Property Tax StatementCarver County Tax Department 600 East 4n Stre€t, PO. Box 69 ChaslG, MN 5531&0069 (952) 361-1910. www.co.carver.mn.us Taxpayq: GREGORY & JOAN DATTILO 72OI JUNIPER AVE EXCELSIOR MN 55331-S614 For lro loflorh9 vi3[ our r.b6llo al *w.E6ryer-mrE . PaY Your lax€6 oolho . siirr up lo. oo. Tar Payn'€d Bomtlder ' P.hl .ddliond clpla! ol yolrr Tar Slabfl|e i f'F'^tt*: EIIT 12@0130 $$$ rlll* 1194/|{10 llp€Ily lddass: 70i} SOUTH CEDAF DB xcELsloR MN 55331-9688 REFUNDS? You mey be ellglbl€ lor one or ev6n two Efttt ds to nedt ce Wur poperly tar. need ho b*k ol thls slalen ent to flnd out hot', to apw. Tar Oetail {or Your Property: Taxes P6yabl6 Y€ar:2020 202-l 1. Lrs€ this amount on Form MIPR to see il you are elEible lor a property tax refund. File by August 15.llihls bo( 16 dEcked, you o e detoqlent to(sr and ore mt digftlo. 2. UEe the5€ anoirnt6 on Fom Ml PR to 6e€ il you alg eliJble fo.6 spodal retund. ! E6 3. P.opeiy tares betore dedits 4. Crcdits liat rertuce prody taxes 4,253.00 4A75.@ A. Agrlcultural ,narl(et vaftJe credils B. Olher Credils 5. Prop€rty larcs alier creditr 4,253.00 4,475.N 6. Cornry A. CARVER COT NTY B. CO RAIL AUT}IoRTTY 7. CityorTown Ctrv OF C}|AN|-IASSEN 8. Stale G€rpral Tax 9. SchoolDbaid SO (}276 MINNETONKA A. Voi$ ApprDv€d L6vks B. Oth€r tocal Leviea 1,5@.26 ,1.35 so8..t4 690.00 1,56950 1.49 't,0(B.65 7o5.71 347.75 560.32 358.46 590.20 6!FZi _>6 &!9{c '10. Sp€oial Taxing Oislricts A. Mefo Council B. Metro Mosquito Gontrol 25.m t 6.9:l 59.89 68.57 62.m 28.19 l7-3i, 5/.r8 75.17 6s.40 CO sl \a\ 11. Non-school voter approvod Glerenda levies 12, Total paoperty la.x before special assessrnenis 4,253.00 4,475.m 13. Specral Assessmenls loleresl:Pdncipat 33.00 frl.m 4306.q'14. TOTAL PROPERTY TAX AND SPECIAL ASSESST'ENTS toperty DoscdpBorl €xridl 08 TownshiD I 1 6 Ftanoe 023 ED CEDAB POINT LK MINNEWASHTA LOI 2l Bbck 0O{ hE 13 Sp€da, A&sossner Detail: AZ g SOTID WASTE FEE RES/AG 33.00 Pincipal: 33.00 lnteresl: 's 'aw'ap$'anua^ann1tta//:4u :a$qah anua^au lo pau4todag atlt tfio lratp'spaddn uo uortotuto{w atow tog Sl6p 1 VALU ES AN D C..AJSIF'EANO-N- Taxes Payable Year: 2V2O 2021 Homesload Exclusbn: Taxabl€ Malkel VahE: New lmpror,,emonld Expkod Exctusions: Pr@edy Classif ication: 429,000 453,400 429,000 453,{00 Eslimaled Markel Value: slsp 2 PROPOSED TAX $4,504.00 Property lD #: 25.6600400 un0J-yBy^03.uur.^vM1 ;qaa aqf u0 Azcc-l7o-Ar,a-r trpr (ptev [IIlr rnT rn nnzc-...-r.^ ,,.rr,'n i 2027- Property Tax Statement (\C\$\-\odq C. Meko TEnEit Dislrict 0. Carvor Couoty CDA E. W6t66hed 9:,.m +50E.00 S[6p 3 PFOPEBTY TAX Sf ATEMEI{T Fi6t halt laies due: 5i17D021 Second hal, taxes doe: 1U19A2.1 Total Taxes Du€ in 2921 : zlsa.s 2,25/'.& 4,508.m