1975-08-14 minutes Bicentennial Commission Minutes
August 14, 1975 .
Chanhassen City Hall
`-The regular meeting of the Bicentennial .Commissime was called to order
by Chairman Walter Hobbs. on August 14: 19.7.5, at, 7: 30 p.m. The
following members were present: Rich Lyman,. Myrna Kurvers, Walter
Hobbs and Lyle Ricklefs. Martin .Jones,. Fre ,Armand Lubansk.j and
Mariana Shulstad were absent.. .Steve .Geyer was also present. . .
MINUTES: A motion was made .by Myrna Kurvers and seconded by Lyle
Ricklefs to approve the July .23, .1975 minutes.. Motion carried.
CITY HALL RENOVATION: A. motion ..was made by Lyle Ricklefs and seconded
by Myrna Kurvers to recommend to the City Council that the Old Village
Hall be renovated at its present site per- the proposed il?ustraEed
sketch -"Mimi Park and To. .tall Revitalisation. " Motion carried.
FUND RAISER: It was decided to delay plans for a gala until the
Council comes to a decision on the proposed renovation of the Old
City Hall. .
Many small fund raisers were discussed.. . It was suggested that various
organizations might use these as fund .raisers.. .
FLAGPOLE CEREMONY: It was decided to set .a date and call the Lt..
Governor to see if he would be available to attend the Flagpole
Mr., Fox, Director of the Chaska Community Band will. be asked to attend
the next meeting to discuss. the possibility of forming .a Chaska-
Chanhassen Band and also. to see if the band could play at the .
Flagpole ceremony. .
The Historical Society will also be -asked to .attend the next meeting to
discuss the possibility of .their participation in some _-ray at the
ceremony. .
THANK YOU: The Bicentennial Commission expresses Its thanks to
Myrna Kurvers for the excellent job she .did .on the Bicentennial
fliers which were distributed at the County Fair..
A motion was made by Myrna Kurvers and seconded by Lyle Ricklefs to
adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. . . . .
TIME: 10:45 p.m.
Shirley McMullen
Secretary • .
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