Extension RequestFrom:Dan Blake To:Generous, Bob Cc:Tim Erhart; Mark Rausch Subject:IUP 2021-03 Date:Thursday, September 16, 2021 10:38:55 AM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Bob - As you are aware this project started last winter and the sudden warm up forced us to stop work with only half completed. We intend to complete the work during this winter's frozen season. The IUP expires January 25, 2022. I think we need another month to assure completion and then some time in spring to get everything re-established. We are simultaneously working on a grading permit for the Erhart Fram property, but the wetland excavation work is fairly separate from the development grading proposed. We hereby request a 6 month extension of the IUP to July 25, 2022. Thank you, Dan Blake The Pemtom Land Company 612.282.5482