Lake Minnewashta Peninsula Parcel Request for Variances - ZahlerFrom:Kevin Zahler To:Walters, MacKenzie Subject:RE: Lake Minnewashta Peninsula Parcel Request for Variances, Case No. 2021-20 Date:Saturday, August 21, 2021 7:26:36 AM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. MacKenzie, Thanks much for your detailed response, we look forward to further action. In regards to point 5, I am concerned, we all know climate change is real and I think we need to pay attention to the science and the trends. We all know that the annual rain fall is increasing (aside from this year aberration), the trends are clear. We are approaching the new normal and it is important to pay attention to the trends. Once this is done it will be too late and there could be a significant environmental leak to Lake Minnewashta. Best regards, Kevin Zahler +1-612-618-9817 kjzahler@hotmail.com From: Walters, MacKenzie <MWalters@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> Sent: Friday, August 20, 2021 11:59 AM To: Kevin Zahler <kjzahler@hotmail.com> Subject: RE: Lake Minnewashta Peninsula Parcel Request for Variances, Case No. 2021-20 Kevin, The City and its partner agencies have not yet completed the review of this variance request, so I am unable to respond in detail to many of your questions. Due to the complexity of the case and number of agencies involved the City has exercised its right to extend the review period and has scheduled the public hearing for October 19th, 2021. A staff report containing the City’s recommendation, as well as any and all comments received from other agencies, should be available on October 14th, 2021. I have responded to your specific questions in red. Sincerely, -MacKenzie From: Kevin Zahler <kjzahler@hotmail.com> Sent: Friday, August 20, 2021 9:47 AM To: Walters, MacKenzie <MWalters@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> Subject: Lake Minnewashta Peninsula Parcel Request for Variances, Case No. 2021-20 CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello MacKenzie, This variance request has come to my attention and I have some concerns. 1. Has city engineering studied this situation? They are conducting their review of the request. 2. Has MCWD been involved in studying this variance? They have been informed of the variance and their comments have been requested as part of our standard agency review request. 3. Has MDOT, AATP and Carver county been involved in this variance? MNDOT has been informed of the variance and their comments have been requested as part of our standard agency review request. My understanding is that Engineering has reached out to both Carver County and AATP to solicit their comments as well. 4. A septic system this close to the lake in these modern times seems very wrong and unnecessary. The elevations on their survey indicate that the property is below the highest recorded water level, see below. This includes the septic system. I guess they will add fill? However, the septic system will still be below the water level in any case. I understand your concerns. The proposed septic system will need to meet all relevant state/county/city design standards. If it does, the City cannot disallow a design that that meets code. It will be the applicant and designers responsibility to demonstrate that it meets code. 5. The predictions due to climate change suggest that we will have much higher rain fall in the future. I think if you consult with climate predictors they will suggest much higher lake levels in the future. Variance requests are evaluated and ordinances are enforced based on current conditions. 6. AATP including MDOT have plans to install a 4 lane causeway through this area. That causeway is problematic due to the increased runoff of chlorides during freezing months. However, how will this property enter this future causeway? Plus, AATP, including the Arboretum have been very clear on safety issues related to highway 5. That is why they are moving the entrance to the arboretum to Minnewashta Parkway. Plus, Crimson Cay Road is being considered to close with a north entrance. Doesn’t is seem wrong to now allow another impedance to traffic plus the increased runoff from highway 5? MNDOT is responsible for Highway 5 and I would expect their comments to address these concerns. It seems that the city, Carver County, MDOT, MCWD, AATP need to perform a much better review of this request. Thanks for your help. I appreciate your concern; however, please understand that as of this date no review has been completed, nor have any recommendations been made. Minnewashta - 10000900 Carver County Water Level Data Period of record: 09/04/1957 to 08/09/2021 # of readings: 1179 Highest recorded: 946.26 ft (06/20/2014) Lowest recorded: 942.2 ft (10/28/1988) Recorded range: 4.06 ft Last reading: 943.72 ft (08/09/2021) Ordinary High Water Level (OHW) elevation: 944.5 ft Datum: NGVD 29 (ft) Best regards, Kevin Zahler Pathfinder GS Corporation 6651 Minnewashta Parkway Excelsior, MN 55331 USA kjzahler@hotmail.com Alternate email: kjzahler1@gmail.com Office & Mobile phone +1-612-618-9817 WhatsApp, WeChat, Viber Skype: kevinzahler Make a difference!