Transmittal from Schoell & Madson 9-6-05 I -.- I Schoell & Madson, Inc. Engineering. Surveying · Planning TO: DATE: PROJECT NO.: ~ ATTENTION: SUBJECT: We are sending you D herewith D under separate cover the following: D Plans D Specifications D Prints D Reports D Shop Drawings D Change Order D Samples D Copy of a Letter o Data Sheets 0 Other Transmitted via: D Mail D Fax D Will Call D Hr. Messenger Service D Overnight Delivery QUANTITY DESCRIPTION ~c9 These are transmitted as follows: ~ As Requested ~ For Your Records L$. For Your Use ~ For Review and Comment D Other REMARKS: SEP u 6 20 ClTY OF CHANHASSEN SCHOELL & MADSON, INC. D ...(',p.{)~~~ _ G~ L. Backman Direct Dial No. 952-847-9620 CtTVOF CHANHASSIiN RECEIVED SEP 0 6 2005 CHANHASSEfIl Pl.AN'NIlNGl1llI3P1I' Copy To: 10580 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 1 . Minneapolis, MN 55305-1525 Office (952) 546-7601 . Fax (952) 546-9065 www.schoellmadson.com ITEMS REOillRED FOR FINAL PLAT CONSIDERATION (6/9/04) The following items are required to be submitted a minimum of three (3) weeks prior to City Council meeting and payment of a $250.00 final plat review fee: C:,f) v9. V 10. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Submit three (3) sets of construction plans and specifications for staff review and redline. The construction plans and specifications shall be in accordance to the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications & Detail Plates. The plans shall include traffic signage and street light placement. Utility plans shall show both plan view and profiles of all utilities (sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer lines). Grading and drainage plans shall show dwelling type and elevations, wetlands and wetland buffer areas, stormwater pond NWLS and HWLS, catch basin, and storm manhole numbers. Drainage calculations for water quantity and quality ponding with maps showing drainage areas for pre-and post-development conditions and contributing areas to catch basins. Tree Preservation Easements (if applicable). Trail Easements (if applicable). Landscape Plan and Cost Estimates (y.I oodland Management Plan, if applicable). I "to, ~o Engineer's Cost Estimate of Public Improvements: a. Sanitary sewer system. _.4c., e>o 0 b. Water system. _l<:, ".<G,. t, c\!)o c. Storm sewer drainage system including cleaning and maintena~ce. ~fo,~c:l d. Streets, sidewalk and trails~ 7eto(!)o e. Erosion control. \ E!.t e:>oo f. Site restoration (seedi:qg, sodding, etc.). \~PC)o g. Site grading . ( _ " 7.,,'O,o~q Ten (10) sets (folded) of finj plat, one (1) set of reductions (8Yz" x 11"), a digital copy in .dwg format (AutoCAD compatible), and a digital copy in .tif format. Digital copy of the legal description of the property in a .doc or .pdf compatible format. Lot tabulations 1" = 200' scale paper or mylar reduction of the final plat with just street names and Lot and Block numbers. Failure to provide any of the above items by the required deadline will result in delaying consideration of final plat before the City Council. g:\eng\forms\fnlplat submittal.doc CITY OF CHANHASSeN RECEIVED " -,) () 6 2005 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT \.-.c~ ~\~C.Rl~~ That part of the East Half (E1/2) of the Southeast Quarter (SW1/4), Section 16, Township 116, Range 23 West, which lies South of the North 915.41 feet, westerly of the centerline of County State Aid Highway No. 19, and North of the South 100.00 feet, according to the plat thereof on file or of record In the office of the County Recorder, Carver County, Minnesota. ALSO That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 15, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, lying westerly of the centerline of the County State Aid No. 19 and northerly of the centerline of County State Aid Highway No. 18. Said property being subject to easements for roadway purposes for County State Aid Highway 19 and County State Aid Highway 18, according to the plat thereof on file or of record In the office of the County Recorder, Carver County, Minnesota. Excepting from the first parcel described above the following; All that part of the South 150.00 feet of the north 1065.41 feet of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 16, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota lying westerly of the centerline of County State Aid Highway 19, according to the plat thereof on file or of record In the office of the County Recorder, Carver County, Minnesota -z ofTl ~:E ~rn -<0 .....e ;or "'fTl "'< ",)> ;ii;o ;00 -< ",;0 qfTl e ;0 fTl s: fTl Z -l tIl Ul ..... o z ", o ;0 ", ", A o C r I o ", I lJ) )> D (}l o )> z o "lJ -< ..... ;0 ", ", Y' o C Z o ", ;0 lJ) ..... o ;0 -< o ;0 o ;0 z )> ;:: ", z ..... )> r o ;0 ~ ", ;ii ;0 o ;0 ", ", z ..... ;0 ", ", lJ) ..... ;0 ", ", Y' ./> C Z o ", ;0 lJ) ..... o ;0 -< o ;0 o ;0 z )> ;:: ", z ..... )> r o ;0 ~ ", ;ii ;0 o ;0 ", ", z ..... ;0 ", ", lJ) ~"'r lJ)~)> ..........Z ll:>1I:>5: zlJ) 0 ~g~ :t:tz -< -< 0 )>)> ;0;00 ~~ 'I I I rn ""e ;0 ;0 'I 00'1 SSfTl 00 ;0 ",,,, .....-N (}l00 ~~z ofTl ~~~ fg;o..-. g8~ ;oc:~ ~~C) ",;::" ~~~ V1~\J ", ;0 ..... -< r Z ", ~ z g: \!] fT1 .-i ;0 (D fTl ~~ -U or lJ) z )> ':jo Z ~ II:> ;:0 R~fTl If)9? c Z;u ofTl lJ)S: ~~ )>-l R~ )> r o Z o o )> r "lJ Z (D r < <::> )> z o r -< ;:: )> z (D ~ z o ;0 ", o C ;0 ", ;:: ", z ..... lJ) ." o ;0 (}l -U (}l )> N ;:0 !B ^ )> z f;1 0 lJ) -U ;:0 o ~ o fTl o m-l ./>0 ~-l ~)> Olr 1./10 "';:0 ./>fTl ./>fTl ~z tIl -U )> o fTl )> ;:0 fTl )> lJ);::;:: ;;:j~~ I~i:: ~;::~ ~~~ E~d ~~N lJ)~I . 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