1975-12-04 minutes Bicentennial Commission
December 4, 1975
Chanhassen City Hall
The regular meeting of the Chanhassen Bicentennial Commission was called to order
by Acting Chairman Mariana Shulstad at 7:40 p.m. The following members were
present: Mariana Shulstad, Lyle Ricklefs, Martin Jones and Myrna Kurvers.
Absent were: Walt Hobbs, Rich Lyman and Fr. Armand Lubanski. Also present
were: Kathy and Bill Engebretson, Greenwood Shores; Phil Aldritt, Lions Club;
Mary Knudten, Homemaker Club; Dick Dutcher, co-chairperson of Village Hall
Benefit; Al Klingelhutz, Russ Larson and Craig Mertz.
MINUTES: A motion was made by Martin Jones and seconded by Lyle Ricklefs to
approve the November 13, 1975 minutes. Motion carried.
DINNER THEATRE BENEFIT: Dick Dutcher reported that 19% of the house is sold and
25% of our goal is met. Some cash donations are promised. A letter of appreciation
will be sent after the money is received. A picture of the Tim Stone poster and
an article will be in the Winter Newsletter. A committee of three from the
Chamber of Commerce will work on the benefit sales. A beautiful water color
has been donated and is on display in the lobby of the Chanhassen Dinner Theatre.
We are to consider ways to auction, raffle or sell this water color. Sunrise
Hills and Western Hills sales are slow while Chanhassen Estates is doing well.
A notion was made by Martin Jones and seconded by Lyle Ricklefs to open a savings
account for the Honey collected in a bank where interest is compounded daily.
The motion was amended to have co-signers for any withdrawals. Mariana Shulstad
and Dick Dutcher will co-sign. Motion carried.
TREE PLANTING SALES: Tabled until the December 18, 1975 meeting.
DECALS: Kathy Engebretson volunteered the 4-H group's services to help sell decals.
OLD BUSINESS: Myrna Kurvers stated that the Homemaker's group is making a
Bicentennial quilt and would like the Bicentennial Commission to pay the expenses.
Mary Knudten stated they would like to raffle the quilt off at some event but it
will not be ready for the Theatre Benefit. They would like all profits to go
toward the renovation of the Village Hall. Mariana read a letter Walt Hobbs
wrote to be sent to Northwestern Bell asking support of our Bicentennial.
A notion was made by Lyle Ricklefs and seconded by Martin Jones that the same
letter be sent to the other utilities and businesses that serve our area.
Motion carried.
Walt Hobbs wrote a letter to Mrs. Hartly stating that the Chanhassen Bicentennial
Commission refuses to help pay for the County Bicentennial paper. He also wrote
a letter to Tim Stone in appreciation for his drawing.
A notion was made by Martin Jones and seconded by Lyle Ricklefs to adjourn the
meeting. Motion carried.
TIME: 8:50 p.m.
Myrna Kurvers
Acting Secretary
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