1975-01-28 minutes Bj.CEi1TENN AL COMMISSION MB?..TING JANU RY 28 , 19 5
The meeting was called to order by Walt Hobbs. The following members
were present: Martin Jones, Mariana Shulstad, Rich Lyman, Lyle Ricklefs,
Walt Hobbs, and Fr. Armand Lubansky. Elton Anderson from the
Arboretum and Myrna Kurvers were present.
Mr. Anderson discussed programs that the Arboretum is considering for
the Bicentennial; guest speakers , maple syrup classes, herb garden,
older traditional plant materials, and vegetable garden.
Mariana Shuistad will send letters to each organization and homeowners
association in Chanhassen along with the list of Bicentennial Projects
to find out if they are interested in working on some committee for
the Bicentennial. Representatives of the organizations will meet
with the Commission on February 27 at 7 :30 p.m.
The Commission discussed the Bicentennial Program and which projects
could be done by other organizations.
I. Heritage '76 :
A. Restore original Village Hall on original site. Bicentennial
1. Construct Vest Pocket Park around the Village Hall.
2. Uses for Reconstructed Village Hall:
a. Public meeting.
b. Archives for Village and Township recorOs.
c. Headquarters for Chamber of Commerce and
Historical Society.
-mil B. Develop program for open forums for the public concentrating
on the Revolution and Constitution. Other organization.
C. Investigate and attempt to secure Township Hall for
" Minnesota Valley RestoxP�n-�Chanha senect. Other
D. Catalogue Historic Cemeteries
Society. Other organization.
II. Festival '76 :
, ', A. Approach the Chanhassen Dinner Theatre about presenting a
Historical play with opening night benefits as a fund raiser
for other bicentennial events. Bicentennial Commission and
other organization.
B.' Have a city wide picnic dedicating the restored
incorporating a program of suitable entertainment.
r J
organization. . ortlan
C. Symbolic tree .planting ceremony oor®eauti ication p
of the Horizon '76 program. Other
III. Horizon '76:
Czi: wie tree planting beginning in the fall of 1975.
Other organization. of
B . Vest pocket park around restored Village Hals. l. Part fol. A. ono
• C;; Removal of old and ,3banz3ice�onna.al�Cciirmtiswion• - ,~�ni.al
D. Removal of. junk cars.
E. Designation of Chanhassen Recycling Project as a Bicentennial
activity. City Council. public s}c�y;..ing rink P. Construction of a city tot lot and/or. 1 Commission.
--, � as a aerr�an.ent_ recreation f'acily•adBa�F��eto�.t�.nYietonk.a
G. Designate nature interpretive area7
West Jr. High as a Bicentenr1:na project in conjunction with
the Minnetonka School District. Bicentennial Commission.
Fr. Armand would like to give St. Hubert's Church to an organization
Bicentennial Commission Minutes January 28 , 1975 -2-
as a historical site. It could be used for limited memorial services.
He will get estimates on repairs to the Church.
The Commission will discuss the restoration and location of the old
Village Hall with the Planning Commission and the tot lot with the
Park and Recreation Commission.
Lyle Ricklefs will ask Tom Elingelhutz to give the Commission a cost
estimate on repairs needed to the old Village Hall.
Martin Jones will ask the fire department if they would consider
helping to destroy old buildings in the city.
The next regular Bicentennial Commission meeting will be held
February 13 at 7 :30 p.m.
Walt Hobbs will send a letter to the Arboretum inviting them to join
with Chanhassen in the Bicentennial program.
The meeting adjourned at 900 p.m.
Jean Meuwissen