10-05-2021CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 5, 2021 CALL TO ORDER: Vice Chairman von Oven called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Laura Skistad, Eric Noyes, Mark von Oven, Erik Johnson, Doug Reeder, and Kelsey Alto. MEMBERS ABSENT: Steven Weick. STAFF PRESENT: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director; Erik Henricksen, Project Engineer. PUBLIC PRESENT: Edgar Crespo 7205 Hazeltine Boulevard Robert Billiet Mid MN Septic Services Mark Nordland Level 7 Development Vice Chair von Oven reviewed guidelines for conducting Planning Commission meeting. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR A SEPTIC SYSTEM VARIANCE ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 7205 HAZELTINE BOULEVARD Community Development Director Aanenson gave a presentation, noting the property is zoned residential, is a non-conforming lot, and has a septic system 10 feet from the property line and 20 feet from the dwelling. There are disturbed soils on the site and the septic system is failing. The proposed project is to install a Type IV septic system utilizing a pre-treatment; the justification for the variance is that the existing septic system is failing, the topography limits the viable locations, the required setback limits the viable locations, and the disturbed soils location affects where it can be placed. Staff recommends approval of the variance. Commissioner Reeder asked if there is access to City services. Ms. Aanenson replied no, there is no ability to connect to City services. Commissioner Skistad asked what the lot size requirement is for a well and septic within the city. Ms. Aanenson replied typically they are 2.5 acres, although there are some smaller lots that have well and septic. Commissioner Skistad asked if they know when sewer and water will be available in this area. Planning Commission Minutes – October 5, 2021 2 Ms. Aanenson does not know when it would extend down the corridor. Vice Chair von Oven opened the public hearing. Vice Chair von Oven closed the public hearing. Commissioner Johnson moved, Commissioner Reeder seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that the Chanhassen Board of Appeals and Adjustments approves the variance request to utilize a Type IV septic system, subject to the conditions of approval and adopts the Findings of Facts and Decision. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL FOR AVIENDA TOWNHOMES Community Development Director Aanenson gave a presentation and stated this is the first phase of the Avienda project. The intention is to create 39 lots and six outlots, with density of 3-6 units/acre. This is part of the PUD so it is governed by those architectural standards. As part of the PUD, the City looked at densities and Ms. Aanenson said it is always the City’s intention to create a transition between the existing single-family homes and this development. Therefore, the plans has been to have detached townhomes. Ms. Aanenson showed the landscaping plan, including a transition buffer of 90+ trees, as well as the architectural design. Project Engineer, Erik Henricksen, shared about grading, drainage, private/public streets, and public utilities within the proposed development. The developer has been mass grading the site to prepare it for build-out. Mr. Henricksen noted there was a neighborhood meeting the previous day. The Applicant is proposing two private streets and the extension of one public street (Mills Drive); these generally meet the standards set forth in City ordinance for street design and would meet the 7-ton design. Staff is recommending that the intersections of public and private streets are installed with a concrete apron and valley gutter to give a better visual cue to drivers that it is a private street. ADA curb ramps will be required at all intersections. Mr. Henricksen spoke about sewer and water, noting water will be looped and tied into existing utilities and previously approved utilities which are being extended. All sanitary sewer and water mains will be publicly owned and maintained. Ms. Aanenson noted there is close proximity to two parks for these townhomes, and there is walkability and open space within the development. Commissioner Reeder asked to see the road access into the townhomes. Mr. Henricksen replied in order to get to these townhomes, Avienda Parkway and Bluff Creek Boulevard are proposed to be the access points. The goal is to have the roads ready before someone can move in. Planning Commission Minutes – October 5, 2021 3 Commissioner Skistad noted regarding the 20-foot private roads and parking on only one side, there have been situations in other neighborhoods where there has not been adequate parking and she wants to be sure they don’t run into those same problems here. Ms. Aanenson noted the Applicant could speak to that as they have similar developments in other areas of the metro. Commissioner Johnson noted he has a conflict of interest on the issue and will step out for any further discussion. Vice Chair von Oven asked if it is common to have public utilities in a private street. Mr. Henricksen replied yes, and they have to be covered by public drainage and utility easements which allows the City to maintain those utilities. Commissioner Reeder asked if this modifies the overall PUD to provide more or less housing. Ms. Aanenson noted they are following the plan that was approved in 2020; any changes made would have to go through a PUD amendment. Right now, they are consistent with what was approved. Mark Nordland, Applicant, noted the neighborhood meeting was fairly well attended and they spoke about what will happen on the property lines, grading, etc. Regarding roads, they will work with the Fire Department for safety. At most, 1-2 homes would be open before the pavement is fully finished, but the goal and plan are to have it fully finished. Mr. Nordland said on Mills Drive, parking is on both sides of the street and the private drive would have parking on one side only. Each home will accommodate two vehicles in the driveway, as well as plenty of parking within Avienda itself. Rick Denman, Charles Cudd Homes, is a luxury home builder and said the homes will have a Homeowners Association, and the homes will range in size from 2,200-3,500 square feet, ranging in price from the high $600,000’s to the mid $800,000 range. On the south side, the sizes and prices will range a bit higher. Mr. Denman showed similar models on screen, noting interiors and exteriors are beautiful. He stated they are excited to be in Chanhassen with this development. Commissioner Skistad asked what demographic they are expecting. Mr. Denman replied these townhomes are primarily empty-nester focused with main floor living. Vice Chair von Oven opened the public hearing. Vice Chair von Oven closed the public hearing. Commissioner Skistad moved, Commissioner Noyes seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the Subdivision of 40+ Planning Commission Minutes – October 5, 2021 4 acres into 39 lots and six outlots, Avienda Townhomes, plans prepared by Landform dated September 8, 2021, subject to the Conditions of Approval and adopts the attached Findings of Facts and Decision. All voted in favor and the motion carried with a vote of 5 to 0. Commissioner Johnson recused himself from this item. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DATED SEPTEMBER 21, 2021 Commissioner Noyes noted one typo on the minutes where it says present and absent, both say “present.” Commissioner Noyes noted the summary Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated September 21, 2021 as amended. CITY COUNCIL ACTION UPDATE: Ms. Aanenson noted upcoming items on the Planning Commission agenda. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Alto moved to adjourn the meeting. The Planning Commission meeting was adjourned at 7:41 p.m. Submitted by Kate Aanenson Community Development Director Prepared by Jean M. Steckling