1975-12-18 minutes Bicentennial Commission
December 18 , 1975
Chanhassen City Hall
A regular meeting of the Chanhassen Bicentennial Commission was
called to order by Acting Chairman Mariana Shulstad at 7 :45 p.m.
The following members were present : Mariana Shulstad, Lyle Ricklefs ,
Martin Jones and Myrna Kurvers . Absent were : Walt Hobbs , Rich
Lyman and Fr. Armand Lubanski . Also present were : Dick Dutcher,
Co-chairperson of Village Hall Benefit; Phil Aldritt , Lions Club;
and Gail Tessness, Chamber of Commerce.
MINUTES : A motion was made by Martin Jones and seconded by Lyle
Ricklefs to approve the December 4 , 1975 minutes . Motion carried.
Myrna Kurvers reported that Dick Dutcher cannot be a co-signer for
withdrawals unless sanctioned by the Council. It was suggested that
we get the Council to do so.
DINNER THEATRE BENEFIT: Dick Dutcher gave the commission an update
on sales. In the last two weeks of December, 334 tickets must be
sold. The $25 . 00 seats have been oversold by 10 . Dick suggested that
possibly some $50 . 00 seats could be sold for 525 . 00 and four 15 . 00
seats could be sold at $25 . 00 seats .
A motion was made by Mariana Shulstad and seconded by Lyle Ricklefs
to have table 24 changed from $50 . 00 seats to $25 . 00 seats, if
more $25 . 00 seat requests come in. Motion carried.
Gail Tessness stated that the Chamber plans to contact the business
places to purchase two tickets which will be given away at a drawing.
They will also be approached to buy their own tickets and tickets
as gifts for their employees . Gail also suggested neighboring
communities be given some advertising literature. Gail Tessness
will ask her husband to contact Howard Viken to plug the benefit on
his radio show on WCCO. It was suggested that the area papers carry
some reminder of the January 1 deadline. It was also suggested
that the sales persons be contacted to make phone calls in their
neighborhoods .
TREE PLANTING SALES : Mariana Shulstad stated that Rich Lyman will
be mailing sales literature after the first of the year.
DECALS : Tabled until the January 8 , 1976 meeting.
A motion was made by Martin Jones and seconded by Lyle Ricklefs
to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.
TIME: 8 :40 p.m
Myrna Kurvers
Acting Secretary