1975-10-23 minutes Bicentennial Commission
October 23, 1975
Chanhassen City Hall
The regular meeting of the Chanhassen Bicentennial Commission was
called to order by Chairman Walt Hobbs at 7: 45 p.m. Members present
were: Walt Hobbs , Rich Lyman, Lyle Ricklefs , and Mariana Shulstad.
Martin Jones , Myrna Kurvers, and Fr. Armand Lubanski were absent,
Also present were : Dagny Aldritt - Senior Citizens , Phil Bond - Lions
Club, Mike Walsh - CAA, Darlene Huseth - Church of the Living Christ,
Kurt Schmid - Community Schools, and Dick Dutcher.
MINUTES : A motion was made by Rich Lyman and seconded by Mariana
Shulstad to approve the September 25 , 1975, minutes. Motion carried.
DINNER THEATRE BENEFIT: Walt Hobbs enlisted the help of various
organizations in the sale of tickets for Guys and Dolls to be held on
January29 , 1976 , at the Chanhassen Dinner Theatre. The prices for
the tickets will be :
100 Champagne Tickets - $8. 00 each
385 Dinner Tickets - $15. 00 each
46 Patron Tickets - $25. 00 each
18 Patron Tickets - $50. 00 each
(There will be a program listing all patrons . )
Dick Dutcher and Mariana Shulstad will be the Benefit Co-Chairpersons .
They will report to the next meeting, November 13, 1975.
TREE PLANTING: Brochures were distributed to various organizations
and they were asked to help in the sale of trees .
COMMEMORATIVE DECALS : Organizations will sell decals for the Bicentennial
FLAGPOLE CEREMONY: Walt Hobbs thanked the Bicentennial Commission for
their help in making the Flagpole Ceremony such a success.
COMMUNITY SCHOOLS : Kurt Schmid reported that there will be two programs
at the Chanhassen Elementary School :
The American Revolution - November 6 , 1975
A New Look at the Minnesota Penal System - December 4 , 1975
NEW BUSINESS : Lyle Ricklefs received a call from Mrs. Wendt who would
like to donate a 200 year old wedding dress. Although the Bicentennial
Commission has no facilities for keeping it, they appreciate her
generosity and will explore it further to try to offer some alternatives
for her.
A motion was made by Lyle Ricklefs and seconded by Mariana Shulstad to
adjourn. Motion carried.
TIME: 9 : 30 p.m.
Shirley A. McMullen