1975-09-25 minutes Bicentennial Commission
September 25, 1975
Chanhassen City Hall
The regular meeting of the Bicentennial Commission was called to order by
Chairman Walter Hobbs at 7:30 p.m. The following members were present: Myrna
Kurvers, Martin Jones, Fr. Armand Lubanski, Walter Hobbs and Rich Lyman. Absent:
Mariana Shulstad. Also present were: Pat Boyle, Dick Dutcher, Elton Anderson
and Susan Louris.
MINUTES: A notion was made by Martin Jones and seconded by Fr. Armand to approve
the September 11, 1975 minutes. Motion carried.
FLAGPOLE CEREMONY: A time scheduled will be given to the choir and band directors.
A poster will be placed in Kenny's Market and fliers will be sent home with the
elementary school children. Brochures for the sale of trees and commemorative
stickers will be available for the ceremony. The American Legion will be asked
to participate. The Elementary School gym will be reserved in case of rain. Pat
Boyle reported that the Historical Society has everything set for its food concession.
CARVER COUNTY MEMORY BOOK: Fr. Armand expressed his disappointments because
there was no information about Chanhassen. It was decided not to pay the $35.00
requested to cover the loss of this publication.
OLD VILLAGE HALL: The Chanhassen Historical Society will check with the State
Historical Society to see whether funds are available to purchase a comnorrorative
plaque at the Old Village Hall. The City Council has approved the restoration
of the Old Village Hall.
DINNER THEATRE BENEFIT: A motion was made by Myrna Kurvers and seconded by
Martin Jones to have a Bicentennial fund raising play at the Chanhassen Dinner
Theatre. Notion carried.
It was decided to try to have this benefit the end of January. A committee will
be formed consisting of representatives from all organizations in Chanhassen.
TOWN MEETING "76": Chanhassen will not participate because of the cost involved.
HENNEPIN COUNTY GOVERMENT CENTER: Elton Anderson suggested that the Arboretum's
traveling display might be used. The mock up of Old Chanhassen being made by
the Elementary School children might be incorporated in this display.
BICENTENNIAL MINUTE: There will be short segments on the radio in which Lt. Governor,
Rudy Perpich, will talk about various aspects of the Bicentennial. Martha Lyman
has edited one of her newspaper columns for this. Walter Hobbs read it to
the Bicentennial Commission.
Bicentennial Commission members purchased their commemorative decals at the meeting.
A motion was made by Myrna Kurvers and seconded by Martin Jones to adjourn the
meeting. Notion carried.
TIME: 10:00 p.m.
Shirley McMullen