1975-08-28 minutes City of CY aahassc-n
August 28, 1975
Chanhassen City ! all .
The regular Treating of the Bicentennial. C mi_ssic .was called to order by Chairtner
Walter Hobbs on August 28, 1975, at 7:30 .p,rn. The following ilefbe were present:
Rich Lyman, Iviyrna ors, Walter Hobbs,. Martin Jones and .Lyle Ric l ees. Fr.
Au aarand Lubanski and Mariana Shuistad were .absent. Brad, Martha. Lyman, Betty
Naber, Cheryl Hobbs and. Mayor and Mrs. Al itl.ingel.hutz were also pxesent.
NI NUIES: A motion was made by Lyle ..Lj ck1efs .and set;orgied b Rich Lyman to
approve the August 14, 1975 minutes. MDt c cirri a.
iU 3 "76": Cheryl :Fbbbs .ettp:lain:d this procrra�n an` mareces were given
Irfeiaturs to stuiTy ea that a cle.4.7-isiona can be made' .at the 76;xt nwting as co
whether or not ter►iasseri should participate.
FTIAG.X)LE E JNY: The Chaska. Band will participate at the oaim-nony anti has four
available dates. Walt Hobbs will check with the Lt. Goveynar to sm if any of
tip dates are available for ?tea. -+ssen E t ary S&Aco1 Chorus will
be asked to participate.i pate. The historical Society will se .1. rafr.esizeTV.z and help
with publicity.city. The Lions Club .will be .asked to make a : try br: strap g across
Main Street with the approval..of the „City Council.
C COTA'11Y Elvi,l tZ DOCK: D c i 0r was .tabled he next tuysting.
CITY HALL RT TI .v: TIv Planning Connissio.n.was quite. receptive to the Bicentennial
C :missi on's proposal plan. It will be an the City Couaicirs agenda an Septmiper 15.
ION BUSINESS: A motion was .made by Nari:in Jones and sk!cande1 by Rich Lynn to
make the Foto Mark, Inc. sticker .the official C�°.an assay decal for the Bicentennial.
Motion ca.rriecL . .
It.yor Al Klingalhatz said that he took a Frontier "76" button and a City acN3chure
to Wainia to be placed cn the n Train.
Martin Jcne will fill in any in or.tant events in .+the Hennepin County Calendar.
�Ayy,�'��nbticn ��y��-:�z�ade��b�y/�y�Lylle Rickl efs and .stee r by Rich Lyman to adjourn the
meting.ng. Motion carried.
'17Il2: 9:30 p.m. G/1
Sh rley YcMi11efi e
secretary /