NarrativeTo the city of Chanhassen, Planning Commission and City Council, l'm asking for your approval of allowing my property to receive several variances. I can be reached at 612.868.1065 or email herbie@usfamily,net. My property is one of the smallest square foot areas (5,899 sq ft) of all properties on Red Cedar Point. Comparing to minimum lot size today of 15,000 square feet my property is 39% of today's requirement. The area was plotted back in 1907 with the standard 40'xLzO' lot size. Under current setbacks and codes, I would be able to build a home the size of 20.5' x 3.5'that equals 72'square feet, the size of a walk-in closet. This includes a two-car garage 20'x25' that equals 520 sq ft. that is also mandated as a requirement under sec 20-905. This defines my "practical difficulties". Currently my property does not fit the essential character of the neighborhood. My current building (cabin) was the normal size back in 1928 when the cabin was constructed. The adjacent property to the west (3705) was a twin cabin to the one I own. This cabin (3705) was torn down in 1996 and replaced with a home that now fits the charter of the neighborhood which is quite different then it was in 1928. What l'm proposing is variances that will fit today's character of Red Cedar Point much more than it currently does today. My neighbors have been gracious for more than 20 years. My understanding is my cabin does NOT have the essential character of the loca lity To bring my property into the essential character of the neighborhood it must be replaced as my neighbor did in 1995. l'm asking for the lakeside of the new home to be the same distance it currently is today from the lake. This will need to have a variance approved (same distance as my neighbor 3705) our homes currently line up and I would like this to continue. Description of variance request The width of the new home would be 25' the same as my neighbor, except I will not cantilever an additional 2'on each side and front of my new home as my neighbor has done. This variance would be 3' on each side compared to my neighbor who received 5' variances on each side. The home would start at the current distance from lake, extend 56'same as neighbor. A 5' variance from South Cedar Road to front of garage would be necessary same as my neighbor. Currently hard cover is at 50%. My proposal is to improve green space by eliminating the current paver surfaces of 1,110 square feet. I will be adding 934 square feet of living space. This is a net gain of 176 square feet of green space or additional 6%. I believe I have come to you in good faith and have shown that if the variances are granted it will alleviate the practical difficulties that are due to circumstances unique to the property and not created by me, the land owner. Sincerely Greg Dattilo 3703 S Cedar Drive Chanhassen MN 55317 herbie@ usfamily.net I I , v71 ld r ,;lI I r,.-'i ,Il7 r H h .t. I I -I F,\fr h -b ' a-.! L /r L:- ! }ZI! I