1975-04-10 minutes Bicentennial Commission Minutes
Pnbrunry 27, 1975
Chanhnesen City Hall
snIne meeting of the Bicentennial Colimission was called to order by
Waiter Hobbs on February 27, 1975 at 740 p.m. The following nemb-
vonre present: Martin Jones, Karicna Shulotnd, Rich Lyman and Walt
Habbo. Lyle Ricklefs and Fr. Armand Lubannki were absent.
nno:o.J2,6: A motion was made by Rich Lyn and sccondod by. vaninn-
n O.
to approve the minutes of the February 13 , 1975 meeting.
i]..otion carried.
R-0017.TS: Martin Jones reported on the burning down of old or abandoned
lags. lie said the Fire Dept. will burn these buildings if they
are of trainable use to the Fire Dept. They also may not be
hazardous to trees or other buildings. There is a charge of t:',100.
to the owner. However, the Fire Dept. will donate the burning down
of buildings if it is for the Bicentennial.
The sncond,!owas from Rich Lyman. lie reported from the Park and Recreation
Comminsion. He had put before them the list of projects, inclnding
the tot lot and the skating rink. The Park and Recreation Commioaion
waald rather concentrate on nature trails on the land around Lake
Lna Park. Also, for a project, a nature area next to Went Jr. 'High.
The third report was on the Vest Pocket Park proposed for the Old
VJ-Liago Ball. Rich Lyman contacted. Mr. Bony, V Landscape contractor.
&r. Bnily estimated the cost anywhere 4etwcon $5,000 to $10,000. He
would like to come to a Bioontennial Commission meeting and present
pietcoes of similar projects in other communities.
Dionntennial Commission is going to invite him to the neat meetn:-
The fourth report was presented by Walt Hobbs on the Flag Pole. Evenf
ccmmunity that is designated a Bicentennial Coraumity by the govern :nt
is given a Flog. Chanhassen needed A flag pole for this flag. Tiero
is an estimate of $250.00 with installation.
nVILW MTH GRZUPS: The following pee and groups were present: •
Onve Ilempel, Red Cedar Point; Cheryl Hobbs, Chanhassen Historical
Comm2.tt'.1e; Barbara Peterson, C.B.R.A. ;. Mnrilyn Olden, Soc.- 1
nniootmnn fox Sunrise fills; Michael Waloh, Chanhassen Athletic
on:3 Ray Feldkemp, Lutheran Church; Ron Reeser, Chanhassen Civic.
Theatnr; Dan Log as, Chanhassen Sno Snoopers; Dagney Aldritt, Sonlor
3itisens; Kathryn Wycrs, Homemakers Group.
All the organizations would like to help as mich as they can and
are going to send representatives to the meetings. The homemakaro
Group would like to locate, catalog and map historical sites.
Under fund raising ideas, it was presented to the Bicentennial CCMMi,':;21
thnt they could sell coins with the spirit of 1776 on them.
Paca 2
DISCUSSION: Martin Jones is going to talk to Chanhassen City
51...aaTir-7:6aTit any other city lots which might be available for the
Old Village Hall and also for the tot lot.
For the next meeting the Commission would like to have Mr. Bailyi,
EeL.13 Bloomberg z.:Ind the aexiani.zations represented here tonight.
ai3tion was made by MElriana Shulstad and seconded by aran %Tones
zcljoarn the meeting at 9:20 p. t. Motion carried.
9:20 p.m.
. uai Olson