Erhart Wetland Alteration SWPPP 10-5-21 ERHART WETLAND ALTERATION SWPPP Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Chanhassen, MN Prepared For: Black Cherry Development, LLC 14500 Martin Drive, STE. 3000 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Prepared By: Alliant Engineering, Inc. 733 Marquette Avenue, Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Wetland 2 Alteration February 10, 2021 October 5, 2021 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) ERHART/CITY WETLAND ALTERATION WETLAND 2 ALTERATION CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA RILEY PURGATORY BLUFF CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT February 10, 2021 October 5, 2021 Plans Prepared for: Black Cherry Development, LLC 14500 Martin Drive, STE. 3000 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under State of Minnesota Statutes Sections 326.02 to 326.16. Mark Rausch Mark Rausch, P.E. Date: 10-5-2021 Reg. No: 43480 GENERAL INDEX I. Title Sheet II. Signature Page III. MPCA Coverage Card IV. MPCA Coverage Letter V. SWPPP Narrative VI. Location/Topographic Map VII. Grading, & Erosion Control Plan Sheets VIII. Inspection Logs IX. No Loss Application AUTHORIZATION TO DISCHARGE STORMWATER ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES)/ STATE DISPOSAL SYSTEM (SDS) PROGRAM C00059281 Permittee (Owner): Black Cherry Development, LLC Permittee (Operator): NTK Earthworks, LLC Project Name: Erhart Wetland Alteration City or Township: Chanhassen, County: Carver Location description: E of Powers BLVD, W of Great Plains Blvd, S of Foxwood Development, N of W 96th ST Issuance date: February 8, 2021 Expiration date: July 31, 2023 The state of Minnesota, on behalf of its citizens through the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), authorizes the Permittee named above seeking coverage under this general permit to discharge stormwater associated with construction activity to waters of the state of Minnesota in accordance with the requirements of this permit. The goal of this permit is to reduce pollutant levels in point source discharges and protect water quality in accordance with the U.S. Clean Water Act, Minnesota statutes and rules, and federal laws and regulations. This permit is effective on the issuance date identified above. This permit expires at midnight on the expiration date identified above. Signature: Ryan Anderson This document has been electronically signed. for the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Ryan Anderson Supervisor, Stormwater Outreach, Engineering and Research Unit St. Paul Office Municipal Division Permit application: Questions on this permit? Submit via the MPCA Online eServices Portal at Contact eServices at https://rsp.pca.state.mn.us/ 651-757-2728 or 1-844-828-0942 t-wq-strm2-03 · LB 1311 · 8/22/18 February 8, 2021 Project Owner: Tim Erhart 14500 Martin Dr Ste 3000 Eden Prairie, MN 55344-2039 Project Contractor: Kevin J Miller PO Box 879 Watertown, MN 55388-0879 RE: NPDES/SDS General Stormwater Permit for Construction Activity (MNR100001) Application Permit ID Number: C00059281 Project Name: Erhart Wetland Alteration The Erhart Wetland Alteration project has been granted coverage by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)/State Disposal System (SDS) Stormwater Permit (Permit) for Construction Activity. Permit coverage is effective for this project on February 8, 2021. You are required to comply with the terms of the permit to prevent erosion and control sediment from your site with the procedures established in your stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP). You are also required to upgrade your SWPPP and erosion prevention and sediment control best management practices as site and weather conditions dictate throughout the entire term of the project. Once all construction activity has been completed at this project, you must submit a notice of termination (NOT) form to the MPCA within 30 days of meeting the conditions outlined in Part II (C) of the permit. Please check the MPCA website (http://www.pca.state.mn.us/water/stormwater) or call to request an NOT form and fact sheet. Please save this letter for your records. If you have any questions about permit coverage for this project, please contact the Construction Stormwater Program at 651-757-2119 or toll free at 800-657-3804. Page 1 of 9 SWPPP Narrative Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) I. General Construction Activity Information a. Project name: Erhart Wetland Alteration b. Describe the construction project location (address/city or township/county/latitude/longitude): Address or describe area: Parent Parcel is, E of Powers Blvd, W of Great Plains Blvd, S of Foxwood Development, N of W 96th City or Township: Chanhassen State: MN Zip code: 55317 Latitude/Longitude of approximate centroid of project: 44.834904, -93.540203 c. Describe the construction activity (type of construction, phases, timelines, potential for discharge of sediment and other pollutants, etc.): • 3.067 ± Acres will be disturbed to excavate an existing wetland. 1.3 ± Acres will be disturbed for a haul road from the wetland to the stockpile area. 1.1 ± Acres will be disturbed to stockpile borrow from excavated wetland. Wetland boundary is not being altered. Wetland is only being altered within boundary. • Soil disturbing activities will include: the installation of a silt fence, excavation and fill, re-spreading of topsoil, and grading restoration which will consist of seeding all disturbed areas. Multiple erosion and sediment control BMP’s are planned to minimize sediment transport. See the Erosion & Sediment Control Plan for specific locations. Project type: (To check the checkboxes, ‘double click’ the box and select “checked” and select “okay”.) Residential Commercial/Industrial Road construction Residential and road construction Other (describe): Wetland Excavation and Borrow Stockpile d. Number total of acres to be disturbed: 5.5 (tenths of an acre) e. Pre-construction acres of impervious surface: 0 (tenths of an acre) f. Post-construction acres of impervious surface: 0 (tenths of an acre) g. Total new impervious surface acres: 0 (tenths of an acre) (Examples of impervious surface include rooftops, sidewalks, patios, driveways, parking lots, storage areas, and concrete, asphalt, or gravel roads. II. Receiving Waters a. List all waters within one mile (nearest straight line distance) that are likely to receive stormwater runoff from the project site both during or after construction: Receiving waters within one mile of project property edge: Water body ID* Name of water body Type (ditch, pond, wetland, calcareous fen, lake, stream, river) Special water? (See Stormwater Permit Appendix A) Impaired Water?** (See Stormwater Permit Appendix A) Lake Riley Lake Yes No Yes No * Water Body identification (ID) might not be available for all water bodies. Use the Special and Impaired Waters Search Tool at: http://www.pca.state.mn.us/water/stormwater/stormwater-c.html. ** Impaired water for the following pollutant(s) or stressor(s): phosphorus, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, or biotic impairment. b. Use the Special and Impaired Waters Search Tool to locate special and impaired waters at http://www.pca.state.mn.us/wfhya5b). c. Incorporate into this SWPPP any additional Best Management Practices (BMPs) or other specific construction related implementation activities identified in an approved Total Maximum Daily Load and Waste Load Allocations. Page 2 of 9 d. Identify adjacent public waters where the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has declared “work in water restrictions” during fish spawning timeframes: Not Applicable e. Attach maps (U.S. Geologic Survey 7.5 minute quadrangle, National Wetland Inventory maps or equivalent) showing the location and type of all receiving waters, including wetlands, drainage ditches, stormwater ponds or basins, etc. that will receive runoff from the project. Use arrows showing the direction of flow and distance to the water body. See Attached Map. f. Identify wetland impacts: 1. Will construction result in any potential adverse impacts to wetlands, including excavatio n, degradation of water quality, draining, filling, permanent inundation or flooding, conversion to a stormwater pond? Yes No 2. If yes, describe impacts and mitigation measures that were taken to address the impacts (in accordance with Part D of Appendix A of the permit) and attach to this SWPPP, copies of permits or approvals from an official state wide wetland program issued specifically for this project or site: This project is excavating an existing wetland. The wetland boundary is not being disturbed. A no loss application has been approved. There is a portion of the wetland that is not to be disturbed based on classification. This part of the wetland will be preserved and not disturbed. See attached no loss application. g. Describe any stormwater mitigation measures that will be implemented, as a result of an environmental review, endangered or threatened species review or archeological site review: This site was not subject to an environmental or archaeological review. h. Describe any additional (or different) stormwater management measures required for karst or drinking water supply management areas to protect groundwater standards: Not Applicable III. Project Plans and a. Attach to this SWPPP site maps and/or plan sheets that depict the following features: • The project location and construction limits. • Existing and final grades. • Locations of areas not to be disturbed (e.g., buffer zones, wetlands, etc.). • Locations of areas where construction will be phased to minimize duration of exposed soils. • Portions of the site that drain to a public water with DNR work in water restrictions for fish spawning timeframes. • Locations of all temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control BMPs as required in Part III. C & D. and Part IV of the permit. • Buffer zones as required in Part IV.C.9 or Appendix A, Part C.3. of the permit. • Locations of potential pollution-generating activities identified in Part IV. F. of the permit. • Standard details for erosion and sediment control BMPs to be installed at the site. b. List all anticipated erosion prevention and sediment control BMP quantities needed for the life of the project (e.g., linear ft. silt fence, square feet erosion blanket, tons mulch, etc.): As a note, all erosion control quantities are an estimate. Final erosion control quantities will be field verified with owner, city, engineer, and watershed officials. Pre Grading Silt Fence – 9,650 LF Erosion Control Blanket – 5,600 SY Post Grading Silt Fence- 130 LF IV. Temporary Erosion Prevention Practices a. Describe the types of temporary erosion prevention BMPs expected to be implemented on this site during construction: 1. Methods of temporarily stabilizing soils and soil stockpiles (e.g., mulches, hydraulic tackifiers, erosion blankets, etc.): Erosion Control Blanket - This blanket shall be installed as indicated on the erosion and sediment control plan. It will provide slope protection until the turf is established. Page 3 of 9 Hydromulch A hydromulch (Type 4) may be used for temporary erosion control practices after grading activities cease. Seeding Restoration - Temporary/Permanent Stabilization (Seeding and Mulching) – Temporary seeding and mulch must be placed as soon as practical, but no longer than the end of the next business day, on all disturbed soil when grading activities will cease for longer than 7 days. See plan notes for seeding scheduling. Construction work to be completed during winter conditions. Seeding is to take place in spring when practical. 2. Methods of dissipating velocity along stormwater conveyance channels and at channel outlets (e.g., check dams, sediment traps, rip rap, etc.): There is no new stormwater conveyance on site. 3. Methods to be used for stabilization of ditch and swale wetted perimeters (Note that mulch, hydraulic soil tackifiers, hydromulches, etc. are not acceptable soil stabilization methods for any part of a drainage ditch or swale): Sediment Control Logs – Sediment Control Log shall be utilized in concentrated ditch and swales to control velocities and contain sediment during construction until vegetation is established. Erosion Control Blanket – Erosion Control Blanket shall be utilized in ditch and swale areas to provide protection until permanent turf is established. 4. Methods to be used for energy dissipation at pipe outlets (e.g., rip rap, splash pads, gabions, etc.): There are no pipe outlets proposed. 5. Methods to be used to promote infiltration and sediment removal on the site prior to offsite discharge, unless infeasible (e.g., direct stormwater flow to vegetated areas): Silt Fence – Silt fences are designed as a temporary sediment barrier consisting of a filter fabric attached to support posts. Sediment Control Log – Sediment Control Log shall be utilized in concentrated ditch and swales to control velocities and contain sediment during construction until vegetation is established. b. Describe timelines to be implemented at this site for completing the installation of the erosion prevent ion BMPs listed in i, ii, iii, and iv. (see Part IV. B. of the permit for minimum requirements). If applicable, include the timeline for completing soil stabilization for areas within 200 feet of a public water with work in water restrictions due to fish spawning time frames (Part IV.B.2.) and soil stabilization timelines for portions of the site that drain to special or impaired waters as required in Appendix A Part C. 1.a.: 1. Prior to any construction, Silt Fence is to be installed. Dewatering plan to be provided to city, and watershed district and approved. 2. All erosion control installations shall remain in place and be maintained in good condition by the contractor until the site has been re-vegetated. 3. Disturbed areas to be re-vegetated. 4. The contractor shall schedule site grading, so that the general site can be mulched and re- seeded soon after disturbance. Areas that will not be subject to construction traffic for 7 days or longer shall be seeded and mulched or sodded as soon as practical but not later than the following end of business day. 5. Contractor shall install erosion control devices as indicated on this erosion control plan and any additional required based on means, methods and sequences of construction. c. Describe additional erosion prevention measures that will be implemented at the site during construction (e.g., construction phasing, minimizing soil disturbance, vegetative buffers, horizontal slope grading, slope draining/terracing, etc.): Not Applicable. d. If applicable, include additional requirements in Appendix A Part C.3 regarding maintaining a 100-foot buffer zone or installing redundant BMPs for portions of the site that drain to special waters: Not Applicable e. If applicable, describe additional erosion prevention BMPs to be implemented at the site to protect planned Page 4 of 9 f. infiltration areas: Silt Fence – Silt fences are designed as a temporary sediment barrier consisting of a filter fabric attached to support posts. V. Temporary Sediment Control Practices a. Describe the methods of sediment control BMPs to be implemented at this site during construction to minimize sediment impacts to surface waters, including curb and gutter systems: 1. Methods to be used for down gradient perimeter control: Silt Fence – Silt fences are designed as a temporary sediment barrier consisting of a filter fabric attached to support posts. Sediment Control Log – Sediment Control Log shall be utilized in concentrated ditch and swales to control velocities and contain sediment during construction until vegetation is esta blished. Sediment Control Log shall be utilized to prevent sediment transport in winter conditions. 2. Methods to be used to contain soil stockpiles: Sediment Control Log – See Above Silt Fence – Silt fences are designed as a temporary sediment barrier consisting of a filter fabric attached to support posts. 1. Silt fence is to be installed down gradient of the stockpile once ground conditions are conductive to installation, or as determined by the City of Chanhassen. If the site conditions are suitable and the silt fence is not installed the hauling operations must cease until the silt fence is installed. 3. Methods to be used for storm drain inlet protection: Not Applicable 4. Methods to minimize vehicle tracking at construction exits and street sweeping activities: Temporary Construction Entrance – if necessary, a rock construction entrance can be used. There is not planned construction traffic expected to complete the proposed work. Construction equipment will be bought to the site via an existing gravel drive connection form W96th St. Construction work will be completed internal to the site with no vehicle traffic required by sediment laden hauling trucks. Once the work is completed the used equipment will be loaded internal to the site and removed using existing gravel drive. 5. If applicable, additional sediment controls (e.g., diversion berms) to be installed to keep runoff away from planned infiltration areas when excavated prior to final stabilization of the contributing drainage area: Not Applicable 6. Describe methods to be used to minimize soil compaction and preserve top soil (unless infeasible) at this site: Construction is being conducted during winter monthes with frozen ground. 7. Describe plans to preserve a 50-foot natural buffer between the project’s soil disturbance and a surface water or plans for redundant sediment controls if a buffer is infeasible: A second row of silt fence are propsosed. 8. Describe plans for use of sedimentation treatment chemicals (e.g., polymers, flocculants, etc.) see Part IV.C.10 of the permit: Not Applicable b. Is the project required to install a temporary sediment basin due to 10 or more acres draining to a common location or 5 acres or more if the site is within 1 mile of a special or impaired water? Yes No Page 5 of 9 If yes, describe (or attach plans ) showing how the basin will be designed and constructed in accordance with Part III.C of the permit. c. Will the project include dewatering, basin draining? Yes No If yes, describe measures to be used to treat/dispose of turbid or sediment-laden water and method to prevent erosion or scour of discharge points (see Part IV. D of the permit): d. Will the project include use of filters for backwash water? Yes No If yes, describe how filter backwash water will be managed on the site or properly disposed (see Part III.D.3. of the permit): VI. Permanent Stormwater Management System a. Will the project result in one acre or more of new impervious surfaces or result in one acre or more of new impervious in total if the project is part of a larger plan of development? Yes No b. If yes, a water quality volume of one inch of runoff from the cumulative new impervious surfaces must be retained on site (see Part III.D of the permit) through infiltration unless prohibited due to one of the reasons in Part III.D.1.j. If infiltration is prohibited identify other method of other volume reduction (e.g., filtration system, wet sedimentation basin, regional ponding or equivalent method: c. Attach design parameters (see Part III.D.) for the planned permanent stormwater management system, including volume calculations, discharge rate calculation, construction details including basin depth, outlet configurations, location, design of pre-treatment devices and timing for installation. For more design information consult the Minnesota Stormwater Manual on the MPCA website at http://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php/Main_Page. There is no new stormwater management. d. For infiltration systems attach on site soil testing results verifying soil type and distance to the seasonal water table or bedrock (from bottom of the basin) in the location of the infiltration or filtration system. Not Applicable e. For linear projects with lack of right of way to install treatment systems capable of treating the entire water quality volume, identify other method(s) for providing treatment of runoff prior to discharge to surface waters (e.g., grassed swales, filtration systems, smaller ponds or grit chambers, etc.): Not Applicable 1. Attach to this SWPPP documentation of reasonable attempts made to obtain right of way for stormwater treatment systems. f. For projects that discharge to trout streams, including tributaries to trout streams, identify method of incorporating temperature controls into the permanent stormwater management system: Not Applicable. Page 6 of 9 VII. Inspection and Maintenance Activities a. Identify the trained individual(s) responsible for installing, supervising, repairing, inspecting, and maintaining erosion prevention and sediment control BMPs at the site: SWPPP Designer (Training Documentation Attached): Seth Loken Alliant Engineering, Inc. 612-758-3080 SWPPP Inspector (Training Documentation Attached): (Contractor to complete this section to include person(s) responsibl e for installation, maintenance, and inspection) b. Attach training documentation for each individual: Contractor to include other certifications as identified. Page 7 of 9 c. Areas to be inspected and maintained (see Part IV.E.5. and 6. of the permit): 1. Inspect sediment silt fence regularly such that there is no sediment transport. 2. Replacement - shall be replaced promptly when it becomes ineffective before the barrier is no longer necessary. 3. Sediment removal - Sediment deposits should be inspected after each storm event. They must be removed when deposits reach approximately one-third the height of the barrier. Any sediment remaining in place after bmp is no longer required, shall be dressed to conform with existing grade, prepared, and seeded with the appropriate seed mix, or sodded as directed by the engineer. 4. Removal of silt fence – silt fence shall be removed when they have served their useful purpose, but not before the upward sloping area has been permanently stabilized. If the upward sloping are a is to be exposed longer than six (6) months, that area shall be covered with temporary vegetation when first exposed. 5. The contractor must routinely inspect the construction site once every seven (7) days during active construction and within 24 hours after a rainfall event greater than 0.5 inches in 24 hours. 6. All inspections and maintenance conducted during construction must be recorded in writing and these records must be retained with the SWPPP records of each inspection and maintenance activity shall include: A. Date and time of inspections. B. Name of person(s) conducting inspections. C. Findings of inspections, including recommendations for corrective actions. d. Corrective actions taken (including dates, times, and party completing mainten ance actives. e. Date and amount of all rainfall events greater than 1/2 inch (0.5 inches) in 24 hours: f. Documents of changes made to the SWPPP as required in part iii.a.4. 7. Where parts of the construction site have undergone final stabilization, but work remains on other parts of site, inspections of the stabilized areas may be reduced to once per month. Where work has been suspended due to frozen ground conditions, the required inspections and maintenance must take place as soon as runoff occurs at the site or prior to resuming construction, whichever comes first. VIII. Pollution Prevention Management Measures a. Describe practices for storage of building products with a potential to leach pollutants to minimize exposure to stormwater: All trash and construction debris from the site will be collected and deposited in a dumpster. A dumpster will be required for each new home constructed. The dumpsters shall be emptied as necessary. No construction materials shall be buried on site. All solid waste must be disposed if of in accordance with the MPCA disposal requirements b. Describe practices for storage of pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, fertilizers, treatment chemical, and landscape materials: Pesticides, Fertilizers, etc. will be applied only in the minimum amounts as recommended by the manufacturer. Once applied, the potential pollutions will be worked into the soil to limit the exposure to stormwater. c. Describe practices for storage and disposal of hazardous materials or toxic waste (e.g., oil, fuel, hydraulic fluids, paint solvents, petroleum-based products, wood preservative, additives, curing compounds, and acids) according to Minn. R. ch. 7045, including restricted access and secondary containment: • All hazardous materials like oil, gasoline and paint must be properly stored. To prevent spills and leaks, secondary containment is necessary for hazardous materials. • A leak proof containment facility shall be used for fuel storage tanks to prevent any leakage from infiltrating the ground. • An effort will be made to store only enough products to do the required job. Page 8 of 9 • All materials stored on site will be stored in a neat and orderly manner. • All products will be kept in their original container, with the original labels still attached, unless they are not re-sealable. • Substances will not be mixed with one another unless recommended by the manufacturer. • Whenever possible all of a product will be used up before disposing of a container. • Manufacturers’ recommendations for proper disposal will be followed. • The site superintendent will routinely inspect the site to ensure proper disposal of all on site materials. d. Describe collection, storage and disposal of solid waste in compliance with Minn. R. ch. 7035: All trash and construction debris from the site will be collected and deposited in a dumpster. A dumpster will be required for each new home constructed. The dumpsters shall be emptied as necessary. No construction materials shall be buried on site. All solid waste must be disposed if of in accordance with the MPCA disposal requirements. e. Describe management of portable toilets to prevent tipping and disposal of sanitary wastes in accordance with Minn. R. ch. 7040: Portable Toilets must be in accordance with the above referenced standard. f. Describe spill prevention and response for fueling and equipment or vehicle maintenance: The following materials and/or substances are expected to be present onsite during construction- Fertilizers, Petroleum Based Products,Cleaning Solvents, Detergents, Adhesive Solvents, Wood Product Specific Practices – Petroleum Products: All onsite vehicles and equipment will be monitored for leaks and receive regular preventative maintenance to reduce the chance of leakage. Petroleum products will be stored in a tightly sealed container, which is clearly labeled. Any asphalt substances used onsite will be applied according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Fertilizers: Fertilizers will be applied only in the minimum amounts as recommended by the manufacturer. Once applied, the fertilizer will be worked into the soil to limit the exposure to stormwater. Spill Control Practices – • All spills will be cleaned up immediately after discovery, in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended methods. • The spill area will be kept well ventilated. • Spills of toxic or hazardous materials must be reported to the Minnesota Duty Officer 1-800-422-0798. • A log of the spill type, location, date, and time will be created by the job superintendent. The spill prevention plan will be adjusted to include measures to prevent this type of spill from reoccurring. g. Describe containment and disposal of vehicle and equipment wash water and prohibiting engine degreasing on the site: External washing of trucks and other construction vehicles must be limited to a defined area of the site. Runoff must be contained and waste properly disposed of. No engine degreasing is allowed on site. h. Describe storage and disposal of concrete and other washout wastes so that wastes do not contact the ground: A leak proof containment facility shall be used for all liquid and solid wastes generat ed by concrete washout operations. Liquid and solid wastes shall not come in contact with the ground and must be disposed of in accordance with the MPCA. IX. Final Stabilization a. Describe method of final stabilization (permanent cover) of all disturbed areas: All areas disturbed by construction shall be stabilized from erosion as soon as possible and not later than the end of the next business day following substantial completion of grading in that area. Temporary or permanent seed and mulch shall cover all exposed soils if grading completion is delayed longer than 7 days. General temporary seed shall be mndot mix 21-112 @ 100 lbs. per acre or approved equal. Permanent seed shall be mndot mix 34-271 @ 12 lbs. per acre , 35-241 @ 36.5 lbs per acre 22-112 @ 40 lbs per acre or approved equal. (planting dates per spec 2575) Page 9 of 9 mulch shall be mndot type 1 (clean oat straw) @ 2 tons per acre and disk anchored in place or approved equal. Fertilizer shall be 80-80-80 npk per acre (unless P restrictions apply) and incorporated into the seed bed. All temporary erosion and sediment control measures shall be properly disposed of within thirty (30) days after final site stabilization is achieved or after the temporary measures are no longer needed. b. Describe procedures for completing final stabilization and terminating permit coverage (see Part IV.G.1-5): The contractor must ensure final stabilization of the site. The contractor must submit a notice of termination (NOT) within 30 days after final stabilization is complete, or another owner/operator (permittee) has assumed control of all areas of the site that have not undergone final stabilization. Final Stabilization can be achieved when: All soil disturbing activities at the site have been completed and all soils must be stabilized by a uniform perennial vegetative cover with a density of 70 percent over the entire pervious surface area, or other equivalent means necessary to prevent soil failure under erosive conditions and; a. All drainage ditches, constructed to drain water from the site after construction is complete, must be stabilized to preclude erosion; b. All temporary synthetic, and structural erosion prevention and sediment control bmps (such as silt fence) must be removed as part of the site final stabilization; and c. The contractors must clean out all sediment from conveyances and from temporary sedimentation basins that are to be used as permanent water quality management basins. Sediment must be stabilized to prevent it from being washed back into the basin, conveyances or drainage ways discharging off-site or to surface waters. The clean out of permanent basins must be sufficient to return the basin to design capacity. X. RPBLWD Requirements. 1. PROPOSED EROSION CONTROL CAN BE FIELD FIT AND ADJUSTED AS NEEDED WITH WATERSHED/INSPECTOR. IF CHANGES ARE NEEDED/MADE, DOCUMENT ON PLAN AND KEEP ON RECORD. 2. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ARE TO BE COMPLETED DURING WINTER CONDITIONS. CONTINUE TO ADJUST EROSION CONTROL MEASURES ACCORDING TO FIELD CONDITIONS. 3. NATURAL TOPOGRAPHY AND SOIL CONDITIONS MUST BE PROTECTED, INCLUDING RETENTION ONSITE OF NATIVE TOPSOIL TO THE GREATEST EXTENT POSSIBLE. 4. FINAL SITE STABILIZATION MEASURES MUST SPECIFY THAT AT LEAST SIX INCHES OF TOPSOIL OR ORGANIC MATTER BE SPREAD AND INCORPORATED INTO THE UNDERLYING SOIL DURING FINAL SITE TREATMENT WHEREVER TOPSOIL HAS BEEN REMOVED. 5. CONSTRUCTION SITE WASTE SUCH AS DISCARDED BUILDING MATERIALS, CONCRETE TRUCK WASHOUT, CHEMICALS, LITTER AND SANITARY WASTE MUST BE PROPERLY MANAGED. 6. ALL TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS MUST BE MAINTAINED UNTIL COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION AND VEGETATION IS ESTABLISHED SUFFICIENTLY TO ENSURE STABILITY OF THE SITE, AS DETERMINED BY THE DISTRICT. 7. ALL TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS MUST BE REMOVED UPON FINAL STABILIZATION. 8. SOIL SURFACES COMPACTED DURING CONSTRUCTION AND REMAINING PERVIOUS UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION MUST BE DECOMPACTED TO ACHIEVE A SOIL COMPACTION TESTING PRESSURE OF LESS THAN 1,400 KILOPASCALS OR 200 POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH IN THE UPPER 12 INCHES OF THE SOIL PROFILE WHILE TAKING CARE TO PROTECT UTILITIES, TREE ROOTS, AND OTHER EXISTING VEGETATION. 9. ALL DISTURBED AREAS MUST BE STABILIZED WITHIN 7 CALENDAR DAYS AFTER LAND-DISTURBING WORK HAS TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY CEASED ON A PROPERTY THAT DRAINS TO AN IMPAIRED WATER, WITHIN 14 DAYS ELSEWHERE. 10. THE PERMITTEES MUST, AT A MINIMUM, INSPECT, MAINTAIN AND REPAIR ALL DISTURBED SURFACES AND ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL FACILITIES AND SOIL STABILIZATION MEASURES EVERY DAY WORK IS PERFORMED ON THE SITE AND AT LEAST WEEKLY UNTIL LAND-DISTURBING ACTIVITY HAS CEASED. THEREAFTER, THE PERMITTEE MUST PERFORM THESE RESPONSIBILITIES AT LEAST WEEKLY UNTIL VEGETATIVE COVER IS ESTABLISHED. THE PERMITTEES WILL MAINTAIN A LOG OF ACTIVITIES UNDER THIS SECTION FOR INSPECTION BY THE DISTRICT ON REQUEST. Note: -Orange circle is a 1-mile radius of project location. - Pin in center of circle is project location. HAWKCREST COURT HAWKCREST CIRCLEEAGLE RIDGE ROADINFILTRATION BASIN 2WETLAND 2EAGLE RIDGE WAY EAGLE RIDGE ROADT.H 101PROJECTLOCATIONWETLAND ALTERATION PERMIT 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700ERHART WETLAND ALTERATIONCHANHASSEN, MINNESOTASUITE 700ALLIANT ENGINEERING, INC.733 MARQUETTE AVENUEMINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402CONSULTANT SURVEYOR ENGINEER PETER GOERSLICENSE NO. 44110MARK RAUSCHLICENSE NO. 43480LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTEM: mrausch@alliant-inc.comEM: pgoers@alliant-inc.comMARK KRONBECKLICENSE NO. 26222EM: mkronbeck@alliant-inc.comDEVELOPER SUITE 3000BLACK CHERRY DEVELOPMENT, LLC14500 MARTIN DRIVE,EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344CONTACT: TIM ERHARTCONTACT: DAN BLAKEVICINITY MAPNOT TO SCALEERHART WETLAND ALTERATION COVER1SHEET INDEX NO.COVER SHEET1EXISTING CONDITIONS2SITE PLAN3WETLAND EXCAVATION/GRADING PLAN4SPOIL PILE/GRADING PLAN5EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN6EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES AND DETAILS7RESTORATION PLAN8WETLAND SCIENTISTADAM CAMERONKJOLHAUG ENVIRONMENTALEM: adam@kjolhaugenv.comSERVICES COMPANYWETLAND MANAGEMENT PLAN9 1413122987653211119876BLOCK 55OUTLOT COUTLOT DOUTLOT EOUTLOT EOUTLOT CBLOCK 3BLOCK 4HAWKCREST COURT HAWKCREST CIRCLE4BLOCK 2BLOCK 512EAGLE RIDGE ROADINFILTRATION BASIN 2FL / FW / LW / LW / LW/LWW L / FSW / F W / LL / WWWW LLWWWWINFILTRATION BASIN 2BOTTOM EL 891TOP EL 891.24 HWL 895.99 HWL 918.69(GREAT PLAINS BLVD.)STATE TRUNK HWY. NO. 101WETLAND ALTERATION PERMIT 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700ERHART WETLAND ALTERATION EXISTING CONDITIONS2EXISTING CONDITIONS LEGEND: 1512141316181229876532111198746BLOCK 55OUTLOT COUTLOT DOUTLOT EOUTLOT EOUTLOT CBLOCK 3BLOCK 4HAWKCREST COURT HAWKCREST CIRCLE4BLOCK 2BLOCK 1BLOCK 512OUTLOT FEAGLE RIDGE ROAD WETLAND 3WETLAND 2WETLAND 1HWL 904.6611032456789BLOCK 1OUTLOT A WETLAND 411121314OUTLOT BOUTLOT EOUTLOT BOUTLOT BB L O C K 1 EAGLE RIDGE WAY EAGLE RIDGE ROADEAGLE RIDGE ROAD EAGLE RIDGE ROAD EX HWL 877.10PR HWL 877.10EX HWL 879.44PR HWL 879.43EX HWL 895.04PR HWL 895.03UNDELINEATED WATERBODYEX HWL 897.30PR HWL 897.30FUTURE BLOCK 2 LOTSFUTURE DEVELOPMENT(GHOST PLAT)GREAT PLAINS BLVD. (TH-101)12OUTLOT ABLOCK 1WETLAND ALTERATION PERMIT 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700SITE LEGEND: ERHART WETLAND ALTERATION SITE PLAN3 SITE DATA: 232111198OUTLOT DOUTLOT EOUTLOT EBLOCK 4BLOCK 512EAGLE RIDGE ROADINFILTRATION BASIN 2INFILTRATION BASIN 2BOTTOM EL 891TOP EL 891.24 HWL 895.9913245BLOCK 1OUTLOT BFILTRATION BASIN 2HWL 882.03WETLAND 2CLASSIFICATION ASSUMED:MANAGE 2 - CITY, MEDIUM - RPBCWDBUFFER REQUIREMENTS:20' MIN.,40' AVG., 80' MAX - RPBCWD20' MIN. + 30' SBK - CITYWETLAND 4OUTLOT ABLOCK 1WETLAND ALTERATION PERMIT 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700GRADING NOTES: GRADING LEGEND: ERHART WETLAND ALTERATION WETLAND EXCAVATION/GRADING PLAN4TYPICAL GRADING CROSS SECTIONB'-B'ESTIMATED EARTHWORK: NATURAL WETLAND OUTLET CROSS SECTIONC'-C' 106789OUTLOT A11121314OUTLOT EOUTLOT BB L O C K 1 EAGLE RIDGE WAY EAGLE RIDGE ROADEA G L E R I D G E R O A D POND AND INFILTRATION BASINEAGLE R I D G E R O A D INFILTRATION BASIN 3HWL 906.07FUTURE BLOCK 2 LOTSFUTURE DEVELOPMENT(GHOST PLAT)WETLAND 3CLASSIFICATION ASSUMED:MANAGE 2 - CITY, MEDIUM - RPBCWDBUFFER REQUIREMENTS:20' MIN.,40' AVG., 80' MAX - RPBCWD20' MIN. + 30' SBK - CITYWETLAND ALTERATION PERMIT 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700ERHART WETLAND ALTERATION SPOIL PILE GRADING PLAN5GRADING LEGEND: BLOCK 3BLOCK 4HAWKCREST COURT HAWKCREST CIRCLEBLOCK 2BLOCK 5EAGLE RIDGE ROAD WETLAND 3WETLAND 2WETLAND 1HWL 904.66WETLAND 4EX HWL 877.10PR HWL 877.10EX HWL 879.44PR HWL 879.43EX HWL 895.04PR HWL 895.03WATERTOWERLOCATION AUNDELINEATED WATERBODYEX HWL 897.30PR HWL 897.30GREAT PLAINS BLVD. (TH-101)DISCHARGE POINT TO LAKERILEY VIA WETLAND(LAKE RILEY IS AN IMPAIRED WATERSWITHIN 1 MILE)WETLAND 2MANAGE 1 - CITY, MEDIUM - RPBCWDBUFFER REQUIREMENTS:20' MIN.,40' AVG., 80' MAX - RPBCWD25' MIN. + 30' SBK - CITYWETLAND ALTERATION PERMIT 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700ERHART WETLAND ALTERATION EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN6NOTE TO CONTRACTOR: ACTIVE SWPPP LEGENDVICINITY MAPNOT TO SCALENOTE: INSPECTOR:DURING CONSTRUCTION:EROSION CONTROL PARTIESIMPAIRED WATER REQUIREMENTLEGEND: DNDNOTES: DESIGNER:INSTALLER: ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCEWASHED ROCK ORWOOD/MULCH PERSPECIFICATIONS18" MINIMUM CUT OFF BERM TOMINIMIZE RUNOFF FROM SITENOTES:1. MnDOT 3733 TYPE 4 FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE PLACED UNDER ROCK OR MULCH TOSTOP MUD MIGRATION THROUGH MATERIAL.2. FUGITIVE ROCK OR MULCH WILL BE REMOVED FROM ADJACENT ROADWAYS DAILY OR MORE FREQUENTLY AS NECESSARY.3.CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE MUST BE CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO THECOMMENCEMENT OF GRADING OPERATIONS ON THE SITE.4.THE ENTRANCE MUST BE MAINTAINED IN PROPER CONDITION TO PREVENTTRACKING OF MUD OFF THE SITE. THIS MAY REQUIRE PERIODIC TOPDRESSINGWITH ADDITIONAL ROCK, WOOD/MULCH, OR REMOVAL AND REINSTALLATION OFTHE PAD.5.THIS ENTRANCE WILL BE USED BY ALL VEHICLES ENTERING OR LEAVING THEPROJECT.6.THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE WILL BE REMOVED PRIOR TO THE PLACEMENT OFBITUMINOUS SURFACING.PUBLIC ROAD50' MINIMUM LENGTHROCK-6" MINIMUM DEPTHWOOD/MULCH- 12" MINIMUM DEPTH20' MINIMUM WIDTHNOTE:ALL SLOPES WITH A GRADE EQUAL TO OR STEEPER THAN 3:1REQUIRE SLOPE TRACKING. SLOPES WITH A GRADE MORE GRADUALTHAN 3:1 REQUIRE SLOPE TRACKING IF THE STABILIZATION METHODIS EROSION CONTROL BLANKET OR HYDROMULCH.UNDISTURBED VEGETATIONTRACKED EQUIPMENTTREADS CREATE GROOVESPERPENDICULAR TO SLOPEDIRECTION.SLOPESLOPE TRACKINGEROSION CONTROL BLANKETINSTALLATIONOVERLAPLONGITUDINAL JOINTSMINIMUM OF 6"OVERLAP END JOINTSMINIMUM OF 6" AND STAPLEOVERLAP AT 1.5' INTERVALS.ANCHOR TRENCH(SEE DETAIL AND NOTES BELOW)ANCHOR TRENCH1. DIG 6" X 6" TRENCH2. LAY BLANKET IN TRENCH3. STAPLE AT 1.5' INTERVALS4. BACKFILL WITH NATURAL SOIL AND COMPACT5. BLANKET LENGTH SHALL NOT EXCEED 100'WITHOUT AN ANCHOR TRENCH6"6"1' TO 3'DIRECTION OFSURFACE FLOWNOTE:SLOPE SURFACE SHALL BE FREE OF ROCKS, SOIL CLUMPS,STICKS, VEHICLE IMPRINTS, AND GRASS. BLANKETS SHALLHAVE GOOD SOIL CONTACT.STAPLE PATTERN/DENSITY SHALLFOLLOW MANUFACTURERSSPECIFICATIONSERHART WETLAND ALTERATION WETLAND ALTERATION PERMIT EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTOL NOTES AND DETAILS 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700EROSION CONTROL SCHEDULE:FINAL STABILIZATION:EROSION CONTROL GENERAL NOTES:POLLUTION PREVENTION MANAGEMENT MEASURES:SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES:MAINTENANCE PROGRAM:EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLWINTER STABLIZATION: DEWATERING: BLOCK 3BLOCK 4HAWKCREST COURT BLOCK 5EAGLE RIDGE ROADINFILTRATION BASIN 2INFILTRATION BASIN 2BOTTOM EL 891TOP EL 891.24 HWL 895.99WETLAND 3WETLAND 2WETLAND 1HWL 904.66WETLAND 4EX HWL 877.10PR HWL 877.10EX HWL 879.44PR HWL 879.43EX HWL 895.04PR HWL 895.03UNDELINEATED WATERBODYOUTLOT AWETLAND ALTERATION PERMIT 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700ERHART WETLAND ALTERATION RESTORATION PLAN8LEGEND:SEED PLANTING NOTES: NOTES: 151413122987653211119876BLOCK 55OUTLOT COUTLOT DOUTLOT EOUTLOT EOUTLOT CBLOCK 3BLOCK 4HAWKCREST COURT HAWKCREST CIRCLE4BLOCK 2BLOCK 512EAGLE RIDGE ROAD WETLAND 3WETLAND 2WETLAND 1HWL 904.6611032456789BLOCK 1OUTLOT A WETLAND 4111213141516OUTLOT BOUTLOT EOUTLOT BOUTLOT BBLO C K 1 B L O C K 1 EAGLE RIDGE WAY EAGLE RIDGE ROADEAGLE RIDGE ROADOUTLOT DEAGLE R I D G E R O A D EX HWL 877.10PR HWL 877.10EX HWL 879.44PR HWL 879.43EX HWL 895.04PR HWL 895.03UNDELINEATED WATERBODYEX HWL 897.30PR HWL 897.30FUTURE BLOCK 2 LOTSFUTURE DEVELOPMENT(GHOST PLAT)GREAT PLAINS BLVD. (TH-101)12OUTLOT ABLOCK 1WETLAND ALTERATION PERMIT 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700ERHART WETLAND ALTERATION WETLAND MANAGMENT PLAN9 WETLAND BUFFER CALCULATIONWETLAND SUMMARYWETLAND IMPACT CALCULATIONLEGEND: __ _________________________________________________________________________________ ___ __ ______ _______ Erosion and Sediment Control Inspection Report Form Project Name and Location: Weather: Rain in the last 24 hours (inches): Owner/Permittee: A. Beginning Date of Current Construction: B. Current Construction/Active Areas: C. Problem Areas/Special Observations (*ONLY - Note the problem areas below*) BMP Location Observations, Effectiveness & Corrective Actions Ordered Corrective Actions Needed By D. Listing of Areas where construction operations have permanently or temporarily stopped: E. Have items noted on last inspection been corrected? YES NO (If no, Explain): NOTE: Inspection comments above indicate deficiencies only. Deficiencies must be corrected, unless otherwise noted. All other Pollution Control Measures on site are considered to be in good working condition Inspector Signature Date of Inspection □ Borrow Areas □ General Site Condition (trash, etc.) □ Erosion Blankets, Hydromulch/Seed, etc □ Stabilized Construction Entrance □ Sediment Basins & Discharge Locations □ Sediment Barriers (i.e.: ditch checks) □ Seed/Sod Areas Pollution Control Measures Checklist: □ Inlet Barrier (i.e.: gravel bags) 6 GOALS: • No sediment leaves the site • Lines of defense everywhere & always • Cover quickly • Protect the swale • Ditch and channel • Inspect, clean and fix 2500 Shadywood Road, Suite #130, Minnesota 55331, Phone: 952-401-8757 MEMORANDUM To: Matt Unmacht, City of Chanhassen Regulatory, US Army Corps of Engineers Taylor Huinker, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources CC: Tim Erhart, Project Applicant Dan Blake, Pemtom Land Company Ben Carlson, Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources Ben Datres, Carver Soil and Water Conservation District Wetlands on the Erhart Property were delineated by Kjolhaug Environmental Services on May 12, 2020. The Erhart Property is located in Sections 23, 24, 25, and 26, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, City of Chanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota. The site was situated east of County Road 101, south of County Road 18 (Figure 1). The proposed pond excavation project on the Erhart Property corresponds with portions of the following Carver County PID#’s: 251550022, 250240811 and 252990510. A Technical Evaluation Panel (TEP) meeting was held onsite on July 29, 2020 with representatives from Kjolhaug Environmental Services, the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR), the Carver Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD), and City of Chanhassen. The delineated wetland boundaries were subsequently approved by the City and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Copies available upon request). This memorandum and the following information is submitted on behalf of the project applicant who requests to excavate open water areas within two wetlands onsite. Project Description: The project applicant is proposing to excavate open water ponds within the fringe of Wetland 2 and Wetland 3 (Figure 2). The proposed ponds would be located within Type 1, Type 2 and Type 6 wetland, and would be excavated to a depth not exceeding 6.5 feet (Figure 3). Soils excavated from the wetland would be permanently stored on the upland. Therefore, the proposed activity will not result in the discharge of any fill material within the wet land. The current plant community within Wetland 2 (within the area of proposed excavation) consists of reed canary grass and willow shrubs transitioning to green ash and boxelder trees along the wetland fringe. The current plant community Terry Jeffrey, Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District From: Adam Cameron, Kjolhaug Environmental Services Company Date: November 19, 2020 Subject: Erhart Property WCA No-Loss Application (KES Project # 2020-041) USACE Project Number MVP-2007-02785-MAD within Wetland 3 (within the area of proposed excavation) consists of reed canary grass, with a lesser amount of stinging nettle. We expect that the excavated areas will consist of open water in the center, with a narrow fringe of shallow marsh dominated by cattail. The existing seed bank is expected to revegetate the excavated area naturally without intervention. Both areas proposed for excavation are dominated primarily by reed canary grass, and excavation to open water would provide waterfowl habitat. Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act: The proposed activity appears to be unregulated based upon WCA 8420.0105 Scope. Subpart 1., which states the following: “Scope; generally. Wetlands must not be impacted unless replaced by restoring or creating wetland areas of at least equal public value. This chapter regulates the draining or filling of wetlands, wholly or partially, and excavation in the permanently and semipermanently flooded areas of type 3, 4, or 5 wetlands, and in all wetland types if the excavation results in filling, draining, or conversion to nonwetland.” Considering that the applicant only proposes excavation within Type 1/2/6 wetlands, and that the excavation would not exceed a depth of 6.5 feet, we believe that this activity would be unregulated by WCA. The Joint Application Form including the No-Loss request has been included as Appendix A. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: The project applicant is requesting an Approved Jurisdictional Determination (AJD) from the US Army Corps of Engineers to confirm the extent of Corps jurisdiction. This application assumes no Corps jurisdiction. However, if the Corps does have jurisdiction over Wetland 2 and/or Wetland 3 we anticipate that the proposed activity would not be regulated under Section 404 of the Federal Clean Water Act, as long as the proposed project is implemented with an excavator or backhoe bucket and does not discharge fill material into the wetlands. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources: An approximate Ordinary High Water Level (OHW) was determined by identifying the extent of cattail (Type 3 wetland) along the fringe of Wetland 3/DNR Public Wetland (Unnamed 10-215 W). The western fringe of Wetland 3 was observed during the May 12, 2020 wetland delineation field visit, and consisted of cattail-dominated shallow marsh, transitioning to reed canary grass-dominated wet meadow. The estimated OHW is shown on Figure 3. Regulatory Approvals Requested: We are requesting a Notice of Decision under the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act confirming this No-Loss Application on behalf of the project applicant. From the US Army Corps of Engineers we are requesting an AJD to confirm the extent of Corps Jurisdiction. From the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, we are requesting confirmation of the OHW within the subject Public Waters Wetland, as well as confirmation that the prop osed project would not require a permit. If you need additional information do not hesitate to contact KES staff. Thank you. Erhart Property No-Loss Application Figures: • Figure 1 – Site Location Map • Figure 2 – Existing Conditions, Estimated OHW and Wetland Types • Figure 3 – Proposed Pond Excavation Areas © OpenStreetMap (and) contributors, CC-BY-SA Figure 1 - Site Location Erhart Property (KES 2020-041)Chanhassen, Minnesota Note: Boundaries indicated on this figure are approximate and do not constitute an official survey product. ¯0 800 Feet Site Boundary Source: ESRI Streets Basemap CR-101 Figure 2 - Existing Conditions, Estimated OHW and Wetland Types (2016 MNGEO Photo) Erhart Property (KES 2020-041)Chanhassen, Minnesota Note: Boundaries indicated on this figure are approximate and do not constitute an official survey product. ¯0 350 Feet Site Boundary Level 1 Wetland Boundary Storm Pond Wetland Boundary Estimated OHW (Onsite) Type 6 Type 5 Type 3 Type 2 Type 1 Tributary Source: MNGEO Spatial Commons Storm Pond0.35 AcreTrib utary 1 115 L F Wetland 40.43 acres Wetland 10.05 acres Wetland 319.29 acres Wetland 24.87 acres Figure 3 - Proposed Pond Excavation Areas (2016 MNGEO Photo) Erhart Property (KES 2020-041)Chanhassen, Minnesota Note: Boundaries indicated on this figure are approximate and do not constitute an official survey product. ¯0 350 Feet Site Boundary Area of Proposed Excavation Wetland Boundary Area Estimated OHW (Onsite) Type 6 Type 5 Type 3 Type 2 Type 1 Storm Pond Source: MNGEO Spatial Commons Wetland 40.43 acres Wetland 10.05 acres Wetland 319.29 acres Wetland 24.87 acres Proposed pond exc avation area,which includes a 20-ft buffer fromthe a djacent estima te d OHW. Wetland in the area proposed forexcavation includes Type 2. Proposed pond exc avation area, Wetland in the area proposed forexcavation includes Type 1, Ty pe 6 a nd Type 2 . OHW was estimated based on the extent of cattails on aerial images. Erhart Property No-Loss Application Appendix A: Joint Application Form Minnesota Interagency Water Resource Application Form February 2014 Page 3 of 5 Project Name and/or Number: Erhart Property PART ONE: Applicant Information If applicant is an entity (company, government entity, partnership, etc.), an authorized contact person must be identified. If the applicant is using an agent (consultant, lawyer, or other third party) and has authorized them to act on their behalf, the ag ent’s contact information must also be provided. Applicant/Landowner Name: TIMOTHY A & DAWNE M ERHART Mailing Address: 9611 Meadowlark LN, Chanhassen, MN 55317-8695 Phone: 612-963-0733 E-mail Address: terhart@riekor.com Authorized Contact (do not complete if same as above): Mailing Address: Phone: E-mail Address: Agent Name: Adam Cameron Mailing Address: 2500 Shadywood Road #130, Orono MN 55331 Phone: 952-401-8757 Ext. #106 E-mail Address: Adam@kjolhaugenv.com PART TWO: Site Location Information County: Carver City/Township: Chanhassen Parcel ID and/or Address: 251550022, 250240811, 252990510 Legal Description (Section, Township, Range): S:23, 24, 25, 26 T:116N R: 23W Lat/Long (decimal degrees): - Attach a map showing the location of the site in relation to local streets, roads, highways. Approximate size of site (acres) or if a linear project, length (feet): 49.7 If you know that your proposal will require an individual Permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, you must provide the names and addresses of all property owners adjacent to the project site. This information may be provided by attaching a list to your application or by using block 25 of the Application for Department of the Army permit which can be obtained at: http://www.mvp.usace.army.mil/Portals/57/docs/regulatory/RegulatoryDocs/engform_4345_2012oct.pdf PART THREE: General Project/Site Information If this application is related to a delineation approval, exemption determination, jurisdictional determination, or other correspondence submitted prior to this application then describe that here and provide the Corps of Engineers project number. Describe the project that is being proposed, the project purpose and need, and schedule for implementation and completion. The project description must fully describe the nature and scope of the proposed activity including a description of all project elements that effect aquatic resources (wetland, lake, tributary, etc.) and must also include plans and cross section or profile drawings showing the location, character, and dimensions of all proposed activities and aquatic resource impacts. Minnesota Interagency Water Resource Application Form February 2014 Page 5 of 5 Project Name and/or Number: Erhart Property Attachment B Supporting Information for Applications Involving Exemptions, No Loss Determinations, and Activities Not Requiring Mitigation Complete this part if you maintain that the identified aquatic resource impacts in Part Four do not require wetland replacement/compensatory mitigation OR if you are seeking verification that the proposed water resource impacts are either exempt from replacement or are not und er CWA/WCA jurisdiction. Identify the specific exemption or no-loss provision for which you believe your project or site qualifies: The proposed activity appears to be unregulated based upon WCA 8420.0105 Scope. Subpart 1., which states the following: “Scope; generally. Wetlands must not be impacted unless replaced by restoring or creating wetland areas of at least equal public value. This chapter regulates the draining or filling of wetlands, wholly or partially, and excavation in the permanently and semipermanently flooded areas of type 3, 4, or 5 wetlands, and in all wetland types if the excavation results in filling, draining, or conversion to nonwetland.” Provide a detailed explanation of how your project or site qualifies for the above. Be specific and provide and refer to attachments and exhibits that support your contention. Applicants should refer to rules (e.g. WCA rules), guidance documents (e.g. BWSR guidance, Corps guidance letters/public notices), and permit conditions (e.g. Corps General Permit conditions) to determine the necessary information to support the application. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the WCA LGU and Corps Project Manager prior to submitting an application if they are unsure of what type of information to provide: Please see attached memo. An AJD has been requested from t he U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to determine the extent of their jurisdiction.