Lake Minnewashta peninsula variance - AhoFrom:Allan Aho To:Walters, MacKenzie Subject:Lake Minnewashta peninsula variance Date:Friday, September 10, 2021 7:38:41 AM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. We live at 3890 Forest Ridge Circle, in a neighborhood just to the west of the proposed new residence on the peninsula. I cannot see how a residence could be built in this location that would have a safe connection to Highway 5. The point where the existing gravel drive from the property abuts Hwy 5 is a death trap in the making. Hwy 5 in this area is a narrow raised causeway, with two lanes, no center divider, and inadequate shoulders. Traffic volumes are high during most of the day, and traffic speeds are typically 50 mph plus, unless it is rush hour, and the area is backed up. If a private drive to an active residence were allowed here, every vehicle that entered or left this drive would be an opportunity to cause an accident. There are only two lanes, no shoulders, drop- offs on both sides, and no exit lane or bypass lane. How will school buses stop and wait safely to pick up the resident’s children? How will a garbage truck stop safely to pick up the trash? How will the US Mail safely stop to deliver the mail? How about the multiple visits by Amazon and UPS trucks that are part of modern shopping? How about the residents themselves, and visitors. How will they be able to safely make a left turn into the drive when approaching from the west? How about all the guests at a party, attempting to enter or leave the drive and pull out onto 5? I request that, in the interest of community safety, the variance be denied, and the development of the parcel for a residence not be allowed. Allan Aho 3890 Forest Ridge Circle Chaska, 55318 (note, our address is in the City of Chanhassen) Sent from Mail for Windows