1976-11-29 minutes Bicentennial Commission
November 29 , 1976
City Hall
The Chanhassen Bicentennial Commission meeting was called to order
on November 29 , 1976 , at 7: 05 p.m. by Chairman Walter Hobbs. The
following members were present: Walter Hobbs, Myrna Kurvers,
Dick Dutcher and Fr. Armand.
OLD VILLAGE HALL RESTORATION: Progress of the restoration of the
Old Village Hall and the State Bicentennial Commission reporting
requirements were discussed.
A motion was made by Fr. Armand and seconded by Dick Dutcher to
authorize the following payments for restoration work:
Carpentry $ 297. 50
Painting & Decorating $ 750. 00
Insullation Work $ 460. 00
Electric (including
electric heating units)
Not to exceed $1, 180. 00
TOTAL $2,680. 50
Motion unanimously carried.
A motion was made by Fr. Armand and seconded by Dick Dutcher to
adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.
TIME: 8: 10 p.m.
Dick Dutcher
Acting Secretary