Lake Minnewashta Development Concerns - GuntherFrom:Steve Gunther To:astenson@co.carver.mn.us; Eric.Johnson@bolton-menk.com; dmielke@co.carver.mn.us; abranhag@umn.edu; diane.langenbach@state.mn.us; Ross.Tillman@bolton-menk.com; Bender, George; hschnoes@minnehahacreek.org; Walters, MacKenzie Cc:Adam Dirlam; Chad Gauger; Helen Gunther; Kevin Zahler; sarah marek; Lacek, Scott; Steve Gunther Subject:Lake Minnewashta Development concerns - 21-20 Papke Parcel - Lake Minnewashta Peninsula Date:Thursday, October 7, 2021 10:55:49 AM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. To representatives of: City of Chanhassen Carver County Minnesota Department of Transportation Minnehaha Creek Watershed District University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum I am the President of Lake Minnewashta Preservation Association (LMPA, https://lakeminnewashta.org/) and am writing on behalf of the LMPA board to voice our concern for the development proposed on the 21-20 Papke Parcel - Lake Minnewashta Peninsula http://www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/1772/Lake-Minnewashta- Peninsula-Parcel-Varian. This proposed development appears to be a potential detriment to the lake environment, wetland environment and the neighborhood environment. Building on land that is so close to the high water level and installing a septic system so near to the lake appears to us to be irresponsible. We know with global warming/climate change that we can easily have significantly more rain and much higher lake levels. We need to pay attention to the science! The impact of a failing septic system on the lake could be significant. In addition, adding a new entrance to Highway 5 seems to be completely illogical. We are aware that MDOT has plans to change this stretch of Highway 5 into a four lane road in the future. We are also aware that both the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum and Crimson Bay Road have plans to change their connection to Highway 5. It seems to be very problematic to now introduce a new interruption into Highway 5. We are aware that the five vested parties are reviewing this variance request and that a report will be made available by October 14, 2021. We are also a very vested party and we wish to provide our input to that report as well. We hope and expect that experts from the PCA and DNR are also being consulted in regards to this potential multifold environmental hazard. Please keep us well informed on the next steps for this review so that we can work together to ensure the safety of our environment. Sincerely, Steve Gunther president, Lake Minnewashta Preservation Association stgunther@gmail.com 612-859-3729 Citizen | Investor | Multisports Enthusiast