662$ 83,075$ 19 107%34.43 33.75$ 34.76$ 35.80$ 36.87$ 37.98$ 39.12$ 40.29$ 41.50$ 42.75$ 70,200$ 72,301$ 74,464$ 76,690$ 78,998$ 81,370$ 83,803$ 86,320$ 88,920$ 20 107%36.84 36.11$ 37.19$ 38.31$ 39.46$ 40.64$ 41.86$ 43.12$ 44.41$ 45.74$ 75,109$ 77,355$ 79,685$ 82,077$ 84,531$ 87,069$ 89,690$ 92,373$ 95,139$ 21 107%39.41 38.64$ 39.80$ 40.99$ 42.22$ 43.49$ 44.79$ 46.13$ 47.51$ 48.94$ 80,371$ 82,784$ 85,259$ 87,818$ 90,459$ 93,163$ 95,950$ 98,821$ 101,795$ 22 107%42.17 41.34$ 42.58$ 43.86$ 45.18$ 46.54$ 47.94$ 49.38$ 50.86$ 52.39$ 85,987$ 88,566$ 91,229$ 93,974$ 96,803$ 99,715$ 102,710$ 105,789$ 108,971$ 23 107%45.13 44.23$ 45.56$ 46.93$ 48.34$ 49.79$ 51.28$ 52.82$ 54.40$ 56.03$ 91,998$ 94,765$ 97,614$ 100,547$ 103,563$ 106,662$ 109,866$ 113,152$ 116,542$ 24 108%48.74 47.77$ 49.20$ 50.68$ 52.20$ 53.77$ 55.38$ 57.04$ 58.75$ 60.51$ 99,362$ 102,336$ 105,414$ 108,576$ 111,842$ 115,190$ 118,643$ 122,200$ 125,861$ 25 108%52.63 51.59$ 53.14$ 54.73$ 56.37$ 58.06$ 59.80$ 61.59$ 63.44$ 65.34$ 107,307$ 110,531$ 113,838$ 117,250$ 120,765$ 124,384$ 128,107$ 131,955$ 135,907$ 26 110%57.90 56.75$ 58.45$ 60.20$ 62.01$ 63.87$ 65.79$ 67.76$ 69.79$ 71.88$ 118,040$ 121,576$ 125,216$ 128,981$ 132,850$ 136,843$ 140,941$ 145,163$ 149,510$ 27 110%63.69 62.43$ 64.30$ 66.23$ 68.22$ 70.27$ 72.38$ 74.55$ 76.79$ 79.09$ 129,854$ 133,744$ 137,758$ 141,898$ 146,162$ 150,550$ 155,064$ 159,723$ 164,507$ 28 110%70.06 68.67$ 70.73$ 72.85$ 75.04$ 77.29$ 79.61$ 82.00$ 84.46$ 86.99$ 142,834$ 147,118$ 151,528$ 156,083$ 160,763$ 165,589$ 170,560$ 175,677$ 180,939$ 29 110%77.06 75.54$ 77.81$ 80.14$ 82.54$ 85.02$ 87.57$ 90.20$ 92.91$ 95.70$ 157,123$ 161,845$ 166,691$ 171,683$ 176,842$ 182,146$ 187,616$ 193,253$ 199,056$ * Note: MN Salary Cap is currently $180,927 @BCL@B80CC1DD.xlsx KS Pay Plan Rates 3% e (2 9/23/2021 12 City Council Item September 27, 2021 Item 2022 Budget Discussion File No.Item No: A.2 Agenda Section 5:00 P.M. - WORK SESSION Prepared By Kelly Strey, Finance Director Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION None. Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY The City Council is required to adopt a maximum tax levy and preliminary budget by September 30 annually. The preliminary levy adopted with this action sets the maximum tax that the Council can consider for the 2022 budget year and is used for the Truth-in-Taxation notices mailed to property owners in November by the County. The Council has discussed the 2022 budget at several work sessions already this year. Council will adopt a preliminary maximum tax levy at the Council meeting following this work session. BACKGROUND Initial projections from the 2021 budget process indicated a 4.9% levy increase would be expected to maintain current service levels. Staff prepared detailed budget projections and was able to maintain the 2022 projection within the initial proposed 4.9% increase including implementation of the compensation study, some beginning capital plan increases and increasing inflationary pressures in current expenses. The proposed levy includes funding to implement the compensation study with COLA and steps, some small FTE adjustments to existing positions, funding to meet seasonal and part-time increases due to increased staffing needs and some minimum wage increases, and health insurance premium increases. Cost allocations to the enterprise funds were reviewed in depth and changes to increase overhead funding from the enterprise funds to the General Fund were implemented in this budget. 13 General Fund current expenses are proposed to increase due to some increased annual expenses to invest in technology improvements and inflationary pressures across all areas. Internal Service Funds were implemented for Fleet operations and Technology. For 2022 these changes have a net zero effect on the General Fund but it is expected that the funds will provide better cost management and cost allocations to the appropriate funds. Revenues other than property taxes, primarily in permits, are providing additional funding of approximately $200,000 to offset other cost increases. Without these increases the property tax levy would increase at a higher rate. Capital funding plans were proposed to address some long-term funding gaps in capital replacement plans. Capital replacement funds were reorganized into separate plans to focus the plans for fleet and equipment, facilities, parks and technology. Capital replacement plans will need additional funding in future years which can be phased in over the next few years to manage the annual tax impact. The 4.9% increase includes a new position in economic development to address the Council's strategic initiatives in development and redevelopment. In response to Council direction, staff has revised the budget projection and is presenting a reduced option of 4.5% which still includes funding for an Economic Development Manager position; however, would use $50,000 of ARPA funding for next year to reduce the net budgeted cost of the position. This would be an allowable cost for administration of the grant. Council will discuss the options at the work session. DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS Proposed 2021 Preliminary Tax Levy 14 Proposed 2021 Preliminary Tax Levy 15 Summary of Budget Changes and the Impact on the 2022 Tax Levy and Projections of 2023 Tax Levy (rounded) 16 City Council Item September 27, 2021 Item Data Practices Act Discussion File No.Item No: A.3 Agenda Section 5:00 P.M. - WORK SESSION Prepared By Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION None Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority Operational Excellence SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION The Minnesota Department of Administration Data Practices website provides detailed information on data practice issues which includes the following: The MN Administration Department's role Types of Data Challenges and Appeals Data Practices Rules and Requirements Warnings and Notices Temporary Classification 17 Requesting Data and Info Who to Contact BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS 18 City Council Item September 27, 2021 Item Future Work Session Schedule File No.Item No: A.4 Agenda Section 5:00 P.M. - WORK SESSION Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION N/A Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY The City Council is tentatively scheduled to hold the following work sessions: October 11 1. Interview Environmental Commission Youth Applicants (3) 2. Discuss request to consider Land Use Amendment and Rezoning for Westwood Church property October 25 1. Discuss Census Results 2. Facilities Study Presentation and Discussion November 8 1. General Fund & Property Tax Supported Funds Discussion 19 November 22 1. Enterprise and CIP Discussion December 13 BACKGROUND Staff or the City Council may suggest topics for work sessions. Dates are tentative until the meeting agenda is published. Work sessions are typically held at 5:30 pm on the second and fourth Monday of each month in conjunction with the regular City Council meeting, but may be scheduled for other times as needed. DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS 20 City Council Item September 27, 2021 Item Celebrate Money Magazine #1 Best Places to Live File No.Item No: C.1 Agenda Section PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS Prepared By Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION N/A Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY The City of Chanhassen topped Money Magazine’s list of the 2021 Best Places to Live, taking the number one spot overall. BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION 21 ATTACHMENTS Money Magazine Article City Press Release 22 9/21/21, 11:30 AM Chanhassen, Minnesota Ranks No. 1: The Best Place to Live | Money https://money.com/chanhassen-minnesota-best-places-to-live-2021/1/11 Many companies featured on Money advertise with us. Opinions are our own, but compensation and in-depth research determine where and how companies may appear. Learn more about how we make money. T his I s t he B es t Pl ac e t o L i v e i n th e U.S . R i gh t N ow B y Sa m an th a S ha r f S e p tem b e r 1 4 , 2 0 2 1 SHARE O n the sec o nd t ra ck of hi s hi t 1 98 5 album “A roun d t h e Wor l d i n a D ay,” Pr in ce d es cr ibe s “Pa is l e y Pa rk,” a m yt h ic al p l a c e w h er e pe op l e ar e ac c e pt e d a nd r ul es ar e non -ex is t en t. A f ew yea rs l ate r, w h en t h e a r ti s t d ec i d ed t o ma k e P a i sley P ar k a r e ali ty , he b u ilt it in C h an h as se n, M in ne so ta , a sm all to wn 2 0 m i le s s o u thwe st of Mi nn ea po l i s . R E A L E S T A T E B E S T P L A C E S T O L I V E Car Show & Parade on September 6, 2021 in Chanhassen Minnesota Ackerman + Gruber for Money Brought to you by Better is redening the homeownership process. Experience a simple online mortgage loan process with zero commissions & lender fees and 24/7 support. 23 9/21/21, 11:30 AM Chanhassen, Minnesota Ranks No. 1: The Best Place to Live | Money https://money.com/chanhassen-minnesota-best-places-to-live-2021/2/11 F o r d e ca des , Pa is l e y Pa rk a nd C h an h as sen se rv ed a s P r in ce ’s stu d i o a nd h ome . Aft e r he d i e d i n 2 01 6 , the pr op er t y w as con v e rt e d i nt o a m u se u m . Ea ch y ea r (p a n d em i c n o t wi t h s t an di ng ), v is i t o rs f rom ar o un d the w or l d m ake t h ei r wa y t o C h an h as se n to p a y thei r r es pec ts an d get a g l i mp se of m u si c his t o ry. Wha t the y f in d i s a g r o wi ng s ubur b o f 2 6,0 00 p eop l e , w h e re r es id e n t s a nd ci ty o f fi ci als ar e tr y in g to ca pi tali z e on t h e n ot o ri ety whi l e r e sp ec t i ng t h e pa st a nd na t ur a l su rr o u nd in gs . S ome in volv ed in loc al r e al es ta t e wi l l joke t h a t t h e re a re peop l e w h o b u y in Ch an h as se n for t h e Pr i nc e c on n e ct ion . Ho wever , mos t o f the r o ughly 30 0 n ew r e s ide nt s who m o ve h e re e ac h y e ar h a v e m or e p ra cti c a l re a s on s : goo d s choo l s a nd jo b s , r e l ativ el y aff or da b l e h o u si n g a n d plen ty o f thi n g s t o d o . Ad The rst step to a new home is putting in the work and nding out how much you can aord. Mortgage Experts are available to get you started on your home-buying journey with solid advice and priceless information. To nd out more, click on your state today. GET STARTED TODAY RI CT MA NH VT NJ DE MD DC 24 9/21/21, 11:30 AM Chanhassen, Minnesota Ranks No. 1: The Best Place to Live | Money https://money.com/chanhassen-minnesota-best-places-to-live-2021/3/11 Tho se a r e al s o t h e re a s on s w h y C h a n h a s s en ear n s the t o p s p o t o n Mon e y ’s 35t h a n nua l l is t o f The B est P l ac e s to L i ve . Ev er y ye a r s i nc e 1 98 7, w e’ve c o m b in ed lot s o f da t a wi th ol d fa shi o ne d re p o rt in g to fi nd 5 0 or so st an do ut s pot s tha t fi t the t ime s. The t a s k f e els e sp ec ia l ly r el ev an t i n 20 2 1 . The co r on av i rus pa nd e m ic h as u pe nd e d c onv en t i on al not io n s about w o rk, com m ut e an d the i m por tan c e o f o u r hom es . T h e w i l d h o u si n g m a rke t an d soa r i ng r eal e sta te p ri ce s o f the l a st y e ar cr e at e d op p o rt u n it ies f o r s o m e , w h ile othe rs w er e f o rc ed t o w at ch fr o m t h e si de l in es . Ad d in the u nc e r t ai nt y ca u se d b y t h e de l t a v ar ia nt , a cho pp y e c on o m ic re co v e ry a nd a n on g o in g n a ti o na l d i s c ou rs e ar o u n d ra ce a nd e q ua lity — de cla r i ng a be st p l ac e fe lt d au nt in g . B u t we be l ieve C h a n h a s sen m e et s thi s momen t. 25 9/21/21, 11:30 AM Chanhassen, Minnesota Ranks No. 1: The Best Place to Live | Money https://money.com/chanhassen-minnesota-best-places-to-live-2021/4/11 RE AD MOR E: Did Y o ur Ho me tow n M ake Ou r L i s t? C h e ck O ut M o ne y's C om p le t e Be s t P la c es to Live Ackerman + Gruber for Money; Illustration and Animation by Rangely Garcia/Money 26 9/21/21, 11:30 AM Chanhassen, Minnesota Ranks No. 1: The Best Place to Live | Money https://money.com/chanhassen-minnesota-best-places-to-live-2021/5/11 20 21-2 0 2 2 Ran k i n g H ow Ch a nh asse n be ca me t he be s t p l ac e to live i n Am er ica E u rop e an se t tle r s be g an t o ar ri v e in C h a nh asse n as the D akot a pe op l e , t h e n a ti v e tr ibe in M in ne sota , w e re p us h e d s o u th o f the Mi n nes o ta Ri v e r. A t the f ir st t o wn me e ti n g in 18 5 8, se ttle rs chos e the n ame, whi ch i s t h e Da k o t a wor d for s uga r ma p l e tr ee, an d a g re e d tha t all an i m a l s e x ce pt pi g s w ou l d b e allo wed t o ru n l o o se be t w ee n Ap ri l a n d N ovembe r. (A y e ar l a te r, po rky wa s gr an ted f re e re in , t o o .) Tho ugh C h a n ha ss en w as o ne of t h e f i rs t E u rop ean se ttle m e nt s i n C a r ve r Coun ty, it d i d n’t gr o w m u ch u nt il the 19 60 s . D u r in g that d ec ad e a fe w vi l l age s m er g ed t o f o r m the c ur ren t C it y of Ch an h as se n, an d s e v e ra l new bu si ne ss es came t o 78t h S t re e t, the c it y ’s m a i n dr ag. Imp o rta nt l y , i n 19 6 8, He rb an d C a rol B l o o mbe rg op e ne d the C ha n h a s s en D i nne r Th ea t r e s at t h e c e nt e r of to wn , a imi ng t o br i ng a “l it tl e bi t o f B roa d w ay t o t h e M id w e s t .” (F as t for w ar d to tod a y : T h e the a te r h as h o st e d o v e r 1 2 .5 m illi o n v is i t o rs in it s hi st or y an d i s the l a r g e s t pr o f e s si o na l d in ne r t he at e r i n t h e coun tr y . Ri g h t n ow , gu e st s c an f ea s t on “fa m ou s c h ic k en Ch an h as se n” b e fo r e e n joy i ng a p rod u ct ion o f "T he M u si c Ma n." At f u l l ca pa ci t y the t h e at e r e m p l o y s 3 0 0, m a k i ng i t a ma jor l oc al emp l o ye r.) 27 9/21/21, 11:30 AM Chanhassen, Minnesota Ranks No. 1: The Best Place to Live | Money https://money.com/chanhassen-minnesota-best-places-to-live-2021/6/11 S t i ll, l o ngt ime r es id e n t s s ay tha t as re cently a s the 1 9 90 s t h e y ne e de d to dr iv e fi v e -m i l e s e a st t o E d en Pr ai rie t o bu y gr o ce ri es or 10 -m i l e s we st t o Wa con ia t o see a m o vi e. S u e B us ch, an age nt w it h E d i na R e al t y w h o ha s li ve d i n Cha nha ss e n s i nc e 1 99 2 , s ays h e r f ri e n d s u sed t o al l ud e t h at she l iv ed in t h e s t i cks . “Pe o p l e us ed t o s ay t o me, ‘a re you c o m in g i nt o t o w n t od ay ?" she r ec alls w it h a l a ugh. H ow e v e r, as t h e s u b ur b s c l os er t o M in ne a poli s got mor e ex p en siv e, p eop l e an d b us in es ses fo un d th ei r w a y t o Chanh as s e n. In f ac t, the p o p ula t i on h as g rown 1 3 % s i nc e 2 010 — mor e tha n the U .S. (7.4 %) a nd Mi nn es o t a (7 .6%), a l t h o ugh l es s t h a n C ar ve r Cou nty a s a w h ole (17 %). With a me di an h ome p ri c e o f $45 8 ,00 0 i n t h e f i rs t q uar te r o f thi s yea r, Cha nha ss e n i s n o w o ne of th e p ri ci er T wi n C it y s ubur b s. A t t h e m ome nt , the me di an h ou sehold in com e i n C h a n h a ss en — $125,0 00 — is h igh eno ugh t o s up p o rt t h e p r i ces . (T h at ’s b a se d o n t h e id e a t h a t a hou sehold s h o u l d sp e n d at mos t 2 8% o f g ros s mo n t h l y in come on h ou si ng .) H ow e v e r, q ui ckly r is in g h o m e pr ic es (u p 1 4 % j us t sin ce t h e en d o f 2 020) an d fi er ce co m pe t i t i on ar e f o rc ing s o me f ir st -ti m e b uy er s t o v en tu r e a li tt l e f ur ther w es t o f M in n e ap o lis t o p l ac es l ike C h a s k a (m e di an pr ic e $325,0 00 ). “W e a r e s ti l l s ee in g the mult ip l e o f fer s, we'r e s t i l l s eein g h o me s go we ll ov er li s t pr ic e,” s ays Bu sc h . “W e ha ve s ee n a s h if t in the ma rket o ve r the la st f e w we e k s, wh er e i ns tea d o f h av i ng 1 3 o r 1 4 of f er s, w e’re s ee in g two o r t h ree or f o ur of f er s.” Tho se w h o can m ake C h an h as sen wo rk a re d ra w n by the ci t y ’s two top -not ch s cho o l d i str i cts . Min n eto nk a Pub l i c Sc ho o l s ar e l ea d er s i n langu a ge i m m e rs i on an d c o d ing ed u c a ti o n, an d o ffe r st u den ts tr a c k s i n bus ines s, h ea l t h sc ie nc es or tr ade ski l l s s u ch a s c a r r ep a i r. C h a nh asse n H i g h S c h oo l, pa rt of t h e E as t er n C a rver Coun ty di s t ri c t , op e n e d i n 20 09 an d has alr e ad y w o n tw o s ta t e cha m p i ons h ip s i n bas eba l l a nd s h i ne s i n de b a te c o m pe t it ion s. Re si de nts als o lov e the a c ces s t o n at u r e in Chanh as s e n. The re’s La k e A n n, w h er e l o ca ls sw im i n the su mme r an d i ce f is h in the w in ter . T h e r e ’s L ake Mi nnet o nka , whi ch ha s s ome of t h e c ity’s mo s t e xp en si v e h o me s a ro un d i t , bu t als o s m aller ca b in s. O r t h e Min n eso t a La n dsca pe Arbo r etu m , w h i ch b o as t s 3 2 d i s ti n ct g a rd e n s an d whe re U ni v e rs i t y o f M in ne so ta h or ti cu l t ur ali st s b re e d n ew The Chanhassen Dinner Theatres on September 5, 2021 Ackerman + Gruber for Money Ad There's never been a better time to buy a home. Mortgage Experts can help you get there. Click below and request your free quote today. GET STARTED 28 9/21/21, 11:30 AM Chanhassen, Minnesota Ranks No. 1: The Best Place to Live | Money https://money.com/chanhassen-minnesota-best-places-to-live-2021/7/11 k in ds o f a pp l es . T h e ci ty h as als o w or k ed ha rd t o bu ild 95 mi l es of bi k e p a ths that con ne ct t o re g ion al tr ai l s, w h i ch s ome r es id e n t s e ve n us e to c o mmu t e a ll t h e w ay to d ow ntow n M in n e ap o l is . A b o u t half of r es id e n t s w or k o u ts id e o f Cha n (as it ’s k nown ), bu t the n umber o f jobs in t h e c it y is ab o ut e q u al wi th the numbe r o f re si dents ; t h e un emp loymen t r ate w as ju st 3 .6 % in Ju ne (a t the ti m e , Minn e s o t a ’s u ne m pl oyme n t r ate w as 4%). The c it y h a s a d de d 5.4 mi l l ion squa re f eet of co m m e r ci al an d i nd u st ri al s pac e s in c e 19 9 5 . Ge ner al M ill s ha s a f ac ili ty i n Cha nha ss en a n d th e c it y p l an s t o ma in ta in 15 3 ac re s for mor e i ndu st ri al d ev elop me nt . Fi tn es s c h ai n Life T i m e , h a s i ts h e ad q u ar ter s i n C h an h as sen . Some bu si ne ss e s a re al s o d ra w n by the e as e o f o p er at in g in the t o w n, w h i ch doe s n ot requ ir e b us in es s l i ce ns e s. M o o d y ’s an t i ci pa t es 12% j ob gr o w th i n C h a n h a ss en b y 20 2 5, h i g h e r t h a n mos t o f the r o ughly 1 ,300 p l ac es M on ey c o ns id e re d fo r t h e B e st Pla ce s to Li ve l is t. Ther e ar e s t i l l s o m e cor n fi eld s i n the a re a b ut vi si t C ha nha ss en ’s w alka b le d o w n t o w n a nd you ’l l f i nd a T ar g et , fou r gr oc er y st or es a n d l o t s of lo c a l l y ow ne d sho p s — m a n y of t h e m h e l m ed by wom en f rom the co m m un it y . A fa vor it e f ema l e -l ed n ewc o m e r i s a B o a r d & B rush , a f ra nc h is e t h a t o ffe rs DI Y wood s ig n wor k sho ps an d wi ne . T h e Ch an h as se n lo c a ti o n i s own ed by b es t fr ie nd s who m et th r ou g h t h ei r ki ds a n d o pen ed t h e s hop aft e r le a v in g cor por a te jo b s. Aerial view of the Arboretum in Chanhassen Minnesota Ackerman + Gruber 2020 29 9/21/21, 11:30 AM Chanhassen, Minnesota Ranks No. 1: The Best Place to Live | Money https://money.com/chanhassen-minnesota-best-places-to-live-2021/8/11 T he 1 0 be s t p l ac es to live i n t he U .S . M on ey's ra nki ng f in ds p l ac es t h at co m b in e a f f o rd a b i l ity, ec o nom i c gr o w th an d qua l it y of li fe. S ou rc e: P op ul at ion an d m e di an h o u se h o l d in c ome p rov i d ed by S i ner gi o s Te chn o l og ie s i nc ; u n e m plo y m en t ra te (by c ou nt ry) pr o v ide d b y t h e B ur eau of L a b o r Sta ti st ic s; an d med ia n ho m e p r i ce pr o vi ded b y AT TOM D a ta Solut ion s. Makin g Ch anh asse n t h e b e s t p la c e to l i v e f o r eve ryon e Ch an h as se n i ts e l f i s als o run b y w o m e n. Thr ee of fi v e c ou nc il membe r s , i nc l udi n g M a y o r E l is e R y an , ar e w o m e n , a r ar it y in l oc al gov er nme nt. H alf o f the ci ty 's d ep a rt m e n t h e ad s a r e fe m a l e, as w e l l . “C h a n ha ss en h as a ve ry l ar g e p o p ula t i on o f pr o f es si o na l w ome n who ar e v er y e nga g ed in ou r com m un it y ," sa ys R y a n . "T h at i s r efle ct e d i n ele ct io n s.” O ne of R y an ’s fi rs t pr o je ct s whe n s he t o o k of f ic e i n 20 1 8 w as b u i l d in g a 5 0 un i t aff o r da b l e h o u si n g com ple x fo r olde r r e s ide nt s tha t i nc l u de s ame ni ti e s li k e a d o g run an d p ic k l e b al l cou rt. The c i t y 30 9/21/21, 11:30 AM Chanhassen, Minnesota Ranks No. 1: The Best Place to Live | Money https://money.com/chanhassen-minnesota-best-places-to-live-2021/9/11 ca l l s i t se l f a “co m m u n it y f or l if e ” a nd s ays it w a n t s t o p rov i d e for t h e pe o pl e who h ave li v e d i n Ch an h as se n s in c e chi l dho o d. A t the s ame t ime , t he ci ty i s fi g ur in g o ut how t o w e l come n ew gr o u ps . C ensus d ata sho ws t h at , li k e th e r e s t o f t h e c o u nt ry, Chanh as se n bec ame mor e di v e rs e b et w een 2 010 a n d 2 020 . READ MO RE: D i d Yo u r Ho m eto w n M ak e Our L i s t ? Che c k O ut Mo ne y 's C omp le t e B est Pl ace s to L i ve 2 0 2 1 -2 02 2 Ra n k i ng The n um b er of no n -w h it e pe o p l e i n t he ci ty m o re t h an d o u b l ed a nd no w m ake s up 16 % of t h e po pu l a ti o n. B ut t h a t mea ns Cha nhas s e n i s s ti l l 8 4 % whi te , a bi t whi te r tha n M i nn es ot a as a whole (78 %) a nd f a r w hite r tha n n ea rb y H e nnep in cou nt y (6 7%), w h er e M in n e ap oli s is loc at e d. A l so l i k e t h e r e s t o f t h e c o u nt ry, Chan h as se n ha s b ee n gr ap p l i ng wi th i ss ues o f ra ce a nd in clu si o n si nc e G eor g e Fl o y d wa s k i l le d b y a M in n e ap o l is p o l ic e o ffi c e r i n Ma y 20 2 0 . S i nc e the n, t h e C a rver Co un ty S h er iff 's O ffi c e (Chan h as se n s h ar e s a po l ic e for ce ) h a s he l d f o ru ms to di sc us s p o lic e pr ac t i ces an d ar ea s for im pr o v e m e n t . So fa r, cha nge s ha ve be e n r ela t ively mo de st, su ch a s m aki ng f o rms a v ai l a b l e i n Sp a nis h , i nc l udi n g in fo rma ti o n o n how t o f ile a p o l ic e r e por t an d j o b ap p l i ca t ion s. H o w ev er , o ffi c e rs w i l l s o o n s t ar t to we a r body c amer as , a st e p tha t pr o pon e n t s f e el m a k e o ffic e rs m o re a cc o u n t able f or thei r a ct ion s (t h ou g h Rya n s ay s t h at w a s p l an ne d b e fo r e F l o y d ’s m u rd e r ). “W e a ll r ec og ni z e tha t thi s a re a is pr edomi na nt l y w h ite ,” sa y s R y an . “S o you ha ve t o ma k e tha t ex t ra e ffor t to m ake sur e ev er y b o d y f eels sa f e and we l com e i n t h e com m un it y w h e r e t h ey l i ve .” W ha t ’s n ex t f o r Ch anh asse n ? Ch an h as se n’s p o p ula t i on i s ex p ec ted t o re a c h 3 2 ,0 00 i n the nex t de ca d e, ac cor d i ng to c it y e s t i ma tes . To k eep u p w ith d e m an d, t h e c it y is sue d pe rm i t s f or 6 8 h o u si n g u n it s l as t y ea r an d ha s alr e ad y is su e d p e rmi ts f o r 1 81 in 2 021 . (Th e Pa rk, a 1 3 8 un i t develop m e nt b y bu ilde r Le nn ar , i s goi ng u p o n l an d o n ce own ed by P rin ce . S tr eet na me s i nc l ude Pa is l ey P ath, P u rp l e P ar k w ay an d Vis ion ar y Co ur t .) C h an h as se n's C o m m u n ity D ev elo pme nt Di re ctor , Ka te Aa ne ns o n, f i g u r e s t h e ci ty c a n a dd an o t h er 4,0 00 h ome s b efor e fi l l in g up . Ad Whether it’s your first home or your next one, Better experts can walk you through the process. Click below to consult a mortgage expert today! VIEW RATES 31 9/21/21, 11:30 AM Chanhassen, Minnesota Ranks No. 1: The Best Place to Live | Money https://money.com/chanhassen-minnesota-best-places-to-live-2021/10/11 READ MO RE: M on e y 's C o m pl ete Be s t P la c es t o L i v e R ankin g 20 2 1 -2 0 2 2 “W h en w e m o v e d h er e i t w as a l o t o f the f ar m e rs . As pe op l e s t ar ted movi ng i n , i t cha ng e d an d gr ew e v e n mor e ,” s a y s Bus c h. “I t has re al l y b e en f un t o se e h o w m u ch C h a n h a ss en h as ch an ged o ve r the y e ar s. B u t t h e ci ty i s s t i ll t ry i ng r eally h ar d to ma in tain t h at qu ai nt , ho m et ow n c ommu ni ty fee l .” Tequila Butcher Restaurant in Chanhassen Minnesota Ackerman + Gruber for Money CAT E GO RIES Curren t Mor tg ag e R ate s Best M o r tg ag e Le n ders H ow M u c h H o m e C an Yo u A fford B E S T O FMONEY Best Cre di t R e p ai r Best Pe r s o n al L oa n s Best S tuden t L oa n s Best S tuden t L oa n R e f i na n c e R E SO U R CES New s l e tters B e s t Col l e ges B e s t Pla ce s to L i ve B e s t Pla ce s to Trave l B e s t Travel Insuran ce MO N EY A bout Cont a c t Tea m s Privacy Po l icy Terms o f U s e CO N N E CT PH YS I CA LADDRESS Ad Pra c t i tion e r s , L LC L o t s 81 -82 S tre e t C Dorad o PR 32 9/21/21, 11:30 AM Chanhassen, Minnesota Ranks No. 1: The Best Place to Live | Money https://money.com/chanhassen-minnesota-best-places-to-live-2021/11/11 © Co py rig h t 2 021 A d P r a ct i t i on ers, L LC. All R i ght s Re se r v e d .M on ey i s an in d epe nde nt, adv ertis er-s uppo r te d we b s i te a nd m a y re ce i ve co m p en s a tio n fo r s o me l i n ks t o p ro d uc ts a n d se r v i ce s t h r ou gho ut t h i s w eb sit e. Op i n i on s e x p r es se d on t h i s s it e are the a uth or 's a l o n e, n ot t h o s e o f a th i rd-p a r t y e nt i t y, an d h a ve n o t be en r evie w ed, ap p r ov ed, o r o the r w i s e e ndo r s e d . Of f er s m ay b e s ub je ct t o c han ge wit h ou t no tic e. F o r m o re i nfo r ma t i on , r ead o u r f ull di sc l a i m er. Best M o r tg ag e R e f ina n ce Eve r y t h in g A b o u t R eve r s e Mor tg ag e s Best C redi t C a rd s Best Ba n ks Best Savi n g s A ccount s Best Au to In su ra n c e C h ea p e s t Car In su ra n c e Best H o m e In su ra n c e Best L ife In su ra n c e Best H o m e Wa rra n ties B e s t Pe t Insuran ce D o N o t S e ll M y Person a l I n fo rm ati o n Yo u r C a li f o rn i a Privacy R i gh t s Li c e n s e s & D isclosure s A d ve r t i s in g S i tema p Care e r s Dorad o, PR 00 6 46 M A I L I N GADDRESS M e tro Off i ce Park 7 ca l le 1 , S u ite 20 4 G u ayna b o, PR 0 09 6 8 BBB Rating A+ 33 CITY OF CHANHASSEN PRESS RELEASE City of Chanhassen Named Best City to Live in America by Money Magazine September 13, 2021 | The City of Chanhassen topped Money Magazine’s list of the 2021 Best Places to Live, taking the number one spot overall. “This is a great honor to be chosen and it speaks to the residents and community we have here in Chanhassen.” said Mayor Elise Ryan. “While we are recognized with various other awards and accolades, this is meaningful for all of us who live and work here.” Chanhassen was recognized not only for its unique history, but also for its entertainment options and strong housing market. “As the suburbs closer to Minneapolis got more expensive, people and businesses found their way to Chanhassen. In fact the population has grown more than 13% since 2010 – more than the U.S. (7.4%) and Minnesota (7.6%),” according to the report. “Chanhassen is grateful for our highly-regarded school districts, our strong local business community, and engaged residents,” said Mayor Ryan. Since 1987, Money Magazine publishes its annual list of the 50 best towns and cities. Using a variety of metrics, Money chooses cities where job growth is rising, home prices are affordable, and the quality-of-life shines. This year, Money selected its list of Best Cities in America by putting the greatest emphasis on economic factors, like employment opportunities, as well as supply and demand for homes, cost of living, quality of schools, racial and economic diversity, and health and safety. Money also noted the city’s rich entertainment and cultural options, including Chanhassen Dinner Theaters and Paisley Park. Chanhassen’s recreational opportunities were listed as well as a huge selling point for residents. “The Council and I would like to thank the community and staff here in Chanhassen,” Mayor Ryan said. “Together, we are working hard to plan for the future, and our strategic plan will capitalize on the elements of what makes us the number one community in the United States.” The City of Chanhassen has been selected by Money Magazine five previous times; in 2005 (placed sixteenth), 2009 (placed second), 2011 (placed tenth), 2013 (placed 34 fourth), and in 2015 (placed seventh). This is the first time that Chanhassen has been named The Best City in America ### Media Contact: Ari Lyksett | Communications Manager alyksett@ci.chanhassen.mn.us | 952.227.1116 35 City Council Item September 27, 2021 Item Celebrate Chanhassen Firefighter Doug Foote's MN Fire Initiative Accomplishment File No.Item No: C.2 Agenda Section PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS Prepared By Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION N/A Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY Dressed in firefighter gear, Chanhassen firefighter Doug Foote walked the a 200-mile route from Marietta to St. Paul and was joined along the way by other firefighters, their families, and community members to show their support for MnFIRE’s important mission. Doug raised more than $20,000 and raised awareness about firefighter health concerns, including cancer, cardiac, and emotional trauma. View photos from Doug's walk through Chanhassen on the city's Facebook page. BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET 36 RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS Proclamation 37 WHEREAS, on this 27th day of September 2021, Chanhassen proudly salutes our friend and firefighter, Doug Foote, and his commitment to the City of Chanhassen and Minnesota firefighters, WHEREAS, his courageous 200-mile journey from Marietta, Minnesota to Saint Paul, Minnesota, to raise awareness for health issues such as cardiac, emotional trauma, and cancer in firefighters, and funds for Miles for MnFIRE; and, WHEREAS, on September 17, 2021, Doug’s incredible voyage brought him through the City of Chanhassen where he walked side-by-side with Mayor Elise Ryan, Chief Don Johnson, and fellow Chanhassen firefighters, and, WHEREAS, Doug’s journey raised awareness about the physical and mental health of our brave firefighters, and raised $20,000 in support of MnFIRE’s mission of supporting Minnesota firefighters and the people who care about them, and NOW, THEREFORE, Let it be known that I, Elise Ryan, Mayor of the City of Chanhassen, do hereby proclaim September 27, 2021, as; Doug Foote Day; a day to celebrate Doug’s achievements for Minnesota firefighters, and the generous spirit he shares with everyone at his station and around him. Congratulations Doug! OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY OF CHANHASSENMayor Elise Ryan Doug Foote Day SEPTEMBER 27, 2021 38 City Council Item September 27, 2021 Item Approve City Council Minutes dated September 13, 2021 File No.Item No: D.1 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By Kim Meuwissen SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council approves the City Council Meeting Minutes dated September 13, 2021." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS 39 Work Session Minutes Regular Meeting Summary Minutes 40 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 13, 2021 Mayor Ryan called the work session to order at 5:30 p.m. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ryan, Councilwoman Rehm, Councilman McDonald, and Councilman Campion. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilwoman Schubert. STAFF PRESENT: Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager; Charlie Howley, Public Works Director/City Engineer; Kelly Strey, Finance Director; Ari Lyksett, Communications Manager; and Jerry Ruegemer, Park & Recreation Director. PUBLIC PRESENT: None. AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT (ARPA) DISCUSSION Finance Director Kelly Strey provided an overview of ARPA and the documents included in the packet. Strey shared that the city is not eligible for spending in the lost revenue category. She noted that city staff has been focusing on uses under the category “investing in water and sewer.” Mayor Ryan inquired whether using the funds that way would result in a benefit to residents. Strey reviewed planned spending in the enterprise funds, which currently includes approximately $1M in debt annually in future years. Using ARPA funds would reduce the amount of debt needed to complete projects and maintain rates at forecasted levels. Mayor Ryan asked for more information on how projects would be selected and Strey noted that not all planned projects qualify but there are enough that would meet the ARPA guidelines. Strey said that increasing the utility rates by 1% equates to $400,000 in revenue. Reducing the rates or debt would result in lower demand on rates increases which residents and businesses would see on their water bill. Rates would not go down, but could increase at a slower rate. Mayor Ryan asked if we were obligated to spend ARPA dollars or if we could save them. Strey responded they cannot go to fund balance, they must be spent over the next four years. Councilmember McDonald asked if we could freeze rates for a year or two with the addition of the ARPA dollars. After Strey shared that rates would still need to increase to accommodate the new allocation models and planned projects, Councilmember McDonald observed that we could hold the rates stable in the long term and Strey agreed. Strey said the rates are forecast to increase around 6% per year going forward. ARPA funds could forestall the ½% increase that was approved to implement monthly billing. In summary, rates will still increase as forecasted in the 2020 rate study, but we will be able to fund administrative expenses from general fund, implement monthly billing, and reduce the use of debt. Mayor Ryan asked what will happen to the utility rates once the $2.7M is exhausted. Strey responded no, the reduced debt service and interest costs will free up ten years of interest and lower long-term costs. 41 City Council Work Session Minutes – September 13, 2021 2 Mayor Ryan recalled that CARES funds were used for one-time, big expenses and asked for more info about the impact that residents will see of the $2.7M dollars. Strey responded that it provides financial stability to the water and sewer funds. It also allows the general fund increase to be lower and move to the allocations model. Councilmember Rehm asked if the work that will be done is beyond what is currently planned. Strey said no, it would be the same work that is currently planned. However, with the increase in street reconstruction, there is more pressure on water and sewer and this money will alleviate that pressure. Councilmember Campion noted that residents and businesses have more control over water usage than they do property taxes. Strey talked a bit about the allocations approach that the city is attempting to move to. Some water and sewer expenses are currently being funded by the general fund. Members of the City Council shared how important it is to be able to be transparent about how the money is being utilized. Councilmember Campion inquired about the need to use ARPA funds for broadband expansion in light of the MetroNet franchise and build-out plans. Councilmember Rehm inquired about the interest in using funds for affordable housing. Strey shared that Carver County is receiving $20M APRA and has designated $760,000 for housing assistance in their first round, with another $1M in housing assistance for a future round of allocation. Councilmember Rehm asked about using ARPA funds to expand green space. Hokkanen responded that is one of the eligible uses that must target Qualified Census Tracts. Councilmember McDonald reiterated that he wants to be able to tell the public what the money was spent on and the tangible benefit, which probably means that water and sewer infrastructure makes the most sense. Mayor Ryan noted that she is also supportive of water and sewer projects. She wondered whether there is also opportunity to use some of the funds to support small businesses. Mayor Ryan suggested creating a grant program, possibly to cover SAC and WAC fees to reduce barriers to opening. Mayor Ryan also noted that staff has proposed creating a new Economic Development Manager that could administer grants and programs created with ARPA funds. Councilmember McDonald asked about the fees that a new business would pay and who do you pay them to. A summary and comparison of those fees would help the City Council consider assistance programs. 42 City Council Work Session Minutes – September 13, 2021 3 Mayor Ryan said that she sees opportunity in terms of economic development using the ARPA funds. Councilmember McDonald shared his perspective on economic development activities and approaches. Councilmember Rehm shared that the best way to support businesses is to bring more residents to town and encouraged the Council to keep thinking about housing and population density. She mentioned veterans housing and other areas of housing needs. Mayor Ryan asked staff to research further: more information about how Carver County is planning to use their dollars specifically on housing, economic development programs / ideas / fees / impacts. Council appreciates the information and conversation thus far and looks forward to more in the future. Staff said to plan for more discussion in October 2021. 6:30 P.M. - ROUNDTABLE Mayor Ryan handed out a guidelines document for the roundtable. The concept was introduced last summer under Heather Johnston to address frustrations that new ideas and initiatives could only be discussed during the January Key Financial Strategy (KFS) sessions. Councilmember Rehm shared that she hears from a growing number of people who want to live in Chanhassen but cannot afford to. This would include aging in place, housing for veterans, and places for newly graduated college students to return home. Mayor Ryan inquired about areas within Chanhassen that are currently designated for high- density housing. She asked Councilmember Rehm what action she is seeking. Rehm replied that she’d like the Council to schedule a work session and consider using ARPA funds. Councilmember McDonald said that affordable housing is a challenging topic and you have to pay attention to the definition. McDonald was supportive of an issue paper or potentially having a commission look at it. He wondered where good locations would be and noted it would be a controversial issue. Council should define what affordable housing is. Councilmember Campion said he doesn’t hear from many residents on the issue and wasn’t sure what the city should do. Campion was supportive of an issue paper. Councilmember Rehm asked if housing specifically for seniors or veterans would be more palatable. Councilmember Campion observed that senior housing has been coming to Chanhassen every year. Councilmember Rehm noted the work of the Senior Commission to support aging in place. Mayor Ryan proposed an issue paper in conjunction with the Senior Commission to provide the Council with more information. Councilmember McDonald noted that the city should not be involved in the provision of services to residents within the housing. Councilmember Rehm said she did not intend for the city to do so, only to be involved in the building of the housing. Councilmember Rehm said she also wants to push for housing in the center of city, where residents can easily access services and 43 City Council Work Session Minutes – September 13, 2021 4 businesses. Mayor Ryan also proposed that housing could be discussed at the Strategic Plan update. Councilmember Rehm suggested that the Environmental Commission (EC) could be more involved in providing feedback to the City Council. Councilmember Campion asked what currently limits the EC from making recommendations. Councilmember Rehm said their role is to educate and their scope has been limited. Councilmember Rehm shared specific items, like is the city planning for Electric Vehicle (EV) charging in the future – either requiring them to be built with new development or installing them as a city. Councilmember Rehm summed it up by saying that she would like the city to put more emphasis on sustainability and environmental issues. Councilmember McDonald said he does feel like the city has been focused on environmental issues, with a great emphasis on green space and tree preservation. He was unsure about putting so much focus on the Environmental Commission, when the Planning Commission has historically considered ordinance and code issues. Councilmember McDonald wondered whether we need to look at the charter of all commissions if we go down this road. Councilmember Campion suggested that the Environmental Commission could look at any of these items. Councilmember Rehm said she would bring the item back at the Strategic Plan session for more discussion. FUTURE WORK SESSION SCHEDULE The meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm. Submitted by Laurie Hokkanen City Manager Prepared by Kim Meuwissen City Clerk 44 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 13, 2021 Mayor Ryan called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ryan, Councilman Campion, Councilwoman Rehm, Councilman McDonald, and Councilwoman Rehm. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilwoman Schubert. STAFF PRESENT: Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager; Jake Foster, Assistant City M anager; Ari Lyksett, Communications Manager; Jerry Ruegemer, Park & Recreation Director. PUBLIC PRESENT: Mack Titus 2747 Century Trail (Arboretum Village) PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT Proclamation - Chanhassen Red Birds - 2021 State Amateur Baseball Class "B" Champions Mayor Ryan stated on Sunday, September 5, 2021 the Chanhassen Red Birds won their fourth consecutive Class “B” State Amateur Title. They finished the 2021 season with a 33-2 record and are the second team in 98 years of MN Baseball history to win a fourth consecutive State Championship. She gave history regarding athletic organizations and facilities in Chanhassen and the resurrection of the Red Birds team. The City Council has an immense amount of community pride in congratulating the Red Birds on a fantastic season. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman McDonald moved, Councilman Campion seconded that the City Council approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations: 1. Approve City Council Minutes dated August 23, 2021 2. Receive Planning Commission Minutes dated August 17, 2021 3. Receive Park and Recreation Commission Minutes dated July 27, 2021 4. Receive Senior Commission Minutes dated July 16, 2021 5. Receive Environmental Commission Minutes dated July 14, 2021 6. Approve Claims Paid 09-13-2021 45 City Council Minutes – September 13, 2021 2 7. Approve Amendment to Tree Preservation Easement in the Bluffs at Lake Lucy Addition 8. Approve Fireworks Display at St. Hubert Catholic Community, September 25, 2021 9. Resolution 2021-49: Approve No Parking on Takoma Trail 10. Resolution 2021-50: Appoint Deputy City Clerk All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS. Mack Titus noted the need for driveway inspections within the Engineering Department. One reason for this is a lack of integrity for their driveway contractor. Mr. Titus quoted from a letter by former head of the Engineering Department Jason Wedel dated April 22, 2019: “Last fall a driveway contractor stopped by City Hall to ask about building permits for driveway replacements in Arboretum Village. He indicated they would only be doing replacements on private streets so he was told no permits were needed.” Mr. Titus has presented the letter to the Arboretum Board and property manager so they are aware of how the Engineering Department was misled and said about half of those driveways were accessed by public streets so it was a fabrication on the part of the contractor. Regarding right-of-way, Mr. Titus noted another Jason Wedel letter dated September 12, 2019 in which he provided Mr. Titus with an aerial view of his driveway area. Mr. Titus stated it is a public street, the width is 30 feet and the right-of-way is 60 feet. Starting at the center line there is 15 feet of driveway, 1 foot of curve, 7 feet of tree lawn, 5 feet of sidewalk, leaving 2 feet within the right- of-way of Mr. Titus’ driveway eligible for inspection. He was told that it was privatized. Their property manager said a number of driveways in Arboretum Village will be rebuilt late this month by the same contractor who previously misrepresented driveway access. Mr. Titus is asking the City Council to recommend the Engineering Department to inspect the driveways being rebuilt where the property is accessed by a public street, monitor construction, and provide a report to the home owner. Mayor Ryan asked Mr. Titus to fill out the Citizen Action Request form and the City will follow up. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None. GENERAL BUSINESS Resolution 2021-51: Approve Contract with Granicus for City Website Redesign and Services 46 City Council Minutes – September 13, 2021 3 Communications Manager Lyksett gave a presentation, stating three goals for Chanhassen’s website: a complete re-design, more simplification and improved end-user experience, and continued ADA compliance. Staff’s recommendation is to go with Granicus rather than the current vendor CivicPlus, as they felt the company aligned with the City’s strategic plan and website goals. She walked the City Council through the reasons for the recommendation including the Content Management System govAccess, digital service delivery, mobile and tablet display integration, federal-grade Security, and continuous innovation. Ms. Lyksett shared cost estimates noting the first year would be the highest cost and years after will be similar to the current cost to maintain the website. She shared the timeline with a goal completion date of April 2022. Mayor Ryan noted the website is the “front door” to the City for many people, she is excited for the new website, and thanked the team for their hard work. Councilman McDonald moved, Councilman Campion seconded that the City Council approve the contract with Granicus for City website and redesign services. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS. Councilman McDonald said the Mayor spoke very eloquently regarding the Red Birds and City Council’s involvement. He is proud of the way the Red Birds team has grown and exceeded all expectations, he congratulated them and noted they did a magnificent job. Councilman McDonald noted on Labor Day the Rotary Club hosted a car show and car parade and he was surprised by the number of people and cars that were there, it was a great turnout, and the Rotary hopes to make this an annual event. Mayor Ryan acknowledged the 20th Anniversary of September 11 and noted firemen and first responders were heroes 20 years ago and they are still heroes within the community. She extended her appreciation and admiration for anyone that puts their life on the line every day. Mayor Ryan is so proud of Chanhassen’s Fire and Police departments, as well as the fact that at every meeting the City Council continues to stand, face the flag, and say the Pledge of Allegiance. She could not be prouder to be an American. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS. Ms. Hokkanen stated on September 20, 2021 they will host a first annual Commission Appreciation Event and she looks forward to seeing the City Council and other Commission members there. CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION. 1. 2021 Building Permit Activity August Year-To-Date 47 City Council Minutes – September 13, 2021 4 Councilman Campion moved, Councilman McDonald seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. The City Council meeting was adjourned at 7:31 p.m. Submitted by Laurie Hokkanen City Manager Prepared by Kim Meuwissen City Clerk 48 City Council Item September 27, 2021 Item Receive Planning Commission Minutes dated September 7, 2021 File No.Item No: D.2 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Jean Steckling, Sr. Admin Support Specialist Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council receives the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes dated September 7, 2021." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS 49 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes dated September 7, 2021 50 CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 7, 2021 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Weick called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Steven Weick, Laura Skistad, Eric Noyes, Mark von Oven, Erik Johnson, Doug Reeder, and Kelsey Alto. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director; Bob Generous, Senior Planner; and Erik Henricksen, Project Engineer. PUBLIC PRESENT: Dean Villella Crisp & Green Jason Pinski Shingobee Phillip Johnson 9116 34th Avenue N., Minneapolis Joel Buttenhoff 102 Jonathan Blvd. N. #200 Dan Parks 12701 Whitewater Dr., Suite 300 Chairman Weick reviewed guidelines for conducting the Planning Commission meeting. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) FOR A DRIVE- THRU PICK-UP WINDOW AT 530 W. 79TH STREET, UNIT 100 (CRISP & GREEN) Senior Planner Bob Generous presented the staff report on this item, noting Planning Case 2021-18 is located at 530 W. 79th Street and is guided for commercial uses and the district permits the restaurant, however, the drive-thru facility needs a separate CUP. As part of the application, staff requested a traffic study which has shown that the impact of the proposed project was not significant enough to reduce the level of service at any intersections on W. 79th Street and showed they do not need as many stacking lanes because of their business model (they do not have an order window but strictly a pick-up window). Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the CUP to allow a drive-thru pick-up window subject to the conditions of approval in the staff report, and adopt the Findings of Fact and Recommendation. Commissioner Noyes asked if the stacking lanes will block any deliveries to other tenants. Mr. Generous said by having only five stacking spots it leaves sufficient area for traffic operations. 51 Planning Commission Minutes –September 7, 2021 2 Chairman Weick noted the standards in the City for stacking lanes is five for banks, twelve for fast food and asked about the City Code. Mr. Generous said the study was based on the actual use and the Code came from national standards. Chairman Weick personally does not believe that it is actually a shorter stack time for cars as he has visited the restaurant and waited for 45 minutes. What happens when someone gets in the line and the order is not ready, is there somewhere for them to park or loop around? Commissioner Alto agreed and said the assumption that people will order ahead of time on the app in an appropriate amount of time before getting in line would cause a wait. Commissioner Reeder asked if cars could park there even if the City said they have to have five stacking lanes. Mr. Generous replied if it goes slower than the applicant anticipates, it could back up in the area. Commissioner Skistad asked how many parking spots are available. Mr. Generous replied there are 72 parking spots in the lot. To comply with Code, 26 spots have been allocated to Crisp and Green. Dean Villella, applicant, approached the podium and noted unlike a typical drive-thru, one does not order or pay at the window, it is more like curb-side pick-up. He noted the app has a smart system in it so as to not overload the employees or the system by designating a next available pick-up time. In the event that someone comes 10 minutes before their order is ready, they do have parking spots available and an employee can walk out and bring the bag to the customer. Commissioner von Oven does not see any issues with it long-term but he could see for the first few months, people thinking this is a real drive-thru. He asked how they will educate customers who drive up and stop at the window to order. Mr. Villella is sure that will happen and he hopes it is a 10-second conversation and a picture in the window for people to scan with their phone camera, then go to the parking lot and order. He believes over time as they educate people, 60-70% of sales will be done through the window. Commissioner von Oven thinks there may be some benefit to some signage further back in the line. Chairman Weick opened the public hearing. Chairman Weick closed the public hearing. Commissioner Noyes moved, Commissioner Alto seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the Conditional Use Permit to allow a 52 Planning Commission Minutes –September 7, 2021 3 drive-thru pick-up window subject to the conditions of approval in the staff report, and adopt the Findings of Fact and Recommendation. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR SUBDIVISION OF TWO PARCELS INTO THREE LOTS AND ONE OUTLOT AND SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR DEVELOPMENT OF AN APPROXIMATELY 82,000-SQUARE FOOT, ONE-STORY OFFICE/WAREHOUSE BUILDING AT 2100 STOUGHTON AVENUE (RIVER VALLEY INDUSTRIAL CENTER) Senior Planner Bob Generous presented the staff report on this item, noting Planning Case 2021-19 is a request for subdivision and site plan approval and the majority of the property is in Chanhassen with the northerly parcel in Chaska. This is zoned and guided for Office-Industrial and will also go before the City of Chaska for approval. As part of the development review, the applicant must provide buffer plantings but the Cities of Chanhassen and Chaska were concerned with the screening of the truck area and are requesting additional landscaping to be installed along the south property line. Erik Henricksen, Project Engineer, shared regarding surrounding right-of-ways, accesses, and noted the only right-of-way Chanhassen has jurisdictional authority over is a portion of Stoughton Avenue that does not abut the development. They would therefore defer any requirements and comments be met that are supplied by Chaska and the County. Things that may be required include ingress and egress configurations, right-of-way improvements, installations of sidewalks and/or traffic control markings, and utilities within the right-of-way. Mr. Generous spoke about proposed architectural materials. Staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat and site plan subject to the conditions outlined in the staff report. The site plan is contingent on the applicant getting final plat approval, meeting the requirements of the City of Chaska, and adoption of the Findings of Fact and Recommendation. Commissioner von Oven asked why the City is shaped this way. Mr. Generous thinks the Village of Chanhassen allowed it in the 1960’s. Commissioner Noyes asked if this could be used as retail within these smaller office/warehouse spaces. Mr. Generous stated it is possible in the Industrial Office Park (IOP) zoning, it is allowed to utilize up to 20% of the floor area for display and retail operations. Commissioner Weick thinks the applicant is short 105 trees if he did the math right. He asked if it is reasonable in the area to come up that high on the tree requirements. 53 Planning Commission Minutes –September 7, 2021 4 Mr. Generous stated those are minimum numbers for the City of Chanhassen and noted it is a rather large area. Dan Parks, Civil Engineer with Westwood Professional Services, and Phillip Johnson, Architect, approached the podium, along with Joel Buttenhoff, applicant. They spoke about tree coverage, shrubs, square footage, and the look of the buildings and architecture. Mr. Parks would like the City to consider only having fees charged for the piece that they are developing, and he would like to bring that to the City and staff’s attention. Chairman Weick opened the public hearing. Chairman Weick closed the public hearing. Commissioner Alto moved, Commissioner Johnson seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve 1) Preliminary Plat for River Valley Industrial Center plans prepared by Westwood Professional Services Inc., dated August 3, 2021; 2) Site Plan approval for an 81,660-square foot, one-story office industrial building plans prepared by Westwood Professional Services Inc., dated August 3, 2021 and Phillip Johnson, Architect, dated August 3, 2021, subject to the conditions of staff report and 3) adopt the Findings of Fact and Recommendation. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DATED AUGUST 17, 2021 Commissioner Noyes noted the Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated August 17, 2021, as presented. CITY COUNCIL ACTION UPDATE: Ms. Aanenson said the noise ordinance went before the City Council and was extended to 11:30 p.m. so the brewery will be ready for Octoberfest. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner von Oven moved to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. The Planning Commission meeting was adjourned at 7:56 p.m. Submitted by Kate Aanenson Community Development Director Prepared by Jean M. Steckling 54 City Council Item September 27, 2021 Item Receive Senior Commission Minutes dated August 20, 2021 File No.Item No: D.3 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council receives the Senior Commission meeting minutes dated August 20, 2021." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS 55 Senior Commission Minutes 8-20-2021 56 1 CHANHASSEN SENIOR COMMISSION MINUTES August 20, 2021 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jerry Cerchia, Bhakti Modi, Lisa Lyon, Linda Haight, Jim Camarata, Susan Kibler, Dorina Tipton. MEMBERS ABSENT: Ruth Lunde. STAFF PRESENT: Sharmeen Al-Jaff, Senior Planner; and Mary Blazanin, Senior Center Coordinator. GUESTS PRESENT: Ari Lyksett, Communications Manager APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Commissioner Lyon moved to approve the Agenda. Commissioner Haight seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. INTROCUCTION OF THE CITY’S NEW COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER, ARIANNA LYKSETT: Ari joins us from the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority, where she worked in the Policy and Communications Department. The connection will be out next week digitally. The following week, paper copies will be distributed. AGING IN PLACE PLAN CLASSES UPDATE: • Tuesday, October 5, 3:30-4:30pm, “Basic Tech 101: How Technology Helps You Stay Safe and Independent” • Wednesdays, October 6, 13 and 20, “Aging with Gusto: Learning to Age Well Independently” • Tuesday, October 12, 4-6:00pm. “Act III: Your Personal Plan for Aging in Place” (Speaker + Light Meal) • Tuesday, October 19, 6-8:00pm. “Meet Trellis: Your 1-Stop Shop for Financial & Aging Well Resources.” • Tuesday, October 26, 10:30am-noon, “Home Fit” COMMISSIONERS TO REVIEW STRATEGIC AREA #4- STRATEGIC AREA: OPPORTUNITIES FOR PEOPLE TO INTERACT Improve overall health, quality of life, and reduce isolation of older adults in (community). The Senior Center is a place for all members to gather. 57 Chanhassen Senior Commission Minutes – August 20, 2021 2 ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Cerchia called for meeting adjournment. Commissioner Camarata moved to adjourn; Commissioner Haight seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Prepared and submitted by Sharmeen Al-Jaff 58 City Council Item September 27, 2021 Item Approve Claims Paid 09-27-2021 File No.Item No: D.4 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Danielle Washburn, Assistant Finance Director Reviewed By Kelly Strey SUGGESTED ACTION Approve claims paid. Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION The following claims are submitted for review and approval on September 27, 2021: Check Numbers Amounts 176074 - 176176 $478,673.05 ACH Payments 387,423.72 Total All Claims $866,096.77 59 BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS Check Summary Check Summary ACH Check Detail Check Detail ACH 60 Accounts Payable User: Printed: dwashburn 9/17/2021 9:19 AM Checks by Date - Summary by Check Number Check No Check DateVendor NameVendor No Void Checks Check Amount AMETIR AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUTORS INC 09/09/2021 0.00 470.48176074 ARAMAR ARAMARK Refreshment Services, LLC 09/09/2021 0.00 617.43176075 BTayl B Taylor Enterprises LLC 09/09/2021 0.00 250.00176076 BabPat Patty Babler 09/09/2021 0.00 250.00176077 BCATRA BCA 09/09/2021 0.00 15.00176078 BOYBUI BOYER BUILDING CORPORATION 09/09/2021 0.00 9,300.00176079 CENENE CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 09/09/2021 0.00 583.04176080 EmbMinn CENTURYLINK 09/09/2021 0.00 1,136.39176081 SILRUN Jack Christopher 09/09/2021 0.00 560.00176082 CUBFOO CUB FOODS 09/09/2021 0.00 21.52176083 DIVEPLUM Diversified Plumbing and Heating Inc 09/09/2021 0.00 435.75176084 EARAND Earl F Andersen Inc 09/09/2021 0.00 82.95176085 EastDan Dan Eastman 09/09/2021 0.00 55.04176086 FACMOT FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 09/09/2021 0.00 111.16176087 ferwat Ferguson Waterworks #2518 09/09/2021 0.00 305.49176088 FinGra Final Grade 09/09/2021 0.00 500.00176089 HagaJame James Hagan 09/09/2021 0.00 100.00176090 HenJac Jack Hendrickson 09/09/2021 0.00 50.00176091 HOLTOU Holt Tour and Charter Inc 09/09/2021 0.00 625.00176092 IndSig Indigo Signs 09/09/2021 0.00 94.00176093 Loc49 IUOE Local #49 09/09/2021 0.00 595.00176094 KENGRA KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTERED 09/09/2021 0.00 14,920.96176095 LEAMIN LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 09/09/2021 0.00 20,759.00176096 MECHCLAY Clayten Mechtel 09/09/2021 0.00 150.00176097 MetGar Metro Garage Door Company 09/09/2021 0.00 248.95176098 MetHol Metronet Holdings, LLC 09/09/2021 0.00 56.31176099 MIDMN MID MN Septic Services 09/09/2021 0.00 50.00176100 MNSaf Minnesota Safety Council 09/09/2021 0.00 391.00176101 MinuPre Minuteman Press 09/09/2021 0.00 16.00176102 MASS MN ASSOCIATION OF SENIOR SERV 09/09/2021 0.00 25.00176103 NCPERS MN NCPERS LIFE INSURANCE 09/09/2021 0.00 112.00176104 OUTSOL OUTDOOR SOLUTIONS INC 09/09/2021 0.00 250.00176105 PaxWat PAX Water Technologies 09/09/2021 0.00 1,555.00176106 PILDRY PILGRIM DRY CLEANERS 09/09/2021 0.00 388.74176107 RAITRE RAINBOW TREE COMPANY 09/09/2021 0.00 14,554.80176108 RMBENV RMB Environmental Laboratories Inc 09/09/2021 0.00 208.00176109 sarljodi Jodi Sarles 09/09/2021 0.00 300.00176110 SavPhi Philip Savoie 09/09/2021 0.00 250.00176111 SeiAnn Anne Seibert 09/09/2021 0.00 50.00176112 ShaJoa Joanna Shamla 09/09/2021 0.00 100.00176113 SHEWIL SHERWIN WILLIAMS 09/09/2021 0.00 93.48176114 SIRLIN SIR LINES-A-LOT 09/09/2021 0.00 4,122.56176115 TeaLab Team Laboratory Chemical, LLC 09/09/2021 0.00 71.50176116 TheHart The Hartford 09/09/2021 0.00 1,366.98176117 TimSav TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc 09/09/2021 0.00 676.00176118 TOWCOU TOWN & COUNTRY GLASS 09/09/2021 0.00 273.26176119 WastMana Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 09/09/2021 0.00 1,272.07176120 Page 1AP Checks by Date - Summary by Check Number (9/17/2021 9:19 AM) 61 Check No Check DateVendor NameVendor No Void Checks Check Amount UB*02273 ANCONA TITLE & ESCROW 09/16/2021 0.00 101.64176121 ArlCha Chad Arlt 09/16/2021 0.00 100.00176122 BusImp Business Impact Group, LLC 09/16/2021 0.00 935.70176123 UB*02274 CAMBRIA TITLE TRUST 09/16/2021 0.00 156.04176124 UB*02281 CARVER COUNTY ABSTRACT & TITLE 09/16/2021 0.00 305.38176125 UB*02282 CARVER COUNTY ABSTRACT & TITLE 09/16/2021 0.00 521.31176126 CEMPRO CEMSTONE PRODUCTS CO 09/16/2021 0.00 331.00176127 CENENE CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 09/16/2021 0.00 318.41176128 CenLin CenturyLink 09/16/2021 0.00 64.00176129 CleGov ClearGov Inc 09/16/2021 0.00 15,688.75176130 UB*02278 CUSTOM HOME BUILDERS TITLE 09/16/2021 0.00 96.75176131 DEMCON DEM-CON LANDFILL 09/16/2021 0.00 500.00176132 DinDav Dave Ding 09/16/2021 0.00 190.91176133 UB*02277 DOUGLAS & CINDY 09/16/2021 0.00 66.83176134 UB*02280 EDINA REALTY TITLE 09/16/2021 0.00 142.16176135 EHLERS EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC 09/16/2021 0.00 11,137.50176136 EveCon Evergreen Construction Co Inc 09/16/2021 0.00 5.00176137 ferwat Ferguson Waterworks #2518 09/16/2021 0.00 37,581.24176138 FMAM FIRE MARSHALS ASSN OF MN 09/16/2021 0.00 160.00176139 FlePri FleetPride, Inc.09/16/2021 0.00 122.27176140 GloInd Global Equipment Company Inc 09/16/2021 0.00 1,019.19176141 UB*02287 KRISTIN HENNIG 09/16/2021 0.00 47.88176142 HurCli Clint or Jennifer Hurt 09/16/2021 0.00 250.00176143 IndSig Indigo Signs 09/16/2021 0.00 87.00176144 JohExt Johnson Exteriors LLC 09/16/2021 0.00 1,231.25176145 JWPEP JW PEPPER & SON INC 09/16/2021 0.00 25.25176146 UB*02276 ANDREW & BARBARA KAYATI 09/16/2021 0.00 82.03176147 KENFAR KENDALLVILLE FARMS 09/16/2021 0.00 200.00176148 LawPro Lawson Products, Inc.09/16/2021 0.00 118.51176149 LEAINS LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST 09/16/2021 0.00 107,358.00176150 LIBBRU LIBERTY BRUSH MFG LLC 09/16/2021 0.00 1,039.00176151 UB*02284 HUA AMY LIU 09/16/2021 0.00 105.80176152 MagBou Magic Bounce, Inc.09/16/2021 0.00 1,800.00176153 METCO2 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 09/16/2021 0.00 205,291.66176154 UB*02285 MINNESOTA TITLE 09/16/2021 0.00 34.26176155 UB*02288 JASON & CHANDA NYE 09/16/2021 0.00 80.05176156 parapart Paragon Party Ponies LLC 09/16/2021 0.00 300.00176157 PULPLU PULLTABS PLUS INC 09/16/2021 0.00 167.70176158 QUAFIR Quality First Janitorial & Maintenance Inc 09/16/2021 0.00 750.00176159 RauMat Matt & Nikki Rau 09/16/2021 0.00 427.74176160 REARES REACH FOR RESOURCES 09/16/2021 0.00 393.95176161 ReaWat Ready Watt Electric 09/16/2021 0.00 3,374.00176162 ResEnv Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 09/16/2021 0.00 1,241.00176163 UB*02289 RESULTS TITLE 09/16/2021 0.00 52.81176164 RoyBra Brandon Roy 09/16/2021 0.00 50.00176165 SCHELE SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORP 09/16/2021 0.00 675.12176166 SHEWIL SHERWIN WILLIAMS 09/16/2021 0.00 293.16176167 SimMar Mark Sims 09/16/2021 0.00 150.00176168 SnoKre Snow Kreilich Architects 09/16/2021 0.00 2,100.00176169 UB*02275 TRADEMARK TITLE SERVICES 09/16/2021 0.00 293.97176170 TsuKar Karl & Theresa Tsuchiya 09/16/2021 0.00 250.00176171 VitAgi Vital Aging Network 09/16/2021 0.00 1,000.00176172 WastMana Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 09/16/2021 0.00 1,187.46176173 UB*02279 WATERMARK TITLE 09/16/2021 0.00 16.12176174 UB*02283 WATERMARK TITLE AGENCY 09/16/2021 0.00 187.76176175 UB*02286 WATERMARK TITLE AGENCY 09/16/2021 0.00 47.63176176 Page 2AP Checks by Date - Summary by Check Number (9/17/2021 9:19 AM) 62 Check No Check DateVendor NameVendor No Void Checks Check Amount Report Total (103 checks): 478,673.05 0.00 Page 3AP Checks by Date - Summary by Check Number (9/17/2021 9:19 AM) 63 Accounts Payable Checks by Date - Summary by Check User:dwashburn Printed: 9/17/2021 9:20 AM Check No Vendor No Vendor Name Check Date Void Checks Check Amount ACH ANCTEC ANCOM COMMUNICATIONS 09/09/2021 0.00 295.00 ACH BOLMEN BOLTON & MENK INC 09/09/2021 0.00 266.00 ACH BOYTRU Boyer Ford Trucks 09/09/2021 0.00 77.32 ACH COMINT COMPUTER INTEGRATION TECHN. 09/09/2021 0.00 207.60 ACH DALCO DALCO ENTERPRISES, INC. 09/09/2021 0.00 158.86 ACH GOPSTA GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL INC 09/09/2021 0.00 924.75 ACH HeaStr Health Strategies 09/09/2021 0.00 6,438.00 ACH KIMHOR KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 09/09/2021 0.00 115,800.09 ACH Marco Marco Inc 09/09/2021 0.00 1,275.67 ACH HaMeli Melissa Haman 09/09/2021 0.00 8.67 ACH METFOR METROPOLITAN FORD 09/09/2021 0.00 47.08 ACH MVEC MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 09/09/2021 0.00 5,944.38 ACH MUNCOD MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION 09/09/2021 0.00 2,700.02 ACH NAPA NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 09/09/2021 0.00 92.31 ACH OREAUT O'Reilly Automotive Inc 09/09/2021 0.00 185.72 ACH RBMSER RBM SERVICES INC 09/09/2021 0.00 7,040.66 ACH SunLif Sun Life Financial 09/09/2021 0.00 1,594.91 ACH VALPAV VALLEY PAVING INC 09/09/2021 0.00 65,211.59 ACH VERIZO VERIZON WIRELESS 09/09/2021 0.00 4,392.56 ACH WMMUE WM MUELLER & SONS INC 09/09/2021 0.00 472.26 ACH WSB WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 09/09/2021 0.00 40,516.44 ACH XCEL XCEL ENERGY INC 09/09/2021 0.00 25.90 ACH HAWCHE HAWKINS CHEMICAL 09/16/2021 0.00 10,834.36 ACH INDLAN Indoor Landscapes Inc 09/16/2021 0.00 612.00 ACH InnOff Innovative Office Solutions LLC 09/16/2021 0.00 76.85 ACH AlHiJuli Juli Al-Hilwani 09/16/2021 0.00 75.00 ACH LYMLUM LYMAN LUMBER 09/16/2021 0.00 858.98 ACH MacEme Macqueen Emergency Group 09/16/2021 0.00 6,974.17 ACH MERACE MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 09/16/2021 0.00 1,045.01 ACH METCO Metropolitan Council, Env Svcs 09/16/2021 0.00 44,282.70 ACH MNLABO MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY 09/16/2021 0.00 9,440.08 ACH MVEC MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 09/16/2021 0.00 2,905.22 ACH POMTIR POMP'S TIRE SERVICE INC 09/16/2021 0.00 43.76 ACH PotMN Potentia MN Solar 09/16/2021 0.00 10,903.94 ACH PRALAW PRAIRIE LAWN & GARDEN 09/16/2021 0.00 41.63 ACH HLBTAU REDPATH AND COMPANY, LTD 09/16/2021 0.00 38,200.00 ACH SPRPCS SPRINT PCS 09/16/2021 0.00 103.44 ACH WatCon Water Conservation Services, Inc. 09/16/2021 0.00 312.40 ACH WMMUE WM MUELLER & SONS INC 09/16/2021 0.00 2,541.88 ACH XCEL XCEL ENERGY INC 09/16/2021 0.00 4,496.51 Report Total:0.00 387,423.72 Page 1 of 1 64 Accounts Payable Check Detail-Checks User: dwashburn Printed: 09/17/2021 - 9:26 AM Name Check D Account Description Amount AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUTORS INC 09/09/2021 101-1250-4140 Tires 470.48 AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUTORS INC 470.48 ANCONA TITLE & ESCROW 09/16/2021 720-0000-2020 Refund Check 12.73 ANCONA TITLE & ESCROW 09/16/2021 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 1.82 ANCONA TITLE & ESCROW 09/16/2021 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 59.39 ANCONA TITLE & ESCROW 09/16/2021 701-0000-2020 Refund Check 27.70 ANCONA TITLE & ESCROW 101.64 ARAMARK Refreshment Services, LLC 09/09/2021 101-1170-4110 Coffee 111.99 ARAMARK Refreshment Services, LLC 09/09/2021 101-1170-4110 Coffee 364.98 ARAMARK Refreshment Services, LLC 09/09/2021 101-1170-4110 Coffee 140.46 ARAMARK Refreshment Services, LLC 617.43 Arlt Chad 09/16/2021 720-7204-4901 Waterwise Rebate 100.00 Arlt Chad 100.00 B Taylor Enterprises LLC 09/09/2021 101-0000-2073 Erosion Control - 2301 Lukewood Drive 250.00 B Taylor Enterprises LLC 250.00 Babler Patty 09/09/2021 720-7204-4901 Waterwise Rebate 250.00 Babler Patty 250.00 BCA 09/09/2021 101-1120-4300 Criminal Background Investigation 15.00 BCA 15.00 BOYER BUILDING CORPORATION 09/09/2021 101-0000-2073 Erosion Control - 330 Pleasant View Way 9,300.00 BOYER BUILDING CORPORATION 9,300.00 Business Impact Group, LLC 09/16/2021 101-1731-4130 Lake Ann Adventure Camp Tee's 935.70 Business Impact Group, LLC 935.70 CAMBRIA TITLE TRUST 09/16/2021 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 55.25 CAMBRIA TITLE TRUST 09/16/2021 701-0000-2020 Refund Check 69.24 CAMBRIA TITLE TRUST 09/16/2021 720-0000-2020 Refund Check 27.61 CAMBRIA TITLE TRUST 09/16/2021 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 3.94 Accounts Payable - Check Detail-Checks (09/17/2021 - 9:26 AM)Page 1 of 10 65 Name Check D Account Description Amount CAMBRIA TITLE TRUST 156.04 CARVER COUNTY ABSTRACT & TITLE 09/16/2021 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 278.76 CARVER COUNTY ABSTRACT & TITLE 09/16/2021 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 6.06 CARVER COUNTY ABSTRACT & TITLE 09/16/2021 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 20.56 CARVER COUNTY ABSTRACT & TITLE 09/16/2021 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 46.21 CARVER COUNTY ABSTRACT & TITLE 09/16/2021 701-0000-2020 Refund Check 74.41 CARVER COUNTY ABSTRACT & TITLE 09/16/2021 720-0000-2020 Refund Check 393.71 CARVER COUNTY ABSTRACT & TITLE 09/16/2021 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 3.57 CARVER COUNTY ABSTRACT & TITLE 09/16/2021 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 3.41 CARVER COUNTY ABSTRACT & TITLE 826.69 CEMSTONE PRODUCTS CO 09/16/2021 720-7207-4150 Materials 331.00 CEMSTONE PRODUCTS CO 331.00 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 09/09/2021 101-1550-4320 Monthly Service 30.00 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 09/09/2021 700-0000-4320 Monthly Service 20.00 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 09/09/2021 101-1190-4320 Monthly Service 328.67 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 09/09/2021 700-7019-4320 Monthly Service 30.71 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 09/09/2021 700-7043-4320 Monthly Service 75.00 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 09/09/2021 101-1170-4320 Monthly Service 98.66 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 09/16/2021 101-1600-4320 Monthly Service 20.00 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 09/16/2021 701-0000-4320 Monthly Service 23.85 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 09/16/2021 605-6502-4300 Monthly Service 14.50 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 09/16/2021 101-1220-4320 Monthly Service 127.87 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 09/16/2021 101-1530-4320 Monthly Service 43.55 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 09/16/2021 101-1171-4320 Monthly Service 20.00 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 09/16/2021 101-1370-4320 Monthly Service 61.40 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 09/16/2021 700-0000-4320 Monthly Service 7.67 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 09/16/2021 701-0000-4320 Monthly Service 7.67 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 09/16/2021 101-1370-4320 Monthly Service 63.08 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 09/16/2021 700-0000-4320 Monthly Service 7.89 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 09/16/2021 701-0000-4320 Monthly Service 7.89 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 09/16/2021 101-1370-4320 Monthly Service -69.56 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 09/16/2021 700-0000-4320 Monthly Service -8.70 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 09/16/2021 701-0000-4320 Monthly Service -8.70 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 901.45 CenturyLink 09/16/2021 700-0000-4310 Monthly Service 32.00 CenturyLink 09/16/2021 701-0000-4310 Monthly Service 32.00 CENTURYLINK 09/09/2021 101-1170-4310 Monthly Service 854.67 CENTURYLINK 09/09/2021 700-0000-4310 Monthly Service 6.36 CENTURYLINK 09/09/2021 701-0000-4310 Monthly Service 6.36 CENTURYLINK 09/09/2021 101-1550-4310 Monthly Service 30.04 CENTURYLINK 09/09/2021 101-1350-4310 Monthly Service 30.04 CENTURYLINK 09/09/2021 101-1220-4310 Monthly Service 33.04 CENTURYLINK 09/09/2021 101-1370-4310 Monthly Service 50.88 CENTURYLINK 09/09/2021 101-1160-4320 Monthly Service 125.00 CENTURYLINK 1,200.39 Christopher Jack 09/09/2021 101-1611-4300 2022 FebFest Dogsled Ride 560.00 Accounts Payable - Check Detail-Checks (09/17/2021 - 9:26 AM)Page 2 of 10 66 Name Check D Account Description Amount Christopher Jack 560.00 ClearGov Inc 09/16/2021 101-1160-4220 Software 15,688.75 ClearGov Inc 15,688.75 CUB FOODS 09/09/2021 101-1220-4290 Supplies 21.52 CUB FOODS 21.52 CUSTOM HOME BUILDERS TITLE 09/16/2021 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 32.26 CUSTOM HOME BUILDERS TITLE 09/16/2021 701-0000-2020 Refund Check 35.64 CUSTOM HOME BUILDERS TITLE 09/16/2021 720-0000-2020 Refund Check 25.25 CUSTOM HOME BUILDERS TITLE 09/16/2021 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 3.60 CUSTOM HOME BUILDERS TITLE 96.75 DEM-CON LANDFILL 09/16/2021 720-7201-4300 Recycling 500.00 DEM-CON LANDFILL 500.00 Ding Dave 09/16/2021 101-1250-4240 Safety Shoes 190.91 Ding Dave 190.91 Diversified Plumbing and Heating Inc 09/09/2021 601-6047-4300 Service work 435.75 Diversified Plumbing and Heating Inc 435.75 DOUGLAS & CINDY 09/16/2021 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 9.58 DOUGLAS & CINDY 09/16/2021 701-0000-2020 Refund Check 31.37 DOUGLAS & CINDY 09/16/2021 720-0000-2020 Refund Check 22.65 DOUGLAS & CINDY 09/16/2021 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 3.23 DOUGLAS & CINDY 66.83 Earl F Andersen Inc 09/09/2021 101-1550-4150 Materials 82.95 Earl F Andersen Inc 82.95 Eastman Dan 09/09/2021 101-1220-4290 Lunch for station 55.04 Eastman Dan 55.04 EDINA REALTY TITLE 09/16/2021 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 44.43 EDINA REALTY TITLE 09/16/2021 701-0000-2020 Refund Check 79.93 EDINA REALTY TITLE 09/16/2021 720-0000-2020 Refund Check 13.97 EDINA REALTY TITLE 09/16/2021 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 3.83 EDINA REALTY TITLE 142.16 EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC 09/16/2021 101-1130-4300 2021 Continuing Disclosure Reporting 4,450.00 EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC 09/16/2021 101-1130-4300 Arbitrage Report 1,000.00 EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC 09/16/2021 101-1130-4300 KFS Cities Analysis 375.00 EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC 09/16/2021 101-1130-4300 KFS Cities Analysis 3,312.50 EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC 09/16/2021 101-1130-4300 Arbitrage Report 2,000.00 Accounts Payable - Check Detail-Checks (09/17/2021 - 9:26 AM)Page 3 of 10 67 Name Check D Account Description Amount EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC 11,137.50 Evergreen Construction Co Inc 09/16/2021 101-0000-2033 Surcharge Overpayment - 1700 Teal Cir 5.00 Evergreen Construction Co Inc 5.00 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 09/09/2021 101-1320-4140 Supplies 111.16 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 111.16 Ferguson Waterworks #2518 09/09/2021 700-0000-4250 Merchandise 305.49 Ferguson Waterworks #2518 09/16/2021 700-0000-4250 Meters 7,410.80 Ferguson Waterworks #2518 09/16/2021 700-0000-4550 Materials 670.44 Ferguson Waterworks #2518 09/16/2021 700-0000-4250 Merchandise 29,500.00 Ferguson Waterworks #2518 37,886.73 Final Grade 09/09/2021 101-0000-2073 Erosion Control - 8280 W Lake Ct 500.00 Final Grade 500.00 FIRE MARSHALS ASSN OF MN 09/16/2021 101-1220-4370 2021 MN Fire Marshal's Conference 160.00 FIRE MARSHALS ASSN OF MN 160.00 FleetPride, Inc.09/16/2021 101-1370-4170 Diesel 199.62 FleetPride, Inc.09/16/2021 101-1320-4140 Supplies Return -77.35 FleetPride, Inc. 122.27 Global Equipment Company Inc 09/16/2021 700-0000-4120 Equipment 1,019.19 Global Equipment Company Inc 1,019.19 Hagan James 09/09/2021 720-7204-4901 Waterwise Rebate 100.00 Hagan James 100.00 Hendrickson Jack 09/09/2021 720-7204-4901 Waterwise Rebate 50.00 Hendrickson Jack 50.00 HENNIG KRISTIN 09/16/2021 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 1.33 HENNIG KRISTIN 09/16/2021 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 15.81 HENNIG KRISTIN 09/16/2021 701-0000-2020 Refund Check 21.43 HENNIG KRISTIN 09/16/2021 720-0000-2020 Refund Check 9.31 HENNIG KRISTIN 47.88 Holt Tour and Charter Inc 09/09/2021 101-1560-4300 Hudson, WI Tour 625.00 Holt Tour and Charter Inc 625.00 Hurt Clint or Jennifer 09/16/2021 101-0000-2073 Erosion Control - 8491 Mission Hills Circle - Permit 2021-02544 250.00 Accounts Payable - Check Detail-Checks (09/17/2021 - 9:26 AM)Page 4 of 10 68 Name Check D Account Description Amount Hurt Clint or Jennifer 250.00 Indigo Signs 09/09/2021 101-1170-4110 Name Plate 94.00 Indigo Signs 09/16/2021 101-1170-4110 Name Plate 87.00 Indigo Signs 181.00 IUOE Local #49 09/09/2021 101-0000-2004 PR Batch 00409.09.2021 Local 49 dues 378.00 IUOE Local #49 09/09/2021 700-0000-2004 PR Batch 00409.09.2021 Local 49 dues 161.37 IUOE Local #49 09/09/2021 701-0000-2004 PR Batch 00409.09.2021 Local 49 dues 55.63 IUOE Local #49 595.00 Johnson Exteriors LLC 09/16/2021 101-1250-3301 Permit Fee - Permit P2021-03225 - 2121 Pinehurst Dr 1,231.25 Johnson Exteriors LLC 1,231.25 JW PEPPER & SON INC 09/16/2021 101-1560-4130 Chan-o-laires Choir 25.25 JW PEPPER & SON INC 25.25 KAYATI ANDREW & BARBARA 09/16/2021 701-0000-2020 Refund Check 69.46 KAYATI ANDREW & BARBARA 09/16/2021 720-0000-2020 Refund Check 12.57 KAYATI ANDREW & BARBARA 82.03 KENDALLVILLE FARMS 09/16/2021 101-1600-4300 Tree Lighting Reindeer Deposit 200.00 KENDALLVILLE FARMS 200.00 KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTERED 09/09/2021 605-6502-4300 Professional Services - C.R. 101 14,920.96 KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTERED 14,920.96 Lawson Products, Inc.09/16/2021 101-1370-4150 Materials 118.51 Lawson Products, Inc. 118.51 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 09/09/2021 101-1110-4360 Membership - Elise Ryan 30.00 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 09/09/2021 101-1110-4360 Membership 20,729.00 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 20,759.00 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST 09/16/2021 101-1170-4483 Workers Comp 61,068.00 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST 09/16/2021 101-1170-4483 Insurance 46,290.00 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST 107,358.00 LIBERTY BRUSH MFG LLC 09/16/2021 700-0000-4120 Supplies 1,039.00 LIBERTY BRUSH MFG LLC 1,039.00 LIU HUA AMY 09/16/2021 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 68.68 LIU HUA AMY 09/16/2021 701-0000-2020 Refund Check 36.06 LIU HUA AMY 09/16/2021 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 1.06 Accounts Payable - Check Detail-Checks (09/17/2021 - 9:26 AM)Page 5 of 10 69 Name Check D Account Description Amount LIU HUA AMY 105.80 Magic Bounce, Inc.09/16/2021 101-1731-4130 Lake Ann Climbing Walls 900.00 Magic Bounce, Inc.09/16/2021 101-1731-4130 Lake Ann Climbing Walls 900.00 Magic Bounce, Inc. 1,800.00 Mechtel Clayten 09/09/2021 101-1537-4300 DJ for Barnyard Boogie 150.00 Mechtel Clayten 150.00 Metro Garage Door Company 09/09/2021 101-1220-4150 Service Work 248.95 Metro Garage Door Company 248.95 Metronet Holdings, LLC 09/09/2021 700-7043-4310 Monthly Service 56.31 Metronet Holdings, LLC 56.31 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 09/16/2021 701-0000-4509 Waste Water 205,291.66 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 205,291.66 MID MN Septic Services 09/09/2021 101-0000-2033 Overpayment - 7205 Hazeltine Blvd Septic Variance 50.00 MID MN Septic Services 50.00 Minnesota Safety Council 09/09/2021 101-1560-4300 Drivers Education 391.00 Minnesota Safety Council 391.00 MINNESOTA TITLE 09/16/2021 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 2.69 MINNESOTA TITLE 09/16/2021 701-0000-2020 Refund Check 9.46 MINNESOTA TITLE 09/16/2021 720-0000-2020 Refund Check 19.35 MINNESOTA TITLE 09/16/2021 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 2.76 MINNESOTA TITLE 34.26 Minuteman Press 09/09/2021 101-1170-4110 Business Cards 16.00 Minuteman Press 16.00 MN ASSOCIATION OF SENIOR SERV 09/09/2021 101-1560-4360 Membership 25.00 MN ASSOCIATION OF SENIOR SERV 25.00 MN NCPERS LIFE INSURANCE 09/09/2021 101-0000-2011 PR Batch 00409.09.2021 NCPERS-Life Insurance 78.45 MN NCPERS LIFE INSURANCE 09/09/2021 210-0000-2011 PR Batch 00409.09.2021 NCPERS-Life Insurance 3.97 MN NCPERS LIFE INSURANCE 09/09/2021 700-0000-2011 PR Batch 00409.09.2021 NCPERS-Life Insurance 13.51 MN NCPERS LIFE INSURANCE 09/09/2021 701-0000-2011 PR Batch 00409.09.2021 NCPERS-Life Insurance 13.68 MN NCPERS LIFE INSURANCE 09/09/2021 720-0000-2011 PR Batch 00409.09.2021 NCPERS-Life Insurance 2.39 MN NCPERS LIFE INSURANCE 112.00 NYE JASON & CHANDA 09/16/2021 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 46.04 NYE JASON & CHANDA 09/16/2021 701-0000-2020 Refund Check 27.80 Accounts Payable - Check Detail-Checks (09/17/2021 - 9:26 AM)Page 6 of 10 70 Name Check D Account Description Amount NYE JASON & CHANDA 09/16/2021 720-0000-2020 Refund Check 5.43 NYE JASON & CHANDA 09/16/2021 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 0.78 NYE JASON & CHANDA 80.05 OUTDOOR SOLUTIONS INC 09/09/2021 101-0000-2073 Erosion Control - 7242 Purple Parkway 250.00 OUTDOOR SOLUTIONS INC 250.00 Paragon Party Ponies LLC 09/16/2021 101-1537-4300 Barnyard Boogie Petting Zoo 300.00 Paragon Party Ponies LLC 300.00 PAX Water Technologies 09/09/2021 700-0000-4550 Service Kit 1,555.00 PAX Water Technologies 1,555.00 PILGRIM DRY CLEANERS 09/09/2021 101-1220-4300 Laundry Service - Fire Dept 388.74 PILGRIM DRY CLEANERS 388.74 PULLTABS PLUS INC 09/16/2021 101-1560-4130 Bingo Supplies 167.70 PULLTABS PLUS INC 167.70 Quality First Janitorial & Maintenance Inc 09/16/2021 101-1370-4350 August Cleaning Service 600.00 Quality First Janitorial & Maintenance Inc 09/16/2021 700-0000-4350 August Cleaning Service 75.00 Quality First Janitorial & Maintenance Inc 09/16/2021 701-0000-4350 August Cleaning Service 75.00 Quality First Janitorial & Maintenance Inc 750.00 RAINBOW TREE COMPANY 09/09/2021 720-7202-4300 EAB Treatment 14,554.80 RAINBOW TREE COMPANY 14,554.80 Rau Matt & Nikki 09/16/2021 700-0000-4552 Damage due to watermain break 427.74 Rau Matt & Nikki 427.74 REACH FOR RESOURCES 09/16/2021 101-1600-4300 Recreation Contracts 393.95 REACH FOR RESOURCES 393.95 Ready Watt Electric 09/16/2021 101-1220-4530 Service Work 3,374.00 Ready Watt Electric 3,374.00 Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 09/16/2021 720-7202-4300 Hwy 101/61 Roundabout 1,241.00 Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 1,241.00 RESULTS TITLE 09/16/2021 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 15.56 RESULTS TITLE 09/16/2021 701-0000-2020 Refund Check 30.65 RESULTS TITLE 09/16/2021 720-0000-2020 Refund Check 5.78 RESULTS TITLE 09/16/2021 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 0.82 Accounts Payable - Check Detail-Checks (09/17/2021 - 9:26 AM)Page 7 of 10 71 Name Check D Account Description Amount RESULTS TITLE 52.81 RMB Environmental Laboratories Inc 09/09/2021 720-0000-4300 Beach Monitoring 104.00 RMB Environmental Laboratories Inc 09/09/2021 720-0000-4300 Beach Monitoring 104.00 RMB Environmental Laboratories Inc 208.00 Roy Brandon 09/16/2021 720-7204-4901 Waterwise Rebate 50.00 Roy Brandon 50.00 Sarles Jodi 09/09/2021 101-0000-1028 Barnyard Boogie Petty Cash 300.00 Sarles Jodi 300.00 Savoie Philip 09/09/2021 101-0000-2073 Erosion Control - 8756 Stonefield Ln 250.00 Savoie Philip 250.00 SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORP 09/16/2021 101-1170-4300 Service Work 675.12 SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORP 675.12 Seibert Anne 09/09/2021 720-7204-4901 Waterwise Rebate 50.00 Seibert Anne 50.00 Shamla Joanna 09/09/2021 720-7204-4901 Waterwise Rebate 100.00 Shamla Joanna 100.00 SHERWIN WILLIAMS 09/09/2021 101-1550-4150 Turf Paint 46.74 SHERWIN WILLIAMS 09/09/2021 101-1550-4150 Paint 46.74 SHERWIN WILLIAMS 09/16/2021 700-0000-4150 Paint 293.16 SHERWIN WILLIAMS 386.64 Sims Mark 09/16/2021 720-7204-4901 Waterwise Rebate 150.00 Sims Mark 150.00 SIR LINES-A-LOT 09/09/2021 420-0000-4751 Paint 4,122.56 SIR LINES-A-LOT 4,122.56 Snow Kreilich Architects 09/16/2021 300-0000-4300 Chan Facilities Study 2,100.00 Snow Kreilich Architects 2,100.00 Team Laboratory Chemical, LLC 09/09/2021 700-0000-4350 Cleaner 71.50 Team Laboratory Chemical, LLC 71.50 The Hartford 09/09/2021 101-1120-4045 LTD September 74.14 The Hartford 09/09/2021 101-1130-4045 LTD September 58.67 The Hartford 09/09/2021 101-1160-4045 LTD September 45.50 Accounts Payable - Check Detail-Checks (09/17/2021 - 9:26 AM)Page 8 of 10 72 Name Check D Account Description Amount The Hartford 09/09/2021 101-1250-4045 LTD September 130.98 The Hartford 09/09/2021 101-1310-4045 LTD September 92.69 The Hartford 09/09/2021 101-1320-4045 LTD September 182.87 The Hartford 09/09/2021 101-1370-4045 LTD September 56.27 The Hartford 09/09/2021 101-1520-4045 LTD September 28.64 The Hartford 09/09/2021 101-1530-4045 LTD September 17.69 The Hartford 09/09/2021 101-1560-4045 LTD September 14.76 The Hartford 09/09/2021 101-1600-4045 LTD September 27.91 The Hartford 09/09/2021 101-1700-4045 LTD September 3.10 The Hartford 09/09/2021 101-1550-4045 LTD September 126.21 The Hartford 09/09/2021 101-1420-4045 LTD September 98.20 The Hartford 09/09/2021 101-1430-4045 LTD September 5.88 The Hartford 09/09/2021 210-0000-4045 LTD September 23.80 The Hartford 09/09/2021 720-7201-4045 LTD September 6.94 The Hartford 09/09/2021 720-7202-4045 LTD September 6.94 The Hartford 09/09/2021 101-1170-4045 LTD September 16.25 The Hartford 09/09/2021 101-1220-4045 LTD September 65.23 The Hartford 09/09/2021 701-0000-4045 LTD September 99.87 The Hartford 09/09/2021 700-0000-4045 LTD September 132.64 The Hartford 09/09/2021 720-0000-4045 LTD September 51.80 The Hartford 1,366.98 TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc 09/09/2021 210-0000-4300 Meeting Notes 676.00 TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc 676.00 TOWN & COUNTRY GLASS 09/09/2021 101-1550-4300 Service Work 273.26 TOWN & COUNTRY GLASS 273.26 TRADEMARK TITLE SERVICES 09/16/2021 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 128.70 TRADEMARK TITLE SERVICES 09/16/2021 701-0000-2020 Refund Check 116.85 TRADEMARK TITLE SERVICES 09/16/2021 720-0000-2020 Refund Check 42.37 TRADEMARK TITLE SERVICES 09/16/2021 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 6.05 TRADEMARK TITLE SERVICES 293.97 Tsuchiya Karl & Theresa 09/16/2021 101-0000-2073 Erosion Control - 356 Parkland Way - Permit 2021-01717 250.00 Tsuchiya Karl & Theresa 250.00 Vital Aging Network 09/16/2021 101-1560-4300 Class 1,000.00 Vital Aging Network 1,000.00 Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 09/09/2021 101-1550-4350 Monthly Service 513.37 Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 09/09/2021 101-1370-4350 Monthly Service 130.47 Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 09/09/2021 700-0000-4350 Monthly Service 16.30 Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 09/09/2021 701-0000-4350 Monthly Service 16.30 Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 09/09/2021 101-1190-4350 Monthly Service 258.38 Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 09/09/2021 101-1220-4350 Monthly Service 83.74 Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 09/09/2021 101-1220-4350 Monthly Service 32.63 Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 09/09/2021 101-1170-4350 Monthly Service 220.88 Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 09/16/2021 101-1550-4300 Monthly Service 314.90 Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 09/16/2021 101-1550-4300 Monthly Service 872.56 Accounts Payable - Check Detail-Checks (09/17/2021 - 9:26 AM)Page 9 of 10 73 Name Check D Account Description Amount Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 2,459.53 WATERMARK TITLE 09/16/2021 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 5.95 WATERMARK TITLE 09/16/2021 701-0000-2020 Refund Check 7.40 WATERMARK TITLE 09/16/2021 720-0000-2020 Refund Check 2.42 WATERMARK TITLE 09/16/2021 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 0.35 WATERMARK TITLE 16.12 WATERMARK TITLE AGENCY 09/16/2021 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 112.43 WATERMARK TITLE AGENCY 09/16/2021 701-0000-2020 Refund Check 45.13 WATERMARK TITLE AGENCY 09/16/2021 720-0000-2020 Refund Check 26.43 WATERMARK TITLE AGENCY 09/16/2021 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 3.77 WATERMARK TITLE AGENCY 09/16/2021 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 12.68 WATERMARK TITLE AGENCY 09/16/2021 701-0000-2020 Refund Check 15.14 WATERMARK TITLE AGENCY 09/16/2021 720-0000-2020 Refund Check 17.34 WATERMARK TITLE AGENCY 09/16/2021 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 2.47 WATERMARK TITLE AGENCY 235.39 478,673.05 Accounts Payable - Check Detail-Checks (09/17/2021 - 9:26 AM)Page 10 of 10 74 Accounts Payable Check Detail-ACH User: dwashburn Printed: 09/17/2021 - 9:26 AM Name Check Dat Account Description Amount Al-Hilwani Juli 09/16/2021 101-1539-4300 Pickleball Lessons 75.00 Al-Hilwani Juli 75.00 ANCOM COMMUNICATIONS 09/09/2021 101-1220-4531 Supplies 295.00 ANCOM COMMUNICATIONS 295.00 BOLTON & MENK INC 09/09/2021 101-1310-4300 Chan/Bluff Creek Blvd Extension 266.00 BOLTON & MENK INC 266.00 Boyer Ford Trucks 09/09/2021 101-1320-4140 Supplies Return -75.55 Boyer Ford Trucks 09/09/2021 101-1220-4140 Supplies 152.87 Boyer Ford Trucks 77.32 COMPUTER INTEGRATION TECHN.09/09/2021 101-1160-4220 Annual Renewal Primary IAP-305's 117.60 COMPUTER INTEGRATION TECHN.09/09/2021 101-1160-4220 SSL Certification Sonicwall SSL VPN 90.00 COMPUTER INTEGRATION TECHN. 207.60 DALCO ENTERPRISES, INC.09/09/2021 101-1170-4300 Cleaner 158.86 DALCO ENTERPRISES, INC. 158.86 GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL INC 09/09/2021 400-0000-4300 Service Calls 924.75 GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL INC 924.75 Haman Melissa 09/09/2021 101-1160-4370 Mileage 8.67 Haman Melissa 8.67 HAWKINS CHEMICAL 09/16/2021 700-7043-4160 Chemicals 10,834.36 HAWKINS CHEMICAL 10,834.36 Health Strategies 09/09/2021 101-1220-4300 Medical Examination 6,438.00 Health Strategies 6,438.00 Indoor Landscapes Inc 09/16/2021 101-1170-4300 September Plant Service 612.00 Indoor Landscapes Inc 612.00 Innovative Office Solutions LLC 09/16/2021 101-1170-4110 Supplies 13.48 Accounts Payable - Check Detail-ACH (09/17/2021 - 9:26 AM)Page 1 of 5 75 Name Check Dat Account Description Amount Innovative Office Solutions LLC 09/16/2021 101-1170-4110 Supplies 63.37 Innovative Office Solutions LLC 76.85 KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 09/09/2021 400-0000-1155 Private Dev Field Observation 2,142.00 KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 09/09/2021 605-6502-4300 TH 101 Reconstruction 64,049.56 KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 09/09/2021 605-6503-4300 TH 101 Reconstruction 7,211.63 KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 09/09/2021 601-6043-4300 Minnewashta Parkway Rehab 42,396.90 KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 115,800.09 LYMAN LUMBER 09/16/2021 101-1550-4150 Materials 79.58 LYMAN LUMBER 09/16/2021 101-1550-4150 Materials 779.40 LYMAN LUMBER 858.98 Macqueen Emergency Group 09/16/2021 201-0000-4705 Equipment 6,974.17 Macqueen Emergency Group 6,974.17 Marco Inc 09/09/2021 101-1170-4410 Equipment Rental 945.04 Marco Inc 09/09/2021 700-0000-4410 Equipment Rental 132.25 Marco Inc 09/09/2021 701-0000-4410 Equipment Rental 132.25 Marco Inc 09/09/2021 720-0000-4410 Equipment Rental 66.13 Marco Inc 1,275.67 MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 09/16/2021 101-1170-4150 Materials 28.41 MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 09/16/2021 101-1220-4120 Supplies 58.96 MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 09/16/2021 101-1220-4140 Supplies 3.23 MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 09/16/2021 101-1220-4150 Materials 25.19 MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 09/16/2021 101-1220-4290 Materials 57.63 MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 09/16/2021 101-1350-4120 Supplies 12.59 MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 09/16/2021 101-1370-4120 Supplies - Return -5.87 MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 09/16/2021 101-1530-4150 Materials 41.16 MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 09/16/2021 101-1540-4130 Supplies 40.10 MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 09/16/2021 101-1550-4120 Supplies 476.86 MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 09/16/2021 101-1550-4300 Rental Equipment 4.77 MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 09/16/2021 101-1616-4130 Supplies 7.73 MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 09/16/2021 101-1731-3636 Supplies 19.95 MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 09/16/2021 101-1731-4130 Supplies 49.18 MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 09/16/2021 420-0000-4150 Materials 50.85 MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 09/16/2021 700-0000-4150 Materials 22.17 MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 09/16/2021 700-0000-4550 Materials 18.15 MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 09/16/2021 700-7019-4150 Materials 12.43 MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 09/16/2021 700-7019-4510 Materials 3.58 MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 09/16/2021 700-7043-4160 Chemicals 56.31 MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 09/16/2021 700-7043-4550 Materials 1.08 MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 09/16/2021 700-0000-4150 Materials 0.90 MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 09/16/2021 701-0000-4150 Materials 12.20 MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 09/16/2021 720-7207-4150 Materials 47.45 MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 1,045.01 Metropolitan Council, Env Svcs 09/16/2021 101-1250-3816 August SAC 44,730.00 Metropolitan Council, Env Svcs 09/16/2021 701-0000-2023 August SAC -447.30 Accounts Payable - Check Detail-ACH (09/17/2021 - 9:26 AM)Page 2 of 5 76 Name Check Dat Account Description Amount Metropolitan Council, Env Svcs 44,282.70 METROPOLITAN FORD 09/09/2021 701-0000-4140 Supplies 47.08 METROPOLITAN FORD 47.08 MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY 09/16/2021 101-1250-3818 Monthly Building Permit Surcharge -192.65 MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY 09/16/2021 101-0000-2022 Monthly Building Permit Surcharge 9,632.73 MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY 9,440.08 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 09/09/2021 101-1350-4320 Monthly Service 4,951.43 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 09/09/2021 101-1600-4320 Monthly Service 35.73 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 09/09/2021 700-0000-4320 Monthly Service 35.75 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 09/09/2021 701-0000-4320 Monthly Service 460.63 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 09/09/2021 605-6502-4300 Monthly Service 136.46 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 09/09/2021 101-1350-4320 Monthly Service 32.27 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 09/09/2021 101-1350-4320 Monthly Service 172.96 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 09/09/2021 101-1350-4320 Monthly Service 87.38 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 09/09/2021 101-1350-4320 Monthly Service 31.77 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 09/16/2021 101-1350-4320 Monthly Service 208.54 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 09/16/2021 101-1550-4300 Service Work 2,696.68 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 8,849.60 MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION 09/09/2021 101-1110-4300 Municode Self Publication 2,700.02 MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION 2,700.02 NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 09/09/2021 101-1320-4120 Supplies 92.31 NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 92.31 O'Reilly Automotive Inc 09/09/2021 700-0000-4140 Supplies 101.98 O'Reilly Automotive Inc 09/09/2021 101-1320-4120 Supplies - Return -9.80 O'Reilly Automotive Inc 09/09/2021 700-0000-4140 Supplies 10.76 O'Reilly Automotive Inc 09/09/2021 101-1250-4140 Supplies 82.78 O'Reilly Automotive Inc 185.72 POMP'S TIRE SERVICE INC 09/16/2021 101-1550-4140 Tires 906.32 POMP'S TIRE SERVICE INC 09/16/2021 101-1550-4140 Tires - Return -862.56 POMP'S TIRE SERVICE INC 43.76 Potentia MN Solar 09/16/2021 700-0000-4320 Monthly Service 2,544.35 Potentia MN Solar 09/16/2021 101-1190-4320 Monthly Service 4,729.58 Potentia MN Solar 09/16/2021 101-1170-4320 Monthly Service 3,630.01 Potentia MN Solar 10,903.94 PRAIRIE LAWN & GARDEN 09/16/2021 101-1320-4120 Supplies 41.63 PRAIRIE LAWN & GARDEN 41.63 RBM SERVICES INC 09/09/2021 101-1170-4350 Nightly Cleaning 3,690.87 Accounts Payable - Check Detail-ACH (09/17/2021 - 9:26 AM)Page 3 of 5 77 Name Check Dat Account Description Amount RBM SERVICES INC 09/09/2021 101-1190-4350 Nightly Cleaning 3,349.79 RBM SERVICES INC 7,040.66 REDPATH AND COMPANY, LTD 09/16/2021 101-1130-4301 Professional Services 5,500.00 REDPATH AND COMPANY, LTD 09/16/2021 101-1130-4301 Professional Services 12,900.00 REDPATH AND COMPANY, LTD 09/16/2021 700-0000-4301 Professional Services 7,600.00 REDPATH AND COMPANY, LTD 09/16/2021 701-0000-4301 Professional Services 7,400.00 REDPATH AND COMPANY, LTD 09/16/2021 720-0000-4301 Professional Services 4,800.00 REDPATH AND COMPANY, LTD 38,200.00 SPRINT PCS 09/16/2021 700-0000-4310 Monthly Service 51.72 SPRINT PCS 09/16/2021 701-0000-4310 Monthly Service 51.72 SPRINT PCS 103.44 Sun Life Financial 09/09/2021 101-1120-4046 September Life Insurance 29.68 Sun Life Financial 09/09/2021 101-1130-4046 September Life Insurance 23.60 Sun Life Financial 09/09/2021 101-1160-4046 September Life Insurance 18.01 Sun Life Financial 09/09/2021 101-1250-4046 September Life Insurance 51.83 Sun Life Financial 09/09/2021 101-1310-4046 September Life Insurance 45.74 Sun Life Financial 09/09/2021 101-1320-4046 September Life Insurance 63.48 Sun Life Financial 09/09/2021 101-1370-4046 September Life Insurance 22.33 Sun Life Financial 09/09/2021 101-1520-4046 September Life Insurance 11.33 Sun Life Financial 09/09/2021 101-1530-4046 September Life Insurance 7.01 Sun Life Financial 09/09/2021 101-1560-4046 September Life Insurance 5.86 Sun Life Financial 09/09/2021 101-1600-4046 September Life Insurance 10.97 Sun Life Financial 09/09/2021 101-1700-4046 September Life Insurance 1.22 Sun Life Financial 09/09/2021 101-1550-4046 September Life Insurance 50.13 Sun Life Financial 09/09/2021 101-1420-4046 September Life Insurance 39.24 Sun Life Financial 09/09/2021 101-1430-4046 September Life Insurance 2.33 Sun Life Financial 09/09/2021 210-0000-4046 September Life Insurance 9.36 Sun Life Financial 09/09/2021 720-7201-4046 September Life Insurance 2.74 Sun Life Financial 09/09/2021 720-7202-4046 September Life Insurance 2.74 Sun Life Financial 09/09/2021 101-1170-4046 September Life Insurance 6.43 Sun Life Financial 09/09/2021 101-1220-4046 September Life Insurance 26.31 Sun Life Financial 09/09/2021 701-0000-4046 September Life Insurance 39.70 Sun Life Financial 09/09/2021 700-0000-4046 September Life Insurance 52.66 Sun Life Financial 09/09/2021 720-0000-4046 September Life Insurance 20.66 Sun Life Financial 09/09/2021 101-0000-2011 September Life Insurance 669.17 Sun Life Financial 09/09/2021 700-0000-2011 September Life Insurance 152.70 Sun Life Financial 09/09/2021 701-0000-2011 September Life Insurance 152.70 Sun Life Financial 09/09/2021 720-0000-2011 September Life Insurance 10.86 Sun Life Financial 09/09/2021 101-0000-2011 September Life Insurance - Cobra 66.12 Sun Life Financial 1,594.91 VALLEY PAVING INC 09/09/2021 601-6045-4751 Powers Blvd & Lake Lucy Road Pedestrian Improvements 65,211.59 VALLEY PAVING INC 65,211.59 VERIZON WIRELESS 09/09/2021 101-1550-4310 Monthly Service 465.64 VERIZON WIRELESS 09/09/2021 101-1520-4310 Monthly Service 41.50 VERIZON WIRELESS 09/09/2021 101-1600-4310 Monthly Service 158.91 VERIZON WIRELESS 09/09/2021 101-1530-4310 Monthly Service 41.50 Accounts Payable - Check Detail-ACH (09/17/2021 - 9:26 AM)Page 4 of 5 78 Name Check Dat Account Description Amount VERIZON WIRELESS 09/09/2021 700-0000-4310 Monthly Service 596.15 VERIZON WIRELESS 09/09/2021 701-0000-4310 Monthly Service 450.86 VERIZON WIRELESS 09/09/2021 720-0000-4310 Monthly Service 222.42 VERIZON WIRELESS 09/09/2021 101-1160-4310 Monthly Service 129.50 VERIZON WIRELESS 09/09/2021 101-1120-4310 Monthly Service 151.53 VERIZON WIRELESS 09/09/2021 101-1170-4310 Monthly Service 31.50 VERIZON WIRELESS 09/09/2021 101-1260-4310 Monthly Service 76.51 VERIZON WIRELESS 09/09/2021 101-1250-4310 Monthly Service 319.55 VERIZON WIRELESS 09/09/2021 101-1310-4310 Monthly Service 240.40 VERIZON WIRELESS 09/09/2021 101-1370-4310 Monthly Service 90.28 VERIZON WIRELESS 09/09/2021 101-1320-4310 Monthly Service 575.21 VERIZON WIRELESS 09/09/2021 101-1220-4310 Monthly Service 503.12 VERIZON WIRELESS 09/09/2021 101-0000-2033 Monthly Service 11.32 VERIZON WIRELESS 09/09/2021 101-1110-4300 Monthly Service 40.01 VERIZON WIRELESS 09/09/2021 210-0000-4310 Monthly Service 31.50 VERIZON WIRELESS 09/09/2021 700-0000-4310 Monthly Service 87.57 VERIZON WIRELESS 09/09/2021 701-0000-4310 Monthly Service 87.57 VERIZON WIRELESS 09/09/2021 101-1220-4310 Monthly Service 40.01 VERIZON WIRELESS 4,392.56 Water Conservation Services, Inc.09/16/2021 700-0000-4550 Professional Services 312.40 Water Conservation Services, Inc. 312.40 WM MUELLER & SONS INC 09/09/2021 420-0000-4150 Materials 472.26 WM MUELLER & SONS INC 09/16/2021 420-0000-4150 Materials 702.96 WM MUELLER & SONS INC 09/16/2021 420-0000-4150 Materials 774.33 WM MUELLER & SONS INC 09/16/2021 420-0000-4150 Materials 486.33 WM MUELLER & SONS INC 09/16/2021 700-0000-4550 Materials 578.26 WM MUELLER & SONS INC 3,014.14 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 09/09/2021 101-1310-4300 GIS/AMS Support Services 102.60 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 09/09/2021 101-1320-4300 GIS/AMS Support Services 102.60 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 09/09/2021 700-0000-4300 GIS/AMS Support Services 102.60 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 09/09/2021 701-0000-4300 GIS/AMS Support Services 102.60 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 09/09/2021 720-0000-4300 GIS/AMS Support Services 102.60 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 09/09/2021 601-6039-4300 Lake Drive E Street Improvements 350.00 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 09/09/2021 720-0000-4300 Water Resources Support 276.00 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 09/09/2021 701-7013-4300 Sanitary Sewer Televising Video Inventory 4,088.00 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 09/09/2021 420-0000-4300 2021 Pavement Management 15,136.50 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 09/09/2021 720-7025-4300 2021 Pond Maintenance Project 20,152.94 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 40,516.44 XCEL ENERGY INC 09/09/2021 101-1350-4320 Monthy Service 25.90 XCEL ENERGY INC 09/16/2021 700-0000-4320 Monthly Service 4,496.51 XCEL ENERGY INC 4,522.41 387,423.72 Accounts Payable - Check Detail-ACH (09/17/2021 - 9:26 AM)Page 5 of 5 79 City Council Item September 27, 2021 Item Approve Amendment No. 2 to the Lease Agreement with Verizon Wireless for Water Tower No. 3 File No.Item No: D.5 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By George Bender, Assistant City Engineer Reviewed By Charlie Howley SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council approves Amendment No. 2 to the Lease Agreement with Verizon Wireless for Water Tower No. 3." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Financial Sustainability SUMMARY Verizon desires to add three cellular antennas and radios to this site and has agreed to provide additional compensation to the City in order to facilitate this additional equipment. BACKGROUND On July 8, 2019, the City Council approved a lease agreement with Verizon Wireless at Water Tower No. 3 (Arboretum Tower) to install antennas and equipment at the site. On June 8, 2020, the City Council approved Amendment No. 1 to the lease agreement to adjust the easement location for the on-site building location. DISCUSSION 80 The lease compensation will be increased by $900 per month ($10,800 annually) per the agreement. This rate is commensurate with the rate being paid for the existing antennas on the tower. The original lease agreement executed in 2019 has a lease amount of $2,300 per month ($27,600 annually) associated with it. The lease amount is increased annually at a rate of 2%. BUDGET Annual revenue will be increased per the above. No added costs to the City. All expenditures by the third party inspection staff associated with the review and inspection of the new equipment will be borne by Verizon. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Council approve this amendment to the lease agreement. ATTACHMENTS 2nd Amendment to Lease Agreement Original Lease Agreement 81 82 83 84 Tenant Site I.D. #: MIN Arboretum Landlord's Site Name: Arboretum Water Tower Tenant: Verizon Wireless (YAW) LLC d/b/a Verizon Wireless COMMUNICATION SITE LEASE AGREEMENT VERIZON WIRELESS (VAW) LLC d/b/a VERIZON WIRELESS THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL, KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651)452-5000 MINArboretum Chanhassen 1 3938987vl by and between CITY OF CHANHASSEN and 85 Tenant Site I.D. #: MIN Arboretum Landlord's Site Name: Arboretum Water Tower Tenant: Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC d/b/a Verizon Wireless COMMUNICATION SITE LEASE AGREEMENT This Communication Site Lease Agreement ("Lease") is entered into and is effective as of the /^day of 20 by and between the CITY OF CHANHASSEN, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("Landlord"), whose address is 7700 Market Blvd, P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317, and VERIZON WIRELESS (VAW) LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, d/b/a VERIZON WIRELESS ("Tenant"), with its principal offices at One Verizon Way, Mail Stop 4AW100, Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920. Recitals WHEREAS, the Landlord is the owner of certain property located at 2953 Water Tower Place, Chanhassen, Minnesota, 55317, known as "Water Tower Place", as legally described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof and shown on the "Site Plan" of the Property attached hereto as Exhibit "B" ("Site Plan") (the "Property"); and WHEREAS, Tenant has requested that the Landlord lease space on the Landlord's water tower located on the Property ("Water Tower") for "Tenant's Antennas," "Coaxial Cables," "Hybrid Coaxial Cables," "RRUs," and "Sector Boxes" as shown on the Plans and Specifications hereinafter defined, all jointly hereinafter referred to as "Tower Equipment", a 21 foot by 32 foot space adjacent to the Water Tower, as shown on and legally described in the Site Plan, hereinafter referred to as the "Leased Premises" for Tenant's "Shelter" and related equipment as shown on the Plans and Specifications, hereinafter referred to as "Ground Equipment" subject to all existing easements, together with appurtenant non-exclusive easements for access, utilities MINArboretum Chanhassen 3938987vl 2 86 and fiber on, over and under the Property, in order to install, use, operate, repair, and maintain Tenant's Comm unication Facility, as hereinafter defined; and WH ERE AS, the Landlord agrees to lease to the Tenant space on the Water Tower for Tenant's Tower Equipment, the Leased Premises, and also grant to the Tenant a right of entry over the Propert y fo r ingress an d egress to the Water Tower, Leased Premises and non-exclusive eas em ents over the Property fo r Tenan t's C oax ial C ables an d Utili ties, all as shown in th e Plan s an d Specifi cations, subject to the term s, covenants an d conditions of thi s Lease. N OW T HERE FO RE , fo r One Dollar ($1.00) an d oth er good an d valuable consideration, the part ies agree as fo llow s: 1. PROPERTY AND PREMISES. Subject to the fo llowi ng term s, covenants an d conditions, L an dlord leases to Tenant, (i) space on th e W ater T ow er fo r T enant's T ow er E quipm ent as shown on the Plan s an d Specifi cations prepar ed by Design! dated Septem ber 18, 2017, an d last revised on the 15th day of M ar ch 2019, atta ched hereto as Exh ibit "C " ("Plan s an d Speci fi cations"), (ii) th e Leased Prem ises fo r T enan t's Gr oun d E quipm ent, th e Tenan t's T ow er Equipm ent an d the Leased Prem ises ar e hereinafter refe rr ed to jointly as the "Tenant's L eased Prem ises", an d (iii) appurt enant non-excl usive easem ents as legally described on Exh ibit "A " an d shown on th e Site Plan fo r (a) access on, over an d un der the Property ("A ccess E as em ent"), an d (b ) Tenant's Utili ties ("U tili ty Easem ents"). T he prim ary purp ose of Lan dlord's own ershi p of th e Pro perty is to operate an d m aintain a w ater tow er fo r th e residents of C hanh assen an d to pro vide, operate an d m aintain comm uni cation system s fo r the Lan dlord's Fire, Police, E m ergency M edical, Public W orks an d Parks Depart m ent needs. 2. TERM. T he initial term of this Lease shall be fi ve (5) year s ("Ini tial Term "), comm encing on Jan uary I, 2020 (the "Comm encem ent Date"). T enan t shall have th e ri ght to M IN Ar boretum C hanh assen 3938987vl 3 87 extend this Lease for four (4) additional five (5) year terms ("Renewal Tenn"). The Renewal Terms of this Lease shall be on the same terms and conditions as set forth herein except for rental adjustments as provided in Paragraph 3, Rent, below. This Lease shall be automatically renewed for each of the Renewal Terms unless Tenant gives Landlord written notice of Tenant's intention not to renew this Lease at least ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of the Initial Term or any applicable Renewal Term. 3. RENT. a. Tenant shall pay Landlord, as rent, the following sums at the time stated herein ("Rent")": Based on Tenant's initial installation of the Tenant's Tower Equipment and Ground Equipment, the Landlord leasing to Tenant, (i) space on the Water Tower for the Tenant's Tower Equipment and Ground Equipment, and (ii) the Leased Premises, monthly rent of Two Thousand Three Hundred and No/100 Dollars ($2,300.00). The Rent shall be paid monthly in advance, with the first such monthly paym ent (prorated for any partial calendar month) due and payable within sixty (60) days of the Commencement Date. b. The Rent shall be increased each year on the ann iversary of the Commencement Date by two percent (2%). c. If this Lease is terminated according to the terms of this Lease and Tenant has prepaid the Rent, the Tenant shall be entitled to a refund on a prorated, based on a thirty day month, as of the date of termination, if the termination of the Lease is for any reason other than nonpayment of Rent, or Tenant's default, provided that Tenant has removed all of Tenant's Comm unication Facilities, as required by the terms of this Lease. d. In addition to Rent, Tenant agrees to timely pay its pro rata share of any real estate taxes based on the Tenant's Leased Premises or personal property taxes· in lieu of real M IN Ar boretu m C hanh assen 3938987vl 4 88 estate taxes, required by an y governm ental body having jurisdiction over the Property, as a result of thi s Lease, provided Tenan t receives written notice of the applicable tax es. Tenant shall have the right, at its sole option an d at its sole cost an d expense, to appeal, challenge or seek modification of an y tax assessment or billing for which Tenan t is wholly or part ly responsible for paym ent. Lan dlord shall reasonably cooperate with Tenant at Tenant's expense in filing, prosecuting, an d perfecting an y appeal or challenge to tax es as set forth in the preceding sentence, including, but not limi ted to, executing an y consent, appeal or other similar docum ent. If as a result of any appeal or challenge by Tenant, there is a reduction, credit or repayment received by the Landlord for any taxes previously paid by Tenant, Landlord agrees to promptly reimburse to Tenant the amount of that reduction, credit or repayment. If Tenant does not have the standing rights to pursue a good faith and reasonable dispute of any taxes under this Section, Landlord will pursue that dispute at Tenant's sole cost and expense upon written request of Tenant. e. Tenant shall pay Landlord within sixty (60) days ofreceipt of an itemized invoice, the following if not already paid by Tenant: (i) all actual engineering fees incurred by Landlord related to Plan Review and Structural Review (if any); and (ii) all building and permit fees (if any); and (iii) all actual attorneys' fees including, but not limited to Lease preparation and negotiation; and (iv) other actual costs and expenses associated with any required interference studies ("Landlord's Administrative Fees"). f. Tenant shall pay a late fee of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) if the Rent is not paid within fifteen (15) days ofreceipt of Landlord's written notice of the missed payment. MIN Ar boretum Chanh assen 3938987vl 5 89 4. G O VE RN M ENTAL APPRO VAL CO NTING ENCY. a. Approvals. Tenant's right to use the Water Tower for Tenant's Tower Equipment, the Leased Premises, the Utility Easements and Access Easement as provided in this Lease is expressly made contingent upon (i) Tenant's obtaining at Tenant's sole cost and expense all the certificates, permits, zoning and other approvals that may be required by any federal, state, or local authority for Tenant's use of the Leased Premises and Tenant's Tower Equipment (individually, a "Governmental Approval" and collectively, the "Governmental Approvals"); (ii) Tenant complying wi th the term s an d conditions of this Lease an d the Plan s an d Specifications; and (iii) the engineering study specified in Subpar agr aph 4b below to be conducted at Tenant's expense. Lan dlord shall cooperate wi th Tenant in its efforts to obtain and retain all such Governm ental Approvals and shall tak e no action which would adversely affect the status of the Leased Premi ses with respect to the Tenant's proposed use thereof. b. Interference. Tenant represents an d warr ants that Tenant's Comm uni cation Facility, as hereinaft er defined, will not interfere with the Lan dlord's Police, Fire, Emergency Medical, Public W orks and Park's Comm uni cations Systems ("Lan dlord's Comm uni cation Systems"). If the Lan dlord experiences interference wi thin Landlord's Comm unication Systems and reasonably believes the interference to be from Tenan t's Comm unication Facility, Tenant shall take immediate steps to correct the interference problem at its cost and expense as provided in Par agraph 6(a) hereof. c. Non-approval. In the event that an y Governm ental Approval necessary under Subparagr aph 4a above is finally rejected or if any perm it, license or Governm ental Approval issued to Tenant is can celled, expires, lapses, or is otherwi se wi thdrawn or term inated by a governm ental authority so that Tenant, in its sole discretion, is unable to use the Leased Premises MI N Ar boretum C hanh assen 3938987vl 6 90 for its intended purposes, Tenant shall have the right to terminate this Lease as provided in Paragraph 10 hereof and be reimbursed for the rent paid if made pursuant to Subparagraph 3a above. Notice of Tenant's exercise of its right to terminate this Lease shall be given to Landlord pursuant to Section 18 hereof. Except as required under Subparagraph 1 Od below, upon such term ination, this Lease shall become null and, void and the parties shall have no further obligations to each other. d. User Priority. The Landlord and Tenant agree that the following priorities of use, in descending order, shall apply in the event of communication interference, or other uses of the W ater Tower or Leased Premises, that confl ict wi th Tenan t's uses, or other users of the Water Tower or the Property, while this Lease is in effect: 1. Th e Lan dlord's water storage and distribution needs and the Lan dlord's non- comm ercial comm uni cation needs including, but not limi ted to, Landlord's Comm unication Systems. ii. Existing leases on the W ater Tower an d/or the Pro perty un less there is a material modification of any existing equipment confi guration and/or frequency characteristics, in which event all other existing leases shall have priority. iii . Tenan t's Lease. Unless there is a material modification of Tenant's Comm unication Facili ty and/or frequency characteristics in Tenant's Antennas, in which event all other existing leases shall have priority. This use shall be non- exclusive, an d the Lan dlord specifically reserves the right to allow the Water Tower and the Property to be used by other parties and to make additions, deletions, or modifications to its own facilities on the Water Tower and the M IN Ar boretu m Chanh assen 3938987v) 7 91 P roperty in the futur e, provided th at th ey do not interfere wi th the Tenan t's C omm uni cation Facility . 1v. N ew Leas es. T o th e best of Lan dlord's abili ty , Lan dlord wi ll not kn owi ngly p e rm it o th e r wi r e less comm un ications carr ier T enants or licensees to, instal l new equi pm ent on or m ak e an y m odifi cations or alterations to equipm ent on the P r o p e rty o wn e d o r c o ntr o ll e d b y L an dlord, if such m odifi cations or alterations c au s e in te r fe r e n c e w ith T e n an t's o p e r atio n s . 5. PERMITTED USES. a. Subject to the terms of this Lease, the Tenant's Tower Equipment, the Leased Premises, and the Access Easement and Utility Easements, may be used solely for the following uses: (i) the transmission and reception of wireless telephone and radio communication signals including but not limited to wireless and internet services; and (ii) for the purpose of constructing, installing, repairing, maintaining, removing and operating Tenant's Communication Facility in accordance with this Lease and in accordance with the transmission and reception of wireless communication signals authorized for use by Tenant by the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") (the Tenant's Tower Equipment, Leased Premises, Tenant's Ground Equipment and/or all of Tenant's related equipment including, but not limited to, the improvements described in and/or shown on the Plans and Specifications are hereinafter referred to as "Tenant's Communication Facility"). The use of the Access Easement and Utility Easements are non-exclusive, and Landlord reserves the right to allow the Property to be used by others, provided they do not interfere with Tenant use of Tenant's Communication Facility. Tenant agrees to and shall comply with all applicable ordinances, statutes and regulations of local, state and federal agencies. M IN Ar boretu m C hanh assen 3938987vl 8 92 b. Tenant, its agents and contractors, are hereby granted the right, at Tenant's sole cost and expense, to enter upon the Property and conduct such studies as Tenant deems necessary to determ ine the Property's suitability for Tenant's intended use. These studies may include title reports, surv eys, soil tests, environmental evaluations, radio wave propagation measurements, field strength tests and such other analyses and studies as Tenant deems necessary or desirable. c. The placement of the Tenant's Comm uni cation Facili ty and the manner in which the Tenant's Tower Equipment are installed on the Water Tower shall be subject to prior review an d approval by a registered professional stru ctur al engineer ("Structural Engineer") and the Lan dlord and its agents, which approval shall not be unr easonably withheld, conditioned or delayed by Lan dlord. Tenan t shall provide Lan dlord wi th evidence of review and approval by the Stru ctural Engineer. Lan dlord shall, at all times, use reasonable efforts to provide Tenant ingr ess, egress, and access to the W ater Tower, and Leased Premises, over the Access Easement, subject to the term s of this Lease provided, however, Landlord shall not be required to remove snow from the Access Easement. Tenant will not allow any mechanics' or materialmen's liens to be placed against the Pro perty as a result of its work on the Property. The Tenant shall have the right, during construction and installation of the Tenant's Tower Equipment on the Water Tower and Ground Equipment to drive all equipment necessary for construction and installation across the Access Easement. Tenant shall also have the right during this Lease to drive to the Water Tower and the Leased Premises over the Access Easement for the repair, maintenance and operation of the Tenant's Communication Facility. If the Tenant damages the Property during the construction, repair or maintenance of any of the Tenant's Communication Facility at any time during the term of this Lease, it shall immediately (within 30 days), repair the Property to the conditions it was in prior to the Tenant damaging the MINArboretum Chanh assen 3938987vl 9 93 sam e including but not limited to the filling of all ruts caused by equipment dri ving on the P roperty and reseeding and/or planting all grass and other vegetation thereon including trees and shru bs, such that the Property is in the sam e condition as it was prior to the dam age caused by Tenant and/or its contractors. T en ant may not add, chan ge or alter Tenant's Comm uni cation Facility from that set forth an d/or shown on the P lan s an d S pecifi cation s w ithout the pri or wri tt en approval of the Landlord, which approv al sh all not be unr easonably wi thh eld, con ditioned or delayed, how ever, su ch approval sh al l not be requi red for T enan t to chan ge sim ilar type equip m ent, except for th e T enan t's T ow er E qui pm ent on the W ater T ow er, prov ided that an y such chan ge does not m ateri al ly ch an ge th e app ear an ce of th e T en ant's C omm uni cation F acili ty . T enant agr ees to enter into an "E scrow A greem ent" in a fo rm an d su bstan ce acceptable to L an dlord wherein T en an t shall dep osit wi th L an dlord th e am oun t of F ive T hou san d D oll ar s ($5,000.00) to be used to reim bur se L an dlord fo r all costs incurr ed by th e L an dlord in conn ection wi th an y alt eration or m odifi cation of, or additi on to, th e T enant's C omm un ication F acili ty pur suant to thi s L ease, incl u din g but not li m ited to plan review , stru ctur al review , site m eetin gs, insp ection ti m e, an d as-bu il t updatin g becaus e of T enant's chan ges, incl u ding att orn ey's fe es fo r dr aft in g an d an d/or review in g docum ents. d. T enan t agrees that if T enan t's C omm uni cation F acili ty produces noise levels that cause a distur ban ce to th e surr oun din g neigh bors of the P rop ert y, T enant w ill at its own expen se instal l noise m itigating equipm ent or a buffe r to m eet State noise stan dar ds. e. T en ant sh al l telephon ically notify th e L an dlord of sch eduled w ork to T enant's C omm uni cation F acili ty th at is to be don e aft er 5:00 o'cl ock p .m . on bu sin ess days, an d an y tim e on w eeken ds an d holi days. T he notice sh al l be given to L an dlord's A ssistan t C ity M an ager so M IN Ar boretum C hanh assen 3938987vl 10 94 that it is received at least 48 hour s in advan ce of the start of the scheduled w ork. In th e cas e of T enan t's em ergency w ork to th e T enant's Com m un ication Facili ty, Tenant shall telephoni cal ly n o tify th e L an d lo r d a s s o o n a s p r a c tic ab le aft e r c o mm e n c e m ent of th e w ork. In the case of emergency work to the Tenant's Communication Facility after City Hall normal business hours or any time on weekends and holidays, Tenant shall call Landlord's Utility Department at 952- 917-9345 to arrange for access on the Water Tower. f. Landlord agrees to give Tenant at least ninety (90) days' advance written notice of any major repair or maintenance activities related to Landlord's Water Tower operations. In the case of an emergency, notification is not required; however, Tenant will be notified as soon as practically possible. In the event that use of the Water Tower for water service or any necessary maintenance or repair of the Water Tower is interrupted or made impractical because of Tenant's Antennas, or Tenant's Coaxial Cables and other equipment on the Water Tower, the Landlord may interrupt Tenant's use of the Leased Premises and/or Water Tower as is reasonably necessary to prevent interruption of Landlord's water service. The Landlord will use its best efforts to prevent or minimize interruptions to Tenant's use of the Water Tower or the Leased Premises for the painting and/or reconditioning of the Water Tower. Tenant shall provide Landlord's painting contractor with pertinent safety instructions relative. to working near the Tenant's Antennas, Tenant's Coaxial Cables and other equipment on the Water Tower, and, if necessary, Tenant may be required to lower the power level or tum off transmission while Landlord's painting contractor is working near Tenant's Antennas, Tenant's Coaxial Cables and other equipment on the Water Tower. If Tenant's Antennas, Tenant's Coaxial Cables and other equipment on the Water Tower are in the way of painting or reconditioning work on the Water Tower, Tenant may be required to temporarily move Tenant's Antennas, Tenant's Coaxial Cables M IN Ar boretu m C hanh assen 3938987vl 11 95 and other equipment on the Water Tower at Tenant's sole cost and expense ("Temporary Relocation"). Tenant shall have the right to place temporary tran smission and reception facilities on the Property until such time as Tenant is able to reinstall Tenant's Facility on the Water Tower. An y additional expense of repainting, repairing or maintaini ng the Water Tower reasonably incurr ed by the Lan dlord as a direct consequence of the presence of Tenant's An tennas, Tenant's Coaxial Cables or other equipment located thereon shall be paid by the Tenant to the Lan dlord wi thin thirty (30) days followi ng the receipt of the Landlord's wri tten notice of such additional cost which notice shall state the reasons for Lan dlord incurr ing the costs and shall include a reasonable itemization of such costs. 6. TENANT'S COMMUNICATION FACILITY. a. Tenant agrees to ins tall the Tenant's Tower Equipment, in complian ce with all FCC rules and regulations, and good engineering practices and according to the Plans an d Specifications. Tenant furth er agr ees that the Tenant's use of the Tenant's Comm uni cation Facility will not cause radio frequency interference to Lan dlord's Comm unication Systems, pro vided such systems are lawfu lly installed and properly operated. In the event of interference wi th Landlord's Comm uni cation Systems and Tenant is advised of such interference, Tenant shall eliminate such interference within twenty-fo ur (24) hours or cease using the applicable equipment of Tenan t causing the interference except for short tests necessary for the elimination of the interference. If Tenant, in the event of interference wi th Lan dlord's Communi cation Systems, fa ils to correct the interference wi thin twenty-fo ur (24) hours or ceases using the equipment within said time, except for testing purp oses, Lan dlord shall have the right to order Tenant to disconnect the power to the Tenant's Comm uni cation Facility. If Tenant does not imm ediately disconn ect the power to Tenant's Communi cation Facility, Lan dlord shall have the M IN Arboretu m C hanh assen 3938987v1 12 96 right to imm ediately seek injun ctive relief fr om the app licable court having ju risdiction to d i s c o n n e ct the pow er to T enan t's C omm un ication F acili ty. It is further agreed that Landlord does not guarantee to Tenant non-interference to the operation of Tenant's Communication Facility by Landlord's Communication Systems. Landlord will use its best efforts to notify other users of the Property of the interference, and to coordinate elimination of interference among the Tenant and other users of the Property. The parties agree that such reasonable evidence of interference that is likely caused by Tenant's use or operation of Tenant's Communication Facility warrants an emergency response and the Notices provision in Section 18 shall not apply. Rather, Landlord shall provide Tenant reasonable evidence that the interference is likely caused by the Tenant's use or operation of Tenant's Communication Facility verbally by telephone at Tenant's NOC at 800-264-6620. Upon Landlord providing Tenant notice of reasonable evidence that any interference is likely caused by Tenant's use or operation of Tenant's Communication Facility, Tenant shall send a qualified technician or representative to the Leased Premises within eight (8) hours from the time that the notice of reasonable evidence is provided by Landlord. The required eight (8) hour emergency response time under these circumstances is applicable 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The qualified technician or representative shall be capable of assessing the situation and eliciting the necessary response, including any repairs, alterations or modifications to Tenant's Communication Facility. b. Prior to adding additional antennas, transmitters, receivers or other equipment on the Water Tower or within the Leased Premises, or changing or modifying Tenant's Frequencies, as permitted under this Lease, Tenant agrees to notify the Landlord of the modified frequencies so that the Landlord can perform the necessary interference studies to insure that the modified MINArboretum Chanhassen 3938987vl 13 97 frequencies will not cause harm ful radio interference to Lan dlord's Comm un ication Systems or o th er te nants on the Property. Tenan t wi ll be required to pay the reas onable costs for said study wh ich wi ll b e p e rfo rm e d b y L an dlord's profe ssional comm un ications engineer. In the a ltern ativ e , T e n an t m ay p e rfo rm th e inte rfe ren c e studies an d submit the results to the Lan dlord. H o w ev e r, th e L an d lo rd , in its so le d isc retio n , sh a ll re tai n th e rig ht p ro v id e d h ere in to su b m it th e stu d y re su lt s to its p ro fe ssio n a l c o mm uni c atio n s e n g in e e r fo r rev ie w at T e n an t's ex p e n se . c . At T e n an t's so le co st an d ex p e n se , T e n an t sh al l m ai ntai n T e n an t's T o w er E q u ip m en t an d th e S h e lte r in as clo se a s re a so n ab ly p o ssib le to th e co n d itio n th e T en an t's T o w er E q u ip m en t an d th e S h e lte r ar e in a s o f th e d ate th at th e y ar e in stal le d o n th e W ate r T o w er an d th e P rem ise s, re as o n ab le w e ar an d te ar a c c e p te d . T e n an t sh al l furt h e r m ai n ta in th e L e a se d P rem ise s in a n e at an d o rd e rl y fa shi o n in cl u d in g cutt in g th e gr a ss an d rep la ci n g al l tr e e s an d shru b s o n th e L e a se d P rem ise s th at m ay d ie d ur in g th e term o f thi s L e a se . If the Landlord inspects the Tenant's Communication Facility and determines that Tenant has not maintained the Tenant's Tower Equipment attached to the Water Tower, and there is rust or corrosion, broken or improperly installed Tower Equipment of Tenant on the Water Tower (hereinafter referred to as "Defective Condition"), the Landlord shall give the Tenant notice of the Defective Condition, and Tenant shall take such action as is reasonably necessary to correct the Defective Condition. Landlord's notice to Tenant shall inform Tenant: (1) of the action required by Tenant to correct the Defective Condition, and (2) whether the Tenant is required to take immediate action (within 48 hours) of Landlord's notice, or whether Tenant is required to take action within ninety (90) days of Landlord's notice, to correct the Defective Condition, as determined by Landlord in its sole discretion. M INArboretum C hanh assen 3938987vl 14 98 7. UTILITY SERVICE AND ACCESS EQUIPMENT. All of Tenant's, electrical wires, telephone cables and related equipment, and gas lines (if any) ("Tenant's Utilities") and Coaxial Cable installed on the Property and/or the Leased Premises shall be installed underground except as shown on the Plans and Specifications and within the Utility Easements, as described in Exhibit "A" and shown on the Site Plan according to the Landlord's applicable code, rules and regulations and all state codes, rules and regulations. When installed, the Tenant's Utilities, including the Coaxial Cable shall be directionally bored and adjusted in the field to avoid potential impact to any existing trees and "hand dug" in any area or location where there are numerous existing utilities. Tenant shall provide Landlord with an as-built plan showing the exact location of all of Tenant's Utilities and Coaxial Cable installed on the Property, Leased Premises and/or the Water Tower. Tenant shall furnish Landlord with pertinent information as to the exact type of AC power used by the Tenant. The Tenant agrees that upon the request of the Landlord, it will field locate all of Tenant's Utilities and Coaxial Cable at Tenant's expense. It shall be the responsibility of Tenant, its agents, contractors and/or subcontractors at Tenant's sole cost and expense to contact Gopher One Call and/or all other parties including, but not limited to, Landlord and all of Landlord's other tenants occupying the Property, for locate requests prior to any construction or installation of the Tenant's Tower Equipment, Tenant's Coaxial Cable, Tenant's Utilities and other equipment described in this Lease, on the Property. If any of the Landlord's other tenants decline to locate their utilities, it shall be the responsibility of Tenant to locate said other tenants' utilities at Tenant's sole cost and expense. Landlord agrees that it will assist with contact information for the other tenants upon the written request of the Tenant. Tenant agrees that Tenant will, upon the reasonable request of the Landlord or another tenant of the Landlord, locate all of Tenant's Coaxial Cables and Tenant's Utilities. MINArboretum Chanh assen 3938987vl 15 99 As partial consideration for Rent paid under this Lease, Landlord hereby grants to the Tenant an appurtenan t non-exclusive easement for Tenant's Utilities, over and under the Utility Easements and an appurt enant non-exclusive easement for ingress, egress, and access to Tenant's Leased Premises over the Property as legally described in Exhibit "A" and shown on the Site Plan ("Access Easements") adequate to serv ice the Tenant's Communication Facility at all times during the term of this Lease or any Renewal Term. Upon notice, Lan dlord shall have the right, at Landlord's sole expense, to relocate the Access Easements, provided such new location shall not materially interfere with the operations of Tenant's Comm unication Facility. The Access Easements provided hereun der shall have the sam e term as thi s Lease. 8. ADDITIONAL TENANT'S. Tenant acknowledges that Lan dlord may in the futur e lease portions of the W ater Tower an d Property to other part ies, so long as Lan dlord shall not itself, nor perm it any new tenan ts or licensees to install equipment on the Property or within the Leased Premises, if such equipment would cause interference with Tenan t's operations of Tenant's Comm uni cation Facili ty. 9. DEFAULT. An y of the following occurr ences, conditions, or acts shall be deemed a "Defa ult" under this lease: a. If Tenant fa ils to pay amounts due under this Lease within thirty (30) days of its receipt of wr itten notice that such paym ents ar e overdue; b. If either party fails to observ e or perfo rm s its obligations under this Lease and does not cure such failure within sixty (60) days from its receipt of written notice of breach wi thout, however, lim iting any other rights available to the parties pursuant to any other provision of this Lease. If the default may not be reasonably cured within such sixty (60) day M INArboretum C hanh assen 3938987vl 16 100 period, either part y may request a thirty (30) day extension of the time to cure said default, which re q u e st sh al l n o t be unr easonably wi thh eld, conditioned or delayed. c. E x c ept as expressly limited hereby, Lan dlord an d Tenant shall have such rem e d ie s fo r th e d e fa u lt o f th e o th e r p arty hereto as may be provided at law or equity followi ng wri tten notice of such defa ult an d failur e to· cure the sam e within the applicable time allowed to cure un der the term s of this Lease. 10. TERMINATION. a. Except as otherwise provided herein, this Lease may be terminated, without penalty or further liability, as follows: i. by either party upon thirty (30) days written notice of a Default as defined herein (without, however, limiting any other rights available to the parties pursuant to any other provisions hereof); ii. by Tenant upon ninety (90) days written notice by Tenant if Tenant is unable after filing all necessary applications for obtaining or maintaining of any license, permit or other Governmental Approval and making all reasonable efforts and using due diligence to comply with all requirements necessary to obtain or maintain any license, permit or other Governmental Approval necessary for the installation and/or operation of the Tenant's Communication Facility or Tenant's business; iii. by Tenant upon ninety (90) days' notice if the Tenant's Communication Facility becomes obsolete or unacceptable under Tenant's design or engineering standards for Tenant's Communication Facility; M IN Ar boretu m C hanh assen 3938987vl 17 101 iv. by Landlord if Tenant fails to cure within ninety (90) days of written notice by Landlord to Tenant that Landlord has determined that Tenant has failed to comply with any applicable ordinance, or state or federal law, or any conditions attached to Governm ent Approvals granted thereunder, after a public hearing before the Landlord's Council; v. by Tenant ifthere is an interference problem with the Landlord's Communication Systems caused by Tenant's Communication Facility that cannot be corrected; or vi. by Landlord upon one hundred eighty (180) days written notice after the end of the First Renewal Term, if Landlord's Council decides to sell or redevelop the Property and/or discontinue use of the Property for public or governmental purposes in a manner that is inconsistent, in Landlord's sole opinion, with Tenant's continued use of Tenant's Communi cation Facility. b. Notice of Termination. The parties shall give notice of termination of this Lease in accordance with Section 18 of this Lease. All rentals paid for by Tenant prior to said termination date shall be retained by Landlord. c. Tenant's Liability for Early Termination. If Tenant terminates this Lease pursuant to subsection 1 O.a.iii above, Tenant shall pay to Landlord as liquidated damages for early termination, six months of additional Rent for the year in which Tenant terminates; provided, however, that Tenant shall not be required to pay liquidated damages or termination fee if Tenant elects not to renew the term of this Lease pursuant to Section 2, above. d. Removal of Comm uni cation Facility. The Tenant shall remove all of Tenant's Tower Equipment, Coaxial Cable, Tenant's Utilities, the Shelter and all of Tenant's Ground Equipment in the Leased Premises on or before the end of the Initial Term or the end of any M IN Ar boretu m C hanh assen 3938987vl 18 102 Renewal Term if Tenant is not going to renew this Lease. Upon termination of this Lease for any other reason, Tenant shall, within ninety (90) days of "Landlord's Notice" as hereinafter provided, remove all of Tenant's Tower Equipment, Coaxial Cable, Utilities, all of Tenant's equipment in the Leased Premises and any fencing around the Leased Premises and all Coaxial Cable, and Utilities and restore the Water Tower and the Property to a condition as close as possible to its original condition. Any of Tenant's Communication Facility or any other improvement made by Tenant on the Property, remaining on the Property ninety (90) days after Landlord's Notice may be removed by Landlord at Tenant's sole cost and expense, or at Landlord's sole discretion, become the property of the Landlord free of any claim by Tenant or any person claiming through Tenant. If Tenant fails to remove all of the Tenant's Communication Facility or any other improvements within the above-described time periods, the Tenant shall pay to Landlord, notwithstanding the termination of this Lease, Rent in an amount equal to 150% of the amount of Rent that would have been due for the period of time that any of the Tenant's Communication Facility remains on the Property. 11. INSURANCE. Tenant agrees to obtain and maintain during the term of this Lease the insurance coverage's set forth in Exhibit "D". 12. DEFENSE AND INDEMNIFICATION. a. General. Tenant agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Landlord and its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, and representatives, from and against any and all claims, costs, losses, expenses, demands, actions, or causes of action, including reasonable attorneys' fees and other costs and expenses of litigation, which may be asserted against or incurred by Landlord or for which the Landlord may be liable in the performance of this Lease, MINArboretum Chanh assen 3938987vl 19 103 except to the extent that any cost, losses, expenses, demands, actions or causes of action arise from the negligence, or willful misconduct of Lan dlord, or its respective employees, agents or contractors. Tenant shall further defend and indemnify all claims arising out of the installation, operation, use, maintenance, repair, removal, or presence of the Tenant's Communication Facility on the Property, except to the extent that a claim arises from the negligence or willful misconduct of Landlord or its respective employees, agents or contractors. Notwithstanding any other term, covenant or condition of this Lease, the Landlord's liability under this Lease for any claim of any nature or any cause of action against Landlord, by any person or party, is limited to the liability limits set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 466. b. Tenant's Warranty. Tenant represents and warrants that its use of the Tenant's Tower Equipment and the Leased Premises, will not generate, and Tenant will not store or dispose of on the Leased Premises, nor transport to the Leased Premises, or over the Property, any Hazardous Materials, as hereinafter defined, except for equipment and supplies commonly used by Tenant in the operation of Tenant's Communication Facility which may include generator fuel, electronics, cables, basic cleaning materials and back up batteries, unless Tenant specifically informs Landlord thereof in writing twenty-four hours prior to such storage, disposal or transport, or otherwise as soon as Tenant becomes aware of the existence of Hazardous Materials on the Leased Premises or Property. Landlord acknowledges that Tenant may be utilizing and maintaining sealed batteries, a HV AC system and/or a halon / FM 200 fire suppression system on the Leased Premises and that the use and maintenance of such items shall not constitute a breach of the terms of this Lease. The obligations of the Tenant under this Paragraph 12 shall survive the expiration or other termination of this Lease. Tenant shall not MIN Arboreturn Chanh assen 3938987vl 20 104 install a generator on the Leased Premises or on the Property unless specifically shown in the Plans and Specifications approved by the Landlord. c. Hazardous Materials. Without limiting the scope of Subparagraph 12a and 12b above, Tenant will be responsible for and will defend, indemnify, and hold Landlord, its agents, and employees harmless from and against any and all claims, costs, and liabilities, including reasonable attorney's fees and costs, arising out of or in connection with the cleanup or restoration of the Leased Premises or the Property associated with the Tenant's use of Hazardous Materials, except to the extent that any claims, cost and/or liability including reasonable attorneys' fees ari sing out of or in connection wi th the cleanup or restoration of the Leased Premises or the Property arising from the negligence or wi llful misconduct of the Landlord or its employees, agents or contractors. For the purp oses of this Lease, "Hazardous Materials" shall be interpreted broadly an d specifically includes, wi thout limitation, asbestos, fuel, batteries or an y hazar dous substan ce, waste, or materials as defined in an y federal, state, or local environm ental or safe ty law or regulations including, but not limited to, CERCLA. Notwi thstan ding an ythi ng to the contrary herein, Tenan t shall have the right to store and use stan dar d quantities of batteries wi thin its Comm unications Facility so long as it does so in full complian ce wi th all applicable laws. Tenant shall not be responsible for an y Haz ardous Materials that existed on the Property on or before the effective date of this Lease or that were not brought on the Property by Tenant. 13. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. Notwi thstan ding an ythi ng to the contrary in this Lease, in no event will either part y be liable to the other part y for, or indemnify the other part y against, punitive, indirect, incidental, special or consequential dam ages, including, without limitation, loss of profits, income or business opportuni ties; provided, however, that this M IN Ar boretum C hanh assen 3938987vl 21 105 provision shall not release or reduce Tenant's obligation to pay Rent to the Landlord in accordan ce wi th the terms of this Lease. 14. ASSIGNMENT. This Lease, or rights thereunder, may not be sold, assigned, or transferred at any time by Tenant except to Tenant's affiliates or subsidiaries, or any party that merges or consolidates with Tenant or Tenant's parent, or any party that purchases or otherwise acquires all or substantially all of Tenant's stock or assets in the market defined by the FCC in which the Property is located without the written consent of the Landlord, such consent not to be unr easonably wi thh eld, conditioned or delayed. For purp oses of thi s paragraph, an "affiliate" or "subsidiary " mean s an entity in which Tenant own s greater than a 50% interest. Lan dlord hereby consents to the assignment by Tenant of its rights under this Lease as collateral to any entity which provides financing for the purchase of the Tenant's Tower Equipment, Equipment Cabinets, subject to Landlord's rights to retain the same and/or other improvements if Tenant fails to remove them as required by this Lease. 15. QUIET ENJOYMENT. Tenant, upon paying Rent, shall peaceably and quietly have, hold an d enjoy the use of the Water Tower for Tenant's Tower Equipment, the Leased Premises, the Access Easements an d Utility Easements provided Tenant is not in default un der an y other covenant or agreement contained in this Lease. Landlord hereby waives an y and all lien righ ts it may have statutory or otherwi se concern ing the Tenant's Communication Facility or any portion thereof which shall be deemed personal property for the purposes of this Lease, whether or not the sam e is deemed real or personal property under the applicable laws, and Landlord gives Tenant and Tenant's mortgagees ("Mortgagees"), the right to remove all or any portion of Tenant's Communication Facility from time to time, whether before or after default under the Lease, in Tenant's and/or mortgagee's sole discretion and without Landlord's consent, subject to M IN Arboretum C hanh assen 3938987vl 22 106 the obligations of the Tenant to remove Tenant's Communication Facility as set forth in Section l0(d). If a Mortgagee desires to remove Tenant's Communication Facility, the Mortgagee shall sign an agreement with the Landlord stating that they will be responsible for restoring the Water Tower and the Property to a condition as close as possible to its original condition, as required in this Lease, and that they will be liable to the Landlord for any cost and expenses incurred by Landlord in restoring the Property to a condition as close as possible to its original condition in the event that the Mortgagee fails to do so. 16. DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION. If the Tenant's Communication Facility or any portion thereof is destroyed or damaged so as to materially hinder the effective use of the Tenant's Communication Facility by Tenant through no fault or negligence of Tenant, Tenant may elect to terminate this Lease upon thirty (30) days' written notice to Landlord. In such event, all rights and obligations of the parties shall cease (except as to the Tenant's obligations under this Lease to remove the Tenant's Communication Facility under Paragraph 10.d.) as of the date of the notice to Landlord and Tenant shall be entitled to the reimbursement of any Rent prepaid by Tenant. If Tenant elects to continue this Lease, then the Rent shall abate for a period of ninety (90) days or un til the Tenan t's Comm unication Facility is restored to the condition existing prior to the dam age or destruction, whichever is earlier. 17. CONDEMNATION. In the event the whole of the Leased Premises or the Property is tak en by eminent domain, this Lease shall termin ate as of the date title to the Leased Premises or the Property vests in the condemnin g authority. In event a portion of the Leased P.remises is tak en by eminent domain, Tenant shall have the right to term inate thi s Lease as of the date of title tran sfer, by giving thirty (30) days' wr itten notice to Lan dlord. In the event of any taking un der the power of emi nent domain, Tenant shall not be entitled to any portion of the reward M IN Arboretum C hanh as sen 3938987vl 23 107 paid for the taki ng and the Landlord shall receive full am ount of such award. Tenant hereby expressly waives any right or claim to any portion thereof. Although all dam ages, whether awarded as compensation for diminution in value of the leasehold or to the fee of the Leased Premises or the Property shall belong to Landlord, Tenant shall have the right to claim and recover fr om the condem ning auth ority , but not from Lan dlord, such compensation as may be separ ately aw ar ded or recoverable by T enan t including an y an d all dam age to T enan t's business and an y costs or expenses incurr ed by Tenant in m ovin g/rem oving all or a portion of the Tenant's Comm uni cation Facili ty . 18. NOTICES. A ll notices, requests, dem an ds, an d other comm uni cations hereun der shall be in wri ting and shall be deem ed given if personally delivered or mailed, certified mail, return receipt requested, or delivered by a nationally recogni zed overni ght couri er serv ice, to the fo llow ing addresses or to an y oth er address of T enant or L an dlord that is given from tim e to tim e to the oth er party pur sua nt to th is provision, regar ding wr itten notice: lf to Lan dl ord: wi th copy to: If to Tenant: C ity of Chanh assen P.O . Box 147 C hanh assen MN 55317 A ttn : C ity M an ager C hanh assen C ity Attorn ey C am pbell Kn utson, P.A. 860 Bl ue G entian Road, Sui te 290 Eagan , MN 55121 V eri zon W ireless (VA W) LLC d/b /a V erizon W ir eless 180 W as hingt on Valley Road B edm inster, N J 07921 Attn: N etw ork Real E state Phone: 866-862-4404 19. RESTORATION OF PROPERTY. Tenant shall deposit with the Landlord at the time of the buildin g perm it application a perfo rm ance bond in th e am ount of $25,000 as securi ty fo r M IN Ar boretum C hanh assen 3938987vl 24 108 th e restoration of th e P ro p erty to th e con d itio n it w as pri o r to th e in stall atio n of T en an t's C o mm uni catio n F acili ty ("R estoratio n Securi ty ") reas o n ab le w ear an d tear ex cep ted . 20. MISCELLANEOUS: a. Authority. Landlord represents and warrants that Landlord has full authority to enter into and sign this Lease. b. Complete Lease: Amendments. This Lease supersedes all prior discussions and negotiations and contains all agreements and understandings between the Landlord and Tenant. This Lease may only be amended in writing signed by all parties. All Exhibits are incorporated into this Lease by reference. C. Counterparts. This Lease may be signed in counterparts by the parties hereto each of which counterparts shall be considered an original. d. Binding Effect. The terms and conditions of this Lease shall run with the Property, inure to the benefit of and be binding on the respective parties and their respective successors and permitted assignees. e. Enforcement and Attorneys' Fees. The prevailing party in any action or proceeding in court to enforce the terms of this Lease including any appeals shall be entitled to receive its reasonable attorney's fees and other reasonable costs and expenses from the non- prevailing party. f. Governing Law. This Lease shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. g. Severability. If any term of this Lease is found to be void or invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining terms of this Lease, which shall continue in full force and effect. M IN Ar boretu m C hanh assen 3938987vl 25 109 h. Memorandum of Lease. Landlord agrees, upon the request of the Tenant, to sign a Memorandum of Lease in the form acceptable to both parties which may be recorded in the Office of the Carver County Recorder. 1. Estoppel Information. Each party shall from time to time, within thirty (30) days after written request from the other party, execute, acknowledge and deliver an estoppel certificate indicating that this Lease and any amendments thereto are in full force and effect, setting out the current monthly rental amount, date rent is paid through, expiration date of the then current term, and acknowledging that there are not, to such party's knowledge, any uncured defaults, or specifying such defaults if any are claimed. J- Brokers. If either party is represented by a real estate broker in this transaction, that party shall be fully responsible for any fee due such broker in this transaction, that party shall be fully responsible for any fee due such broker, and shall hold the other party harmless from any claims for commission by such broker. k. No Waiver. No provision of this Lease will be deemed waived by either party unless expressly waived in writing by the waiving party. No waiver shall be implied by delay or any other act or omission of either party. No waiver by either party of any provisions of this Lease shall be deemed a waiver of such provision with respect to any subsequent matter relating to such provision. 1. Recitals. The Recitals set forth above are hereby incorporated in this Lease as though they were set forth in the body hereof. [Remainder of Page Intentionally Left Blank.] [Signature page follows.} MINArboretum Chanh assen 3938987vl 26 110 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Lease Agreement the day and year first above written. LANDLORD: CITY OF CHANHASSEN BY: Name: Elise Ryan Title: Mayor e^Todd Gerhard t BY: Nam Title: City Manager Date: TENANT: VERIZON WIRELESS ®AW) LLC d/b/a VERIZON WIRELE! BY:_______ Name: 7 Rommel Angeles Title. Director-Network Field Engineering Date:0 97 / /^/^) Z *7 THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651)452-5000 MINArboretum Chanhassen 3938987vl 27 111 LIST OF EXH IBITS Exhibit "A": Exhibit "B": Exhibit "C": Exhibit "D": Legal Descriptions of: ( 1) Property (2) Leased Premises (3) Easements Site Plan showing: (1) Property (2) Leased Premises (3) Access Easements (4) Utility Easements Plans and Specifications Tenant's Required Insurance MIN Arboretum Chanh assen 3938987vl 28 112 Tenant Site I.D. #: MIN Ar boretum L andlord's Site Nam e: Arboretum Water Tower T enant: Verizon Wireless (V A W) LLC d/b /a Verizon Wireless E XH IBIT "A " LEG AL DE SCRI PTIO N S (1) L E G A L D E S C RI P TI O N O F W A T E R T O W E R P R O P E R T Y : The fo ll ow in g described propert y located in C arv er C ounty, M inn esota : O utlot A , A RB O RE T U M B U S INE S S P A RK 2N D A D D IT IO N , accordin g to th e recorded plat th ereof, sai d C arv er C ounty . A ddr ess: 2953 W ater T ow er P lace C h anh assen , MN 553 17 (2) LE G A L D E S C RI P TI O N O F L E A S E D P RE M IS E S: That part of the S outh H al f of th e N ort hw est Q uart er of Section 16 , T own ship 116 N orth , R an ge 23 W est of the F ift h P ri ncip al M eri dian , C arv er C ounty , M inn esota, descri bed as fo ll ow s: C omm encing at th e southw est com er of said S outh H al f of th e N ort hw est Q uart er; th ence N ort h 1 degree 45 m inutes 54 secon ds E as t alon g th e W est line of said S outh H al f of th e N ort hw est Q u art er, a distan ce of 450 .4 5 fe et; th ence S outh 88 degr ees 14 m in utes 06 secon ds E ast, a distan ce of 18 2 8.27 fe et to th e P oint of B eginn in g of th e prem ises to be described; then ce N orth O degrees 00 m inutes 00 secon ds E ast, a distan ce of 32 .00 fe et; th ence S outh 90 degr ees 00 m inutes 00 secon d s E ast, a distan ce of 21.00 fe et; th ence South O degr ees 00 m inutes 00 secon ds W est, a distan ce of 32 .0 0 fe et; th ence N orth 90 degrees 00 m in utes 00 secon ds W est, a distan ce of2 1.00 fe et to th e P oint of B eginn ing. (3) L E G A L D E S C RI P TI O N O F E A S E M E N T S : A 20.00 fo ot wi de easem ent fo r ingr ess, egress an d utili ty purp oses over, un der an d across the South H alf of the N orth w est Q uart er of Section 16 , T own sh ip 116 N orth , R an ge 23 W est of the F ift h P rin cipal M eri dian, C arv er C ounty , M inn esota an d O utlot A , L ots 1 an d 2, B lock 2, A RB O RE TU M B U S INE S S P A RK 2ND A D D IT IO N , accordin g to th e recorded plat thereof, said C arv er C ounty, th e centerl in e of said eas em ent is descri b ed as fo ll ow s: C omm encing at the southw est com er of said S outh H alf of th e N orth w est Q u art er; thence N orth 1 degr ee 45 m inutes 54 seconds E as t alon g th e W est lin e of sai d S outh H al f of the M IN Ar boretu m C hanh assen 3938987vl 113 Northwest Quart er, a distance of 450.45 feet; thence South 88 degrees 14 minutes 06 seconds E ast, a distan ce of 182 8.2 7 feet; thence North O degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds E ast, a distan ce of 32 .00 fe et; thence South 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, a distan ce of 2 1.00 fe et; thence S outh O degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, a distan ce of 11. 77 fe et to the P oint of B eginni n g of the centerl ine to be described ; th ence N orth 67 degrees 13 m inutes 19 seconds E ast, a distan ce of 30 .86 fe et; then ce N orth 8 degrees 38 m in utes 09 secon ds W est, a distan ce of 47.74 fe et; th ence N ort h 88 degr ees 15 m inutes 29 seconds W est, a dista nce of 11.15 fe et; th en ce north westerly, a distance of 91.91 feet alon g a tan gential cu rv e concave to th e north east, havin g a radius of 60.00 fe et an d a central an gle of 87 degrees 46 m inutes 11 seconds; th ence N ort h O degrees 29 min utes 18 secon ds W est tan gent to the last described curv e, a distan ce of 586.90 to the south right of w ay lin e of Water Tower Place and said centerline there term inating. T he sidelines of said easement shall be shortened or length ened to term inate at said south right of way line of Water Tower Place and at lines beari ng North O degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East and South O degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West from the Point of Beginning. A 10.00 foot wide easement for utility purp oses over, un der and across the South Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 16, Town ship 116 North, Range 23 West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, Carv er County, Minnesota, the centerline of said easement is described as follows: Comm encing at the southwest comer of said South Half of the Northwest Quart er; thence North 1 degree 45 minutes 54 seconds East along the West line of said South Half of the Northwest Quart er, a distan ce of 450.45 feet; thence South 88 degrees I4 minutes 06 seconds East, a distance of 1828.27 feet; thence North O degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 10.63 feet to the Point of Beginning of the centerline to be described; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, a distan ce of26.05 feet to a point hereinafter referred to as Point "A"; thence North O degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, a distan ce of72.16 feet to a point hereinafter referred to as Point "B"; thence continue North O degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, a distan ce of 46.08 feet and said centerline there term inating. T O G E T HE R W IT H A 10 .00 fo ot wi de easement for utility purp oses over, under and across said South Half of the Northwest Quart er, the centerline of said easement is described as follows: Beginni ng at the previously described Point "A"; thence South O degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, a distan ce of 15.63 feet; thence South 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 47.05 feet and said centerline there term inating. TOGETHER WITH A 10.00 foot wide easement for utility purp oses over, under and across said South Half of the N orth w est Q uarter and Outlot A and Lot 2, Block 2, ARB ORE TUM BUSINE SS PARK 2ND A D D ITI O N , accordin g to the recorded plat thereof, said Carv er County, the centerline of said M IN A rboretu m C hanh assen 3938987vl 114 easement is described as follows: Beginning at the previously described Point "B"; thence North 55 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 79.51 feet and said centerline there terminating. AND A 5.00 foot wide easement for utility purposes over, under and across Outlot A, ARBORETUM BUSINESS PARK 2ND ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota, the centerline of said easement is described as follows: Comm encing at the southwest comer of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter; thence North 1 degree 45 minutes 54 seconds East along the West line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 450.45 feet; thence South 88 degrees 14 minutes 06 seconds East, a distance of 1828.27 feet; thence North O degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 32.00 feet; thence South 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 21.00 feet; thence South O degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 11. 77 feet; thence North 67 degrees 13 minutes 19 seconds East, a distance of 30.86 feet; thence South 71 degrees 04 minutes 51 seconds East, a distance of 11.28 feet to the Point of Beginning of the centerline to be described; thence North 67 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 11.57 feet and said centerline there terminating. The sidelines of said easement shall be shortened or lengthened to terminate at lines bearing North 8 degrees 38 minutes 09 seconds West and South 8 degrees 38 minutes 09 seconds East from the Point of Beginning. AND A 5.00 foot wide easement for utility purposes over, under and across Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, ARBORETUM BUSINESS PARK 2ND AD DITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota, lying between 0.00 feet and 5.00 feet to the left of the following described Line "A": Commencing at the southwest comer of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter; thence North 1 degree 45 minutes 54 seconds East along the West line of said South Half of the Northwest Quart er, a distance of 450.45 feet; thence South 88 degrees 14 minutes 06 seconds East, a distance of 1828.27 feet; thence North O degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 32.00 feet; thence South 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 21.00 feet; thence South 0 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 11.77 feet; thence North 67 degrees 13 minutes 19 seconds East, a distance of30.86 feet; thence North 8 degrees 38 minutes 09 seconds West, a distance of 47.74 feet; thence North 88 degrees 15 minutes 29 seconds West, a distance of 11.15 feet; thence northwesterly, a distance of 91.91 feet along a tangential curve concave to the northeast, having a radius of 60.00 feet and a central angle of 87 degrees 46 minutes 11 seconds; thence North O degrees 29 minutes 18 seconds West tangent to the last described curve, a distance of 586.90 to the south right of way line of Water Tower Place and the Point of Beginning of said Line "A"; thence westerly along said right of way of Water Tower Place, a distance of 47.29 feet along a non-tangential curve concave to the southwest, having a radius of M IN Ar boretum C hanh assen 3938987v1 115 1306.26 feet and a central angle of 2 degrees 04 minutes 28 seconds, the chord of said curve bears North 84 degrees 5 8 minutes 17 seconds West having a chord distance of 4 7 .29 feet and said Line "A" there terminating. MINArboretum Chanh assen 3938987vl 116 EXHIBIT "B" SITE PLAN I I Ii I I I I I I I ------------------------------ , ii! -"==rt--. ms ":-- - ~--- -- _ _rEXISTING EASEMENTS]:_-:_------- -----r-» ®w,, sn wG siorx >--__"=% "<_3- I "} r-s , }+ l !1·: I I I I ! ii T I I I I { 7 I I I I il 'i ] I I I I I I it! 'i' ElCISTING EASEMEITTS,: I I { { 7 I I I I uh { 1 I I I I it! - I I ..s] th } I! ) I A4.77", ---LESSEE 5'O (MOE) UTUTY I- --r. a ,l I I I 'I r ----,=-==-===-===-=--47 r---------' [ {worRT I 1 / I I I 'I© .7 '[I [ I I I I I I r° h! J ii { -ir ARBORETUM I f ..NIP.fllXJK._ -- {' as s I I I I I I 1 J Ii } I I I I I I b»yo " » a» « a » egg , "»so » LESSEE 10'--O" (NOE) UUTY EASEMENT<gg==j; M IN Ar boretum C hanh assen 3938987vl 117 EXHIBIT "C" PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS MINArboretum Chanh assen 3938987vl 118 izon ' MIN ARBORETUM NEW BUILD PROJE CT INFORMATION SITE NAE : NIN ARBORE TUM SITE ADDRE SS: WATER TOWER PLACE COHAN4ASEN MN S5347 COUNTY : CARVER UATT TUDE : N 4« 5t' 28.58° (NAD 83) LONGITUDE: W9335 42.32° (NAD 83) DRA WING BASED ON SITE DATA FORM DATED; 10.13.17_M.2 BULDING TYPE: VB OCCUP ANCY : s-2 S)TE AREA: 21.0 X 320 =672$.F. ISSUE SUMMARY REv. DEscRP TON SHEET OR DE TAIL A t6SUED FOR REMIEW- 10.04.17 ALL B ISSUED FOR OWNE R APPROVAL 11.9.17 ALL C ISSUED FOR OWN ER APPR OVAL 02.26.49 ALL D ISSU ED FOR OWN ER APPROV AL 07.23.18 ALL ISSUED FOR OWNER APPROVAL 03, 15.19 ALL DEPARTMENTAL APPROVALS NAME DATE RF ENGINEER NIT-HY AKALY' ANI 4AJPLURY AR 11.09.17 OPERA TONS 3JONA THAN FOWLE R 10.05,17 MANA GER CONS TRUC TON STEVE -COLL INS 10.05,17 ENG INE ER AREA MAP DIRECTIONS FROM BLOOMINGTON RNC: HEAD NORTH ON BUSH LAKE RD, THEN TURN L.FF T ONTO W 108TH STIW OLD SHAKOPEE RDO. AF TER 1.0 ILES, TURN RIGHT TO MERGE ONTO US-169 N AND GO 3.4 4ILES. TAKE THE EXIT ONTO I -494 WMN-5 WAND GO 2.1 MILES. TAKE EXIT 11C TO MERGE ON TO MN-5 W/JS-212 WAND GO 1.6MILES AND CONTI NUE TO THE RIK3H T ONTO MN-S WMW 18TH STIIARBORE TUM BLVD. CONTINLIE TO FOLLOW MN-5 WIABORE TUM BLVD FOR 6.3 MILES. TURN LEF T ON TO CE NTURY BL.VD AND TURN RIGHT ONTO WATER TOWER PL_ AFTER 0.2 ML.E S TURN LEFT INTO SECOND DRIVEW AY AND GO STRAIG HT SOU TH BE TWEE N BUILDINGS. SITE WILL. 8€ AT THE SOUTH END OF THE BUILDINGS AT THE BASE OF THE WATER TANK. SHEET INDEX SHEET { SHEET DESCRIP TION VICINITY MAP 1-1 l] PROJE CT INFORM ATION, TOWE R ELEVATION, & SHEET INDEX 1-2 ] COOE SUMMARY AND UFE SAFETY PLAN A-t J] SITE PLAN G STANDARD DETAIL INDEX A-2 ]ENLARGED SITE PLAN A -2 .1 } DE MO PLAN & P HOT OS A -3 ] ANTE NNA AN C OAX KEY A -3 .1 ] ANTE N NA MOUN TING PLAN AND DETAILS 4--4.2l] $EL TER ANDO GENERA TOR FLOOR PL.ANS , SEC TIONS, AND EL.EA TONS A -5 ] TOWE R E LEV A TION AND DET AI LS -6 ] PHOTOS A -T & 4A-8j OU TINE SPE C IF ICA TIONS [G-1 4 G-2] GROUNDING PLAN, NOTES, 4 GROUNDING DOE TAIL, INDEX U-1& U-2l] SITE UTUTY PLANS & NOTES $-0-$3 ]STRUCTURAL NOTES, PLANS, SECTIONS, AND DE TAILS ET-E8 l]ELECTRICAL NOTES. PLANS, DIAGRAMS, AND SCHEDULES SURVEY (3-SHEETS) LESSOR/ LICENSOR APPROVAL SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME ATE I I LE SSOR /UCENSOR: PLEASE CHE CK TH E APPROPRIA TE BOX BE LOW [] voc-wwoes. [] cvaEs NEEDED. SEE COMMENTS. a CONTACTS LESSOR /LICENSOR CITY OF CHANHASSEN CHELSEA PETERSEN "(/ASSISTANT CITY MANAGE R) TT00 MARKE'T BOULEVARD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 (052) 227-1418 CITY OF CHANHASSEN GEORGE BENDER (ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER) 7TOO MARKE T BOULE VARD PO Bx 147 CHANHAS SEN, MN 55317 (952) 227-1164 LESSEE: CIT Y OF CHANHASSEN KEVMIN CROOKS (UTILITY SUPERINTENDENT) TT00 MARKE T BOULE VARD PO BOX 147 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 (9521 227-1300 VERL 20N WIRELESS 10801 BUS H LAKE RCAD BL.OOMING TON, MN 5$438 RON REITER (612) 7.20-005 2 POWE R UTILITY COMPANY CONTACT; TEL.CO UTuTY COMPANY CONTACT: ARCHITECT: MINNESOTA VALL EY ELECTRIC 125 MINNESOTA VALLEY ELECTRIC DRIVE 30RDOAN, MN 55352 ERIC KES (952) 492-8233 T.B.D. DESIGN 1 ARC HITECTS LL.C 9973 VALLE Y VIEW ROAD EDEN PRAI RIE, MN 55344 (952) 903-9299 THIRD PAR TY INSPECTOR: BADGER STATE INSPECTION KELLY MULHERN P.O. B OX 57 O66£O, w 54758 (715) 533-0686 SURVEY OR: STR U CTURAL ENGINEER ELECTRICAL ENGINEER: GEO TECHNICAL EN GIN EER WI DOS E TH SMITH NOL TING 610 FILLMORE STREET - PO BOX 1028 ALEXANDRIA, MN 56308-10.28 320-7 6.2-8 149 HERZOG ENGINEERING 530 NORTH 3RD STRE ET, SUTE 230 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 5540 1 JOSH HERZOG (612) 844-1234 BUSSELL COMPANIES, INC. 16026 4NNE TONKA BLVD. ST, MINNE TONKA, MN 55345 (95 2) 93 1-2111 TB.D T O W E R E L E V AT IO N NOE: 'HESE DRNINGS OO MOT COMSTT/TE. A S7KC1UAL. ML'YSIS, BLUE ERNE PREWED BASED ON PORNO! SUPPED, AD THEREFORE ANNE AS AOCURIE AS 'ME SUPPL.UED DOIL. THE S7UK7TAUL. ALYSS MS PERFORMED 8Y ONEetS ANDO IS REFEINEN(CED HEINE. 'THESE ARMAN2S CONSIDER THY' 'HE $TC7URAL. ANALYSIS AS BEEN PROPERLY' PRE.PRE.D AMO DOCUMENTED {S.SSSSLSSNA SSST.S«,3%. OEAGON 1 AEDAIEI.Y OF 'THE ISSA.IE f nerty f ly thot tihMe pton, pcoal@ ¢ pf wl opor od by r univ my diet prior nf thot I o a due fglstrg Ache} unair h e ow of pe 3pate of Ml oot Oge r.1 DAS, Reg. Ng, t2e27 S973 VALLEY WEW RD . EDE N PRARE, MN $8344 (852) 03.299 WW. EB{GN TEP.COM © gg" oomow © I OHS R", verlzon 1080 1 8U8H L.AKE ROAD BL.COO4 NG'TCON, MN £55430 {(612) 720-0052 PROJECT 201 4 103806 1 LOC . CO DE: 290988 MIN ARBORETUM a0wMC SOME WATER TOWER PLACE CHANHASSEN MM 55317 SHEET CONTENTS: C ONT A C TS IS SUE S UMMARY 8HEE T INDEX DEPARTMENTAL APPROVALS LESSOR APPROVAL PR OUE C T INF ORAMA TI ON ARE A & VICINITY MAP S GENE RAL NOTES DRAWN BY : KYLE M DA TE : aaepo eR a' v 1 f4 REV . B REV. C 5 09 .18.17 so7w5 m ±182 02.28.18 sass REV.E 08,15.19 T-1 119 izon ' MIN ARBORETUM NEW BUILD CODE SUMMARY CODE SUMMARY (CONTINUED) CODE S: 20 15 M IN NE S OTA S TA TE B LUIL.D ING C ODE . 24012 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE. OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: TY PE OF CONS TR UC TION: SPRINKLE RS: OCCUP ANCY SEPARATIONS: FIRE RE SIS TAN CE RA 'TINGS: HEIGHT & AREA LIMITATIONS: OCCUPANCY LOAD: MEANS OF EGRESS; TRA VEL DI STAN CE: PLUMB ING FIXTU RES: ACC ESS IBI LITY : GR OUP $-2 (L.OW +HAZARD S TORAG E } TYPE VB. EXCE PTION FOR TE LE COM MU NICA TION BUILD IN GS WW TH AU TOMA TIC SMOKE DETEC TION SY STE M AND SE PARA TED FROM THE RE MAI NDE R OF THE BUA.D ING BY FIRE BARRI ERS & HORI ZONT AL AS SEM BL IE S (PE R SE CTION 903 .2) FIRE BARRI ERS 4 HORI ZONT AL, AS SEM BLIE S NOT APP LICABLE FOR SINGE USE BUIL.D ING SMOKE DE TE CTION SYSTEM TO BE PROVI DE D BY BUI LD ING OWN ER. NO T AP PLICAB LE . FIRE -RE SISTAN CE RA TING RE QUI REM EN TS FOR BUILDING ELEMENTS: CONS TRUC TI ON TY PE VB = 0-+H OUR FIRE -RE SI S TANCE RATI NG RE QU IRE ME NT8 FCO EX TE RIOR WALL.S BAS ED ON SE PARA TION DIS TANCE : 10 FEETs X <30 FEET =0-+10UR MAXI MU M AREA OF EX TE RI OR WAL L, OPE NING S BAS ED ON SEPARA TION DI STAN CE : 20 FEET£ X <25 FEET = 45% ({UNPROTEC 'TEDNONS PRINKLE RED) ACTUAL " 0% (UNPROTECTED /NONSPRINKLERED}. GROUP S-2, 2 STORIE S OR 40 FEE T HE IGH T: AC TU AL, + 4 STORY , 12-6° HEIGHT, G R OUP S-2, 13,50 0 $U ARE FEE T AREA: AC TUAL 2 .23 SQU ARE FEET (E QUI PME NT ROOM 130 SQUARE FEE T & GE NERA TOR ROOM 93 SQUARE FEE T) AC CE SSOR Y STORAG E ARE A/M ECH AN ICAL, EQU IP MEN T ROOM , 300 GROS S SCU ARE FEE TOCC UP ANT: ACTU AL " 1 OC CUPAN T EAC H ROOM OOORS SIZE D PER OC CUP AN T L COAD ANENO? MIN MUM 32° WIO TH £ MAXIMUM 48° WI DO TH , EXI T AND EXIT ACCE SS DOORW AYS, TWO RE QUI RE D IF OC CUP AN T' L.OAD EXC EEDS 29 PE R STORAGE OCCUP ANCY . AC TUAL, = ONE DOOR EAC H SP AC E, EQU IPME NT R OOM 3-0° WI DE 6 GE NERA TOR R OOM 4 .-° WI DE. COMM ON PATH OF EGRE SS TRA VEL. STORAGE . 100 FEET NON SP RINKLE RE D 5 30 OCC UP AN T8 . EXI T ACC ESS TRA VE L. DISTAN CE , STORA GE, 300 FEE T NONS PRI NKLE RE D, ACTUAL ="24 FEET MAXIM UM. EXCEPTION FOR BUI LDI NGS THA T ARE NORMAL LY UNOCC UP IE D NE ED NO T BE PR OVI DE D WI TH RESTR OOM FACI LITI ES (PER SECTI ON 2902.1} EX CE PTI ON F OR EQUI PM ENT SPAC ES FR EQUE NTE D ON LY BY PERSONNE L F OR MAI NTE NAN CE , RE PAI R OR MONI TO®I NG OF EQUI PME NT, INCLUDI NG COM MU NICA TI ON S EQU IPME NT {PER BEC TI ON 1103 .2.9} AD DITIONAL STANDARD S: PARKI NG ; ENGINE &4 GAS TURBINE -PCOWERED EQU IP ME NT & AP PLIAN CE S {PE R IN TE RNA TION AL ME CHAN ICAL. CODE, SEC TON 91 5.1J REF ERE NCE S NFP A 37 "S TAND ARD F OR THE INS TALLA TION AND US E OF STATI ONARY COMB US TION ENGINE S AND GAS TURB INES". ENG INE ROOMS WI TH IN STRLIC TURE S SHALL HA VE INTE RIOR WALLS , FL OORS AND CE ILING S OF AT LEAS T 1-HOU R FIRE RE SIS TAN CE RA TING , ACTUAL " 2HOUR RATED WALL & 1-+HU0R RATED CEIL.ING IN GE NERA TOR ROOM, FUEL TANKS WI TH IN STRUC TURE S SHALL BE PROVIDE D MW 'TH SPI LL CON TAI NME NT HAVI NG A CAP AC ITY EQU AL TO THA T OF THE LARGE ST SURROU NDE D TANK. AC TUAL = 25 5 GALL ON CON TAI NME NT FOR MGAXI MUM 210 GALL ON TANK. EXHAUS T PI PE S SHALL HAVE CLEARANC ES OF AT LEAST S9 TO AD .IACE NT COMBUS TIB LE MA TE RI AL S. AC TUAL = MINI MUM 9 INC HES PROVID ED . EXHALUS T PI PE S PASS ING DI RE CTLY TH ROUGH COMBUS 'TB LE WALL.S SHALL. HAVE A ME TAL VE N 'TILA 'TE DO TH IMBL E NO T LE SS 'TH AN 12 ° LAR GER IN DIAME TE R THAN EXH AU ST PPE, AC TUAL = MI NI MUM 12" LARGE R IN DI AME TE R THAN EXHAUS T PI PE PROVI DE D, EYE W AS H PROVID ED (PE R OCC UPATIONAL SAFE TY & HEA TL H AD M INISTRA TI ON , SEC TION 1910.151.C}. PORT AB LE FIRE EXTI NG UISHER PROVIDE D (PE R INTERNA TI ON AL FIRE CODOE, SE CTON 906, 1) EQU IPM ENT ROOM VE NTI LA TION PROVID ED (P ER INTERNA TION AL FIRE CODE , SE CTION 608 .6.1) SIGNAG E AND SM OKE DE TEC TION BY BUILDI NG OW NE R (PE R IN TERNA TIONAL FIRE CODOE . SECTIONS 808.7/608 .9) EXIS TING PARKI NG ADE QUA TE FOR EQUI PME NT SPACE S FRE QUE NTED ONL Y BY PE RS ONN EL FOR OCCASIONAL MAI NTE NANCE , RE PAI R OR MONIT ORI NG OF EQU IPME NT, { eby atty hot to {glen, 9po0iolio or rep ppored ty me or uqor my dot poriel on@ po! I at duly .cc2 RO&ger.1 VI8 Rag. Na. tZT SL.l. lg et aENEAR ROOAM DES1GTN}, $9073 VALLEY VMWE W RD, EDE N PRAI RE, MN 45344 (952) 90$-9298 wWW.DESIGN =P .COM vert zon' 10801 8US¥ LAKE ROAD BL, COO4 IG TON, MN 65438 (812) 12-0062 PROJECT 2014103808 1 LOC . CO DE: 290966 LIFE SAFETY PLAN MIN ARBORETUM q2MM7OR ROOM -- TL OSiOE 1f" 0BOOR AOOH -= ED ALL S2.EMI ROOM EE ASH SANON e0PET AOou -- 7eL goE a¢ F j} «eat Ou - We Ca@ UAMIEN7 ROOM -= 6f ACCESS sf]f UUPar NO0u = FAE EXO'NGUISHEIR WATER TOWER PLACE CHANH/A8BEN MN 55347 SHEET CONTENTS: CODE SUMMAR Y LIFE SAF E TY PLAN DRAWN BY; KY L.E M DAYE: 09.18.17 BguuEMT ROOM => E2 ANON e e sue eezcnow or suus owe CUPE7 QOM CH ECKE D BY: rp> BRIAN S a5«+ ss.e REV. C t990 02.28.18 scv. REV .E 07.23.18 as5 T-2 120 I!-----~---_------------- :1: r--:.=-~ '!'_-:._-_ --= g! sTNG i% I\ I I t! , h I I I I I I I I I L EXGT\ffG--~7~ °=# E0STING TREES, TP • {> ea se-reo au ±-pp uans err' 42 Poro Uwoecg, SE LANO6Cr? Pt NOTES : EXI STING UNDER GROUN D UTILI TY LOCA TIONS ARE APP ROXIMA TE. AND NOT ALL UTILITIES MAY BE SHOWN . CONTRAC TOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO NOT DAMAGE UN DERGR OUN D UTI LITIE S AND MUST CONDUCT BOTH PUBLIC AND PRIVATE UTILITY LOCATES BE FORE EX CAVATING. I COi TRAC TOR SHALL RE STORE AU. ARE AS DISTURB ED BY CONS TR UC TION TO PRECONS TRUC TION CON DITIONS OR BE TTER CON TRAC TOR TO HAND DIG AT ALL. LOCA TION S NEAR EXIS TING UTILITIES. IF EXIS TING U7LITE S ARE DAMA GE D DURI NG CONS TRUC TION, CON TRAC TOR IS RESP ONS IBLE TO RE PAIR TO EXISTING CONDITIONS OR BETTER AT CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. GENERATOR TYPE: DIESEL 30REOZK" DETAIL INDEX FROST DEPTH DESIGN = 4'-0" DE TAL DE TAIL DESCRIP TON 8.1 TEL.CO ENTRY DE TAIL 9.1 CP H DETAR I l-r--==;- ~~~~:: __ =-- r-:::= + /1 --- "----Ls- AME IJIIS1ING EASll01S , , t I ! t kW :•1: I l t I I I !' , I I I I I If !1'! I I I I 1 I jt :1•: I I I I I I 'r! ~ l•: - I ,..,_, __ ! / ' EXISTING STRUCTURE ABE I ; I r = I Pet ] I I I I ! a © #g#Fe +uw a0MC ONE '{: 1 4 \rr» sy e >» f 7-p " nare ei es EE:; eet ODEE. All L.OCASIO Z cart. AMO2ESL. ESAO n Hung an. Eu) g ' I I \ I ji y I 5 \ ea r, 1 t y ! ]®2 -/- • h -is ,r ==r+ {Esau-r a ere rm an. onn +"Ef", are 1. 4 © ,--- PROJECT @ r 0 \ Ii IIJCIC HLLS 28014103806 1 Z SPRUCE L0C. CODE: 290968 p : IBEE 0 TREE PLANTING DETAIL 3 SCALE:NO SCALE t hoot orfy tat he gr, pc@cat.lo oar nopor) ow popond by e or unatr my d f 0w prial and tho / en du plod Aho# undo th leg of the 8ate of Miro0ti ROe&.R T2. Av9, Reg Ma t227 S22.-/. pEs1GN}A 99073 VALLEY MW RD EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 (962) 903-9299 wwww .DSGN 1BP . COM verizon' 10801 B.SH LAKE ROAD BL.OOM IG TON, MN 55438 (612) 720-0052 MIN ARBORETUM WATER TOWER PLACE CHANH.A88EN MN 55347 SHEET CONTENTS: SITE PLAN DE TAI L. IN DE X @ #Ee 0PC SOE 0 EXISTING CONDITION 2 SCALE:NONE 1 3 L A-1 121 \ \ I I I I 1 --tl Ti:!J;..; Faz yi l s p 7 t I.I I i i I \ f B 1 !!-- I I ~ { &s- l r-- } LL- lE> Ml { \ ---- sm? ER owe EXISTING WATER TOMER t neoty ootoy that tMe plan, pgig;aton or ropor] woe pr prod by n Of qr my cit suprile an dihof amn a uy Foglot@od Arched vnie teer ftte ft ale ef lint 8£.RT 4 OM8, Reg Na tgz? SL.2 DESIGN} 9973 VALLEY VIEW RD, EDEN PRARE , MN 58344 (952) 903-8299 WWW.DESIGN SEP.COM J--gsrs ·mwee oao ' ' ' , -...... , a %.%o verlzon' 10001 BU8M LAKE ROAD BL.OOMINGTOM, MN $6438 (612} 720-0062 PROJECT 201 41039061 LOC. CODE: 290988 MIN ARBORETUM SHEET CONTENTS: ENLAR GED SITE PLAN }Y 4 C € ] 5 poss ro! 0 ENLARGED SITE PLAN 1 SCALE:t"=10-0 ;:-----~----~----- r =wwwo \ »eve n /v oss f&, \J / · [ ! p en « lg ®.too» » » » [FpypY {YEM D TE: 09.18.17 CHECKED BY: BRIANS REV .A 10.04.17 » w" @e e e o o ». ,me mo » » e » 31 ll pg p {] 1020 -, "=was $#} - Pg Rev.e as.1s.is A-2 122 ulpwet Number 9 iii rr rr LS E '1M 15 E m "ii 19 iii n 22 s x 5 25 " m a a 1 w n s2 5 ,. s w m gulp mee weight pas} ] Helge Type mn 466.2 ' Pavel 7 Qmml 25 {le 2 {auel 34.4 R} Ss.75 pey Age Te Peg] 66 4r 12 Mid Pel s.$ {rel 1 Dist 4 -.; ««s s» z% + ere I ow OS Lioles Okel 6 e Awell 65.4 st® «U + 56 19 (17.7SJ 24 12 414.s) 10 12 Panel T 6.6or 12 2 3.} (2.1 ) ©9 £5No wenvroex © see» ioi I Depth I flrrtl Ceerie eight ss 110 r Ts 18 S ss I teretoy ood y tot the plan, so pill,align Of part rt# S 122 S opored y me r wr mgr ff 120 8° upnylon ett I am duty ceghotrod Aolidd ult re 120 1 the owe gf the pat gf wMn #qi, QB&RT 1 DMa, Ag Na tzar s 122 9 12% T I 1w "g@:lA rs 127 9° owe K ~, ~- ... ssr tr T S 6.° 122 S 4 0a, Ts) 7 &.7S) Ej pas1GN, 2 2IS"T a L2 2 sZ' I T 6 I S$° 1° 12s 322s" WTSVALLEY VIEW RD, EDE N PRAFR'E , MN $5$344 6 J 122' 8° {952) 903-48298 jay WWW.DESKIN1EP.CO 119 4° mm 20° 122 8 12x% S verlzon' 350° 11¢° 2MS° 10801 BUSH LAKE ROA BL. OMING TON, MN 66438 (812 72-0052 PROJECT 20141038g64 LOC. CODE: 290066 MIN ARBORETUM PoooED GOE / CLOER DEMO LFEEEND WATER TOWER PLACE (,1qa1 1) fag:ra233 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 SHEET CONTENTS: DEMO PLAN & PHOTOS pas} -- vEI LucoM aw0C SO&E r'4• NO TE: EXISTING PANEL ANTENNAS AND SUPPORTING EQUIPMENT TO BE RELOCATED TO PROPOSE D GUARDRAIL (BY OTHERS). a DRAWN BY: KYLE M DATE: 09.168.17 CHECKED BY; BRIANS REN.A 10.04,17 REV.9 11.09.17 REV.C 02.28.18 REV.D0 07.23.18 REV.E 03.15.19 A-2.1 123 NOMAN.: () osaauoN eo, {2c--«&2a0- # s () e Ar SHELTER (S) oSBURON M, {NM2D--627-PF-4«e r E} ('t) 0 6A SEC () €-z Ho CANAL.E, osENEERGER {HL--9612--280 (EVENT TO SELC7OR ') () c-2 Meo Ca.E, AOSEMBERGER {ML.-O61 2-3 10 (EOUST' 1O SECTOR 'Y"} 4-t2 eaDo at.E, RosEeEGeR t--0612-3«O (Quarr no sec7oR 2) CAL.CULON OF PROPOSED 9--12 CALE LESMAM (SE. SOK O SUPVGMT SHELTER TO SELOR ") -GOAL. (1a° UP 10ER 4 6° » GOE + s° O AENA + 16'» 4ELG} » 4B-0° - HOR2ZONAL. ('AS' SHELTER + 90 GRE + 30 O 1ONER $SM + 15'0 TONER '1OP == 120'--0 XL. • 2s'--sf. (±) 1t. XIA • a'- SE. 2K'- CON.AARON OF PROPOSED G--12 CANE LEMANN (DIST. BOK > EUPVENT' SHEL.IER TO 4SECTOR 'Y") - OTA. (Ia UP O ONER + 6' O GO€ + 6 @ ATENA + 1' SHELIE} == 190-- » HOZ/AL. (15' O SHELTER + SO'? GOE + 30' KAER STEM 4 45'0 1ONER TOP » 4g0'--° EEL • A'-¢'. (s) 1#. EXIRA • 310'- ASE. 2'.- ONCULAION OF POP0SED G-L2 CALE LENGIH (EST, BOK O EUPNEXT SMELER TO SELA0R 2) go& (i20 UP O OR + 6' 0 GE + ¢ @ AEMA + 46'o SELIE} = 4g¢'-g° - HM2MAL. {SS' O SHELTER + 80'O GE + .30' O GR SES -+ 7So oMeR OP fad--d° 1IA = '# (±) 1¢. EIIA = '-f aE. '-4f l:r:lll'OSEDCNI.EFIEBNII.IM'EIISIDE-.all0----1 0 ANTENNA KEY SCALE: NONE © -9vex 3 SCALE:NONE $ eretoy or!y #of tu pion, ploan r npof woo ppr? toy me ot uh# y ©if upggrviolgn gr tot I arr dye got og Av sheet vnor toe le of the kt oaf ef Minot. Ce& RT .1, DAV, Rag Ma t27 GL. , DESIGN} 9073 VALLEY MEW RD, EDEN PRASE, SAN 55344 (862) 03-8290 WW.OE81GNM BP.COM verizon' 10801 BU8H LAKE ROAD BL.OOMNGTON, MN $66438 (61.2) 720-0052 PROJECT 2014 103806 1 LOC. CODE: 290068 MIN ARBORETUM WATER TOWER PLACE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 SHEET CONTENTS: COAX & ANTE NNA KEY DRAWN BY: KYLE M DATE: CHECKED BY: ##': A-3 124 a RS S CT:.: AC 7:. 2% R: Neer ENE3S ONGE 1TO E CO403N3 ADDO PAONE A MO9uAE wEgR' OF COS DMOE. A0 EOPEE. 4MD TE 'E AT AL. CUD F.0. EXISTING DORY WELL Po0sED s.s uaAL. S= was / DAEL USMMB -- sEPO t oo! ff ass-A} o BX.UL. VeNPY /' SHEET A-J FR CONE FEDS OFOO0a seL. S7AO0F OCKEY (sEE smucr'} = es, nu. POaEeD s0EEL LAD? IL (gEE SAX'L} -- PMMr, TPKL (r) -6Fugua DETA AT DRY Wet SCAi.E.3/8 -l-0' 0 CABLE MOUNTING DETAIL : LI1I 7 CSC: CC.S To) (war =- Too!) (SEE SHEET A-S FOR EB3PVEMI T} P0rose CONA.E 72ES a. 21 I I I I I I 1 PM: SOLE I F 1 we see. c? KP g gr" L+f--PRO0SD) RAUS PROPOSED uOUN7RING BRACKET SY /'s rR 0 EQUIPMENT MOUNTING DETAIL 3 SCALE :NONE ,0 $ + 4$ POF09E S.S. UNN3ASML SwV{SN HRS / NAL uHOMB -- memo t QooL. f 1sass-4) a g# .ggg; =s is ill morose z sees 4gw) P0FOOSE'D $.S. UNMMERL. AN2LE AMTR STEPRO 1 (MOOEHL {o-) / ss. mwox (ooL. } nw} o sou. / Pose sme. SDOF ET {EE STC'?} {MM) ©) £evmrvo Dem.} a" , s -¢ 8 3 REL DCATED EXISTING EQUIPMENT F.O. EXSTING STEEL TOWER F.0 . EO STNMG STEE > 21 <_ ooo; sou£ 0 EQUIPMENT MOUNTING DETAIL @) ##gg yg vouvrivo Der %. <» i ®, 0 0 ANTENNA MOUNTING PLAN 1 SCALE:3/I6"= 1'-0° I 3. as f or@y ¢arty that tho plan, 9pocfolio Of pgrt wl pr opa) iy me er undoer rye dif upprvieion an thot I om thy tghotrod 8chid voe the of th @. gf Mos ail ROBERT 1 MM&, @9g Na tzar G.ls< Or.1¥. % DESIGN} 9123 VALLEY VPW RD, EDEN PRAIRIE:, MN 5$344 (952) 909-9290 WWW.DESIGN SEP.COM vertzon' 40601 BUSH LAKE ROAD BL.OONG TON, MN $5438 (612) 720-00$2 PROJECT 2014 1 038061 LOC. CODE: 2909e8 MIN ARBORETUM WATER TOWER PLACE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 SHEET CONTENTS: ANTE NNA MOUN 'TING PLAN ANDO DETAIL DRA WN BY; KYLE M DATE: caeceo ? mm,= REV . B ; e 99 BRIAN S ma: ±09 02.28.18 Es.g RE V. E 07.23. 18 as5 A-3.1 125 (G) £#5#ys set.reR pRere=c= on] ""EE;" 'E£,35Er= es=a es Mioe/, 436,oded Sy Diel} Pelee sal { E '¥re'-et£f's: JI 11==1 ~wk~1l1F T 1 4,,lI,}F,II,}; me 3 : [ ! ROOF CONSTRUCTION (S HR uN.) PEN 8cC 721.,1($), REM 22-1.1 A! CENEGRO? ROOM ta _ : . SHM2ES R2 S gIT suuoIN it, POLY OR raa 3/° IE FJ37J-Pol • Med.EH IR : ©) #9NC®ETe wAun Dent 4vow; aoaN.¢ r t =r l t hereby partly tat the pi, polle r pr') r ppr Dy 1 f under ry «did guporiel@r egf tat I mm g duly egod rd Acht act 9odder the low of the o gf Mi nit SER T 2 DM8, Rag Na tz2T 2l:/. 0 WEST ELEVATION MAE: - COOTE ELECTRIC STUB UP LOCATION WITH MEIER STYLE - COMTCTOR TO CRY FINAL. TEIC EMIRY LOCATOR MNZW CE. » PRONDE SUP COMNEC{ONUS AF AML UTILITIES Lex't ETEaR / suP Or © S"Egg«now 0wwo; OE P; 1 Mac (pwMI) GE @ #9RWeu=v«no 0PC SM.E 1 } l r FF 3 ©} t% H : 0 SHELTER SECTION geM; SOtE I } DESIGN} 973 VALLEY MEW RD. EDOEN PRARE , MN 55344 (962) 903-290 WWW.DE SIGNE.P.COM verlzon' 10801 B.SH LAKE ROAD 91.ONG TON, MN 66438 612 720-0052 PROJECT 20141038061 LOC. CODE: 290966 MIN ARBORETUM 3 Owas © ave; SE F } © CONCRETE STOOP SL.oe€ AMY FOu BLDG Peat s!-o° (S) EesH STON--{0£ SOrE, oNGER $V7 @],g me emause 5 WATER TOWER PLACE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 SHEET CONTENTS: FLOOR PLAN ELEVATIONS SHELTER SECTION KYLE M 557 BRiAN S am 219917 02.28,18 REV. D 07.23.18 REV.E 03.15.19 A-4 126 La5A? 'to 5 z £KT.IE7 a»owl MR AM! .38 couC 2 A/C ACX ME t--« s-s WC ?-s GEN} &.¢. 1 aFY AML. OPCNN2S FOR cs eaR 1o 0EeNG / smL.L.ATON. NORTH (G) "Tt. Ft.oonR Pu l g SCAI.E :1/4"=1'.(I' Q7 0 THROUGH WALL CONDUIT DETAIL [{Ns"° rr :.t ·rune ".. wt 9 9#9.5woe OOOE ."T (7CH EMS'TIMG SH gr J scars:z-rs 4-0" u a a ' LL XK irwwr C ";; "®®"" EFAMISHED ML. DRPEDE a! ,° -LL.PE aour sou G #e='vooow cOMSUCT It AC0RONE (UL, eSaN = U0 < w wee es (gr,453 2LUERS 1/2 TIRE 'X' GYP. EB. sr%s vs a k&ST3; a&R,#P ATS 3y5 F! BORD GENERATOR ROOM a==a' • (G) #FRog wt sscion SPLT SMINGLES (MICH SH END SIGR SORER NS.u.AON COT. REINS+ED MR, pRP Q woo © 91 ggwt a suuau 56f} Dll r: 5jg rs ·ear. TZJl vlltd lPAQl ©O #2e:. ©9 f2994g v sscow OIL.AR en. t/ sEN.AN: M / 4 SD t ray rhy tnot No pain, poccat lo er «port woo prope by a ¢ unde my def uprvloo an tat f a duy gpod Archloot under ioowgof tho tag poet ROS&RT .1 CMS, Reg Na tgz G22ls , DEsIGTN, 90'73 VALLEY VMEW RD. EOGEN PRARE, MN 55344 852) 909-8289 WWW, DESIGN€P .COM verlzon!' 10804 8,BM LAKE ROAD BL.OMINGTON, MN 65430 612) 720-0062 PROJECT 201 4103806 1 LOC . CO DE : 290966 MIN ARBORETUM WATER TOWER PLACE CHANHASSEN MM 55317 SHEET CONTENTS: MISC. DETAILS DRAWN By: KYLE M ma CHECKED BY: REV. A gsysg 10.04.17 , REV C 119812 02.28. 18 REV. D ev E 07.23.18 5se5 A-4.1 127 0 GENERATOR REFERENCE PHOTO 3 SCALE:MONE A.ER SYSTEM (SeE 1,/.-44) GENERATOR 35'36° LOUVER / STONY NE BAE / 2 AMOE MseCT SCREE) Qr GEEHEK f ESD-43S) =SE7 N CONT SNMANT -- Co.OR TO SE (GF1OS 'PON 9Ro", v uni) -LP+ 7 38,33.V"TS NO A.NOE CONN7ERIE.ANE eIS R/ {s" uEDL SLEE (GEEK ff E-d) r----),--..0-1,4" -F I • I I r e • I I I I I I 1 t I I I 1 4 ·.l I f I I I 1 4 »ask&--rs». hod@wak-as-hsob a» a rs slE 15 g 5 ef j: 11 II 11 II II r T I I I I I I I I I v EHN" n I I L----------------~ \ \ \ \ ,)- s !t suf p: 45"20s" LOM LENGCE MINE pure / ±' ae MD 6 VEIL SEEM£E M/' 4ACTUATOR OAUMT D HUE (rR <EEM-HEEK. f vCc--I) ' 42CCC PE. NSECT SCREE} (MFR OEEMIR {P ESD--43) - SET M COMI. SEAN.NIT - 0goR To BE (aF1 OS "PION Bow; EBY MR) t horotoy oorly that the ple, pap;atao oar pot wf pop'gg ty me r under y cigdt uporvioion on@hat may «glore choot ueloe tho lows cf thi joe cf Mi oaf RCBERT .1 DAM8, Rag Nq 12«27 G2ls < DESIGN, 90'73 VALLEY VWEW RD EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 (p52) 903-8289 WWW,DOE SGNEP.COM verlzon' 10801 BUSH LAKE ROAD BL. OOMING'TON, MN 56438 {61z 720-0052 PROJECT 204 44 63806 1 LOC , CODE : 290966 MIN ARBORETUM WATER TOWER PLACE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 SHEET CONTENTS: GENERATOR SEC TONS REEM. D RE V.E 03.15.19 ©) ##Ag sscno ©) ggs#Ao seonoN A-4.2 128 IE TIE TN:EST APE;E Br all TY REL 7 {ST.I RI pP THY REL 7 TS7I RI (JV SEE SHEET 'F-I ( · & rr> op 0 CONDUIT PENETRATION PO7OSEI S.S 0MM3ASAL. SD-{AM waRS / eL Cu8HQug -= aeNG 1 EL {f 19ss-4) a EA.L VERY / SHEET A-J FOR ONLE PEES CCC ; CC.: ·=w FOR a7UMDNg AD AMANI (" 50MG SEEL $MER .-l-l- (Nr {M0ED AGAG CNAE IV COS9TAUCAIN QocN wan) PoOOED S7EEL MOUING EI- (EE. SaucT'Y,) -- mt; Tot. % B g ---:i~--------- pr EX[STANG VERTCAL LADOER W/ LANDINGS EXIST NG CONDENSATE CEIL.ING EXISTING SHELTER I horosy artsy inf tho pier, spell&aton or port woe popped by nee 9nee ry id uporvloion avg et f a/ duly ogler0g A«of on@if pe lowe of the fie ef int OgRT .1 DAM8, Reg Na 122T q2l:/ DESIGN} 973 VALLEY VMEW RD, ED6N PRARE , MN $5344 (967) 903-029 WWW.DESIGN SEP.CO ver zon' t0804 8084 LAKE ROAD BL, OOMING TON, MN 55438 812z 720-0062 PROJECT 20141038061 LoC. CODE: 290866 MIN ARBORETUM WATER TOWER PLACE CHANHASSEN MN 55347 SHEET CONTENTS: TOWE R ELEV ATION KYLE M w+a PeNEWTON 'THAI L. eE OF 1ER {iE EE. 3/-4) ©) RT#9g swnow gSg 40.04.17 112 02.28.18 0 CABLE MOUNTING DETAIL REV.D 07.23.18 REV.E 03.15.19 A-5 129 ©) #gs coomo oosE asna SH 1 E EL.0x0 {EL PY L.OCT) G) £#STING coNmoN g cArwAu P0Pote MN Oes 1MUaH Eras? PaEAON f{£ w war a MONE: GC. ' ePY A«ML PONE7ANONS ARE OO sEL., 0EL.en oNe: CC. aE mME NM? aoA asaACaAON lOME au E gr SO r IE oE 'ME TOP OF ME ea2OR .AMENS OR LUNE2at. 1ME LIM7 DR OE ALE » E ONE 0D Xu.D HAE A PM ON 'NE SOnaL. TE uMr ouu eel) 'T) OE NOLL.ED Or A LEERED EL.E7A0CL, 2."227 + IEE 0 EXISTING CONDITION 8 SCALE:MONE 0 EXISTING CONDITION 3 SCALE:NONE POaOsED Mr8ND S.» OeR ANDO CABLE UONG OMER e 4!-¢ ac. (E sUcr'L. PAA) = PWWI 0 EXISTING CONDITI ON@ DRY WELL oPo8ED MrRID CEes / UNMERSAL, S3NV{N ER ANDO CALE No.UMIN? SOME] e 3-¢° Ac. Sr Smucr'L. us} = I 0 EXISTING CONDITION 2 SCALE:NONE t rety fly th et th# pen, spool©all r port woo pp iy me or wv my trod upordain and hot f o @ dl go oved Al@cf or the low@ ef tho Sobe of Mooota ROBERT L DAMS, Reg Na 12g7 G22.z! z DES IGN} 9073 VALLEY MEW RD, ED&N PRAIRIE, MN 55344 g952) 003-8299 WWW.DE.SlGNSEP. CCO verlzon' 10001 BU8M L.AKE RAD BL.OCOAN(GTON, MN 5$5438 {8z 720-0052 PROJECT 201 44 638061 LOC. CODE: 29094 PoFOOED MOR K.re: PF0as eanICAL ONIL.E AXOR MNDO 'O EasADNC SAPEMES -- sEE SIA'L ({pwN) MIN ARBORETUM WATER TOWER PLACE SHEET CONTENTS: KYLE M 09.18.17 sow5 10.04.17 F D E 14.09 9229 1¢ 07.23 . 18 03.45.19 0 EXISTING CONDITION @ DRY WELL Z SCALE:NONE 0 EXISTING CONDITION @ CATWALK 4 SCALE:NONE A-6 130 R R R R 00 f "B ; < < < << i3 g 3n 3 o !ljl r CJ:o '3» e 5 # £ p> g ! r co =8 oz 3-? 5¥ g' 1 $ =] I 7X- "fa ·» g ·lj-·> 3 2z m 2z s» lH} $a i l i- Pl co co {t: 3s; g z Cc g ) l "# = 5 8 32 % % s 3 » 53 3 131 RIR gA3 0 a llllr }2 62, < < 3n g 3s 3 '!' lljl r CJ co a 3» 3 ± r It ·r gg ; # r' Co 3 < r g oz 3-¢ • » O st '5 ss 4 $ co a O i 7X - "la 'll{ :{j': s z m z ? {° u ? + :po}# 3£ at 'o ] I : 8:3 3 ez 45 c w il ig9 Se 2 4/5 ·"4 z 4;74 ·3 s3<5 <3] 3 'tu? 132 GENERAL GROUNDING NOTES: An externol buried ground ring (Load 1) shell be esta blished around the equipment shutter and tower foundations. Lead 1 shall be kept 24° from faundotiore; if foundations ore less than 48° apart, keep Lead 1 centere d between them . If tfe tower base is aver 20'=-0 from the equipment shelter, a separote Leg f shall be establ ished orou nd each foundation, and the two Lead fa shall be bonged with tw parallel leads at least 6 feet aport horizontally, Connect ions between the two Lead ls shell be bi- directional, Alt subgrode conn ections shall be by exothermic weld, brazed weld, or gas--tight LUL467 -listed compression fittings pre--filled with antioxidant compound. Subgrode connections shall ngt be 'cold glvanize' coated, Lead 1 shell be {f2 solid bore tin--clad {'SBTC} copper wire buried ot local frost depth. Lead '1 bends shall be minimum 24° radius, Whi' lead bends may be of 12 radius. Grund rods shall be galvanized steel, 5/8'¢, spaced tan feet apa rt, or cos shown. Rode shall be kept min. 24 inches from foundations, Ground rods ore required to be iretai led ot thei r full specified length. Depth shell be as shown k Detail 1/C1, SP ECL CONSI DERA TIONS FOR GROUND) RODS: When ground rods are not specified to be backf@led w/ Bentorite Slurry: If boulders, bedrock, or other obstructions prevent driving of ground rods, the Contractor will aeed to hove driling equipment bore a hole far ground rod plocement. Hale to be backfilled w/ Bentonite Sluny. When specified with slurried Bentanite snccement, drilling equipment will be need to be used to,be bore o hole for ground rod placement. Slurry shall be rad fro m pel leti zed mat eria l ("Grounding Grovel")}; powdered Benton its is not allowed. If boulders, bedrock, or other obstructi ons are found, Contra ctor sha ll drill to the specified depth and provi de Bentarite encasements. Above--grade connections shall be by lugs w/ two-=hole tong ues unless noted otherwise, joked to solid leads by welding (T&3 548568£ "BROWN "), self--threading (RECOGNIZED, EM 252204.75.312}, or 10,000al crim ping (BURNDY YA3C 2TC 14£2). Surfaces that ore galvan ized or coa ted shell hove coating (s) rem oved prior to bolting. Bolts shal l be stainless stee l with flot washer on each aide of the correction and a loc k washer beneath the fastening nut. Stor--tooth washers shall be used between iug &; dissimilar retol (copper--to-steel, etc) but ore not required between tin--clod CU lugs & tin--clad CU bus bars. Lg tong ues shall be coated with anth-oxidant com pound, and excess compo und wiped clea n ofter bolti ng. The connection shall then be coated with cold-galva nizing compound, or with color--matching paint. Ground bans exposed to weather shall be tin-clod opper, and shall be clean of any oxidation prior to lug bolting. Galvanized items ahol# hove zinc removed within 1 of weld area, qnd below lug surface contact area . Afte r welding or bolti ng, the joint sholl te cagted with cold galvani zing} com pou nd, round Bar., load Ground bars are isolated electrically from tower bottoms ord equipment shelters by their stand off mounts , Leads from each groun d bor ts the grou nd ring shall te a pair of l/2 SHTC, each connected to Lead '1 bi--directionally with {2 SBTC 'jumpers '. Pols of {2 SBTC moy be required between ground bars. Leola shall be routed to ground bars as follows: ® The Main Ground Bar {MG). typi cally mou nted inside on the equipmen t shelter 'back' wall " The Entry Cable Port Ground Bars (ECPGB), mounted inside and outside on the equipment shelter wOlis beneath the trorgmission line port. Note: Tranennission fine ground s also attach ta the ECPGEs. " The Tron@m ission Line Ground Bar (TGB) mou nted at the base af the towe r to which the trara miss ion fine ground s are att ached . Trorsmission fine grou nds also attach to the TCBa. NOTE: Contra ctor shall confirm that IC8s exist at 75---foot vertical intervals an any guyed or self--support tower, and that transmissi on lines are grounded to each TGl. Only the botto m-moat TGB is isolated from the tower steel frame; upper 1GBs moy use the tower steel frare as common ground, requiring no copper leads between TC9a. {2 Sn1E; hie lead 'Whip lea ds shell con nect the buried extamol ground ring to the following items: Monopole Tower: " 'Three whips to flanges on the monopole base, at least. 9 apart. If none ore provi ded, atta ch to the baseplots or consult tower manufacturer. Salt--Support 'Towe rs: • To whips to flange(s) on each tower leg base. If none are provided, ottoch to the baseplate ar consult tower manufacturer', Guyed 'Towers: • "Teo whips to flange(s) on the tower base, If none ore provided, attach to the baseplate or conautt tower manufacturer, ® £sta bliah a Lead '1 within the fence enclosure of each guy anchor , at least 40 foot perimeter and having 4 ground rods. ® {{2 SBIC leads sholl exte nd up, and be clom ped (bronze clamshell or equal), to ony two guy wires. NEER weld leads to the guy wires. 'The lead to the guy anchor 'hand' plats may be welled. Fences; Metal lic fence within 25 fest of tower Lead '1, or within 6 feet of shelter lead '1, shall hove whip leads a follows : " Each corer poet. Each pair of qote pasts. " Ary line post over 20'=-0 " fromn a grounded post. • Esch gate leaf to its respective gatepost using braided strap (3/4", ti--clod cop per w/ lug ends ). ® fences around guy gnchors sha ll be grounded in similar fashion. Fue! tanks; NEER WELD to any fuel enclosure. NEVER pen etrate the fuel contai nme nt. Meta! tanker shall hove one whip lead attached. Use an opproved clamp or two-hole lug on an availa ble flange. SYMBOL AND NOTE LEGEND 1> {2sarc AOUN0 SMELTER, TOMER, OR GUY ANCHOR LEAD} DFENTFICATOM A; tScsePTON: 25 RINC TO NEAREST LIGHTN ING ROD j2 sarc • 5/8" X A0'-0° GANIN2ED STEEL. GROUND ROD 26 LGHINC ROO SYS TO NEARBY MTL NFPA 780 1 RING, EXTERNAL BURIED / ROOS {2 s8TC 27 RING TO TOMER RING (2) {2 sec @ TEST WELL PREFERRED LOCATON 1A RING, CONCRETE ENCASED f2 sarC 28 RING TO SHELTER RING (2) {2 ssTc 2 DEEP ANODE {TO UPROVE OHS} ROO OR PIPE 3 #: 8 RE R SR8° "" SB'W => l2581¢ HP' LEAD 3 RINC TO BLDG STL FRAE 42 SssT Cc 4 MANN AC PANEL NEUTRAL BUS TO (Z) GROUND 31 NGB/FGB TO PWR, BTTY FRALES 42/0 -STR 7]®_ e s rou was, ca, oR 1ca 1o up 1 ROOS, ISOLATED FROM LEAD [1 NEC 250.66 32 {J1 TO BATTERY CHARGER FRAME {s -SI s RNG To cioiit AR (2J 32 sec 33 {51 TO BATTERY RACK FRAME {[6 1-SIR © 6 RING TO EXT MIL OBJECT {2 S8TC 34 4gt 10 PCU FRWE [s 1+--ST AL PVANC UNIT 7 DEEP ANODE TO MG8 NST3--9 35 431 TO DSU FRAME j{6 SIR GB) sc BLUL.DNG CDORNER £ 4£C.PL 1Q SATER VETER EEC 250.S6 36 431 TO PU FRW E 46 1-STR © B0 BOL.ARD 9 EXT WITEK? TO INT WATER PIPES NST3--9 357 NGB/FOB IO BTTY RETURN NST033 --14.5 10 NT WATER PNE 'TO AC8 NSTDL3--9 37A NG8/FG8 'KO RTN TERW CARR SUPP {6 1-STR © c8s CABLE' BRIDGE. SUPPORT POST 11-12 NOT USED 38 FG8 TO PDU GB {730CM I--STR D a ELECTRICAL SERMCE GROUND 13 ALC PANEL, TO 9MG8 NSTD.I3--9 38A FGS TO PDOU GB CARRIER SUP PLY 17o -sm 14 MG2./568. 1. LG SI ERA£ t2/2 +-SIR 39 DC BUS DUCT TO NEXT SECTON {6 4-sTR © EM COM MERCIAL. ELECTRICAL. VETER 14C MG8,/F08 TO ROOF/MALL MTL. PNL 41/0 1-Sm 40 DC BUS DUCT TO NG9,/FCG8 j6 -STR ® FAN GUY ANCHOR PLUTE 15 MGB/FG8 TO F0--ME SAME FLOOR f/0 -STR 414 GB/FGB TO {58 {2/0 -ST 16 NOT USED 42-44 NOT USED ® FP FENCE POST 16A ECPG8 TO £ABLE ENTRY RACK 4/0 -SIR 45 MANN AC PNL TO BRANCH AC PNL iSmIS-1 ®@ a 12 MR IO CALE SEL.DANG is +-SIR 46 BRANCH AC PNL TO DED OUTLET NSTS3-11 GENERATOR 17A ECPG8 TO CABLE SHEL.DING 46 -STR 47 FGB TO NTEG PRM f2 -STR O ce GATE. POST, 3/4° BRANO STRAP TO LEAF 178 MG9,/4G8 TO F-O SPLICE SHELF f1 t-SIR 48 LEAD 431 T0 NTEG FRu {% STR © cPS GOS UNIT 18 LOMEST GE/F68 TO HIGHEST FG3 42/0 1-STR 4g NTEG FRM TO £QUP SHELF BY FASTEN ERS 19 LEAD 18 TO OTHER FGBs, <6' {/0 -ST SO PU TTY RET TO [5 pi/6 ±-sm © GUY GUY RE, MECH. CLP ONLY - NO WELDS 20 GB/FC8 TO BRANCH ADC PNL [g -sm 51 450 TO TRANS FRu ISO DC PR {6 1-SIR ®) HOO OR LOUER 0A NEAREST CRND TO DISCONNECT PNL NED 250.66 52 TRANS FRM FUSE TO FRM OR BAR j8 1-STR 208 GWB TO AC DISTR PNL, f& -SIR 54 439,/FG8 'TO PDF/BOF8 N5TD33-22 ® H8 UTSDOE. OF HOFFMAN BOK 21 MG9/FG8 T0 NT ALO j2 -SIR "AS STAllC Dlw:ES Zs 1-srR ® c NTECRA TED) LOAD CENTER 21A MTEROR 'GREEN' ALO 442 -SIR S5 uci7FE TO CA&LE AT ENTRY 46 STR 21. NI UAL. IQ. EXT RING te sn 56 uGB/FC8 TO AC PWR RADNO X7TR j6 I-STR © GB MAIN GROUND BAR 21C NT HAW.D TO EUPENT MTL [6 1-smR 57A 8,/FG8 TO CBL. GRID,/RUNNAY 42/ -STR ® U GENERATOR MUFFLER 22 ROOF TOMER RNC TO ROOF CRND NEPA 780 58A {44 TO ANSE FRME j2 +-SIR © Pc8 PORT GROUND SAR 23 VG8/FGB TO ECPGB, SAME FLOOR f1 -- Sm 5SA f58A T0 EACH SGL, FRAME GRND {% -SIR 2M MS8/F08 TO CXR-HF LINR PROT {6 -ST 60-89 NOT USED (6) ReR FUNDO#TION REINFORCING 24 ECPG8 TO EACH PROTECTOR ASSEMBLY' {{6 }-STR 90 GENERATOR RAHE TO EXT RING 42 sBTC © Rs ROOF SHEL.D 24A LIMIER PROT ASSY' TO UPPER l6 SIR © SIi STEEL BEAM © SP STEEL. POST © STP 5TEEL. PLATFDRM ® TE HOFFMAN BOX ® 1Tc8 TOMER GROUND BAR © TR TOMER BASE ® yP DIESEL FUEL VENT PWE Equipment Shaltac and. {#bar &anaral. Baquieta: ® ftend new Lead 218 up to shelter halo, reroking two-wojy connections aa needed. Generator--equipped shelters have 6 such connectio ns. Connect ions within the shelter shok# be by compressi on; NEVER weld inside the shelter. " Each vertical support pipe of the exterior cable brid ge. Bridge end shall be kept at least $" from the tower structure, Tre cable brid ge sholl be jurrpered 'to the vertical support pipes with {/2 SHTC at soc h vertica l support pipe. " Opposite come rs of the roo f shield ova r the equipment shelter, " Each MAC unit shiekf, if separate (may be 'PP= ?' to man roof sie#), Each HAC pac kag e unit. • Commercial electric meter box. ® Generato r receptacl e, if pres@nN • Steel buikding skid, if shelter is metal frame, e fgch air intake qr exhaust fan vent louver , ® EFgch generator vent hood or louver, ® Generator exhaust stoc k, daxtemal. Opposit e come rs of generat or support frame, if apqrote from she lter . Genero tor fuel tonk, if seporate from generat or unit. " Host building rain gutter, downspouts , and roof fkaehings within 25 feet. • 'Talco 4POP {Main Point of Presence), if external to equipment shelter, ¢ Within cable vaults, one each to the ladder ond to the manhole rim. Note: The door frame is connected to the interior ground halo, and need no separate correction to the exterol ground ring. iopaction A; .Jaetig Test lead f and grou nd rods otter installation but before backfilling r con nect ing to any other grou nding , using the 2=point fall of potential method . Contractor to notify Verizon Wireless sen ior construction engineer at least 48 hours prigr to testing. Doc ume nt installation and test results with photographs. Nots Con tractor to provide {2 sold bore tin--clod {SBTC) copper wire lead from ff1 ground ring to air conditioner &e ice shield if provided by VZW. + TOP MEW NOTE: REMOVE GAL MMZNG ROM FENCE' POSTS N AREAS LUGS MILL SE MSTALLED. IOHTLY COAT THE UNDERSIDE OF THE LUGS W} ANT--OR COMPOUND BEFORE ATACHING 1G POSTS. en4n(] SIDE' VIEW SRA' 9%.2' UL. 9-408 LISTED U ~" CRAP LUG BEL DEN CL:" BRWDED STwPe CATE BONDED TO FENCE POST ) 37- SJ'R .3.835CL AR 0 COMPRESSION CONNECTOR DETAILS 2 SCALE:NONE fs TERR TEVS TE vs REINE. 8AR ROUND SURFACE FLAT SURFACE TPE HS TE GT ss: f ACCEPTABLE FOR TE PT II AB" e.UL. WELD: THOMAS 4: BETTS, 3485608£ "BRONS" s 43 TYPE GL LG 0 EXOTHERMIC WELD DETAILS 1 SCALE:NONE 0,, , t tor partfy in of tie pion, pocical.lor or roporf wt ppod by re o¢ uor sy lei oupi@on and nof I on uy .752. RO&£RT 1 M#, Rag Na 4227 gs DESIGN} 9923 VALLEY MEW RD EDEN PRAl#RE , MN 65344 (952) 903-8289 WW.DE6tGN TEP. COM vertzor' 108601 B.BM L.AKE ROD 81.044NG T' ON, MN 55438 {61z) 720-0052 PROJECT 20144038064 LOC. CODE: 290966 MIN ARBORETUM WATER TOWER PLACE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 SHEET CONTENTS: GROUNDING NOTES DRAWN BY: DOTE; KYLE M 5a7 CHECKED BY: REV . A a: REV. C BRIAN S a 198 02.28.18 REV. D 07.23.18 REV. € 03.15.19 G-1 133 NOTE: CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THAT EACH «HIP IS ROUTED TO LEAD 1 BY THE SHORTEST PATH, AND BENDS SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 12" RADIUS GROUNDING DETAIL INDEX DETAIL ] DETAIL DESCRIPTION 1.1 ] TEST WELL DETAIL GROUN D RING 4 RODO DE TAIL 11.2 l] SHELTER HALO DETAIL 11.3 ] REBAR GROUND ING DETAIL 11.4 $ CONDUIT DETAIL & CONCRETE STOOP PENETRATION DETAIL 11.6 ] TYPICAL 'TOWE R GROU NDING DE TAL NOTE: PROPOSED EQUIPMENT TO BE GROUNDED PER THE MAN UFACTU RERS SPECIFICATIONS AND ATTACHE D TO MAIN BUSS BAR f sf crtfy toll th# pl, polio ln ©r port was prop y me or one my O guppylon anf of mo dug egtore Aoht ct le tho kw ef the $t0lg of Mnnoodf OE #Y 1 DE, Rag Na t? TEST MELL PREFERRED LOCATION s } @@els . \ war rCONTR/ClllRlOPR0\1DE- , .:,_=------- GROUNDO KITS AT EACH SECTOR < ANAND ATTACH TO BUSS BAR LOCATED rosrso DESIGN hp, 9973 VALLEY VM=W RD, EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 (52) 03.6299 WWW.E61GNE.P. COM Hl 76 __ !!,f<_~i-· ip » <3a6, ! GENERATOR ROOM EL 2 %-® I. I I I I A 11 H I I I I ?a I EXUPENT ROOM I 8gs I I I I {-SATER uo I (SEr Dem. iwD) l I I l ' QD' g ~ 3s % F g ,;;,-@-1· [CROUHD lE,lllS 10 TMR I lOFllllDWUNDERGROIMD 8d-± - 4,"" -----®i Te5ST WELL AL.T. LOCATION i/ rt/ i/ I} // l} / # ,: 11 ti I\ ~- 2/D CROUHD 1EAD FOM MANN TOWER BUSS BAR TO 1 ANT ENNA BUSS BAR TO LOCATED \ \ AT TllP OF TOMER (FOLLOW I CABLE FEED LINES) ,, \ \\} rs '\ '\ •"' ✓ ' • < y ca@> uAIN BISS BAN? LDCATION & -- ikA /l {35g5 ®ors (C) serous&un o 2 ? a • Z a y Jl Ss X1 s. r <. of? • A5fr ~ GROU NO lEAOS FROM Wt lOWER ~~- -~;::,,,,- 3,%2".2C3° =-=-=-=-=+== CONDU IT FOR COAX 0 GROUNDING PLAN @ TOWER verlzon!' 10801 BUSH L.AIKE ROAD BL, OOMNGT'ON, MN 55430 {012) 720-0052 3}& s»-PaOs EQu uENT (nPiCAL) SECTOR BLISS BAR LOCA TON PROJECT 20141038061 L.OC . COD E: 290966 MIN ARBORETUM WATER TOWER PLACE CHANHASSEN AMN 6531 7 SHEET CONTENTS: GROUNDING PLAN GROUND ING DE 'TAILS DRAWN BY; CHECKED BY: KYLE M ra sass sf4 RE V.B To.4 17 a+ (Q) ®OuNvG PLAN @ s+=t TER 2 SCALE: NOHE ct5 5 REV . C =v 9224.1g 07.23.18 REV E 03,15.19 G-2 134 'LEE»re vures s [fRlle} Qf rs--rs® > - l0,, COUK "-r--or-o (E} OeRGRNOND EL.EC'AIC (E) u2NaN0MD ABER (} 0Noe0oU Te.HONE (} waR uwe () our uNE ESME9Mr LINE Alf»fl tt »(ff 3ff g »bf%Tm ---1--- $ \ / rv ~-=-~-----~-%-- -- -. -EXISllNC~NO -'lll'IE--11'0.C. J ""~~UllJTES (m'IC,ll) Au; or 3r or E r < /a ' -----ua¢ Y 20 y - pt--» mT {J x> y y o < \ E w \ \ \ I l jl1 1 r I MITE t. COOMACON TO COORDON9E HLIE AND POMO0IE NIL.IIY' LOONIES PNM0R 'TO CONSOL;ANION SINT, MOTIF THE ACHIDE8ECT AMD> 'ME VZIN CONST,UCAON ENAMEEN eJELLY OF AMY UAR.ITV LIANE ISSUES 2. E05SD? UMDEACOAQUNDJ UAR.STY' LOCAICOS ANE APPOSE AND> NOf ALL., ULUNE5 ANE SHONA, COMACOR IS AESPOMADE.E IYO MOT DE UNDER3ROUND UUES AD LUST COMIC] OOM PUE.IC ANDO PMOE USL.SY LOCATES EFOE ENCAA\ANZ 3, COOMRO7OR SAL. RESTORE ALL. AREAS, MCL.LAN3 LANDSCAPE; DASORAL SOY COSTERMAN ') PAE-COMSL.XAM CONDOMS. 4 EX5STANG ONUMINOUS SURFACE 'TO BE SMF-GUT POR '10 ENHINS F EQUINE = IOH AND EUR TO OOH EASING S, SSE SPECTOR SELAN 92. 2l2. 3d.22.312. 3E, OR FREER UINES 4. cONICOR 70 DO W AT AM.L. LOGAN0AMS MEAMR EXISTING UTAH.USE.SL. F EONS7IN} UNINES AEDGED 0UNM7 CONS/CSON, COMIC8OAR S NEAPONTA[EL.E 1TO SR RO E0SENG COMITY'OMS OR E7EGR M A 'NELY MANER Ar' CONIC7OARS EPEMSIE. I h] [5 ill [sL J le h.. ( or'ie+'te ERE -"" {E) NY /=t> r \g • moo0a URA0RN ER DO 0 I/, __ _.,.,,.. _ .£ r u9\_.,,..- --------------· ; :.?7 as South line of Outlot A. 0 PULLBOX LOCATION PLAN -- 2 scs:r-2r P F f 3 t-pare 1)'KO'X A" HD HA.,E/FL.L, Sa AT BENDS aa- , uoie wow ox Sr a.c, a I, «t" aaou owe / 2 EJELCAML.E y caws wa. "; [! we I I I I I I I l \ t I ! ll th I I t _ EXISTING EASE NT'S =awe. OaED I'x-» s 3a'aegg, • (NEY DUTY 'TC -: ==t ~ ----- -- ss ---- -- ----===-===-+Tr-s@ 0 SITE UTILITY PLAN POWER TYPE: 120/240V, SINGLE PHASE, 200 AMPS EXISTING EASEMENTS 7'1 jl :1'i , , , , , , ! , , , , , , , Ill , , , , , i 1 jt : 1 1: , , , , i 1 '! i +,{ ,: smucTue A0e ,, ~ : r { LT I = mru. ! NEbORTH : ,! og so£ r g 1 t hereby oortfy set hie plan, spool©at ion gf port or@ ppr6 by r gr under ry dirt @uporvon an) tho¢ f a m il gilt] AA.etct ndr toe »g gf tr la gt rot @ ROBERT L VS, Reg Ma. 12427 S2±A , DESIGN} 9978 VALLEY VMEW RD, EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 68344 862) 903-8299 WWW.6S3499,COAM ver lzon' 1080 1 EB.ISM LAKE ROD BL COOING'T ON, MN 55438 (812) 720-0062 PROJECT 28014 1038064 LOC. CODE: 209@6 MIN ARBORETUM WATER TOWER PLACE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 SHEET CONTENTS: SITE UTIUTY PLAN DRA WN BY : KYLE M DATE: CHECKED BY: an REV. A REV.C REV. E U-1 135 0 EXISTING CONDITION 0 EXISTING CONDITION S SCALE:NONE 0 EXISTING CONDITION 4 SCALE:NONE 0 EXISTING CONDITION EX0STMG CONCRETE CAURB AND GUTTER .3R :: S: ON.LED OY LIT FRIER POMS 0 EXISTING CONDITION SCALE: NONE Poro8ED tEIR 7BUT0M PEDESAN. Ls=ma --1 ' JZT l=es iR ·3 c,AR 2.:: s AON.LED BY AK PIER PAONE morose Ir x 30° x N° waE/UL at, r u« Pou Sr OF rt. Y G.C I e '} :a a-'.«s ass .73 %79%> ( A " a t nerety ertty fol the pon, spoliation or apart ova# ppored by me or oner y eat porion and Shot / u pgit ad A«chi ocf urde the oeg gf the fate of Minnoct Rgg T .1 AV&, Reg Ma tz? DES 1GTNh 9973 VLLEY VIEW RD. EDEN PRAIRIE, 4IN 55344 062 909.-4629 WWW.E81GN SEP .COM movP ,y cuu 10801 BUSH LAKE RAD BL. OOHING TOAL, 44N 56438 812) 720-0052 PROJECT 214 1038061 LOC. CODE: 200986 MIN ARBORETUM WATER TOWER PLACE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 0 PULLBOX LOCATION PLAN U-2 136 KEYE D N OTE S 7 ? MINNESOTA VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP THE UTILITY PROVIDER. ERIC KE8 I8 THE CONTACT AT MINNESOTA VALLEY ELECTRIC (952-4922-82383}. THERE IS AN EXISTING 37VA UTILITY TRANSFORMER. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE AND INSTALL. COPPER SECONARY FROM THE EXISTI NG TRANSF ORMER LOCATION TO THE NEW METER AND DISCONNECT TO BE MOUNTED ON THE BUILDING WHERE SHOWN. 8EE 4/-7 ONE-LINE DIAGRAM FOR FEEDER 81ZING. CORIO/NATE FEEDER ROUTING AND FINAL CONNECTIONS WITH ELECTRIC UTILITY COMPANY. PROVI DE ALL. MATERIAL.S ANO LABOR NOT FURN ®HIED> BY UTILITY COMPANY . SEE UTILITY DRAWING8 FOR ALL. TEL.CO UNDERGROUND ROUTING INFORMATION . PROVI DE TELO RACEW AY REQU IREMENTS PER SPEC IFICATIONS . it L oPoep OENOAOURND EL.ELANA. ------· ~ ,.,.. wsower o e er soar us #\ _> SLIER SY &.C., DED A MNMAL GF 3¢° e? OE / 2 ESL.E OMS - NooeLr .2» LE) - ----------- - \ ~- - - - - UEa2NOUD (n«) "E.:? 't. CON;OR 1O CO000OE URI; AM0DO POE UNY oceS PR 1 coN$7uCTON S8NE. or TE CHREHA MID THE VZIN COMEAU7AON MOANER EL.Y OF ANV UNUTT L.NE SEER, 2. ENSTANG UENO.UAND} UAN.ITV' LOCATKINS ANE PAINE AND MAT ALL. U/ES AME SHOAL cOMCORS AESAA4SIBLE VO MOT DAME oN7UN Un.ES AND AT CONDUCT' OM PUC waE U.UY LOVES EOE CANN2. [3, CONCA0R SL AeSOE AML. ANEAS, NC.RAN@ LUDSCAPE, SINE DY CONSUEGRA2IM PE-cousawcaoN CoMo& Poroeae EaNAN. CONT 1) 0£. .2 1,/2 SCAA.E 4«0 CONE, 2 4/2 O SCHEULE 89 gC.53? 3:gs I 'I I ' # " ", ---c.,.,~/ \,,,.,,"' -- //\ g \ \ ® \ ) I i · / / x° <? EaSAAM} DREAR 'OllEIR POWER TYPE: 120/240V, SINGLE PHASE , 200 AMPS 9» #h1 T2 '«6-·a s aris # f I s of6 lueel] anlo, i. 40of Mae lMod, A. {0 Mil, MN 0000-409 @0-lits ff 1Es1GN] on7G L.LgY vgw a get Pure, aoN oe9¢ 4o02) 9ca-a we:.D2i0NAP.COM PROJECT 20141038061 LG. COOE: 200068 MIN ARBORETUM WATER TOWER PLACE CHAN HASSEN , MN 55317 SHEET CONTENTS: JCTIXCAL. SITE PLAN (T) ECTRICAL. srTE PA CALE: 1 +200° verlzon' 4Q004 UM L.AIE ROZ L. uO0A4MN7TOM, MN 4MON} (No z-oe DUA/M Y: ] Ci" r-:.---------------.;,<f: ..f!!!!!!ll!l!E .____ --------· a DATE: ear 0NC Se&E rp 1 E-1 137 4 8 a¢, &g• #av# ®Hf > ze os 8> • ·«s • a·> g© GENERAL ElECTRICAL NOTES / SPECIFICATION S: a ss®? r·' t 1. SUBMITT AL OF EBADO INDICATE'S CONTRACTOR IS 1.2. PROM0E CONSTRUCTION MANAGER WTH ONE SET 23. METER SOCKET AMPERES, VOLTAGE, NUMBER OF 35. ME: iy 1- AARE OF ALL JOB SITE CONDITIONS ANDO WORK OF COMPLETE ELECTRICAL. AS MSTALLED" PHASES SHALL BE AS NOTED ON THE DRAMNGS. A. ALL 20 AMP CIRCUITS TO HAM£ {44.2 THHN WRING. ilh s MANUFACTURED BY SQUARE D COMPANY OR APPROVED • AL 40 Are cRecurs TO HA: {[g 1MN wrewa ' TO BE PERFORMED UNDER 'THIS CONTRACT. DRAMNGS AT THE COMPAL.ETKN OF THE J8, EQUAL F HOST FACILITY REQUIRES THE NEW SERICE TO C. ANL 6O AMP CIRCUIT'S TO HAVE THHN WRING 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM ALL. VERIFICA TION SHONG ACTUAL. DAVENSIONS, ROUTINGS, AND BE. SUB--METERED FROM THE EXIST#NG SERMICE, 34. ALL DC GROUNDOING CCONDLIKIO+RS TO BE TERMI NATED OBSERVA TON TESTS, AND EXAMINE WORK PRIOR CRcuITS. SU--METER SHALL. BE OF 'THE 10¥ OR 1& TYPE «TH 1/4" STUO RNG TYPE TERMINAL.S FOR '1HE {la \ TO THE ORDOERING OF 'THE ELECTRICAL. EQUIPMENT 15, ALL. BROCHURE'S, OPERATING MANUALS, CATAL.DGS, 24. NL MATERIAL.S SHALL BE LAL. LISTED APPROPRIA TE SIZE OF WIRE, ANDO THE ACTUAL. CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHOP DRAMOS, ETC. SHALL GE TURNED OVER TO 215. CONDUIT: 35. PANEL SCHEDULE. SHALL. EBE ACCURA TELY IDENTIFIED AND A. SERVMCE CONDUITS SHALL. BE GRAY SCH.4O PVC BURIED PNTED WTH AN ADHESIVE TYPE LABEL MAKER (KROY, SHALL ISSUE A MITTEN MOTICE OF ALL. FINDINGS ONER AT J08 COMPLETION. MN. 36", EXCEPT THAT SCH.SO SHALL BE USED UNDER 8ROTHER, OR EQUAL). NOTE: EMBOSSED MARKER SHALL TO THE ARCHITECT LISTING ALL. MAL.FUNCTIONS, 14 MAL.,T-- MRE CIRCUIT'S WIH COMMON NEUTRAL ROADWA YS ANDO IN LOCATIONS SUBJECT TO CASUAL. NOT BE USED. {i FANIA.TY EQUIPMENT AND DISCREP ANCIES. CONOUCTOR SHALL. NOT BE ALL.OED. P ACTS. BENS SHALL BE MADE USING "WDOE SWEEP 34. USE FLEXIBLE LJUIDOTTIE NONMET ALLIC CONDUIT AND 3 HEIGHTS SHALL. BE VERIFIED ITH OWNER PRIOR TO 15. ALL., CONDUCTORS SHALL, BE COPPER. WIRE (1.2" uMN. RADUIS) ELBOW FITTINGS. ANY FITGS FOR FINAL. CONNECTION TO RECTIFIER CIRCUITS NSTAL.LATON. ALL. MOUNTING HEIGHTS ARE MADE SMALLER 'THAN 48 TO BE "STRANDED COPPER CO0E--REXURED RIGOIDO STEEL. CONDUIT SHALL BE U.L. TO ISOLATE THE CONDIT GROUND ('SEE AL.SO NEC lull aponies, FROM THE BOT7OM OF DEMCES TO THE' FINISHED THIN OR 7HN CONDUCTORS. EXCEPTION: AG LABEL, MN. 36° BEL.OW GRADE, ITH "SWEEP" EL.BOWS ARTICLE 2505, WHICH SPELF1ES ALL GROUND RINGS, ft the Mat, tit 9i (12R.MN.) ENDING IM PVC TRANSITION FITTINGS. RIGID0 REBAR AND/OR UFER OROLUND, AND GROUND RODS TO Motet, AN 0-SAOS FLOOR. TEL.CO WRE AND 4#12,/414 AMG WRE USED FOR o -oet at if 4 THESE PLANS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC ONL.Y. FOL.L.OW CONDUIT N CONTACT WTH EARTH SHALL BE. 1/2 BE EFFECTIVEL Y BONDED WTH NON--REERSING" TYPE A.C. CONTROLS TO BE SOLID COPPER. LAP-=-RAPPED ITH HUNTS PROCESS NO. 3 EXTENDING ,,, 5ff}arovs ro swr ow Ac usr AS CLOSELY AS POSSIBLE. 1&. ALL. CIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES AND ELECTRICAL MIN. 12" AB0E GRADE. 5. EACH CONDUCTOR OF EVERY SYSTEM SHALL BE EQUENT SHALL HAE AN INTERRUPTING RATING B. INTERIOR CONDUITS SHALL. BE ELECTRICAL METALLIC EXHALUST FAN HEN ACTIVATED. pEs1ON} PECR/ANEN TL.Y TAGGED IN EACH PANEL BOARD, NOT LESS THE MAXIMUM SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT TUBING HANG U.L. LABEL; FITTINGS SHALL. BE GLAND 38. EXTERIOR GROUNDING SYSTEM FOR METER AND SERMICE PULL.BOK, J-BOX, SWTCH BOK, ETC., IN TO INCH THEY MAY BE SUB.ECTED, AND A ING COMPRESSION TYPE. THE USE OF EMT SET SCREM eY ELECTRICAL, CONTRACTOR. COMPLIANCE WTH OCCUPATIONAL. SAFETY AND NMAUN OF 1G,000 AL.C. FTTNGS NSOE BLUIL.DING IS ACCEPTABLE. 39. HEN ONE-WAY FOOT AGE FROM THE UTILITY 9ii? LIEY' VENV RD. HEALTH ACT (G.SH.A) C. FLEXIBLE METALLIC CONDUIT' SHALL. HAVE U.L. LISTED TRANSFORMER CONNECTIONS TO THE SERMICE EN PO.uOE, iM o44 17., 'THE ENTIRE ELECTRICAL. NSTALL.ATIKON SHALL BE LABEL. AND MAY BE USED WHERE PERMITTED BY CODE. OtSCONNECT MEANS (LINE. "TERMINAL LUGS} IS LESS THAN {023 sq-ea0 &. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROME ALL LABOR, GROUNDED AND BONDED AS REQUIRED BY ALL FGs SHALL BE JAKE" OR "SQUEEZE" TYPE, SEAL 15' AND "THE UTILITY TRANSFORMER IS 2% IMPEDANCE wW.D2MG4GI.COM MATERIAL.S, INSURANCE, EQUIPMENT , INSTALLA TION, APPLICABLE CODOES AND DRAWINGS. A SEP ARATE TIGHT FLEXIBLE CONDIT. NO SUCH CONDUIT SHALL. OR LONER; USE A FUSED DISCONNECT WTH RKT FUSES CONSTRUCTION 'TOOL.S, TRANSPORTATION, ETC., FOR GREEN GROUNDING CONDUCTOR SHALL. BE EXCEED SIX FEET IN LENGTH. USE FLEXIBLE METAL ("sq o D22 «wRs) vertzon' A COMPLETE AND PROPERLY OPERA TIVE SYSTEM "GTALED" AT EACH --BOX, ITH A SEPARATE CONDUIT' UNLESS EXPOSED TO WEATHER, 'THEN USE UV ESNERG1ZED THROUGHOUT AND AS INDICATED OM RESISTANT FLEXAIEBL.E NONMETAL.IC LI}UIDTTTE CCONDUIT. PIGTAIL. TO A GREEN GROUNDING SCREW ATTACHED D. "UT" DENOTES EMPTY RACEWAY. DRAWINGS, AS SPECIFIED HEREM AND /OR AS TO THE TAPPED" 10-32 HOLE N THE BOK, E. GRC" DENOTES GALVANIZED RKONDO CONDUIT . 4000¢ SM £./NIE ®MD .0040w070N, 40N a8 O-HER«ISE' REQUIRED, ADDITIONALL Y, ANOTHER GREEN PIGTAIL. {S TO BE 24. ALL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL. BE LABELED WTH gNap .2- 7. ALL MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE NEW FASTENED TO ALL. YOKES OF DEMCES, ANDO TO PERMANENT ENGRA VED PLASTIC LABELS. ANDO N PERFECT CONDIT#ON WIEN INSTALLED AND uE.TAL CASES OF LKH'TING FIXTURES. 'THE USE OF 27. PATCH, REP AIR AND PAINT ANY AREA THAT HAS BEEN PROJECT SHALL. BE OF THE BEST ORADE AND OF THE SAME GROUNDING CLIPS IS MOT ACCEPT ABLE. DAMAGED IN THE COURSE OF THE EL.EDCTRICAL WORK, 2A. PENETRA TIONS IN FIRE RATED WAL.LS SHALL. BE FIRE 201 4 103806 1 MANUF ACTURER THROUGHOUT FOR EACH CLASS OR 18. RECEPT ACLES SHALL BE 20 AMPERE, 125 VOLT SECTIONS OF THE LOCAL BKUIL.DING CODE IN FOROE. LOG. cOOE: 290900 GROUP OF EQUIPMENT, MA TERIAL.S SHALL. BE A.C, SPECCIA 'TION GRADE, WHITE AS REOUIRED 24. DORL.LUING OR CORING HOLES INTO CONCRETE WALLS, LUSTED AND APPROVED BY UNDERWRITER'S BY THE ARCHITECT OR APPROVED EQUAL ETHER FOR FASTENING OR ANCHORING PURPOSES, MIN LABORATORY AND SHALL. BEAR THE INSPECTION 19. MALL SMTCHES SHALL BE SINGLE--POLE, HUBBELL OR PENETRA TIONS THROUGH 'THE FLOOR FOR CONDIT LABEL ")" WHERE SUBE;T TO SUCH APPROVAL. 201 OR EQUIV ALENT, WHITE AS REQUIRED BY 'THE RUNS, PIPE LUNS, ETC., REQUIRES THAT TENDONS OR ARB ORETU M REINFORCING STEEL MUST BE SEARCHED FOR BY MATERIALS SHALL. MEET ITH APPROVAL OF 'THE ARCHITECT APPROPRIATE. METHODS AND EQUIPMENT (X--RAY OR DIMS1OM OF INDUSTRIAL SAFETY AND ALL 20. PLASTIC PLATES FOR ALL SMMTCHES, RECEPT ACLES, OTHER DOEMC£') THAT CAN ACCURA TELY LOCA TE THEM. GOVERNING BODIES HAMNG J.JURISDICTION. TELEPHONE AND BLANKED OUTLETS, SHALL HAE TENDONS OR REINFORCING LIST NOT BE DRILLED, CUT MATERIAL.S SHALL. BE MANUFACTURED IN ENGRA VED LETTERING WHERE INDICA TED ON THE OR DAMAGED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. WATER TOWER PLACE ACCORD ANCE WH APPLICABLE STANDARDS DRAGS. WEATHERPROOF RECEPT ACLES SHALL 32. UPON COMPLETION OF WORK, CONDUCT CONTINUITY, CHAN HASSEN , MN 553 17 ESTABLISHED BY AMS, NEMA AND NBFLL. HAVE RACO {80q, 1/2° RAISED WORK COVERS. SHORT CRCLUX'T, AND FALL POTENTIAL. GROUNDING TESTS FOR APPROVAL. SUIT 'TEST REPORTS TO PRO.EDIT SHEET CONTENT&: &. CONTRACTOR SHALL CARRY OUT HIS WORK IN 21. MRE AND CABLE CONDUCTORS SHALL BE COPPER MANAGER. CLEAN PREMISES OF ALL. DEBRIS RESULTING ACCORD ANCE. WTH ALL, GOVERNING STATE, COUNTY $? ANG MINIUM, NO EBX OR ROMEX CABLE IS FROM WORK AND LEAVE WORK IN A COMPLETE AND ELECTRICAL ON2HAL. MCOTES AND LOCAL COD0ES AND O.$.H.A. PERMITTED UNLESS SPEC.ALL Y NOTED OTHERWISE UNDAMAGED CONDITION. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL. SELAINE ALL. NECESSARY ON DRAWINGS. 31. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINA TE WTH UTILITY COMP ANY FOR CONNECTION OF BOTH TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT UL.DING PERMITS. 22. NOT USED. POWER TO THE SITE. THE TEMPORARY POWER AND ALL 10. COMPLETE 308 SHALL. BE GUARANTEED FOR A HOOKUP COSTS TO BE PAID BY CONTRACTOR PERIOD OF ONE (1 ) YEAR AFTER THE DATE OF JO8 32. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROMDE LABOR AND MATERIALS AS DAMN BY: Al ACCEPT ANCE. BY OMNER. ANY WORK, MATERI AL. NECESSARY 'TO COMPLETE THE INSTALLATION OF ANY DATE: tt-«a t? OR EUIPENT FOUND TO BE FALIL.TY DURING THAT TONNER LIGHTING SYSTEM DESCRIBED IN THE RFQ CHECKED BY: D8 REM.A t0-04-f7? PERO0DO SHALL. BE CORRECTED AT ONCE, UPON RV . 9 1t-$0-ta WITTEN NOTIFICA TION, AT THE. EXPENSE OF THE .c CONTRACTOR. » li 0 tt. ALL CONDUIT ONLY (C.0.) SHALL HA VE A PULL ME OR ROPE E-2 138 G EN ERAL NO TES KEYED NOTES A. REFER TO WALL ELEVATION SECTIONS SH EET FOR APPROXIMA TE MOUNTI NG HEI GHTS. B. CCL.ES WITH NU MBERS INSI DE REPRESENT EQU IPMENT NUMBERS. SEE EQUIPMENT LIST . C. POWER PLAN BELOW DOES NOT SHOW ALL, WALL MOUNTED ELECTRICAL DEVICES, J-BOXES, ETC. 8EE WALL. ELEVATIONS. D. UTILIZE POWER PLAN, LKHTI NG PLAN, AN D PANEL OARD> SCHEIN.IL.E FOR CIRCU ITING INFORMA TION . E ALL CONDUCTORS 8HALL BE TYPE THHN. F. ALL CONDUITS TO BE $ UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. v 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 E2 4 INTEGRA TED LAD CENTER. SEE DETAIL. 4/5-7 FOR ADDITIONAL, INFORMATION . FEEDER FROM 200A GEN CKT BRKR IN ECO 4 CABINET TO 240V CIRCUIT BREAKER LUK3S ON GENERATOR! FEEDER FROM EQ 4 UTILITY MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER THRU LB TO DISCONNECT AND METER MOUNTED ON SHELTER WALL_ SEE DETAIL.S 1/5-1 AND E-T. TEL.COT8ER ENTRY. WALL PENETRATION LOCATION WILL. BE DETERMINED ON B/TE. BEE ARCH ITECTURAL DRAWI NGS FOR ADDITI ONAL DETAILS COORD INATE CONNECTI ON OF EMERGE NCY STOP BUTTON {ITEM #70} WITH GENERA TOR MANUF ACTURER. CON NECT TO GENERA TOR CONTROL. PANEL AS REQU IRED TO SHUT DOWN ENGINE UPON ACTIVATION , POWER DOOR LOCK FROM DC CABI NETS . PROVIDE 4X4 .1-BOX ON CEI L.ING WITH TWO 1/2C FRO M ASTER LOCK BOX MOUNTED ON WALL TO DC CABINETS. SCROLL. FAN TO RUN CONTI NUOUSLY - CONTROLLED BY BREAKER PROVIDE 6X6" .JB0X WIT" KNOCKOUT8 FOR CONNECTION TO RECTI FIERS , PROVIDE 2-4 CONDU ITS FROM J-BOX TO 3-IN-1 PANEL ANDO FROM J-BK TO POWER DISTRIBUTION UNIT. B{TE VERIFY EXACT LOCATION OF EQU IPMENT ANDO LOCATION J-BOX ACCORDINGL Y. ·""a # '1 S"-f tna rc 't· I 1i uell pone, line. {00 ollee f., ft. Qi ioool, MN M- tag o as @tis 1Es1ON}, r .r I 40na wL.LEY Var AD 90EN PRE, AV ape 4oua2 ea-on weV.pi0wt3P. 0 verlzon' 4ot RAM L.NIE AODO 0,U0Moro;, soy Oas (p70a) 2s-tome PROJECT 20141038061 LOG. GOO&: 200008 MIN ARBORETUM WATER TOWER PLACE CHAN HASSEN , MN 5531 7 SHEET CONTENTS: ELS9CTRICAL POWER ANDO LUK3H TING 4HESE'T Dr/AM BY: ANB DATE: 1t-a&-f7 =<a @ E9we Puw @) esr E-3 139 15 LV p' 0 EQUIPMENT ROOM WALL ELEVATION "A" 8CAL.E: 38 = t-0° 3/8" FLEX 'TO FAN 0 DOOR LOCK INSTALLATION PHOTOS SCALE: MONE KEYED NOTES TT7 SEE DETAIL 6E-4 FOR DOOR LOCK PHOTOS INDICATING APPROXIMATE \/ wSTALLATION LOCA TION . at LV t a © (G) FQUMENT ROOM WALL. EL=VA1ION e" 3» sfa © 9 • ®© non . I~.! 1· ! · sjf 3 5 ti,± ' 4# 3 6 ell ponies, • oa le lo, tilt. O 0moo0fog, N 4g4- iOf iii DESIGN} on» w.:.rY vow a get ovueE, w a4 gag oa -o .Dal#NG.COM verlzon' 40004 Au# L.ANIE ROD .2000027204, MN 80680 pNa 2a-rd PROJECT 20141038061 LOG. cODOE: 280006 MIN ARB ORETU M ATER TOWER PLACE CHAN HASSEN , MN 55817 SHEET CONTENTS: ELECTRXAL. EPES ROOM LL EL.EATON8 DAN 8Y: Ee:> (S) E@\gIPMENT ROOM WALL. EL.=VATIoN 'G 0 =~::::T ROOM WALL ELEVATION "ll" w EL EVATI ON KEY E-4 140 - % - 2" TO GENERATOR FOR POWER TO ATS (R) E NERATOR ROOM WALL EL =VATIO N A" (G) 95NERATOR ROO M WALL ELEV ATION "B" SCALE: 38 = 1'-0° ©,2% ALARMS 2 G g SEE DETAIL 5/£--5 TO GENERATOR CONTROL PANEL 11 { /ml s ® e' - $° - :«s «39> 5 'rg;as } ··pr j # +n .ua l 6 kual# (opanion, fie. a Metos id, tilt. 9of loft, AN 40Ml-AIOI oo es NS# rs1GH}A, eon% wu.LnY aiw AD EDEM NIA MM 0BAM@ guxg o -e20 w .Di40r0 .4 verlzon' 400f a.uM L.AMOE ROD et.0049031004, MM 84a 0Nag 2-sr 2 ■I!. TO REMOTE FUEL ALARM PANEL PROJECT 20141038081 0C. CODE: 200908 MIN ARB ORETU M WATER TOWER PLACE CHAN HASSEN , MN 5581 7 SHEET CONTENTS: EL.EE;TRCAL. GENERATOR? ROOM ALL. EL.ETXONB DRUAMN BY; DATE: (G) 9EN ERATOR ROOM WALL. EL EVATION "C 8CAL.E: SB « 4!-0 (G) SENERATOR RECEPTACL E DETAL &CALE: NONE 0 GENERATOR ROO M WALL ELEV ATION "D" [T ELEVATION KEY~ 141 co 2e aN EM DO08 AL,Au 'THE MAGNETO DOR ALARMS ARE ED NORMALLY OPEN. CONTACTS CL.OE uPOM 0OR CL0SLANE. HEN DOR MS OPENED, CONTACTS OPEN SENDING AM AL.ARM. OE. 1ENE. Al ABM TME LONI TEMP AL.ARM IS SET TO OPEN OM TEMP DOEOAEASE. uaH 32ME. 6L.ABM THE HOM TEMP ALARM S SET 3 s2. 3; #: UT.UTY POER #AL. ALARM 'THE UTITY POER FAIL RELAY MTERA TED IN 33-M-S PANEL COMEST®ED YO EACH PHASE OF THE MCOMING POER. uaoE AEXE! a.A8l OMALL.Y ON COMCACTS CLOSE UPON POER UP OF '1HE SURGE ESTO. CONTACT ILL. OPEN F ELEMENTS SLOW OR A.C. POER FNL.S SSNING /AM AL.ANAL. ±": --- (W==}•s-,.• F'3 u ¥ )e- 553-- # -- MC FAL ALARM EM HOH PRESSURE OR L.NI PESSRE SWTOHES ACTIVA TE THE LOCKOUT RELAY, THE ALARM CONTACTS WILL. OPEN SENDANO AN ALARM Mc oTY irER {{l MEN 'TME ALARM NE/ACHES 'THE SETPONT THE ALARM CON'TACTS ML, OPEN SENDING AN ALARM NC DTY FL)ER @2 HEN 'THE ALARM AEACHES 'THE SE TPONT 'THE ALARM CONTACTS L.L OEN SENDING AM ALAAM WC ECONOMIZER FAIL MEN 'THE ALARM REACHES THE SETPOINT THE ALARM CONTACTS LL. OEN SENDING AM ALARM ~}@ ---~ o@) oax e rPws s7,38 TO 44, PS 4, 14 ~ --- ro(@@ oox g Pes a40 }10@--.11 GDI.- ro@ oox n Paws 444 [iE --@ ro@) soo 4 rs «4,40 ro@ socx 41 res «7,40 ; }10 @ PIii 21, Z2 GD1. Ullf OL. PRESSURE ~ ---- ro@ ocx g1 Pe ·4a.a0 }10 @) PIii - 14 GEN. OW FUEL mo@) oat 42 Pws 4,2 [iF ---- no@ oo g2 rws s4 mo@ s.ocx 4a Pees se } 10 @) PIii ;ie, ;w GDI. IIATT. - FM. OEN. LOW ATT. OLE.TOE o@ oa 4a Ps 78 0 SECURITY ALARM CABLING DIAGRAM SCALE: MONE [fP'saus ore» au 4uu UL.Ess oner=E woa 2 MA4 SINES 7O ASE 22,/2 SOLID RAE UNL.ESE OMENS9E SPEAD AL.AAM RES PON GENERA TOR . SHALL. SE 10./2 SANDED NE • M.C=lRK • C=NED 3. 9E LEAD L.AO MANINO DAORAM FOR 19RAMAL. M,A4GRS 4 AL ALARMS ARNE 'TO DBE LAL.,ED AT {POTH EDS s. SE ALAM NUNO 4R SHEET FOR ADOOTON/AL, ALARMS 0 REMOTE ANNUNCIATOR PANEL ON GENERATOR SCALE: NONE 120VNJQCT{' SEE ML OLA 46 Ac AK. +\Z J " es2 »806,, •. e? r_fl :~-- ·_,_ i __ a·. ~- :_-~!-~ + sgd. ®A8= «s a.As t s a» 34} 4 } lla n 6 feel! opnos, lo 400s lie hat,, @, 4di fool, t a0- iI go et @tit DEs1GN}, 907% L.LEY VEW RI gpew eE, aox au4 oo@} 000-4a00 a SA2.XO0 vert zon' os ti.AlM .AM4E AMO 0, 000wG7OM, N 64a8 (pgoa as-aor PROJECT 2014 1038081 LoC. COOE: 200088 0 GENERATOR REMOTE START WIRING DIAGRAM SEE PML GIA 120 VAC CKT 4 AO MIN ARBORETUM WATER TOWER PLACE CHANHASSEN , MN 553 17 SH EET CONTENTS: EL ECTR«CAL, LOW VOLTAGE CAL INO DAGRAM8 Ry BY: AN9 DATE: 11-4-17 c-iciggD gY: De 10-04-4? rag+F or (G) ±#VAG sUTowN CONNECTION DGRAM E-6 142 PANEL + Of A L.o 420 1 24% VOLTS- 4PiisE siwsug A Ce LOCATION LOCATION era4; so+ I 1 1 1L4Ill lsLll I La l sari is g. aier' iii . 11T31 IH I 1% ti.LlI L» 'l gi I leas#ii,'ss (ssrrouies. ii-iv«is. lissij @ir iieasiix.pie wit» wti +l4f r I I Eel la]-e. Isa i» li&oeiiiiiuiie. t::. s I lel Lkal Ill,L% ice.4 f {er snu!s lo are 4 a V' HOA} 304Al sens1 leg «ls] Ill.slaa id .\crwv we uw or c-esg w-P» le 1..l 4,, ·tM ebiie e2 goes w -eey jww»was sol eta] Illus lain guiceit i«a I I I 'All [», -> as' I E 1.11 Ills-- '----· .. a-l le .1lI T li gate area 4ng wee o» I lag oI l l salt Ill [Cl [ wow«gyp-lli] 3vii tea ' ran lo to': 1 Ill [, ls-is&mar' en iii'! Fir he ls lsi kc.ay ax rev gs@ggta ·-iidivine <240 hi al-at IL. L::-ggkiiAii '-= sci» l sla lll lall: 4% locsou igut girgeiEu ivis-aiea VOLT-«es Pea LiNE. A gasain 'g yia&ll poi yoi.t-res = 36464 AM$ $SE93 _ &,» NOTES: tweer# uitint voids ccrews r socwis id 6ct «me coiidroes aivw if weer iisitu. iii! tot» sow{gllpylQgg were.art • t... iai csis? -o ex ai gs same ccoi.Ai io wiwwi' eceris'.cs ow Aiareicit,; =aerie EQUIPMENT LIST--ALL ITEMS FURNISHED, INSTALLED AND CONNECTED BY' ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR a ¢ 1ggggv MANUFACTURER DESCRIPTION f~z-;-,,;;:···"·~~i~ # t ° fr® a "®w ri ·} ,Al if of6 iuooell Coones, ig. erg Mitt of, OE $Qi tot, lit-tiof gs -00s gt+g pEs1GNp}, 607» We.EY VIEW A EN A.et, AN 9ge 40z cs ao ww.DOAN2N SEIP.COM verizon' (@ 9ewer usr 9o0; a.UM L.AK; AO I1.000MO7OM, MN 4a (o) 2so nee 0 PANELBOARD SCHEDULE 8CALE: NONE HOUSING: oNE: CONNECT FOUR () ALARMS s. EN AUN - BLUE,/AMINE 2 GEN ML - GEEN,/ANMIRE 3or uEL. = 0NOAM, /AMAE, 4. REL LEW - ORIE/AMINE 2 4y1/y/9 we ,,g gu / ......,,r-•- a4 r7rs saa =--- AS. «ONMIE {O 16 o OU AD oM oN. To Ark, MOE (CS) CT S (4} IR CONIES - AMAL. of' KARE SCHEI,IRE LAPS h eCAPRON qrY IT TE MG LT R/or MO woe A t4 LED PKRRNE 1 G uED a@ or L.MOMA: LIL4 LDMO OR 3UL I BOEN(CY BAINEY MOK 2 .S ED OM.L tao! LONON: EMS LED OR EOL 2 C EGE=ROR (IHI , eD L M LUMONN: OUI714 F(COS MM , NOTER: 1. FIXTURE' TO UCL.ROE IMTEARL. PHOTOCELL. 2 CONNECT FIXTURE TO UNSIT(OHED LEG OF CIRCUIT. MOUNT A3OME DOOR, 0 FIXTURE SCHEDULE SCALE: NONE 2 /2' 4[y/0+141,/0N+44% cu ,.---------, t. J «2AR L Lq.-?] an mesons woRE! COMer FOUR {4} ALANIS t. GEN AUN - 1IE/ANNE 2 er L, = GEE,/NE 3 ON EL = NOAM,/AME 4, H EK- ON2E,/AHNE RL. Nu es SHML. SE {AUN TO 1ELCO PUMN DONN KONNO UNSPA IKEDA. PROJECT 20141038061 LoC. CODE: 20068 MIN ARBORETUM WATER TOWER PLACE CHAN HASSEN , MN 5584 ? SHEET CONTENTS: EL ELCTRIXCAL. 8CHELEN.IL I8 AND ONE-LINE DAAN3RAM DRAi BY: Al DATE: 11-49-f? CHELKE=D BY: DO8 REV, A 10-404-f? REV. 7i-0-r =_, c2 24- 8 0 ONE-LINE & GENERATOR CONNECTION DIAGRAM 4 SCALE: NOME E-7 143 ELECTRICAL SYMBIL SCHEDULE POVER DIDST RIITIIN LIGHT ING DEVICES ii - ACM CONCINI7 NEL.JED r toll FLUORESCENT - {ELIM ITUR STARTER AND CINTRA2L O O - LL/CEIL.ING MANTE2D FIXTUNE g • - FXUE ON EMERGENCY PAVER/AEADA2XS LIGHTING A IITOR CEI TIEIM 1? aAl EJECTIVE.LT OR SAFETY SVITCM gag 7SEMCV' SWTTEONY F'DKTUNE A al8 LOHT FDXTOE TYE NESIN3NATION = SEE. SCHEIL.E RACE'M AY SV17CH EXK2NA T DON &«.A ETC r%, a»» _ SMOL.E; POL.E SATTCH CONCEAL.ED CEMMY --- uFAME. «Tl AMEMMAY -O 09 PIa ccLL CINE:--LINE/RESER IEVTCES NITE. SYMBOL.S 9 g 9EMERA TI 7 - EL EDT«EAL. MITE SEFNEAL CE MITE (IM NAMM3NAO I gl M/TOM»TIC TIMPER SVITCH © Al IaL.,ANENT MUNIER Ce 08 OCONEE:T SVITIM ry Al8 CCII7 3NEANOEIR ELETTRICAL. AND COMMUNICA TION DEVICES pg - EL.AY ] g ggo ELEPTCLE ORLEXO al magFAMER 47 gg EEFTALCLE OHL.EX SFD FIRE. ALARM DEVICES D D ii JuMCTIEN BOK (C&,/ACE2L.IM] MTA» ¢ a SOME ETELCTIR ◄ii0 TEL.EDINE OUTL.ET LL MANTER» ♦A MYANEILE4 DAE.TEX TA - 00% FAE ALARM COM7NDL. MEL FA) ELECTRICAL. SYMOL. MITES s 2EVILES SHALL, E METALLED AF THE MIRR(TING HEIN'T 3MARATOS IM LL. EL.EVMAT2INN, e. OME ONO0ND? VIES IN ALL LIGHTING MR PCMER MMNCH CaACOIT'SE L.AM L.0ox { uau uat ! ==H OE. LO# uEL.: «EL. AP SENKO} .O88=I MoH TESLA3RARIN£ EM., MrE. HAER FML LIAR 3SUEDA SE GEL. L.of AT sE A2OR ('7} ALA- cOen2L. FOR FML-4 MG .4A FL ··Et= L VUE MMC ML F RUUE MC FML AL.ANM- r"ti± L wC e aTY PAL.TED r re we mm' [}}l FU7ue wwc or n--I Lall l] AL.AMM eCNIER FAILLE AL.AM we em PE5+ f"kl A G ECONOMIZER FANLANE T' aaewo Poe nM.{ «woe +{"3' I -I' { aL. 0NEOMA QM. OSBEY a or a, eesE] «et. w see en.-{I % Go) 0 ELECTRICAL SYMBOL SCHEDULE SCALE: NONE 0 SECURITY PANEL - EQUIPMENT 44 2 SCALE: NONE GENERAL. MOTE: t. AML, -BOES O BAE 4"4°, 2 AA.L. CONOUR 'TO ME 1/¥° ENT 'T CSR.S/.7 " DoNM L.ooS. 2 E AM.ARAM €a#6,% cOMOUT HAU TILL '1) MAC=f LC CONTROL.S nap) L.¢ AELAY TO #SCOMNET Ly ooNmaLS F MC-1,2 UPON ACINA'TON OF Su2KE. DETECTOR ,ea44) 2 esp) auaE E SC7OR (eaga) CONDUIT '17MALU LL O HZ LE OONTO.S eaa) 0 TYPICAL ALARM CONDUIT SYSTEM SCALE: NONE . ~~--··.·:'."·'.'i:~•--_,. M :2:s # ?% •.:-&«w5 -" 4 ,,,,~,.,u,~, ll!i '"til hl t Ii# B 1il of Hoell anios, a. 00l0 4oft lot,, it. ti0 too, MN di0-faof oo 00l-isSf DES1GN} $07O Wu. uEY View A apEM uiE, iM 90g64 40a gas aaoa www.el«rte .col0 vertzon' to0of MAM &.AKE AD u2MONON. MN 004a0 (7ea) 2to son PROJECT 2014103806 1 Lac. COOE: 20oe8 MIN ARBORETUM WATER TOWER PLACE CHANHASSEN, MN 5584 7 SHEET CONTENTS : eL.eCTucAL. aceno,E ANNE 1.OW VMOL.'TAG! CA8t,ING [AA2RAM DRAWN EBY: AB DATE: 440-f7 CHECKED SY: Doe REV, A 10-04-t7 REV. 4l-A6-4r • E cz-z-Ti REV .DO C7-20-8 E-8 144 ._GENERAL STRUCTURAL. NOTES oroggg,% aero as ass' t. TIA222-G (2006} WI ADDENDUM 1 (2097) AND ADCOENDAUM 2 2009) -see rsscos. Kt= $.0 _u=a7s NCHES .2. DESI GN CRITERI A: .' & IND LOAD CRITERIA: BASIC IND SPEED WIND LOAD EXPOSURE Au> TOPOGRAPHIC FACTOR > A IE L0AD CRITERA : ''_' DESIGN ICE THICKNESS s e gg a ., · · i WEFL/ANGE SHAPES-' ii. ALL, OTHER SAPES- t STRUCTUR AL1UBNG.''' c. STAN >ST'eELPPE ; t. PLATES ·. «. SO LTS ' i 1/2 DNA AND GREATER a SI2DouA U-aoTs y iii. 54 DXA. U-BOLTS; t. NCHORT'S .> ' g. we1D ELECTRODE · h. WELDED MRE FABRIC ' gs"g:. Fy =50 KS1 A5T M A92 Fy =36 KS1 ASTM A36 ' Fy =46 KSI ASTM AS00 GR, B Fy =3$KS1 ASTM AS3 GR B Fy =BKSI ASTMAE. :'. Fu «12KS1 A5$1M A825 ' · · A18587, A449 OR SAE J«29GR.6' .' At@SD7, A49 OR SAE 429GR. 8 Fy r36 KS1AST M F1554 NO ' Fu=7OSL -'· • Ag7M A185 - A,sco Psi AsrMeas.· 4. STRUCTURAL STEA:' ·-. • · · · '. a. FABRICATION & EREL'TION OF STRUCTURAL STEEL MEY BIERS ARE TO BE IN CCORANCE WITH AL.SC, CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE. • ALL CONNECTIONS SHALL. BE BOLTED OR WELDED. EACH CONNECTION SL. BE ADEUN'TE TO SUPPORT ONE ALF THE TOTAL UNI-ORM LAD CAPACITY OF THE BEAM, UNLESS OTED OTHSRI SE ON THE PLANS BCL.TED CONN ECTIONS SHALL. HAVE .A MINI M.UM OF TWO B0L T8 c ALLWELLING SHALL BE BY UALIFT ED WELDERS AND SHALL CONORI TO THE STANDARDS OF THE AMERICAN WEL.DANG SOCIETY', D1.1-STRUCTURAL WELDING COE-- STEEL WELDI NG OF GALVANIZED PART'S IS NOT PSRMIT TEI t ELECTRODES FOR AL.L FIE. D AND SHOP WE_ DING SHALL OONMORM TO MATCHING FILLER MET AL REQUIR EME NT'S OF AWS D1.1. e. PI EL.CONNECTIONS ARE TO BE BOL TED LUSE " DI AL. HIGH STRENGTH BOL TS AND NUT S A825) UNLESS 6HOWN OTHERWISE OAV PL.ANS . t, ALL INTERIOR STRLICTLURIAL STEEL AND MI&CELL ANEOLIS ANET"AL.S SHALL . BE PRI ME PAINTED WTH ONE COA T OF TANSMEC 4MO9 PRIER OR E2LIL. TOIXH UP ALL. DIST JRBSD AREAS AFTER ERECTION . g. CUT S,HO!ES (OPENMI NGS}, ETC. RARED IN STRUCTURAL STEEL MEM BER S FOR THE WORK OF OT HR "TRADES SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED, EXCEPT BY' WIT TEN PERMISSION FROM THE ENG INEER h. ALL,EXTERIO R STR UCTURAL STEEL. MISCELLANEOUS ET AL.S , BAR GRATING AND HARM AR? SHALL BE HCOT -LAPPED GAL VANZED IN CCONFORMANCE VWTH AS5T M A153 AND ASTM A125, L WELDING OF GALVANIZED MATSRIUAL S I6 NOT ALLOWED . REMOVE GAL MANZ'NG BEFORE REL.DO WELDING. WELDS SHALL. BE SPRAYED WTH 21NC RICH PANT. L GROUT UNDER BEAM BEAR.NG PLATES AND COLLIN BASE PLATES SHALL BE "NON- SHR INK AN DO SHALL ATT AI N A MI NI MUM COMPRESSI VE STRENGT H 1 0,000 PSL . k EXISTING STEEL FRAMANG TO BE WELDED TO, 6HAL.L NA E PAIN'T , RLIST , OIL., AND OTHER CONTAMINANTS RSMCOVED TO BASE ATERIL WTHI N 2° OF WL.OED AREA. 5: MSc?LNEOus: a. PLACEMEN T OF ANCHO R BOL T, PI PE SL.6EVES, RADS AND OPENI NGS FOR EQUI PMEN T SH ALL BE COORDINA TED BETWEEN THE GENERAL. CONTRACT OR AND THE COTHER SUBCONTRACT ORS..' ¢. COORDINATION WITH ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS: a. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERSIFY ALL. DIMENSIONS AND ELEVATIONS WITH THE ARCHI TECTURAL DRAWINGS. WHERE DISCREP ANCIES OCCU R, IT IS THE CONT RACTOR 'S R ESPONSI BI LITY TO NO TIY 'T-HE ARCHI TECT PR O R TO CONS TRUC T IKON 7. CONSTRUCTN PROCEDURE: · s. THE STRICTURE SHALL BE ADEBO U ATEL Y BRACED AND SHORED DU RING ERECTION ,[gos=scno ops, smrucnuRu. wees A= Esr a= FoR 7w • CCOMPL Y WITH ALL, APPLICA BLE Q TY , COUNTY , ST ATE AAND PELERAL LAWS, INCL U DI NG ' THE' OC CUPA TIONAL SAFETY AND HIEA:TH ACT {0SHA} AND REGULATION3 ADOPTED PURSUANT TRETO. :' { e THE CONTRACT STR UCTURAL. DRAIN3S AND SPSI-ICATIONS RPRESENT THE' FINI s-ED STRUCTURE UNLESS OTHERMSE NJTEI, THLY DO NOT INCA'TE THE MEANS OR METHOD OF CONSTR UCTION. PROM E ALL MEASU RES NECESSARY' TO PROTECT ' · T-HE STRUCTURE, WORKMEN OR OTHER PERSONS DURING CONSTRUCT3N SUCH. '. MEASURES SHALL INLIDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO, BRACING, SIO®ING FOR' . CONSTRICTI ON EXJIPMENT, SHORI NG FOR THE BLI LI AN3 , SHORI NG FOR EARTH BANKS,' ,"g, 5g2-wawa. srsry =rs sorer «es»ca r awes' SEES"EITEL#TE INCL.LIDE INSPECTIO N OF THE ABOVE ITEMS. e. SUPERVISE AND DIRECT 7HE WORK SO A9 TO AANT AIN SOL.EE RESPONSIBILITY FOR ALL. CONSTRICTI ON MEANS, METHOS. TEZH NIAUES ,SEU N&CESAND PCEDES. ASA ' ART OF THIS RESPONSIBILITY, RETAIN THEE SERVICES OF A LICENSED STRUCTURAL.' ENGINEER TO DESIGN AND SUPER18E ANY SCAFFOLD !NO FOR WORKMEN, AND ALL, ' .. _sRn oFoRwsANLEMSyT SOF TH£CONSTR ETO.'''· · ' 3. MEW'WORK IN COON.JINIC'TIOAN WITH EXIST ING CO NSTRUCTION: · a. THE .CONTRACT OR SHALL, VERI FY, BY' FIL.D CHECK, ALL, SIZ ES, DIMENSI ONS;' ELEVATIONS, LOCATIONS, ETC. OF ELEMENTS OF THE EXISTING CONSTRUCTION WHICH'' ARERLA7VE TO THENEW CONSTRUCT '·· ·· · • b., ALL DIMENSIONS INVOLVING NEW'WORIK' TYING INTO OR GOVER NED BY EXISTING CONSTRUCTI ON SHALL BE FIEL.D CHECKED 9Y THE CONTRACTOR AN D FURNI SHED TO THE SUBCONTRACTOR PRIOR TO FABRICATION OF AMY WORK. THE VERIFIED> ', • CIMENSINS SALL, APPEAR AND DE NOTED AS SXMN THE FIRST SHOPDRAWING { s.EOmEli - - - - - - - - - - - - • THE ENGINEER HAS MADE ASSUMPTIONS CONCER NING THE SCO:JNDNISS OF THE EXI STI NG BL.LI NGS AND THESE ASSUMPT IONS ARE THAT 'THIS BLU LDX NG AS , DE6SIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED IN CONFORMITY WTH GOOD DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES. 'THE CONTRACTOR SAALL. TAKE EXTRAORDINARY PRECAUTIONS CCONCERNI NG PRESERV ATION OF THE BUIL.DI NG DUR ING DEMOLITI ON AND NEW CONSTRUCTI ON OX. PUR!HER, HE SHALL A3EE TO ASSUME.ALL ; • : RESPOANS+BL.JTY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THIS PROPERTY. • · 3 d. THE .CONT RACT OR SHALL NO T-Y' THE ARCHI TECT &ING INEER MMEDI ATELY OF ANY , gs w=cosrucnoy curs pcnu.aep, • ; 4 e. CUTTI NG OF EXISTI NG STRUCTURAL STEEL IS PRO IA/TED WITHOUT' APPROV AL FROM: THEENGINER:· • 9. sHOP DRAWINGS; a. SHOP DRAMMB&, LNMESS OTHER4SE NOTED SAL.L BE SU ITT ED FOR REVM EM : • T3.,2%32" as=no ossne sneers cos reassess < PROFESSI ONAL, ENG INEE R IN THE ST ATE OF THE PRIC'T, AND INCL LUE COMPLETE - 5"d23;52,,m= +oawoys +Rnarans sew e. FABRICATORS SHALL DRAUTH3IR OWN ERECTION PLANS COPYING THE STRICT URAL PLANS AND ISING THEM AS ERECTION DRAIN3S IS NOT ACCEPTABLE'· ± ' d. PRIOR TO SUBMITT AL, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL, REVIE W T-HIE SHOP DRAWINGS AND MAKE AAY OORFRICTI ONS RECORED. THE CCONTRACTOR SHALL. STA? AND SIGN THE? DRAIMING'S AS EVIDENCE THAT HEHAS REVIEEDTHEM · ·'.' e. SIO DRAWN8GS SHALL_ BE FURNISHED> FOR ALI. STRUCTURAL COMPONENT'S'' f, TURN AROLUND> TIME FOR SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL BE 'TWO WEEKS FROM DATE RECEIVED 'WTHEENGINEER'SOFFE..·' · · · ·· ··, 10. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: SPECIAL INSPECTIONS SHALL, BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WTH IBC CHAPTER 17, THE SPECIAL INSPECT OR SHALL, BE EM PLOYED BY' THE ONER, SHALL BE THOROUG HL Y KNOM L.EDGE ABLE F 4@C SPECIAL INSPECTION REOUIREMEN'TS AND SHALL DEMONSTRATE COMPETENCE TO THE SATISFACTI ON OF THE BUILDING OFICAAL {BC 1704j. THE CONTRACTOR SHAL L CONT ACT THE SPELI AL. INSPECTOR DLR ING APPROPRIA TE PHASES OF CONSTR UCTION SO T+AT INSPECTIN S CAN BE MADS IN A TIMELY MANNER THE SPEC/A L, INSPECTOR SH ALL SUBMIT VRIT"TEN INSPECT ION REPORTS TO THE EN3ISER OF RECORD'S OFFICE, WTHIN J WCOR KINS DAYS F EACH INSECTON. ANY PROBLEMS SHOULD BE BROUGHT' TO T-HE IMMEDI ATE AT TNTON OF THE • CONTRACTOR. THE FOLL.OWING ITEMS WIL REOUIKRE SPECIAL. INSPECT \ON : e. STEEL 1. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS MAY' NOT BE RSI2UIR EID FOR WOR K DONE IN AN APPROVED FABRICATING SHOP?. THE STEEL FABRICATOR ML.ST BE REGISTERED AND2 APPROV ED BY THE BUIL.DANG OFFICIAL, TO PERFORM THE WORK WW7HOT SPECIAL INSPECT IONS, SPEC IAL INSPECTI ON FOR? STR UCTUR AL S1EL. SHAL,L, BE N ACCORDANCE WT H TH E OUAL.TTY ASSURANCE INSPECTION REU \REMEN T S OF AI8C 380 (1RC 1705.21). , HIGH STRENGTH BOLTING: CCONTINUOUS INSPECTIONS ARE ROLUED FOR SI-CITCAL CONNECTIONS. PERIODIC INSPECTIONS ARE REZUIRED FOR BEARI NG. TYPE CONNECTIONS u. FIELD WELDING: COMINUOUS INSPECTIONS ARE REURE®DD FOR COMPLETE AND PARTIAL PENETRA TION GROOVE WELDS , MUL.'TL-PASS FILLET WELDS ANDO SIN3LE-PASS FIL, LET WELDS GREATER THAN 5/16. PERIODIC INSPECTI ONS ANRE REOUI RED FOR FL.OR AND ROOF DECK WELDS AND &INGLE-PASS FILLET ELS SMAL LER THAN OR EDXIAL TO SIB". CORRECT WELD FILLER MATER IAL SHALL_ BE VERI FIED IN ALL CASES iv. STEEL ERELTON: PERIODIC INSPELT1ONS SHALL BE 4ADIE TO VERIFY COMPLIANCE WITH THE DESIGN DRAM NGS. A TERI4AL.S: THE STEEL MAN UF ACTURERS CRT PIED MILL. TEST REPORT S SHALL, IE SU BM IT TED TO THE SPECIUL INSP ECT OR OR TO THE ENGI A ER OF R=CORD. Ill H •• H.ER Z 0 G ENGINEERING LLC S30 North 3d Street, Sits 230 Mine4polis, MN 554(0l 42} 4 -{24 Ragiatrotion iformation) : t hereby certify that this plan , pocfootio or report woo prepared ; by me or under my direct uparia&an ans that f gm d duly LJcneed Engineer, gndgr the lewe 1= Nena: BRYANT L.2£268 pet:_EVA.Rog Ma.:04 DES IGN} 9973 VALLEY VIEW RD, EDEAN PFRAFR'UIE, MN 55344 (962) 903-4290 WW.DSB3NT EP.CXAM vertzon' 10601 BUSH LAKE RAD BL.00M NG TON, MN 55438 (81.2) 720-0052 PROJEC T 2014 40 38061 LOC. CODE: 290066 MIN ARBORETUM WATER TOWER PLACE CHANH ASSEN MN 55317 SHEET CONTENTS: GENERAL STRUCTURAL NOTES 'STRUCTURAL #171198 DRAWN BY: MS DATE: 41-09-17 CH ECKED BY: Bl REV. A 11-09-17 REV. B 02-22-18 REV. C 05-17-18 REV . D 07-19-18 REV. E OJ-15-19 so 145 P R O POS ED (2) RRU'S M O U N T E D T O GAL V. S T E E L P IP E (TY P . EA . S E C TO R) (REF. AR CH.) EX IS TING G UARD RA IL TO REMA IN - CO NTRA CTOR' TO PROVI DE (1) O PEN ING 30 ° W IDE VE R IF Y LOC ATIO N RE F. 3/S4 GALV . STEEL PIPE (TY P. EA . SECTO R) (RE F. ARC H.) CD a g 3 9 =S 23 EXISTING ANTENNAS AND EQUIPMENT TO BE RELOCATED (BY OTHERS) NOTES: 4 ELD VERIFY ALL EXIST. CONDITIONS. 2. ALL ATTACHMENTS TO PAINTED SURFACES ARE TO INCLUDE THE PLACEMENT OF NEOPRENE STRIPS BETWEEN HARDWARE AND POINTS OF CONTACT TO REDUCE/ELIMINATE DAMAGE TO THE PAINTED SURFACE. METAL SHIMS ARE REQUIRED IN SITUATIONS WHERE TIGHTENING A CLAMP MAY CAUSE THE NEOPRENE TO TEAR CAUSING METAL TO METAL CONTACT. WHERE POSSIBLE, EXPOSED NEOPRENE SHOULD BE WRAPPED WITH WHITE-TAPE. FASTENING SEQUENCE SHOULD INCLUDE NYLON WASHERS BETWEEN THE PAINTED SURFACE AND THE GALVANIZED WASHER. 3. PROPOSED MOUNTING PIPES BRACED ON THE EXTERIOR OF THE WATER TOWER SHALL BE GALVANIZED.. SEE 1/S4 FOR AVIATION LIGHT MOUNT POLE INFO. SEE ARCH. FOR LOCATION 4. PRoos=D AND ExIsTiNG MOUNTING PP=s A [pE;S[GNA TOHAVEWELDEDENDCAPS. Ell, EXIST. VERT. LADDER W/LANDINGS REF. 4/83 FOR LADDER PENETRATION THROUGH TARP LOCATIONS) ,, RELOCATED DISH VERIFY LOCATION 2 PROPOSED MOUNTING PLAN st 3/16=1-0 A 5. ALL EXPOSED JUMPERS AND CABLES ARE TO BE PROVIDED WITH MANUFACTURED WHITE JACKETING OR TAPED REF. ARCH. FOR CORRECT COLOR. 6. ALL MOUNTING HARDWARE IS TO BE GALVANIZED ANDI/OR PROVIDED IN A NON-CORRODING MATERIAL. 7. ANTENNA FEED LINES, JUMPERS, COAX AND HYBRID CABLE SHALL NOT INTERFERE WITH TOP OF THE HANDRAIL, THE OWNER'S EQUIPMENT, OR USE OF THE TOWER AND MUST BE ROUTED SO THAT THEY COMPLY WITH OSHA REQUIREMENTS REGARDING HANDRAILS. 8. DRILLING HOLES IN EXISTING RAILING IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. 9. ALL ABANDONED ANTENNAS, COAXIAL CABLE AND DETACHABLE EQUIPMENT THAT IS NO LONGER USED ARE TO BE REMOVED DURING THE FINAL MIGRATION. 10. ALL BRACKETS MUST BE 100% SEAL WELDED TO THE TOWER. 11. ALL EQUIPMENT IS TO BE IDENTIFIED BY THE TENANT. Ill H •• H E R Z O G ENGINEERING LLC 530 Nrt 3nd Street, Sita 230 iweapolis, MN 55401 42 4-124 tag letretfan information ; t lreby certify that (his plan, pectic9tio or report roe 9opgred] by me or under ny direct up orvier and that I amt duly Llcreed Eng ineer oder the le er e swg_ft _mraota. Skgeotu re: 9073 VALLEY VIEW RD, SD6N PRAIRIE, MN 55-44 (962) 03-29 WWW.DESK3N1EP.COM verizon' 10801 BUS H LAKE ROAD 8L. 0OM wGTOAN, MN 55«38 (61.2) 720-0052 PROJECT 20 144038064 LOC, CODE: 290966 MIN ARBORETUM WATER TOWER PLACE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 SHEET CONTENTS: ELEVATION ANDO PROP OSED MOU NTING PLAN GRADE AT TOWER , TOWER ELEVATION s1 1"= 30-Q 1018.1' AMSL0.0' AGL 12. THE INSTALLATION OF NEW EQUIPMENT WILL BE STRUCTURAL #171198 PLACED BEHIND THE ANTENNAS AND IN A DRAWN BY: MS MANNER THAT MAINTAINS THE HANDRAIL'S DATE: 11-09-17 COMPLIANCE WITH CURRENT OSHA GUIDELINES CHECKED BY: Bl FOR ACCESS. RE V. A 11-09 -17 REV. 8 02-22-18 REV . C 05.47.-48 13. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS TO FILED REV. D 07-19-18 VERIFY LOCATION OF ALL PENETRATIONS, AND REV.E 03-15-19 CABLE ROUTE WITH THE OWNER'S 3RD PARTY S1 INSPECTOR. 146 REF. AR CH. FOR ALL PAINT REQUIRE M ENT S W EL DED STEEL CAPS , TOP AN D BO TT OM RE F. ARCH. FOR ALL PAINT REQ UIRE M ENTS INCW DE PLA STIC W AS HERS O N AL L BO LTE D CONNEC TI O NS PROPO SED AN TENNA W / M OUNTING BRA CKE T (BY M FR) {SEE ARCH.) 3" Z SC H. 40 x10'-0 ° ANT ENNA PIPE, SEE PLA N FOR LOCATIO NS PROPO SED (2) DISTRIBUTIO N BO X W I M OU NTING BRA CKET (SE E ARCH.) REF. 4/8 2 FOR SU PP O RT AN GL! PRO PO SED GAL V. STEEL CRO SS O VER CLA M PS - MFR. sITEP RO 1 (MODEL (#SSCK) F.O. EXISTING STEEL TOWER INCLUDE PLASTIC WASHERS ON ALL BOLTED CONNECTIONS i7 v3 ...I 5 S 3 SCH. 40PIPE RAILINGS STANDOFF BRACKET REF. 6/S2 3" Z SCH. 40 POSTS@24 EQUAL SPACES EQUIPMENT MOUNTING DETAIL REF. 1/82 FOR ALL OTHER INFORMATION 3 SCH. 40 x10'-0° ANTENNA PIPE, SEE PLAN FOR LOCATIONS q }} [ }-PROPOSED RRU'S MOUNTED WI GALV. STEEL MOUNT SYSTEM (SEE ARCH.) F.O. EXISTING STEEL TOWER ? ::::, O uI 5/16"x3 12° TOE PLATE @ SECTION EXIST. WATER TANK I SCALE: NO SCALE S2 J SCALE: NO SCALE 2 ±ANTENNA MOUNTING DETAIL s2 SCALE:NO SCALE REF. ARCH. FOR ALL PAINT REQUIREMENTS L 6x4x5/16 (LLH)yx12" LG AT EA. VERT. POST CURVE AS REQUIRED BENT TOE PLATE 5/16x3 1/2° BTWN L'S SEE PLAN A SEAL WELD > +% sly R SEAL WELD 1/4 • <{Eg'e PLATE TO L TYP. SEAL WELD 9 suPPORT CONNECTION CENTERED AT EA.POST SEAL WELD PIPING AND ATTACHMENTS, SEE ARCH. CABLE MOUNTING DETAIL e g r\Ao\l, 314° Z HOLES : (12 TOTAL) SEAL • WELD 144 • 144"3" 2as PLATE • g g uI ] • « O op a5 i • ? % REF. ARCH. • s= FOR ALL PAINT • cg ["f®®vsvswrs s/16"x3 1/2° A-A • TOE PLATE • c Luu I [Al id AA I REF. 3/S2 FOR to] ALLOTHER J B-s S \INFORMATION \g STANDOFF BRACKET DETAIL (24 THUS Ill H •• H E R Z O G ENGINEERING LLG pg#: #.2} -t24 Registration information ; f hreby gritty ht thig pln , pcification or {opgrt woe prepared] by me ar under my direct uprvieon orf thgt I q a duly Licrad Erginoer, ueer the love gf the Sobe f Mrwet DES1GNp, S9 73 VALLEY VIEW RD, SDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 (62) 03-429 WWW.DEBI3NT BP.OM verizon' 10001 8.6 L.NE RD BL.0OM NGTON, MN 55438 (61.21 720-0062 PROJECT 2 14 40 38081 LOC . CODE: 290966 MIN ARBORETUM WATER TOWER PLACE CHANHASSEN MN 56317 SHEET CONTENTS: DETAIL.S STRUCTURAL #171198 DRAWN BY: MS DATE: 41-09-17 CHECKED BY: Bl REV. A 11-09-17 RE V. B 02-22-18 RE V. C 05-47-48 REV. D g97-19-18 REV. f gg-15-19 I SCALE: NO SCALE SCALE: NO SCALE SCALE: NO SCALE S2 147 SLEEVE PENETRA TION INSTAL LA TION PROCESS: 1. R E D U C E T AN K C O N TE NTS BY 50 % OR MORE BEFORE CUTTING SHELL FOR PENETRA TION. 2. W ELD STIFFEN ER PLATE IN PLA CE BEFORE ANY PENETRA TION W ORK IS DO NE. 3. CONTRA CTOR TO CHAMBER ALL CUT EDGES ON TAN K SHELL AFT ER CUTT ING . 4. CONTRACTOR TO WELD PIPE SLEEVE AS SHOWN. SEAL WELD TYP. PROPOSED 3/8"x2 1/2x2-0° LONG STIFFENER PLATE (2) PROP. 6" SCH. 80x1-0° LONG PIPE (BLACK STEEL) NOTE: 4 CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL NEW TANK PENETRATION AND STIFFENER PLATES, FIELD VERIFY LOCATION AND ELEVATION ACCORDINGLY. 2. PROPOSED TANK PENETRATION AND STIFFENER PLATES SHALL BE BLACK STEEL (RECOMMENDED) (FIELD PRIMED AND PAINTED TO MATCH EXISTING WATER TOWER), U.N.O. CHAMFER EDGES OF STIFFENER PLATES, TYP. TOP AND BOTTOM NOTE: 'FOR THE PROPOSED BASE CONE PENETRATIONS MAINTAIN A MIN. DISTANCE OF 6" FROM EXISTING WELD SEAMS (TYP.) A !9 ,71 ZFULL PENN SEAL WELD A-A EXTERIOR PROPOSED PENETRA TION AT EXIST. WATER TOWER WALL DETAIL SCALE: NO SCALE A PROPOSED S.S. UNIVERSAL SNAP-IN HANGERS (REF. ARCH.) SITE PRO 1ZB36 Z-BRACKETS @ 3-0 0.C. s EXIST. STEEL STIFFENER (PAINT DAMAGED AREAS CAUSED BY CONSTRUCTION, REF. ARCH.) VERTICAL CABLE SUPPORT LADDER REF. 2/83 142x3° STEEL HALF RING, RADIUS = 2-0° SEAL WELD 1/4 1/4 MOUNTING BRA CKET DETAIL A-AL SEAL 14 WELD TOWER TARP SUPPORT RING ( D\AT CONDENSATE LEVEL EV 3/16 VERTICAL CABLE LA DDER SUPPORT (2 PETAL- (@ EA. TOWER STIFFENER) S3 SCALE: NO SCALE NOTES: 1. ALL WELDING TO BE DONE WITH E70XX ELECTRODES. 2. ALL WELDING SHOWN IS TO BE DONE BY CONTRACTOR. 3. WELDING SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AWWA D100 (CURRENT VERSION). REF. ARCH. FOR EXACT LOCATION Ill H •• HERZOG ENGINEERING LLD 530 Marti 3rd Street, Saita 230 iieaepolis, MN 5540l g£27 4 -124 @gitra tin information : f hereby certify thot thle plan, pacification ar report o# prepared by ma ar unr ry flt upgrylgign anf that am o duly Llcorood £rineer, under the iowe gf e Srt ef Mlino ps=? pEs1GN}, 4079 VAL.LEY VIEW RD. DEN PRAIRIE, MN S63-44 486.2) 902-40299 WWW .DEB I3WT P.COM veriz on' 10801 BUSH LAKE ROAD BLOOMING TOAN, MN 55«38 (8t.2 720- o052 PROJECT 2D 141038081 LOC. CODE: 29098 TOWER TARP SUPPORT RING AT STIFFENER SCALE: NO SCALE MIN ARBORETUM WATER TOWER PLACE CHANHASSEN MN 56317 SHEET CONTENTS: DOE TAILS STRUCTURAL #171198 DRAWN BY: M8 DATE: 11-09-17 CHECKED BY: BL REV. A 11-09-17 REV. 8 02-22-18 REV. C 05-17-18 REV. D 07-19-18 REV. E c3-15-19 I SCALE: NO SCALE SCALE: NO SCALE S3 148 NO TES: 1. AL L W ELDING TO BE DO NE W IT H E70XX EL EC TRO DES. 2. ALL W ELD ING SHO W N 4S TO BE DO NE BY CO NTRA CTOR. 3 S C H.BO PIPE 3. ALL W ELDING CO NNEC TIO NS SHAL L BE SEAL WE LD ED. 4. EX TEND ED HEIGHT OBSTRUCT IO N LI G HT STAND TO BE INSTAL LED TAB /LU G SEA L W EL D SO THA T LIG HT IS THE HIG HEST O BS TACLE ON THE WATER TOW ER. BO LT TIG HTENED TO 5. OBSTRUCTION LIGHT STAND SHALL PIVOT AT ONE SUPPORT TO ELIMINATE MOVEMENT OF FACILITATE OWNER'S CHANGING OF LIGHT BULBS. MOUNTING PIPE (INSTALL INSTALL MOUNTING PIPE AT VERTICAL HANDRAIL MEMBER. SPACERS IF REQUIRED) LUGS, TABS AND PIVOT POINTS TO BE DESIGNED BY CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SHOP DRAWINGS INCLUDING THE SIZE AND DETAILS OF PIVOT POINTS AND CONNECTIONS. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO FIELD VERIFY ALL SIZE REQUIREMENTS. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING ELECTRICAL ACCESS TO THE AVIATION LIGHT. \ 6. 7 \3 r' % » .,,-;. ... L 10. INSTALL ELECTRICAL WIRING INSIDE MOUNTING PIPE AT PIVOT POINT (PROVIDE ADEQUATE WIRE LENGTH FOR PIVOTING) 3/16 B LUG/TAB TO PIPE PIVOT POINT/ CONNECTION BOLT TIGHTENED TO ELIMINATE ANY MOVEMENT OF MOUNTING PIPE ·TOP RAIL OF HANDRAIL 2 LUGS/TABS MOUNTED TO TOP RAIL SPACED FOR TIGHT FIT OF MOUNTING PIPE LUG/TAB UPPER HANDRAIL PIVOT POINT PLAN 3/16 .TOP RAIL OF HANDRAIL MOUNTING PIPE (BEYOND) ROOF HANDRAIL VERTICAL MEMBER HANDRAIL VERTICAL SUPPORT LUG/TAB TO PIPE LOWER SLIP JOINT CONNECTION 2 LUGS/TABS MOUNTED VERTICAL RAIL SUPPORT BOLT TIGHTENED TO ELIMINATE ANY MOVEMENT OF MOUNTING PIPE HANDRAIL SUPPORT BASE TO TANK ROOF TOP OF TANK ROOF MOUNTING PIPE LOWER AVIATION LIGHT POLE MOUNT s4 J SCALE: NO SCALE 1/8 EXIST. WALKWAY HANDRAIL EXIST. C10 3/16 3" SCH. 80 MOUNTING PIPE TAB/LUG TO PIPE BOLT TIGHTENED TO ELIMINATE ANY MOVEMENT OF MOUNTING PIPE (INSTALL SPACERS IF REQUIRED) 2 LUGS/TABS MOUNTED VERTICAL RAIL SUPPORT ROOF HANDRAIL VERTICAL SUPPORT MOUNTING PIPE LOWER CONNECTION PLAN CONNECTION DETAIL PROPOSED S.S. UNIVERSAL SNAP-IN HANGERS (REF. ARCH.) SITE PRO 12B36 Z-BRACKETS @ 3.0° 0.C. 3SIDES :. Tr 4 HEAVY DUTY SELF-CLOSING HINGE 144x3° MIDORAIL SEAL 6Q w=L. as 17 3/16 2-6° G)'#RS,Pre oenA Ill+H a tu H E R Z O G ENGINEERING LLC 530 Nert 3rd Street, Site 230 hisap7elis, MN 5541 42 04 -124 agietrtior tarration : J hereby cartfy that this plan, ppoiication or report gs prpard by re er under my firef parvii0n gad thot am a @y {4.732.," ·,r<:.c. pEs1GN}A 9973 VALLEY VIEW RID. ED€N PRARE, MN 56344 (862) 003-4299 Www.D0ES 3N E.COM vertzon 10804 BL.8 H LAKE ROAD 8LOOMING TON, MIN S5-438 (812) 720-0052 PROJECT 2144038061 LOC. CODE: 290966 MIN ARBORETUM WATER TOWER PLACE CHANHASSEN MN 55347 SHEET CONTENTS: DE TAIL.8 [STRUCTURAL 4171198 DRAWN BY: MS OATE: 41-09-1 7 CHECKED BY: 8 REV. A 11-09-1? REV. 8 02-22-18 REV. C 05-17-18 REV.O 07-19-18 REV. E 03-15-49 S4 149 S IT E SURVEY TOWER PROPERTY D£SCP7QN; (er Chicago 7Ile tneurones Campany Commitment Na. CA 290113, effective &rte Septer±er 11, 216.) Outlet A, ARBORETUM BUSINESS PARK 2ND ADI'TOAL, Corer County, Mesa&e. 'Tegetter th o Prparrot, Mar--@cfulve Divoway Eoerrs as shown iv Eaorer t Agreement, Document Na. A290787. g©HEIL.ILE " EXCEPTIONS: (oer Clesgo TItte wurecs Company Carmita& Na. CA 297 1.3, effective dote Sep tember )1, 20\6.) 1--12.) Not related to the sure 1.1.3Subject ta {oinaga and Uilty Easem ent s qa shown on the recorded plot thereof, All Eoomet» shown en ARO@ETU# BA.SNESS PARK 2ND AD4T ON are shown en the survey 14.)$object to Easement for drew9y purpose over the East fS af Lat '1, lock 2, and the east 3.3.2A,CC:.73.CL22:. 43.223 Dcvent Me. A2.30'787. 6.)Net releted ta the survey 17.) 'emu and Con&tons of Conditional hr permit filed December 20, 2000, aa Document Na A279713, '#lg (Cart,oral (le Permit hu tor the ietlotion of gntnn o gr te city otar tower and g 17' y 17' aqulent building. 18) $ubjct, t lamer@nur ef Motor 'fer Arrtanno Agreement, ard the tars gnf and\tlong thereof, between (ty af Chonhaean ad Sprin t Spectrum LP., doted etober 2.3, 2000, fled Moy 4, 2001, as Document Ma. A267.5, hl Dacres! darts a Loe Area, 20 wide Aoos gnd (Ult\ties Eooarnt, an fS wile ttt kt Earrn t ord 9 32 wide (JtKlo Eooemen t. Said Laaaa Ares and Easarenta affect tho e y rd n r ahon qn the survey 10--2,}) Mot related ta the sure ACCESS PARCEL. MG, 1 PROPER TY DESCRI PTON : (er Chleogo TMle inauranoe arrpany Cammi/tmnnt Ma. CA 29114,effective «dote September 1&, 2016.3 'Tot port of the South Hel f of the Northwest Quorter of Sectlan 16, 'Townehi 116Merth, Range ZJ s t, Carr £aunty, ulnwo ta described as followa: Corm@neiig et the oouthwet ornor sf sold Northwest uortr; tenoe South 89 gr» S2 EE.Z SSE'FETTE?EE.E±5ET'»w dogrsev S2 mute 2 s,,,,2,,,,, a tetonee et 300 toot; tines South 69 tgrea 5.2 mtuteo 322t.2: 13%2% 52:.222 3% :2" {tac.4.t: :;t :%- ihdeh Ma Mrth gf tta South 10 {eat thereof, an ehleh {es northeasterly qrd otrly gf he following decried fie, Commencing at tte southwest corer of sold Northwest Quarter; thence South 89 degree S2 rutee .6 seconds Eoat {eaumed bearing)} along the South Ae of sold Northwest Quorier, o detono@ ef 1410.72 feel; thence North O degree4 52 minulaa 20 aaonde Weat, a dietanoe af .245.5 · fat; thence eonting North O degree 2 miutee 2) econde eat, e dietgnse 9f 300 feet; :==sc:tr·--F----"2BEES,A,HEY,SEALE'EEL.EE.E:' 15.)su jet to tte tack of an cemen t fed st recor d for rfewa y/ace r Sn» South O &ares 1S n,, ,, at, a futance ! 1$5.74 foot to the Nerth te of the P!9Z to he wt st 0et A AR90RE1U u Bus ess PAR¢ 6 %,2,3, eorn ey ·eve &riled Saul 100 t6t en@ ·9id ire there tarm bet io owned y the C#y of Chenheaen. $CHEDA(UL.EB' EXCEP'TONS; (Ser Chiosgo TKle insurance Company Commitment No. CA 29114, effectke date Sep tem ber 16, 2016.] 1c6.} Not rioted to the ury . «o gt3 L.2.EA L,2"C.£ SEr'22 3 7{'2: R.,"P " Ts Document iw for Section } and t doea not afht the awed ore and ia not shown pn {her urvwey ts.) o» g: .2 .2372z.2.22.# ta.:t= a: January &, 1072 [n Beek 1J of Ma., Page 523 13a.) 145.) 156.) {2 2L2222 5 A KC:.2.2C3552.%%52 3;7¥ Terms and Cardtlers of £aargen t Agreement doted June .'29, 199%, f@d July 8, 1998, ae Docum ent Na. A230787, Tlg ocyrant Dscribes g 3)' de Earent for Dr}ewty purpga. Said Eooerant gffegta the orwyd arg and ls shown ar the aurey, 'Terms and and&ions f Egoarea t Agreement doted Jun 2l, 1998, fed duly , f952, aq Document Na. A230 708. Thhg Docu ment describes ingro and Egress Easement that hos sics been re-=plat ted into ARB0RE7UM BUSINESS PARK .3RD9 AD/ON. 'Thee Easements dos't et#eet the surveyed org and are not show or tg survey, «22# .CW2 5.57 522232 {22.3 s«" fed Moy 4, 2001, as Document N, A286795. rs Document describes g Loe Area, 3 2> wie Aeess or} {M#thou Easement, an $ wide Utlifts Easement and 30' wide /tltioe Easement. Sold Leo Area and Eooementa affected the survey reg and are show on the urey 22CE2ET:EE22rm- Lot 1, Block 2, ARBORETUM BUSINESS PARK 2ND ADD»'TAL, Car ver Caunty, 4in neats. SCHEDULE "9 E;5P1QNS;(er Cicogo 'Tl» insurance Company Cammi@rent Na. CA 2118, effective date September 15, 2016.) -12,) Not «eloted to the survey, 13%.) 'Terporgry Turn Around Eoeren t between Chaska Gotewoy Partners L gnd City of Conh&sen fifed July 1, 19998, ow Document Ma. A230789, 'Ts Dcomnont d0gr\ks a Temporary Turn Around Eoarerd s Metre 'Teer Paga (rmerty ultr Bulvand}. Said Easement fie to spire oa soon ass rod corrects to 5tote Trunk Mfghwy N9, 41, Said Egret dog net otfct the surveyed area and it shown ar tho survey ®) {TL.ZS: EL2C:,ta2 2ts Ctr:22. '5 : 3 November 1O, 1998, au Docu men t No. A2.,38162, ThHg Document decree {e Eooem er'a» for driwwoy urpo@es, Oa Eonet is the North 150' of the Wet 15' of Lot 2. Block 2 'Te Other Eaeren t le Eat 15° of Lot 1. Btook 2. Bath £ooemnta effect the sur@yd grea od are shown the survey, $S-22.) Not related to the survey 23x.) Subject to Drainage and Utility Eomen# eo shown the recorded plot thereof. Al) Easement» how on ARBQRE 'TM BUSINESS PAK 2ND> ADI7ION are shewn on the 20.} 268.) Subject to £ooemnt tor drfew0y purpog er the Eoat 1 at Lat 1, Block 2, and the west 15° of Lat 'Z, Bock 2, for the benefit of Outlet A, at in ARBORETUM BK/SINE'S'S PARK '2ND ADDMTON ow creeled in Eoomnt Agreem ent, doted June 29, 1993, #led Jkdy A, 148, cs Document Ng. A230787, Thi Document D©rt@es 3 wide £aoemam t for Drew@y purpose. Said Eoerrant affects the ar'eyed re gn' lg ghawn n the urwy Thlg Document is for Section 2 and M dos net affect the sureyd ore and le not hp 24.) Mot rolqted to the survey on the gur@ 'trne and Conattic» ef Condttlonel Use Perl! fold Doom&er 20, 2000, oe (curren t No. A27971.3, Ts gndflnof (Joe Permit ls tor the irrtotgtion gf ontarnoat an tho city rotor tower qrf Thlg ocument describes on Eooement over @ p&rt af the Southwest varier of the a 17 ty 17 sgulprent bull ding. Morthwea Quarter of Section '1¢, Said Documend doe not provide a @ge t locofign af the a%; z;: t: c 2.25.2 3 5:.2°" " 2# ECCC2 5..C £572.222%.24.22 s:"3 fted Ma y 4, 2001, au Dim M. A286795 ACCESS PARCEL MO. 3 PROPER'TY DESCRIPTION : ('er Chicago Tile inures Campany Commitment Na, CA 29115, effective dote September 15, 2016.) tot 2, Bock '2, ARBORETUM BU52NESS PARM 2ND ANTON, Carver £aun ty, Minrod SCHEDULE " E0CP 1IONS; (r Chleogo TTtMo ieuronce Campany Carm i@ten t Me. CA 29115, effective lots September 1S, 2016.) 1-3.3¢.,) Nat relgtad to the survey t46c.) 1Se.) 16c.) 1&e.) {CE22. SC 2CI { 3«.3:. .2 32" hlg Document describe s sae Area, a 2 «lgc Aocs an (lItkg Eamen 1, an $ wide tllitiea .oement and g 30 side Utilities Easement. Soid Lease Area qnd Eqaerenta gffgect ed the survey area and are ahewn on the survey Net relotad to the survey S ' A252'.2 C&2.2.{« 3 22 ; {C2; 5EE'EGg .2= #.r=: ar: ocurn-ent Na. 239787 Desert@a 30 «de Eoemn t far Drvwdy purpoaa. Said Easement gtggt tho sour#yd grog gnd ks ghgwn or the ury no J#SA,2A.#T:. R-2 22..522.:.222' {2S 'SAL • Movember 1Q, 1908, ae Documen t Ma. 28182 Ti Dgguren t describes t Eoemert for driveway' purpea, e Easement lg the North 150° ef the West 1S" of Lot 2, Block 2. 'The Other Esemen& is East 15' of Lot 1, Black 2. goth Easements gffect the surveyed gre gnd are shewn an the survey Easement for utilities and dretnage ce stown on the recorded glgt of ARBORETUM BL.USNANES'S 9ARK 2ND ADOp'ON. All Easements ohown an AR8ORE7U/ USNESS PARK. 2ND> ADAT)ON ere shown oe the F'vi ye 0-22c.} Not related So the survey Thhis Ocurrent deecrt@est a Lace Area, a 2) wide Accs and Utea €om@nt, Qn 8 wt {jA'an Eeam nt end g .3 akde (M Hes fer@wt. Sold Lace Area and Easarants affected the roy rod and or» shown cn th# turvy '2--ZS.} Not reloped to the wry 15--17.) Mot refated to the survey, DESIGN} SITE NAME: MIN ARBORETUM I I I I I I I =~EO~~:t!::~~BION 11 111 1 133$XX"Cf$? Carver County, MN l.I 5g " lt]--a< eLu oro: war IC±tckeDBY: SMK [DRANy- 3B ] DATE: 6/18/16 LUCE&NS£ ¢ 49021 ;Cr 0-494A.2089 .001 t h00 egnw sore pa, rwg a WIDSETH SMITH NOLTING SHEET 1 OF 3 SHEETS 150 151 ~ Wj s& 5 7 KG Ii .. I t_ It r }a l ii # v b5 ! i#p s :I '] :l it i, r· i- I sesi◄·011°£ 111211.27 'ozt ,r.Orancl9C.t:Utrit.7 ,~ //£00-lpwMBOR!:11.U 3¢ . {ausess P 3 Atomo "" 'rs" s , ·+ +-r---"7 W~z I,!, h' at:-.,p r- T ; ! ,.; ·-., 1····,·~-·-·-··· - a/42 4A fJ K { {s, <> ·s soeo ",a 2 , SURVEY ,.J :::-.::- .. -.r ='.<:f::.i,,.~..... o SITE '"""""""n' ~ e September {tr edth ell · ""...%%. _, ! 1% "Fa:._, lb ------..... ~ .. -._ .... ~ . -=-=- • ="+. --4 Yr". 4s,_ 2, i I -= =--:, ; h-,.. I<'.-~ I '!c-~ .,. . . --~NORlH t '' aar", '' e-<s s- »" ===, ' <" -ssr ., • %/ " ass , Go -·wag ,, "4, or--», , «an s x t> t 8_ - g» 3E 55 i # % } LEGEND e U 5 ~ jg %% & ·if # { ·{ tor j rE:.. {5: g! a#:LS= AD&& j ! s ¢ # { w 1 4 P= 25,0160200 LOME, LL.C Paint of Beg of Pre SeE Der 25.0750060 RAN CH ·CO.. LLC 8 nag # 5i4 &-y +l % .8 egdr' -g%+ • \++9 y > ' .£ 2 • go paw# pf Ag vie o pA gig cy vi co,rim 004% i #Yi# 00i p fig ®- ±ywowwcss 4l e tgcs A Que 9w il&.le BL OCK SIGN GUARD POST SHRU B TREE DOE CID UOUIS TREE CONIFER TEL.E HANDHOLE TEL.EPHONE PEDE STAL ELEC POLE ELECTRIC ME TER GAS METE R u-: Un i±: 7 Un "> cr a3 $- s# = C @ o • L:J $ TORM MANHOLE CATCH BASIN WATER HYDRANT WATER MANHOLE WATER VALVE EDGE OF WOOS CHAIN LINK FENCE WA'TE RMAIN UNDERGROUND GAS UND ER GROUND ELE C TRIC UND ER GROUND CAB LE SECTION LINE LU ARTER LUNE SIXTEEN TH LINE RIGHT' OF WAY LUNE CENTERLINE PRE MIS ES LOT LUNE PARCEL LINE _ggcs srz±± BUILDING WALL HATCH CONCRE TE SURF ACE fs~ -,- ... --·=t~AlE~~-5 ,-, 'r \ 7 ---'' AI .» ' % I I ~:,:,'-\. "<f- \. I EXIS TING · / WATER >, - I TOWER 4 , SITE ~ --~-.::-:-.-;--;::- ----- ¢ , .... ,_) 4, 1 -:: "' '']' , \ -~>{ \ I-. I ' i ~ s I -» I [acnrrv A ]R N G. 2 c Co cr R D B LU S NE SS A D D O he f ACCESS & UTILITIES EASEMENT HATCH Mat p Re: <( ! gr r.ES: ' \ S +war@aw ! a....-25,446,15a,18 & 27%.) 20 lie Ac2oose a USrty 6, Eamen d per Document Ne. A2867925 '\, // -0tog eter Tew \ " Crlallld ~• 1019.1 NAVDM ~ Top of Tonlr. EJc,,utlon- 11».4 NA VDM · :c:2=a.. #gg Latitude 4A 51° 26,58° MAD8g ', Langlo& 9S" 35' 42.32° NA&J \''\ ,,,.--.. -----· \ -- .., _ Ra =- } ¢ .-' //oo .% I .-- 'I { i { ow=Ave } < r/Aria ®aK _--- _ .%"+== ·4Hi-9±8} 4 7¢ 58 i ;~ \ ,, h; is 2 tf 3 ! \ ir~. \1J-· \ L,#q, t --- S88°14-"059[ 1828 27 1 t ---i l \ ! --+, \y get?'· SEE ETAL S bases sffi" DESIGN SITE NAME: MIN ARBORETUM I I I I I I I '""'""''""-""""'"""'""'"'""" ++ '++.El#Eel@:fee"° REM&E.DO 1O WIDE UTILITI ES EASEMEN T ADDED> O WIE J'TL,IT ES £AS€MEN T <s12=.f=gt:. Carver Coun ty, MN cvscs j @y - ,,m¢ RRI , ({-"·6 IEL.D WORK: 9r27/16 CHECKED BY: SMK [DRAWN'BY: JM t«TE: @/16/16 uCENsE 4 «9021 ts: 2:#" 0-494/4.2089 .01 _SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEETS 152 EXH IBIT "D" TENANT'S RE QUIRE D INSURA NCE a. Worker's Compensation. The Tenant must maintain Workers' Compensation insur ance in compliance with all applicable statutes, rules and regulations. The policy shall also provide Employer's Liability coverage with limits of $500,000 Bodily Injury each accident, $500,000 Bodily Injury by disease, policy limit, and $500,000 Bodily Injury by disease, each employee. b. General Liability. The Tenant must maintain comm ercial general liability coverage w ith a lim it of $5,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage and $5,000,000 general aggregate including personal and advertising injury, Premises/Operation, bro ad fo rm contr actual liabili ty , independent contractors, and products/completed operations. Tenant will maintain Completed Operations coverage for one (1) year after the construction of Tenant's Communication Facility is completed. c. Automobile Liability. The Tenant must carry comm ercial Automobile Liability coverage with a combined single limit of $5,000,000 each accident for bodily injury and property damage covering all owned, non-owned and hired automobiles. d. Tenant Property Insurance. The Tenant must keep in force for the duration of the Lease a policy covering damages to its property at the Leased Premises. The am ount of coverage shall be for the full replacement cost value and be sufficient to replace the damaged property, loss of use and comply with any ordinance or law requirements. e. Excess/Umbrella Liability. Tenant shall also maintain an umbrella or excess liabili ty insur an ce policy w ith a limit of $1,000,000 per occurrence and aggregate which pro vides coverage in excess of the comm ercial general liabili ty, comm ercial autom obile liabili ty an d em ployer's liabili ty insur an ce m aintain ed by Tenant un der this L eas e. f. Additional In sur ed - C ertifi cate ofl nsur an ce. T he T enant shall provide, prior to the start of construction of the Comm unication Facility, evidence of the required insurance in the form of a Certificate of Insurance issued by a company (rated A- or better), licensed, authorized or permitted to do business in the State of Minnesota, which includes all coverages required in this Paragraph. Tenant will include the Landlord and the City as an Additional Insured as their interest may appear under this Agreement on the General Liability and Comm ercial Automobile Liability Policies. Upon receipt of notice from its insurer(s), Tenant shall use comm ercially reasonable efforts to provide Landlord with thirty (30) days prior written notice of cancellation of any coverage required herein. MINArboretum Chanh assen 3938987vl 153 City Council Item September 27, 2021 Item Resolution 2021-XX: Approve contract for the purchase and installation of a tank mixer for Water Tower #2 File No.PW158 Item No: D.6 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Charlie Howley, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Reviewed By Charlie Howley SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council adopts a Resolution authorizing entering into a contract with Ixom Watercare, Inc. for the purchase and installation of a replacement tank mixer for Water Tower #2." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Asset Management SUMMARY The existing tank mixer at Water Tower #2 (located near the Minnetonka Middle School West) has failed and needs replacement. BACKGROUND This piece of equipment is original with the Tower 2 construction making it approximately 8 years old. DISCUSSION This piece of equipment is critical to the Tower's operation as it keeps the water in the tower from freezing. We will utilize the City's standard contract template, attached for reference. 154 BUDGET Funding will come from water enterprise fund balance. Per the purchasing policy, purchases over $20k need Council approval and require a minimum of 2 quotes, however there is exceptions for specialized products and services. Staff was unable to obtain a 2nd quote for this piece of equipment but do feel that this price is reasonable. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends adopting the Resolution. ATTACHMENTS IXOM Quote FORM OF AGREEMENT - NON-BID CONTRACT FOR GOODS AND SERVICES Resolution 155 156 FORM OF AGREEMENT - NON-BID CONTRACT FOR GOODS AND SERVICES 1 NON-BID CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE OF GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT made this XX day of XXXXXXX, 2021, by and between the CITY OF CHANHASSEN, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City") and xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, a Minnesota Corporation ("Contractor"). IN CONSIDERATION OF THEIR MUTUAL COVENANTS, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The following documents shall be referred to as the “Contract Documents,” all of which shall be taken together as a whole as the contract between the parties as if they were set verbatim and in full herein: A. This Agreement. B. Request for Proposal, dated __________. C. Contractor’s Quote dated _________. In the event of a conflict among the provisions of the Contract Documents, the order in which they are listed above shall control in resolving any such conflicts. Contract Document “A” has the first priority and Contract Document “C” has the last priority. 2. CONTRACTOR OBLIGATIONS. The Contractor shall provide the goods, services and perform the work in accordance with the Contract Documents (“Work”). Contractor shall provide all personnel, supervision, services, materials, tools, equipment and supplies and do all things necessary and ancillary thereto specified in the Contract Documents. 3. CONTRACTOR’S REPRESENTATIONS. A. Contractor has examined and carefully studied the Contract Documents and other related data identified in the Contract Documents. B. Contractor is familiar with and is satisfied as to all federal, state, and local Laws and Regulations that may affect cost, progress, and performance of the Work. C. Contractor has given City written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities, or discrepancies that Contractor has discovered in the Contract Documents, and the written resolution thereof by City is acceptable to Contractor. D. The Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performance and furnishing of the Work. 4. COMPENSATION. Contractor shall be paid by the City for the goods and services described in Paragraph 2 in accordance with the Quote, but not to exceed $ xxxxxxxxx which is inclusive of reimbursable expenses. The fee shall not be adjusted even if the estimated number of 157 FORM OF AGREEMENT - NON-BID CONTRACT FOR GOODS AND SERVICES 2 hours to perform a task, or any other estimate, assumption or matter is wrong or exceeded. Payment shall be made periodically after a service has been completed and within thirty-five (35) days of receipt of an invoice. 5. COMPLETION DATE. The Contractor shall complete the Work on or before xxxxxxxxx, 20xx. 6. WARRANTY. The Contractor shall be held responsible for any and all defects in workmanship and materials and upon notification by the City shall immediately replace or repair the defective workmanship and materials without cost to the City. The Contractor warrants that only new unused materials will be used. The Contractor further warrants to the City that all materials and services furnished under the Contract will be in conformance with Contract Documents and that the goods are of merchantable quality and are fit for the use for which they are sold. These warranties are in addition to any manufacturer's standard warranty, and any warranty provided by law. 7. RIGHTS AND REMEDIES. A. The duties and obligations imposed by the Contract Documents, and the rights and remedies available thereunder shall be in addition to, and not a limitation of, any duties, obligations, rights and remedies otherwise imposed or available by law. B. No action, or failure to act, by the City or the Contractor shall constitute a waiver of any right or duty afforded any of them under the Contract, nor shall any such action or failure to act constitute an approval of, or acquiescence in, any breach there under, except as may be specifically agreed in writing. 8. CHANGES TO WORK. Without invalidating the Contract, the City may, at any time, or from time to time, order additions, deletions or revisions in the work provided under this Agreement; these will be authorized by an amendment to the Contract. Upon approval of an amendment, Contractor shall proceed with the work provided under the amendment. Changes in the Contract Price shall be based upon the prices identified in the Quote provided or negotiated between the parties based on similar work provided in the Proposal. 9. UNAUTHORIZED WORK. Additional work performed without authorization of an amendment of this Contract will not entitle Contractor to an increase in the Compensation or an extension of the Contract. 10. DOCUMENTS. The City shall be the owner of all documents, reports, studies, analysis and the like prepared by the Contractor in conjunction with this contract. 11. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND REGULATIONS. In providing services hereunder, Contractor shall abide by all statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations pertaining to the provisions of goods and services to be provided. 12. STANDARD OF CARE. Contractor shall exercise the same degrees of care, skill, and diligence in the performance of the services as is ordinarily possessed and exercised by a professional Contractor under similar circumstances. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is 158 FORM OF AGREEMENT - NON-BID CONTRACT FOR GOODS AND SERVICES 3 included in this Agreement. City shall not be responsible for discovering deficiencies in the accuracy of Contractor’s services. 13. INDEMNIFICATION. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Contractor agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, and its employees, officials, and agents from and against all claims, actions, damages, losses and expenses, including reasonable attorney fees, arising out of Contractor’s negligence or its performance or failure to perform its obligations under this Contract. Contractor’s indemnification obligation shall apply to subcontractor(s), or anyone directly or indirectly employed or hired by Contractor, or anyone for whose acts Contractor may be liable. Contractor agrees this indemnity obligation shall survive the completion or termination of this Contract. 14. INSURANCE. Prior to the start of the project, Contractor shall furnish to the City a certificate of insurance showing proof of the required insurance required under this Paragraph. Contractor shall take out and maintain or cause to be taken out and maintained until six (6) months after the City has accepted the public improvements, such insurance as shall protect Contractor and the City for work covered by the Contract including workers’ compensation claims and property damage, bodily and personal injury which may arise from operations under this Contract, whether such operations are by Contractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them. The minimum amounts of insurance shall be as follows: Commercial General Liability (or in combination with an umbrella policy) $2,000,000 Each Occurrence $2,000,000 Products/Completed Operations Aggregate $2,000,000 Annual Aggregate The following coverages shall be included: Premises and Operations Bodily Injury and Property Damage Personal and Advertising Injury Blanket Contractual Liability Products and Completed Operations Liability Automobile Liability $2,000,000 Combined Single Limit – Bodily Injury & Property Damage Including Owned, Hired & Non-Owned Automobiles Workers Compensation Workers’ Compensation insurance in accordance with the statutory requirements of the State of Minnesota, including Employer’s Liability with minimum limits are as follows: $500,000 – Bodily Injury by Disease per employee $500,000 – Bodily Injury by Disease aggregate $500,000 – Bodily Injury by Accident The Contractor’s insurance must be “Primary and Non-Contributory”. 159 FORM OF AGREEMENT - NON-BID CONTRACT FOR GOODS AND SERVICES 4 All insurance policies (or riders) required by this Contract shall be (i) taken out by and maintained with responsible insurance companies organized under the laws of one of the states of the United States and qualified to do business in the State of Minnesota, (ii) shall name the City, its employees and agents as additional insureds (CGL and umbrella only) by endorsement which shall be filed with the City. A copy of the endorsement must be submitted with the certificate of insurance. Contractor’s policies and Certificate of Insurance shall contain a provision that coverage afforded under the policies shall not be cancelled without at least thirty (30) days’ advanced written notice to the City, or ten (10) days’ notice for non-payment of premium. An Umbrella or Excess Liability insurance policy may be used to supplement Contractor’s policy limits on a follow-form basis to satisfy the full policy limits required by this Contract. 15. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The City hereby retains the Contractor as an independent contractor upon the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. The Contractor is not an employee of the City and is free to contract with other entities as provided herein. Contractor shall be responsible for selecting the means and methods of performing the work. Contractor shall furnish any and all supplies, equipment, and incidentals necessary for Contractor's performance under this Agreement. City and Contractor agree that Contractor shall not at any time or in any manner represent that Contractor or any of Contractor's agents or employees are in any manner agents or employees of the City. Contractor shall be exclusively responsible under this Agreement for Contractor's own FICA payments, workers compensation payments, unemployment compensation payments, withholding amounts, and/or self-employment taxes if any such payments, amounts, or taxes are required to be paid by law or regulation. 16. SUBCONTRACTORS. Contractor shall not enter into subcontracts for services provided under this Agreement without the express written consent of the City. Contractor shall comply with Minnesota Statute § 471.425. Contractor must pay Subcontractor for all undisputed services provided by Subcontractor within ten days of Contractor’s receipt of payment from City. Contractor must pay interest of 1.5 percent per month or any part of a month to Subcontractor on any undisputed amount not paid on time to Subcontractor. The minimum monthly interest penalty payment for an unpaid balance of $100 or more is $10. 17. ASSIGNMENT. Neither party shall assign this Agreement, nor any interest arising herein, without the written consent of the other party. 18. WAIVER. Any waiver by either party of a breach of any provisions of this Agreement shall not affect, in any respect, the validity of the remainder of this Agreement. 19. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. The entire agreement of the parties is contained herein. This Agreement supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof as well as any previous agreements presently in effect between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. Any alterations, amendments, deletions, or waivers of the provisions of this Agreement shall be valid only when expressed in writing and duly signed by the parties, unless otherwise provided herein. 160 FORM OF AGREEMENT - NON-BID CONTRACT FOR GOODS AND SERVICES 5 20. CONTROLLING LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. 21. COPYRIGHT. Contractor shall defend actions or claims charging infringement of any copyright or patent by reason of the use or adoption of any designs, drawings or specifications supplied by it, and it shall hold harmless the City from loss or damage resulting there from. 22. RECORDS/AUDIT. The Contractor shall maintain complete and accurate records of time and expense involved in the performance of services. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 16C.05, Subd. 5, any books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices of City and Contractor relevant to the Agreement are subject to examination by City and Contactor, and either the Legislative Auditor or the State Auditor as appropriate. City and Contractor agree to maintain these records for a period of six years from the date of performance of all services covered under this Agreement. 23. MINNESOTA GOVERNMENT DATA PRACTICES ACT. Contractor must comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13, as it applies to (1) all data provided by the City pursuant to this Agreement, and (2) all data, created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained, or disseminated by the Contractor pursuant to this Agreement. Contractor is subject to all the provisions of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, including but not limited to the civil remedies of Minnesota Statutes Section 13.08, as if it were a government entity. In the event Contractor receives a request to release data, Contractor must immediately notify City. City will give Contractor instructions concerning the release of the data to the requesting party before the data is released. Contractor agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold City, its officials, officers, agents, employees, and volunteers harmless from any claims resulting from Contractor’s officers’, agents’, city’s, partners’, employees’, volunteers’, assignees’ or subcontractors’ unlawful disclosure and/or use of protected data. The terms of this paragraph shall survive the cancellation or termination of this Agreement. 24. TERMINATION. This Agreement may be terminated by City on two (2) days’ written notice delivered to Contractor at the address on file with the City. Upon termination under this provision if there is no fault of the Contractor, the Contractor shall be paid for goods and services rendered and reimbursable expenses until the effective date of termination. If the City terminates the Agreement because the Contractor has failed to perform in accordance with this Agreement, no further payment shall be made to the Contractor, and the City may retain another Contractor to undertake or complete the work identified in this Agreement. 161 FORM OF AGREEMENT - NON-BID CONTRACT FOR GOODS AND SERVICES 6 Dated:__________________, 20__ CITY OF CHANHASSEN By: Elise Ryan, Mayor And: Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager Dated:__________________, 20__ ________________________ By: Print Name:_________________________________ Its:________________________________________ 162 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: September 27, 2021 RESOLUTION NO: 2021-XX MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH IXOM WATERCARE, INC. FOR THE PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF A REPLACEMENT TANK MIXER FOR WATER TOWER #2. WHEREAS, the existing tank mixer at Water Tower #2 has failed; and WHEREAS, a tank mixer is a critical piece of equipment for the operation of a water tower; and WHEREAS, a quote from a reputable contractor has been obtained; and WHEREAS, a contract for Goods and Services has been prepared for the work. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, that: The City Council authorize entering into a contract with IXOM Watercare, Inc. for the purchase and installation of a replacement tank mixer for Water Tower #2. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 27nd day of September, 2021. ATTEST: Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager Elise Ryan, Mayor YES NO ABSENT 163 City Council Item September 27, 2021 Item Resolution 2021-XX: Approve Cost Share Agreement with the City of Shorewood for West 62nd Street Paving Project File No.PW425 Item No: D.7 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Charlie Howley, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council Adopts a Resolution Approving the Cost Share Agreement with the City of Shorewood for West 62nd Street Paving Project." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Asset Management SUMMARY Shorewood is leading a mill and overlay project for West 62nd Street and since half of the right-of-way for a portion of the project is in Chanhassen, requested cost share from us. BACKGROUND West 62nd Street is in need of pavement maintenance but was not planned for in Chanhassen's Pavement Management Program as of yet and likely would be deferred to Shorewood for implementation. DISCUSSION The project was bid and is mostly completed. The cost share split was proportioned as the percentage of right-of-way in Chanhassen compared to the overall scope of work. 164 BUDGET The funding for this project will come from the Pavement Management Program (PMP) Fund and has been accounted for in the 2021 budget. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the cost share agreement. ATTACHMENTS Agreement_chanhassen_shorewood Resolution 165 1 4820-2711-8834.2 COST-SHARING AGREEMENT THIS COST-SHARING AGREEMENT (the “Agreement”) is entered into this ____ day of __________, 2021 by and between the City of Shorewood, a municipal corporation under the laws of Minnesota (“Shorewood”), and City of Chanhassen., a municipal corporation under the laws of Minnesota (“Chanhassen”). That Shorewood and the Chanhassen may hereinafter be referred to individually as a “Party” or, together, the “Parties.” RECITALS A. Shorewood intends to undertake mill & overlay improvements to West 62nd Street, a local city street located on the municipal boundary of Shorewood and Chanhassen as depicted in the attached Exhibit A (the “Project”). B. Shorewood has obtained Project bids and Chanhassen’s post-bid total Project cost of $21,258.16 based on bid quantities, which is contained on the attached Exhibit B (the “Post-Bid Estimate”). The Post-Bid Estimate includes those elements that are within Chanhassen’s municipal boundary, which amount to 1.2% of the total Project. C. The Parties wish to specify their respective responsibilities for Project costs as provided herein. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and obligations contained herein, the Parties agree as follows: 1. Cost-Sharing Obligation; Project Construction. Upon execution of this Agreement, Chanhassen hereby agrees to pay Shorewood $21,258.16, which amounts to 1.2% of the Post-Bid Estimate and is identified thereon as the percentage attributable to the Project elements that directly benefit Chanhassen. 2. Project Completion; Final Cost Determination. The Project shall be completed by Shorewood on or before October 1, 2021, subject to unavoidable delays that are otherwise beyond Shorewood’s control. 3. Access to Chanhassen Property; Communications. Chanhassen hereby authorizes Shorewood, its agents, contractors, and employees to access Chanhassen’s property and any area contained thereon as it deems reasonably necessary in order to construct the Project. At Chanhassen’s request, the Shorewood shall communicate Project plans and timelines with Chanhassen and keep Chanhassen informed as to the same. 4. Termination. This Agreement shall terminate upon Project completion and, if required pursuant to Section 2. 166 2 4820-2711-8834.2 5. Governing Law and Amendments. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota and may only be modified or amended with the written consent of both Parties. 6. Binding Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties regarding this matter and is binding on the Parties until it expires or is terminated as provided herein. 7. Indemnification. Shorewood and Chanhassen agree to indemnify and hold the other, its successors, and assigns, harmless from all claims, demands, damages, assessments, costs and expenses, including attorneys' fees, arising out of or relating to the Project. 8. Not Construed Against Drafter. The language of this Agreement shall not be interpreted in favor of or against any Party as the drafter of this Agreement. 9. Incorporation. The recitals contained herein and the exhibits attached hereto are incorporated in and made part of this Agreement. 10. Representations. Each Party executing this Agreement represents to the other that those signing below on its behalf are authorized to enter into this Agreement and to bind its organization to its terms and conditions. 11. Counterparts. For the convenience of the parties, any number of counterparts hereof may be executed and each such executed counterpart shall be deemed an original, but all such counterparts together shall constitute one and the same Agreement. [signature pages to follow] 167 3 4820-2711-8834.2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to this Cost-Sharing Agreement have caused these presents to be executed as of the day and year aforesaid. CITY OF CHANHASSEN By: ______________________________ Elise Ryan, Mayor By: ______________________________ Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager CITY OF SHOREWOOD By: ______________________________ Jennifer Labadie, Mayor By: ______________________________ Greg Lerud, City Administrator 168 A-1 4820-2711-8834.2 EXHIBIT A 169 B-1 4820-2711-8834.2 EXHIBIT B 170 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: September 27, 2021 RESOLUTION NO: 2021-XX MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE COST SHARE AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF SHOREWOOD FOR WEST 62ND STREET PAVING PROJECT WHEREAS, West 62nd Street is a public street having Right-of-Way shared between the City of Shorewood and the City of Chanhassen; and WHEREAS, West 62nd Street is a bituminous paved street that is in need of maintenance; and WHEREAS, the City of Shorewood is undertaking a pavement rehabilitation project for multiple streets in the City, including the portion of West 62nd Street located in the City of Chanhassen; and WHEREAS, the City of Shorewood contacted Chanhassen to request a cost share for the equitable portion located in Chanhassen; and WHEREAS, the City of Shorewood created a cooperative agreement that outlines the equitable cost share for Chanhassen and the responsibilities of each party. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, that: The City Council approves a cost share agreement with the City of Shorewood for the West 62nd Street Paving Project. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 27th day of September, 2021. ATTEST: Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager Elise Ryan, Mayor YES NO ABSENT 171 City Council Item September 27, 2021 Item Resolution 2021-XX: Approve Purchase of Fire Department Command Vehicle File No.CIP #EQ-054 Item No: D.8 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Charlie Howley, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council Adopts a Resolution Approving the Purchase of a Fire Department Command Vehicle." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Asset Management SUMMARY Purchase of a replacement fire command vehicle due to an accident that rendered the existing command vehicle totaled. BACKGROUND The existing fire command vehicle (#203) was involved in an accident on 8/31/21 while on route to a training event. The accident totaled the vehicle, but luckily staff walked away with minor injuries. This vehicle was already planned for replacement next year so the impact of the accident is just to accelerate the purchase by one year. DISCUSSION This vehicle is needed to perform Emergency Response duties of the City and thus needs to be replaced 172 in a timely fashion. BUDGET This vehicle replacement was budgeted in the CIP for 2022 and is funded by the Capital Replacement Equipment Fund. Moving this purchase up into 2021 does not have a material impact to the fund. Insurance proceeds will also be used to offset the cost of the new vehicle. The 2022 budget was $65,000.00 (CIP Sheet attached) The 2021 cost is $54,687.59 (Quotes attached) RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Fire Command Vehicle purchase. ATTACHMENTS Vehicle Purchase Order Equip Quote CIP EQ-054 Resolution Approving the Purchase of a Fire Command Vehicle 173 • CI TY OF CHANHASSEN Pu rchase Order No . use emp id 7700 .MARKET BLVD., PO BOX 147 crrror CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 952-227-1140 rax 952 -227 -1170 CifANJJASSEN PURCHASE ORDER - Vendor --------------. Na me AL.=o,~fub....._C.,_...oxU~~~tw~~~~--"'Q"'--JII\..._ __ Address ' City , Phone St Z IP ___ _ ,--ShipTo Na me Address City Phone Qty Units Description I .:a,.e~'1 &MC. '(c,&.o/1\. '!I. E' o.s s p~<.:,~;-e.4 Paymen t D etails @ Check 0 Cash 0 Accoun l No. 0 Credit Card Na me CC # Exp Da le BUDGETCODE#--------~ Goo ... '-I, 35 -'i7o'-i J Approval Department Head Signature ~~ City Manager S ignature Order Ne S2IEs R ep Date Ship V ia SI Unit Price Sub Total Shipping & Handling ZIP Taxes State ....:......c.....;.._ __ _ ----- TOTAL I I i ! I .! rorAL Pt a-i ,t . .u I Notes/Rem arks ..____r _____ ] DocuSign Envelope ID: C5BA5043-5A0C-4B67-9BCC-DC729443ACA2 174 ' ' MN NORTH COUNTRY GM CONTRACT# 188747 1502 E HOWARD ST HIBBING, MN 55746 90-120ARO 218·263-7576 fax 800-894-7579 ITEM# GRSU-6 BASE MODEL 2022 GMC YUKON SLE TK10706 option cost Engine, 5.3L EcoTec3 VB with Dynamic Fuel Management, Direct Injection and STD Variable Valve Timing, includes X L84 aluminum block construction (355 hp [265 kWJ @ 5600 rpm, 383 lb-ft of torque [518 Nm]@4100 rpm)(STD) Transmission, 10-speed automatic electronically controlled with overdrive, includes Traction Select X MHS System including tow/haul(Standard with (L84) 5.3L EcoTec3 VB engine STD onlv \t~Tm 875.60 Engine, Duramax 3.0L Turbo-Diesel 16 LM2 968.00 Wheels, 20" x 9" (50.8 cm x 22.9 cm) 6-NGZ s ooke oolished aluminum Tires, 27S/60R20SL all-season, INCLw/NGZ blackwall (Included and only available XCl with (NZG) 20" 6-spoke polished aluminum wheels.\ Max Trailering Package includes (ZL6) ProGrade Trailering System and (V03) 497.20 extra capacity cooling system(Also NHT includes (NQH) 2-speed active transfer case on 4WD models. GMC Pro Safety Plus Package Includes {UKC) Lane Change Alert with Side 435.60 Blind Zone Alert and (UFG) Rear Cross WPD Traffic Alert; In addition to standard (PDI) GMC Pro Safety LPO, Interior Protection Package Includes (VAV) all-weather floor mats, 330.00 LPO, (CAV) all-weather cargo mat, LPO PDH and (RIB) 1st, 2nd and 3rd row all- weather floor liners, LPO(Not available at this time DocuSign Envelope ID: C5BA5043-5A0C-4B67-9BCC-DC729443ACA2 175 LPO, Cargo security shade (dealer- 228.00 installed)(lncluded with (POL) Cargo VRS Convenience Package, LPO.) 180.40 LPO, Front and rear splash guards, VQK custom molded STD DEEP TINTED GLASS X AKO DEALER OPTIONS QTY 177.00 EXTRA KEYS/FOB 0 DLRl STD GM REMOTE START X BTV COLORS 435.60 REDWOOD METALLIC G4S 435.60 SATIN STEEL METALLIC G9K 435.60 ONYX BLACK GBA 435.60 PEARL BEIGE METALLIC GJW 435.60 MIDNIGHT BLUE METALLIC GLU 567.60 CAYANNE RED TINTCOAT GSK 550.00 VICTORY RED (special paint) 9V5 N/C WHITE X GAN Seats, front bucket X ASO Seats, front 40/20/40 split-bench (220.00) (Deletes (007} center floor console and AZ3 CUSR) USB data oorts.l l 0.065 MN STATE SALES TAX @6.5% 169.25 TAX EXCEMPT PLATES TITLE & TRANS 20.00 TRANSIT TAX contact name CHARLIE SIEGLE customer CITY OF CHANHASSEN address ---------------------city, ST zip ---------------------phone# (218) 292-4694 email address __________________ ...,; PO# DocuSign Envelope ID: C5BA5043-5A0C-4B67-9BCC-DC729443ACA2 176 FACTORY ORDER NUMBER ZZFFFF ------------- DocuSign Envelope ID: C5BA5043-5A0C-4B67-9BCC-DC729443ACA2 177 CONTACT PERSON FLEET MGR BOB O'HARA 218-349--8955 $ 42,798.20 STD STD - . - - . DocuSign Envelope ID: C5BA5043-5A0C-4B67-9BCC-DC729443ACA2 178 - - STD - - $0.00 STD - - - - - - - - N/C $0.00 - $ 42,798.20 - - - $ - $ 42,798.20 DocuSign Envelope ID: C5BA5043-5A0C-4B67-9BCC-DC729443ACA2 179 Safety Vehicle Solutions 2095 Daniels St, Unit 967 Long Lake, MN 55356 612-701-3942 ryan@svsmn.com www.svsmn.com Estimate 21036 ADDRESS CHANHASSEN FIRE DEPARTMENT 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 USA DATE 09/20/2021 TOTAL $11,889.39 EXPIRATION DATE 10/31/2021 YEAR MAKE/MODEL 2022 GMC YUKON DATE ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION QTY RATE AMOUNT Sales WHELEN LIBERTY II 54" DUO WE- CANX LIGHTBAR DUAL COLOR R/B, FULL WHITE SCENE LIGHT, REAR AMBER T/A AND CENTER OPTICOM. BJ2DEDE SMOKED LENS 1 1,648.00 1,648.00 Sales WHELEN LIBERTY II ADJUSTABLE MOUNTING KIT GMC YUKON 2021-22 MKAJ101 1 25.00 25.00 Sales WHELEN ION DUO XI2E, XI2D R/W-B/W SMOKED LENS GRILL AREA 4 125.00 500.00 Sales WHELEN T-ION DUO TLI2EX, TLI2DX R/W-B/W SMOKED LENS LOWER GRILL/BUMER AREA 2 125.00 250.00 Sales WHELEN STRIP LIGHT DUO PSE02FCR, PSD02FCR R/W-B/W REAR SIDE WINDOW AREA 2 125.00 250.00 Sales WHELEN STRIP LIGHT MOUNTING BRACKET PSBKT90 2 36.00 72.00 Sales WHELEN INNER EDGE RST BS542 10 LAMP DUO WE-CANX REAR INTERIOR LIGHT BAR 2021-22 TAHOE PPV 1 799.00 799.00 Sales WHELEN T-ION DUO TLI2EX, TLI2DX R/W-B/W SMOKED LENS REAR HATCH LIC PLATE AREA (2) ON LIC PLATE BRACKET (2) ON HATCH FOR REAR WARNING LIGHT WHEN HATCH IS UP 4 125.00 500.00 180 DATE ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION QTY RATE AMOUNT Sales WHELEN LED TAHOE HEADLIGHT AND TAIL LIGHT FLASHER 1 125.00 125.00 Sales WHELEN T-ION LIC PLATE BRACKET TIONBKT2 1 45.00 45.00 Sales WHELEN CORE VEHICLE CONTROL SYSTEM WE-CANX C399 1 699.00 699.00 Sales WHELEN CORE CONTROL HEAD WE-CANX CCLT7 (21) BUTTON CONTROL HEAD 1 25.00 25.00 Sales WHELEN CANPORT OBDII CONTROL CABLE C399K6 WE- CANX 2021-22 TAHOE PPV 1 75.00 75.00 Sales WHELEN SIREN SPEAKER 100 WATT SA315P 2 125.00 250.00 Sales WHELEN SPEAKER MOUNT SAK65 2021-22 TAHOE PPV 2 25.00 50.00 Sales WHELEN CEM16 16 OUTLET EXPANSION UNIT WE-CANX 1 140.00 140.00 Sales HAVIS C-VS-1012-TAH-W VEHICLE SPECIFIC CONSOLE 22" MOUNTING SPACE 2021-22 TAHOE PPV 1 650.00 650.00 Sales HAVIS C-EB40-CCS-1P WHELEN CONTROL HEAD MOUNTING PLATE (4") 1 0.00 0.00 Sales HAVIS C-EB30-XLT-1P-A ANGLED MOTOROLA RADIO HEAD MOUNTING PLATE (3") 1 0.00 0.00 Sales HAVIS C-EB45-APX-1P MOTOROLA APX CHARGER MOUNTING BRACKET (4.5") 1 0.00 0.00 Sales HAVIS 1" FILLER FACE PLATES 4 0.00 0.00 Sales HAVIS CUP2-1001 CUP HOLDER (3.5") 1 63.50 63.50 Sales HAVIS C-AP-0645-L 6" LOCKING COMPARTMENT (6") 1 130.30 130.30 Sales HAVIS C-MD-114 11" SWING ARM 1 258.35 258.35 Sales HAVIS C-HDM-204 8.5" SIDE POLE MOUNT INTERNAL 1 182.77 182.77 Sales HAVIS C-ARM-102 ARM REST 2 74.62 149.24 Sales HAVIS C-MCB MIC BRACKET 2 15.14 30.28 Sales MAGNETIC MIC HOLDER 2 30.00 60.00 181 DATE ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION QTY RATE AMOUNT Sales HAVIS CX-G CHARGE GUARD LOW VOLTAGE TIMER UNIT 1 79.95 79.95 Sales HAVIS C-MD-207 TABLET SWIVEL/LOWER MOUNT 1 147.00 147.00 Sales HAVIS UT-2001 UNIVERSAL TABLET MOUNT I-PAD 1 225.00 225.00 Sales BLUE SEA SURE EJECT UNIT 20 AMP 1 395.00 395.00 Sales BLUE SAE 100 AMP FUSE BLOCK 12 CIRCUT 1 55.00 55.00 Sales BLUE SEA 100 AMP CIRCUT BREAKER 1 55.00 55.00 Sales BLUE SEA 10 AMP BATTERY CHARGER 1 225.00 225.00 Sales PRO-GARD METAL MESH TOPPED CARGO BARRIER 2021-22 TAHOE PPV (INCLUDES TRUCK FREIGHT) 1 495.00 495.00 Sales STEALTH BLACK 800 Mhz ANTENNA 1 35.00 35.00 Sales STREAMLIGHT STRION HL DS W/ DC CHARGER AND GLOW IN THE DARK TRAFFIC CONE 1 125.00 125.00 MATERIAL SHOP SUPPLIES, FREIGHT 1 425.00 425.00 SERVICE/LABOR INSTALL/LABOR 1 2,650.00 2,650.00 WARRANTY WARRANTY **PARTS/ELECTRONICS 5 YEARS **INSTALL/LABOR LIFETIME OF THE VEHICLE 1 0.00 0.00 TOTAL $11,889.39 2022 TAHOE PPV FOR CHANHASSEN FIRE INCLUDES PICK UP FROM TRANSPORT GRAPHICS IN ROGERS. INCLUDES FULL WHELEN CORE SYSTEM, FULL DVI PATTERENRS AND CANPORT OBDII FUNCTIONALITY. THANK YOU. Accepted By Accepted Date 182 Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN Contact Don Johnson 2021 2025thru Department Major Equipment Description Replacement of existing emergency response vehicles and major apparatus. This request outlines a schedule for existing vehicles. 2022 - Replace 2013 Chevy Tahoe #203 2023 - Replace 2005 Polaris Grass Response 2024 - Replace 2015 Chevy Tahoe #202 Replace 2015 Chevy Tahoe #204 2026 - Replace 1996 Toyne Engine 21 Project #EQ-054 Priority n/a Justification Vehicles are reaching or exceeding useful life standards outlined by NFPA for emergency response front line service. Major apparatus require a two year process to spec, order and manufacture. Budget Impact/Other These are considered front line response vehicles and impact response to fire incidents within the City and to mutual aid partners. Useful Life 10-15yearsProjectNameFireVehiclesCategoryFire Type Vehicles Account #2 Account #1 400-4135-4704 Total Project Cost:$2,865,500 Account #4 Account #3 Total20212022202320242025Expenditures 244,00065,000 35,000 144,000Vehicles 65,000 35,000 144,000 244,000Total Prior 2,621,500 Total Total20212022202320242025FundingSources 244,00065,000 35,000 144,000CapitalReplacementEquipment Fund 65,000 35,000 144,000 244,000Total Prior 2,621,500 Total 37 183 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: September 27, 2021 RESOLUTION NO: 2021-XX MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF A FIRE DEPARTMENT COMMAND VEHICLE WHEREAS,the existing fire command vehicle (#203) was involved in an accident on 8/31/21 while on route to a training event, and the accident totaled the vehicle; and WHEREAS,the vehicle was already planned for replacement next year so the impact of the accident is just to accelerate the purchase by one year; and WHEREAS,the vehicle is needed to perform Emergency Response duties of the City and thus needs to be replaced in a timely fashion; and WHEREAS,the 2022 budget was $65,000.00 and the 2021 quoted cost is $54,687.59 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chanhassen City Council hereby approves the purchase of a Fire Department Command Vehicle. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 27 th day of September, 2021. ATTEST: Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager Elise Ryan, Mayor YES NO ABSENT 184 City Council Item September 27, 2021 Item Resolution 2021-XX: Appoint Data Practices Compliance Officer File No.Item No: D.9 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council adopts a resolution appointing Assistant City Manager Matt Unmacht as the City's Data Practices Compliance Officer effective October 11, 2021." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Operational Excellence SUMMARY The Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (“MGDPA”), provides that the City Clerk is the Responsible Authority for the collection, use, and dissemination of any set of data on individuals, government data, or summary data, unless another individual has been appointed by the City Council. The MGDPA also requires that the City appoint a compliance official, who is responsible for responding to questions or concerns regarding problems in obtaining access to data or other data practices problems. BACKGROUND While former Assistant City Manager Jake Foster previously filled the roles of the Responsible Authority and the Compliance Official under the Minnesota Data Practices Act, his resignation requires that the City designate an employee to the position of the Compliance Official. The City desires to appoint Matt Unmacht as the Compliance Official for purposes of the Data Practices Act, since he has been appointed as the new Assistant City Manager effective October 11, 2021. The City Clerk will act 185 as the Responsible Authority pursuant to the MGDPA with no other individual designated for that role by the City. DISCUSSION BUDGET N/A RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council appoint Assistant City Manager Matt Unmacht as the Compliance Official for Data Practices as of October 11, 2021. The City Clerk is directed to update Chanhassen's Data Practice policies and Data Request form with this information. ATTACHMENTS Resolution Appointing Compliance Officer for Data Practices 186 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: September 27, 2021 RESOLUTION NO:2021-XX MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: RESOLUTION APPOINTING COMPLIANCE OFFICER PERTAINING TO GOVERNMENT DATA WHEREAS,Minnesota Statute Chapter 13.01, Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, regulates the collection, creation, storage, maintenance, dissemination, and access to government data in government entities. It establishes a presumption that government data are public and are accessible by the public for both inspection and copying unless there is federal law, a state statute, or a temporary classification of data that provides that certain data are not public; and WHEREAS,the statute defines “Responsible Authority” as the individual designated by the governing body of that political subdivision as the individual responsible for the collection, use, and dissemination of any set of data on individuals, government data, or summary data, unless otherwise provided by state law; and WHEREAS,for statutory or home rule charter cities, the elected or appointed city clerk is the “Responsible Authority”; and WHEREAS,the statute defines “Compliance Official” as the designated employee of the government entity to whom persons may direct questions or concerns regarding problems in obtaining access to data or other data practices problems; and WHEREAS,the “Responsible Authority” or other appropriate authority in every government entity shall appoint or designate an employee of the government entity to act as the entity’s data practices “Compliance Official.” NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, as follows: The City Council shall appoint Assistant City Manager Matt Unmacht as the Compliance Official effective October 11, 2021. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 27 th day of September, 2021. ATTEST: Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Elise Ryan, Mayor YES NO ABSENT 187 City Council Item September 27, 2021 Item Mack Titus Citizen Action Request File No.Item No: E.1 Agenda Section VISITOR PRESENTATIONS Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION N/A Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS Mack Titus Citizen Action Request 188 189 190 191 192 City Council Item September 27, 2021 Item Bryan Blommel, Carver County Republicans File No.Item No: E.2 Agenda Section VISITOR PRESENTATIONS Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION N/A Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS Chanhassen Congrats! 193 Lake Ann - Chanhassen, Minnesota The Carvery County Republican Party, Senator David Osmeck, Senator Julia Coleman and Representative Greg Boe would like to congratulate the City of Chanhassen for being named as the “Best Place to Live in America”. This recognition in October 2021 from Money Magazine speaks loudly of the strengths and values of the community. Clean air, water and streets; strong family values and a solid work ethic have made this city a coveted place to live for a very long time. Now the people of the city are being applauded for it. As elected officials and community members we look forward to continuing to live, work and be a part of such an outstanding city, county, state and country. Most Sincerely, Sen. David Osmek Senator David Osmek Sen. Julia Coleman Senator Julia Coleman Rep. Greg Boe Representative Greg Boe Chris Lund Carver County Republicans Chairman Chris Lund Mary Susan Timion Carver County Republicans Deputy Chair Mary Susan Timion 194 City Council Item September 27, 2021 Item Fire Department Update File No.Item No: F.1 Agenda Section FIRE DEPARTMENT/LAW ENFORCEMENT UPDATE Prepared By Don Johnson, Fire Chief Reviewed By Don Johnson SUGGESTED ACTION None Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY Monthly update with response data from August 2021. BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS 195 2021 09 27 Council Update 21 09 Graphs 196 TO: Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager FROM: Don Johnson, Fire Chief DATE: September 27, 2021 SUBJ: Monthly Fire Department Update Fire Department Staffing Department staffing is at 38 paid on-call firefighters with one firefighter on personal leave due to employment and one firefighter on extended military leave. A Fire Captain of 8 years resigned effective Sept 30 due to employment demands. Fire Department Response The fire department responded to (105) calls for service in August marking the 2nd consecutive month with calls exceeding 100. On August 7 the department responded to 11 calls for service between 1:00 am and 10:00 pm. Call Breakdown for the month: 4 Chief Only 24 Day Only 45 Duty Crew 32 General Alarms Significant calls included the following:  (60) Rescue/EMS calls with (4) motor vehicle accidents.  (3) Fire Responses o Mutual Aid Response to Eden Prairie o Lightning Strike/Fire Lake Harrison Circle o Mutual Aid Assist to Victoria Aircraft Accident/Fire  (1) Citizen Burning Complaint 197 Laurie Hokkanen Fire Department Update Page 2 Other Activities  The fire department Annual Banquet was held on Friday, August 27 at the Chanhassen Dinner Theater. Mayor Ryan and Councilperson McDonald were in attendance.  Firefighter Harold Jerome Coyne III was presented with the Firefighter of the Year Award at the banquet. We are very proud of Firefighter Coyne and his contributions to the city and fire department.  Assist to Paisley Park staff with Hands Only CPR and AED Training  The Relief Association met after training on September 13 and approved the support and reimbursements to the city of Chanhassen for the UAV already purchased. The donation in the amount of $9,027 will be placed on a future council meeting for acceptance. The UAV program was part of the annual relief drive for this year.  On Sept 17, Mayor Ryan and several members of the department participated with Firefighter Doug Foote’s route through Chanhassen. Firefighter Foote was raising money for MnFire an organization assisting with firefighter cardiac, cancer, and mental health. Doug walked 200 miles from the South Dakota boarder to St. Paul from September 12-18.  Staff worked through two rounds of interviews in September for the new Code Enforcement Specialist position that replaces the CSO program. We had 20 applicants and will be making an offer later this month.  Assist to the Chanhassen HS for the 2021 Homecoming on September 24 with an Engine for the Parade. We also provided a suppression crew and a medical team for the football game and subsequent fireworks. Fire Training  On Sept 7, the Leadership Team participated with Insights Training with City Manager Laurie Hokkanen as part of our commitment to professional development.  EMS training for the month consisted of immobilization, back boarding, and response to allergic reactions.  Two large scale group trainings taking place this month. EMS and Safety and Survival Training. Fire Marshal Council Update  Open House cancelled due to current COVID cases in the county. We will be completing virtual public education materials to send out to schools and other entities interested as well as posting online.  Working with several business owners on different stages of adding fire sprinkler systems to existing buildings. MN Statute 1306 is a great tool to assist building owners and city code officials in getting sprinkler systems installed in these buildings. Not only does this offer 198 Laurie Hokkanen Fire Department Update Page 3 greater protection to the building and occupants, but also has the added bonus of insurance discounts for both the owner and tenants. Some recent examples would be the Chanhassen Brewery going in the old Perkins building and 530 W 79th Street strip mall when the new Crisp and Green went in to the old Cheers Liquor suite. Both buildings now have full functioning fire sprinkler systems where they had no protection prior. 199   0 20 40 60 80 100 120 June July Aug Calls by Type  and Month Rescue & Emergency Medical Service Alarm Calls Good Intent Call Hazardous Condition Service Call Fire 94 88 76 64 71 88 102 85 85 79 84 86 80 75 65 79 77 74 78 82 65 84 75 83 59 66 83 78 81 91 120 105 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Chanhassen Fire Department Calls By Month Comparison 2019 2020 2021 200   753 921 1,002 917 1,026 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Projected Calls for  Service by Year Rescue & Emergency  Medical Service 60% Alarm Calls 12% Good Intent Call 10% Hazardous Condition 7% Service Call 7% Fire 4% 2021 Calls for Service by % of Call Type Rescue & Emergency Medical Service Alarm Calls Good Intent Call Hazardous Condition Service Call Fire 201   S 16% M 16% T 14% W 12% TH 15% F 11% Sa. 16% 2021 CALLS BY  DAY  OF WEEK 0 50 100 150 200 250 4‐8a 8‐12p 12‐4p 4‐8p 8‐12a CALLS BY  TIME OF DAY 2019 2020 2021 202 ³CH ±"F) "F) Rice Lake Lake Riley Lake Susan Rice Marsh Lake Ann Lake St. Joe Harrison Lake Lake Lucy Lotus Lake Clasen Lake Minnewashta Lake Christmas Lake Rice Lake ST18 ST15 ST14 ST17 ST61 SA5 SA7 SA5 SA101 SA41 )212Audubo nRdPowersBlvdChanhassen RdArboretum Blvd Hazeltine BlvdPioneer TrlGalpinBlvdLyman Blvd H w y212Hwy 212MarketBlvdGalpinBlvdHwy 7Powers BlvdGreatPlainsBlvdArb o r e t u m B l v d Flying C l o u d D r C o R d 1 0 1 ST101 ST101 GH117 Document Path: K:\Departments\Fire\FireIncidents_RMS\2021-08(August)\2021-08(August).aprxDate Created: 9/3/2021 Created By: City of Chanhassen - Fire Department µ0 4,000 Feet 0 0.5 Mile City of Chanhassen Fire Calls for Service - August 2021 Calls For Service - August ³CH ±City Hall "F)Fire Station Railroad Rivers Lakes Parks Parcel Boundaries Fire Box Alarm Zones North Box South Box West Box 203 Basic Incident Date Time: Elite mnfirereport Incident Type Report (Summary) Incident Type Total Incidents Total Incidents % of Incidents Total Property Loss Total Content Loss Total Loss Incident Type Category: 1 - Fire 111 - Building fire 2 1.9%50,000 15,000 65,000 135 - Aircraft fire 1 1.0% Total: 3 Total: 2.9%Total: 50,000 Total: 15,000 Total: 65,000 Incident Type Category: 3 - Rescue & Emergency Medical Service Incident 311 - Medical assist, assist EMS crew 2 1.9% 321 - EMS call, excluding vehicle accident with injury 53 50.5% 322 - Motor vehicle accident with injuries 2 1.9% 323 - Motor vehicle/pedestrian accident (MV Ped)1 1.0% 324 - Motor vehicle accident with no injuries.1 1.0% 353 - Removal of victim(s) from stalled elevator 1 1.0% Total: 60 Total: 57.1%Total: 0 Total: 0 Total: 0 Incident Type Category: 4 - Hazardous Condition (No Fire) 412 - Gas leak (natural gas or LPG)2 1.9% 424 - Carbon monoxide incident 2 1.9% 440​ -​ Electrical​ ​ wiring/equipment​ problem,​ other 1 1.0% 444 - Power line down 2 1.9% 445 - Arcing, shorted electrical equipment 1 1.0% Total: 8 Total: 7.6%Total: 0 Total: 0 Total: 0 Incident Type Category: 5 - Service Call 554 - Assist invalid 3 2.9% Total: 3 Total: 2.9%Total: 0 Total: 0 Total: 0 Incident Type Category: 6 - Good Intent Call 611 - Dispatched and cancelled en route 5 4.8% 6111 - EMS Dispatched and cancelled en route 4 3.8% 622 - No incident found on arrival at dispatch address 1 1.0% Total: 10 Total: 9.5%Total: 0 Total: 0 Total: 0 Incident Type Category: 7 - False Alarm & False Call 733 - Smoke detector activation due to malfunction 2 1.9% 735 - Alarm system sounded due to malfunction 2 1.9% 740 - Unintentional transmission of alarm, other 1 1.0% 743 - Smoke detector activation, no fire - unintentional 6 5.7% 744 - Detector activation, no fire - unintentional 1 1.0% 745 - Alarm system activation, no fire - unintentional 5 4.8% 746 - Carbon monoxide detector activation, no CO 2 1.9% Total: 19 Total: 18.1%Total: 0 Total: 0 Total: 0 Incident Type Category: 8 - Severe Weather & Natural Disaster 814 - Lightning strike (no fire)1 1.0% Total: 1 Total: 1.0%Total: 0 Total: 0 Total: 0 Incident Type Category: 9 - Special Incident Type 911 - Citizen complaint 1 1.0% Total: 1 Total: 1.0%Total: 0 Total: 0 Total: 0 Total: 105 Total: 100.0%Total: 50,000 Total: 15,000 Total: 65,000 Report Filters is between '8/1/2021' and '8/31/2021' Report Criteria Printed On: 09/02/2021 07:38:16 AM1 of 2 204 City Council Item September 27, 2021 Item Law Enforcement Update File No.Item No: F.2 Agenda Section FIRE DEPARTMENT/LAW ENFORCEMENT UPDATE Prepared By Lance Pearce, Lieutenant, CCSO Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION None Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS Chanhassen City Council Meeting 9-27-21 memo 205 August 2021 Breakdown 2019-2021 Call Trends monthly report August 2021 Activity Description by Class 206 Page 1 Memo TO:Mayor Ryan and Chanhassen City Council Members FROM: Lieutenant Lance Pearce DATE: September 16, 2021 RE: Law Enforcement Update Attached are the agenda items for the City of Chanhassen council meeting September 27, 2021, for your review and consideration. 1. Carver County Sheriff’s Office City of Chanhassen August 2021 Calls for Service Summary; Group A, Group B, Non-Criminal, Traffic and Administrative. 2. Carver County Sheriff’s Office City of Chanhassen August 2021 Arrest Summary. 3. Carver County Sheriff’s Office City of Chanhassen August 2021 Citation Summary. 4. August 2021 monthly breakdown 5. 2019-2021 Call trends 6. Staffing update: One vacancy in the contract (SRO) and one patrol assignment 7. Training update: Hands on Use of Force training for September 8. Presentation by Mental Health Co-responder Allyson Montplaisir Lieutenant Chanhassen Office 207 August 2021 Carver County Sheriff’s Office City of Chanhassen Call for Service Total Patrol Activity=806 48 13 469 Felony Misdemeanor Non Criminal Traffic August 2021 Types of Calls CFS=806 276 3 20 9 16 August 2021 Group A Felony Assault Felony Theft Drug Felony-Other 208 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 August 2021 Non Criminal 16 166 41 28 Driving Complaint Traffic Stops Crashes Citations Traffic 209 210 211 2019-2021 Call Trends Carver County Sheriff’s Office City of Chanhassen 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Domestics by Month 2019 Domestics by Month 2020 Domestics by Month 2021 Domestics by Month 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Domestic Assault by Month 2019 Domestic Assault by Month 2020 Domestic Assault by Month 2021 Domestic Assault by Month 212 0 5 10 15 20 25 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Mental Health by Month 2019 Mental Health by Month 2020 Mental Health by Month 2021 Mental Health by Month 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Fraud/ Theft by Month 2019 Fraud/ Theft by Month 2020 Fraud/ Theft by Month 2021 Fraud/ Theft by Month 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 City Council Item September 27, 2021 Item Approve a Request for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for a Drive-Thru Pick- Up Window at 530 W. 79th Street, Unit 100 (Crisp & Green) File No.Planning Case No. 2021-18 Item No: H.1 Agenda Section GENERAL BUSINESS Prepared By Bob Generous, Senior Planner Reviewed By Kate Aanenson SUGGESTED ACTION The Planning Commission recommends the City Council approve the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow a drive-through facility for a pick-up window subject to the conditions of approval in the staff report, and Adopts the Planning Commission's Findings of Fact and Recommendation. Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY The applicant is proposing a drive-through pick-up window as part of their restaurant. This drive- through is unique in that there is no menu board on-site; orders are placed on-line, via phone or with an app, and payment is made virtually. Due to this operational model, the queuing for vehicles is reduced, leading to a reduction in the length of the drive-through stacking lane necessary for the operation. Based on the traffic study submitted with the application, the length of the vehicular stacking can be reduced to five cars from the required 12. It shall be a requirement of the CUP that only this restaurant business model for a drive-through pick-up window without a menu board and ordering system is permitted on the site. BACKGROUND 236 The Planning Commission held a public hearing on September 7, 2021 to review the proposed project. The Planning Commission voted 7-0 on a motion recommending approval of the Conditional Use Permit. There were no serious concerns or issues with the proposal. The Planning Commission minutes for September 7, 2021 are in the consent agenda for this City Council packet. DISCUSSION The proposed Conditional Use Permit will permit a drive-through pick-up window with no menu boards, no ordering kiosks and no payment at the pick-up window. BUDGET RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that City Council approve the Conditional Use Permit to allow a drive-through pick- up window subject to the conditions of the Planning Commission staff report and adoption of the Planning Commission Findings of Fact and Recommendation. ATTACHMENTS Planning Commission Staff Report dated September 7, 2021 Findings of Fact and Recommendation Conditional Use Permit - Crisp & Green 237 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Tuesday,September 7,2021 Subject Consider a Request for a Conditional Use Permit CUP)for a Drive-Thru Pick-Up Window at 530 W.79th Street,Unit 100 Crisp and Green) Section PUBLIC HEARINGS Item No:B.1. Prepared By Bob Generous,Senior Planner File No:Planning Case No.2021-18 PROPOSED MOTION: The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends the City Council approve the Conditional Use Permit CUP)to allow a drive-thru facility for a pick-up window subject to the conditions of approval in the staff report and Adopts the Findings of Fact and Recommendation. SUMMARY OF REQUEST The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to allow a drive-thru pick-up window as part of their restaurant operation. APPLICANT Applicant:Jason Pinski,Shingobee,669 N.Medina Street,Loretto,MN 55357 Owner:Brian Burdick,530 W.79th Street,Chanhassen,MN 55317 SITE INFORMATION PRESENT ZONING:Business and Highway Services District,BH LAND USE:Commercial ACREAGE:0.91 acres APPLICATION REGULATIONS Chapter 20,Article IV,Conditional Use Permits Chapter 20,Article XVII.Business and Highway Services District BACKGROUND Frontier Development Park was approved by the Chanhassen Village Council on March 2,1970.A one-story,office- retail building was constructed on the site in 1982-1983. 238 PLANNING COMMISSIONSTAFFREPORTTuesday,September 7,2021SubjectConsideraRequest for a Conditional Use Permit CUP)for a Drive-Thru Pick-Up Windowat530W.79th Street,Unit 100 Crisp and Green)Section PUBLIC HEARINGS Item No:B.1.Prepared By Bob Generous,Senior Planner File No:Planning Case No.2021-18PROPOSEDMOTION:The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends the City Council approve the Conditional Use Permit CUP)toallowadrive-thru facility for a pick-up window subject to the conditions of approval in the staff reportandAdoptstheFindingsofFactandRecommendation.SUMMARY OFREQUESTTheapplicantisrequestinga conditional use permit to allow a drive-thru pick-up window as part of theirrestaurantoperation.APPLICANTApplicant:Jason Pinski,Shingobee,669 N.Medina Street,Loretto,MN 55357 Owner:Brian Burdick,530 W.79thStreet,Chanhassen,MN55317SITEINFORMATIONPRESENTZONING:Business and Highway Services District,BHLANDUSE:CommercialACREAGE:0.91 acresAPPLICATIONREGULATIONSChapter20,Article IV,Conditional UsePermitsChapter20,Article XVII.Business and Highway ServicesDistrictBACKGROUND Frontier Development Park was approved by the Chanhassen Village Council on March 2,1970.A one-story,office- retail building was constructed on the site in 1982-1983. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the Conditional Use Permit to allow a drive-thru pick-up window subject to the conditions of approval in the staff report,and adopt the Findings of Fact and Recommendation. ATTACHMENTS: Staff Report Findings of Fact and Recommendation Development Review Application Development Narrative Traffic Study Site Pick-up Window Operation Site Plan 8-19-21 Grading Drainage Erosion Control Email Response Affidavit of Mailing 239 CITY OF CHANHASSEN PC DATE: September 7, 2021 CC DATE: September 27, 2021 REVIEW DEADLINE: October 5, 2021 CASE #: 2021-18 BY: RG, EH, DN, JS, ET, MU SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a drive-through pick-up window for Crisp & Green. LOCATION: 530 West 79th Street, Unit 100 Lot 4, Block 1, Frontier Development Park APPLICANT: Jason Pinski OWNER: Brian Burdick Shingobee 530 W. 79th Street 669 N. Medina Street Chanhassen, MN 55317 Loretto, MN 55357 Bburdick@burdickproperties.com 763-229-0571 jpinski@shigobee.com PRESENT ZONING: Highway and Business Services District (BH) 2040 LAND USE PLAN: Commercial ACREAGE: 0.91 acres LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAKING: PROPOSED MOTION: The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends the City Council approve the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow a drive-through facility for a pick-up window subject to the conditions of approval in the staff report, And, adopts the Findings of Fact and Recommendation.” 240 530 W. 79th Street, Unit 100 Request for Conditional Use Permit September 7, 2021 Page 2 The City has limited discretion in approving or denying Conditional Use Permits, based on whether or not the proposal meets the conditional use permit standards outlined in the Zoning Ordinance. If the City finds that all the applicable conditional use permit standards are met, the permit must be approved. This is a quasi-judicial decision. Notice of this public hearing has been mailed to all property owners within 500 feet. PROPOSAL/SUMMARY The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to allow a drive-through pick-up window as part of their restaurant operation. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Chapter 20, Article IV, Conditional Use Permits Chapter 20, Article XVII. Business and Highway Services District BACKGROUND Frontier Development Park was approved by the Chanhassen Village Council on March 2, 1970. A one-story, office-retail building was constructed on the site in 1982-1983. SITE CONSTRAINTS Bluff Creek corridor This property is not located within the Bluff Creek Overlay District. Wetland Protection There is not a wetland located on site. Bluff Protection There are no bluffs on the property. Shoreland Management The property is not located within a shoreland protection district. Floodplain Overlay This property is not within a federally designated floodplain. 241 530 W. 79th Street, Unit 100 Request for Conditional Use Permit September 7, 2021 Page 3 DISCUSSION The BH District allows fast food restaurants as a permitted use. However, a drive-through facility requires a conditional use permit. The applicant is proposing a drive-through pickup window as part of their restaurant. This drive- through is unique in that there is no menu board on-site, orders are placed on-line, via phone or with an app and payment is made virtually. Due to this operational model, the queuing for vehicles is reduced, leading to a reduction in the length of the drive-through stacking lane necessary for the operation. Based on the traffic study submitted with the application, the length of the vehicular stacking can be reduced to five cars from the required 12. It shall be a requirement of the CUP that only this restaurant business model for a drive-through pick-up window without a menu board and ordering system is permitted on the site. As part of the review of the proposed drive-through facility, staff must determine compliance with the specific criteria for conditional uses. Conditional Use Permit Criteria Sec 20-292 Drive-Through Facilities Drive-through facilities for any use shall comply with the following standards: 1. They shall not be located adjacent to any residential lot lines. Drive-through is adjacent to a commercial parking lot. 2. They shall be provided with a suitable visual screen from adjacent properties. Landscaping shall be installed along the western property line parallel to the drive- through. Along the west property line we suggest adding 2-3 columnar overstory trees in the wider sections of green space and tall grasses along the stacking spots. 3. Stacking shall be provided within applicable parking lot setbacks. Stacking is accommodated within the existing vehicular circulation area. 4. Stacking shall meet the following standards: 1. Banks: Five vehicles (100 feet); 2. Coffee shops: 13 vehicles (260 feet); 3. Fast-food restaurant: 12 vehicles (240 feet); 4. Pharmacy: Four vehicles (80 feet); 5. Car washes: Four vehicles (80 feet); 6. Other uses: Four vehicles (80 feet). 242 530 W. 79th Street, Unit 100 Request for Conditional Use Permit September 7, 2021 Page 4 The applicant submitted a traffic study regarding the required stacking for the pick-up window. Based on the study, five vehicle stacking is adequate to accommodate their peak hour stacking demand. 5. The City may require a vehicle stacking study to determine whether more or less stacking shall be required for a particular use. A traffic study was submitted for review. 6. Stacking areas shall not interfere with vehicular circulation in the parking lot, nor encroach into any required drive aisles. Due to the shortened stacking demand, the stacking area will not interfere with vehicular circulation on site. The site cannot accommodate a 12 vehicle stacking queue. 7. Speaker or intercom system shall not be audible at the property line. No speaker or intercom is included in the drive-through pick-up window. ACCESS The site has two driveways onto West 79th Street. Access to the drive-through is from the east side of the building and circulates around the north side of the building terminating in the stacking area for the pick-up window on the west side of the building. 243 530 W. 79th Street, Unit 100 Request for Conditional Use Permit September 7, 2021 Page 5 PUBLIC FACILITIES City sewer, water and stormwater facilities and a public street are adequate for the planned pick- up window. The Engineering Department reviewed the Conditional Use Permit submittal for 530 W. 79th Street, Unit 100 (Crisp & Green). These comments are divided into two categories: general comments and proposed conditions of approval (Recommendation). General comments are informational points to guide the applicant in the proper planning of public works infrastructure for this project, to inform the applicant of possible extraordinary issues and/or to provide the basis for findings. Proposed conditions are requirements that the Engineering Department recommends be formally imposed on the developer in the final order. Note that references to the City Standards” herein refer to the City of Chanhassen Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. General Comments/Findings 1. Any and all utility and transportation plans submitted with this application have been reviewed only for the purpose of determining the feasibility of providing utility and transportation facilities for the project in accordance with City Standards. A recommendation of Conditional Use Permit approval does not constitute final approval of details, including but not limited to alignments, materials and points of access, connection or discharge, that are depicted or suggested in the application. The applicant is required to submit detailed construction drawings for the project, as applicable. The City of Chanhassen Engineering and Public Works Departments will review plans, in detail, when they are submitted and approve, reject or require modifications to the plans or drawings based upon conformance with City Standards, the Chanhassen Code of Ordinances and the professional engineering judgment of the City Engineer. 2. It is the opinion of the Engineering Department that the proposed conditional use permit can be developed in accordance with the requirements of the Chanhassen Code of Ordinances (as it pertains to Engineering and Public Works requirements) and City Standards, provided it fully addresses the comments and conditions contained herein, and can be approved. 3. The applicant is proposing the installation of a drive-through pick-up window for a future fast-casual restaurant (Crisp & Green) in the existing building located at 530 W. 79th Street, Unit 100. In consideration of this request, a traffic study conducted by SRF Consulting was provided which performed a review of the surrounding road network operations (existing condition and build condition), evaluation of projected trip generation, site access, and circulation within the site which included the proposed drive- through operations. The study concluded that the development is expected to generate 131 trips and 42 trips during midday peak hour (noon until 1 p.m.) and commuter peak hour (5-6 p.m.), respectively, which was characterized as a minimal traffic impact to the surrounding transportation network. Furthermore, it was determined that due to the characteristic of the drive-through pick-up window an anticipated design queue length 244 530 W. 79th Street, Unit 100 Request for Conditional Use Permit September 7, 2021 Page 6 would only be five cars during peak hours, which is less than a typical drive-through due to the fact that the drive-through pick-up window is only for pick-up of online orders. This anticipated queue length was found not to impede the operation of the existing users or block traffic circulation within the site. SRF Consulting did recommend pavement markings and signage to identify the pavement area assigned for pick-up window queues to avoid blocking or impeding other site-generated circulating traffic. There is also a need for “Do Not Enter” and “One Way” signage to further clarify site circulation. See proposed condition 1. COMPATIBLITY General Issuance Standards 245 530 W. 79th Street, Unit 100 Request for Conditional Use Permit September 7, 2021 Page 7 The Planning Commission shall recommend a conditional use permit and the City Council shall issue such conditional use permits only if it finds that such use at the proposed location: 1) Will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, comfort, convenience or general welfare of the neighborhood or the city. 2) Will be consistent with the objectives of the City's Comprehensive Plan and this chapter. 3) Will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so to be compatible in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential character of that area. 4) Will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or planned neighboring uses. 5) Will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems and schools; or will be served adequately by such facilities and services provided by the persons or agencies responsible for the establishment of the proposed use. 6) Will not create excessive requirements for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. 7) Will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare due to excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, odors, rodents or trash. 8) Will have vehicular approaches to the property which do not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic or surrounding public thoroughfares. 9) Will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of solar access, natural, scenic or historic features of major significance. 10) Will be aesthetically compatible with the area. 11) Will not depreciate surrounding property values. 12) Will meet standards prescribed for certain uses as provided in this article. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the Conditional Use Permit to allow a drive-through pick-up window subject to the following conditions: Building 1. Provide the City with a revised building plan showing the pick-up window. Engineering 1. The applicant shall submit a striping and signage plan that ensures proper site circulation for review and approval. 2. The applicant shall contact the City to ensure erosion control measures are in place prior to construction of the drive-through area. Planning 1. A menu board and ordering kiosk shall not be installed as part of the drive-through facility. 2. The drive-through facility shall only be permitted for a pick-up window. 246 530 W. 79th Street, Unit 100 Request for Conditional Use Permit September 7, 2021 Page 8 3. Landscaping shall be installed along the western property line parallel to the drive-through. A landscape plan shall be submitted for City review and approval. And adopt the Findings of Fact and Recommendation. ATTACHMENTS 1. Findings of Fact and Recommendation 2. Development Review Application 3. Narrative 4. Traffic Study 5. Site Pick-up Widow Operation 6. Site Plan 8-19-21 7. C2 Grading Drainage and Erosion Control 8. Email Response 9. Public Hearing Notice and Mailing List g:\plan\2021 planning cases\21-18 crisp & green cup for drive thru window\staff report crisp & green cup.docx 247 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION IN RE: Application of Jason Pinski and Brian Burdick for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow a drive-through pick-up window facility. On September 7, 2021, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Jason Pinski and Brian Burdick for a conditional use permit for the property located at 530 West 79th Street, Unit 100. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed conditional use preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Highway and Business Services District (BH). 2. The property is guided by the Land Use Plan for Commercial use. 3. The legal description of the property is: Lot 4, Block 1, Frontier Development Park, Carver County, Minnesota. 4. Section 20-232: a. The proposed use will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, comfort, convenience or general welfare of the neighborhood or the city. Traffic circulation is contained on site and is adequately accommodated through appropriate signage and the type of service delivery b. The proposed use will be consistent with the objectives of the City's Comprehensive Plan and the zoning ordinance. The development complies with City Code requirements and is consistent with the Commercial land use designation. c. The proposed use will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so to be compatible in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential character of that area. d. The proposed use will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or planned neighboring uses. It is similar to other uses in the area. e. The proposed use will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water 248 and sewer systems and schools; or will be served adequately by such facilities and services provided by the persons or agencies responsible for the establishment of the proposed use. f. The proposed use will not create excessive requirements for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community, but will promote economic development and be adequately served by existing public infrastructure. g. The proposed use will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, odors, rodents, or trash. The use is consistent with other uses located along West 79th Street. h. The proposed use will have vehicular approaches to the property which do not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic or surrounding public thoroughfares. i. The proposed use will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of solar access, natural, scenic or historic features of major significance. j. The proposed use will be aesthetically compatible with the area. k. The proposed use will not depreciate surrounding property values. l. The proposed use will meet standards prescribed for certain uses as provided in Chapter 20, Article IV of the City Code. 5. The Planning report #2021-18 dated September 7, 2021, prepared by Robert Generous, et al, is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the Conditional Use Permit to permit a drive-through pick-up window facility subject to the following conditions: Building 1. Provide the City with a revised building plan showing the pick-up window. Engineering 1. The applicant shall submit a striping and signage plan that ensures proper site circulation for review and approval. 2. The applicant shall contact the City to ensure erosion control measures are in place prior to construction of the drive-through area. 249 Planning 1. A menu board and ordering kiosk shall not be installed as part of the drive-through facility. 2. The drive-through facility shall only be permitted for a pick-up window. 3. Landscaping shall be installed along the western property line parallel to the drive- through. A landscape plan shall be submitted for City review and approval. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 7th day of September, 2021. CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION BY:___________________________________ Its, Chairman g:\plan\2021 planning cases\21-18 crisp & green cup for drive thru window\findings of fact crisp & green.docx 250 COHTUNITY DEI'ELOPIIENT DEPARTiIENT Plsnning Division - 7700 Ma*et Bouleverd Msihng Address - P.O Box 147. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone (952) 227-'1100 / Fax: (952)227-1110 Sub.nflalOet!L" fRofrr lo lhc rmropa.f! ApprErtp,, Crrcrdrs, lat Qqv,Gd E Comprehensive Plan Amendment . ..... . . ........ t600 E Minor MUSA line ior failing on-site sewers.....9100 E Conditional Use Permit (CUP) D Srngl+FamilyResidence .. .....................9325 El A[ others . ....... $425 I lntenm Use Permit (lUP) D ln conjunclaon with Single-Family Residence.. 3325 E alt otners . ..................... 3425 E Rezonrng (REZ ) E Planned Unit Development (PUD) .................. $750 C Minor Amendment to existing PUD... ....... .....$100 E A others. .............. ..........3500 Sign Plan Revievv......... ...........t150 Site Ptan Review (SPR) E AdminisEative ..........................9100 D Commerciaulndustrial Districts'...................... $500 Plus $ 10 per 1.000 square feet of building area:( thousand square feet) lncluda nomb.r ol!!S149 employc€s lnclucc numbcr ot 499 tmdoltes E Residential Districts......................... .............. S500 Plus $5 p€r dwelling unit ( units) E vacarion! Metes I Bounds Subdivision (3 docs.) CITY OT CH,II{IIASSII{ APPLICATION FOR OEVELOPMENT REVIEW cc orrc 1L)?-l3L 6GD.v R!v.w D.rG Vacation of EasementyRight{f-way (VAC) Addnb6.l llcording tur3 mrY .PPIY) Variance (VAR) . Wetland Alteration Permit (WAP) to)el a-r 9300 5200 150 275 st]l.,rni .t inlo nrlan, lhet .rusl ffi.twt y lhis sfrlt abott) E subdivision (SUB)- E cr""t" i lots br less " s300 E create over 3 lots................. ... .i500 + $15 per lot( lots) Metes & Bounds (2 l"ts) . . ...... -. .$300 Consolidate 1ots.............-.......-..........'......... . .S150 Lot Line Adjust nent.................. ............ ........ 31 50 Final P|at.............. ........ ... ..9700 lncludes 3450 escrow for attomey cosF)' iAdd(bnal ascrpr lrlsy bc rlquilld ,o, ohcr aPolrcalions through tha (hvclopmttrt contra€|. tr tr tr Dtr D D D D Single.Family Residence... All Others........................... E Notitication Sign (c'ty to lnst llsid llrrlov!) ........ Property Owne6' List within 500' (clty to gencntc .ft!r pr!{ppl€tion nrcting} ...... 0 Escrow for Recording Documents (check all that apply)............... t--.' EConotionrtu;"F';*ii - --tr'iiit"ri.useP;;i Variance Easements L_ easements) E Zoning Appeel ......,..................0100 E Zoning Ordinance Amendment (ZOA)................. SSOO M!IE: lthan m{lud. *Dllc.tloo |It proc..ttd co.tcumntty, lha rpp.lorl.t lba rhrll ba ch.read io. ..ch apDllcaion. 200 lj addresses) 3 per address 50 per document Agreernent Alteration Permit E Site PtantrtrWetlandDeeds t73TOTALFEE: Section 1: Application Type (check all that applyl Section 2: Required lnlormation Descflptron ol Proposal J3o wer-l 1.r{ er}cce+ 5ui+6'+ 1ooPropertyAddressorLocation Parcel *:Legal Oescription Total Acreage; Present Zoning Soloct One Wetlands Present? fl Yes ffi No n"g1on. Select One Requested Land Use Desig 161161. SelectOnePresentLandUseDesig Existing Use of Property: lcirect box if separate narrative is attached PcDd,t_l'7_l_ul_ Requested Zoning:Seloct Ono 251 Soction 3: Proporty Ownor and Applicant lnformation AppLlcANT OTHER THAN pROpERW OWNER: tn signing this application, l, as applicant, represent to have obtained ou[ronzeton lrom the property owner to file lhrs apptrcati-on iagree to be bound by condilions of approval, subiect only lo the nght to oblecl at the heanngs on the apphc€tion or during the appeal penod lf ihis application has not been signed by tne p perty owner. I nave atta|hed selaraie oocumentatio; ol full legal capacity lo file the application This application should be processed ,n .y n"." nd iam ttre party wnom the City s[ould conlict regarding any matter pertaining to this apptrcatron I wr1 keep misetf rnformed of the deadirnes for submrision of material and the progress of this application I further understand that addilronal fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authonzatron to proceed wth the studi I cedid that lhe informairon and exhibits submltled are true and correct' Name SAsa ,v Pirrslt.Contact Phone 1bs-e?ct.of'|l 7b 3 -+ 1 34rr-n Cell Fax Date 2 -<O 41- Contact: Phone Address (olu { 1 me otiar )I Crty/State/Zrp l-o reL'to ,ir^r,j 5535? Emarl bc e. Srgnature Cell Fax Dale PROPERTY OWNER: ln srgnrng thrs apphcatron, l, as property owner. have tull legal capacity to, and hereby do, authonze the filng ol thrs afplicition. I understand that conditions of approval are binding and agree to be bound by those condrtrons. sublit only to the nght lo object at lhe hearings or during the appeal periods. I will keep myself informed of the deadlnes ,or submrssron of matenal and the progresgof this application. I further understand thal additional fees may be charged for consultrng fees. leasibility studies, etc with an estimate prior to any aulhorization lo proceed with the study I oertrty that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. n. .BR.tAxt l). firtanrc,t< contact: y'|.,* rl "( Address fz.. l,t/..+'vt 4 A-,-*-enone:(ol 2 - tul -oSZll-7 Emarl Srgn t <o This applEaton must be completed in full and must be accompanied by all inlonnation and plans required by applicable Crty Ordinance provEions. Before filing this application, refer to the appropnate Application Checktist and conter wth the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and applicable procrdural requirements and fees A determrnatron of completeness of the apphcalion shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal wntten notice of applcation deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. A Section 4: Notilication lnformation Who should roceive copies of rtaff repoat3? Property Owner Via: ! Email Othcr Contrct lnfomafl on: Name:! npdrcant Ma f] EngineerViaEotner Etr Emarl Email Via; ! Email I Maiteo Paper Copy! Maited Paper copy D Uaiteo Paper Copy D Maited Paper Copy City/State/Zip: Email: Address INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT devrce PRINT FORM and dehver copy to the crty for pocessrng Complete all necessary lorm fields, then select SAVE FORM to sav€ a copy to city along with required docurnents and payment. SUBMIT FORM to sond to yDur a dlgltal sAvE FORU SUAUT FORT'PRII{T FORII cry/sratezip: PROJECT ENGII{EER (if appl&rable) Name: _ Address _ city/srate/zip: Emarl: Cell: Fax: 252 I6h The Cornerstone Hello We believe the 12 general standard bullet points have been met in the SRF study. The pickup window will not endanger the public. lt will help with the traffic. The aesthetics and design of the exterior will not change due to the pickup window. The community will benefit in many ways and nothing new to the exterior of the building will change the way the water, sewer and any other public service work in the community. The vehicles will be using the property in the best way it can as Iaid out in the traffic study. The pickup window will not depreciate the surrounding property values. Please read the SRF traffic study and findings. We believe all the criteria is met to move forward with the Pickup window. Thank you ! Jason Pinski Construction I Proiect Management I Real Estate Development 669 North Medina Street PO. Box 8 Loreno, MN 55357 763.479.1300 763.479.3267 hx www.shingobee.com lntegrity. 253 Memorandum www.srfconsulting.com 3701 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 100 | Minneapolis, MN 55416-3791 | 763.475.0010 Fax: 1.866.440.6364 An Equal Opportunity Employer SRF No. 02 114711 To: Dean Villella | CEO | CRISP GREEN , G&G4U, LLC Erik Koenig | Senior Project Manager | Shingobee From: Jeff Bednar, TOPS, Senior Traffic Engineering Specialist Date: June 30, 202 1 Subject: CRISP GREEN | Traffic Study | Chanhassen, Minnesota Introduction This traffic study has been completed for the proposed Crisp & Green development in the City of Chanhassen (see Figure 1). The main objectives of the study are to review existing operations, evaluate trip generation, access, and circulation within the site, including the proposed drive -thru operations, and recommend improvements to ensure safe and efficient operations. A summary of the traffic study findings, conclusions and recommendations can be found on page 13 of this memorandum. Existing Conditions The existing conditions were reviewed to establish a baseline to identify any future impacts associated with the proposed development. The evaluation of existing conditions includes data collection efforts and intersection capacity analys es. The following information summarizes the existing conditions. Traffic Data Collection Existing weekday midday and p.m. peak period vehicular turning movement volumes were estimated at the following study intersections. Note that traffic data collection activities were conducted during May 2021 and were impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, with traffic volumes estimated to be approximately 15 to 25 percent lower than normal conditions for the study area. Therefore, a Post-COVID-19 estimate of the study area background traffic volumes was developed based on the newly collected turning movement counts as well as Pre-COVID-19 traffic counts from; MnDOT for the Highway 5 intersections (2019), and the City of Chanhassen including; the Chanhassen Chick -fil -A Traffic Impact Analysis (2016 , HRGreen) and the Market Boulevard Corridor Study (2016 , Kimley -Horn). This Post-COVID-19 estimate of the study area background traffic volumes was used as a surrogate for the existing (2021) traffic volumes and build condition background traffic volumes. Highway 5/Great Plains Boulevard • Highway 5/Market Boulevard Great Plains Boulevard/West 79 th Street • Market Boulevard/West 79th Street West 79th Street /East Site Access • West 79th Street/West Site Access 254 Figure 1 Project Location C RISP GREEN , Chanhassen | Traffic Study G&G4U, LLC. | City of ChanhassenH:\Projects\14711\ TS\ Figures\Figure1 02114711 June 2021 NProposedSiteHwy 255 Note: Existing conditions peak hour volumes shown represent estimated Post -COVID -19 conditions and are based on Pre-COVID -19 traffic counts from; MnDOT for the Highway 5 intersections (2019), the Chanhassen Chick -fil-A Traffic Impact Analysis (2016 HRGreen) and the Market Boulevard Corridor Study (2016 Kimley-Horn). Figure 2 Existing Conditions C RISP GREEN , Chanhassen | Traffic Study G&G4U, LLC. | City of ChanhassenH:\Projects\14711\ TS\ Figures\Figure2 02114711 June 2021 N Great Plains Blvd Midday Peak Hour Vol. 110 ( 215) 1020 ( 1540) 130 ( 295) Market 200) 225 1020) 1000 235) 105 ( 140) 175 ( 360) 305 ( 100) 85 100 (205) 245 (275) 180 (275) ( 15) 15 ( 360) 285 (95) 90 10 ( 15) 10 ( 5) 40 (20) 50 (30) 190 (350) 256 Dean Villella | CEO | Crisp Green, G&G4U, LLC June 30, 2021 Erik Koenig | Senior Project Manager | Shingobee Page 4 Roadway Characteristics A field assessment was completed to identify various roadway characteristics within the transportation system study area, such as functional classification, general configuration, and posted speed limit. A summary of these roadway characteristics is shown in Table 1 . Note that these are general characteristics and that there are some deviations within portions of roadway segments. Table 1. Existing Roadway Characteristics 1) Functional Classification based on MnDOT’s Functional Classification GIS. The Highway 5/Great Plains Boulevard and Highway 5 /Market Boulevard intersections are traffic signal controlled, while the four other study intersections are unsignalized with side -street stop control. Existing geometrics, traffic controls, and traffic volumes in the study area are shown in Figure 2. Existing Intersection Traffic Operations/Capacity Analysis An existing intersection traffic operations/capacity analysis was completed t o establish baseline conditions to which future traffic operations can be compared. The capacity analysis was completed for the midday and p.m. peak hours at the study intersections using Synchro/SimTraffic traffic simulation model. Capacity analysis resul ts identify a Level of Service (LOS) which indicates the quality of traffic flow through an intersection. Intersections are given a ranking from LOS A through LOS F. The LOS results are based on average delay per vehicle, which correspond to the delay thre shold values shown in Table 2. LOS A indicates the best traffic operation, with vehicles experiencing minimal delays. LOS F indicates an intersection where demand exceeds capacity, or a breakdown of traffic flow. Overall intersection LOS A through D are generally considered acceptable by drivers in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. For side-street stop-controlled intersections, special emphasis is given to providing an estimate for the level of service of the side -street approach. Traffic operations at an unsignalized intersection with side- street stop control can be described in two ways. First, consideration is given to the overall intersection level of service. This considers the total number of vehicles entering the intersection and the capa bility of the intersection to support these volumes. Roadway Functional Classification (1) General Configuration Posted Speed Limit (mph) Trunk Highway (TH) 5 Minor Arterial Multi-lane divided 55 Great Plains Boulevard Minor Arterial Multi-lane divided 30 Market Boulevard Minor Arterial Multi-lane divided/Multi-lane undivided 30 West 79th Street Local Road 2-lane undivided 30 257 Dean Villella | CEO | Crisp Green, G&G4U, LLC June 30, 2021 Erik Koenig | Senior Project Manager | Shingobee Page 5 Second, it is important to consider delay on the minor approach. Since mainline traffic does not stop, most of the delay is attributed to the side -street approaches. It is typical of intersections wi th higher mainline traffic volumes to experience high levels of delay (i.e. poor levels of service) on the side - street approaches, but an acceptable overall intersection level of service during peak hour conditions. Table 2. Level of Service Criteria for Signalized and Unsignalized Intersections LOS Designation Signalized Intersection Average Delay/Vehicle (seconds) Unsignalized Intersection Average Delay/Vehicle (seconds) A 10 10 B > 10 - 20 > 10 - 15 C > 20 - 35 > 15 - 25 D > 35 - 55 > 25 - 35 E > 55 – 80 > 35 – 50 F > 80 > 50 Results of the existing traffic operations analysis, shown in Table 3, indicate that all study intersections operate at an acceptable overall LOS D or better during the midday (12 -1 p.m.) and p.m. (5-6 p.m.) peak hours under existing traffic control and intersection geometric s. However, the eastbound left - turn at the Great Plains Boulevard/West 79th Street intersection operates at LOS F, and the westbound left -turn at the Market Boulevard/West 79th Street intersection operates at LOS E. The southbound left-turn 95th percentile queues at the Great Plains Boulevard/Highway 5 intersection, currently spill back to and beyond the West 79th Street intersection during the midday 12 -1 p.m.) and p.m. (5 -6 p.m.) peak hours. The southbound left-turn 95th percentile queues at the and Market Boulevard/Highway 5 intersection, currently spill back to the West 79th Street intersection during the p.m. (5 -6 p.m.) peak hour. Note that the midday and p.m. peak hour 95th percentile queues for the worst approaches are also reported in Table 3. Table 3. Existing Peak Hour Traffic Operations/Capacity Analysis Study Intersection Midday Peak Hour P.M. Peak Hour LOS Delay Queue LOS Delay Queue Highway 5/Great Plains Boulevard (1) B 20 sec. SB LT/15 D 40 sec. SBLT/20 Highway 5/Market Boulevard (1) C 29 sec. SBLT/10 D 41 sec. SBLT/15 Great Plains Boulevard/West 79th Street (2) A/D 30 sec. EBLT/1 A/F 74 sec. EBLT/3 Market Boulevard/West 79th Street (2) A/D 28 sec. WBLT/2 A/E 39 sec. WBLT/3 West 79th Street/East Site Driveway (2) A/B 13 sec. SB/1 A/B 14 sec. SB/1 West 79th Street/West Site Driveway (2) A/B 10 sec. SB/1 A/B 11 sec. SB/1 1) Indicates a traffic signal -controlled intersection, where the overall LOS and average delay per vehicle are shown. The queue shown is the 95th percentile queue (in vehicles) for the worst side-street approach at the intersection . 2) Indicates a side -street stop-controlled intersection, where the overall LOS is shown followed by the worst approach LOS. The delay shown represents the worst side-street approach average delay per vehicle. The queue shown is the 95th percentile queue (in vehicles) for the worst approach at the interse ction. The 95th percentile queue s shown in red bold font spill back to and beyond the adjacent upstream intersection. 258 Dean Villella | CEO | Crisp Green, G&G4U, LLC June 30, 2021 Erik Koenig | Senior Project Manager | Shingobee Page 6 Proposed Development The site of the proposed Crisp & Green development is generally the westmost 3,000 square feet of currently unoccupied/vacant space (formerly Cheers Wine & Spirits) in the 79th Street Center, and was assumed to be completed and occupied by late 2021 to early 2022 . The proposed development consists of a healthy fast -casual restaurant offering a sustainable chef- crafted me nu, featuring: made-to-order salads with homemade dressings, naturally raised meats and fish, grain bowls, smoothies and seasonal sides and includes indoor seating for 50 patrons plus a pick - up window. Food services available include carry-out, delivery, pick-up and dine-in. The City of Chanhassen is specifically concerned with the operation of the pick -up window and its interaction and impact on the existing cleaners/laundry drive -up drop-off and pick up. The city also desires evaluation of the proposed pick -up window, assuming potential future conversion to a fast -food restaurant. Crisp & Green can be characterized as a fast-casual , sit-down restaurant. Most customers (70 percent) typically order online with fewer customers (30 percent) ordering at the rest a urant. The menu generally contains higher quality made to order food items with fewer frozen or processed ingredients than fast - food restaurants. The proposed development concept site plan is illustrated in Figure 3 . Access to the proposed development site is planned at the two site driveway locations on West 79th Street. Traffic Forecasts Trip Generation Estimates Trip generation estimates for weekday midday peak hour (12-1 p.m.) and p.m. commuter peak hour 5-6 p.m.) plus daily trips were made for the proposed development and a potential future fast-food conversion comparison, were based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition. The proposed development will not be open for breakfast, therefore , the a.m. peak hour was not included in the analysis. The midday peak hour (12-1 p.m.) trips were estimated based on ITE peak hour of generator data. The p.m. commuter peak hour (5 -6 p.m.) trips were estimated based on ITE p.m. peak hour of adjacent street data. Results of the trip generation estimate shown in Table 4 indicate that the proposed Crisp & Green development is expected to generate a total of 131 midday peak hour (12 -1 p.m.) trips, 42 p.m. commuter peak hour (5-6 p.m.) trips, and 946 daily trip ends (50 percent in/50 percent out). Table 4. Trip Generation Estimates – Proposed Development | Potential Future Conversion Land Use (ITE Land Use Code) Gross Square Feet Midday Peak Hour 12-1 p.m.) PM Commuter Peak Hour (5-6 p.m.) Daily Trip EndsInOutInOut Fast-Casual Restaurant w/ Pick -Up Window (1) (930) 3,000 60 71 23 19 946 Fast-Food Restaurant w / Drive-Through (2) (934) 3,000 79 75 51 47 1,413 1) The proposed Crisp & Green development was assumed as a Fast-Casual Restaurant with Pick-Up Window. 2) Typical Fast-Food Restaurant with Drive -Through included for potential future conversion comparison and for use in site drive -through queuing/circulation analysis. 259 Figure 3 Proposed Site Plan C RISP GREEN , Chanhassen | Traffic Study G&G4U, LLC. | City of ChanhassenH:\Projects\14711\ TS\ 260 Dean Villella | CEO | Crisp Green, G&G4U, LLC June 30, 2021 Erik Koenig | Senior Project Manager | Shingobee Page 8 Development-Generated Traffic Forecast Assignment The directional trip distribution for the proposed development and site -generated peak hour trips , as shown in Figure 4, was developed based on the regional distribution of households and employment, existing study area travel patterns, and engineering judgment. Based on this directional distribution, new trips generated by the proposed development were assigned to the existing traffic on the supporting roadway network for the Development Build Conditions and are shown in Figure 5 . Development Build Conditions Intersection Traffic Operations/Capacity Analysis The Build Conditions intersection traffic operations/capacity analysis was completed to determine future traffic operations and development -generated traffic impacts . The capacity analysis was completed for the midday and p.m. peak hours at the study intersections using Synchro/SimTraffic traffic simulation model. Results of the Development Build Conditions traffic operations analysis are shown in Table 5 . Development Build Conditions The Development Build Conditions traffic operations analysis results , shown in Table 5 , indicate that all study intersections are expected to continue to operate at an acceptable overall LOS D or better during the midday (12 -1 p.m.) and p.m. (5-6 p.m.) peak hours under existing traffic control and intersection geometrics . While delay and queuing on West 79 th Street for the eastbound and westbound left -turning vehicles at Great Plains Boulevard and Market Boulevard, respectively, are expected to increase somewhat , the proposed Crisp & Green restaurant site-generated traffic impacts can be characterized as minimal . The northbound Great Plains Boulevard left-turn queues at West 79th Street , including the development of the proposed Crisp & Green restaurant , are not expected to spill back into the traffic signal -controlled intersection at Great Plains Boulevard/Highway 5 . Table 5. Development Build Conditions Peak Hour Traffic Operations/Capacity Analysis Study Intersection Midday Peak Hour P.M. Peak Hour LOS Delay Queue LOS Delay Queue Highway 5/Great Plains Boulevard (1) C 21 sec. SBLT/17 D 41 sec. SBLT/22 Highway 5/Market Boulevard (1) C 30 sec. SBLT/10 D 42 sec. SBLT/16 Great Plains Boulevard/West 79th Street (2) A/E 3 8 sec. EBLT/2 A/F 90 sec. EBLT/4 Market Boulevard/West 79th Street (2) A/E 36 sec. WBLT/3 A/E 45 sec. WBLT/3 West 79 th Street/East Site Driveway (2) A/C 16 sec. SB/1 A/B 15 sec. SB/1 West 79th Street/West Site Driveway (2) A/B 12 sec. SB/1 A/B 12 sec. SB/1 1) Indicates a traffic signal -controlled intersection, where the overall LOS and average delay per vehicle are shown. The queue shown is the 95th percentile queue (in vehicles) for the worst side-street approach at the intersection . 2) Indicates a side-street stop-controlled intersection, where the overall LOS is shown followed by the worst approach LOS. The delay shown represents the worst side-street approach average delay per vehicle. The queue shown is the 95th percentile queue (in vehicles) for the worst side-street approach at the intersection. The 95th percentile queues shown in red bold font spill back to and beyond the adjacent upstream intersection. 261 Figure 4 Development -Generated Trip Directional Distribution and Hourly Volumes C RISP GREEN , Chanhassen | Traffic Study G&G4U, LLC. | City of ChanhassenH:\Projects\14711\ TS\ Figures\Figure4 02114711 June 2021 N Great Plains Blvd Midday Peak Hour Vol. Market Traffic Signal Control Market Hwy 5 Hwy 5 W 79th St Great Plains Great Plains Great Plns Great Plns Hwy 5 Hwy 5 5% 10% (0) 0 (0) 0 (5) 15 0 ( 0) 0 ( 0) 0 ( 0) 0 ( 0) 0 ( 262 Note: Development build conditions peak hour volumes shown represent estimated Post-COVID -19 conditions plus the Crisp & Green site-generated traffic volumes. Figure 5 Development Build Conditions CRISP GREEN, Chanhassen | Traffic Study G&G4U, LLC. | City of ChanhassenH:\Projects\14711\ TS\ Figures\Figure5 02114711 June 2021 N Great Plains Blvd Midday Peak Hour Vol. 110 ( 215) 930 ( 1540) 130 ( 295) Market 205) 240 1020) 1000 235) 105 ( 140) 175 ( 365) 315 ( 105) 100 100 (205) 255 (280) 180 (275) ( 15) 15 ( 360) 285 (100) 105 10 ( 15) 10 ( 5) 40 (20) 50 (30) 190 (350) 263 Dean Villella | CEO | Crisp Green, G&G4U, LLC June 30, 2021 Erik Koenig | Senior Project Manager | Shingobee Page 11 Proposed Site Pick-Up Window/Circulation Review Site Pick-Up Window Traffic Operations A review of the proposed Crisp & Green development concept site plan (see Figure 3 ) was completed to identify issues specific to the proposed pick -up window operation and recommend potential improvements regarding pick-up window queuing spillback and site circulation. Based on ITE and local traffic study data, the 95th percentile or design queue (in vehicles) developing from a fast-food restaurant drive-through operation has been field measured at an average of 15 percent of the total peak hour inbound traffic volume generated by the fast -food restaurant with drive - through. However, field observed pick -up window queuing data was not available for Fast -Casual Restaurant w/Pick-Up Window, therefore, the design queue for the proposed Crisp & Green development was based on data provided by Crisp & Green. Since Crisp & Green will not use a menu board or pay window (all done online), the estimated pick -up window vehicle dwell time (speed of service) is only 20-30 seconds, compared to 60-90 seconds, or more, for fast -food drive -through. Results of the Pick -Up Window /Drive-Through design queue estimates, shown in Table 5, indicate that the proposed Crisp & Green development is expected to generate a design queue of 5 vehicles during the midday peak hour (12 -1 p.m.). For comparison, a potential future conversion of the proposed Crisp & Green development to fast -food restaurant with drive-through could be expected to generate a design queue of 12 vehicles during the midday peak hour (12 -1 p.m.). Table 6. Pick-Up Window/Drive-Through Operations – Design Queue Estimates Land Use (ITE Land Use Code) Midday Peak Hour 12-1 p.m.) PM Commuter Peak Hour 5-6 p.m.) In bound Trips Design Queue Inbound Trips Design Queue Fast-Casual Restaurant w / Pick -Up Window (1) (930) 60 5 23 2 Fast-Food Restaurant w / Drive-Through (2) (93 4) 79 12 51 8 1) The proposed Crisp & Green development was assumed as a Fast-Casual Restaurant with Pick-Up Window. 2) Typical Fast-Food Restaurant with Drive-Through included for possible future conversion comparison and for use in site drive-through queuing/circulation analysis. Based on these Pick -Up Window /Drive-Through design queue estimates for the proposed Crisp & Green development and the potential future conversion of the proposed development to fast -food restaurant with drive -through, design queues were plotted on the proposed development concept site plan (see Figure 6 ). A review of these development generated pick -up window design queues indicates that the proposed Crisp & Green pick-up window would not be a factor in blocking or otherwise impeding the operation of the existing laundry drop -off/pick -up drive -through or of other site - generated circulating traffic. It is recommended that the proposed development Pick-Up Window lane be marked, striped and signed to identify the pavement area assigned and avoid potential blocking of other site-generated circulating and parked traffic (see Figure 6). 264 Figure 6 Site Pick -Up Window Operation Queuing Spillback | Site Circulation Analysis CRISP GREEN, Chanhassen | Traffic Study G&G4U, LLC. | City of ChanhassenH:\Projects\14711\ TS\ Figures\Figure6 02114711 June 2021 N Pick-Up Window CRISP & GREEN Pick- Up Window Maximum Queue 5 Vehicles) Traditional Fast- Food Drive- Thru Window Maximum Queue 12 Vehicles) 265 Dean Villella | CEO | Crisp Green, G&G4U, LLC June 30, 2021 Erik Koenig | Senior Project Manager | Shingobee Page 13 Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations Based on this proposed Crisp & Green Development traffic study and analysis, the following summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations is offered for your consideration: 1. All study intersections operate at an acceptable overall LOS D or better during the midday (12 -1 p.m.) and p.m. (5 -6 p.m.) peak hours under existing traffic control and intersection geometrics. However, the eastbound left -turn at the Great Plains Boulevard/West 79th Street intersection operates at LOS F, and the westbound left -turn at the Market Boulevard/West 79th Street intersection operates at LOS E. 2. Southbound left-turn 95th percentile queues at the Great Plains Boulevard/Highway 5 intersection, currentl y spill back to and beyond the West 79th Street intersection during the midday 12 -1 p.m.) and p.m. (5 -6 p.m.) peak hours. The southbound left -turn 95th percentile queues at the and Market Boulevard/Highway 5 intersection, currently spill back to the West 79th Street intersection during the p.m. (5 -6 p.m.) peak hour 3. The site of the proposed Crisp & Green development is generally the westmost 3,000 square feet of currently unoccupied/vacant space (formerly Cheers Wine & Spirits) in the 79th Street Center. The proposed development consists of a healthy fast -casual restaurant offering a sustainable chef- crafted menu, featuring: made -to-order salads with homemade dressings, naturally raised meats and fish, grain bowls, smoothies and seasonal sides and inclu des indoor seating for 50 patrons plus a pick -up window with online ordering and payment . 4. Access to the proposed Crisp & Green development site is planned at the two site driveway locations on West 79th Street. 5. The proposed Crisp & Green development is expected to generate a total of 131 midday peak hour (12 -1 p.m.) trips, 42 p.m. commuter peak hour (5-6 p.m.) trips, and 946 daily trip ends (50 percent in/50 percent out). 6. The directional trip distribution for the proposed development was developed based on the regional distribution of households and employment, existing study area travel patterns, and engineering judgment. Based on this directional distribution, new trips generated by the proposed development were assigned to the existing traffic on the supporting roadway network for the Development Build Conditions . 7. The Development Build Conditions traffic operations analysis results indicate that all study intersections are expected to continue to operate at an acceptable overall LOS D or better du ring the midday (12 -1 p.m.) and p.m. (5 -6 p.m.) peak hours under existing traffic control and intersection geometrics. The delay and queuing on West 79th Street for the eastbound and westbound approach left-turning vehicles at Great Plains Boulevard and Market Boulevard, respectively, are expected to increase only slightly, therefore, the proposed Crisp & Green site- generated traffic impacts can be characterized as minimal. 266 Dean Villella | CEO | Crisp Green, G&G4U, LLC June 30, 2021 Erik Koenig | Senior Project Manager | Shingobee Page 14 8. The northbound Great Plains Boulevard left -turn queues at West 79th Street, including the proposed Crisp & Green restaurant site -generated trips, are not expected to spill back into the traffic signal -controlled intersection at Great Plains Boulevard/Highway 5 . 9. A review of the proposed Crisp & Green development concept site plan was completed to identify issues specific to the proposed pick-up window and recommend potential improvements regarding pick-up window queuing spillback and site circulation. 10. Based on ITE and local traffic study data, the 95th percentile or design queue (in vehicles) developing from a fa st-food restaurant drive -through operation has been field measured at an average of 15 percent of the total peak hour inbound traffic volume generated by the fast -food restaurant with drive -through. However, field observed pick-up window queuing data was not available for Fast -Casual Restaurant w ith Pick -Up Window, therefore, the design queue for the proposed Crisp & Green development was based on data provided by Crisp & Green. Since Crisp Green will not use a menu board or pay window (all done online), the estimated pick -up window vehicle dwell time (speed of service) is only 20 -30 seconds, compared to 60 -90 seconds, or more, for fast -food drive -through. 11. Results of the Pick -Up Window/Drive -Through design queue estimate s indicate that the proposed Crisp & Green development is expected to generate a design queue of 5 vehicles during the midday peak hour (12 -1 p.m.). For comparison, a potential future conversion of the proposed Crisp & Green development to fast -food restaurant with drive -through could be expected to generate a design queue of 12 vehicles during the midday peak hour (12 -1 p.m.). 12. A review of the development generated pick -up window design queues indicates that the proposed Crisp & Green pick-up window would not be a factor in blocking or otherwise impeding the operation of the existing laundry drop-off/pick-up drive -through or other site-generated circulating or parked traffic. The proposed restaurant site -generated pick-up window trips are not expected to spill back into the East Site Driveway /West 79th Street intersection. 13. It is recommended that the proposed development Pick -up window lane be marked, striped and signed to identify the pavement area assigned and avoid potential blocking or impeding of other site-generated circulating traffic as shown in Figure 6 . 14. Based on this proposed Crisp & Green Development traffic study and analysis, it is concluded that the proposed development would generate a modest level of new traffic, resulting in no significant degradation in peak period traffic operations and levels of service. Therefore, the City of Chanhassen may consider the proposed Crisp & Green Development, without concern that it would represent a significant negative traffic impact to the supporting area roadway system or existing site circulation and traffic operations . H:\Projects\14000\14711\TraffStudy\Reports\Report\14711_Crisp&Green_TS_210630.docx 267 268 269 270 From:Dean Villella To:Generous, Bob; DEAN VILLELLA; Daniel Sheehy Subject:Crisp & Green Chanhassen Date:Friday, August 27, 2021 9:36:58 AM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Good morning Bob, I thought I would send you a quick email to help explain how our proposed curbside pick up window will operate at our Crisp & Green fast casual restaurant. This pick up window will operate very similar to how other restaurants utilize curbside pickup. Generally speaking, other restaurants will reserve a handful of dedicated parking spots for curbside pickup. Customers order in advance and call the store once they have arrived in those dedicated parking spots. Our curbside pick up window will require our customers to preorder their food on our online application with the time they plan to pick it up. The customer then drives up to our curbside pick up window at their scheduled time and provides their name to our employee. The employee will simply hand the customer their bag of food and thank them for the business. There will NOT be any ordering at the pick up window. There will NOT be any payment at the pick up window. With this said, I am projecting the average time a customer is at our pick up window to be less than 10 seconds. With this type of speed in processing, we do not anticipate any significant back up at the curbside pickup window of more than a few cars at any time. Once the curbside pick up window is operational it will allow us to remove the need for dedicated curbside pick up parking spots. The pick up window will also provide the necessary relief on our overall parking in the mall. The convenience of being able to pick up their food without ever getting out of their cars will be valuable to the community. Fewer, slip and falls etc… Especially with the COVID-19 spiking once again. I’m confident that our curbside pick up window will really be appreciated by the Chanhassen community. If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding our curbside pick up window, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thanks again, Dean Villella CEO - C&G4ME LLC 952.201.6110 mobile Sent from the all new AOL app for iOS 271 CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ss. COLTNTY OF CARVER ) T ssen, City C Subscribed and thiACi-6u, o S to before me JEAI M SIECKLING Notary tuUb,lf hneota l'ffirEtrr..b!1, eca Notary Public 2021. I, Kim T. Meuwissen, being first duly swom, on oath deposes that she is and was on August 26,2021, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk ofthe City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing to Consider a Request for a Conditional Use Permit to Allow a Drive-Through Pick Up Window at 530 W. 79'h Street, Suite 100 (Crisp & Green), Zoned Highway and Business Senices District (BII), Planning Case No.2021-18 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses ofsuch owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Cawer County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. 272 Subiect Parcel Dbcl.iinor This map is neather a legally recorded map nor a suNey and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, infomalion and datia located in vadous city, county, state and federal ofrces and other sources rcgading the area shown, aM is to be used lor reference purposes only The CiV does not \Nanant that the Geographic lniormatbn System (GlS) Oata used lo prepere this map are enor free. and the City does not epresent that the GIS Data can be used for navigatjonal, t.acking or any other purpose equidng exactino measurement of distance or direction or precGion in the depiction of geographic features. The preceding disdaamer is provided pu6uant to Minnesota Statutes 5466.03. Subd- 21 (2000), and the user of this map adnowledges that the City shall not be liable ior any damages. and epressly waiv6 all daims, and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold hamless ihe City from any and all claims bought by user, its employees or agents, or thhd partes which adse out of the use/s access or use of alata provided. Subject Parcel Oilcl,lmot This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended lo be used as one. Thi! map is a compaletion of rccords, infomation and data located in vaious cily, county, state and lederalofices and other sources regarding th€ area shown, and is to be used for rcference pu.poses only. The City does not warant that the Geographic lniormation Syslem (GlS) Data used to prepare this map are eror free. and the City clo€s not repfesenl that the Gls oala can be used for navigalional, track,ng or any other puDose requirino exactjno measurement of distance o. direclion or precision in the depiction of geographic features. The preceding disclaimer is provided puEuant to Minnesota StaMes 5466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user ol lhis map aclnowledges tlat the City shall not be tiable for any damages, and expressly waives atl claims, and ag.ees lo defend, indemnify. and hold harmless the Cily hom any and all daims blought by User, its employees or agents, or third parti6 which arise out of the use/s access or use of data provided. t I t 4 ..- q TAX_NAMEI TAX_ADD_LI r TAX_ADD_L2D Next RecordxTAX_NAirlEr ITAX_AD D_Ll r ITAX_ADD_L2r t i! 4E;Z i I l.- ru 273 o qd, O- oo5OcJo 6€ c.rIohiN! rjg 8EF0) E3o- @E o= Ets Orf6 E e 11, ooFt- 6 o) o Eo o oc foo G O E 3o_ so) 9E NE. SEfr o.r (! = l?o5EJnEad.9 0 o: 6li5== O: q) o EcD E iH EE EeooEEPofAi E,EE6TZX-> o)(55= g o- co o o oE c o o! Oa: E o5L@2 oloe!! u)a 6rEF-c.o>=> 6ot rn< o 0) 0o, oE c) a 9. E tl) Eeio.0r-cO -^ .) 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HH::dl;!!dEEHE{55555lv6.v o v rJ) O 2 - O v) :: (r\ O _ .6 ao ra ao dl>99RCRS383RP;XBtoooooF.-{i;iic{Nolns1 sr 6 F. € oo qr o- .! .L cL o- o- ZJ< os3 .,a i :=r := =3 "=ili 4?lli,ii Zi z:''=En ;E B t E;e=EEEEEE,*EEEEEEEE 275 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION IN RE: Application of Jason Pinski and Brian Burdick for a Conditional Use Permit(CUP)to allow a drive-through pick-up window facility. On September 7,2021, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Jason Pinski and Brian Burdick for a conditional use permit for the property located at 530 West 79th Street, Unit 100. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed conditional use preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Highway and Business Services District(BH). 2. The property is guided by the Land Use Plan for Commercial use. 3. The legal description of the property is: Lot 4, Block 1, Frontier Development Park. Carver County, Minnesota. 4. Section 20-232: a. The proposed use will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, comfort,convenience or general welfare of the neighborhood or the city. Traffic circulation is contained on site and is adequately accommodated through appropriate signage and the type of service delivery b. The proposed use will be consistent with the objectives of the City's Comprehensive Plan and the zoning ordinance. The development complies with City Code requirements and is consistent with the Commercial land use designation. c. The proposed use will be designed,constructed,operated and maintained so to be compatible in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential character of that area. d. The proposed use will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or planned neighboring uses. It is similar to other uses in the area. e. The proposed use will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services, including streets,police and fire protection, drainage structures,refuse disposal, water 276 and sewer systems and schools; or will be served adequately by such facilities and services provided by the persons or agencies responsible for the establishment of the proposed use. f. The proposed use will not create excessive requirements for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community, but will promote economic development and be adequately served by existing public infrastructure. g. The proposed use will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, odors, rodents, or trash. The use is consistent with other uses located along West 79th Street. h. The proposed use will have vehicular approaches to the property which do not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic or surrounding public thoroughfares. i. The proposed use will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of solar access, natural, scenic or historic features of major significance. j. The proposed use will be aesthetically compatible with the area. k. The proposed use will not depreciate surrounding property values. 1. The proposed use will meet standards prescribed for certain uses as provided in Chapter 20, Article IV of the City Code. 5. The Planning report#2021-18 dated September 7, 2021, prepared by Robert Generous, et al, is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the Conditional Use Permit to permit a drive-through pick-up window facility subject to the following conditions: Building 1. Provide the City with a revised building plan showing the pick-up window. Engineering 1. The applicant shall submit a striping and signage plan that ensures proper site circulation for review and approval. 2. The applicant shall contact the City to ensure erosion control measures are in place prior to construction of the drive-through area. 277 Planning 1. A menu board and ordering kiosk shall not be installed as part of the drive-through facility. 2. The drive-through facility shall only be permitted for a pick-up window. 3. Landscaping shall be installed along the western property line parallel to the drive- through. A landscape plan shall be submitted for City review and approval. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 7`h day of September, 2021. CHANHA EN PLANNING CO MISSION BY: hai g:\plan\2021 planning cases\21-18 crisp&green cup for drive thru window\findings of fact crisp&green.docx 278 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2021-18 1. Permit. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, the City of Chanhassen hereby grants a conditional use permit for the following use: A drive-through for a pick-up window. 2. Property. The permit is for property situated in the City of Chanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota, and legally described as follows: Lot 4, Block 1, Frontier Development Park, Carver County, Minnesota. 3. Conditions. The permit is issued for a drive-through facility for a pick-up window, with the following conditions: a. Building 1. Provide the City with a revised building plan showing the pick-up window. b. Engineering 1. The applicant shall submit a striping and signage plan that ensures proper site circulation for review and approval. 2. The applicant shall contact the City to ensure erosion control measures are in place prior to construction of the drive-through area. c. Planning 1. A menu board and ordering kiosk shall not be installed as part of the drive-through facility. 2. The drive-through facility shall only be permitted for a pick-up window. 3. Landscaping shall be installed along the western property line parallel to the drive- through. A landscape plan shall be submitted for City for review and approval. 4. Termination of Permit. The City may revoke the permit following a public hearing for violation of the terms of this permit. 5. Lapse. If within one year of the issuance of this permit the authorized construction has not been substantially completed or the use commenced, this permit shall lapse, unless an extension is granted in accordance with the Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. 6. Criminal Penalty. Violation of the terms of this conditional use permit is a criminal misdemeanor. 279 Dated: CITY OF CHANHASSEN BY: Elise Ryan, Mayor (SEAL) AND: Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA ) (ss COUNTY OF CARVER ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 20___, by Elise Ryan, Mayor, and by Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager, of the City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. NOTARY PUBLIC DRAFTED BY: City of Chanhassen P. O. Box 147 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952) 227-1100 280 City Council Item September 27, 2021 Item Resolution 2021-XX: Adopt the Preliminary Tax Levy and Establish the Truth- In-Taxation Public Hearing Date File No.Item No: H.2 Agenda Section GENERAL BUSINESS Prepared By Kelly Strey, Finance Director Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION To set the tax levy with a 4.5% increase: "The Chanhassen City Council adopts the attached resolution establishing a preliminary levy of $12,613,076 and sets a date for the Truth-in-Taxation hearing of December 13, 2021 at 7:00 pm." OR - To set the tax levy with a 4.9% increase: "The Chanhassen City Council adopts the attached resolution establishing a preliminary levy of $12,663,076 and sets a date for the Truth-in-Taxation hearing of December 13, 2021 at 7:00 pm." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Financial Sustainability SUMMARY BACKGROUND The City Council is required to adopt a maximum tax levy and preliminary budget by September 30 annually. The preliminary levy adopted with this action sets the maximum tax that the Council can consider for the 2022 budget year and is used for the Truth-in Taxation notices mailed to property owners in November by the County. 281 The Council has discussed the 2022 budget at several work sessions already this year. Council will also discuss the budget at the work session prior to this meeting. Initial projections from the 2021 budget process indicated a 4.9% levy increase would be expected to maintain current service levels. Staff prepared detailed budget projections and was able to maintain the 2022 projection within the initial proposed 4.9% increase including implementation of the compensation study, some beginning capital plan increases and increasing inflationary pressures in current expenses. The proposed levy includes funding to implement the compensation study with COLA and steps, some small FTE adjustments to existing positions, funding to meet seasonal and part-time increases due to increased staffing needs and some minimum wage increases, and health insurance premium increases. Cost allocations to the enterprise funds were reviewed in depth and changes to increase overhead funding from the enterprise funds to the General Fund were implemented in this budget. General Fund current expenses are proposed to increase 1.3% due to some increased annual expenses to invest in technology improvements and inflationary pressures across all areas. Internal Service Funds were implemented for Fleet operations and Technology. For 2022 these changes have a net zero effect on the General Fund but it is expected that the funds will provide better cost management and cost allocations to the appropriate funds. Revenues other than property taxes, primarily in permits, are providing additional funding of approximately $200,000 to offset other cost increases. Without these increases the property tax levy would increase at a higher rate. Capital funding plans were proposed to address some long-term funding gaps in capital replacement plans. Capital replacement funds were reorganized into separate plans to focus the plans for fleet and equipment, facilities, parks and technology. Capital replacement plans will need additional funding in future years which can be phased in over the next few years to manage the annual tax impact. The 4.9% increase includes a new position in economic development to address the Council's strategic initiatives in development and redevelopment. In response to Council direction, staff has revised the budget projection and is presenting a reduced option of 4.5% which still includes funding for an Economic Development Manager position; however, would use $50,000 of ARPA funding for next year to reduce the net budgeted cost of the position. This would be an allowable cost for administration of the grant. Council will discuss the options at the work session. Staff has prepared two resolutions for Council's consideration. Council is also required to set the Truth-in-Taxation (TNT) meeting to allow for public comment on the budget. This meeting must occur between November 25 and December 20. The TNT meeting may be held on the same meeting as the adoption of the budget. Staff is proposing that this meeting be held at the City Council's regular meeting on December 13 at 7:00 p.m. Council would also consider adoption of the budget at this meeting after the TNT public comment. DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION 282 Adopt the resolution. ATTACHMENTS Preliminary Levy Resolution Preliminary Levy Resolution 4.5% Option 283 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: September 27, 2021 RESOLUTION NO: 2021- MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE PRELIMINARY LEVY OF $12,663,076 FOR 2022, AND ESTABLISHING TRUTH-IN-TAXATION PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR 2021, FOR TAXES COLLECTIBLE IN 2022 WHEREAS, the City Council is required to adopt a preliminary maximum tax levy by September 30 and certify the levy to the County for the purposes of preparing he Truth-in-Taxation notices mailed to property owners in the City of Chanhassen; and WHEREAS, the City Council has examined the preliminary budgetary and tax levy needs for the City of Chanhassen for the calendar year 2022 through public budget meetings; and WHEREAS, the City Council will continue to examine the final budget and tax levy needs through public budget meetings prior to adoption of the final budget and levy; and WHEREAS, the City Council is required to hold Truth-in-Taxation public comment hearings between the dates of November 25 and December 20; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen that the preliminary levy to be levied in 2021 upon the taxable property in the City of Chanhassen for collection in the year 2022 for the following purposes and in the following amounts: General purposes (operating and capital)$ 12,179,236 Special levy – debt service 483,840 Total City of Chanhassen levy $ 12,663,076 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Chanhassen authorizes the City Clerk to certify the preliminary levy to the County Auditor for preparation of the Truth-in-Taxation notices, as set forth in the Preliminary Tax Levy Certification document; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council has scheduled the Council Meeting on December 13 at 7:00 p.m. for the Truth-in-Taxation meeting to allow public comment and to adopt final 2022 budget and levy. The citytaxpayers may contact the Finance Director if they have questions related to the budget, levy, or auditor’s property tax notice. Questions or comments may be submitted by phone to the City’s Finance Director at (952) 227-1149 or by mail at City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard, Chanhassen, MN 55317. Office hours are 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday. The public also has the opportunity to comment on the budget during the visitor presentations agenda item during regular City Council meetings. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 27th day of September, 2021. 284 ATTEST: Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager Elise Ryan, Mayor YES NO ABSENT 285 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: September 27, 2021 RESOLUTION NO: 2021- MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE PRELIMINARY LEVY FOR TAXES COLLECTIBLE IN 2022, AND ESTABLISHING THE TRUTH-IN-TAXATION PUBLIC HEARING DATE WHEREAS, the City Council is required to adopt a preliminary maximum tax levy by September 30 and certify the levy to the County for the purposes of preparing he Truth-in-Taxation notices mailed to property owners in the City of Chanhassen; and WHEREAS, the City Council has examined the preliminary budgetary and tax levy needs for the City of Chanhassen for the calendar year 2022 through public budget meetings; and WHEREAS, the City Council will continue to examine the final budget and tax levy needs through public budget meetings prior to adoption of the final budget and levy; and WHEREAS, the City Council is required to hold Truth-in-Taxation public comment hearings between the dates of November 25 and December 20; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen that the preliminary levy to be levied in 2021 upon the taxable property in the City of Chanhassen for collection in the year 2022 for the following purposes and in the following amounts: General purposes (operating and capital)$ 12,129,236 Special levy – debt service 483,840 Total City of Chanhassen levy $ 12,613,076 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Chanhassen authorizes the City Clerk to certify the preliminary levy to the County Auditor for preparation of the Truth-in-Taxation notices, as set forth in the Preliminary Tax Levy Certification document; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council has scheduled the Council Meeting on December 13 at 7:00 p.m. for the Truth-in-Taxation meeting to allow public comment and to adopt final 2022 budget and levy. The citytaxpayers may contact the Finance Director if they have questions related to the budget, levy, or auditor’s property tax notice. Questions or comments may be submitted by phone to the City’s Finance Director at (952) 227-1149 or by mail at City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard, Chanhassen, MN 55317. Office hours are 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday. The public also has the opportunity to comment on the budget during the visitor presentations agenda item during regular City Council meetings. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 27th day of September, 2021. ATTEST: 286 Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager Elise Ryan, Mayor YES NO ABSENT 287