1975-11-13 minutes Bicentennial Commission
November 13, 1975
Chanhassen City Hall
The regular meeting of the Chanhassen Bicentennial Commission was called to order
by Chairman Walt Hobbs, Lyle Ricklefs, Mariana Shulstad, Martin Jones and Myrna
Kurvers and Fr. Armand Lubanski. Rich Lyman was absent. Also present were:
Mike Walsh, CAA; Phil Aldritt, Lions Club; Dick Dutcher, Co-chairperson of Village
Hall Benefit.
MINUTES: A motion was made by Mariana Shulstad and seconded by Martin Jones to
approve the October 23, 1975 minutes. Notion carried.
Decal Sales: These appear to be moving slowly. Everyone present was asked to
make an effort to report back on December 4, 1975 with money collected to date.
DINNER T'IIEATRE: Dick and Mariana reported that the preliminary groundwork has
been laid for the ticket sales and advertising has been ordered. A motion was
made by Martin Jones and seconded by Lyle Ricklefs to grant payment in the form of
two tickets for a watercolor sketch of the City Hall. Notion carried.
Tim Stone volunteered the art work for the flyers and the commission wished to
extend to him their gratitude. Volunteers have been recruited to help in ticket
sales and these people will be contacting their neighbors in the near future.
Lyle Ricklefs and Mariana Shulstad will see that letters are written to all City
suppliers as well as members of boards and commissions. Walt Hobbs will draft
a letter to NSP and the telephone company asking for any support they can give on
the restoration project.
TREE PLANTING: Due to the absence of Rich Lyman this item was tabled.
FORUM ON DECF BER 14: Discussion was held on publicity of this event. The chairman
subsequently decided to cancel the December 14, 1975 date due to the poor response
on the initial forum. The holiday season and the benefit. It may be possible
to re-schedule this event in 1976.
OLD BUSINESS: Fr. Armand brought up the bill from the Carver County Bicentennial
for the newspapers. The Commission agreed that since we had not voted to
participate that we would not pay this bill. Walt Hobbs will contact Mrs.
Edith Herman in this regard.
NEW BUSINESS: Myrna Kurvers stated that Mary Knutson from a Homemakers group
wished to make a Bicentennial quilt. The Commission agreed that if it were to
be sold, then the Bicentennial should receive some of the proceeds if it was to
be advertised as a sanctioned Bicentennial project.
A motion was made by Lyle Ricklefs and seconded by Martin Jones to adjourn the
meeting. Notion carried.
TIME: 9:45 p.m.
Walt Hobbs
Acting Secretary