1976-02-03 chan chronicle location February 3, 1976
Walt Hobbs
Chairman, Chanhassen Bicentennial Commission
Chanhassen, MN
Dear Walt:
The use of the old Village Hall after it has been restored
came up while I was visiting with Bill McGarry at the Benefit cocktail
party on 1/29/76. Bill mentioned that he has been thinking of putting
out a weekly entitled the "Chanhassen Chronicle", and would like to
set up a small office in Chanhassen. I told him I could not speak for
the City or the Commission, but I wondered whether the Village Hall
might serve his needs. He said yes.
There appear to be advantages and, perhaps, some drawbacks
to such a set up:
1. A major objection cited by the C.B.D. and Chamber
to the restoration has been future operating costs
of the Hall. Rental income to the City should
answer that objection.
2. The probability of wider and better Chan news
coverage. Although Chan gets good coverage in the
Herald now, Chaska usually gets more (and for
good reason) .
3. Establishment in the City of a newspaper carrying
the City's name in its banner.
4. By having multiple uses of the Hall (information
center, historical society, reading room, news
office) , it should be open more often to the
public and more traffic to the area should result.
5. Local businesses could be expected to advertise
more and thereby promote the City.
6. Some might question the propriety of the City
becoming the "Chronicle's" landlord.
7. Exterior signing and interior arrangements might
conflict with restoration objectives.
I believe Chan would gain a great deal by encouraging Bill
McGarry to locate at the old Village Hall and would hope that the
Commission and the City Council will invite him to Chan to discuss the
matter at an early date.