1975-02-13 minutes Bicentennial Commission Minutes
February 13, 1975
Chanhassen City Hall
The regular meeting of the Bicentennial Commission was na17.ed 1,o order
by Mariana Shulstad on February 13, 1975 at 7:30 p.m. The folloving
members were present: Lyle Ricklefs, Martin aeries, Fr. Arman5
Lubanski, Mariana Shulstad and Richard Lyman. Walt Hobbs was absent.
Myrna gurvers was also present.
MINUTES: A motion was made by Lyle Ricklefs and seconded by Martin
Jones to approve the minutes o2 the January 2 1975 meeting with
these corrections: The correct spelling of Fr, Lvbanski. Also
a correction in the wording of the statement Fr. Iubanski made in
regard to the old church. He would like to sea the church donated
to some organization which would be willing to pay for restoration.
BICENTENNIAL LETTERHEAD: The. Bicentennial Commission looked over
—andscussenecentennial letterhead submitted to them.
They would like to make a recommendation to the City Council that the
letterhead be approved with the exception that the wording Bicentennial
Commission be left out. The Commission does net feel it is ivcessary.
The Bicentennial Commission would like to submit an article to the
next newsletter, appealing for individual participation in the
Bicentennial year.
/. • Heritage '76
a. The Commission would like estimates on restoring the old
Village Hall on its original site with e vest pocket park. Also
an estimate on moving it to a new ideation.
b. The Commission could foresee no expellee in cataloguing
historic cemeteries in Chanhassen.
I. Festal '76
a. Discussion was held on having the Dinner Theatre do a
historical play as a fund raiser.
xii. Horizon '76 :
a. Discussed a city wide tree planting project. "r.t, could
be a self-sustaining project.
b. Rich Lyman is going to contact a landscape cmtractor for
an estimate on a vest pocket pnrk.
c. Discussed the costs of burning or teaning down old or
abandoned buildings.
1. To have them burned down cce15 be ef training valne eo
the firemen.
Page 2
2. Would like eet3 ates for tearing buildings down.
d. Construction o`f tot lots and a s! ating rink will be discussed
e- with the Park and Recreation Ccmmise on.
The Commission would like letters sent to all civic and church organi-
zations with a list of the Bicentennial projects. The purpose of the
letter is to find out whether or not they would like to participate
in forming coi nittee° for these projects.
A notice is to be sent to Elton Anderson from the Arboretum asking him
if the Arboretum would like to send a representative to the Bicentennial
Commission meetings.
A notice to Pars. Nelson, Carver Beech and Herb Bloomberg asking them
if they would like to attend a Bicentennial meeting.
The Bicentennial Commission would like to recommend to the City
Council that Myrna Kurvers be made a member of the Bicentennial
Mariana Shuistad would like the Planning Commission to send a member
of the Commission to replace her at the Bicentennial meetings, or in
addition to her.
FLAC POLE: General Discussion was held. Estimates of flag poles
were sent to the Commission 5sion from two companies, Specialty Sales
and Services and Vaughn's Inc. The price of a rty foot flag pole
is between $500 and $600.
A motion was made by Rich Lyman and seconded by Martin Jones to
adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.
TIME: 9:15 p.m.
Judi Olson