1975-05-08 minutes Bicentennial Commissson Minutes
May 8, 1975 - Amended Minutes
Chanhassen City Hall
e- Thy meeting of the Becentennial Commission was called to order by
Walter Hobbs on May 8, I975g at 747 p.m. The following members
were preaent: Waiter Hobbs, Martin Jones, Myrna Kurvers, Lyle Ricklefs
and Rich Lyman; absent: Pr. ArAend Lubanskr and Marianna Shulstad.
Bill Bond., Lions Club; Caelene nuseth, Luthi.ean Chuzch; Lonnie Cousim4
Sunrise sills Assocletion, were also present
MINUTES: A motion was made by Lyle Ricklefs and seceedod by Martin jones
to approve the minutes of the April 17, 1975( meetings Motion carried.
A motion was made by Martin Jones and seconded by Walter Hobbs to
approve the minutes of the April 24, 1975: meeting. Mocion carried.
WORTS: Walter Hobbs reported that the Old Village Hall is lead oe
a Earty (30) day, month-to-month basis, The land surrouneelng the
Old Village Hall is less than one third (1/3) of an acre and needs to
be sutveyed in order to plan for its use,
Walter Hobbs said that the City Council would peefcr to have the Old
Village Nall in the downtown areer,
There was a discassion of the proposed benefit per-eormaace at the
Chanhassen Dinner Theatre. It eas suggested that because of the
small profit, the work involved in selling tickets and the poasibilety
that it would exclude many people because of the price o! tickets, that
e- other sites for the benefit be explored,
Lyle Ricklefs ').s going to check into the Old Leg Theatre as an
alternative Ate for the benefit.
The next report was about the sale of trees as a fund-raiser, Rich
Lyman contacted Baily's at Newport. Because of the high mark-up on
the sale of trees, he feels we could sell them at a reasonable price
and still make a good pecan.. Re suggested that no more than four
varieties and two sizes be offered; also to sell only one tree per
family, so as not to compete with local nurserymen It would also
be good to include instructions or planting.
Rich Lyman, with the help of organizations will handle the sale of
these trees.
Walter Hobbs reported that the icentennial Commiesior is still in
need of a Public Relations Officer,
will askaiiiiirraTIFTE7o heir out fii-grageific areae .kor Bicentennial
as follows:
1, Restoration of the Old Village Hail -
a. The Building - American Legion
b. The Lad aping - Lions Club
2, Cataloging of Local Cemeearies -
Historical Society
Bicentennial Commission Minutes
May 8, 1975 - Amended Minutes
Chanhassen City Hall..
3. Adult Pr ram of Historical Significance -
Community Sc oors
4. Check whether Restoration Project wants Town Hall -
atorica) EToc`iety _._..
5. Identify Historical Sites in the Village
HbEiri ers
6, Cit -wide Picnic --
um. groups as a joint venture
7. Tree Plmti.ng a
EIZS Lyman with, help of many organizations
8. Removal of abandoned buildings and junk cars - .
da.rver Pe c Assoc a.tIon
NEW BUSINESS: A motion was made by Myrna Kurvers and seconded by
Eirglar=fi to designate the rrontier Days Parade Celebration
an off icial Bicenten*k.ial Activity under the Festival "761° pion
of Chanhassen's 1975 and 1976 program. Motion carried.
Walter Hobbs reported that there is $3,OOO in Bicentennial funds
available for a City Band. It was suggested that the Community
`.. Schools might handle this, Lyle Ricklefs will check into it further.
A grant was made to a Community Band and this band will furnish music
from its library upon request. The Bicentennial Commission received
a certificate from Hennepin County 'recognising Chanhassen as a
Bicentennial City
• 'Lyle Ricklefs reported that there are funds available through the
State Historical. Society for the restoration of the Old Village Hallo
Walter Hobbs reported that the Chaffer of Commerce will provide funds
for the purchase of a flagpole.
motion was made by Myrna Ku::vers and seconded by Lyle- Ricklefs to
adjourn. Motion carried,:
TIME: 11:40 p.m:
Shirley McMullen