1975-05-29 minutes Bicentennial Commission Minutes
May 29, 1975
Chanhassen City Hall
The regular meeting of the Bicentennial Commission was called to
order by Rich Lyman on May 29, 1975, at 7 :30 p.m. The following
memberswere present: Martin Jones, Myrna Kurvers, Lyle Ricklefs,
Pr. Armand Lubanekia absent: Marianna Shulstad and Walter Hobbs.
Bill. Bond was also present.
MINUTES: A motion was nsade by Lyle Ricklefs and seconded by Myrna
urvers to approve the amended May 8, 1975, minutes.
CARVER COUNTY BICENTENNIAL CO /TTEE: Fr. Armand reported that there
w rbee a Carver County Fair Av gui' 3-17 , in Waconia. A motion was
made: by Martins Jones and seconded by Fr. Armand that we participate
n e booth at the Carver County Pair and that we provide $5.00 as our
reat .1. Motion carried,
T1.ere will be a parade August .4, at 7:30 rem. in Waconia. Martin
Jones Suggested that Chanhassen send a fire truck to ride in it
Tie neat Carver County Bicentennial meeting will be June 7, at 7:00 p.m.
at the 'airgrounds Building in Waconia. Fro Armand will not be able
to ; ttel d and asked that someone take his place.
BENS,?IT. ERP0NCE: Lyle Ricklefs talked to Bob Williams at the
... bin og Matra about a benefit performance. The Bicentennial
Co niisin;: would make $2.00 on each ticket sold at $4.00. Dinner
or sot ial hours can be arranged hut they are extra. The Old Log
Theatss wall pay a 250 a drink rebate on all drinks sold that
evenin 7. They can provide some posters and art work for flyers.
It was iuggosted that this might be more profitable than the Chanhassen
Dinner °.'heat ae o might involve less work and the tickets might be
easier to se,se ,1 at $4.00 a piece. On the other hand, the main objec-
tion was '.hat. The Old Log Theatre is not in Chanhassen..
Rich Lynam: a.na Lyle Ricklefs will talk to the Chanhassen Dinner
Theatre to see if better terms can be arranged and report to the
next meetin,r.
TREE PLANTI'i'"Y: Rich Lyman will get more information in June. He
reported thanthe Sunrise Hills Association is interested in helping
with this pro jecs
FUNDING REQUEST FCR : J Rich Lyman reported that Chanhassen
will not get one S ate B cenatennial funds they applied for.
A motion was made by Martin Jseees and seconded by Myrna Kurvers to
ask Barry Brooks te; get in writing why our application was not
accepted and in what areas we were lacking,. Motion carried:
Bicentennial Commission Minutes
May 29, 1975
Chanhassen City Hall
REMOVAL OF JUNK CARS: If the City Staff feels that it is needed,
e centenr� a o emission will pursue it.
PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER: No Public Relations Officer hats been
appoint0, For now, the Bicentennial Commission will publicize
what it is doing in "Karen's Corner."
HENNEPIN COUNTY MEETING: Rich Lyman noted that this meeting on
May J6, 1?50'1T been cancelled.
COMMUNITY BAND: Lyle Ricklefs talked to Mr. McMillan at Chanhassen
Elementary School. He is interested. It was suggested that if this
is pursued further, the Bicentennial Commission should help him get
CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEETING: Rich Lyman and Lyle Ricklefs will attend
tits meet i+g June 26 to discuss the Bicentennial Commission's views
on its original site. The Chamber of Commerce would like to see it
moved because they feel it does not fit in with the Business Plan.
It was decided to meet only once a month. The next Bicentennial
Commission will be June 26, 1975.
A motion was made by Fr. Armand and seconded by Lyle Ricklefs to
adjourn. Motion carried.
TIME: 8:40
Shirley McMullen