Approval Letter 10-12-21 o CITY OF ClIANIIASSEN zN I AS Chanhassen is a Community for Life-Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow October 12, 2021 Barry Stock 15018 Bridgewater Drive Savage, MN 55378 Re: 7851 Park Drive— Amendment to CUP 88-17, Planning Case No. 2021-21 Dear Mr. Stock: This letter is to notify you that on Monday, October 11, 2021,the Chanhassen City Council approved an amendment to Conditional Use Permit 88-17 to permit the expansion of the outdoor storage area at 7851 Park Drive, subject to the following conditions: 1) A building permit must be obtained prior to constructing the fence. 2) A zoning permit must be obtained prior to expanding the outdoor storage area. 3) All items stored in the outdoor storage area must be totally screened by an opaque 8-foot fence and no stored items shall project over the fence. 4) Trash containers must be stored in a fully screened location, i.e. within the outdoor storage area or separate screened trash enclosure. 5) Landscaping must substantially conform to landscape plans submitted to the City on August 19, 2021. 6) Expanded outdoor storage area must substantially conform to the plans submitted to the City on August 19, 2021. 7) The Conditional Use Permit must meet any and all conditions of the site plan approval for Site Plan 88-16. 8) The two existing trees proposed to be protected during construction shall have protection fencing installed around them prior to any construction. 9) The applicant shall construct the proposed driveway in accordance with City Standards for commercial driveways and apply for a Driveway Permit from the Engineering Department. 10) The applicant shall obtain any and all Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District (RPBCWD)permits prior to construction activities. 11) The applicant shall confirm the increase of impervious surfaces as the numbers on the plan are not consistent with the HydroCAD analysis. 12) The applicant shall provide a geotechnical analysis including soil borings. 13) Rate control requirements are shown to be met for the 2-, 10-, and 100-year runoff rates per the HydroCAD modeling results provided. Rate control should be reconfirmed once the updates the modeling have been completed. 14) The MSE3 rainfall distribution shall be used for HydroCAD modeling rather than the Type II distribution currently being used. 15) Rim of the 12"HDPE riser shall be modeled as a horizontal orifice rather than a vertical orifice. 16) The applicant shall show the 10-day snowmelt rate for future submittals. 17) The applicant shall provide an operation and maintenance plan that identifies the maintenance, inspection, and monitoring schedule and responsible party and shall be recorded prior to construction activities. g:lplan12021 planning cases 121-2PH ,4127(1141Qo maWM&c ita harSW,111.11c11$ • FX 952.227.1110 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD • PO BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN •MINNESOTA 55317 Barry Stock 7851 Park Drive—Amendment to CUP 88-17 October 12, 2021 Page 2 18) The bottom contour of the drainage swale is shown at a 932 and the invert of the 6"draintile below is at a 931.5 which would not provide any cover over the draintile.The applicant shall confirm elevations within the swale. 19) A detail for the outlet structure(Note 17 on the construction plans) shall be provided to confirm the HydroCAD modeling as it is not entirely clear how many pipes are coming in/leaving based on the information provided. a. Based on the information provided it appears the HydroCAD model should be updated so Devices#2(exfiltration), #4(4"orifice),and#5 (12"rim)should be routed to Device#3 (12"culvert)for the outlet of the drainage swale. 20) The applicant shall add erosion control measures such as inlet protection, sediment control BMPs, and rock construction entrance to the plans to avoid migration of sediment off the construction site. 21)The applicant shall provide elevation and location of the emergency overflow spillway for the swale. 22) The drainage swale shall be reseeded with a wetland or stormwater pond seed mix rather than turf grass. 23) The property may not be subdivided nor may the lot lines of the property be altered. Additionally,as was discussed on September 22, 2021,please remember that the fence will need to have Knox key switch on the gate(if electronic)or a key box on the gate with a fire department key. As you requested, I have enclosed the City's building permit application and driveway permit application form. So long as you include all of the information required in the conditions of approval in your building permit submittal,you would not need standalone zoning or grading permits,though a separate driveway permit is still required. If you have any questions,please contact me at 952-227-1132 or mwalters@ci.chanhassen.mn.us. Sincerely, MacKenzie oung- alters,AICP Associate Planner Encl. c: Property File ec: Eric Tessman,Building Official Don Nutter, Fire Marshal Erik Henricksen, Project Engineer Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist g:\plan1202I planning cases121-2I 7851 park drive(lakeshore equipment)1approval letter_nip 2021-21 docx Permit No. 1011 CITY OF CHANHASSEN APPLICATION FOR DRIVEWAY PERMIT (BITUMINOUS/CONCRETE) - $30 PLEASE PRINT Name and Address of Party or Organization Name and Address of Party or Organization To Be Performing Work: Invoiced: Contact: Contact: Phone: Fax: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Email: 1. Nature of Work 2. Type of Surface to be Disturbed: ❑ Gravel 1 Bituminous n Concrete n Boulevard 3. Location (Street, Avenue and House number): (Attach Site Survey or Sketched Scaled Drawing-Required) 4. Method of Installation or Construction (including method of compaction and excavation) 5. Work to start within days and completed with days thereafter. 6. Will detouring of traffic be necessary? ❑ Yes n No If so, describe routing: For (Applicant) Signed By Dated The date w hen work is completed must be reported to the person designated by Engineering Dept. Permit No. AUTHORIZATION OF PERMIT (Office Use Only) Upon payment of permit fee in the amount of$ and in consideration of the agreement to comply in all respects with the Street or Alley excavation ordinances and regulations applicable covering such operations, permission is hereby granted for the work to be done as described in the above application, said work to be done in accordance with special precautions required, as hereby stated: ❑ Contractor shall prevent damage to existing utilities. ❑ All roadway, driveway, sidewalk and trail crossings shall be directional bore. NO OPEN TRENCHES. If boring equipment is lost under the pavement area it shall remain until the City reconstructs the pavement at a future date. No open cutting of street will be allowed. ❑ All disturbed areas shall be restored to original or better condition. ❑ This permit is granted upon the expressed condition that said contractor, agent, workmen, and employees shall comply in all respects with City of Chanhassen City Code Section Nos. 17-23 and 20-27. ❑ Please notify City of Chanhassen Engineering Department 24 hours prior to placement (952) 227-1163. It is expressly understood that this permit is conditioned upon replacement or restoration of the disturbed area to its proper condition in accordance with the appropriate rules and regulations. It is further understood that this permit is subject to revocation within ten (10)days of receipt of copy of application by the County Engineer when the permit is for work on a County Road. APPROVED BY DATE RULES PERTAINING TO STREET AND ALLEY EXCAVATIONS SAFETY 1. Excavations shall be properly protected and identified by barricades and flags in the daytime, and flares, red lanterns or flashing signals at night, to protect persons and traffic at all times. 2. Barricades to be erected in a manner which will provide suitable visibility in all directions. 3. Excavations must be cribbed when necessary, depending upon type of soil, in order to prevent cave-ins. 4. No guys or stays to be attached to trees on Right of Way. 5. Underground construction must be so constructed as not to harm or unnecessarily destroy the root growth of sightly or ornamental trees. ROADWAY 1. Installation of pipe under concrete or high type of bituminous pavements to be done by jacking or boring unless otherwise authorized by Engineer. When an installation is made by jacking or boring a pipe three inches or larger in diameter, a casing of larger dimension must be used to encase the service pipe. 2. All backfilling must be placed in 6-inch layers and thoroughly tamped, and material must be flush and even with the road surface when finally in place, unless Engineer authorizes alternate method of construction. 3. Finished surface, base, and sub-base of road after excavation and backfill shall be at least equal in stability to finished surface, base, and sub-base prior to excavation. 4. Concrete pavement to be replaced according to specifications which will be provided by the Engineer. 5. If settlement or excavation caves in within one year from completion date so that replaced materials settle (bituminous mat or concrete base), same shall be restored to its original conditions by the holder of this permit. 6. No pole anchors, anchors, braces, or other construction to be put on roadway shoulder except by special authorization. 7. No driving onto highway from ditch or driving on shoulders except when authorized by the Engineer, and if damage occurs, permit holder will make proper repairs. 8. No machine excavation shall be permitted except when noted in application for permit. 9. Excavations greater than four feet in width at top of trench will not be generally permitted and may be made only when expressly provided for on the permit. 10. Streets may not be closed to traffic unless expressly authorized by the permit. LIMITATIONS 1. No lugs shall be used on equipment traversing road which will damage the road surface. 2. Roadside shall be cleaned up after work is completed. 3. No work shall be done which will create a nuisance. 4. Within 24 hours(Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays excluded),the permit holder shall notify the municipality issuing the permit and, when applicable, the County Engineer, that such work has been completed and is ready for final inspection. 5. Within ten days after receipt of a copy of the permit application the City/County Engineer shall notify the applicant of any objection the City/County may have to the application. REQUIREMENTS I. All work within City boulevards requires the appropriate permit be obtained from the City's Engineering Department. A diagram showing the approximate location of the utility to be installed must accompany the permit application. 2. All drain tile within City boulevards shall be installed in accordance with Detail #5233. Connection to catch basin/manhole shall be core drilled. 3. Call 24 hours in advance to schedule inspection of connection to catch basin/manhole. 4. Provide financial security as determined by City staff. 5. Protect existing utilities and street surfaces. 6. Restore all disturbed areas to original condition. 7. Call for final inspection upon completion. 8. Upon completion,a set of as-built plans shall be provided to the City of Chanhassen Engineering Department. 9. Approval of this permit in no way implies or expresses the City of Chanhassen will guarantee said work. 3/4" per foot 18" 5' MIN_ 2.0% / MAX 4.5% !RADE a a a > o6'1 • l a ' j • < • 6„ 6„ — 3" — 8" Concrete pavement Use #4 (1/2") Rebar Slab Reinforcement — 6" Class 5 base incidental to apron SECTIO\ A— A No Scale 36' Max. Industrial/Commercial A 1 Right—of—Way — — _ — — — — — — — — — — - B618 Curb & Gutter B618 Curb & Gutter Box installed over 6,qN Bituminous water service In Coctraction Joints A Marx. Spacing in PLAN Expansion Joint (typ) Valley Gutter is 8' No Scale NOTE: 1. Use #4 (1/2") rebar slob reinforcement in r.o.w placed © 6" from each edge. rebar to be 2' on center, being 6" on center in the gutter. 2. Controction joints shall be 1/3 the depth of the slab. 3. Bituminous paving section to the right—of—way is the same as the street paving section. 4. Maximum pavement slope allowed within 30' of the street is 4.5%. Aggregate used in the concrete mix shall be granite.. 5. If water shutoff is in the drivewoy pavement a cover as manufactured by Mcdonald 74M1A series with a 8" opening frame & cover or equal shall be installed. CITTOF COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL CHANHASSEN CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APRON REVISED: 2-10 PLATE NO.: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 5207 ALE NAME:G:\ENG\SPECS\5207 t�a 1O OVER FROM P/L = NO CURB & GUTTER 3 SAW OR HAND TOOL CONTRACTION JOINTS I o Fe 6" DEPTH M .o EXPANSION JOINT 1/3 THE THICKNESS OF THE SLAB. u 4o BACK OF APRON a m o 24 'MAX WIDTH AT R.O.W. — Ir" — Right-of-Way BOX INSTALLED OVER WATER SERVICE IF RADIUS INSTALLED, A MIN. 3' a 3' OF 3' RADIUS REQUIRED. b.-8'MAX—�° 3 18 a ° 4 e n° a e 1.0' 3'-0.5' 0.5' d .A4 a Il 1 — ' 4 4 e e d EDGE OF t ,`� EX. PAVEMENT END OF DRIVEWAY It �`3.0- 3.0' - 0.5 1'� SAWCUT LINE DOG LEG JOINT NOTE: ON BITUMINOUS STREETS CONTRACTOR MUST SAWCUT AND REPLACE MIN 18" STRIP OF STREET SECTION WITH SAME PAVEMENT TYPE TO MATCH EXISTING STREET SECTION. NEW CONCRETE DRIVEWAY SHALL BE OFFSET BACK 0.5' FROM EXISTING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT. WHEN EXISTING DRIVEWAY IS BITUMINOUS AND NEEDS TO BE RESTORED. THE CITY REQUIRES A MINIMUM OF 2 - 2" LIFTS IN THE R.O.W. AREA. REBAR • DRIVEWAY THICKNESS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 6" OF CONCRETE WITH 6" OF CLASS 5 FOR 1 e( • d 16" BASE ffff y • USE #4 (1/2") REBAR SLAB REINFORCEMENT IN R.O.W. PLACED ® 2' ON CENTERS. 61 2 IF WATER SHUTOFF IS IN THE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT A COVER AS MANUFACTURED BY McDONALD 2.0' 74M1A SERIES WITH AN 8" OPENING FRAME & COVER OR EQUAL SHALL BE INSTALLED. N TS a 10'OVER FROM PA 3 CURB & GUTTER I „ 2 M a SAW OR HAND TOOL CONTRACTION JOINTS a G 6" DEPTH MIN. EXPANSION JOINT®BACK OF APRON 1/3 THE THICKNESS OF THE SLAB. m cB 'MAX INDTH AT R.O.W. -0Right-of-Way WL___,_______24— I.N — BOX INSTALLED OVER WATER SERVICE 3' 3' IF RADIUS INSTALLED, A MIN. ° d • OF 3' RADIUS REQUIRED. °e e 8'MAX—.— a., 3' Oe " ® ° \ BACK OF CURB Ir e °d d e d °. • 18 1 STREET EDGE DOG LEG JOINT 1" ROUNDED LIP NOTE: CONTRACTOR MUST SAWCUT AND REPLACE MIN 115'STRIP OF SWEET SECTION PATH SAME PAVEMENT TYPE TO MATCH EXISTING STREET SECTION. WHEN EXISTING DRIVEWAY IS BITUMINOUS AND NEEDS TO BE RESTORED. THE OTY REQUIRES A MINIMUM OF 2—2' LIFTS IN THE R.O.W. AREA. a ° aREBAR DRIVEWAY THICKNESS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 6.OF CONCRETE WITH 6-OF CLASS 5 FOR CURBBASE WILL 11 N e 16. EXISTING LL BE REMOVED TO THE NEXT FULL JOINT OR SAWCUT IF MORE THAN 5'IS LEFT INPLACE TO THE NEXT JOINT • 4 • AND DRAINAGE IS MAINTAINED. USE +4(I/2')REBAR SLAB REINFORCEMENT IN R.O.W PLACED 0 2'ON CENTERS. 2"--J1} IIY' _ 612.0' PLACE EXPANSION FELT BEHIND CURB PRIOR TO DRIVEWAY INSTALLATION. N TS IF WATER SHUTOFF IS IN THE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT A COVER AS MANUFACTURED BY McDONALD 741A1A SERIES WITH AN B" OPENING FRAME& COVER OR EQUAL SHALL BE INSTALLED. * CIITOF CONCRETE RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY ENTRANCES WITH AND WITHOUT CURBS REVISED:10-09 PLATE NO.: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 5208 F1LE NAME: G:\ENG\SPECS\5208 10' OVER FROM P/L NO CURB & GUTTER a 3 50' MAX DRIVEWAY WIDTH INSIDE PROPERTY LL IF HARDCOVER ALLOWS O m U 24' MAX WIDTH AT R.O.W. R.O.W. R.O.W. IF A RADIUS IS INSTALLED, A MIN. OF 3' RADIUS IS REQUIRED. 3 3 3' 3' EDGE OF EX. PAVEMENT 18"-1 SAWCUT LINE END OF DRIVEWAY SAWCUT ALL STREET PATCH AREAS AND TACK BEFORE PAVING. NOTE: v\> ON BITUMINOUS STREETS CONTRACTOR MUST SAWCUT AND REPLACE MIN 18" STRIP OF STREET SECTION WITH WEAR PAVEMENT TO MATCH EXISTING STREET SECTION THICKNESS. DRIVEWAY THICKNESS TO THE RIGHT OF WAY SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 2-2" LIFTS OF BITUMINOUS WITH 6" OF CLASS 5 FOR BASE 10' OVER FROM P/L j CURB & GUTTER 50' MAX DRIVEWAY WIDTH INSIDE PROPERTY o IF HARDCOVER ALLOWS Y O u 24' MAX WIDTH IN R.O.W. R.O.W. - R.O.W. IF A RADIUS IS INSTALLED, A MIN. OF 3' RADIUS IS REQUIRED. r 3' 3' BACK OF CURB 3, 3' jr °° ° a °° NOTE: DRIVEWAY THICKNESS IN R.O.W. SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 2-2" LIFTS OF BITUMINOUS WITH 6" OF CLASS 5 FOR BASE IF THE CURB NEEDS TO BE REPLACED THEN THE ABOVE DETAIL FOR STREET REPLACEMENT SHALL BE USED AND THE CURB REMOVED TO THE NEAREST JOINT OR SAWCUT IF 5' OF CURB WILL REMAIN TO THE NEXT JOINT AND GUTTER LINE MAINTAINS PROPER DRAINAGE 101 aff OFCHEM RESIDENTIAL BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY ENTRANCES WITH AND WITHOUT CURBS REVISED: 2-10 PLATE NO.: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 5209 FILE NAME:G:\ENG\SPECS\5209 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CHANHASSEN BUILD ZONE 7700 MARKET BLVD •PO BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 Phone: 952-227-1180 Fax: 952-227-1190 E-Mail: bldgsupport@ci.chanhassen.mn.us Web: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us A GENERAL INFORMATION Site Address: Property Owner: Phone: Address City State Zip If different than site address Lot: Block: Subdivision: Parcel Identification Number: Zoning District: ***RENOVATION,REMODEL,RESIDE,REROOF AND WINDOW REPLACEMENT:*** Year Structure Was Built: Licensee Lead Certificate Number: Variance required: Yes ONo 0 Planning Dept.Case Number: Is there a water feature within 75'of any property lines? Yes 0 No❑ Is the property in a floodplain? Yes 0 No 0 If YES,Complete Certificate of Compliance for Authorized Floodplain Development. Sewer Available: Yes 0 No 0 City Water Available: Yes 0 No 0 B ONE & TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS—NEW CONSTRUCTION ONLY Basement 1st Level 2nd Level 3rd Level Total Finished Finished Finished Finished Finished Unfinished Unfinished Unfinished Unfinished Unfinished Garage Square Footage: Attached Detached Tuck Under HVAC System: Oil 0 Gas 0 Electric 0 Forced Air 0 Hot Water❑ A/C 0 Mechanical Ventilation 0 Number of Baths: Full 3/4 '/2 Number of Bedrooms Number Future Bedrooms Number of Fireplaces: Masonry Manufactured Other Dwelling Square Footage: Deck-Sq.Footage 3 Season Porch-Sq.Footage Screen Porch-Sq.Footage Value of Dwelling EXCLUDING Land: C OTHER IMPROVEMENTS—EXISTING DWELLINGS Addition 0 Basement Finish 0 Deck 0 Demolition 0 Fence 0 Fireplace 0 Pool ❑ Remodel 0 Repair 0 Reroof 0 Reside 0 Shed 0 UST Installation/Removal 0 Other 0 Year home was built Explain: Square Footage: Dimensions: Value of Improvement: D APPLICANT'S INFORMATION THIS IS AN APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT. IT IS NOT THE ACTUAL PERMIT. THE UNDERSIGNED STATES THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS ACCURATE AND AGREES TO DO ALL WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CHANHASSEN CITY CODE AND THE MINNESOTA STATE LAWS REGULATING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR/APPLICANT: CONTACT PERSON: E-MAIL: ADDRESS: CITY STATE: ZIP: PHONES(W) (C) (F) License Number: Type: Expiration Date: SIGNATURE: DATE: SIGNER MUST BE HOMEOWNER, CONTRACTOR, CONTRACTOR'S AGENT OR EMPLOYEE OFFICE USE ONLY APPROVALS FEES VALUATION $ INSPECTIONS: _ Permit Fee Date: Plan Review Fee PLANNING: State Surcharge Date: FINANCE: SAC Fee( Units)---- Date: Sewer Surcharge ENGINEERING: Park Dedication Fee Date: Trunk Water Hookup---- PARK& REC: Trunk Sewer Hookup---- Date: FIRE MARSHAL: Water Meter Date: Erosion Control Escrow- WATER RESOURCE: Date: TOTAL PERMIT FEE $__ DATE RECEIVED CITY OF CHANHASSEN HARDCOVER CALCULATION WORKSHEET EXISTING AND PROPOSED HARDCOVER Property Address: A. House X = S.F. X = S.F. X = S.F. X = S.F. X = S.F. B. Garage X = S.F. X = S.F. C. Driveway X = S.F. X = S.F. D. Sidewalks X = S.F. X = S.F. E. Patio/Deck X = S.F. X = S.F. F. Other X = S.F. (i.e. shed, etc.) X = S.F. X = S.F. TOTAL HARDCOVER: S.F. TOTAL LOT SIZE: S.F. HARDCOVER PERCENTAGE: °% MAXIMUM %ALLOWABLE: °'o Prepared by: Date: Signature: Reviewed by: Date: Comments: G:\PLAN\Forms\Hardcover Calculation Worksheet.xls