1975-04-24 minutes Bicentennial Commission Meeting
April 24, 1975
Chanhassen City Hall
The meeting of the Bicentennial Cemmissi do wee called to order by
Chairman Walt Hobbs on April 24 , 1975 at 7 :3E p.m. The following
members were present: Lyle Rir;3c1efs, R ch Lyman. Fr3 Armand Ltibailsk ,
Martin. Jones and Mariana Shulstad.
Dick hatcher, Northweeterz Bell; Pat Boyle, Hi,.storiea .. Society:
Dick Matthews, r,.E.,R3Ao ; Lewis A. GFtrtolle; Legion. Micheel Walsh,
Charalaa:3me a Athletic Association; Darlene tiusetb, Lu she ew . Church of
Living Christ; Marilyn Oldee e Senriee Hine Association; Elton Arder'scn,,
Landscape Arboretem; Phil I dri, , Lions Club; and Annette Beindt
wasp also present.
t =UTES: A motion was made by Martin Junes a d eecended by Lyle
Menai to rpprove the minute:? of April 10, 1975. Motion carried.
BENEFIT pd:'FPORMANCE: Under X eet'i val s 7 6 the project of having a
e:bea , :27kgE:nt`Tat the ae:;hasssen Dinner Theatre WES discussed
at Length with the repreesentative from the Historical Society,
Before any progress can be made the Bicentennial Como scion is
sending a subcommittee to meet with I .x Herb Bloomberg. F r. _Armaed
Lebenski and Mariana. Shulstad will set up a meeting with Mr. M boo beg o
PROGRAM a. Jul6, 1975: The peeposal for a family day on July Le 1975,
cprogram consfEt;ng of a interdencininal r yes vice in the
morning, a potluck picnic, games for children, and a play that
The Bicentennial Commission found out that the Frontier Day i3stival
had most of the time for that weekend. A new tentative date of
August 10, 1975 was . set.
There ware may groups reps eented at the greeting and all ageee to
help with projects. Dick Dutcher showed the group buttons and
di =ouee ed. the cost as a proiect idea..
PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER: The Bicentennial Commission feels it
nee:. m irsi�r t TTIane ` ablic b ty r They are going to z t. a note
in ehe paper asking fcr a Public Relations Representatiee.
A + iscussion of a joint meeting with Bicentennial. CoF rai_ siona
from other Carver County communities and Excelsior. All thought
tees a good idea.
Fr. Armand. uubanski, is going to attend the Ma/ 21, 1975 meeint at
1:00 p.m. at Victoria Village Hail.
Bicentennial Medalion Program will be repeepeated in the ;wanks.
B .oentenniai Ca:^ rission Meeting
April 24, 1975
Chanhassen City Ball
Fr. Armand Lubanski plans to attend the Regional Bicentennial
Conference on April 26, 3.975. The meeting is to explain state,
county, and local Bicentennial projects and prob3ems
A motion was made by Fr A Armand Lubanski and seconded by Mariana
Bbulstad to ad jour. Motion carried.
TX ME: 9:45 p.m.
Judi Olson