CC Sum Minutes 9-27-21City Council Minutes – September 27, 2021 4 with 93 individuals throughout the County; 67 of the 93 individuals did not have prior contact with the Carver County Crisis Team. She clarified this is a good thing as people may not need to call 911 for things that the crisis program is able to manage. Ms. Montplaisir shared this position reduces transport to the emergency room, clearing law enforcement from the scene as soon as safely possible so they can get to other calls, reducing emergency room transports, and bridging the gap between law enforcement and mental health providers. She shared the mental health crisis program phone number: 962-442-7601, noting they provide mobile crisis response services to Carver County 24/7. Mayor Ryan is so proud to have Ms. Montplaisir available, she appreciates all that is being done, and thanked her for all she is doing. Councilwoman Rehm asked if someone calls the Crisis Program hotline after hours, what does that look like. Ms. Montplaisir replied there is someone available 24 hours per day and a mobile provider that can go out to the scene with law enforcement, to the hospital, to someone’s home, or wherever they are at. It will look very similar to a daytime phone call. Councilwoman Schubert asked if they work with the Carver County Veteran’s office as they can be a higher-risk demographic. Ms. Montplaisir replied she does not and asked her supervisor in the audience. The supervisor stated they work with them if they need attention and can help them get resources. GENERAL BUSINESS 1. Approve a Request for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for a Drive-Thru Pick-Up Window at 530 West 79th Street, Unit 100 (Crisp & Green) Community Development Director Aanenson gave a presentation on the item. She shared regarding traffic stacking that it is a pick-up window only, rather than an order window. The Planning Commission discussed the CUP and had some concerns regarding traffic that the Applicant addressed in detail; Planning Commission recommended 7-0 to approve the CUP. Staff recommends that City Council approve the Conditional Use Permit to allow a drive- through pickup window subject to the conditions of the Planning Commission staff report and adoption of the Planning Commission Findings of Fact and Recommendation. Councilwoman Schubert stated Tide Dry Cleaning at the other end has a drive-up lane, as well. She asked if there is concern and will it be one-way around the building? Ms. Aanenson replied in the affirmative and stated it will be one way and they should not conflict. City Council Minutes – September 27, 2021 5 Mayor Ryan asked regarding signage, will they be clearly indicating where people should go, and have signs indicating that it is a pick-up only widow. Ms. Aanenson replied that was a recommendation made and they will be queuing. Another question was if someone gets to the window and the food is not ready; all those queuing of signals and posting of signs will be in place to navigate. Dean Villella, Applicant and owner of the Crisp and Green in Chanhassen, shared they had a grand opening on September 9 and have served roughly 700 customers each day since then, and the community has welcomed them. Because of the demand, the parking on the south side of the building is getting a lot of pressure, especially during lunchtime so he is often out in the parking lot helping to direct traffic. The curbside pick-up window is for online orders and gives the first available time to pick-up; the app is smart so it will not overwhelm the staff. There is no ordering or paying at the window and it should be quite quick to get through. He walked through signage and striping plans. Councilwoman Schubert moved, Councilman McDonald seconded that the Planning Commission recommends the City Council approve the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow a drive-through facility for a pick-up window subject to the conditions of approval in the staff report, and Adopt the Planning Commission's Findings of Fact and Recommendation. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. 2. Resolution 2021-56: Adopt the Preliminary Tax Levy and Establish the Truth-In- Taxation Public Hearing Date Finance Director Kelly Strey stated tonight the City Council is required to adopt a preliminary tax levy for publishing on the Truth in Taxation notices that property owners will receive in November. She gave a presentation and stated the amount adopted tonight cannot be increased after this point but can be reduced. In November there will be a City Council Work Session to review all funds, fees, charges, utility rates, and Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). On November 22, a work session is tentatively scheduled for a follow-up budget discussion. The December 13 City Council meeting will be the Truth-in-Taxation meeting and residents will have an opportunity to come and speak to the City Council, offering any opinions or suggestions on the budget. Ms. Strey said in putting together a budget they keep in mind the City Council’s priorities and outcomes which are financial sustainability, asset management, and operational excellence. There is the option to keep the projected levy at 4.9% increase or to reduce it to a 4.5% increase and applying $50,000 in the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) money. She walked the City Councilmembers through the 2021 levy and the 2022 proposed numbers, as well as broad projections for the 2023 budget. Ms. Strey shared the impact on a $400,000 home within the City, noting a 4.5% increase would be approximately a $25 increase per year while a 4.9% increase would be approximately a $29 increase. In comparison to other Cities, Chanhassen is significantly less than neighbors and comparable cities.