PC Staff Report 10-5-21Planning Commission Item October 5, 2021 Item Consider a Request for Preliminary Plat Approval for Avienda Townhomes File No.Planning Case #2021-22 Item No: B.2 Agenda Section PUBLIC HEARINGS Prepared By Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director Applicant Level 7 Development LLC 4600 Kings Point Road Minnetrista, MN 55331 Present Zoning Planned Unit Development Regional Commercial District (PUDRC) Land Use Office & Commercial Acerage 10.5 acres net and 38.86 total gross acres Density 3.8 units per acre Applicable Regulations Chapter 18, Subdivisions Chapter 20, Article Sec 20-509 Standards and Guidelines For Regional/Lifestyle Center Commercial Planned Unit Developments District PROPOSED MOTION Approve a request for preliminary plat approval for 39 lots and six (6) outlots for Avienda Townhomes, Outlots A and C, Avienda. SUMMARY Subdivision of 40 + acres into 39 lots and six outlots. BACKGROUND The Avienda development PUD was approved in 2020. The PUD was given final plat approval in July 31 of 2021. The first phase of the project is the townhomes. DISCUSSION RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommend approval of Planning Case No. 2021-22, for the subdivision of 40+ acres into 39 lots and six (6) outlots, Avienda Townhomes, plans prepared by Landform dated September 8, 2021, subject to the conditions of the staff report, and adopt the Findings of Fact and Recommendation. ATTACHMENTS Staff Report Findings of Fact and Recommendation Development Review Application Narrative City Plan Submittal Charles Cudd Product Visuals Carver County Comments Affidavit of Mailing 32 PC DATE: October 5, 2021 CC DATE: October 25, 2021 CITY OF CHANHASSEN REVIEW DEADLINE: 60-day, November 2, 2021 CASE #: 2021-22 BY: Kate Aanenson, Eric Hendrickson, Jill Sinclair, Matt Unmacht SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant is requesting approval of preliminary plat. LOCATION: Avienda, Outlots A and C APPLICANT: Level 7 Development LLC 4600 Kings Point Road Minnetrista, MN 55331 PRESENT ZONING: Planned Unit Development (PUD) RC 2040 LAND USE PLAN: Commercial and Office ACREAGE: 10.5 acres net and 38.86 total gross acres DENSITY: 3.8 units per acre. Level of City Discretion in Decision-Making: The City’s discretion in approving or denying a Preliminary Plat is limited to whether or not the proposed plat meets the standards outlined in the Subdivision Regulations and Zoning Ordinance. If it meets these standards, the City must approve the preliminary plat. This is a quasi-judicial decision. PROPOSAL/SUMMARY Subdivision of 40+ acres into 39 lots and six outlots. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Chapter 18, Subdivisions Chapter 20, Article Sec 20-509 Standards and Guidelines For Regional/Lifestyle Center Commercial Planned Unit Developments District BACKGROUND The Avienda Development PUD was approved in 2020. The PUD was given final plat approval in July of 2021. The first phase of the project is the townhomes. PROPOSED MOTION: “The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends approval of the Subdivision of 40+ acres into 39 lots and 6 outlots, Avienda Townhomes plans prepared by Landform dated September 8, 2021, subject to the following conditions and adopts the Findings of Fact and Recommendation.” 33 Avienda Townhomes Preliminary Plat Approval October 5, 2021 Page 2 EXISTING CONDITIONS The site is currently being graded to prepare for development. All areas for preservation include the 21 acres of wooded bluff that have been deeded to the City. SUBDIVISION REVIEW The applicant is requesting subdivision into 39 lots and six outlots. The property is part of the Avienda PUD. The zoning is Regional Commercial. As a part of the PUD, the property was given a density of 3-6 units per acre. This residential use was given to provide a transition from the residential zoning to the west and transition to higher density to the east. 34 Avienda Townhomes Preliminary Plat Approval October 5, 2021 Page 3 PRELIMINARY PLAT 35 Avienda Townhomes Preliminary Plat Approval October 5, 2021 Page 4 Block 1, Lot 24, Block 2, Lot 9, and Block 3, Lot 9 shall be platted as outlots. PUD COMPLIANCE TABLE Permitted Uses: Housing The Avienda PUD allows up to 30% residential. This would allow 550 d/u at 16 units/acre. This includes: a. Multiple-family dwellings b. Senior housing independent living and (assisted not to exceed 150 units). c. Single family homes. Density of 3-6 units an acre on of Blocks 1-3, which could be townhomes, including detached townhomes and twin homes. Finding: The 39 detached townhome units at 3.8 units an acres, net density, are in compliance with Section C of Permitted Uses Housing. EASEMENTS The applicant is proposing a 10-foot drainage and utility easement (DUE) abutting both sides of Mills Drive right-of-way (ROW), a public street that will be extended in association with the proposed subdivision. No other DUEs are proposed in association with the preliminary plat as indicated by the submittal materials. However, public utilities will be extended through the extension of two proposed private streets and through the greenspace of portions of the 36 Avienda Townhomes Preliminary Plat Approval October 5, 2021 Page 5 subdivision (e.g. Block 1, Lot 24), which will require additional public DUEs for review and approval prior to recording of the final plat. Staff recommends that in order to best maintain and service the public utilities in these locations, Outlots encumbered by public DUEs be required upon final plat submittal, (i.e. Block 1, Lot 24, Block 2, Lot 9 and Block 3, Lot 9) should be Outlots. Upon submittal of final plat, the applicant must provide the City the total areas of right- of-way being dedicated along with the area of public DUE associated with the final plat, in square footage and per lot. Additionally, in order to maintain adequate separation of public utilities and buildable lot areas, there must be 10 feet of separation from the ROW and Block 1, Lot 1, Block 2, Lot 8 and Lot 1, as similarly illustrated by the separation between the ROW and Block 1, Lot 23. Lastly, any previously recorded easements within the proposed subdivision must be vacated prior to or concurrently with the final plat. EXISTING CONDITIONS SURVEY The proposed subdivision is within the PUD known as Avienda. Avienda received final plat approval on July 12, 2021. Avienda’s final plat was for multiple outlots and public right-of- ways. The proposed subdivision is a replat of Outlots A and C from the initial Avienda final plat. The majority of the Avienda site is currently being mass graded in accordance with the grading permit issued June 4, 2021. Grading prior to final plat was approved for the purpose of getting a head start on the mass grading for the project. The construction of public utilities is anticipated to begin in early November, 2021. The City is currently awaiting completed street plans for review in association with Avienda’s final plat. The proposed subdivision will consist of a total of three Outlots (A, B and C) along with 45 parcels to facilitate villa homes and associated green space and private streets. The applicant provided an existing conditions survey which is used to supplement all construction plans and designs and also to facilitate staff reviews, however major elements are not illustrated on the survey which are requirements of Sec. 18-40 of City Ordinance. Required elements such as location of buildings and low floor openings adjacent to the subdivision boundaries or topographic data with associated contours were missing. The applicant shall submit an updated survey upon submittal of final plat and final construction plans illustrating all of the requirements of Sec. 18-40. The existing conditions survey illustrates an Xcel Energy overhead electric power line that runs along the shared property lines between the newly proposed development and the existing Preserve at Bluff Creek subdivisions, as generally depicted below. Xcel Energy has supplied the City with the utility’s network in the immediate area which includes this overhead line. It appears that after ultimate build-out of the Avienda PUD that this line will no longer be required as all buildings and parcels electric needs will be served by the newly extended underground utilities. As such, staff recommends eliminating the overhead electric and removing the poles as soon as the electric line is no longer required. 37 Avienda Townhomes Preliminary Plat Approval October 5, 2021 Page 6 GRADING & DRAINAGE A grading permit for the mass grading associated with the Avienda final plat was issued on June 4, 2021. The majority of the site is currently being graded to achieve the general elevations for public street and utility build-out along with ultimate build-out of the individual parcels. The grading plans associated with the Avienda grading permit are similar to the preliminary grading plans for the proposed subdivision. The preliminary grading plans for the proposed subdivision generally meet City Ordinances; driveway grades are greater than 0.5% and less than 10%; public streets are less than 7% and private streets are less than 10%; lots are graded to drain away from buildings; etc. However, no profiles (street or utility) were provided with the preliminary plan set in order to assess other key elements of the grading plan and will be required prior to approval of the final plat. Additionally, elements such as emergency overflow elevations and routes and lot benching details which are reviewed to ensure adequate drainage must be provided prior to final plat approval. Lastly, it appears some areas are proposed to be graded over 3:1 slopes. The applicant shall indicate all areas being proposed as steep slopes, or over 3:1, for review and approval prior to approval of final plat. EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL The proposed development will exceed one (1) acre of disturbance and will, therefore, be subject to the General Permit Authorization to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination/State Disposal System (NPDES Construction Permit). The applicant has prepared and submitted a Surface Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) in association with the Avienda grading permit. However, an updated SWPPP or transfer of NPDES permit for the proposed subdivision has not yet been provided for review. This SWPPP shall be a standalone document consistent with the NPDES Construction Permit and shall contain all required elements. The SWPPP will need to be updated as the plans are finalized, when the contractor and their sub-contractors are identified and as other conditions change. Additionally, an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) in accordance with City Ordinances, shall be submitted for the grading operations of the subdivision as more than 5,000 square feet of land is being disturbed. The applicant has provided an ESCP, however it is deficient as it does not include all the requirements listed under Sec. 19-145.(a)(2) such as location of stockpiled material, construction entrances or drainage boundaries and direction. As 38 Avienda Townhomes Preliminary Plat Approval October 5, 2021 Page 7 such, the applicant shall update the ESCP and resubmit it for review and approval with the submission of the final construction plans. Staff recommends a phased ESCP that illustrate initial grading operations to final build-out. RETAINING WALLS One retaining wall appears to be proposed at the northern portion of Block 1 behind Lots 8-11. The plans did not indicate the height of the wall and shall be updated accordingly upon submittal of final construction plans, however it does appear that it will have a height greater than four (4) feet. Walls over 4 feet in height shall be constructed in accordance with plans prepared by a registered engineer and shall be constructed of a durable material (smooth face concrete, masonry/mortared, railroad ties and timber are prohibited). Lastly, if the retaining wall remains it will be required to be privately owned and maintained and the associated maintenance agreements must be recorded concurrently with the final plat. There is an existing retaining wall adjacent to the proposed subdivision within the Preserve at Bluff Creek subdivision, east of Block 1, Lots 3-7. While the area is not within the proposed subdivision, there has been interest raised by the neighborhood regarding grading associated with this area. The applicant has set up a neighborhood meeting with the neighborhood which was scheduled for October 4, 2021, to address any questions and concerns associated with grading in the area. Staff recommends continual communication by the applicant with the abutting neighbors in an effort to work together to mitigate any concerns. STREETS The applicant is proposing the extension of a public street, Mills Drive, along with the construction of two private streets, as illustrated below: 39 Avienda Townhomes Preliminary Plat Approval October 5, 2021 Page 8 Based on the preliminary plans, it appears the street plans are feasible and can be constructed in accordance with City Ordinance. All newly constructed public streets will be publicly owned and maintained after acceptance of the public improvements by the City Council. The applicant has provided typical street sections for both the public and private streets that meet the City of Chanhassen’s Standard Specifications (Standards). It is being proposed that the private streets are constructed to a width of 28 feet which will allow for parking on one side of the street, however, no sidewalks are proposed along the private streets. Staff recommends a pedestrian access route, such as sidewalks, be further evaluated in order to provide a more safe and accessible route for the future residents of the subdivision. With the ultimate build-out of Avienda incorporating commercial and recreational amenities, it is anticipated that residents will walk throughout the development. While generally the street design and layout appear to be feasible, elements such as signage, striping, street lights, intersection details, profiles, street radii, etc. will be required for review and approval prior to final plat approval. Any intersection of two streets must provide ADA curb ramps, which would include the intersection of Avienda Parkway and “Private Drive NW” and Bluff Creek Boulevard and “Private Drive S”. Also, any intersection of a private street with a public street must be constructed with a concrete apron and valley gutter in order to provide vehicular motorist a better visual queue that the street is not public. Lastly, staff has concerns regarding the proximity of the intersection of Bluff Creek Boulevard and “Private Drive S”. The National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 672 and MnDOT design guidelines regarding access management near roundabouts require particular 40 Avienda Townhomes Preliminary Plat Approval October 5, 2021 Page 9 stopping sight distances and intersection sight distances for vehicles and pedestrians, along with other design elements. The applicant will be required to provide design calculations and justification that the spacing of the proposed intersection is in conformance with these guidelines, or provide justification that the impact is expected to be minimal and/or no reasonable alternatives are available. Staff recommends the applicant and their engineer take into consideration the landscaping plan when evaluating site lines used for calculations associated with stopping site distance, etc. SANITARY SEWER AND WATER MAIN The applicant is proposing the construction of 8” PVC mains for the sanitary sewer and water needs of the subdivision. While the preliminary plans do not provide the size of the water main being proposed, the Avienda utility plans do indicate that the extension of 8” PVC C900 is planned for. Plans that illustrate the profile of the utilities along with their size and material are required for review and approval prior to final plat approval. The applicant and their engineer have been working with staff to ensure the sanitary sewer and water main alignments, and their associated structures and appurtenances, are designed and constructed to allow for the proper maintenance and future rehabilitation of the public systems and are in conformance with the Standards. The final construction plans must be approved prior to recording of final plat. All sanitary sewer and water mains will be publicly owned and maintained after acceptance of the public improvements by the City Council. The City will provide the applicant’s engineers the appropriate nomenclature for sanitary sewer manholes to be incorporated in the final plan set. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT Article VII, Chapter 19 of City Code describes the required stormwater management development standards. Section 19-141 states that “these development standards shall be reflected in plans prepared by developers and/or project proposers in the design and layout of site plans, subdivisions and water management features.” General 1. It is requested that the applicant continue to include electronic copies for the HydroCAD and P8 models in any future submittals to help to speed up the review process. Volume Control 1. The applicant has updated the drainage calculations for Phase 2 and has demonstrated that volume control requirements are being met. Water Quality 1. Because the applicant has demonstrated that volume control requirements are met, water quality requirements are also being met per Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District (RPBCWD) rules. 41 Avienda Townhomes Preliminary Plat Approval October 5, 2021 Page 10 Rate Control 1. The site is currently meeting rate control to each discharge point, however, the applicant should confirm rate control is still being met after making any necessary modeling updates based on comments provided. a. The applicant has shown that peak discharges to County and MnDOT ROW will continue to be decreased in Phase 2 and the updated “Ultimate” buildout condition. This information is summarized in the tables included in Appendix F of the applicant’s stormwater report. 2. Time of concentrations (TC) do not appear to have been updated in the modeling for the Phase 2 subcatchments. The applicant should confirm that TCs are still accurate for the Phase 2 condition. 3. The outlet from proposed conditions node 46P “Triangle Basin” has been changed from the Phase 1 plans, however, no work on the Triangle Basin is shown in the plans. Freeboard 1. Freeboard is being met for the site, however, the applicant should confirm freeboard requirements are still being met after making any necessary modeling updates based on comments provided. 2. The applicant should confirm spot elevations on the plans near the low-lying backyard areas are the EOFs for these areas or add the EOF elevations to the plans. a. The applicant should plot the plans with the callouts as the top layer so they are not being blocked by storm sewer or other layers as some are currently difficult to read. Maintenance 1. The applicant must provide an operation and maintenance plan that identifies the maintenance, inspection, and monitoring schedule and responsible party for private BMPs. Civil Plans 1. The applicant should provide plan/profiles on the water, sanitary, and storm sewer proposed for Phase 2 to confirm storm sewer sizing and that there are no conflicts. a. Applicant should confirm storm sewer sizing calculations provided in Appendix J are for Phase 2 and not Phase 1 as the Appendix title notes. 2. The existing storm sewer should be shown on all utility plans. It does not appear to be shown on the south utility plans. 3. Details and cross sections for the Phase 2 BMPs should be included in future submittals to confirm modeling. a. The West Central Basin (Basin 31P in the proposed conditions modeling) is shown with existing draintile/storm sewer in the Phase 2 plans however the modeling for the basin has been updated since the Phase 1 plans. The applicant should provide additional detail on the status of the West Central Basin. b. Additionally, details on any proposed outlet structures or pretreatment structures for the proposed BMPs should be included in future submittals. 4. There are areas in the western town homes area shown with 2:1 and even 1:1 slopes. Applicant should regrade these areas to be a maximum of 3:1 slopes or get approval for steeper slopes from the City. 42 Avienda Townhomes Preliminary Plat Approval October 5, 2021 Page 11 5. The applicant should confirm an easement isn’t needed over the proposed storm sewer between Lots 14 and 15 in the western townhomes area. 6. The applicant should provide RPBCWD erosion control notes on page 7. 7. Inlet protection, rock entrances, erosion control blanket and other erosion control measures should be shown on the plans. STORMWATER UTILITY CONNECTION CHARGES Section 4-30 of City Code sets out the fees associated with surface water management. A water quality and water quantity fee are collected with a subdivision. These fees are based on land use type and are intended to reflect the fact that the more intense the development type, the greater the degradation of surface water. The Surface Water Management Plan (SWMP) fees for this proposed development were calculated using two different methods. This first way, Proposed SWMP Fee 1, lays out the SWMP fees for just the gross area minus the currently identified outlots. The second way, Proposed SWMP Fee 2, also excludes Block 1, Lot 24, Block 2, Lot 9 and Block 3, Lot 9 from the SWMP fees as it is assumed those will become outlots in the future. Proposed SWMP Fee 1 The SWMP fee on this project is $164,780.40. However, this SWMP fee is to be adjusted down by 50% based on Code Sect. 18-63 (stormwater design to NURP standards). As such, the net SWMP fee due at the time of final plat would be $82,390.20. Proposed SWMP Fee 2 The SWMP fee on this project is $73,598.80. However, this SWMP fee is to be adjusted down by 50% based on Code Sect. 18-63 (stormwater design to NURP standards). As such, the net SWMP fee due at the time of final plat would be $36,799.40. PER ACRE FEE ACRES FEE $15,560 39.78 618,976.80$ $15,560 1.53 (23,806.80)$ $15,560 4.88 (75,932.80)$ $15,560 22.78 (354,456.80)$ 10.59 164,780.40$ AREA SURFACE WATER DEVELOPMENT FEE GROSS AREA OUTLOT A OUTLOT B OUTLOT C NET AREA PER ACRE FEE ACRES FEE $15,560 39.78 618,976.80$ $15,560 1.53 (23,806.80)$ $15,560 4.88 (75,932.80)$ $15,560 22.78 (354,456.80)$ $15,560 3.51 (54,615.60)$ $15,560 0.73 (11,358.80)$ $15,560 1.62 (25,207.20)$ 5.46 73,598.80$ BLOCK 2 LOT 9 AREA SURFACE WATER DEVELOPMENT FEE GROSS AREA OUTLOT A OUTLOT B OUTLOT C BLOCK 1 LOT 24 BLOCK 3 LOT 9 NET AREA 43 Avienda Townhomes Preliminary Plat Approval October 5, 2021 Page 12 ASSESSMENTS Water and sewer partial hookups are either due at the time of final plat, or can be postponed until building permit applications are received in which the entire hookup fee is due. The partial hookup fees will be assessed at the rate in effect at that time. The remaining partial hookups fees are due with the building permit. FEES An engineer’s estimate must be provided in order to calculate Administration Fees. Based on the proposal, the following fees would be collected with the development contract: a) Administration fee: If the improvement costs are between $500,000 and $1,000,000, 2% of the improvement costs. If the improvement costs exceed $1,000,000, 2.5% of the first $1,000,000 plus 1.5% of the remainder. b) Surface water management fee: $15,560/acre c) A portion of the water hook-up charge: $2,476/unit, or, the full amount with the building permit: $8,253/unit d) A portion of the sanitary sewer hook-up charge: $691/unit, or, the full amount with the building permit: $2,602/unit e) Park dedication fee: $5,800/dwelling f) GIS fees: $100 for the plat plus $30 per parcel g) Street light operating fee for one year: $300 per light LANDSCAPING AND TREE PRESERVATION The applicant for the Avienda Townhome development did not submit tree canopy coverage and preservation calculations. They are as follows: Total upland area (excluding wetlands) 10.14 ac. or 441,698 SF Baseline canopy coverage 0% or 0 SF Minimum canopy coverage required 20% or 88,339 SF Proposed tree preservation 0% or 0 SF The proposed plans do not meet minimum canopy coverage for the site; therefore the applicant must bring the canopy coverage on site up to the 35% minimum. The difference between the required coverage and the remaining coverage is multiplied by 1.2 for total area to be replaced. One tree is valued at 1,089 SF. Minimum canopy coverage to be replaced 88,339 SF Multiplied by 1.2 106,007 SF Divided by 1089=Total number of trees to be planted 97 trees For the 97 trees required for canopy coverage, 75% of the quantity must be overstory species, no more than 10% of the total may be of one species, and no more than 20% may be from one genus. The applicant has submitted a landscaping plan showing more than 97 trees to be planted within the development, but will need to redistribute the species selection in order to meet Code requirements for diversity. 44 Avienda Townhomes Preliminary Plat Approval October 5, 2021 Page 13 Bufferyard requirements - North: Required plantings Proposed plantings Bufferyard B – East prop. line, 880’ 17 Overstory trees 35 Understory trees 52 Shrubs 2 Overstory trees 0 Understory trees 175 Shrubs Bufferyard B – South prop. line, 350’ 7 Overstory trees 14 Understory trees 21 Shrubs 0 Overstory trees 0 Understory trees 0 Shrubs Bufferyard B – West prop. line, 960’ 19 Overstory trees 38 Understory trees 57 Shrubs 20 Overstory trees 30Understory trees 50 Shrubs Bufferyard B – North prop. line, 510’ 10 Overstory trees 20 Understory trees 30 Shrubs 0 Overstory trees 0 Understory trees 0 Shrubs Bufferyard requirements – South: Required plantings Proposed plantings Bufferyard B – North prop. line, 560’ 11 Overstory trees 22 Understory trees 33 Shrubs 8 Overstory trees 17 Understory trees 34 Shrubs Bufferyard C – East prop. line, 150’ 3 Overstory trees 6 Understory trees 10 Shrubs 4 Overstory trees 4 Understory trees 5 Shrubs Bufferyard B – West prop. line, 150’ 3 Overstory trees 6 Understory trees 9 Shrubs 4 Overstory trees 5 Understory trees 4 Shrubs The applicant does not meet minimum requirements for bufferyards for either the north or south townhome areas. Staff recommends that the applicant increase planting quantities to meet minimum requirements. The proposed landscaping plan can be revised to meet the minimum standards required by ordinance. However, the North area of the project has several open areas where a vast expanse of irrigated lawn is proposed. Within Planned Unit Developments, “landscaping should reflect higher quality design than is found elsewhere in the community.” Staff recommends that the applicant apply a higher standard by incorporating landscaping features not currently found within new developments, such as a pollinator meadow, planted woodland, association community garden, or other sustainable landscape features that would elevate the design of the development. Recommendations: 1. The applicant shall include 97 trees in the overall landscape plan that meet minimum canopy coverage requirements for size and diversity. 2. The applicant shall meet minimum bufferyard planting requirements for North and South townhome areas. 45 Avienda Townhomes Preliminary Plat Approval October 5, 2021 Page 14 3. The applicant shall install Conservation Easement signage along the south property line abutting Outlot E. Markers shall be placed at property corners and each deflection point in the property line. 4. Staff recommends that the applicant apply a higher standard by incorporating landscaping features not currently found within new developments, such as a pollinator meadow, planted woodland, association community garden, or other sustainable landscape features. PARKS & RECREATION The quality and number of recreational facilities in a community directly contributes to its quality of life. For this reason, the City of Chanhassen places a strong emphasis on parks and open space. As the City of Chanhassen has developed and increased in population, more pressure and attention has been given to providing recreational opportunities for our residents. Increased leisure time, health awareness, greater mobility, and high disposable incomes have all contributed to the increased demand for recreational activities. The challenge is to provide facilities for a growing and diverse population. Parks can be defined as public areas that provide active or passive-oriented recreational facilities. A significant characteristic of parkland is its accessibility to its users. Open space is any parcel that is not used for buildings or other structures and is left in a natural state. Parks and open space perform diverse functions such as: meeting physical and psychological needs, enhancing and protecting the resource base, enhancing real estate values, and providing a positive impact on economic development. Parks The goal of neighborhood parks is to provide informal recreational opportunities close to where people live. Chanhassen operates under the standard that all residents should be within walking distance, or a half mile, of a neighborhood park. The PUD is located within the park service area of Power Hill Park and the Lake Susan and Fox Woods Preserves. Trails The City’s goal is to maintain a comprehensive and easily navigable trail and sidewalk system that connects neighborhoods to park and recreation facilities, schools, community destinations and other communities. Park and Trail Conditions of Approval The current rate for Park Dedication fees is $5,800 per dwelling ($5,800 X 39 Townhome Units = $226,200 Total Park Dedication Fees) MISCELLANEOUS Fire Comments 46 Avienda Townhomes Preliminary Plat Approval October 5, 2021 Page 15 1. Road widths – no parking signs required on one side or both depending on width. See City Code for road widths and signage. 2. No combustible construction to begin until fire hydrants and temp/permanent fire access roads are installed and maintained. 3. Addressing and street signs to be installed immediately upon finish and before occupancy of first unit. Temp addressing and street signs to be maintained throughout construction. 4. Construction vehicles and material may not block fire apparatus access or hydrants once combustible material construction starts. Building Comments 1. A final grading plan and soils report must be submitted to the Inspections Division before permits can be issued. 2. Retaining walls (if present) more than four feet high must be designed by a professional engineer and a building permit must be obtained prior to construction. 3. The developer must submit a list of proposed street names for review and approval prior to final plat of the property. 4. Each lot must be provided with a separate sewer and water service. 5. Building plans must provide sufficient information to verify that proposed building meets all requirements of the Minnesota State Building Code, additional comments or requirements may be required after plan review RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Subdivision of 40+ acres into 39 lots and 6 outlots, Avienda Townhomes plans prepared by Landform dated September 8, 2021, subject to the following conditions and adopts the Findings of Fact and Recommendation: Planning 1. Homes shall be constructed and designed consistent with the PUD. 2. Block 1, Lot 24, Block 2, Lot 9, and Block 3, Lot 9 shall be platted as outlots. Engineering 1. All public utilities will require adequate drainage and utility easements prior to approval of the final plat. Staff recommends Block 1, Lot 24, Block 2, Lot 9 and Block 3, Lot 9 be outlots and encumbered by public drainage and utility easements. 2. The applicant must provide the City the total area of ROW being dedicated along with the area of public DUE in square footage and per lot. 3. The plat shall be updated to maintain 10 feet of separation from the ROW and Block 1, Lot 1, Block 2, Lot 8 and Lot 1. 4. Any previously recorded easements located within proposed public right-of-way or proposed public drainage and utility easements must be vacated prior to or concurrently with the final plat. 5. The applicant shall submit an updated existing conditions survey illustrating all of the requirements of Sec. 18-40. 6. The existing overhead electrical lines and associated poles must be removed as soon as the electric line is no longer required. The applicant shall supply an estimated timeline for when this removal could occur. 47 Avienda Townhomes Preliminary Plat Approval October 5, 2021 Page 16 7. The applicant shall provide street and utility profiles prior to final plat approval. 8. Emergency overflow elevations and routes along with lot benching details shall be submitted prior to final plat approval. 9. Any grades over 3:1 on the proposed grading plan need to be indicated for review and approval prior to final plat approval. 10. The applicant is required to provide an updated SWPPP for the proposed subdivision prior to approval of final construction plans. 11. The applicant shall provide an erosion and sediment control plan in conformance with the requirements listed under Sec. 19-145 of City Ordinance prior to the approval of final construction plans. 12. The retaining wall north of Block 1, Lots 8-11 will be required to be privately owned and maintained and the associated maintenance agreements must be recorded concurrently with the final plat. 13. All newly constructed public streets (Mills Drive) will be publicly owned and maintained after acceptance of the public improvements by the City Council. 14. Construction design elements associated with the street plans such as signage, striping, street lights, intersection details, profiles, street radii, etc. will be required prior to final plat approval. 15. Any intersection of two streets must provide ADA curb ramps, which would include the intersection of Avienda Parkway and “Private Drive NW” and Bluff Creek Boulevard and “Private Drive S”. 16. Any intersection of a private street with a public street must be constructed with a concrete apron in general conformance with Detail Plate #5207. 17. The applicant will be required to provide design calculations and justification that the spacing of the proposed intersection of Bluff Creek Boulevard and “Private Drive S” is in conformance with MnDOT and National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 672 design guidelines, or provide justification that the impact is expected to be minimal and/or no reasonable alternatives are available. 18. The final construction plans must be approved prior to recording of final plat. 19. All sanitary sewer and water mains will be publicly owned and maintained after acceptance of the public improvements by the City Council. 20. An engineer’s estimate for the cost of public improvements must be provided prior to approval of the final plat. 21. The applicant will be required to enter into a Development Contract with the City and all applicable securities and fees provided prior to recording of the final plat. 22. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that permits are received from all other agencies with jurisdiction over the project (i.e. Army Corps of Engineers, DNR, MnDOT, Carver County, RPBCWD, Board of Water and Soil Resources, PCA, etc.) and all comments associated with their reviews are addressed. Water Resources 1. The net SWMP Fee due at the time of final plat is $82,390.20. 2. The applicant shall include electronic copies for the HydroCAD and P8 models in any future submittals to help to speed up the review process. 3. The site is currently meeting rate control to each discharge point, however, the applicant shall confirm rate control is still being met after making any necessary modeling updates based on comments provided. 48 Avienda Townhomes Preliminary Plat Approval October 5, 2021 Page 17 4. TCs do not appear to have been updated in the modeling for the Phase 2 subcatchments. The applicant shall confirm that TCs are still accurate for the Phase 2 condition. 5. The outlet from proposed conditions node 46P “Triangle Basin” has been changed from the Phase 1 plans, however, no work on the Triangle Basin is shown in the plans. The applicant shall clarify this discrepancy. 6. The applicant shall confirm freeboard requirements are still being met after making any necessary modeling updates based on comments provided. 7. The applicant shall confirm spot elevations on the plans near the low-lying backyard areas are the EOFs for these areas or add the EOF elevations to the plans. 8. The applicant shall plot the plans with the callouts as the top layer so they are not being blocked by storm sewer or other layers as some are currently difficult to read. 9. The applicant shall provide an operation and maintenance plan that identifies the maintenance, inspection, and monitoring schedule and responsible party for private BMP’s. 10. The applicant shall provide plan/profiles on the water, sanitary, and storm sewer proposed for Phase 2 to confirm storm sewer sizing and that there are no conflicts. 11. Applicant shall confirm storm sewer sizing calculations provided in Appendix J are for Phase 2 and not Phase 1 as the Appendix title notes. 12. The existing storm sewer shall be shown on all utility plans. It does not appear to be shown on the south utility plans. 13. Details and cross sections for the Phase 2 BMPs shall be included in future submittals to confirm modeling. 14. The West Central Basin (Basin 31P in the proposed conditions modeling) is shown with existing draintile/storm sewer in the Phase 2 plans however the modeling for the basin has been updated since the Phase 1 plans. The applicant shall provide additional detail on the status of the West Central Basin. 15. Details on any proposed outlet structures or pretreatment structures for the proposed BMPs shall be included in future submittals. 16. There are areas in the western townhomes area shown with 2:1 and even 1:1 slopes. Applicant shall regrade these areas to be a maximum of 3:1 slopes or get approval for steeper slopes from the City. 17. The applicant shall confirm an easement isn’t needed over the proposed storm sewer between Lots 14 and 15 in the western townhomes area. 18. The applicant should provide RPBCWD erosion control notes on Page 7. 19. Inlet protection, rock entrances, erosion control blanket and other erosion control measures shall be shown on the plans. Park & Recreation 1. The current rate per dwelling for Park Dedication fees is $5,800 ($5,800 X 39 townhome units=$226.200 Total Park Dedication Fees). Landscaping 1. The applicant shall include 97 trees in the overall landscaping plan that meets the minimum canopy coverage requirements for size and diversity. 2. The applicant shall meet minimum bufferyard planting requirements for North and South townhome areas. 49 Avienda Townhomes Preliminary Plat Approval October 5, 2021 Page 18 3. The applicant shall install Conservation Easement signage along the south property line abutting Outlot E. Markers shall be placed at property corners and each deflection point in the property line. 4. Staff recommends that the applicant apply a higher standard by incorporating landscape features not currently found within new developments, such as a pollinator meadow, planted woodland, association community garden, or other sustainable landscape features. Fire 1. Road widths – no parking signs required on one side or both, depending on width. See City Code for road widths and signage. 2. No combustible construction to begin until fire hydrants and temp/permanent fire access roads are installed and maintained. 3. Addressing and street signs to be installed immediately upon completion and before occupancy of first unit. Temp addressing and street signs to be maintained throughout construction. 4. Construction vehicles and material may not block fire apparatus access or hydrants once combustible material construction starts. Building 1. A final grading plan and soils report must be submitted to the Inspections Division before permits can be issued. 2. Retaining walls (if present) more than four feet high must be designed by a professional engineer and a building permit must be obtained prior to construction. 3. The developer must submit a list of proposed street names for review and approval prior to final plat of the property. 4. Each lot must be provided with a separate sewer and water service. 5. Building plans must provide sufficient information to verify that proposed building meets all requirements of the Minnesota State Building Code. Additional comments or requirements may be required after plan review. ATTACHMENTS 1. Findings of Fact and Recommendation 2. Development Review Application 3. Narrative 4. City Plan Submittal 5. Charles Cudd Product Visuals 6. Carver County Comments 7. Notice of Public Hearing and Mailing List g:\plan\2021 planning cases\21-22 avienda townhomes - outlots a and c, avienda\staff report - final.docx 50 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION IN RE: Application of Level 7 Development LLC for Subdivision approval. On October 5, 2021, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Level 7 Development LLC for preliminary plat approval of property into 39 lots and six outlots. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed subdivision preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned PUD-RC. 2. The property is guided in the Land Use Plan for Office or Regional Commercial. 3. The legal description of the property is: Outlots A and C, Avienda, Carver County, Minnesota. 4. The Subdivision Ordinance directs the Planning Commission to consider seven possible adverse effects of the proposed subdivision. The seven (7) affects and our findings regarding them are: a. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the zoning ordinance including the Planned Unit Development RC District regulations; b. The proposed subdivision is consistent with all applicable City, County and regional plans including but not limited to the City's Comprehensive Plan and implements the following policies and goals: 1)Land Use: a) Encourage development within the MUSA, and support the planned and efficient expansion of the MUSA to increase the amount of developable land. b) Support low density residential development in appropriate areas of the community in such a manner as maintain the aesthetic of existing single-family areas, and to create new neighborhoods of similar character and quality. c) Transitions should be created between different land uses. 2) Housing: a) Provide housing opportunities for all residents, consistent with the identified community goals. b) The City will continue to provide alternate types of housing including smaller lot homes, townhouses, etc. that will supplement the conventional single-family homes. 51 c) Housing development methods such as PUDs, cluster development, and innovative site plans and building types, should be encouraged to conserve energy and resources for housing. c. The physical characteristics of the site, including but not limited to topography, soils, vegetation, susceptibility to erosion and siltation, susceptibilityto flooding, and stormwater drainage are suitable for the proposed development; d. The proposed subdivision makes adequate provision for water supply, storm drainage, sewage disposal, streets, erosion control and all other improvements required by the subdivision ordinance, Chapter 18, and Water, Sewers and Sewage Disposal, Chapter 19; e. The proposed subdivision will not cause significant environmental damage; f. The proposed subdivision will not conflict with easements of record; and g. The proposed subdivision is not premature. A subdivision is premature if any of the following exists: 1)Lack of adequate stormwater drainage. 2)Lack of adequate roads. 3)Lack of adequate sanitary sewer systems. 4)Lack of adequate off-site public improvements or support systems. 5.The planning report #2021-22 dated October 5, 2021, prepared by Kate Aanenson, et al, is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that City Council approve the Preliminary Plat subject to the conditions of approval in the staff report. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 5th day of October, 2021. CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION BY: Mark von Oven, Vice Chairman 52 COMM UNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Planning Division - 7700 Market Boulevard Mailing Address - P.O. Box'147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: (952) ?27-1300 lFax'. (952)227-1110 Submittal ! nn 6mers E ntt others. CTITOT CHAilHA$$EI{ *r{l.3|-al- pco"t", ldis[ ]l cco"o,loi)Sl }{ eo.oavn",i"*oat", l\ []t]i (ReEt to lhe appropiate Nplication Checklisl tot Equi/ed I Comprehensive Phn Amendment......................... $600D Minor MUSA line for failing on-site sewers ..... glOO E Conditional Use Permit (CUP) E Singl+Family Residence............,..-................ $325 subrnital infomatid, that must ffiompany lhis Applicatioo) A Subdivision (SUB)fIa trfltra Create 3 lots or less ..........................-..-..........$300 Create over 3 |ots.......................$600 + $15 per lot( 42 tots) fl lnterim Use Permit (lUP) E ln conjunction with Single-Family Residence.. $325 X Rezoning (REZ) n Planned Unit Development (P E Minor Amendment to existing! Att ottrers....... n Sign Plan Review.......................... n Site Plan Review (SPR) n Administrative $42s Metes & Bounds (2 lots)$300 Consolidate Lots.. ...,........... $150 Lot Line Adjustment.......-..$150 Final Plat ....,. $700 v2s (lncludes $450 escrow for attorney costs)* "Additiona, esc.ow may be requked for other alplicalons through lhe development conlract. $750 $100 $500 $300 (Additional reco.ding tees may apply) $200 $150 Permit (WAP) D Zoning Ordinance Amendment (ZOA)...-............. $500 $500 !E: When multiple applications are proegssgd concur,gnty, the approp.iate fee shall bs cha.ged tot each applicalion. $?00 $3 per address ( 161 s((lsssss) ......... $50 per document UD). PUD fl Vacation of Easements/Right-of-way (VAC).... ! Variance (VAR).... n Wetland Alteration n Single-Family I Att others....... n Zoning Appeal...... Residence $150 $?75 $100 $100 $500n Commercial/lndustrial Districls*........ Plus $'10 per 1,000 square feet of building area:( thousand square feet) lndude number of q$li4g employees: 'lnclude number of 4eg employees:n Residential Districts.. Plus $5 per dwelling unit ( units) E Notification Sign (City to insta,l and remove) n Escro\i, for Recording Documents (check allthattrnE Metes & Bounds Subdivision (3 docs.) lnterim Use Permit fl Site Plao AgreementVariance ! Wetland Alteratioo permit Easements L_ easements) n Deedst6tat reE: $2'613 00 Conditional Use Pe.mit Vacation Section 1: Application Type (check all that apply) Section 2: Required lnformation DescriPtion of Proposal: Preliminary and Final Plat forAvienda Townhomes - See Attached Narralive Property Address or Location Parcel #: Avienda Legal Oescriptbn: Outlots A and C, Avienda Wetiands Present? fl Yes I No Planned Unit Developme (PUD)Requested Zoning Not Appljcable Present Land Use Design 4;6n. Mixed Total Acreage: Present Zoning 38.86 Existing Use of Property:vacant Elcheck box if separate natative is attached APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW I Property Owners' LiSt within 500' lcity to generare after pre-applicaton meerang) ........................ Requested Land Use Designarion- Not &rpr€Fl€HANHASSEN RECEIVED sEP 0 3 2021 CHAI'IHASSEN PLANNlliG DEm 53 Section 3: Property Owner and Applicant lnformation APPLICANT OTHER THAN PROPERW OWNER: In signing this application, l, as applicant, represent to have obtained authorization from the property owner to file this applic€tlon. I agree to be bound by conditions of approval, subject only to the right to object at the hearings on the application or during the appeal period. lf this application has not been signed by lhe property owner, I have attached separate documentation of full legalcapacity to file the application. This application should be processed in my name and I am the pany whom the City should conlact regarding any matler pertaining to this application. I will keep myse,f informed of the deadlines for submission of matedal and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certiry that the information and exhibits submitted are hue and corect. Name: Level 7 Development LLC Contact: Mark Nordland Cell: Fax: Date (612) 812-7020 Signature :]:--913t21 PROPERW OWNER: ln signing this application, l, as property owner, have tull legal capacity to, and hereby do, aulhorize the filing of this application. I understand that conditions of approval are binding and agree to be bound by those conditions, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or during the appeal periods. I will keep mysetf informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the p.ogress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimale prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Level 7 Development LLC Address:4600 Kings Point Road City/Statezip Email: Minnetrista, MN 55331 Cell: Fax: Dale (612) 812-121 I Bahra Signatu q PROJECT ENGINEER (if applicable) Name: Landform Professional Services, LLC Address 105 South Fifth Avenue, Suite 513 City/State/Zip cell: Fax:Email (612\ 252-9077 Who should receive copies of staff reports?'Other Contac{ lnfomatlon: Name: Kendrs LindahlProperty Owner Via: Applicant Via:Engine€r Ma:Other' Ma: ! Email A Email E Email EI Emait 105 South Fifth Avenue, Suite 513 Minnea MN 55401 INSTRUCTIoNS TO APPLICANT; Complete all necessary form fields, then select SAVE FORM to save a copy to your dovice. PRINT FORM and deliver to city along with required documents and payment. SUBMIT FORltit to send a digitat copy to the city for processing. SAVE FORM PRINT FORM SUBMT FORM This application must be completed in full and must be accompanied by all inbrmation and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, refer to the appropriate Application Checklisl and confer with the Planning Dopartment to determine the specific ordinance and appliceble procedural requirements and fees. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. na ! uaileo Paper copy E uanea Paper Copy! Maited Paper Copy ! tritailed Paper Copy City/Statezip: Email:klindahl(Alandfom.net Address. 4600 Kings Point Road City/Slate/Zip: Minnetrisla, MN 55331 Email. mnordland@nordlandpa(ners.com Phone: Name: Minneapolis, MN 55401 ssabraski@landform.net gontr.1. Bahram Akradi Phone: (952)2294777 gon1""1. Steven Sabraski ph6ngl (612) 6384243 Section 4: Notification lnfolmation Address: 54 Narrative Avienda Townhomes Preliminary and Final Plat Prepared for: Level 7 Development LLC September 3, 2021 SUBMITTED TO City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55345 PREPARED BY Landform Professional Services, LLC 105 5th Ave S, Suite 513 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Landform®, SensiblyGreen® and Site to Finish® are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC 55 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 1 Preliminary Plat ............................................................................................................................................. 1 Final Plat ........................................................................................................................................................ 1 Summary ....................................................................................................................................................... 1 Contact Information ...................................................................................................................................... 2 56 Avienda Townhomes, Chanhassen, MN September 3, 2021 SCD14001.CUD 1 Introduction On behalf of Level 7 Development LLC, Landform is pleased to submit this application for preliminary plat and final plat approval to allow construction of 39 villa homes. The project will plat Outlots A and C of Avienda into 39 unit lots, three common lots and three outlots. We are excited to offer new homes in the Avienda development. Preliminary Plat We have begun grading the site and are preparing for construction of Bluff Creek Boulevard, Avienda Parkway and the related utilities to serve the site. The plat to create the right-of-way and outlots is under review at the County and is expected to be finalized and recorded this month. PUD Standards The preliminary plat shows 39 new villa homes surrounded by a common lots with green space, which is consistent with the approved PUD. The robust landscape plan exceeds ordinance requirements. As part of the original PUD approvals, the City required Avienda to provide a connection from the existing Mills Drive on the west to Avienda Parkway. This new public street connection is provided and will provide access for 12 of the new homes. A private drive will be constructed north of Mills Drive to serve the other homes in Block 1 and a private drive from Bluff Creek Boulevard will serve the eight homes in Block 3. The private drives are 28 feet wide with parking on one side of the drive. Architecture The homes will be constructed by Charles Cudd Co. and will provide two high-quality housing options as Phase 1 of Avienda. The homes in Blocks 1 and 2 are planned as the Coventry villas. The homes are a mix of slab-on-grade, lookout and walkout styles with two-car garages. The homes in Block 3 are planned as the Interlachen villa walkouts with three-car sideloaded garages. These homes have been designed to take advantage of the views to the wooded area on the south. Final Plat Final Plat We are requesting approval of the final plat for these 39 new homes to be processed concurrently with the preliminary plat. The final plat is in conformance with the preliminary plat and PUD approvals. Summary We respectfully request approval of the Preliminary Plat and Final Plat for “Avienda Townhomes” to allow construction of 39 new homes in Avienda. We request that this item be placed on the October 5th Planning Commission and October 25th City Council agendas. 57 Avienda Townhomes, Chanhassen, MN September 3, 2021 SCD14001.CUD 2 Contact Information This document was prepared by: Kendra Lindahl, AICP Landform 105 South Fifth Avenue, Suite 513 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Any additional questions regarding this application can be directed to Kendra Lindahl at klindahl@landform.net or 612.638.0225. 58 AVIENDA TOWNHOMES CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA NORTH NO SCALE AREA LOCATION MAP ABBREVIATIONS MODULAR RETAINING WALL FIELDSTONE RETAINING WALL NEW CATV UNDERGROUND CABLE/TV EXISTING DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION STORM SEWER WATERMAIN FORCE MAIN SANITARY SEWER-WASTE ROOF DRAIN SYSTEM GAS LINE-UNDERGROUND FIRE LINE (IF SEPARATE) FIRE DEPT. CONNECTION SOIL SUBDRAIN TELEPHONE-UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC-UNDERGROUND LAWN SPRINKLER SLEEVE > > >> RIPRAP >> FM STS RD GATE VALVE WTR SAN BLDG. FIRE GAS HYD TELE ELEC X"SSD LSS C.O. MAJOR CONTOUR BUILDING SPOT ELEVATION 120 CONCRETE SLOPE DIRECTION CONCRETE CURB GUARD RAIL FENCING CONCRETE RETAINING WALL HEIGHT, TYPE POWER POLE LIGHT STANDARD EXIT LOCATION UNDERGROUND STRUCTURE EDGE OF PAVEMENT BOLLARD CANOPY/OVERHANG BIT. EDGE FES CATCH BASIN MANHOLE SYMBOLS LANDSCAPING GRAVEL FLAG POLE > >> POWERPOLE GUARD POST GAS METER TREES TRAFFIC SIGN WATER MAIN SANITARY SEWER LINE STORM SEWER LINE OVERHEAD ELECTRIC MAJOR CONTOUR SPOT ELEVATION CONCRETE BUILDING CANOPY / OVERHANG 120 GM 12"STS 8"SAN LT FENCING CONCRETE CURB RETAINING WALL OE MANHOLE WATER VALVE FIRE HYDRANT FLARED END SECTION CATCH BASIN 6"WTR XX HEIGHT, TYPE 1 NOTE NUMBER GUY WIRE IRON MONUMENT FOUND WATER SHUT-OFF VALVE l l MEASURED DISTANCE DISTANCE PER RECORDED PLAT UNDERGROUND TELEPHONEUT UNDERGROUND ELECTRICUE GAS LINEG PAVING BLOCK PAVING BLOCK SET 1/2" X 14" IRON PIPE TRANSFORMER TREE LINE MB MAILBOX SURVEY DISK (BENCHMARK) WSO BITUMINOUS SOIL BORING B-X 123.45 %1.00 234.5 LIGHT POLE MINOR CONTOUR123MINOR CONTOUR123 SILT FENCE SYMBOL DESCRIPTION REVISED AREA (THIS ISSUE) REVISION - ADDENDUM, BULLETIN, ETC. NOTE REFERENCE LARGE SHEET DETAIL COORDINATE POINT PARKING STALL COUNT DESCRIPTIONSYMBOL EROSION CONTROL SYMBOLS DRAWING SYMBOLS n n n LEGAL DESCRIPTION BENCHMARK INLET PROTECTION C21 C7.3 1 12 2 SITE BENCHMARK: BM-1 : TOP NUT OF HYDRANT LOCATION: SOUTHEAST QUADRANT OF POWERS BLVD. & LYMAN BLVD. ELEVATION = 921.32 ) BM-2 : TOP NUT OF HYDRANT LOCATION: WESTERLY SIDE OF POWERS BLVD, 1,960 FT SOUTH OF LYMAN BLVD. ELEVATION = 913.82 ) Outlot A and C, Avienda, Carver County, Minnesota 3 DESCRIPTIONSHEET NO. CIVIL & LANDSCAPE TITLE SHEET PRELIMINARY PLAT EXISTING CONDITIONS SITE PLAN OVERALL SITE PLAN NORTH SITE PLAN SOUTH GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING & EROSION CONTROL OVERALL GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING & EROSION CONTROL NORTH GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING & EROSION CONTROL SOUTH UTILITIES - OVERALL UTILITIES - NORTH UTILITIES - SOUTH CIVIL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS CIVIL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS CIVIL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS LANDSCAPE PLAN - OVERALL ENLARGED LANDSCAPE PLAN - NORTH 'A' ENLARGED LANDSCAPE PLAN - NORTH 'B' ENLARGED LANDSCAPE PLAN - SOUTH LANDSCAPE DETAILS CERTIFICATIONS CIVIL / LANDSCAPE SHEET INDEX & REVISION MATRIX OWNER C0.1 C0.2 C1.1 C2.1 C2.1A C2.1B C3.1 C3.1A C3.1B C4.1 C4.1A C4.1B C7.1 C7.2 C7.3 L2.1 L2.2 L2.3 L2.4 L7.1 PROJECT CONTACTS 08.31.2109.08.21X X X X X X X X X X X X X X SHEETS ISSUED BY DATE COMPOST/BIO LOG)))))))))))))))))))) D Angle &And @ At 100 YR.100 Year Flood Elevation A.B.Anchor Bolt A.D.Area Drain A/C Air Conditioning Unit ADD.Addendum ADDL.Additional ADJ.Adjacent / Adjust AHU Air Handling Unit ALT.Alternate ALUM.Aluminum ANOD.Anodized APPROX.Approximate ARCH Architect / Architectural AUTO.Automatic AVG.Average B.C.Back of Curb B/W Bottom of Wall BFE Basement Floor Elevation BIT Bituminous (Asphaltic) BLDG Building BM Benchmark BSMT.Basement C.F.Cubic Feet C.F.S.Cubic Feet Per Second C.G.Corner Guard C.J.Control Joint C.L.Centerline C.M.U.Concrete Masonry Unit C.O.Cleanout C.O.E.U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers C.Y.Cubic Yards CB Catch Basin CBMH Catch Basin Manhole CEM.Cement CIP Cast Iron Pipe CMP Corrugated Metal Pipe CONC.Concrete (Portland) CONN.Connection CONST.Construction CONT.Continuous CONTR.Contractor COP.Copper CU.Cubic D.S.Down Spout DEG.Degree DEMO.Demolition / Demolish DEPT.Department DET.Detail DIA.Diameter DIAG.Diagonal DIM.Dimension DIP Ductile Iron Pipe DN Down DWG.Drawing E.East E.J.Expansion Joint E.O.Emergency Overflow E.O.S.Emergency Overflow Swale E.W.Each Way EA.Each EL.Elevation ELEC.Electrical ELEV.Elevation EMER.Emergency ENGR.Engineer ENTR.Entrance EQ.Equal EQUIP.Equipment EQUIV.Equivalent EXIST.Existing EXP.Expansion F & I Furnish and Install F.B.O.Furnished by Others F.C.Face of Curb F.D.Floor Drain F.D.C.Fire Department Connection F.V.Field Verify FB Full Basement FBWO Full Basement Walk Out FBLO Full Basement Look Out FDN.Foundation FES Flared End Section FFE Finished Floor Elevation FLR.Floor FT. OR (')Foot FUT.Future G.B.Grade Break G.C.General Contractor GAL.Gallon GALV.Galvanized GFE Garage Floor Elevation GL.Glass GR.Grade H.Height H.P.High Point HDPEP High Density Polyethylene Pipe HGT.Height HORIZ.Horizontal HVAC Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning HYD Hydrant I.D.Inside Dimension OR Identification I.E. or IE Invert Elevation IN. OR (")Inches INFO.Information INL.Inlet Elevation INSUL.Insulation INV.Invert Elevation JT.Joint L.F.Linear Feet L.P.Low Point / Liquid Petroleum LB.Pound LGU Local Government Unit LB.Pound LB.Longitudinal LT.Light / Lighting MAINT.Maintenance MAS.Masonry MATL.Material MAX.Maximum MECH Mechanical MED.Medium MFR.Manufacturer MH Manhole MIN.Minimum / Minute MISC.Miscellaneous MNDOT Minnesota Department Of Transportation MOD.Module / Modular MUL.Mullion N.North N.I.C.Not In Contract NO. OR #Number NOM Nominal NTS Not to Scale NWE Normal Water Elevation NWL Normal Water Level O.F.On Center O.G.Outside Dimension O.H.Overhead Electric OH.Overhead OHWL Ordinary High Water Level OPNG.Opening ORIG.Original P.C.Point of Curvature P.I.Point of Intersection PIV Post Indicator Valve P.L. OR P/L Property Line P.O.B.Point of Beginning P.S.F.Pounds Per Square Foot P.S.I.Pounds Per Square Inch P.T.Point of Tangency P.V.C.Point of Vertical Curvature P.V.I.Point of Vertical Intersection P.V.T.Point of Vertical Tangency PE Polyethylene PED.Pedestal / Pedestrian PERF.Perforated PREP.Preparation PROJ.Project PROP.Proposed PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride (Piping) PVMT.Pavement QTR.Quarter QTY.Quantity R Radius RAD.Radius RE Rim Elevation (Casting) R.D.Roof Drain R.E.Remove Existing R.O.Rough Opening R.P.Radius Point RC Reinforced Concrete Pipe R.S.Rough Slab RSD Roof Storm Drain RE.Regarding REINF.Reinforced REQ'D Required REV.Revision / Revised RGU Regulatory Government Unit ROW OR R/W Right of Way S.South S.F.Square Feet SAN.Sanitary Sewer SECT.Section SE Split Entry /Side Exit SEWO Split Entry Walk Out /Side Exit Walk Out SHT.Sheet SIM.Similar SLNT.Sealant SPEC.Specification SQ.Square SSD Subsurface drain STMH Storm Sewer Manhole STD.Standard STRUCT.Structural SYM.Symmetrical T Thickness T/R Top of Rim T/W Top of Wall TEMP.Temporary THK.Thick / Thickness T.J.Tooled Joint TNH Top Nut Hydrant TYP.Typical U.N.O.Unless Noted Otherwise V.B.Vapor Barrier V.C.Vertical Curve V.I.F.Verify In Field VER.Verify VER.Vertical VEST.Vestibule W Width W.PT.Working Point W.W.F.Welded Wire Fabric W/With W/O Without WO Walk Out VER.Wetland WP Waterproof WETL.Weight YD.Yard YR.Year UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTICFO EROSION CONTROL BLANKET PROGRESS SET CITY SUBMITTAL SES SES 31 AUG 2021 08 SEP 2021 PROJECT NO. FILE NAME LANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOT VISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDED READABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACT THE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS. PROJECT CERTIFICATION 105 South Fifth Avenue Suite 513 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Tel: 612-252-9070 Fax: 612-252-9077 Web: landform.net Landform®and Site to Finish®are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC. DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEW CONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORY ISSUE / REVISION HISTORY DEVELOPER MUNICIPALITY AVIENDA TOWNHOMES CHANHASSEN, MN CITY SUBMITTAL SEPTEMBER 08, 2021 SCD14001.CUD 2021LEVEL 7 DEVELOPMENT, LLC 4600 KINGS POINT RD MINNETRISTA, MN 55331 SITE LYMAN BLVDLYMAN BLVDPOWERS BLVDPIONEER TRAIL AUDUBON RDGREAT PLAINS BLVDHAZELTINE LAKE LAKE RILEY 101 101 101 14 14 212 212 212 CHANHASSEN, MN LAKE SUSAN 18 17 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. STEVE SABRASKI, P.E. LICENSE NUMBER:DATE: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. JOSHUA K. POPEHN, RLA LICENSE NUMBER:DATE: 47165 08 SEPTEMBER, 2021 44803 08 SEPTEMBER, 2021 X X X X C001SCD001.DWG CIVIL & LANDSCAPE TITLE SHEET C0.1 LEVEL 7 DEVELOPMENT, LLC 4600 KINGS POINT RD MINNETRISTA, MN 55331 TEL 612-812-7020 CONTACT: MARK NORDLAND EMAIL: mnordland@nordlandpartners.com LANDFORM 105 SOUTH FIFTH AVENUE, SUITE 513 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401 TEL 612-252-9070 CONTACT: STEVE SABRASKI CIVIL ENGINEER LANDFORM 105 SOUTH FIFTH AVENUE, SUITE 513 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401 TEL 612-252-9070 CONTACT: LARRY HUHN SURVEYOR LANDFORM 105 SOUTH FIFTH AVENUE, SUITE 513 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401 TEL 612-252-9070 CONTACT: JOSH POPEHN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT X X X X XX X X X 59 COCO XXXCOCO SIG. BASE SIG. BASE SIG. BASE SIG. BASE SIG. BASE SIG. BASE CABX HH CABX CABX SSMH RE=936.6 IE=925.3(E) IE=925.2(W)SSMH RE=937.7 IE=925.9(W) HH SIG. BASE SIG. BASE LT SIG. BASE EM SIG. BASE SIG. BASE SIG. BASE HH SIG. BASE SIG. BASE SIG. BASE CABX LT LTMB XX XXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X FO FO FO FO FO FO FO FO SSMH RE=915.2 IE=884.1 BM-2 (TNH) 913.82 BM-1 (TNH) 921.32 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WET L A N D # 6 WETLAND #3 WET L A N D # 4 WETLAND #10XX FO FO FO FO FO FO FO 16" DIP16" DIP8" P V C@0. 5 3 % EX.8" PLUG IE.=876.67 SSMH RE=889.5 IE=876.2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 123 4 5 6 7 8 B L O C K 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 249 9 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 B L O C K 1 24 24 24 23 B L O C K 3 B L O C K 1 58 0 . 7 125.7 6 2 .1 93.4 8 1 .4 190.85 5 . 0 79.9 5 7 0.6 221.0 1 1 6 .6 199.9849.0105.0 125.7 60.0360.0346.7 105.0 31. 4 145.0125 .7 122.3 115.231 .4145.0277.8256.260.4122.146.382.03 3 1 .5 66.568.052.0161.63 0 .9 8 5.1 107.8 44 .9 160.7 3 4 0.4 340.1 2 5 5 .8 5 6 .3 37.0 56.9 5 0.743.88 3 .6 2 4 4 .3 38.6 709.4152.11173.514.689. 0109.285.58 9 . 2 83. 5 105. 4 123.1 128.9 195.7 208.6 263.055.6 55.3 57.0 56.5 56.5 67.4 70.6 56.5 102.056.5 54.256.556.556.564.065.5 60.0105.1106.0102.2102.0102.0102.0107.0102. 88.0 88.0 88.0 88.0 88.0 55.0 55.0 55.0 88.0 88.0 29.658.4 29.6 52.7 56.6 54.0 90.461.5 69.6 65.2 90.390.290.290.790.755.455.0 55.0 60.3 88.0 88.0 88.0 88.0 88.0 88.0 88.0 88.0 88.0 88.0 88.0 88.0 Parcel Table 1/1 2/1 3/1 4/1 5/1 6/1 7/1 8/1 9/1 10/1 11/1 12/1 4,840 4,962 5,218 5,323 5,707 5,218 Parcel Table 13/1 14/1 15/1 16/1 17/1 18/1 19/1 20/1 21/1 22/1 23/1 24/1 4,840 153,000 Parcel Table 1/2 2/2 3/2 4/2 5/2 6/2 7/2 8/2 9/2 OUTLOT A OUTLOT B OUTLOT C Area (S.F.) 4,840 31,879 66,747 212,604 992,133 Lot/Block Parcel Table 1/3 2/3 3/3 4/3 5/3 6/3 7/3 8/3 9/3 6,101 6,274 6,166 5,763 5,763 6,461 6,496 5,763 70,451 4,840 4,840 4,840 4,840 4,840 4,840 4,840 4,840 4,840 4,840 4,840 4,840 4,840 4,840 4,840 4,840 4,840 4,840 4,840 4,840 4,840 4,840 4,840 Area (S.F.)Lot/Block Area (S.F.)Lot/BlockArea (S.F.)Lot/Block PROGRESS SET CITY SUBMITTAL SES SES 31 AUG 2021 08 SEP 2021 PROJECT NO. FILE NAME LANDFORMcPROJECT 105 South Fifth Avenue Suite 513 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Tel: 612-252-9070 Fax: 612-252-9077 Web: landform.net Landform®and Site to Finish®are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC. DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEW CONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORY ISSUE / REVISION HISTORY DEVELOPER MUNICIPALITY AVIENDA TOWNHOMES CHANHASSEN, MN CITY SUBMITTAL SEPTEMBER 08, 2021 SCD14001.CUD 2021LEVEL 7 DEVELOPMENT, LLC 4600 KINGS POINT RD MINNETRISTA, MN 55331 C002SCD001.DWG PRELIMINARY PLAT C0.2 NORTH 0 120 240 THE PROPERTY IS ZONED PUD - REGIONAL LIFESTYLE BUILDING SETBACK INFORMATION IS AS FOLLOWS: FRONT YARD = 5 FT. REAR = 5 FT. RESIDENTIAL = 30 FT. PUD EXTERIOR = 30 FT. BLUFF CREEK = 40 FT. PARKING SETBACK INFORMATION IS AS FOLLOWS: FRONT YARD = 10 FT. REAR = 10 FT. SIDE = 10 FT. RESIDENTIAL = 20 FT. LOT COVERAGE INFORMATION IS AS FOLLOWS: LOT AREA MINIMUM = 10,000 S.F = 0.23 ACRE LOT WIDTH MINIMUM = 100 FT. ZONING AND SETBACK SUMMARY LEGAL DESCRIPTION Outlot A and C, Avienda, Carver County, Minnesota LOT AREA TABLE 60 15" RCPCOCOOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOECO COOEOEOEOE 15" RCPSSMH RE=937.7 IE=925.9(W)>>II15" RCPBOULDERRET. WALWOOD FENCEWROUGHT IRON FENCETW ELEV. 921.2BW ELEV. 918.07TW ELEV. 930.8BW ELEV. 927.1>I 15" RCPCBRE=913.9IE=909.8CBRE=913.9IE=909.0 (NW)IE=908.8 (NE)IE=906.0 (SE, SW)CBRE=935.9IE=931.4(S)IE=931.3(W)CBRE=936.0IE=931.8CBRE=924.8IE=920.7>>>>>>CB RE=931.3 IE=926.9(E) IE=926.8(NE) CB RE=930.3 IE=925.3(N) IE=926.8(E) IE=925.2(SE) IE=925.1(W) CB RE=912.8 CB RE=912.4 RCP 15 IE=907.0WETLAND #3EX.8"PLUGIE.=876.6715" RCPCOCOOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOECO COOEOEOEOE 15" RCPSSMH RE=937.7 IE=925.9(W)>>II15" RCPBOULDERRET. WALWOOD FENCEWROUGHT IRON FENCETW ELEV. 921.2BW ELEV. 918.07TW ELEV. 930.8BW ELEV. 927.1>I 15" RCPCBRE=913.9IE=909.8CBRE=913.9IE=909.0 (NW)IE=908.8 (NE)IE=906.0 (SE, SW)CBRE=935.9IE=931.4(S)IE=931.3(W)CBRE=936.0IE=931.8CBRE=924.8IE=920.7>>>>>>CB RE=931.3 IE=926.9(E) IE=926.8(NE) CB RE=930.3 IE=925.3(N) IE=926.8(E) IE=925.2(SE) IE=925.1(W) CB RE=912.8 CB RE=912.4 RCP 15 IE=907.0WETLAND #3EX.8"PLUGIE.=876.6730' BUILDING SETBACK20' PARKING SETBACKBLUFF CREEK BLVD.AVIENDA P A R K W A Y BLUFF CREEK OVERLAYDISTRICT SECONDARYBOUNDARYBLUFF CREEKOVERLAY DISTRICTPRIMARY BOUNDARYOUTLOT CBLUFF CREEK BLVD.SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN> SAN >>SAN>>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>>>STS>>STS>>PROGRESS SET CITY SUBMITTAL SES SES 31 AUG 2021 08 SEP 2021 PROJECT NO. FILE NAME LANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOT VISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDED READABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACT THE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS. PROJECT CERTIFICATION 105 South Fifth Avenue Suite 513 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Tel: 612-252-9070 Fax: 612-252-9077 Web: landform.net Landform®and Site to Finish®are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC. DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEW CONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORY ISSUE / REVISION HISTORY DEVELOPER MUNICIPALITY AVIENDA TOWNHOMES CHANHASSEN, MN CITY SUBMITTAL SEPTEMBER 08, 2021 SCD14001.CUD 2021LEVEL 7 DEVELOPMENT, LLC 4600 KINGS POINT RD MINNETRISTA, MN 55331 C101SCD001.DWG EXISTING CONDITIONS C1.1 NORTH 0 60 120 61 XXWETLAND #3MILLS DRIVEPRIVATE DRIVE NW13141516 1718192021222312345678B L O C K2123456789101112PRIVATE DRIVE S.DROP 1 FT. DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT. DROP 1 FT. DROP 1 FT. DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.249991234567899B L O C K 124242423GF=926.5926.8 (FFE)SOG926.3GF=928.8929.1 (FFE)SOG928.6GF=930.8931.1 (FFE)SOG930.6GF=927.1919.8FBWO919.3GF=926.6919.3FBWO918.8GF=924.5917.2FBWO916.7GF=922.9915.6FBWO915.1GF=921.8914.5FBWO914.0GF=914.8906.8FBWO906.3GF=915.6907.6FBWO907.1GF=916.5908.5FBWO908.0GF=917.2909.2FBWO908.7GF=918.0910.0FBWO909.5GF=920.1912.1FBWO911.6GF=922.5914.5FBWO914.0GF=924.5916.5FBWO916.0GF=930.6 923.3 FBWO 922.8 GF=932.9 925.6 FBWO 925.1 GF=934.3 927.0 FBWO 926.5 GF=935.7 930.2 FBWO 929.7 GF=935.1 927.8 FBWO 927.3 GF=936.1 928.8 FBWO 928.3 GF=936.2 928.9 FBWO 928.4 GF=936.2 928.9 FBWO 928.4 GF=935.3 928.0 FBWO 927.5 GF=934.5 927.2 FBWO 926.7 GF=931.8 931.2(FFE) SOG 931.6 GF=933.6 926.3 FBWO 925.8 GF=932.5 932.8(FFE) SOG 932.3 GF=933.7 934.0(FFE) SOG 933.5 GF=934.5 934.8(FFE) SOG 934.3 GF=936.3 936.6(FFE) SOG 936.1 GF=936.4 936.7(FFE) SOG 936.2 GF=936.1 936.4(FFE) SOG 935.9 GF=935.5 936.8(FFE) SOG 935.3 GF=934.8 935.1(FFE) SOG 934.6 GF=933.9 934.2(FFE) SOG 933.7 GF=932.2 924.9 FBLO 924.4 GF=929.6 922.3 FBWO 921.8 0+00 1+00 1+11.46 B L O C K3B L O C K1SEE SHEET C2.1A SEE SHEET C2.1B 30' BUILDING SETBACK20' PARKING SETBACKBLUFF CREEK BLVD.AVIENDA P A R K W A Y BLUFF CREEK BLVD.PROGRESS SET CITY SUBMITTAL SES SES 31 AUG 2021 08 SEP 2021 PROJECT NO. FILE NAME LANDFORMcPROJECT 105 South Fifth Avenue Suite 513 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Tel: 612-252-9070 Fax: 612-252-9077 Web: landform.net Landform®and Site to Finish®are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC. DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEW CONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORY ISSUE / REVISION HISTORY DEVELOPER MUNICIPALITY AVIENDA TOWNHOMES CHANHASSEN, MN CITY SUBMITTAL SEPTEMBER 08, 2021 SCD14001.CUD 2021LEVEL 7 DEVELOPMENT, LLC 4600 KINGS POINT RD MINNETRISTA, MN 55331 C201SCD001.DWG SITE PLAN OVERALL C2.1 NORTH 0 60 120 THE PROPERTY IS ZONED PUD - REGIONAL LIFESTYLE BUILDING SETBACK INFORMATION IS AS FOLLOWS: FRONT YARD = 5 FT. REAR = 5 FT. RESIDENTIAL = 30 FT. PUD EXTERIOR = 30 FT. BLUFF CREEK = 40 FT. PARKING SETBACK INFORMATION IS AS FOLLOWS: FRONT YARD = 10 FT. REAR = 10 FT. SIDE = 10 FT. RESIDENTIAL = 20 FT. LOT COVERAGE INFORMATION IS AS FOLLOWS: LOT AREA MINIMUM = 10,000 S.F = 0.23 ACRE LOT WIDTH MINIMUM = 100 FT. (7.74 Ac) IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS TOTAL 337,142 125,374 211,768 S.F. S.F. S.F. (7.74 Ac) IMPERVIOUS PROPOSED (WEST LOT): TOTAL PERVIOUS EXISTING (WEST LOT): 337,142 0 337,142 S.F. S.F. S.F. 100.0% 37.2% 62.8% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS FOR CONSTRUCTION WITHIN, OR USE OF, PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. THE DIGITAL FILE, WHICH CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE ENGINEER, SHALL BE USED FOR STAKING. DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS AND THE DIGITAL FILE SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE ENGINEER. DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE TO FACE OF CURB AND EXTERIOR FACE OF BUILDING UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2. 3. 4. GREEN SPACE (LANDSCAPE AREA) GENERAL NOTES AREA SUMMARY ZONING AND SETBACK SUMMARY SITE PLAN NOTES FOR CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND SURVEYING SERVICES CONTACT LANDFORM PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AT 612.252.9070. 1. LEGEND (2.74 Ac) IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS TOTAL 119,239 45,382 73,857 S.F. S.F. S.F. (2.74 Ac) IMPERVIOUS PROPOSED (SOUTH LOT): TOTAL PERVIOUS EXISTING (SOUTH LOT): 119,239 0 119,239 S.F. S.F. S.F. 100.0% 38.1% 61.9% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 62 XXMILLS DRIVEPRIVATE DRIVE NW131415 161718192021222312345678B L O C K2123456789101112DROP 1 FT. DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT. DROP 1 FT. DROP 1 FT. DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.24999B L O C K 124242423GF=926.5926.8 (FFE)SOG926.3GF=928.8929.1 (FFE)SOG928.6GF=930.8931.1 (FFE)SOG930.6GF=927.1919.8FBWO919.3GF=926.6919.3FBWO918.8GF=924.5917.2FBWO916.7GF=922.9915.6FBWO915.1GF=921.8914.5FBWO914.0GF=930.6 923.3 FBWO 922.8 GF=932.9 925.6 FBWO 925.1 GF=934.3 927.0 FBWO 926.5 GF=935.7 930.2 FBWO 929.7 GF=935.1 927.8 FBWO 927.3 GF=936.1 928.8 FBWO 928.3 GF=936.2 928.9 FBWO 928.4 GF=936.2 928.9 FBWO 928.4 GF=935.3 928.0 FBWO 927.5 GF=934.5 927.2 FBWO 926.7 GF=931.8 931.2(FFE) SOG 931.6 GF=933.6 926.3 FBWO 925.8 GF=932.5 932.8(FFE) SOG 932.3 GF=933.7 934.0(FFE) SOG 933.5 GF=934.5 934.8(FFE) SOG 934.3 GF=936.3 936.6(FFE) SOG 936.1 GF=936.4 936.7(FFE) SOG 936.2 GF=936.1 936.4(FFE) SOG 935.9 GF=935.5 936.8(FFE) SOG 935.3 GF=934.8 935.1(FFE) SOG 934.6 GF=933.9 934.2(FFE) SOG 933.7 GF=932.2 924.9 FBLO 924.4 GF=929.6 922.3 FBWO 921.8B L O C K120.5'20.5'20.5'20.5'20.5'20.5'20.5'17.8'20.5'20.5'20.5'20.5'20.5'20.5'20.5'20.5'20.5'20.5'20.5' 20.5' 20.5'20.5'20.5'20.5'20.5'20.5'20.5' 20.5'20.5'20.5'20.5' DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT AVIENDA P A R K W A Y 20' PARKING SETBACK 30' BUILDING SETBACK PROGRESS SET CITY SUBMITTAL SES SES 31 AUG 2021 08 SEP 2021 PROJECT NO. FILE NAME LANDFORMcPROJECT 105 South Fifth Avenue Suite 513 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Tel: 612-252-9070 Fax: 612-252-9077 Web: landform.net Landform®and Site to Finish®are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC. DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEW CONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORY ISSUE / REVISION HISTORY DEVELOPER MUNICIPALITY AVIENDA TOWNHOMES CHANHASSEN, MN CITY SUBMITTAL SEPTEMBER 08, 2021 SCD14001.CUD 2021LEVEL 7 DEVELOPMENT, LLC 4600 KINGS POINT RD MINNETRISTA, MN 55331 C201SCD001A.DWG SITE PLAN NORTH C2.1A NORTH 0 40 80 THE PROPERTY IS ZONED PUD - REGIONAL LIFESTYLE BUILDING SETBACK INFORMATION IS AS FOLLOWS: FRONT YARD = 5 FT. REAR = 5 FT. RESIDENTIAL = 30 FT. PUD EXTERIOR = 30 FT. BLUFF CREEK = 40 FT. PARKING SETBACK INFORMATION IS AS FOLLOWS: FRONT YARD = 10 FT. REAR = 10 FT. SIDE = 10 FT. RESIDENTIAL = 20 FT. LOT COVERAGE INFORMATION IS AS FOLLOWS: LOT AREA MINIMUM = 10,000 S.F = 0.23 ACRE LOT WIDTH MINIMUM = 100 FT. (7.74 Ac) IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS TOTAL 337,142 125,374 211,768 S.F. S.F. S.F. (7.74 Ac) IMPERVIOUS PROPOSED (WEST LOT): TOTAL PERVIOUS EXISTING (WEST LOT): 337,142 0 337,142 S.F. S.F. S.F. 100.0% 37.2% 62.8% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS FOR CONSTRUCTION WITHIN, OR USE OF, PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. THE DIGITAL FILE, WHICH CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE ENGINEER, SHALL BE USED FOR STAKING. DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS AND THE DIGITAL FILE SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE ENGINEER. DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE TO FACE OF CURB AND EXTERIOR FACE OF BUILDING UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2. 3. 4. GREEN SPACE (LANDSCAPE AREA) GENERAL NOTES AREA SUMMARY ZONING AND SETBACK SUMMARY SITE PLAN NOTES FOR CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND SURVEYING SERVICES CONTACT LANDFORM PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AT 612.252.9070. 1. LEGEND (2.74 Ac) IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS TOTAL 119,239 45,382 73,857 S.F. S.F. S.F. (2.74 Ac) IMPERVIOUS PROPOSED (SOUTH LOT): TOTAL PERVIOUS EXISTING (SOUTH LOT): 119,239 0 119,239 S.F. S.F. S.F. 100.0% 38.1% 61.9% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% NO SCALE MILLS DRIVE TYPICAL SECTION1 ℄ PRIVATE DRIVE 14' TO BACK 14' TO BACK 2 %2 % SURMOUNTABLE CONCRETE CURB DRAIN TILEDRAIN TILE 1.5 : 1 2" MNDOT 2360 SPWEA340C TACK COAT - 2357 2" MNDOT 2360 SPNWB330C 12" CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE 24" MNDOT 3149.2B SELECT GRANULAR BORROW NO SCALE PRIVATE DRIVE TYPICAL SECTION2 63 BLUFF CREEK BLV D . BLUFF CREEK OVERLAY DISTRICT SECONDARY BOUNDARY BLUFF CREEK OVERLAY DISTRICT PRIMARY BOUNDARYBLUFF CREEK BLVD.PRIVATE DRIVE S.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 GF=91 4 . 8 906.8 FBWO 906.3 GF=915.6 907.6 FBWO 907.1 GF=916.5 908.5 FBWO 908.0 GF=917.2 909.2 FBWO 908.7 GF=918.0 910.0 FBWO 909.5 GF=920.1 912.1 FBWO 911.6 GF=922.5 914.5 FBWO 914.0 GF=924. 5 916.5 FBWO 916.0 0+001+001+11.46B L O C K 3 12' 12'12'12' 12' 12' 12' 12' PROGRESS SET CITY SUBMITTAL SES SES 31 AUG 2021 08 SEP 2021 PROJECT NO. FILE NAME LANDFORMcPROJECT 105 South Fifth Avenue Suite 513 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Tel: 612-252-9070 Fax: 612-252-9077 Web: landform.net Landform®and Site to Finish®are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC. DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEW CONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORY ISSUE / REVISION HISTORY DEVELOPER MUNICIPALITY AVIENDA TOWNHOMES CHANHASSEN, MN CITY SUBMITTAL SEPTEMBER 08, 2021 SCD14001.CUD 2021LEVEL 7 DEVELOPMENT, LLC 4600 KINGS POINT RD MINNETRISTA, MN 55331 C201SCD001.DWG SITE PLAN SOUTH C2.1B NORTH 0 40 80 THE PROPERTY IS ZONED PUD - REGIONAL LIFESTYLE BUILDING SETBACK INFORMATION IS AS FOLLOWS: FRONT YARD = 5 FT. REAR = 5 FT. RESIDENTIAL = 30 FT. PUD EXTERIOR = 30 FT. BLUFF CREEK = 40 FT. PARKING SETBACK INFORMATION IS AS FOLLOWS: FRONT YARD = 10 FT. REAR = 10 FT. SIDE = 10 FT. RESIDENTIAL = 20 FT. LOT COVERAGE INFORMATION IS AS FOLLOWS: LOT AREA MINIMUM = 10,000 S.F = 0.23 ACRE LOT WIDTH MINIMUM = 100 FT. (7.74 Ac) IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS TOTAL 337,142 125,374 211,768 S.F. S.F. S.F. (7.74 Ac) IMPERVIOUS PROPOSED (WEST LOT): TOTAL PERVIOUS EXISTING (WEST LOT): 337,142 0 337,142 S.F. S.F. S.F. 100.0% 37.2% 62.8% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS FOR CONSTRUCTION WITHIN, OR USE OF, PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. THE DIGITAL FILE, WHICH CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE ENGINEER, SHALL BE USED FOR STAKING. DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS AND THE DIGITAL FILE SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE ENGINEER. DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE TO FACE OF CURB AND EXTERIOR FACE OF BUILDING UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2. 3. 4. GREEN SPACE (LANDSCAPE AREA) GENERAL NOTES AREA SUMMARY ZONING AND SETBACK SUMMARY SITE PLAN NOTES FOR CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND SURVEYING SERVICES CONTACT LANDFORM PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AT 612.252.9070. 1. LEGEND (2.74 Ac) IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS TOTAL 119,239 45,382 73,857 S.F. S.F. S.F. (2.74 Ac) IMPERVIOUS PROPOSED (SOUTH LOT): TOTAL PERVIOUS EXISTING (SOUTH LOT): 119,239 0 119,239 S.F. S.F. S.F. 100.0% 38.1% 61.9% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% ℄ PRIVATE DRIVE 14' TO BACK 14' TO BACK 2 %2 % SURMOUNTABLE CONCRETE CURB DRAIN TILEDRAIN TILE 1.5 : 1 2" MNDOT 2360 SPWEA340C TACK COAT - 2357 2" MNDOT 2360 SPNWB330C 12" CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE 24" MNDOT 3149.2B SELECT GRANULAR BORROW NO SCALE PRIVATE DRIVE TYPICAL SECTION1 64 STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STSSTS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >>>>STS>>STS>>STS>>2+003+004+00 5+00 6+007+007+37.87STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS>>STS>>0+00 1+002+003+004+005+00STS>>STS>>STS>>STS2+003+004+00 5+00 6+007+007+37.87933.43.0%2.0%934.62.0%L.P.935.91H.P.2.3%931.74932.07930.42928.78923.94.8%3.0%13.4%2.0%2.0%936.102.0%2.0%934.925.4%932.37932.55934.03931.39931.7933.186.1% 2.3%930.13.7% 6.0% 0+00 1+002+003+004+005+00931.34931.95929.86930.47935.15.4%926.01928.34925.07930.8929.08931.69933.41934.32934.98922.46923.98926.14 935.56930.11932.43933.82934.55935.21935.63935.73933.14933.99934.80922.89924.674.1%3.0% 3.7%925.02.0%922.46914.98915.82916.63917.43919.08921.29923.62922.6510.0%925.0925.5925.0924.54924.67926.46925.6924.8925.25924.3923.9L.P.923921 920 917922924 915910911908912920 919 902904896898901904919915919919920916921.30935.1933.80933.80933.0933.0931.8931.8931.1929.0931.3928.06933.002.0%2.0%931.0926.02.8%924.0924.34925.112.0%H.P.925.5933.873.0%933.3932.653.0%929.7924.0921.7511.0%921.75919.646.8%935.7914.3392 0 92491 1904 923 9259289 1 8 9 2 2 925925926925922 928930932920916 92 1 914 92 0 92 2 921915 920919917925 921925 926925 911 923 921 924 924 920 922 920 923930929925 925 923 928 921 924 930 934933 934 934 935 934931925 922 93 5927 925 924 922 924 934935 935 936 939 9399 3 7 93 6 936936 926930934924 926 930 935934 933932924 924 9 2 6 9 3 2 9329 29 931928925924930928 929924925 926926 9 3 1 930928929924 926 933933940 938939 935934940914915916918 920 MILLS DRIVEPRIVATE DRIVE NW 2+003+004+00 5+00 6+007+007+37.87PRIVATE DRIVE S.DROP 1 FT. DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT. DROP 1 FT. DROP 1 FT. DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.%6.9%4.2%4.5%3.5%3.0 %4.8 %6.0 %5.1 %5.3%5.1%5.0%4.2%4.8%4.7%4.3%5.1%5.1%5.2%5.1%5.3%5.8%6.3%7.7%7.2%8.5%8.0%3.0 %6.6 %6.7 %6.0 %5.3 0+00 1+002+003+004+005+00DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.GF=926.5926.8 (FFE)SOG926.3GF=928.8929.1 (FFE)SOG928.6GF=930.8931.1 (FFE)SOG930.6GF=927.1919.8FBWO919.3GF=926.6919.3FBWO918.8GF=924.5917.2FBWO916.7GF=922.9915.6FBWO915.1GF=921.8914.5FBWO914.0GF=914.8906.8FBWO906.3GF=915.6907.6FBWO907.1GF=916.5908.5FBWO908.0GF=917.2909.2FBWO908.7GF=918.0910.0FBWO909.5GF=920.1912.1FBWO911.6GF=922.5914.5FBWO914.0GF=924.5916.5FBWO916.0GF=930.6 923.3 FBWO 922.8 GF=932.9 925.6 FBWO 925.1 GF=934.3 927.0 FBWO 926.5 GF=935.7 930.2 FBWO 929.7 GF=935.1 927.8 FBWO 927.3 GF=936.1 928.8 FBWO 928.3 GF=936.2 928.9 FBWO 928.4 GF=936.2 928.9 FBWO 928.4 GF=935.3 928.0 FBWO 927.5 GF=934.5 927.2 FBWO 926.7 GF=931.8 931.2(FFE) SOG 931.6 GF=933.6 926.3 FBWO 925.8 GF=932.5 932.8(FFE) SOG 932.3 GF=933.7 934.0(FFE) SOG 933.5 GF=934.5 934.8(FFE) SOG 934.3 GF=936.3 936.6(FFE) SOG 936.1 GF=936.4 936.7(FFE) SOG 936.2 GF=936.1 936.4(FFE) SOG 935.9 GF=935.5 936.8(FFE) SOG 935.3 GF=934.8 935.1(FFE) SOG 934.6 GF=933.9 934.2(FFE) SOG 933.7 GF=932.2 924.9 FBLO 924.4 GF=929.6 922.3 FBWO 921.8 2.7%3.2%3.3%3.4%3.1%3.8%3.5%4.8%OEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEXX XXXIE=926.9(E) IE=926.8(NE)B-4B-5B-8B-13B-14B-25B-26B-30WETLAND #320' CITY WETLANDBUFFER30' CITY WETLANDBUFFER SETBACK(TYP)20' CITY WETLANDBUFFER30' CITY WETLANDBUFFER SETBACK(TYP)30' CITY WETLANDBUFFER SETBACK (TYP)BLUFF CREEK BLVD.AVIENDA P A R K W A Y BLUFF CREEKOVERLAY DISTRICTBLUFF CREEK BLVD.PROGRESS SET CITY SUBMITTAL SES SES 31 AUG 2021 08 SEP 2021 PROJECT NO. FILE NAME LANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOT VISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDED READABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACT THE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS. PROJECT CERTIFICATION 105 South Fifth Avenue Suite 513 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Tel: 612-252-9070 Fax: 612-252-9077 Web: landform.net Landform®and Site to Finish®are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC. DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEW CONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORY ISSUE / REVISION HISTORY DEVELOPER MUNICIPALITY AVIENDA TOWNHOMES CHANHASSEN, MN CITY SUBMITTAL SEPTEMBER 08, 2021 SCD14001.CUD 2021LEVEL 7 DEVELOPMENT, LLC 4600 KINGS POINT RD MINNETRISTA, MN 55331 C301SCD001.DWG GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING & EROSION CONTROL PLAN - OVERALL C3.1 NORTH 0 50 100 T/W XXX.XX :Top of Wall B/W XXX.XX :Bottom of Wall Contact utility service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning grading. Refer to the Geotechnical Report prepared by Braun Intertec, Dated 04/12/2017, for additional information on backfill material and groundwater conditions. Remove topsoil from grading areas and stockpile sufficient quantity for reuse. Maintain stockpiles with maximum 1v:2h slopes. Remove surface and ground water from excavations. Provide initial lifts of stable foundation material if exposed soils are wet and unstable. Refer to Structural Specifications for earthwork requirements for building pads. An Independent Testing Firm shall verify the removal of organic and unsuitable soils, soil correction, and compaction and provide periodic reports to the Owner. Place and compact fill using lift thicknesses matched to soil type and compaction equipment to obtain specified compaction throughout the lift. Compact cohesive soils in paved areas to 95% of maximum dry density, Standard Proctor (ASTM D698) except the top 3 feet which shall be compacted to 100%. Compact to 98% density where fill depth exceeds 10 feet. The soils shall be within 3% of optimum moisture content. In granular soils all portions of the embankment shall be compacted to not less than 95% of Modified Proctor Density (ASTM D1557). Coordinate with Architectural for building stoop locations. Slopes shown on adjacent walks and pavements should continue over stoops. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Install perimeter sediment controls prior to beginning work and maintain for duration of construction. Remove controls after areas contributing runoff are permanently stabilized and dispose of off site. Install inlet protection: Wimco RD or CG models as appropriate, or approved equal. Maintain protection until project is stabilized. Limit soil disturbance to the grading limits shown. Schedule operations to minimize length of exposure of disturbed areas. Management practices shown are the minimum requirement. Install and maintain additional controls as work proceeds to prevent erosion and control sediment carried by wind or water. Refer to SWPPP Notes on Sheet C3.X for additional requirements. Excavate ponds early in the construction sequence. Remove sediment from ponds periodically and after areas contributing runoff are permanently stabilized. Contractor shall prevent sediment laden water from entering the filtration / infiltration system until the site is completely stabilized. All exposed soils areas shall be stabilized immediately to limit soil erosion in that portion of the site where construction has temporarily or permanently ceased. Seed, Sod, Mulch, Erosion Control Blanket, and Fertilizer shall meet the following Specifications, as modified. Item Specification Number Sod MNDOT 3878 Seed MNDOT 3876 MN Type 21-111 @ 100 lb./ac. - Temporary Erosion Control - Temporary Erosion Control, May 1 - Jul 31 MN Type 21-112 @ 100 lb./ac. - Temporary Erosion Control - Temporary Erosion Control, Aug 1 - Oct 31 MN Type 25-151 @ 120 lb./ac. - Permanent Turf Mulch MNDOT 3882 (MNDOT Type 1 @ 2 ton/ac., Disc Anchored) Erosion Control Blanket MNDOT 3885 (MNDOT Type 3N (12 mo.) 4N (24 mo.)) Fertilizer MNDOT 3881 General Placement MNDOT 2575 See Landscape Sheets for permanent turf and landscape establishment. Scrape adjacent streets clean daily and sweep clean weekly. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Dry Cast Concrete Segmental Retaining Wall. Color to be determined by Owner or Architect. Provide structural design of retaining walls, following MNDOT Retaining Wall specifications for minimum design and performance. Provide construction of walls in accordance with approved design. Confirm architectural requirements for wall units with owner. Submit design to City for approval prior to Building Permit issuance. Provide coordination and assurance that related work constructed within the reinforced earth zone; including fences, underground utilities, guard rails, etc.; is in accordance with approved design and does no damage to reinforcing elements of the retaining wall. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Spot elevations at curblines indicate flowlines unless noted otherwise. See sheet C4.2 for rim elevations of catch basins. Grades between proposed spot elevations shall be continuous and nonvariable. Spot elevations shall govern over contour lines. Meet and match existing curb. Provide 10 foot transition. Paving sections a.Bituminous Paving Refer to city of Chanhassen detail plate NO. 5201 b.Concrete Walkways Refer to City of Chanhassen detail plate NO. 5214 c.Concrete Drives, Aprons, and Exterior Slabs Refer to City of Chanhassen detail plate NO. 5207 c.Bituminous Walkways Refer to City of Chanhassen detail plate NO. 5216 Concrete Joints Install joints as shown and align across sidewalks, curbs, and pavement, paying attention to spacing of expansion joints. Joint spacing shall be as follows: a. Tooled joints: Divide panels into nominally equal areas unless shown otherwise. b. Expansion Joints: Sidewalks - 40 feet max.; Curbs - 60 feet max.; Pavement: 80 feet max.; Adjacent to building foundations and stoops. c. Contraction Joints: Sidewalks - 8 to 10 feet; Curbs and Aprons - 12 to 15 feet. Adjust all structure rims to match pavement elevations. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. GRADING NOTES PAVING NOTESGENERAL NOTES WET CAST/DRY CAST RETAINING WALL NOTES LEGEND :Inlet Protection :Tip Out Curbnnn:Silt Fence :Pavement Sawcut :Construction Limits :Vehicle Tracking Pad ESTIMATED QUANTITYSYMBOLDESCRIPTION EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES For construction staking and surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.1. :Compost or Bio Log)))))))))))))))))))) :Erosion Control Blanket 3 65 933.43.0%2.0%934.62.0%L.P.935.91H.P.2.3%931.74932.07930.42928.78923.94.8%3.0%13.4%2.0%2.0%936.102.0%2.0%934.925.4%932.37932.55934.03931.39931.7933.186.1% 2.3%930.13.7% 6.0%931.34931.95929.86930.47935.15.4%926.01928.34925.07930.8929.08931.69933.41934.32934.98922.46923.98926.14 935.56930.11932.43933.82934.55935.21935.63935.73933.14933.99934.80922.89924.674.1%3.0% 3.7%925.02.0%922.4610.0%925.0925.5925.0924.54924.67926.46925.6924.8925.25924.3923.9L.P.921.30935.1933.80933.80933.0933.0931.8931.8931.1929.0931.3928.06933.002.0%2.0%931.0926.02.8%924.0924.34925.112.0%H.P.925.5933.873.0%933.3932.653.0%929.7924.0921.7511.0%921.75919.646.8%935.792 0 92491 1904 923 9259289 1 8 9 2 2 925925926925922 928930932920916 92 1 914 92 0 9 2 2 921915 920919917925 921925 926925 911 923 921 924 924 920 922 920 923930929925 925 923 928 921 924 930 934933 934 934 935 934931925 922 93 5927 925 924 922 924 934935 935 936 939 9399 3 7 93 6 936936 926930934924 926 930 935934 933932924 924 9 2 6 9 3 2 932929 931928925924930928 929924925 926926 9 3 1 930928929924 926 933933940 938939 935934940STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STSSTS>>STS>> STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>>>STS>>0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+005+006+006+95.16STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>MILLS DRIVEPRIVATE DRIVE NW 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+005+006+006+95.16DROP 1 FT. DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT. DROP 1 FT. DROP 1 FT. DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.%6.9%4.2%4.5%3.5%3.0 %4.8 %6.0 %5.1 %5.3%5.1%5.0%4.2%4.8%4.7%4.3%5.1%5.1%5.2%5.1%5.3%5.8%6.3%7.7%7.2%8.5%8.0%3.0 %6.6 %6.7 %6.0 %5.3 GF=926.5926.8 (FFE)SOG926.3GF=928.8929.1 (FFE)SOG928.6GF=930.8931.1 (FFE)SOG930.6GF=927.1919.8FBWO919.3GF=926.6919.3FBWO918.8GF=924.5917.2FBWO916.7GF=922.9915.6FBWO915.1GF=921.8914.5FBWO914.0GF=930.6 923.3 FBWO 922.8 GF=932.9 925.6 FBWO 925.1 GF=934.3 927.0 FBWO 926.5 GF=935.7 930.2 FBWO 929.7 GF=935.1 927.8 FBWO 927.3 GF=936.1 928.8 FBWO 928.3 GF=936.2 928.9 FBWO 928.4 GF=936.2 928.9 FBWO 928.4 GF=935.3 928.0 FBWO 927.5 GF=934.5 927.2 FBWO 926.7 GF=931.8 931.2(FFE) SOG 931.6 GF=933.6 926.3 FBWO 925.8 GF=932.5 932.8(FFE) SOG 932.3 GF=933.7 934.0(FFE) SOG 933.5 GF=934.5 934.8(FFE) SOG 934.3 GF=936.3 936.6(FFE) SOG 936.1 GF=936.4 936.7(FFE) SOG 936.2 GF=936.1 936.4(FFE) SOG 935.9 GF=935.5 936.8(FFE) SOG 935.3 GF=934.8 935.1(FFE) SOG 934.6 GF=933.9 934.2(FFE) SOG 933.7 GF=932.2 924.9 FBLO 924.4 GF=929.6 922.3 FBWO 921.8 OEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOE>XX XXXXXXXCBRE=924.8IE=920.7>>>>CB RE=912.8 B-4B-13B-30WETLAND #320' CITY WETLANDBUFFER20' CITY WETLANDBUFFER30' CITY WETLANDBUFFER SETBACK (TYP)AVIENDA P A R K W A Y 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1 2 3 45678 B L O C K 2 1234567 8 9 10 11 12 B L O C K 1 24 99 9 B L O C K 1 24 24 2324 PROGRESS SET CITY SUBMITTAL SES SES 31 AUG 2021 08 SEP 2021 PROJECT NO. FILE NAME LANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOT VISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDED READABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACT THE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS. PROJECT CERTIFICATION 105 South Fifth Avenue Suite 513 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Tel: 612-252-9070 Fax: 612-252-9077 Web: landform.net Landform®and Site to Finish®are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC. DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEW CONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORY ISSUE / REVISION HISTORY DEVELOPER MUNICIPALITY AVIENDA TOWNHOMES CHANHASSEN, MN CITY SUBMITTAL SEPTEMBER 08, 2021 SCD14001.CUD 2021LEVEL 7 DEVELOPMENT, LLC 4600 KINGS POINT RD MINNETRISTA, MN 55331 C301SCD001A.DWG GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING & EROSION CONTROL PLAN - NORTH C3.1A NORTH 0 40 80SEE SHEET C3.1BT/W XXX.XX :Top of Wall B/W XXX.XX :Bottom of Wall Contact utility service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning grading. Refer to the Geotechnical Report prepared by Braun Intertec, Dated 04/12/2017, for additional information on backfill material and groundwater conditions. Remove topsoil from grading areas and stockpile sufficient quantity for reuse. Maintain stockpiles with maximum 1v:2h slopes. Remove surface and ground water from excavations. Provide initial lifts of stable foundation material if exposed soils are wet and unstable. Refer to Structural Specifications for earthwork requirements for building pads. An Independent Testing Firm shall verify the removal of organic and unsuitable soils, soil correction, and compaction and provide periodic reports to the Owner. Place and compact fill using lift thicknesses matched to soil type and compaction equipment to obtain specified compaction throughout the lift. Compact cohesive soils in paved areas to 95% of maximum dry density, Standard Proctor (ASTM D698) except the top 3 feet which shall be compacted to 100%. Compact to 98% density where fill depth exceeds 10 feet. The soils shall be within 3% of optimum moisture content. In granular soils all portions of the embankment shall be compacted to not less than 95% of Modified Proctor Density (ASTM D1557). Coordinate with Architectural for building stoop locations. Slopes shown on adjacent walks and pavements should continue over stoops. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Install perimeter sediment controls prior to beginning work and maintain for duration of construction. Remove controls after areas contributing runoff are permanently stabilized and dispose of off site. Install inlet protection: Wimco RD or CG models as appropriate, or approved equal. Maintain protection until project is stabilized. Limit soil disturbance to the grading limits shown. Schedule operations to minimize length of exposure of disturbed areas. Management practices shown are the minimum requirement. Install and maintain additional controls as work proceeds to prevent erosion and control sediment carried by wind or water. Refer to SWPPP Notes on Sheet C3.X for additional requirements. Excavate ponds early in the construction sequence. Remove sediment from ponds periodically and after areas contributing runoff are permanently stabilized. Contractor shall prevent sediment laden water from entering the filtration / infiltration system until the site is completely stabilized. All exposed soils areas shall be stabilized immediately to limit soil erosion in that portion of the site where construction has temporarily or permanently ceased. Seed, Sod, Mulch, Erosion Control Blanket, and Fertilizer shall meet the following Specifications, as modified. Item Specification Number Sod MNDOT 3878 Seed MNDOT 3876 MN Type 21-111 @ 100 lb./ac. - Temporary Erosion Control - Temporary Erosion Control, May 1 - Jul 31 MN Type 21-112 @ 100 lb./ac. - Temporary Erosion Control - Temporary Erosion Control, Aug 1 - Oct 31 MN Type 25-151 @ 120 lb./ac. - Permanent Turf Mulch MNDOT 3882 (MNDOT Type 1 @ 2 ton/ac., Disc Anchored) Erosion Control Blanket MNDOT 3885 (MNDOT Type 3N (12 mo.) 4N (24 mo.)) Fertilizer MNDOT 3881 General Placement MNDOT 2575 See Landscape Sheets for permanent turf and landscape establishment. Scrape adjacent streets clean daily and sweep clean weekly. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Dry Cast Concrete Segmental Retaining Wall. Color to be determined by Owner or Architect. Provide structural design of retaining walls, following MNDOT Retaining Wall specifications for minimum design and performance. Provide construction of walls in accordance with approved design. Confirm architectural requirements for wall units with owner. Submit design to City for approval prior to Building Permit issuance. Provide coordination and assurance that related work constructed within the reinforced earth zone; including fences, underground utilities, guard rails, etc.; is in accordance with approved design and does no damage to reinforcing elements of the retaining wall. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Spot elevations at curblines indicate flowlines unless noted otherwise. See sheet C4.2 for rim elevations of catch basins. Grades between proposed spot elevations shall be continuous and nonvariable. Spot elevations shall govern over contour lines. Meet and match existing curb. Provide 10 foot transition. Paving sections a.Bituminous Paving Refer to city of Chanhassen detail plate NO. 5201 b.Concrete Walkways Refer to City of Chanhassen detail plate NO. 5214 c.Concrete Drives, Aprons, and Exterior Slabs Refer to City of Chanhassen detail plate NO. 5207 c.Bituminous Walkways Refer to City of Chanhassen detail plate NO. 5216 Concrete Joints Install joints as shown and align across sidewalks, curbs, and pavement, paying attention to spacing of expansion joints. Joint spacing shall be as follows: a. Tooled joints: Divide panels into nominally equal areas unless shown otherwise. b. Expansion Joints: Sidewalks - 40 feet max.; Curbs - 60 feet max.; Pavement: 80 feet max.; Adjacent to building foundations and stoops. c. Contraction Joints: Sidewalks - 8 to 10 feet; Curbs and Aprons - 12 to 15 feet. Adjust all structure rims to match pavement elevations. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. GRADING NOTES PAVING NOTESGENERAL NOTES WET CAST/DRY CAST RETAINING WALL NOTES LEGEND :Inlet Protection :Tip Out Curbnnn:Silt Fence :Pavement Sawcut :Construction Limits :Vehicle Tracking Pad ESTIMATED QUANTITYSYMBOLDESCRIPTION EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES For construction staking and surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.1. :Compost or Bio Log)))))))))))))))))))) :Erosion Control Blanket 3 66 STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS MH-15 RIM: 921.36 INV: 902.84 48" DIA R-1642 PER CITY DETAIL PLATE NO: 2101 MH-13 RIM: 914.86 INL (W): 901.46 INV: 901.56 48" DIA R-1642 PER CITY DETAIL PLATE NO: 2101 MH-11 RIM: 913.56 INL (W): 900.59 INV: 900.69 48" DIA R-1642 PER CITY DETAIL PLATE NO: 2101 SAN STUB B INL (S): 899.76 PRIVATE DRIVE S.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.DROP 1 FT.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 GF=91 4 . 8 906.8 FBWO 906.3 GF=915.6 907.6 FBWO 907.1 GF=916.5 908.5 FBWO 908.0 GF=917.2 909.2 FBWO 908.7 GF=918.0 910.0 FBWO 909.5 GF=920.1 912.1 FBWO 911.6 GF=922.5 914.5 FBWO 914.0 GF=924. 5 916.5 FBWO 916.0 0+001+001+11.462.7%3.2%3.3%3.4%3.1%3.8%3.5%4.8%B L O C K 3 B-8 B-25 B-26 B-27 20' CITY WETLAND BUFFER 30' CITY WETLAND BUFFER SETBACK (TYP) BLUFF CREEK BLV D . BLUFF CREEK OVERLAY DISTRICT SECONDARY BOUNDARY BLUFF CREEK OVERLAY DISTRICT PRIMARY BOUNDARYBLUFF CREEK BLVD.0+001+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 914.98915.82916.63917.43919.08921.29923.62922.65923 9219209 1 7 9 2 2 924915 910911 908 912920919 902 904 896 898 901 904 919 915 919 919920 916 914.330+001+001+11.46BP: 0+00.00 EP: 1+11.46 916 917 9 1 5 9 1 6 9 1 5 91 4 9 1 4 915 91 6918920 PROGRESS SET CITY SUBMITTAL SES SES 31 AUG 2021 08 SEP 2021 PROJECT NO. FILE NAME LANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOT VISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDED READABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACT THE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS. PROJECT CERTIFICATION 105 South Fifth Avenue Suite 513 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Tel: 612-252-9070 Fax: 612-252-9077 Web: landform.net Landform®and Site to Finish®are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC. DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEW CONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORY ISSUE / REVISION HISTORY DEVELOPER MUNICIPALITY AVIENDA TOWNHOMES CHANHASSEN, MN CITY SUBMITTAL SEPTEMBER 08, 2021 SCD14001.CUD 2021LEVEL 7 DEVELOPMENT, LLC 4600 KINGS POINT RD MINNETRISTA, MN 55331 C301BSCD001.DWG GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING & EROSION CONTROL PLAN - SOUTH C3.1B NORTH 0 40 80 SEE SHEET C3.1A T/W XXX.XX :Top of Wall B/W XXX.XX :Bottom of Wall Contact utility service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning grading. Refer to the Geotechnical Report prepared by Braun Intertec, Dated 04/12/2017, for additional information on backfill material and groundwater conditions. Remove topsoil from grading areas and stockpile sufficient quantity for reuse. Maintain stockpiles with maximum 1v:2h slopes. Remove surface and ground water from excavations. Provide initial lifts of stable foundation material if exposed soils are wet and unstable. Refer to Structural Specifications for earthwork requirements for building pads. An Independent Testing Firm shall verify the removal of organic and unsuitable soils, soil correction, and compaction and provide periodic reports to the Owner. Place and compact fill using lift thicknesses matched to soil type and compaction equipment to obtain specified compaction throughout the lift. Compact cohesive soils in paved areas to 95% of maximum dry density, Standard Proctor (ASTM D698) except the top 3 feet which shall be compacted to 100%. Compact to 98% density where fill depth exceeds 10 feet. The soils shall be within 3% of optimum moisture content. In granular soils all portions of the embankment shall be compacted to not less than 95% of Modified Proctor Density (ASTM D1557). Coordinate with Architectural for building stoop locations. Slopes shown on adjacent walks and pavements should continue over stoops. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Install perimeter sediment controls prior to beginning work and maintain for duration of construction. Remove controls after areas contributing runoff are permanently stabilized and dispose of off site. Install inlet protection: Wimco RD or CG models as appropriate, or approved equal. Maintain protection until project is stabilized. Limit soil disturbance to the grading limits shown. Schedule operations to minimize length of exposure of disturbed areas. Management practices shown are the minimum requirement. Install and maintain additional controls as work proceeds to prevent erosion and control sediment carried by wind or water. Refer to SWPPP Notes on Sheet C3.X for additional requirements. Excavate ponds early in the construction sequence. Remove sediment from ponds periodically and after areas contributing runoff are permanently stabilized. Contractor shall prevent sediment laden water from entering the filtration / infiltration system until the site is completely stabilized. All exposed soils areas shall be stabilized immediately to limit soil erosion in that portion of the site where construction has temporarily or permanently ceased. Seed, Sod, Mulch, Erosion Control Blanket, and Fertilizer shall meet the following Specifications, as modified. Item Specification Number Sod MNDOT 3878 Seed MNDOT 3876 MN Type 21-111 @ 100 lb./ac. - Temporary Erosion Control - Temporary Erosion Control, May 1 - Jul 31 MN Type 21-112 @ 100 lb./ac. - Temporary Erosion Control - Temporary Erosion Control, Aug 1 - Oct 31 MN Type 25-151 @ 120 lb./ac. - Permanent Turf Mulch MNDOT 3882 (MNDOT Type 1 @ 2 ton/ac., Disc Anchored) Erosion Control Blanket MNDOT 3885 (MNDOT Type 3N (12 mo.) 4N (24 mo.)) Fertilizer MNDOT 3881 General Placement MNDOT 2575 See Landscape Sheets for permanent turf and landscape establishment. Scrape adjacent streets clean daily and sweep clean weekly. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Dry Cast Concrete Segmental Retaining Wall. Color to be determined by Owner or Architect. Provide structural design of retaining walls, following MNDOT Retaining Wall specifications for minimum design and performance. Provide construction of walls in accordance with approved design. Confirm architectural requirements for wall units with owner. Submit design to City for approval prior to Building Permit issuance. Provide coordination and assurance that related work constructed within the reinforced earth zone; including fences, underground utilities, guard rails, etc.; is in accordance with approved design and does no damage to reinforcing elements of the retaining wall. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Spot elevations at curblines indicate flowlines unless noted otherwise. See sheet C4.2 for rim elevations of catch basins. Grades between proposed spot elevations shall be continuous and nonvariable. Spot elevations shall govern over contour lines. Meet and match existing curb. Provide 10 foot transition. Paving sections a.Bituminous Paving Refer to city of Chanhassen detail plate NO. 5201 b.Concrete Walkways Refer to City of Chanhassen detail plate NO. 5214 c.Concrete Drives, Aprons, and Exterior Slabs Refer to City of Chanhassen detail plate NO. 5207 c.Bituminous Walkways Refer to City of Chanhassen detail plate NO. 5216 Concrete Joints Install joints as shown and align across sidewalks, curbs, and pavement, paying attention to spacing of expansion joints. Joint spacing shall be as follows: a. Tooled joints: Divide panels into nominally equal areas unless shown otherwise. b. Expansion Joints: Sidewalks - 40 feet max.; Curbs - 60 feet max.; Pavement: 80 feet max.; Adjacent to building foundations and stoops. c. Contraction Joints: Sidewalks - 8 to 10 feet; Curbs and Aprons - 12 to 15 feet. Adjust all structure rims to match pavement elevations. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. GRADING NOTES PAVING NOTESGENERAL NOTES WET CAST/DRY CAST RETAINING WALL NOTES LEGEND :Inlet Protection :Tip Out Curbnnn:Silt Fence :Pavement Sawcut :Construction Limits :Vehicle Tracking Pad ESTIMATED QUANTITYSYMBOLDESCRIPTION EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES For construction staking and surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.1. :Compost or Bio Log)))))))))))))))))))) :Erosion Control Blanket 3 67 SSMH RE=937.7 IE=925.9(W)XXXX >>>>WETLAND #30+00 1+00 1+11.46 SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN> SAN >SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>>>STS >>>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>1+002+003+004+00 5+00 6+007+007+37.870+00 1+002+003+00 4+005+006+006+95.16STS>>STS>>STS >>STS>>STS>>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>STS >> 0+00 1+002+003+004+005+006+007+00STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>B L O C K 224 9PRIVATE DRIVE NW BLUFF CREEK BOULEVARDB L U F F C R E E K B O U L E V A R D 24 8 BLOCK 1 9 10 11 12 24 7 6 5 4 23 3 2 1 BLOCK 1 13 14 15 16 24 17 18 19 12 20 21 22 23 AVIENDA PARK W A Y MILLS DRIVE8 7 6 5 4 9 3 2 1 9 B L O C K 3 3 2 1 9 4 5 6 7 8 9 PROGRESS SET CITY SUBMITTAL SES SES 31 AUG 2021 08 SEP 2021 PROJECT NO. FILE NAME LANDFORMcPROJECT 105 South Fifth Avenue Suite 513 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Tel: 612-252-9070 Fax: 612-252-9077 Web: landform.net Landform®and Site to Finish®are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC. DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEW CONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORY ISSUE / REVISION HISTORY DEVELOPER MUNICIPALITY AVIENDA TOWNHOMES CHANHASSEN, MN CITY SUBMITTAL SEPTEMBER 08, 2021 SCD14001.CUD 2021LEVEL 7 DEVELOPMENT, LLC 4600 KINGS POINT RD MINNETRISTA, MN 55331 C401SCD001.DWG UTILITIES OVERALL C4.1 NORTH 0 60 120 GENERAL NOTES For construction staking and surveying services contact Landform Professional Services at 612.252.9070.1. Pipe materials - Refer to utility profiles and 2021 City of Chanhassen standards specifications. Contact utility service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning. Contractor to field verify location and elevation of all utility points of connection prior to construction of any proposed utilities. Contractor to notify engineer immediately if there is any discrepancy. Contractor to pothole all existing utilities at proposed crossings prior to construction of new utilities to verify depths of existing lines. Contact engineer immediately if any conflicts are discovered. Provide means and measures to protect adjacent property from damage during utility installation. Pipe lengths shown are from center of structure to center of structure or end of end section. Install tracker wire with all non-conductive utilities per city specifications. Connect to city utilities in accordance with City of Chanhassen standards. Deflect water to maintain 18-inch minimum outside separation at sewer crossings. Center pipe lengths to provide greatest separation between joints. Insulate as required up to 24 inches per City Detail Plate NO. 2204. All joints and connections in the storm sewer system shall be gastight or watertight. Approved resilient rubber joints must be used to make watertight connections to manholes , catch basins and other structures. Adjust structures to final grade where disturbed. Comply with requirements of utility. Meet requirements for traffic loading in paved areas. Catch basins in curb and gutter are sumped 2 inches below the gutter grade per detail C7.1/x. Reserved. Reserved. Reserved. Compact cohesive soils in paved areas to 95% of maximum dry density, standard proctor (ASTM D698) except the top 3 feet which shall be compacted to 100%. Compact to 98% density where fill depth exceeds 10 feet. the soils shall be within 3% of optimum moisture content. In granular soils all portions of the embankment shall be compacted to not less than 95% of modified proctor density (ASTM D1557). Maintain 7.5' cover on watermain 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. UTILITY NOTES 68 SSMH RE=937.7 IE=925.9(W)XXXX >>>>IE.=876.67SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>STS>>STS>>STSSTS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>>>SAN MH 41-040 RIM: 925.62 INL (E): 900.77 INL (S): 912.10 INV: 894.79 SAN MH 41-041 RIM: 923.08 INL (SE): 901.48 INV: 901.38 SAN MH 41-034 RIM: 909.72 INL (SE): 890.59 INV: 890.69 30' - 8" PVC @ 0.50%SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>1+002+003+004+00 5+00 6+007+007+37.870+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+005+006+006+95.16STS>>MH-1 STS>>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS>>STS>>MH-1 RIM: 934.93 INL (S): 913.99 INV: 913.89 48" DIA R-1642 PER CITY DETAIL PLATE NO: 2101 64' - 8 " P V C @ 0 . 5 0 % 328' - 8" PVC @ 0.50% SAN STUB A INL (S): 912.25 MH 2 RIM: 934.99 INL (SE): 914.41 INV: 914.31 48" DIA R-1642 PER CITY DETAIL PLATE NO: 2101 54' - 8" P V C @ 0. 5 0 % MH 3 RIM: 933.90 INL (S): 914.78 INV: 914.68 48" DIA R-1642 PER CITY DETAIL PLATE NO: 2101 160' - 8" PVC @ 0.50% MH 4 RIM: 930.78 INL (SE): 915.68 INV: 915.58 48" DIA R-1642 PER CITY DETAIL PLATE NO: 210149' - 8" PVC @ 0.50 % MH 5 RIM: 928.54 INL (E): 916.02 INV: 915.92 48" DIA R-1642 PER CITY DETAIL PLATE NO: 210195' - 8" PVC @ 0.50%MH 6 RIM: 924.63 INV: 916.50 48" DIA R-1642 PER CITY DETAIL PLATE NO: 2101 B L O C K 2249PRIVATE DRIVE NW 24 8 BLOCK 1 9 10 11 12 24 7 6 5 4 23 3 2 1 BLOCK 1 13 14 15 16 24 17 18 19 12 20 21 22 23 AVIENDA PARK W A Y MILLS DRIVE8 7 6 5 4 9 3 2 1 9 PROGRESS SET CITY SUBMITTAL SES SES 31 AUG 2021 08 SEP 2021 PROJECT NO. FILE NAME LANDFORMcPROJECT 105 South Fifth Avenue Suite 513 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Tel: 612-252-9070 Fax: 612-252-9077 Web: landform.net Landform®and Site to Finish®are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC. DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEW CONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORY ISSUE / REVISION HISTORY DEVELOPER MUNICIPALITY AVIENDA TOWNHOMES CHANHASSEN, MN CITY SUBMITTAL SEPTEMBER 08, 2021 SCD14001.CUD 2021LEVEL 7 DEVELOPMENT, LLC 4600 KINGS POINT RD MINNETRISTA, MN 55331 C401SCD001.DWG UTILITIES NORTH C4.1A GENERAL NOTES For construction staking and surveying services contact Landform Professional Services at 612.252.9070.1. Pipe materials - Refer to utility profiles and 2021 City of Chanhassen standards specifications. Contact utility service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning. Contractor to field verify location and elevation of all utility points of connection prior to construction of any proposed utilities. Contractor to notify engineer immediately if there is any discrepancy. Contractor to pothole all existing utilities at proposed crossings prior to construction of new utilities to verify depths of existing lines. Contact engineer immediately if any conflicts are discovered. Provide means and measures to protect adjacent property from damage during utility installation. Pipe lengths shown are from center of structure to center of structure or end of end section. Install tracker wire with all non-conductive utilities per city specifications. Connect to city utilities in accordance with City of Chanhassen standards. Deflect water to maintain 18-inch minimum outside separation at sewer crossings. Center pipe lengths to provide greatest separation between joints. Insulate as required up to 24 inches per City Detail Plate NO. 2204. All joints and connections in the storm sewer system shall be gastight or watertight. Approved resilient rubber joints must be used to make watertight connections to manholes , catch basins and other structures. Adjust structures to final grade where disturbed. Comply with requirements of utility. Meet requirements for traffic loading in paved areas. Catch basins in curb and gutter are sumped 2 inches below the gutter grade per detail C7.1/x. Reserved. Reserved. Reserved. Compact cohesive soils in paved areas to 95% of maximum dry density, standard proctor (ASTM D698) except the top 3 feet which shall be compacted to 100%. Compact to 98% density where fill depth exceeds 10 feet. the soils shall be within 3% of optimum moisture content. In granular soils all portions of the embankment shall be compacted to not less than 95% of modified proctor density (ASTM D1557). Maintain 7.5' cover on watermain 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. UTILITY NOTES NORTH 0 40 80 NORTH 0 40 80 69 0+001+001+11.46SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN > SAN > SAN > SAN > SAN >SAN >SAN >0+001+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 7+77.49 STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >> MH-15 RIM: 921.36 INV: 902.84 48" DIA R-1642 PER CITY DETAIL PLATE NO: 2101 276' - 8" PVC @ 0.50% MH-13 RIM: 914.86 INL (W): 901.46 INV: 901.56 48" DIA R-1642 PER CITY DETAIL PLATE NO: 2101 194' - 8" P V C @ 0 . 5 0 % MH-11 RIM: 913.56 INL (W): 900.59 INV: 900.69 48" DIA R-1642 PER CITY DETAIL PLATE NO: 2101 170' - 8" PVC @ 0.50% MH-10 RIM: 900.53 INL (W): 899.84 INV: 899.94 48" DIA R-1642 PER CITY DETAIL PLATE NO: 210136' - 8" PVC@ 0.50%SAN STUB B INL (S): 899.76 BLUFF CRE E K BOULEVARD BLUFF CREEK BOULEVARDB L O C K 332194 56789PROGRESS SET CITY SUBMITTAL SES SES 31 AUG 2021 08 SEP 2021 PROJECT NO. FILE NAME LANDFORMcPROJECT 105 South Fifth Avenue Suite 513 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Tel: 612-252-9070 Fax: 612-252-9077 Web: landform.net Landform®and Site to Finish®are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC. DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEW CONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORY ISSUE / REVISION HISTORY DEVELOPER MUNICIPALITY AVIENDA TOWNHOMES CHANHASSEN, MN CITY SUBMITTAL SEPTEMBER 08, 2021 SCD14001.CUD 2021LEVEL 7 DEVELOPMENT, LLC 4600 KINGS POINT RD MINNETRISTA, MN 55331 C401SCD001.DWG UTILITIES SOUTH C4.1B GENERAL NOTES For construction staking and surveying services contact Landform Professional Services at 612.252.9070.1. Pipe materials - Refer to utility profiles and 2021 City of Chanhassen standards specifications. Contact utility service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning. Contractor to field verify location and elevation of all utility points of connection prior to construction of any proposed utilities. Contractor to notify engineer immediately if there is any discrepancy. Contractor to pothole all existing utilities at proposed crossings prior to construction of new utilities to verify depths of existing lines. Contact engineer immediately if any conflicts are discovered. Provide means and measures to protect adjacent property from damage during utility installation. Pipe lengths shown are from center of structure to center of structure or end of end section. Install tracker wire with all non-conductive utilities per city specifications. Connect to city utilities in accordance with City of Chanhassen standards. Deflect water to maintain 18-inch minimum outside separation at sewer crossings. Center pipe lengths to provide greatest separation between joints. Insulate as required up to 24 inches per City Detail Plate NO. 2204. All joints and connections in the storm sewer system shall be gastight or watertight. Approved resilient rubber joints must be used to make watertight connections to manholes , catch basins and other structures. Adjust structures to final grade where disturbed. Comply with requirements of utility. Meet requirements for traffic loading in paved areas. Catch basins in curb and gutter are sumped 2 inches below the gutter grade per detail C7.1/x. Reserved. Reserved. Reserved. Compact cohesive soils in paved areas to 95% of maximum dry density, standard proctor (ASTM D698) except the top 3 feet which shall be compacted to 100%. Compact to 98% density where fill depth exceeds 10 feet. the soils shall be within 3% of optimum moisture content. In granular soils all portions of the embankment shall be compacted to not less than 95% of modified proctor density (ASTM D1557). Maintain 7.5' cover on watermain 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. UTILITY NOTES NORTH 0 40 80 70 DECIDUOUS TREES CODE QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME MATURE SIZE PLANTING SIZE ROOT COND. ACGM 2 Acer saccharum `Green Mountain` TM Green Mountain Sugar Maple 60`H x 40`W 2.5"Cal B & B AFJ3 12 Acer x freemanii `Jeffersred`Autumn Blaze Maple 50`H x 40`W 2.5"Cal B & B BENI 8 Betula nigra River Birch 60`H x 50`W 2.5"Cal B & B GYDI 3 Gymnocladus dioica Kentucky Coffee Tree 70`H x 45`W 2.5"Cal B & B TILG 13 Tilia cordata `Greenspire`Greenspire Littleleaf Linden 60`H x 40`W 2.5"Cal B & B ULMO 5 Ulmus x `Morton Accolade` TM American Elm `Accolade`60`H x 40`W 2.5" Cal.B & B EVERGREEN TREES CODE QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME MATURE SIZE PLANTING SIZE ROOT COND. PIGL 5 Picea glauca White Spruce 50`H x 20`W 6`B & B PIDE6 44 Picea glauca 'Densata'Black Hills White Spruce 45`H x 20`W 6` Ht.B & B PIDE8 26 Picea glauca `Densata`Black Hills Spruce 45`H x 20`W 8` HT B & B THTY 5 Thuja occidentalis `Techny`Techny Arborvitae 15`H x 10`W 6` Ht.B & B FFE=923.0FFE=922.0FFE=915.0FFE=923.0FFE=922.0FFE=915.0MILLS DRIVE131415161718192021222312345678B L O C K 2123456789101112249991234567899B L O C K 124242423B L O C K 3B L O C K 1SAN > SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN>SAN> SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN> SAN> SAN >SAN>SAN> SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN>SAN >SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN> SAN>SAN>SAN > SAN>SAN >SAN > SAN> SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN> SAN >SAN>SAN > SAN > SAN>SAN>SAN> SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN> SAN> SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN>SAN >SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN > SAN>SAN>SAN > SAN> SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN > SAN >SAN>SAN > SAN > SAN>SAN> SAN> SAN >SAN>SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN> SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN >SAN 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MASS 19 Malus x `Spring Snow`Spring Snow Crabapple 25`H x 20`W 1.5"Cal B & B SHRUBS CODE QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME MATURE SIZE PLANTING SIZE CONTAINER CORE 50 Cornus sericea Red Twig Dogwood 10`H x 10`W 5 GAL.POT PHYS 51 Physocarpus opulifolius 'Diabolo'Dwarf Ninebark 6`H x 6`W #3 POT THTE 48 Thuja occidentalis `Techny`Techny Arborvitae 15`H x 8`W 6` HT.B&B VITR 57 Viburnum trilobum American Cranberrybush 10`H x 10`W 5 GAL.POT GRASSES CODE QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME MATURE SIZE PLANTING SIZE CONTAINER CAKF 8 Calamagrostis x acutiflora `Karl Foerster`Feather Reed Grass 4`H x 2`W 2 GAL.POT MIPU 71 Miscanthus purpurascens Silver Grass 5`H x 3`W 1 GAL.POT PERENNIALS CODE QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME MATURE SIZE PLANTING SIZE CONTAINER ASCH 18 Astilbe chinensis `Vision in White`Vision in White Chinese Astilbe 1.5`H x 1.5W #1 Cont.POT PROGRESS SET CITY SUBMITTAL SES SES 31 AUG 2021 08 SEP 2021 PROJECT NO. FILE NAME LANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOT VISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDED READABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACT THE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS. PROJECT CERTIFICATION 105 South Fifth Avenue Suite 513 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Tel: 612-252-9070 Fax: 612-252-9077 Web: landform.net Landform®and Site to Finish®are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC. DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEW CONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORY ISSUE / REVISION HISTORY DEVELOPER MUNICIPALITY AVIENDA TOWNHOMES CHANHASSEN, MN CITY SUBMITTAL SEPTEMBER 08, 2021 SCD14001.CUD 2021LEVEL 7 DEVELOPMENT, LLC 4600 KINGS POINT RD MINNETRISTA, MN 55331 L201SCD001.DWG LANDSCAPE PLAN - OVERALL L2.1 NORTH 0 60 120 Contact Utility Service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning. Coordinate installation with Contractors performing related work. Seed mixture (MNDOT 25-141) as defined in current MNDOT Seeding Manual. Native Seeds shall be of Minnesota origin and certified by the Minnesota Crop Improvement Association (MCIA). Provide verifying documentation to the Owner 30 days minimum prior to installation. Plant material shall conform to the American Association of Nurserymen Standards and be of hardy stock, free from disease, infestation, damage, and disfiguration. All existing deciduous/coniferous trees are to be trimmed of dead wood and pruned to a natural uniform shape. Planting soil shall consist of 4 parts topsoil to 1 part peat humus, with 3 pounds of commercial fertilizer added per cubic yard. Spread a minimum of 6 inches of topsoil and seed all turf areas disturbed by Construction. Follow MNDOT Seeding Manual for planting instructions for establishment of native seed and provide coordination for required erosion prevention and sediment control. Edge planting beds with 6-inch Black Vinyl Edging (Black Diamond or approved equal) except where adjacent to curbing, walks or buildings. Place plants according to layout with proper nominal spacing. For discrepancy between the number of plants on the Schedule and the number shown on the Drawing, the Drawing shall govern. Quantities shown on this sheet are total quantities for design. See Details for depth of planting soil. Install 4 inch depth of triple-shredded hardwood mulch in Shrub Bed Areas. Install 2 to 3 inch depth of triple-shredded hardwood mulch in Perennial Bed Areas. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. GENERAL NOTES LANDSCAPE NOTES For construction Staking and Surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.1. PLANT SCHEDULE - OVERALL CITY REQUIREMENTS Install a 4-foot diameter triple-shredded hardwood mulch dish around trees not placed within a Shrub or Perennial Planting Bed. Edging is not required, unless noted otherwise. Irrigation shall be designed by irrigation contractor. Contractor shall submit design plan and all shop drawings and system components to Landscape Architect for review, prior to purchase and installation. Contractor shall follow all applicable codes and obtain all necessary permits from local jurisdiction. All plant material shall have a 2-year warranty. The warranty shall begin after the last plant has been installed and the Landscape Architect has approved the installation. Landscape contractor is responsible for replacing any and all plant material that dies during the warranty period. Landscape contractor shall assume all costs to any replacements. All replacements shall be same species and sizes and equal or better vigor as original installation. 15. 16. 17. LEGEND Minimum of one (1) deciduous or coniferous tree placed in front yard of each lot. City Approved Tree List (Sec. 18-61) Buffers required when plat is contiguous with a colllector and/or arterial street. Buffers shall be a mix of trees and shrubs. Seeded turf. See Note #4 71 DECIDUOUS TREES CODE QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME MATURE SIZE PLANTING SIZE ROOT COND. ACGM 1 Acer saccharum `Green Mountain` TM Green Mountain Sugar Maple 60`H x 40`W 2.5"Cal B & B AFJ3 3 Acer x freemanii `Jeffersred`Autumn Blaze Maple 50`H x 40`W 2.5"Cal B & B GYDI 3 Gymnocladus dioica Kentucky Coffee Tree 70`H x 45`W 2.5"Cal B & B TILG 7 Tilia cordata `Greenspire`Greenspire Littleleaf Linden 60`H x 40`W 2.5"Cal B & B EVERGREEN TREES CODE QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME MATURE SIZE PLANTING SIZE ROOT COND. PIGL 2 Picea glauca White Spruce 50`H x 20`W 6`B & B PIDE6 14 Picea glauca 'Densata'Black Hills White Spruce 45`H x 20`W 6` Ht.B & B PIDE8 4 Picea glauca `Densata`Black Hills Spruce 45`H x 20`W 8` HT B & B SHRUBS CODE QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME MATURE SIZE PLANTING SIZE CONTAINER CORE 21 Cornus sericea Red Twig Dogwood 10`H x 10`W 5 GAL.POT PHYS 11 Physocarpus opulifolius 'Diabolo'Dwarf Ninebark 6`H x 6`W #3 POT THTE 16 Thuja occidentalis `Techny`Techny Arborvitae 15`H x 8`W 6` HT.B&B VITR 18 Viburnum trilobum American Cranberrybush 10`H x 10`W 5 GAL.POT GRASSES CODE QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME MATURE SIZE PLANTING SIZE CONTAINER MIPU 21 Miscanthus purpurascens Silver Grass 5`H x 3`W 1 GAL.POT AVIEN D A P A R K W A Y 1314151617181920123456789101112B L O C K 1242423STS>>STS>>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS >> STS >>STS>> STS >> STS >>STS >>STS>> STS >>STS >>STS>>STS >>STS>>STS>> STS >>STS>>STS>> STS>>STS >>STS>> STS>>STS >>STS>> STS>>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS>>STS >>STS>>STS >> 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STS >> STS >>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS >> STS >> STS >>STS>>STS>>STS >> STS >> STS >> STS >> STS >>STS>>STS >>STS >> STS >> STS >> STS >>STS>>STS>>STS >> STS >> STS >>STS >> STS >>STS>>STS >>STS >> STS >> STS >> STS >>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS >> STS >> STS >>STS>>STS >>STS >> STS >> STS >> STS >>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >> STS >> STS >> STS >>STS>>STS >>STS >> STS >> STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>> STS >>STS >> STS >> STS >> STS >>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >> STS >> STS >> 30' SITE TRIANGLE (2) TILG (1) ACGM (3) BENI (2) BENI(2) AFJ3(3) ULMO (2) ULMO (3) AFJ3 (3) TILG (2) BENI (1) BENI (5) THTE (2) CORE (2) PIDE8 (3) PIDE6 (3) CORE (3) THTE (3) THTE (3) CORE (4) THTE (3) PIDE6 (3) CORE(3) THTE(2) PIDE8 (5) PIDE6(3) PIDE8(2) PIDE6 (1) PIDE6 (1) PIGL(1) PIDE8 (1) PIDE6(1) PIGL (1) PIDE6 (1) PIDE8 (1) PIGL (1) PIDE8 (1) CORE (3) THTE (5) PHYS (3) CORE (5) VITR (5) MIPU (5) MIPU (3) VITR (3) CORE (3) VITR (4) PHYS (3) THTE (7) MIPU (3) VITR (2) CORE (2) THTE (2) CORE (5) PHYS (5) MIPU (2) VITR (2) THTE (3) VITR (6) PHYS (2) THTE (3) CORE (4) VITR (2) PHYS (2) THTE (3) VITR (2) THTE (1) CORE (7) MIPU MILLS DRIVEPROGRESS SET CITY SUBMITTAL SES SES 31 AUG 2021 08 SEP 2021 PROJECT NO. FILE NAME LANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOT VISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDED READABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACT THE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS. PROJECT CERTIFICATION 105 South Fifth Avenue Suite 513 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Tel: 612-252-9070 Fax: 612-252-9077 Web: landform.net Landform®and Site to Finish®are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC. DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEW CONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORY ISSUE / REVISION HISTORY DEVELOPER MUNICIPALITY AVIENDA TOWNHOMES CHANHASSEN, MN CITY SUBMITTAL SEPTEMBER 08, 2021 SCD14001.CUD 2021LEVEL 7 DEVELOPMENT, LLC 4600 KINGS POINT RD MINNETRISTA, MN 55331 L202SCD001.DWG ENLARGED LANDSCAPE PLAN - NORTH - A L2.2 NORTH 0 30 60MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET L2.3Contact Utility Service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning. Coordinate installation with Contractors performing related work. Seed mixture (Specify Native Seed Mix) as defined in current MNDOT Seeding Manual. Native Seeds shall be of Minnesota origin and certified by the Minnesota Crop Improvement Association (MCIA). Provide verifying documentation to the Owner 30 days minimum prior to installation. Plant material shall conform to the American Association of Nurserymen Standards and be of hardy stock, free from disease, infestation, damage, and disfiguration. All existing deciduous/coniferous trees are to be trimmed of dead wood and pruned to a natural uniform shape. Planting soil shall consist of 4 parts topsoil to 1 part peat humus, with 3 pounds of commercial fertilizer added per cubic yard. Spread a minimum of 6 inches of topsoil and seed all turf areas disturbed by Construction. Follow MNDOT Seeding Manual for planting instructions for establishment of native seed and provide coordination for required erosion prevention and sediment control. Edge planting beds with 6-inch Black Vinyl Edging (Black Diamond or approved equal) except where adjacent to curbing, walks or buildings. Place plants according to layout with proper nominal spacing. For discrepancy between the number of plants on the Schedule and the number shown on the Drawing, the Drawing shall govern. Quantities shown on plant schedule are for this sheet only. See sheet L2.1 for overall quantities for design. See Details for depth of planting soil. Install 4 inch depth of triple-shredded hardwood mulch in Shrub Bed Areas. Install 2 to 3 inch depth of triple-shredded hardwood mulch in Perennial Bed Areas. Install a 4-foot diameter triple-shredded hardwood mulch dish around trees not placed within a Shrub or Perennial Planting Bed. Edging is not required, unless noted otherwise. Irrigation shall be designed by irrigation contractor. Contractor shall submit design plan and all shop drawings and system components to Landscape Architect for review, prior to purchase and installation. Contractor shall follow all applicable codes and obtain all necessary permits from local jurisdiction. All plant material shall have a 2-year warranty. The warranty shall begin after the last plant has been installed and the Landscape Architect has approved the installation. Landscape contractor is responsible for replacing any and all plant material that dies during the warranty period. Landscape contractor shall assume all costs to any replacements. All replacements shall be same species and sizes and equal or better vigor as original installation. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. GENERAL NOTES LANDSCAPE NOTES For construction Staking and Surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.1. PLANT SCHEDULE - NORTH 'B' LEGEND Seeded Turf. See Note #4 72 DECIDUOUS TREES CODE QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME MATURE SIZE PLANTING SIZE ROOT COND. ACGM 1 Acer saccharum `Green Mountain` TM Green Mountain Sugar Maple 60`H x 40`W 2.5"Cal B & B AFJ3 3 Acer x freemanii `Jeffersred`Autumn Blaze Maple 50`H x 40`W 2.5"Cal B & B GYDI 3 Gymnocladus dioica Kentucky Coffee Tree 70`H x 45`W 2.5"Cal B & B TILG 7 Tilia cordata `Greenspire`Greenspire Littleleaf Linden 60`H x 40`W 2.5"Cal B & B EVERGREEN TREES CODE QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME MATURE SIZE PLANTING SIZE ROOT COND. PIGL 2 Picea glauca White Spruce 50`H x 20`W 6`B & B PIDE6 14 Picea glauca 'Densata'Black Hills White Spruce 45`H x 20`W 6` Ht.B & B PIDE8 4 Picea glauca `Densata`Black Hills Spruce 45`H x 20`W 8` HT B & B SHRUBS CODE QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME MATURE SIZE PLANTING SIZE CONTAINER CORE 21 Cornus sericea Red Twig Dogwood 10`H x 10`W 5 GAL.POT PHYS 11 Physocarpus opulifolius 'Diabolo'Dwarf Ninebark 6`H x 6`W #3 POT THTE 16 Thuja occidentalis `Techny`Techny Arborvitae 15`H x 8`W 6` HT.B&B VITR 18 Viburnum trilobum American Cranberrybush 10`H x 10`W 5 GAL.POT GRASSES CODE QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME MATURE SIZE PLANTING SIZE CONTAINER MIPU 21 Miscanthus purpurascens Silver Grass 5`H x 3`W 1 GAL.POT MILLS DRIVE2021222312345678B L O C K 224999SAN>STS>>STS >>30' SITE TRIANGLE AVIENDA PARK W A Y FEATURE PLANT BED(3) PHYS (4) MIPU (3) VITR (3) CORE (2) PHYS (2) THTE (5) MIPU (1) VITR (3) TILG (2) TILG (1) GYDI (3) AFJ3 (2) GYDI (2) TILG (1) ACGM (1) PIDE6 (1) PIDE8(1) PIDE8 (1) PIDE6(1) PIDE8(1) PIGL(1) PIDE8 (1) PIDE6(1) PIGL (3) THTE (3) CORE (2) PIDE6 (2) CORE (3) PIDE6 (3) CORE (3) THTE (2) PIDE6 (2) PIDE6 (4) CORE (2) PIDE6 (3) CORE (3) VITR (2) THTE (1) CORE (4) VITR (7) MIPU (3) THTE (6) PHYS (3) VITR (2) CORE (3) THTE (5) MIPU (4) VITR PROGRESS SET CITY SUBMITTAL SES SES 31 AUG 2021 08 SEP 2021 PROJECT NO. FILE NAME LANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOT VISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDED READABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACT THE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS. PROJECT CERTIFICATION 105 South Fifth Avenue Suite 513 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Tel: 612-252-9070 Fax: 612-252-9077 Web: landform.net Landform®and Site to Finish®are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC. DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEW CONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORY ISSUE / REVISION HISTORY DEVELOPER MUNICIPALITY AVIENDA TOWNHOMES CHANHASSEN, MN CITY SUBMITTAL SEPTEMBER 08, 2021 SCD14001.CUD 2021LEVEL 7 DEVELOPMENT, LLC 4600 KINGS POINT RD MINNETRISTA, MN 55331 L203SCD001.DWG ENLARGED LANDSCAPE PLAN - NORTH 'B' L2.3 NORTH 0 30 60 Contact Utility Service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning. Coordinate installation with Contractors performing related work. Seed mixture (MNDOT 25-141) as defined in current MNDOT Seeding Manual. Native Seeds shall be of Minnesota origin and certified by the Minnesota Crop Improvement Association (MCIA). Provide verifying documentation to the Owner 30 days minimum prior to installation. Plant material shall conform to the American Association of Nurserymen Standards and be of hardy stock, free from disease, infestation, damage, and disfiguration. All existing deciduous/coniferous trees are to be trimmed of dead wood and pruned to a natural uniform shape. Planting soil shall consist of 4 parts topsoil to 1 part peat humus, with 3 pounds of commercial fertilizer added per cubic yard. Spread a minimum of 6 inches of topsoil and seed all turf areas disturbed by Construction. Follow MNDOT Seeding Manual for planting instructions for establishment of native seed and provide coordination for required erosion prevention and sediment control. Edge planting beds with 6-inch Black Vinyl Edging (Black Diamond or approved equal) except where adjacent to curbing, walks or buildings. Place plants according to layout with proper nominal spacing. For discrepancy between the number of plants on the Schedule and the number shown on the Drawing, the Drawing shall govern. Quantities shown on plant schedule are for this sheet only. See sheet L2.1 for overall quantities for design. See Details for depth of planting soil. Install 4 inch depth of triple-shredded hardwood mulch in Shrub Bed Areas. Install 2 to 3 inch depth of triple-shredded hardwood mulch in Perennial Bed Areas. Install a 4-foot diameter triple-shredded hardwood mulch dish around trees not placed within a Shrub or Perennial Planting Bed. Edging is not required, unless noted otherwise. Irrigation shall be designed by irrigation contractor. Contractor shall submit design plan and all shop drawings and system components to Landscape Architect for review, prior to purchase and installation. Contractor shall follow all applicable codes and obtain all necessary permits from local jurisdiction. All plant material shall have a 2-year warranty. The warranty shall begin after the last plant has been installed and the Landscape Architect has approved the installation. Landscape contractor is responsible for replacing any and all plant material that dies during the warranty period. Landscape contractor shall assume all costs to any replacements. All replacements shall be same species and sizes and equal or better vigor as original installation. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. GENERAL NOTES LANDSCAPE NOTES For construction Staking and Surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.1.MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET L2.2PLANT SCHEDULE - NORTH 'B' LEGEND Seeded Turf. See Note #4 73 FFE=915.0FFE=915.0914.98915.82916.63917.43919.08921.29923.62922.65914.330+001+001+11.46BP: 0+00.00 EP: 1+11.46 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 B L O C K 3 FEAT U R E PL A NT BE D FEAT U R E P L A N T B E D (1) PIDE6 (2) PIDE8 (2) CORE (2) PIDE6 (1) PIDE8 (1) PIDE8 (2) PIDE6 (2) CORE (1) AFJ3 (7) MASS (2) PIDE6 (3) PIDE8 (2) PIDE6 (1) PIDE8 (5) THTY (3) MASS (3) VITR (6) MIPU (2) PIDE6 (1) PIDE8(1) MASS (4) PHYS (2) MASS (1) PIDE8 (1) PIDE6 (1) PHYS (1) MASS (6) MIPU (5) PHYS(3) VITR(1) PIDE6 (1) PIDE8 (1) PIDE6 (1) PIDE8(2) MASS (5) PHYS (5) MIPU (5) VITR (3) MASS (2) AFJ3 (3) PHYS (4) MIPU (3) VITR (9) ASCH (8) CAKF (9) ASCH (2) VITR (1) TILG (1) AFJ3 BLUF F C R E E K B L V D BLUFF CREE K B L V D DECIDUOUS TREES CODE QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME MATURE SIZE PLANTING SIZE ROOT COND. AFJ3 4 Acer x freemanii `Jeffersred`Autumn Blaze Maple 50`H x 40`W 2.5"Cal B & B TILG 1 Tilia cordata `Greenspire`Greenspire Littleleaf Linden 60`H x 40`W 2.5"Cal B & B EVERGREEN TREES CODE QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME MATURE SIZE PLANTING SIZE ROOT COND. PIDE6 14 Picea glauca 'Densata'Black Hills White Spruce 45`H x 20`W 6` Ht.B & B PIDE8 12 Picea glauca `Densata`Black Hills Spruce 45`H x 20`W 8` HT B & B THTY 5 Thuja occidentalis `Techny`Techny Arborvitae 15`H x 10`W 6` Ht.B & B ORNAMENTAL TREES CODE QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME MATURE SIZE PLANTING SIZE ROOT COND. MASS 19 Malus x `Spring Snow`Spring Snow Crabapple 25`H x 20`W 1.5"Cal B & B SHRUBS CODE QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME MATURE SIZE PLANTING SIZE CONTAINER CORE 4 Cornus sericea Red Twig Dogwood 10`H x 10`W 5 GAL.POT PHYS 18 Physocarpus opulifolius 'Diabolo'Dwarf Ninebark 6`H x 6`W #3 POT VITR 16 Viburnum trilobum American Cranberrybush 10`H x 10`W 5 GAL.POT GRASSES CODE QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME MATURE SIZE PLANTING SIZE CONTAINER CAKF 8 Calamagrostis x acutiflora `Karl Foerster`Feather Reed Grass 4`H x 2`W 2 GAL.POT MIPU 21 Miscanthus purpurascens Silver Grass 5`H x 3`W 1 GAL.POT PERENNIALS CODE QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME MATURE SIZE PLANTING SIZE CONTAINER ASCH 18 Astilbe chinensis `Vision in White`Vision in White Chinese Astilbe 1.5`H x 1.5W #1 Cont.POT PROGRESS SET CITY SUBMITTAL SES SES 31 AUG 2021 08 SEP 2021 PROJECT NO. FILE NAME LANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOT VISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDED READABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACT THE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS. PROJECT CERTIFICATION 105 South Fifth Avenue Suite 513 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Tel: 612-252-9070 Fax: 612-252-9077 Web: landform.net Landform®and Site to Finish®are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC. DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEW CONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORY ISSUE / REVISION HISTORY DEVELOPER MUNICIPALITY AVIENDA TOWNHOMES CHANHASSEN, MN CITY SUBMITTAL SEPTEMBER 08, 2021 SCD14001.CUD 2021LEVEL 7 DEVELOPMENT, LLC 4600 KINGS POINT RD MINNETRISTA, MN 55331 L204SCD001.DWG ENLARGED LANDSCAPE PLAN - SOUTH L2.4 NORTH 0 30 60 Install 4 inch depth of triple-shredded hardwood mulch in Shrub Bed Areas. Install 2 to 3 inch depth of triple-shredded hardwood mulch in Perennial Bed Areas. Install a 4-foot diameter triple-shredded hardwood mulch dish around trees not placed within a Shrub or Perennial Planting Bed. Edging is not required, unless noted otherwise. Irrigation shall be designed by irrigation contractor. Contractor shall submit design plan and all shop drawings and system components to Landscape Architect for review, prior to purchase and installation. Contractor shall follow all applicable codes and obtain all necessary permits from local jurisdiction. All plant material shall have a 2-year warranty. The warranty shall begin after the last plant has been installed and the Landscape Architect has approved the installation. Landscape contractor is responsible for replacing any and all plant material that dies during the warranty period. Landscape contractor shall assume all costs to any replacements. All replacements shall be same species and sizes and equal or better vigor as original installation. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Contact Utility Service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning. Coordinate installation with Contractors performing related work. Seed mixture (MNDOT 25-141) as defined in current MNDOT Seeding Manual. Native Seeds shall be of Minnesota origin and certified by the Minnesota Crop Improvement Association (MCIA). Provide verifying documentation to the Owner 30 days minimum prior to installation. Plant material shall conform to the American Association of Nurserymen Standards and be of hardy stock, free from disease, infestation, damage, and disfiguration. All existing deciduous/coniferous trees are to be trimmed of dead wood and pruned to a natural uniform shape. Planting soil shall consist of 4 parts topsoil to 1 part peat humus, with 3 pounds of commercial fertilizer added per cubic yard. Spread a minimum of 6 inches of topsoil and seed all turf areas disturbed by Construction. Follow MNDOT Seeding Manual for planting instructions for establishment of native seed and provide coordination for required erosion prevention and sediment control. Edge planting beds with 6-inch Black Vinyl Edging (Black Diamond or approved equal) except where adjacent to curbing, walks or buildings. Place plants according to layout with proper nominal spacing. For discrepancy between the number of plants on the Schedule and the number shown on the Drawing, the Drawing shall govern. Quantities shown on plant schedule are for this sheet only. See sheet L2.1 for overall quantities for design. See Details for depth of planting soil. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. GENERAL NOTES LANDSCAPE NOTES For construction Staking and Surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.1. PLANT SCHEDULE - NORTH LEGEND Seeded turf. See Note #4 74 PROGRESS SET CITY SUBMITTAL SES SES 31 AUG 2021 08 SEP 2021 PROJECT NO. FILE NAME LANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOT VISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDED READABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACT THE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS. PROJECT CERTIFICATION 105 South Fifth Avenue Suite 513 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Tel: 612-252-9070 Fax: 612-252-9077 Web: landform.net Landform®and Site to Finish®are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC. DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEW CONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORY ISSUE / REVISION HISTORY DEVELOPER MUNICIPALITY AVIENDA TOWNHOMES CHANHASSEN, MN CITY SUBMITTAL SEPTEMBER 08, 2021 SCD14001.CUD 2021LEVEL 7 DEVELOPMENT, LLC 4600 KINGS POINT RD MINNETRISTA, MN 55331 SUBGRADE AREA DUG/TILLED TO PROMOTE ROOT GROWTH 3-5x DIA. OF SOIL BALL AREA DUG FOR PLANTING 2-3x DIA. OF SOIL BALL SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLE PRIOR TO PLANTING CUT TOP OF WIRE BASKET 1/3 (MIN.) FROM TOP OF ROOTBALL. CUT TWINE FROM AROUND TOP 1/3 (MIN.) OF ROOTBALL. CUT AND ROLL BACK BURLAP 1/3 (MIN.) FROM TOP OF ROOTBALL. 2" X 2" X 24" WOOD STAKE SET AT ANGLE EXISTING SOIL LOOSENED PLANTING SOIL (SEE PLANS) EDGE CONDITION VARIES INSPECT FOR ENCIRCLING ROOTS TO MITIGATE FUTURE STEM GIRDLING. REJECT ANY TREES THAT ARE SEVERELY AFFECTED. TWO ALTERNATE METHODS OF TREE STAKING ARE ILLUSTRATED AND TO BE UTILIZED ONLY IF NECESSARY. MAINTAIN TREES IN A PLUMB POSITION THROUGHOUT THE GUARANTEE PERIOD. SEE SPECIFICATIONS. FLAGGING: ONE (1) FLAG PER WIRE DOUBLE STRAND 14 GA. WIRE - 3' @ 120 DEGREE INTERVALS (TYP.) TREE SHALL BE PLANTED WITH ROOT FLARE EVEN WITH SOIL LINE OR FIRST MAJOR BRANCHING ROOT ONE (1) INCH BELOW SOIL LINE. IF ROOT FLARE IS NOT APPARENT IT MAY BE COVERED BY BURLAP OR SOIL. ADJUST PLANT AS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN APPROPRIATE DEPTH. 16" POLYPROPYLENE OR POLYETHYLENE (40 MIL, 1-1/2" WIDE STRAP TYP.) TREE WRAP TO FIRST BRANCH NOTES: 8' STEEL STAKE. PLACE WITHIN TWO (2) INCHES OF ROOT BALL. NO SCALE DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTINGVARIES PER SPECIES(SEE PLANS)24" MIN.FOUR (4") INCHES MAX.SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH (SEE PLANS) 1 TREE SHALL BE PLANTED WITH ROOT FLARE EVEN WITH SOIL LINE OR FIRST MAJOR BRANCHING ROOT ONE (1) INCH BELOW SOIL LINE. IF ROOT FLARE IS NOT APPARENT IT MAY BE COVERED BY BURLAP OR SOIL. ADJUST PLANT AS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN APPROPRIATE DEPTH. DOUBLE STRAND 14 GA. WIRE - 3' @ 120 DEGREE INTERVALS (TYP.)VARIESAREA DUG FOR PLANTING 2x-3x DIA. OF SOIL BALL24" MINSCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLE PRIOR TO PLANTING 2" X 2" X 24" WOOD STAKE SET AT ANGLE PLANTING SOIL (SEE PLANS) EDGE CONDITION VARIES (SEE PLANS) CUT TOP OF WIRE BASKET 1/3 (MIN.) FROM TOP OF BALL. CUT TWINE FROM AROUND TOP 1/3 (MIN.) OF ROOTBALL. CUT AND ROLL BACK BURLAP 1/3 (MIN.) FROM TOP OF ROOTBALL. 16" POLYPROPYLENE OR POLYETHYLENE (40 MIL, 1-1/2" WIDE STRAP TYP.) FLAGGING: ONE (1) PER WIRE 8' STEEL STAKE. PLACE TWO (2) INCHES FROM ROOT BALL. INSPECT FOR ENCIRCLING ROOTS TO MITIGATE FUTURE STEM GIRDLING. REJECT ANY TREES THAT ARE SEVERELY AFFECTED. TWO ALTERNATE METHODS OF TREE STAKING ARE ILLUSTRATED AND TO BE UTILIZED ONLY IF NECESSARY. MAINTAIN TREES IN A PLUMB POSITION THROUGHOUT THE GUARANTEE PERIOD AS DEFINED ON PLANS AND/OR SPECIFICATIONS. NOTES: NO SCALE CONIFEROUS TREE PLANTING EXISTING SUBGRADE AREA DUG/TILLED TO PROMOTE ROOT GROWTH 3-5x DIA. OF SOIL BALL EXISTING SOIL LOOSENED FOUR (4") INCHES SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH 2 SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLE PRIOR TO PLANTING. PLACE PLANT AS SHOWN ON PLAN EXISTING SUBGRADE REFER TO LANDSCAPE PLAN(S) FOR GROUNDCOVER OUTSIDE SHRUB BED(S) FINISHED GRADE IF ROOTS ARE PRESENT AROUND THE EDGES OF ROOTBALL, UNCOIL OR CUT AS MANY AS POSSIBLE WITHOUT DESTROYING SOIL MASS. DIG PLANTING PIT NO DEEPER THAN HEIGHT OF ROOT BALL. NOTES: TOP OF ROOT MASS SHALL BE LEVEL WITH FINISHED GRADE PLANTING SOIL (SEE PLANS) NO SCALE SHRUB PLANTING DIG PLANTING PIT 3X WIDEST DIMENSION OF ROOT BALL ROOT BALL SITS ON EXISTING OR RECOMPACTED SUBGRADE. FOUR (4) INCH HIGH SOIL BERM CONSTRUCTED AROUND ENTIRE ROOT BALL. BERM SHALL BEGIN AT ROOT BALL EDGE. MULCH (SEE PLANS) EDGING (SEE PLANS) 3 12" 6"MIN. MIN. SPACING VARIES (SEE PLANS) IF ROOTS ARE PRESENT AROUND THE EDGES OF ROOTBALL, UNCOIL OR CUT AS MANY AS POSSIBLE WITHOUT DESTROYING SOIL MASS. NO SCALE PERENNIAL PLANTING 18" MIN. SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLE PRIOR TO PLANTING. EXISTING SUBGRADE BACKFILL WITH PLANTING SOIL THAT IS THOROUGHLY TILLED AND LOOSENED. (SEE PLANS) REFER TO LANDSCAPE PLAN(S) FOR GROUNDCOVER OUTSIDE PLANTING BED EDGING MULCH CREATE SAUCER AROUND PLANT WITH PLANTING SOIL PERENNIAL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL NOT BE PLACED CLOSER THAN ONE (1) FOOT FROM EDGE OF PLANTING BED 4 IF ROOTS ARE PRESENT AROUND THE EDGES OF ROOTBALL, UNCOIL OR CUT AS MANY AS POSSIBLE WITHOUT DESTROYING SOIL MASS. NOTES: NO SCALE STEEP SLOPE PLANTING SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLE PRIOR TO PLANTING. EDGE CONDITION VARIES (SEE PLANS) EDGING (SEE PLANS) PLANTING SOIL (SEE PLANS) MULCH (SEE PLANS) ROUND-TOPPED SOIL BERM, 4" HIGH x 8" WIDE, ABOVE ROOT BALL SURFACE, CENTERED ON DOWNHILL SIDE FOR 240 DEGREES.FINISHED GRADE EXISTING SUBGRADE ORIGINAL GRADE SHALL PASS THROUGH POINT WHERE TRUNK MEETS TOP OF ROOT BALL. DIG PLANTING PIT 3X WIDTH OF ROOT BALL SECTION SECTION PLAN VIEW SECTION VIEW ROUND-TOPPED BERM ROOT BALL EDGE SLOPE5 L701SCD001.DWG LANDSCAPE DETAILS L7.1 75 76 77 78 79 80 Carver County Public Works 11360 Highway 212, Suite 1 Cologne, MN 55322 Office (952) 466-5200 | Fax (952) 466-5223 | www.co.carver.mn.us CARVER COUNTY September 27, 2021 City of Chanhassen c/o Kate Aanenson, AICP Community Development Director 952-227-1139 kaanenson@ci.chanhassen.mn.us Re: Development / Access Review Comments: Preliminary and Final Plat for Avienda Townhomes at Parcel IDs 250230500, 250230430, 250230420, 250230410, 250230300 – Located adjacent to CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) and CSAH 17 (Powers Blvd.) Thank you for the opportunity to review the subject development in the City of Chanhassen. Consistent with the County Comprehensive Plan and County Codes, and other official controls of the County, the following are comments and recommended conditions of approval and as potential requirements for any necessary permits to be issued for the project. 1. The original comments and conditions of approval from County Public Works memo regarding this development dated May 9, 2018 apply (attached for reference). The comments and conditions below supplement that memo and are in reference to specific new Preliminary and Final Plat items. 2. Regarding Access to County Highways a. CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.)/Sunset Trail intersection – i. The County’s Access Spacing Map in the 2040 Comprehensive Plan (Figure 4.14) identifies this segment of CSAH 18 as Category 5B, which guides full access intersection spacing at ¼ mile intervals and secondary (limited) intersection spacing at 1/8 mile intervals. The distance to the proposed access meets the spacing guidance for a full access: approximately ¼ mile from the CSAH 18/CSAH 17 intersection and approximately 0.4 miles from the CSAH 18/Audubon Rd. intersection. ii. A Commercial/Street Access Permit will be required for this access. The County requires review of detailed intersection geometric design plans as part of access permit approval. Specific design, right of way, and intersection improvement requirements at developer/City expense for this access are identified in the May 9, 2018 memo in Comments/Conditions #6-11 and include but are not limited to the conditions below. 1. State the number of lanes including turn lanes on each approach to CSAH 18, with lanes being 12 ft. in width unless otherwise approved 81 by the County. 2. The intersection needs infrastructure for the future traffic signal planned for and included where appropriate. 3. The profile grade of the city street approaches should be 2% or less, unless approved by the County staff. 4. The intersection shall be designed to accommodate expected truck turning movements. 5. Pedestrian walkways and trails shall be to ADA standards. 6. Final geometrics, traffic signal modifications, and grades will be as approved by the County. b. CSAH 17 (Powers Blvd.)/Highway 212 Ramp/Bluff Creek Blvd. intersection – i. The County’s Access Spacing Map in the 2040 Comprehensive Plan (Figure 4.14) identifies this segment of CSAH 17 as Category 5B, which guides full access intersection spacing at ¼ mile intervals and secondary (limited) intersection spacing at 1/8 mile intervals. The distance to the proposed access meets the spacing guidance for a full access: approximately ¼ mile from the CSAH 18/CSAH 17 intersection and approximately 0.3 miles from the CSAH 17/Highway 212 south ramp intersection. ii. A Commercial/Street Access Permit will be required for this access. The County requires review of detailed intersection geometric design plans as part of access permit approval. Specific design, right of way, and intersection improvement requirements at developer/City expense for this access are identified in the May 9, 2018 memo in Comments/Conditions #2 & 4 and include but are not limited to the conditions below. Additional permitting and approval may be required by MnDOT for this access. 1. State the number of lanes including turn lanes on each approach to CSAH 17, with lanes being 12 ft. in width unless otherwise approved by the County. 2. The intersection needs infrastructure for the current traffic signal included where appropriate. 3. The profile grade of the city street approaches should be 2% or less, unless approved by the County staff. 4. The intersection shall be designed to accommodate expected truck turning movements. 5. Pedestrian walkways and trails shall be to ADA standards. 6. Final geometrics, traffic signal modifications and grades will be as approved by the County. 82 3. Regarding Right of Way a. CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) and CSAH 17 (Powers Blvd.) at this location are 4-lane divided urban roadway facilities with a trail on one side. The right of way for this development was previously dedicated as part of the original final plat and appears to meet the right of way guidance for consistency with the County’s 2040 Comprehensive Plan (Figure B.6), to be confirmed by final County Surveyor review and approval. 4. Regarding Stormwater a. Provide a summary of the overall drainage flows and changes towards CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) and CSAH 17 (Powers Blvd.). Confirm no adverse impact to drainage directed towards County right of way prior to final plat approval. 5. Regarding Required Permits a. Prior to any work affecting or on County highways or in County right of way (none currently proposed), the applicant shall coordinate plans with the County Engineer and obtain a Utility or Excavating/Filling/Grading Permit(s) from Carver County Public Works: (http://www.co.carver.mn.us/how-do-i/apply-for/a-permit). Final details of locations, grades, and profiles affecting County roads as well as any utility connections will need to be reviewed and approved prior to any permits. i. A grading permit is required for grading in the County right of way. Final grading plans shall be provided to the County prior to permit approval. b. Any damages, modifications, or changes incurred on County highways from current or approved conditions will need to remedied or updated at development expense, including costs incurred by the County. These are the County’s comments at this time. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact staff noted below: Joan Guthmiller Administrative Technician Carver County Public Works 952.466.5201 jguthmiller@co.carver.mn.us Angie Stenson AICP Sr. Transportation Planner Carver County Public Works 952.466.5273 astenson@co.carver.mn.us Dan McCormick, P.E. PTOE Traffic Services Supervisor Carver County Public Works 952.466.5208 dmccormick@co.carver.mn.us 83 Carver County  Public Works  11360 Highway 212, Suite 1  Cologne, MN 55322           Office  (952) 466‐5200     |     Fax  (952) 466‐5223     |     www.co.carver.mn.us  CARVER COUNTY May 9, 2018 City of Chanhassen c/o Paul Oehme Director of Public Works/City Engineer 952-227-1169 poehme@ci.chanhassen.mn.us  Re: Development/Access Review Comments: Avienda – Progress Set Plans dated 4.25.2018 (Preliminary Plans) – CSAH 18/Lyman Blvd and CSAH 17/Powers Blvd/ US 212 Thank you for the opportunity to review the subject development plans in the City of Chanhassen. Consistent with the County Comprehensive Plan and County Codes, the following are comments and recommended conditions of approval and as potential requirements for any necessary permits to be issued for the project: 1. As an overall comment, prior to the next stage of plans and plat / site plans approval, the County would like to review and approve plans of detailed intersection and related segment geometric design plans with phasing and planned implementation steps and schedules. If the opportunity is not allowed for a reasonable review of such, this could lead to delays in the permitting process and potential major revisions to plans and right of way. The County is available to meet on project management or design meetings. 2. Plans for Bluff Creek Blvd at and from CSAH 17 / Powers Blvd look adequate as long as 2- lanes are maintained on the ingress side to the local roundabout, and 3-lanes are maintained on the egress side to Powers Blvd and the traffic signal intersection there. The exact width for the ingress should be a minimum of 28-ft face-to-face and preferably closer to 30-ft to accept dual LTs in. A cross-section detail should be provided for Bluff Creek Blvd as well as a plan and profile showing the vertical profile from the center-line of Powers Blvd to the internal roundabout. 3. As a note, the geometric design of the internal (City) roundabout (ICD=125 ft) could be (or should be) improved—contact the County if the City would like additional feedback. 4. The Bluff Creek Blvd connection to the existing traffic signal at Powers Blvd/ CSAH 17 and US 212 will require traffic signal modifications and upgrades. Some form of contract / permit and surety with the County will be required for design, construction, re-timing / re- programming, and final inspection for the traffic signal and roadway approach and loop detection facilities. Striping and restriping of lanes and/or crosswalks may be needed to be incorporated into the project. The modification of the existing pedestrian push buttons / APS system may also be needed. Please contact the County and MnDOT to set up a scoping and design meeting. In addition, an intersection detail and traffic signal layout and wiring plan 84 will be required to update the current record traffic signal plan. 5. The intersection of Sunset Trail / Lyman Blvd will need to be reviewed in detail for intersection control alternatives. Intersection traffic operations at this location are a concern and it may be that access needs to be restricted to right-in / right-out until such time that higher order intersection facilities are available and/or provided for. 6. The proposed cross-section of Sunset Trail from Lyman Blvd (CSAH 18) to the south will need to be widened five (5) feet to account for this access condition as well as for two turn lanes out and enough space for truck turning movements in. The cross-section should be 22- ft in; and 27-ft out (10-17-ft). A cross-section detail should be provided for Bluff Creek Blvd as well as a plan and profile showing the vertical profile and alignment plan from the development’s internal street intersection to the far side of Lyman Blvd intersection, to include the existing street on the north side of the intersection. Further changes to Sunset Trail and its alignment may be required. 7. A full right of way intersection detail of the Sunset Trail and Lyman Blvd will need to be provided to show plans for a future traffic signal layout, wiring, loop detection, and corridor interconnection plan. In addition, numerous utilities are in place in the NW quadrant and some are being looked at to be relocated, such that a utility plan may also be required. Pedestrian ramps and other improvements will be required including pedestrian push buttons / APS systems. In addition, intersection lighting will need to be reviewed and included if not adequate as determined by the County. Contract / permit and surety with the County will be required for design, construction, and final inspection for the intersection connection, and if approved traffic signal and roadway approach facilities. Striping and restriping of lanes and/or crosswalks may be needed to be incorporated into the project. 8. The proposed vertical profile of Sunset Trail from Lyman Blvd (CSAH 18) to the south looks overly steep and will need to be revised to provide 100-feet of 2% max profile and match to the existing Lyman Blvd grade. A check for future loops and/or video camera signal detection may also be required. 9. The contour and grading of the site will need to factor in additional roadway width to include a right turn lane from Lyman Blvd to Powers Blvd. with the existing right turn lane converting to a through lane in future plans. The plat and the separate site plans’ final grading plans and right of way along both CSAH 18 and CSAH 17 will need to be reviewed and approved to show how this is set up for the planned future CSAH 18 future plans. Prior to next stage grading and plat approval, the County would like to review and approve an exhibit drawing showing a cross section of Lyman Blvd on both ends of the plat edges. The cross sections would show the future road improvements and how these improvements might affect the subject lots and any other plat or lot proposed improvements. The two cross sections should be referenced to a plan view at 1:40 scale from center of existing ROW and existing grade, with notes on proposed grades for the roadway and subject lots. 10. The field entrance on the south side of Lyman Blvd approximately 400 ft. east of Sunset Trail must be removed and replaced with full B curb. 11. As part of our review of the preliminary plans, the following are also noted: the City stubbed in a new water main at the SW quadrant of Powers Blvd and Lyman Blvd (NE quadrant of 85 the property). County has fiber conduit and vaults along the south side of Lyman Blvd the entire length of this property. Utility plan shows the casing outside of the roadway on Sunset Trail. Proposed grading plans and utility plans will need further review to show and resolve these conflicts. 12. Prior to any work affecting or on County highways or in County right of way, the applicant shall coordinate plans with the County Engineer and obtain a Utility or Excavating/Filling/Grading Permit(s) from Carver County Public Works: (http://www.co.carver.mn.us/how-do-i/apply-for/a-permit). Final details of locations, grades, and profiles affecting County roads as well as any utility connections will need to be reviewed and approved prior to any permits. 13. Any damages, modifications, or changes incurred on County highways from current or approved conditions will need to remedied or updated at development expense, including costs incurred by the County. These are comments at this time. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at dmccormick@co.carver.mn.us or by phone at (952) 466-5208. Sincerely, Dan McCormick, P.E. PTOE Transportation Manager Carver County Public Works  86 Aanenson, Kate From: Z Zhang <zhexinzhang@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, October 1, 2021 3:04 PM To: Aanenson, Kate Subject: Re: Avienda comments for Planning Commission and City Council Attachments: image001.png CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hi Kate, Thanks for the additional information. It sounds like the road paths are a done deal. Then my question is what's being planned to reduce non-residential traffic from the development? As for green space, I think I should have been more clear. I meant a park with playground requirement for the kids is missing from the plans. I do appreciate the woods being set aside. Thanks again, Zhexin On Fri, Oct 1, 2021, 2:50 PM Aanenson, Kate <kaanenson(a),ci.chanhassen.mn.us> wrote: Zhexin, I am in receipt of your email comments. The Master Plan for the Avienda has been in the works for 7 years. All of environmental and traffic assessments were studied over this time. The plan that is moving forward is consistent with the approval by the City Council in 2020.The Master plan for Avienda and the surrounding subdivision required that Bluff Creek Boulevard be built connecting Audubon Road to Powers Boulevard. The Bluff Creek Boulevard connection condition is also required by the MN Department of Transportation. The connection of Mills Boulevard was a condition of the Preserve at Bluff Creek Neighborhood because it provides better access for emergency services. There will be a connection from Lyman Boulevard to Bluff Creek Boulevard. Please see the approved over all master plan .https://www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/1746/Avienda?fbclid=lwAR110U6K7ngHnDdQw1- evidjWemACMHVHBWh2gmct2nKjfiabAcde5XfGZo The city preserved 21 acres of woods (green space) as a part of the Final Plat that was approved earlier this summer. I will share your comments with the Planning Commission. Kate 1 Kathryn Aanenson, AICP Community Development Director CITY OF CHANHASSEN PH. 952.227.1139 FX. 952.227.1110 www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us rr From: Z Zhang <zhexinzhang@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, October 1, 2021 1:58 PM To: Aanenson, Kate <kaanenson@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> Subject: Avienda comments for Planning Commission and City Council CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hi Kate, I hope you're having a good Friday. I have some questions and comments regarding the proposed Avienda Townhome discussion upcoming for the Planning Commission and City Council. Can you please pass them on? • I am concerned about the high traffic that will now come through Bluff Creek Blvd. Please see attached image. Once connected, Bluff Creek Blvd (colored in green) will be the most direct path between points A and B (NE to SW). Also, it will be the path with the fewest number of eventual stoplights (circled in red. And I believe the intersection of Pioneer Trail and Powers Blvd has a stop light planned). For those two reasons, there is real risk that drivers will opt not to use the "ring roads" around 2 this development (Lyman, Powers, Audubon, Pioneer colored in blue), and instead use Bluff Creek Blvd as the main path of travel. As you know, GPS navigation is highly prevalent these days and they are known to direct through-traffic into neighborhoods if it is the most direct route or have less use. A NY Times article showcases such a scenario, although I hope the circumstances are a little different than what we're facing(https://www.nytimes.com/2017/l2/24/nyregion/traffic-apps-gps- neighborhoods.html). What is being done to deter non-residential drivers from using Bluff Creek as the main access road for the new development? Are we looking into connecting Bluff Creek Blvd to Lyman instead, which would be the most drastic,but most effective in my opinion. At minimum, I'd like to see speed limits on Bluff Creek Blvd be limited down to 25,placing multiple speed bumps, and signage to ban through traffic. • A park needs to be incorporated as part of the townhouse development. Where are the children of the families living there going to play? Chanhassen prides itself on its green space, and yet none is provided for these families. • What is the need for connecting Mills St with the new townhomes? The concern is that there will be "leakage" of non-residential traffic into the neighborhood with Mills St connected. Many neighbors in the Bluff Creek Neighborhood shares these concerns and we look forward to the city's response. Thank you, Zhexin Zhang 3 CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) I, Kim T. Meuwissen, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on September 23, 2021, the duly qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing to consider a request for preliminary and final plat for 39 lots and three outlots for Avienda Townhomes, Outlots A and C,Avienda; Zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD); Planning Case No. 2021-22 to the persons named on attached Exhibit"A", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. 4rKim . M w' en, City C k Subscribed and sworn to before me thisa. day of e._..p-kr,(Ne-r-, 2021. JEAN M STECKLING Notary Public-Minnesota my conmvmon Brim Jan 31,2024 Notary Public 87 irs? OW al Subject AEI 4./ 1111.1101 Area 11011111411 Disclaimer This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one.This map is a compilation of records,information and data located in various city, county,state and federal offices and other sources regarding the area shown,and is to TAX NAME» be used for reference purposes only. The City does not warrant that the Geographic TAX ADD L1» Information System(GIS)Data used to prepare this map are error free,and the City does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking or any other TAX_ADD_L2» purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes§466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowledges that the City shall not be liable for any damages,and expressly waives all claims,and agrees to defend,indemnify,and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brought by User,its employees or agents,or third parties which arise out of the users access or use of data provided. 114 SW • war al our Subject Area 0411 Disclaimer This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one.This map is a compilation of records,information and data located in various city, county,state and federal offices and other sources regarding the area shown,and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City does not warrant that the Geographic Information System(GIS)Data used to prepare this map are error free,and the City does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the Next Record»«TAX NAME» depiction of geographic features. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes§466.03, Subd. 21 (2000),and the user of this map acknowledges TAX_ADD_L1» that the City shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims,and TAX ADD L2» agrees to defend,indemnify,and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brought by User,its employees or agents,or third parties which arise out of the users access or use of data provided. 88 mrpp a c }. o c a) ..n U) T. m C f-O T '0 t $ n N Ca.... O 0 N 0 C C L w (u m m E o a w aova mOOC7Lln > Y C 0 0 OH O a i o°oo° m3 me 0c c Q) C 0 .-. 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